


1.雅思写作用到哪些从句 篇一


托福阅读技巧一 通读文章是否有必要


托福阅读技巧二 不认识单词可以猜


托福阅读技巧三 利用机考优势


托福阅读技巧四 了解阅读出题顺序


托福阅读技巧五 了解文章逻辑



1. 树叶为何变颜色

2. 瑞典诺贝尔文学评委会

3. 民众抗命 Civil Disobedience

4. 陨石坑 Craters

5. 英法战争

6. 车票打孔与计算机雏形

7. 地衣 LICHEN

8. 路易斯安娜洲购买后的皮毛买卖

9. 同步通讯卫星

10. 聊天对于南方女作家的社会影响

11. 睡眠

12. 人物(女)Amelia 和Muriel的男性化成长

13. 塑料

14. 芝加哥

15. 人物(男)雕塑家Frederic Remington

16. 动物身上为何不生出轮子

17. 树的生存方式

18. 摩天大楼—美国的特征

19. 加洲北水南调工程

20. 蜜蜂意识测试

21. Navajo人的起源

22. 为美国护士教育的抗争

23. 人物(女)建筑师Julia Morgan

24. 沼泽中的动物

25. 供求与市场价格

26. 增重的可能因素

27. 单间教室的好处

28. 小麦与人类文明

29. 铁路电报的发展

30. 美国殖民期间的建筑风格与材料

31. 卫星的内外结构和动力

32. 玩耍的起源和意义

33. 1800’s 毯子的风格

34. Anasazi印第安人

35. 大气中的水

36. 一战对美国的影响

37. 蜂的社会结构

38. 第五大街291号画廊和画家(女)Georgia O’Keeffe的抽象风格

39. 美洲鳄鱼交配后

40. 人物(女)摄影家Barbara Kasten 的技法

41. 国家冰河公园周围的土地保护

42. 乳化过程 EMUSIFY

43. 美国独立史

44. 人物(女)作家Carson Mccullers

45. 作物水喷洒计

46. 价格体系的解释

47. 干酪阻碍牙齿损坏

48. 偏见

49. 星的亮度

50. 回声

51. 华盛顿DC的建立

52. 莺科鸣禽对树上食物的划分

53. 婴儿的大脑成熟和感情发育

54. 人物(女)作家Ellen Glasgow笔下的南方复兴

55. 牛仔的服装和用具

56. 食物网

57. 社会功能良性运转中的一个时间量度

58. 地球板块

59. 神迹剧Oratorio

60. 购买Louisiana

61. 听力测试法

62. 动物: 濑鱼Wrasse

63. 纽约作为商业中心的兴起

64. 民谣的形式

65. 铝

66. 植树节Arbor Day

67. 牛胃

68. 作家Sinclair Lewis的作品main Street

69. 植物的根

70. 科学家对自然现象解释的不同方法(病理学Pathological,生理学Physiology)

71. Joh Astor和旅馆

72. Arizona 洲的城市灯光干扰天文观测

73. 第一夫人(Eleanor Roosevelt)

74. 综合剧团的发展

75. 蜜蜂适应社会化

76. 气候决定动物植物分布

77. 北美木雕工具

78. 动物:旋木雀Treecreeper

79. 洛克菲勒中心

80. 人物 Marx 兄弟的职业

81. 镁的制取和用途

82. 人物(男)画家Max Weber

83. 美国法院体系

84. 人物(女) 作家Constance Fenimore

85. 大脑与神经系统的起源

86. 蜜蜂

87. 人物:马丁.路德.金

88. 对流

89. 密西西比部落文化

90. 语言对数学的影响

91. 单字排铸

92. 蒸汽船对美国贸易的贡献

93. 动物:Koala

94. 弗罗伊得的“否”理论

95. 有脊椎和无脊椎动物的Allelomimetic 行为

96. 西进过程中女性发明医疗物质

97. 美国现代艺术88/5

98. 动物:北极熊 88/5

99. 树皮结构受形成层的影响 88/5

100. 喇叭 88/5

101. 美国硬币上的总统像87/8

102. 都市化经济发展依赖于现代化的农业87/8

103. 美洲野牛 87/8

104. 大峡谷的形成 87/8

105. 人物(女)雕塑家Marisol Escobar的独特艺术风格87/8

106. 杰弗逊总统入住华盛顿Dc

107. 土壤的类型

108. 人物(女)诗人Gwendolyn Brooks的艺术成就

109. 灵长类动物的社会行为

110. Miami海滩装饰建筑

111. 木匠对新英格兰建筑风格的影响

112. 动物:猿

113. 现金交易历史

114. 人物(女)艾米丽.狄金森

115. 波动消除噪音

116. 黑人Harlem

117. 人物(女)诗人Mariana Moore (样题1)

118. 美国空间协会的报道

119. 首例心脏手术

120. 全球环境问题有待高层关注

121. 候鸟迁徙之迷 (样题2)

122. 通讯卫星前景

123. 地衣

124. 人物(女)新闻摄影Margaret Bourke

125. 冰河期

126. 人物:马丁.路德.金的童年

127. 竞走

128. 美国Mba生员变化

129. 雷达

130. 人物:小说家Langston Huges 生平作品

131. 电视88/10

132. Sioux语言命名88/10

133. 动物;鲸 88/10

134. 未知的将来 88/10

135. 1784法案 88/10

136. 两类睡眠 86/10

137. 美国监狱体系

138. 不同类型的Speech





perspective 透视画法;观点,方法;前景,远景

prospect 前景,景色;前途;勘探,寻找

appreciate 理解,认识,意识到;欣赏;感激

elaborate v. &adj. 精心制作,详细描述;精心制作的

address v.从事,忙于;n. 演讲

appropriate v. 拨给(资金), 盗用/ adj.合适的

strain n. 血统,品系,菌株;紧张,张力;v.扭伤,拉紧

article n. 物品,商品

intrigue v. &n 激发兴趣;密谋;阴谋

intriguing adj. 激发兴趣的

assume v. 承担,担任;假装;假设

bark n. 树皮; 犬吠

bill n.议案,法案; .鸟嘴;账单

champion vt. 支持,拥护;n.冠军

aging n.老化,陈酿

complex n. 综合体 adj.复杂的

concern n. 公司(垄断组织“康采恩”就是它的音译)

attribute v. &n 归因于;特征,属性

default n. &v. 不履行;违约;拖欠;默认(值)

drill vt. 钻(孔);训练,操练

exploit v. 开发,利用n. 功绩

fair n. 集市,交易会;adj.公平的,美丽的 adv.公平地,直接地

fairly adv. 相当地,公平地

game n. 猎物,野味;

fashion vt. 形成,塑造 n.时尚,方式

inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的

alternate v. &adj. 交替,轮流; 交替的

alternating adj.交互的,交替的

alternative n. &adj. 可供选择的方案(option);


figure n. 人物;体形

hit n. 轰动一时的人物或作品vt. 偶然碰见

find n. 发现(物)

spring v. &n 跃出,触发;弹簧,弹性;泉水

humor n.体液

import v. &n 重要;进口

preserve v. &n. 禁猎区;蜜饯;保护

quality adj. &n 1.优质的;性质,品质

issue v. &n. 流出; 出版,发行;问题

jar v. &n 震动;坛子

envision v.想象,预想

literature n. 文献;文学

lot n. 一块地;命运,签

fine adj. 细小的,美好的;v.罚款

minute adj. 微小的,细小的

novel adj. 新颖的

casual 偶然的,随便的

causal 原因的,因果关系的

pound v. 猛击;乱敲

rear v. &n饲养,栽培;后面的

produce n. 产品(尤指农产品)

project v. &n使突出,伸出;放映,投射;方案,工程

relief n. 凸起,浮雕;(痛苦)减轻,安慰

provided conj. 倘若,在…条件下。

save conj. 除了

rent 断口,裂缝

rift 裂缝, 「地质」断裂

pronounced adj. 断然的,显著的

scale v. &n 攀登; 天平,刻度; 鳞; 规模,范围;「音」音阶

school n. (鱼)群;学派,流派

genre n. 类型,流派

score n. 「音乐」乐谱;刻痕;得分

screen v. &n 筛,过滤(器);掩蔽,屏风;屏幕

secure v. &adj. 得到;使安全;安全的

acquire 获得

season v. 调味

spot v. &n发现,认出,定位;斑点;场所

stand v. 经受,忍受

wind v. 绕缠

weather 风化,侵蚀

wear v.磨损,销蚀

stem v. &n 滋生,起源于; 茎

temper n. 增效剂;(灰泥的)稠度;脾气,性情

wage v. 实行,发动(战争等) n.工资

2.雅思写作用到哪些从句 篇二


1.能源危机: energy crisis 2.民族自豪感: national pride 3.经济和技术的进一步发展: further advances in economy and technology 4.设法对付压力: manage one’s stress 5.非常流行: be very prevalent 6.采取行动: take action 7.保持积极的态度: keep a positive attitude 8.实现诺言: keep one’s promise 9.电脑天才: a computer genius 10.电脑盲: a computer illiterate

11.取得非凡的进步: make remarkable progress 12.生物遗传: biological inheritance 13.在……方面起着重要(积极的/消极的)作用: play a significant(positive/negative)role in… 14.按时: be punctual 15.保持乐观(坚定/悲观)的态度: maintain an optimistic(a firm/ a pessimistic)attitude 16.热爱和平: love peace 17.说明原因:account for(= is the reason of)Stem from/contribute to/arise from/ 18.缺乏生活经历: lack life experience 19.人工智能: artificial intelligence 20.对他人有耐心: be patient with others 21.忍受痛苦: be patient of pains 22.适应新生活: adapt oneself to the new life 23.抓住机会: grasp/seize/catch the chance 24.对……有很大好处(坏处): do great good(harm)to …(do more good than harm)25.假冒商品: fake commodities 26.盗版书: pirated books 27.从长远来看: in the long run 28.扰乱公平竞争的市场: upset the fairly competitive market 29.有能力的公民: competent citizens 30.获得真正的快乐: attain real happiness 31.在……花费大量的时间: devote much time to…/dedicate oneself/much time/energy/effort to/channel …into Be devoted to sth/doing sth Be dedicated to sth/doing sth 32.相反: on the contrary 33.迷信: be superstitious

34.充分利用时间: make full use of one’s time/budget one’s time

35.不顾风险: regardless of risks/despite the risks/in spite of the risks

36.发展中国家: developing countries 37.发达国家: developed countries 38.性别歧视: gender discrimination 39.做一项试验: conduct an experiment

40.把理论应用于实践: apply theories to practice 41.跨国公司的兴起: the rise of multinational corporations

42.在……方面落后: lag behind in… 43.想做……: feel like doing… 44.自食其力: earn one’s living 45.核武器: nuclear weapons

46.认为……理所当然: take …for granted 47.不遗余力: spare no efforts 48.在激烈的竞争中占上风:

get the upper hand in the fierce competition 49.来自各行各业的人们: people from all walks of life

50.地球村: global village

51.通才教育: a broad education

52.明辨是非: distinguish right from wrong 53.老实/坦白地/一般来说:

honestly/frankly/generally speaking 54.确立目标: set goals/set the direction 55.克服困难: overcome difficulties

56.面临挑战: be confronted with challenges 57.把……因素考虑进去:

take … into account/ consideration 58.重视: attach great significance to…

59.对……不可或缺: be indispensable to… 60.缩小差别: narrow the gap

61.加快发展: accelerate the development

62.充分发挥潜力: bring one’s potential into full play

63.繁荣昌盛: be prosperous

64.消除饥饿和暴力: eliminate hunger and violence 65.享受更美好的生活: enjoy a higher standard of living

66.自然资源: natural resources 67.展望更加光明的未来:

look forward to a much brighter futu



1.When it comes to/when we speak of science, the overwhelming majority of people hold an optimistic view that.They regard/take it as our duty to....But others argue/assume/claim/advocate/propose/hold that the opposite is true.There is probable some truth on both sides, but as far as I am concerned, I believe that…

2.There is a general debate over the phenomenon of students’ doing a part-time job.Those who advocate it claim that the experience does great good to these students/do more good than harm to students But people who object to it, on the other hand, hold the view that…

3.It’s widely held/claimed/advocated/acknowledged/assumed/cited/well known that the rise/increase in teenage smoking is the inevitable result of economic development.But it’s not a satisfactory explanation.Personally speaking, I think the primary cause is that…

4.In recent years, there has been a dramatic/ steady increase/ decrease in the number of PCs in China, which has drawn/aroused public attention/concern.5.In the past few years, China has witnessed/ seen a sharp rise/fall in the number of PCs.It is well known that the number has increased/ jumped/soared/rocketed/ decreased/ dropped/shrank(shrink的过去式)by 20 percent compared with 10 years ago.A couple of factors can account for the phenomenon.(二)、用于承接转折句型

1.There are a number of reasons for my choice.For one thing/On one hand…;for another/ on the other hand… 2.A good case in point is …

3.It is no easy task to find the reason for the deep-seated/deep rooted tendency which involves several factors.Frankly speaking, however …

4.There is no denying that everything has two sides.But when we weigh this measure’s advantages against its disadvantages, we can see easily that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.So I’m for it.5.Take… for example 6.Thanks to/ Owing to/ Due to/ As a result of/ Because of…

7.“Knowledge is power.” Such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people.8.Let me cite another example to prove my opinion.9.It may seem reasonable for people to draw such a conclusion, but they fail to take into account the fact that…

10.As a result, it may give rise to other problems.11.For all/In spite of/Despite its demerits, it still has striking merits.So, although some people are against it, I won’t change my mind.I am in favor of it.12.Etiquette is to society what apparel is to the individual.Forest is to our earth what lungs are to our body.(三)、用于文章结尾句型

1.Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably draw/come to/arrive at the conclusion that…

2.In summary/ In brief/ In a word/ In conclusion/ All in all, we’d better… 3.No doubt, it’s high time that we took immediate action 4.It is necessary that effective measures/ remedies should be taken to bring the current phenomenon to an end.四级写作开头技巧

1. 开头技巧一:名人名言

开头引用名人不仅能够作为很好的切入点展开话题,而且还能够显示考生深厚的英语功底。可能有的考生会疑惑:“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?” 一般来说,引用名人名言不一定要记住每个单词才行。如果考生能够记住大致的内容,也可以引用。引用名人名言的经典句型:

A proverb says, “you are only young once.”(适用于已记住的名言)

It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.(适用于只记住大致意思的名言(…是不言而喻的)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, no one can deny that 2. 开头技巧二:数字统计

要想使自己的论证更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试考生只需要记住一个大概得数据即可。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.更多句型:A recent statistics shows that

除以上两种特殊用法以外,我们为考生整理了以下开头常用句型,供考生参考: 文章开头句型:

1.对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法, 适用于有争议性的主题.例如1)When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that...But I think/view a bit differently/I think the opposite way.2)When it comes to...., some people believe that.......Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true.There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements , but(I tend to the former/latter...)3)Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that....They claim/believe/argue/propose/assume/ that...But I wonder/doubt whether.....2. 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论.1)Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of)...has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/worldwide concern.2)Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of...has been brought into focus.(has been brought to public attention)
