


1.晚会双语演讲稿 篇一


Li: Greetings to all distinguished guests and friends


Li: Ladies and Gentlemen


Li: Good Evening to all of you


Li: We would like to welcome all of you to the Vanqun Jubilee Evening to celebrate a joyful Christmas Eve tonight. My name is Cao, I will serve as your co-host tonight,


Li: And my name is Chen, and I will serve as your other co-host.


Li: Tonight under a brilliant night, bathed in sparkling star lights, we have gathered here tonight to share a wonderful time together


Li: The evening is ablaze with lights, and the night shines with colorful brilliance, this is indeed a joyful time for all of us to be gathered together of the night


Li: During our company’s seven-years journey, we managed to maintain our smile while weathering many stormy rains


Li: During our company’s seven yearly seasons, we managed to saw the seeds of trust and reap many sunny days


Li: Today, under the brilliant lights of Vanqun City, we wait with anticipation the arrival of Santa Claus, bearing cheers and joy


Li: Let us all rejoice in songs and laughter in welcoming the blessings of Santa Claus


Li: At this auspicious moment of the arrival of the new year, we would like to wish all our beloved property owners and distinguished guests long lasting health, happiness to the entire family, and a Merry Christmas! 曹:真挚的旋律诉不完翩翩的回忆,七彩的霓虹点缀着迷人的夜,在这一年一度平安夜夜晚,在这吉祥如意喜庆的日子里,非常高兴能够与各位业主欢聚一堂,共同参加‖一起来,圣诞狂欢!―暨20万泉城社区嘉年华晚会。幸福就在我们身边,这座以成熟的姿态,锻造出自然、人文共生的巴厘假日海滨生活的―花时间一生之城‖,将在今天为我们贮存这杯温馨红酒,让它愈久靡香。今天,在这个激动人心的时刻里,让我们用最热烈的掌声有请:万泉房产的领导诉说这座―灯亮,花开,水流,人和―之城的心声。有请万泉房地产开发有限公司总经理走上舞台致欢迎辞!掌声有请!

Li: An enchanting melody can rekindle endless memories, colorful neon lights can illuminate the most mesmerizing night. On this peaceful and festive night, we are happy to be able to gather here with all our honored property owners to celebrate the annual Christmas event sponsored by Vanqun City. Happiness is abounding in this well-planned, nature-inspired ―City of Flowers‖ which is very much in the class of the famous and tranquil Bali holiday beach life. We will be merry and enjoy the exquisite and lasting flagrance of red wine. Tonight, in this exciting moment of celebration, let us put our hands together and give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the Chairman of Vanqun City to come on stage to say a few words of encouragement and greetings. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the general manager!


3. Vanqun City general manager, Mr. Yang’s Speech (19:50)


Li: Thank you General Manager Yang. During the past seven years, Vanqun City has made significant

inroads into the real estate market, a successful phenomenon that is clear for all to see. We have successfully built a city of leisure and luxury, a paradigm of Beihai’s tourist and real estate development industry. We have established not only a place of abode, but have fostered a paradise wonderland for a multi-colored living, a warm and cozy hearth, and a life-time of home sweet home.


4. Performances (19:55 – 21:10)


Choir Singing (Christmas Carol) (Snow Flakes Flower) – By the Little Friends

2.歌舞,小提琴独奏——【外国嘉宾】(20:10 20:20)

2. Song and Dance, Violin Solo Performance – By Foreign Guest Performer

3.乐队演奏 生日祝福——【123乐队】(20:30)

3. Band Performance Birthday Wishes – by 123 Band (20:30)


Li: In the warm bosom of Vanqun City, the world of the children is beautiful and pure, tonight Vanqun City is equally pure and tranquil, so let us all immerse in the tranquility of the night, let the sparks of our emotion ignite the passion of our life, and let us all enjoy the exciting performance of these lovely children, who will now help us to open the first program of this evening’s Christmas festivities!

陈:谢谢小朋友们送来的如此美妙的歌声!圣诞节是个普天同庆的节日。它超越了国界,超越了种族,超越了你我的心灵。只要完美的音乐和动人的舞姿才能沉淀出它的光芒。让我们承载无尽的祝福,用有力的步伐登上狂欢圣诞,为万泉的明天书写上绚丽一笔。让我们从这里出发,和外国朋友们一起寻找圣诞歌舞带给我们的欢乐与希望。请欣赏外国嘉宾为我们带来的歌舞及小提琴独奏,来!掌声有请——歌舞,小提琴独奏【外国嘉宾】(20:10 20:20)

Li: Thank you kids for giving us such beautiful singing performance. Christmas season has become a universal holiday celebration. It transcends national boundaries, cultural ethnicities, and infiltrates our hearts and souls. The beautiful music in combination with elegant dancing precipitates in the brilliance of the performance. Let us all rejoice and enjoy the boundless cheers, while we march forward to greet Vanqun for a brilliant tomorrow. In fact, let us begin from this moment in welcoming our friends and guests from foreign land who will perform for us a dance and a solo violin recital. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a big hand to --- (name of the performers)


我们要把真诚的祝福,浓缩在圣诞老人送来的甜蜜蛋糕和礼物中,在此安谧的节日,送给今天和本周呱呱坠地过生日的人们. 让我们和衬着红杉皓须的慈爱老人一起,祝愿他们快乐永远!天天好心情!

Li: Thank you our overseas friends for presenting such as a wonderful and exciting performance for all of us to enjoy. Now, friends and guests, at this juncture, we would like to give our sincere gratitude to Santa Claus for giving the delicious cake and wonderful gifts to all the lucky folks who were born and celebrating their birthdays during this week. Along with Santa Claus, let us all wish them all the best and eternal happiness! 陈:是的,我们想要您在新的一年,开心天天!祝福减祝福,是祝福的起点!

Chen: Yes indeed, we wish that with the arrival of a brand new year, all of you will be cheerful and happy always. This is will be the beginning of many many happy returns!


Cao: Happiness multiplied by happiness equals infinite happiness. Happiness divided by happiness equals a singular, priceless happoiness.

合:祝福您新年快乐,幸福平安!——乐队演奏 生日祝福【123乐队】(20:30)

Li: Let us all wish you: A Happy New Year, and Peace and Harmony! -- Band plays Happy Birthday song.


5. Family Game Playing


1. Family Game

2.绣球传情 20:45

2. Passing of Mitten Ball


Li: Do you like to watch beautiful models walking on the runway?


Li: Of course. Attractive girls and handsome guys gathering together, what a treat!


Li: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are all in for a treat when we present our next program, which is a fashion show where beautiful and handsome models will parade right before your own eyes, and show off the colorful and latest fashions. Are you all ready to see the show?


Li: Yes, not only are we ready, we cannot wait for the show to get started. So without further ado, please give a warm welcome to our beautiful models. (Model will show off fashions on stage)



Li: Wow , that was quite an extravaganza! We have just witnessed a unique style of catwalk – casual but elegant; a special kind of stage presence – subtle yet energetic; an extraordinary presentation – enormously pleasing to the eyes and the senses!


Li: You have done a lot of talk, now it is your turn to show some actions. Are you prepared to present a special kind of performance to us?


Li: Well, I am prepared to present a kind of dating game to the audience. Audience, I guess most of you have seen the movie: ―If You Are the One‖ or ―Let’s go on a Date‖?


Li: Of course, we have seen both the movies. Are you saying that you have invited those actors in the movie to appear live on stage?


Li: No hurry. Actually, what I am prepared to present to all of you live on stage is, the Passing of the Mitten Ball game! Let us all jump in and participating in this exciting game!


6. Performances:


1, Singing and Guitar Playing (by Overseas Guest)


2. Stage Play (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) – by Foreign Language School


Rock Band Performance


Li: The game really brought out the best of many of your emotions and hope that you have indeed able to hook up with an ideal partner of your dream! Ok, have you all noticed that right behind the stage, we have an overseas guest who is very eager to come on stage to play his guitar and sing a song for our listening pleasures. So, let us give him our loudest cheers to invite our overseas guest to come on stage to sing to his

own accompaniment on the guitar.


Li: Thank you our friend from foreign land. His song and guitar playing are so good that they will stay in our mind for a long time.


Li: I agree that that was a great performance. We are now ready to proceed to the next exciting performance. Now I would like you to lead our audience in reciting out loud the title of this famous fairy tale.


Li: Well, give us the command, and I will respond and lead the audience to help me to yell our loud … 陈:漂亮的公主,坏皇后,魔镜,小矮人,王子。(互动)

Li : You all know the children’s story that tells the story of a beautiful princess, the wicked Queen, the Magic Mirror, the seven dwarfs, and of course, the handsome prince

陈:是的,《白雪公主》这出舞台剧就要在今夜上演了......——舞台剧《白雪公主》外语学校(21:00) Li: Yes, in a few minutes, the talented children of the Foreign Language School will perform a stage play of: All together now: ―Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!‖


Li: After seeing this stage play, it brought back many fond childhood memories. We thank the children of the Foreign Language School for putting on such a wonderful and exciting play.


Li: Are you feeling slightly inferior that you do not have as good acting talent as those cute little children? Ha ha! Well, now we will sit back, relax, and enjoy the musical performance of our resident band – the 123 Band!

七.幸运抽奖 ——(21:20)

7. Lucky Prize Drawing


Li: I am feeling so high for some time now, so this will be a good time to start some other group activities. 曹:哈哈,不要误会,可不是让大家绕着万泉城跑一圈哦,我们这一轮迎来的是最应该动动起来的《幸运抽奖》环节,在这特别的夜晚,一起动起来,争取到来年的好运不断!

Li: Ha ha, please don’t misunderstood what we are saying. We do not mean the group activities to involve all of you to jog around Vanqun City. The Group activities we are referring to are the Lucky Prize Drawing program, which on this auspicious night, will get all of your blood boiling, and hopefully will bring endlessgood luck to you for the years to come!


Li: From the look of many sweaty foreheads, it appears that all of you have been eagerly and anxiously hoping for good fortune to call on you to win one of the prizes. Even those of you who did not draw any prizes, don’t despair. Because Vanqun City turns out to be a very giving Angel; we will now distribute many of the gifts to make sure that all of you are winners in tonight’s festivities.


8. Family Games


1. Lucky Display


2. Funny Riddles

曹:那大家还想不想要啊。(互动)要不咱们一起接下来再来玩玩游戏,把接下来的祝福再派发出去? Li: Do you want to get more gifts? If you do, let us all play some more games so that we can give away more lucky prizes.

陈:接下来的游戏(报活动规则)就是给我们慈祥的圣诞老人贴鼻子和趣味抢答!贴中圣诞老人的鼻子和答对者我们都将会有精美的圣诞礼品送上哦。来,有请我们的圣诞老人......——亲子游戏【幸运张贴 趣味抢答】(21:30)

Li: Now I would like to say a few words about the rules of the game (Game Rules Announcement) The game is very simple, the contestant will be blindfolded and attempt to stick a note on the nose of our gentle Santa Claus. We will also ask some funny riddles. Those who get the answers right will be awarded many sumptuous prizes. Ok, now, we would like to invite Santa Claus to come on stage. ---- Family Games


9. Performances


1. Latin Dance


2. Property Owners Team Performance


3. Choir (Foreign Friends)


Li: This is an exciting event. Looks like all the gifts have been given away, and many people will be going home bearing prizes and gifts. 陈:接着这激情飞扬的气氛,有请舞蹈演员给我们带来的一段音乐热情洋溢,节奏快捷强烈,动作流畅大方,舞姿动感富有独特个性的拉丁舞表演,请欣赏!——拉丁舞(21:40)

Li: While the emotions are still high and hot, we would like to present the next performance from the professional dancers who will perform a high-tempo, quick-action, emotionally-charged Latin Dance! Enjoy!


Li: The gentle night light, the joyful time that we shared. Vanqun City is indeed an attractive night spot bathing under the bright moonlight.


Li: Yes, here, every blade of glass, every stick of stems, every person and every events bring unlimited imagination and emotional good feelings.


Li: For our next program, get ready to enjoy an enchanted melody accompanied by an unforgettable dance

routine, put your hands together to welcome the Property Owners Team who will perform a Song and Dance for our viewing and listening pleasures.


Property Owners Team Performance


Li: The dance performance depicted a very intriguing story line, and managed to bring out an unforgettable memory.


Li: Let us relish in the joyful throbbing of our heats, to appreciate the brilliant promises of that life will bring us in the upcoming New Year.


Li: Yes, let us all cherish what we have now, In order to compose the soundtrack for our future in life. Choir Singing (by Overseas Friends)


10. Masquerade Party


Li: We wish to thank our foreign friends from abroad to sing such wonderful English song for us. Next, we will now put on our harlequin masks, and dance to our hearts delight without any care in the world! So, everybody, grab your masks, and let’s Dance! Dance! Dance!


11. Conclusion

1、结束曲 乐队演奏【123乐队】

1. Ending Song


2. Ending speeches by the Hosts

陈:圣诞的钟声将要响起,今夜的晚会也将要拉上帷幕,歌声依旧回荡在耳际,心情依旧澎湃不已。 Li: The bells of Christmas will soon toll, the evening’s party will soon draw its curtain to a close, the songs and melodies still linger in our ears, our hearts still aflutter with excitement and anticipation.


Li: This has been a wonderful party, with many touching performances. Because we are all gathered together here, we are able to share and enjoy these happy times; because of Christmas, we are able to receive boundless well wishes.

陈:尊敬的各位业主们、各届朋友、媒体朋友们,让我们真心地祝愿:Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐! Li: To all our honored property owners, all our distinguished guest and beloved friends, all our friend from the various media outlets, we sincerely want to wish you all: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 曹:愿圣诞老人把我们今晚许下的所有心愿一一实现。

Li: We also hope that Santa Claus will make each and every of our wishes come true,


Li: We will see you next year!


Vanqun Introduction


Li: Dear friends, love is always around you, because of you and I, rainbows will come up tomorrow. 女:我们共同走过人生的风雨历程,亲爱的朋友,是你们见证了万泉的一步步成长!

Li: We will walk through life’s many challenges hand in hand, and dear friends, you can be sure that that Vanqun will be with you every step of the way.


While we navigate from one year to the next year, Vanqun would like to thank all our guest for your valuable support and affection by premièring our most ambitious project in the sunny city of Beihai. We have enlisted our Sales and Marketing Company to publicize this gift to the most beautiful city by the beach in southern coast of China. (Use PPT to promote our new properties.)

2.幼儿园圣诞节双语晚会活动方案 篇二


圣诞节,对于双语幼儿园来说,是进行幼儿英语教学成果展示的好时机,幼儿园要好好把握这个欢庆节日,精心策划幼儿园圣诞节双语晚会活动方案,让家长看到幼儿园英语的教学效果,同时,又能和幼儿一起欢度圣诞。第一幕:圣诞前夜(4 分 55 秒)音乐:卖火柴的小女孩老师:一切都是那么的安静,房子,街道,还有雪花。隐约能听到人们在家欢聚时快乐的笑声,路人匆匆,雪花纷飞。只有一个独孤且微弱的声音在哀救:学生:Sir,Merry Christmas do you want some matches Sir do you want some matchesSir„sir„wait„老师:她有许多火柴,全部都包在一个旧围裙里,手里拿着几跟。她沿街叫卖,但是没有一个人理她。他又饿又冻的往前走,雪花落在金黄的长发上。学生:(孩子随着音乐跳舞边说)。Sir do you want some matches.Sir„sir„wait„老师:小女孩走到一户人家的窗下。是一棵圣诞树。她大声叫到。学生:Christmas tree Christmas tree.老师:她划着一根火柴。学生:Mommy look I have a Christmas tree.I have a Christmas tree.Oh no.老师:小女孩失望极了,急忙划着了两根火柴。学生:Mommy look this time I have a turkey and many presents.老师:这次小女孩丛容地划着了所有的火柴。眼前一片光明。妈妈出现了。学生:Mommy mommy I can see you.I can see everything.Please please bring me back toyou.Mommy I love you.慢慢躺在地上老师 A:(小女孩,她,死了。小脸上留下了微微的笑容,她终于和她的妈妈去了幸福的地方。老师 B:同时,老师 B 走到小女孩面前,跪下,把她抱在怀里,起立,走到中间,别的孩子也起立跟着老师一起走到中间。老师 B 轻轻地亲小女孩的脸颊。小女孩复活,从老师 B 怀里走下来和其他小朋友一起去找到自己的爸爸妈妈。老师 A:圣诞节是全家团聚的时候,每个人都能得到一个礼物,但同时有更多的人们得不到礼物。现在请大家把眼睛闭起来一起为他们默默地祈祷,其实这种发自内心的祈祷才是最宝贵的礼物。第二幕:圣诞节快乐(2 分 26 秒)音乐 We wish you a Merry Christmas 随着音乐,所有的老师向家长及小朋友们发放小礼物,并且互相拥抱问候:“Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐。”第三幕:欢歌笑语(根据园内实际要求调整时间)老师根据自己的编排来进行活动。下面提供参考人物剧剧本。人物:白雪公主、老王后、新王后、猎人、七个小矮人、王子、小动物(5 个)。道具:小动物头饰、皇冠、枪、矮人帽、七张板凳、七个杯子、魔镜、洋娃娃、一张桌子、苹果(一半红一半绿)、头巾、篮子。演员表:老师根据本班孩子性格特点自定。剧情:(幕启)老王后:(怀抱洋娃娃,哄小孩,戴围巾)旁白:It’s a cold winter day.A baby her name is Snow White was born.She is verybeautiful.人们:(上场,围住老王后,手摸娃娃脸)旁白:The queen loves her.Everybody loves her.(播放音乐 Lazy Mary,人们、老王后下场)(点击下载背景音乐 Lazy Mary)(音乐起,动物和公主跳上场,老王后上场睡床上)旁白:The animals love her too.(音乐渐弱)动物:(一个人上场)Snow White Snow White Your mother is ill.(焦急)公主:Mum Mum(边跑边下,动物跟下)(公主上台围在床前,小动物上)公主:Oh Mum.No No What’s wrong with you 老王后:(摸公主的脸)My dear.I love you for„ever„(手垂下,脸歪,死去)(音乐悲惨,抬老王后下,公主坐地上哭)(音乐欢快,新王后上,围公主走一圈,瞟一眼)旁白:A new queen comes.She is beautiful but bad.(公主无奈,小动物气愤)魔镜:(音乐起,上场)旁白:This is a magic mirror.新王后:Mirror mirror.Who is fairest of all 魔镜:Not you.Snow White.新王后:No No No(回头对猎人说)Kill Snow White 猎人:(上场,半跪低头)Snow White(抬头)But „新王后:Kill her 猎人:(低头,无奈下场)(马蹄声。公主拎裙跑,马挡公主前面,)公主:(双膝跪下)Help me please Please(乞求)猎人:(思考一会儿)All right.Go Snow White.(把举起的枪放下,马让道)公主:(边跑边说)Thank you Thank you(猎人下,公主继续跑)公主:(四下张望,来到门前)May I come in(敲门,无人答)Anybody here(推门进,数)One two three„ Oh seven chairs and seven cups.Who live here(打个哈欠)too tired.I’m(抽出凳子,坐凳上)Oh I’m too thirsty.(喝两杯,边打哈欠边睡)(欢快音乐 Bingo,小矮人上场)小矮人:(推门,进来,跑到桌前)小 1:Who sat here(手指椅子)小 2:(拿起杯子)Who drank this 其:Who is it(互相看,纳闷)小 3:(跑到最后一张椅子)Who’s sleeping here(大家围上)小 4:Look She’s sleeping.小 5:She’s beautiful 小 6:Shush!Let her sleep 其:(蹑手蹑脚走开)(天亮,放音乐)公主:(伸懒腰)小矮人:(上场)Good morning 公主:(吓大跳)Who are you 小 7:We are the masters of this house.What’s your name 公主:I’m Snow White.小 1:Why are you here 公主:(哭)My mother is dead.The new queen wanted to kill me.So „小矮人:(点头)小 2:What an evil queen 小 3:I’ll help you.小 4:Me too.其:(一起)Me too.小 5:Stay with us ok 公主:Thank you.(大家手拉手围成一个圆圈,跳舞 The More We Get Together)(音乐起,邪恶)魔镜:(上场)新王后:(上场,奸笑,边照镜边问)Mirror mirror Who(拖腔)is fairest of all 魔镜:Not you Snow White 新王后:What(生气)I’ll kill her(音乐,邪恶)新王后:(一转身,拿出一个苹果,坏笑)Heng!Snow White(公主一人在家,边哼歌边擦桌,拎裙转圈)新王后:(上场)Apples Apples Buy some apples(拎篮子)公主:(听)Apples(开门)Hello 新王后:Oh You’re so beautiful Give you a beautiful apple.(递)公主:(接过苹果)Oh How lovely(咬一口,倒下死掉)新王后:(跑过去,看看,探探呼吸,拿掉头巾,大笑着离开,音乐 Row Row Row YourBoat)Mirror mirror Who is beautiful 魔镜:It’s you.新王后:(大笑,边笑边下)(小矮人夜晚在回家的路上,音乐 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)小 1:Oh What happened 其:(大家跑去)Snow White Snow White Wake up Wake up 小 2:Oh She died(小矮人抬起公主,放到床上,哭)(音乐,马蹄声,王子上)小 3:Poor Snow White(王子上场,音乐 Yankee Doodle,走上前看到白雪公主)(点击下载音乐 Yankee Doodle)王子:Oh What a beautiful girl I want to marry her.小 4:But you can’t.She is dead.王子:(摇头)Oh No(摇公主)Snow White Snow White 公主:(咳嗽,吐苹果)What happened(对王子说)Hello 小矮人:(惊讶)王子:(单膝跪下)Marry me Snow White.小 5:Snow White the prince helped you 公主:(看看大家,害羞地点点头)小矮人:(手拉手转圈)新王后:Mirror mirror.Who is fairest of all 魔镜:Not you.Not you.Snow White.新王后:No No(边说边后退)(魔镜碎了,王后倒下死掉)(王子扶公主下床,手拉手)小矮人:The prince helped you.公主:Thank you prince I love you 王子:Snow White,I love you.Let’s go.小矮人:Oh oh hooray Oh oh hooray(所有的孩子与老师边唱边舞,音乐 If You AreHappy)The end 第四幕:午夜钟声 4 分 54 秒(老师和小朋友提前编舞,舞的内容就是老师旁白的内容,音乐 Silent Night)老师:(点击下载音乐 Silent Night)圣诞节这天,小朋友是最高兴的了。他们得到了礼物,更重要的是他们得到了祝福,同时也祝福了他们。午夜降临,所有的小朋友都掏出来自己喜欢的祙子挂在了床头,然后甜蜜地睡着了。老师们扮演圣诞老人,悄悄地走来给每只小补祙子放了一个礼物。微笑地看看孩子,继续给别人小朋友发礼物。最后,圣诞老人悄悄地坐在小鹿雪翘上飞走了。第五幕:圣诞节的早晨 1 分 21 秒老师:第二天,也就是圣诞节的早晨,小朋友们揉着他那朦胧的小眼睛起来了。突然发现了好多好多的礼物。他们太高兴了。他在站在一起,一起感谢圣诞老人的祝福。小朋友交换礼物。歌曲开始播放:We wish you a Merry Christmas.1 分 21 秒。教师:这一年里,我们的小朋友和 Teddy 一起成长,一起游戏,学到了许多好玩的游戏和好听的歌曲,并且爱上了美丽的英语。这也要感谢爸爸妈妈们给我们的小宝贝们的关心和鼓励。小朋友们我们要对爸爸妈妈说什么啊?学生:Daddy,Mommy I love you!Sing the song together: Hello mommy hello mommy,Hello hello I love you,Hello daddy hello daddy Hello hello I love youHello hello hello hello hello hello I love youDaddy mommy daddy mommy daddy mommy I love you结语:最后,我们祝愿各位家长、小朋友们圣诞节快乐。

3.双语演讲稿 篇三


珊文·古立斯.铃木(Severn Cullis-Suzuki)的父亲是世界知名的加拿大遗传学家与环保人士戴维·铃木博士(Dr.David Suzuki),热心致力于环保工作并且成效卓著,曾荣获「全球优秀领导奖」。珊文·古立斯.铃木是世界上最杰出的青年环保斗士之一,从年少时起,她就藉由发表演讲、主持电视节目与写作,以倡导环保,并力促大众建立价值观、所作所为都要想到未来,以及负起个人应尽的责任。



一年后,她在中国北京获得联合国环境规划署颁发的“全球五百精英荣誉奖”(Global 500 Roll of Honor Award)。

2002年她主持数个电视节目,其中包括在探索频道(Discovery Channel)播出的“铃木自然探索节目”(Suzuki’s Nature Quest)。她和朋友于2002年在约翰内斯堡的联合国世界高峰会议上,发表“承担责任”(Recognition of Responsibility)的誓言,表达北美人民关怀环境的心声。


“Hello, I am Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O-the Environmental Children’s Organization.We are a group of 12 and 13 year-olds trying to make a difference, Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me.We’ve raised all the money to come here ourselves, to come 5,000 miles to tell you adults you must change your ways.Coming up here today, I have no hidden agenda.I am fighting for my future.Losing my future is not like losing an election, or a few points on the stock market.”

“I am here to speak for all generations to come.I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard.I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet, because they have nowhere left to go.I am afraid to go out in the sun now, because of the holes in our ozone.I am afraid to breathe the air,because I don’t know what chemicals are in it.I used to go fishing in Vancouver, my home, with my Dad until, just a few years ago, we found a fish full of cancers.And now we hear of animals and plants going extinct every day, vanishing forever.In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and rainforests full of birds and

butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.”

“Did you have to worry of these things when you were my age? All this is happening before our eyes and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions.I’m only a child and I don’t have all the solutions, but I want you to realize, neither do you.You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer.You don’t know how to bring the salmon back up a dead stream.You don’t know how to bring back an animal now extinct.And you can’t bring back the forest that once grew where there is now a desert.If you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it.”

“Here you may be delegates of your governments, business people,organizers, reporters or politicians.But, really, you’re mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and all of you are someone’s child.I’m only a child, yet I know we are all part of a family, 5 billion strong, in fact 30 million species strong.And borders and governments will never change that.I’m only a child, yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal.”

“In my anger, I am not blind and in my fear I am not afraid of telling the world how I feel.In my country we make so much waste, we buy and throw away, buy and throw away, buy and throw away and yet Northern countries will not share with the needy.Even when we have more than enough we are afraid to share, we are afraid to let go of some of our wealth.In Canada , we live the privileged life.We’ve plenty of food, water and shelter.We have watches, bicycles, computers and television sets.The list could go on for 2 days.Two days ago here in Brazil , we were shocked when we spent time with some children living on the streets.This is what one child told us, ‘I wish I was rich and if I were, I would give all the street children food, clothes, medicines, shelter and love and affection’.If a child on the street who has nothing is willing to share, why are we who have everything still so greedy? I can’t stop thinking that these are children my own age, that it makes a tremendous difference where you are born.And that I could be one of those children living in the favelas of Rio.I could be a child starving in Somalia , or a victim of war in the Middle East or a beggar in India.I am only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on finding environmental answers ending

poverty and in finding treaties, what a wonderful place this earth would be.”

“At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave in the world.You teach us to not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others and to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy.Then, why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do? Do not forget why you are attending these conferences, who you are doing this for.We are your own children.You are deciding what kind of a world we are growing up in.Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying ‘Everything is going to be all right, it’s not the end of the world, and we are doing the best we can’.But I don’t think you can say that to us anymore.Are we even on your list of priorities? My dad always says, ‘You are what you do, not what you say’.Well, what you do makes me cry at night.You grown-ups say you love us.But I challenge you, please, make your actions reflect your words.Thank you.”


Hello,我是珊文·铃木,代表E.C.O.——关注环保儿童组织。我们是几个十二三岁的加拿大小孩:Vanessa,Morgan, Michelle和我。我们自己筹钱,旅行了五千里来这儿告诉你们大人,你们必须改变。我今天来这儿,没有什么隐藏的理由。我是在为我的未来抗争。















4.世博会双语演讲稿 篇四

Four pavilions along the Central Axis the major permanent buildings within the Expo Site.They refer to the Expo Axis, China pavilion, Theme pavilions, Expo Center, and Expo performance Center.The Expo Axis is the main axis in pudong Expo Site, leasing to the four pavilions through overhead and underground connections.The Expo Axis, the main traffic hinge in pudong Site, also connects with the Elevated pedestrian’ Walk.This Axis will guide visitors to different pavilions in pudong Site.“一轴四馆”是上海世博会世博园区内主要建筑物,将得到永久保留。“一轴四馆“所指的建筑是:世博轴、中国馆、主题馆、世博中心、世博演艺中心。世博轴是浦东世博园区的主轴线,从空中平台和地下联通上述四大世博重要建筑。世博轴还与高架步道连通,是园区内的交通枢纽,参观者进入浦东园区后可由此通达不同的场馆。

5.环保主题的演讲稿双语版 篇五

Heal the world, makes it a better place. for you and for me, and the entire human race. just as what the song sings, it is very important for us to protect the environment.

There is one thing in common in my family, that is, no matter in my father’s workbag, in my mother’s purse, or even in my schoolbag, there is a pair of chopsticks. strange? let me tell you the reason. my mom said: “just as if we eat out one time a day, we’ll save 1000 pairs of chopsticks in a year’s time. that means we have saved a big tree.

My dad said: “without every single person, there is no human race. so, it is everyone’s duty to protect the environment. saying a thousand times of protecting environment is not as useful as putting a pair of chopsticks in your bag.

I said: “this is a good habit, i shall pass it to the next generation. the pair of chopsticks reminds us that it is our duty to protect the environment, to save our planet. my dear friends, have you put a pair of chopsticks in your bag? if you haven’t, just do it now.




6.学校升旗双语学习经验介绍演讲稿 篇六



总之关于态度方面的问题会有各种表现,也许是自卑也许是自负但都是对自己的一个认识不够清楚,我觉得如果想好了要学,就要认真去做,因为既然已经花了时间在这上面,与其敷衍着过只为求个心安不如认认真真的让自己变得高效起来。接下来是介绍一些关于英语学习技巧的方面。学习一门语言好比玩一场游戏,我们花了这么多时间背的单词和了解的语法只不过是了解游戏的规则,却不是学习这门语言真正的目的,真正的目的是以语言为工具,进而了解文化或者表达感情。到这里大家也应该了解单词和语法的重要性,他们是一门语言的基石。关于背单词我个人觉得最直接的方法还是按他的发音去记,英语的发音规律性还是很强的,例如一个英语单词要是有发“S”的音那么对应的字母不是s就是c。这里我主要介绍的是针对马上就要考级的时候,需要被大量的单词甚至一整本单词书,那么如何在短时间内背完大部分呢?我的做法是找一本比较大的本子,每天定量记单词,并把他们抄下来,左边是单词右边是意思,先蒙住意思那一边看单词说意思,多轮过几遍并在每个单词的旁边用“正”字记录错的次数,然后蒙住单词那一边,像之前一样循环。不经常错的单词就从本子上划掉,错的多的单词就把它们做成单词卡片带在身上,平常没事拿出来看一看,就很容易记住。如果实在有困难记住的话,也可以用这些单词串成一个故事把它们写下来也是很能够加强记忆的。接着是关于语言的应用方面,听说读写四个方面都有很多方法去提升。最常见的是听听歌看看电影或美剧,入门的美剧有绝望主妇和摩登家庭之类在往上面有纸牌屋啊破产姐妹之类的其实都是老生常谈了但美剧英剧确实是最直接接触其文化和纯正的发音的,有时候可以拿自己已经看过的美剧做听力材料,不看屏幕光是听声音看看自己能不能够听懂,我的听力很大的方面是通过这种方式突破的还有发现自己可以听懂的时候的小小的成就感我觉得也是只有我们学语言的人可以get 到的乐趣。


首先是说出来的音准和流利以及语音语调,这些方面用看美剧英剧并且模仿他们说话的语气的方法也是很有效的,如果没有时间的话也可以使用像英语模仿啊流利说啊这些口语类app来模仿里面的语音语调。在这里也可以给大家推荐一本关于发音的书叫做american accent,有兴趣的可以买来看。


上一篇:市司法局党务政务公开2012年工作要点下一篇:过年送婆婆什么礼物好 送礼指南