1.统计学专业毕业生英文求职信 篇一
Dear Sir/Madam: How do you do! First of all, please allow me to send you the sincere regards and thegood wish to you! Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my application materials give me a chance of success. I am XX college statistics professional statistical information technology in the direction of a student. Harvest in sight, waiting for the era of choice, waiting for your appreciation. As a rural children, veins flow is the soil of aromatic and farmers simple and honest, also taught me grittiness guideline and method, the family poverty, the expectations of my parents, socialpetition is my study power. Years of learning career is my thought, knowledge structure and psychological growth mature four years. Respect leadership, you as a modern societys wise managers, looking for a capable capable assistant, must be you had some hope that I will finish school, both professional knowledge, and have strongputer application ability; A struggle confidence and motivation, the work serious and responsible. With self-confidence me toward you to recommend oneself, hope to be in your unit, a civilization for the unity and progress of the collective i. do, start small, start from now, ready to take advice responsible, diligence work, Studied continuously in the fulfillment, developed an own active and creative, try for the development of thepany added a brilliance. As a statistical professional students, although work experience, but Ill learn, positive work, dedicated to conscientiousnesspletes the labor of duty. Sincere hope to get your unit joint about or to give me an interview chance, so as to further examines my ability. I rule of life is: conscientious person, steadfast work. My biggest characteristic is: the courage to struggle, bears hardships and stands hard work, does not fear the difficulty. In real life, more important is to develop a high sense of responsibility and team spirit. Daily work, map the literary attainment and moral cultivation, Ten years of learning, and make your knowledge court. Believe in yourpanys training and self struggle, I will bepetent own job. “Ride the wind and cleave the waves will sometimes, dahua group, with full enthusiasm and strength of character, hard work attitude, waiting for me is the opportunity and the challenge! Seize the opportunity, for the unit to contribute ourselves to do. Give me a chance, I will return you a surprise! (the other attached resume and copy).
2.统计学专业毕业生英文求职信 篇二
1. 国内企业
国内企业对会计人才的需求量很大。但是, 很多中小国内企业特别是民营企业, 对于会计岗位, 他们需要找的只是“账房先生”, 而不是具有财务管理和分析能力的专业人才, 而且, 此类企业财务监督和控制体系大都相当简陋, 薪金大部分都在1 500元左右, 且发展空间有限。
2. 外 (独、合资) 企业
大部分外资企业的同等岗位待遇都远在内资企业之上。更重要的是, 外资企业财务管理体系和方法比较成熟, 对新员工一般都会进行一段时间的专业培训。工作效率高的一个原因是分工细致, 而分工的细致使我们在所负责岗位上只能学到某一方面的知识, 尽管这种技能非常专业, 但对整个职业发展过程不利, 因此员工难以获得全面的财务控制、分析等经验。后续培训机会多是外企极具诱惑力的另一个原因。财务管理也是一个经验与知识越多越值钱的职业, 而企业提供的培训机会不同于在学校听老师讲课, 它更贴近实际工作, 也更适用。此类企业新员工的合理月薪在3 000元以上, 绝大部分外企能解决员工的各种保险以及住房公积金。
3. 事务所
事务所是目前会计专业毕业生普遍看好的就业去向, 在事务所能学到很多东西。事务所工作节奏快, 相对于事业单位来说工作压力较大, 但是, 更注重个人能力的培养和团队合作, 在国际会计准则、专业性、意志等方面能给予地狱般的磨练。事务所的薪资水平高低不一, 小事务所的月薪在1 000元左右, 大一点的则在3 000元左右, 外资大所实习生 (试用期) 都能拿到5 000元以上。正是由于这个原因, 很多毕业生会选择在小事务所积累经验之后跳槽到外资或大型事务所, 也是因为这种原因造成小事务所人员流动频繁。
4. 公务员或教师
近几年, 毕业生选择的另一种就业渠道就是报考公务员或教师。此类职业比较稳定, 通常工作压力较事务所小得多, 但发展空间有限。
5. 理财咨询
现在对个人理财咨询职位的招聘需求量正在慢慢放大, 而且, 由于社会投资渠道的增多和保障制度的改革, 理财咨询服务必将走进更多城市白领的生活。此类人才的需求增长点应在社会投资理财咨询服务机构。银行个人理财咨询师的待遇因区域不同而有差异, 但最少也应该在月薪2 000元以上。随着经验的增长, 收入也必将随之增长。可以说, 理财咨询是一个刚刚兴起的阳光职业, 对毕业生的吸引力也很大。
6. 注册会计师
在市场经济发达国家, 注册会计师、律师和医师是三个高收入的智力密集型职业。在我国, 近年来注册会计师资格考试报名人数每年都保持在60万人左右, 这也说明了注册会计师行业发展对人才的需求巨大。十年前, 我国就提出要发展30万注册会计师的目标。随着市场经济的深化, 对注册会计师队伍发展的需求还将进一步扩大, 行业的人才缺口将会很大。注册会计师专业方向十分注重专业能力、综合素质和国际视野的培养, 其毕业学生, 已成为各大企业和金融证券机构竞相争抢的对象。相对于其他职业来说, 注册会计师较高的薪资水平也是吸引毕业生的原因之一。
1. 数据来源与样本筛选
由于2008年统计数据要在2009年6月左右才会公布, 因此, 笔者选用2005—2007年统计数据进行归纳, 结合调查问卷的方式进行统计分析, 并根据目前的就业形势和特点采用一部分网络问卷的数据进行补充。问卷调查对象是2007—2009届应届毕业生。经过筛选剔除无效样本, 最终收集调查问卷78份, 其中网络问卷58份。
2. 问卷设计
为了便于对不同样本比较分析, 反映不同样本群体的倾向性, 本次调研问卷题型分为封闭题和开放题两种, 共20道题, 封闭题型16道, 开放题型4道。封闭题型为一致性程度题, 其中, 13题选项为“完全赞同”、“基本赞同”、“一半赞同一半不赞同”、“基本不赞同”和“完全不赞同”。
1. 会计专业毕业生流向分析
2005—2008年, 毕业生去向基本相同, 大多数同学选择就业。但根据统计数据表现, 2007—2008年就业率明显下降, 且继续深造或待业 (包括自主创业) 的人数有所增加, 而且增加的势头很猛。2007年的待业人数大约是2006年的3倍, 大约占总毕业人数的20%。。
2. 毕业生就业薪酬状况分析
据调查统计, 毕业生就业薪酬多集中在“1 000元以下”、“1 000—1 500元”和“1 500—3 000元”三个数段。1 000元以下薪酬的人数三年连续降低, 但仍然占就业人数的绝大百分比;1 000—1 500元的人数比例趋于均衡, 大约占30%~40%之间;3 000元以上薪酬人数有逐步增加的趋势。这一薪酬状况充分反映了毕业生就业特定岗位群的薪酬制度。据了解, 现在大多数企业招收新员工要试用1—3个月, 且试用期工资较低。样本中部分毕业生还处在实习阶段或试用阶段, 故这一薪酬状况符合市场特性。根据对往届毕业生薪资情况的调查, 毕业生工作一年左右, 其薪酬待遇将会有较好的改善。
3. 毕业生求职感受调查分析
根据对样本问卷进行分析, 在“你认为自己求职困难吗?”这一问题中, 32.05%的人回答不困难, 33.3%的人回答困难, 34.65%的人认为有一定难度。并且有相当一部分人认为自己求职困难是因为“没有工作经验”, 还有一部分人认为“自己专业能力较差, 不能适应工作需要”, 此外, “心理素质差”也被列为原因之一。认为“没有工作经验”的毕业生占38.46%, 认为“专业能力较差”的占15.38%, 认为“心理素质较差”的占10.26%, 认为“缺乏应聘技巧”的占19.23%, 认为对工作待遇等“期望过高”的占7.69%, 对自己“外表不满意”的占5.13%, 其他占3.85%。
根据以上调查显示, 会计专业毕业生的就业形势日趋严峻, 而且竞争激烈;毕业生的心理状况和实践经验都会一定程度地影响其求职的成功率。我们必须重视这一问题, 并分析问题的原因, 探索解决问题的有效途径和方法。
1. 努力提高学生的综合素质
调查结果表明, 心理素质已经成为影响学生求职的原因之一, 因此, 在今后教育教学中应采取各种有效措施和途径, 加强学生综合能力的培养。课堂教学中, 要重视学生的主体地位, 发挥学生的主观能动性, 提高学生学习的自主参与意识。要开展更多有利学生身心发展的活动, 为学生提供更多社会实践和参与其他集体活动的机会。要提高学生的人际交往、语言表达等综合能力, 以使其能适应社会和自身发展的需要。尤其应采取措施, 提高活动中弱势群体的积极性, 增强其自信心, 有效提高全体学生整体的综合素质。
2. 注重理论联系实践的教学方法
会计专业的核心课程是财务会计、会计手工操作、网络财务和税法, 核心技能是财务软件操作和会计实务操作, 这点大多数企业也认同。会计专业有其自身特点:理论知识难度较大;强调逻辑性和抽象思维;需要较好的数学和语文基础;实践性强。因此, 学校可以尝试校企联合的方式加强对学生的社会实践能力的锻炼, 也为毕业生的实习和就业提供更多的机会。
3. 加强就业指导力度
就业工作中要加强指导, 帮助学生更正就业观念、降低就业期望值, 明确就业目标, 扩大就业区域范围。鼓励同学自主创业, 有计划地对自己的目标进行规划。学校应该配备专业的就业指导老师, 跟踪帮助心理状态不佳的学生, 摆正自己的位置, 调整好心态, 树立自信心。
4. 培养复合型人才
要了解各个不同行业经济业务的特点。比如, 房地产行业的会计核算所涉及的经营周期会比较长, 往往超过了我们通常所说的一年时间;存货的计量不能只是按计划成本来核算, 更应该按市价来估算, 其应收款项金额会比较大等。通过这种方式的培养, 学生既会有会计专业知识, 又能了解各行业的特点, 在实际操作中可以设身处地地从企业的角度来记录经济业务, 竞争力自然就提高了。
提高会计专业毕业生就业水平是一项必要而艰巨的任务, 要做好这项工作需要多方面的努力。从学校内部来说, 可以根据市场发展需求调整人才培养计划、培养学生正确的择业观;从社会环境来说, 政府要创造条件鼓励毕业生多种方式就业。
[1]赵小兰.试论就业保障体系与职业指导——以高校毕业生就业问题为例[J].经济论坛, 2007, (23) .
[2]赵北平.影响高校毕业生就业率的主要因素及其对策[J].武汉理工大学学报:信息与管理工程版, 2007, (1) .
[3]楼拐娜, 周树红, 吴丽玉.大学生就业竞争力分析[J].教育发展研究, 2005, (7) .
3.生物专业毕业生英文求职信 篇三
Dear leaders:
Let me take this cover letter I wish you best wishes and sincere work and good luck!
I am a chemical Hunan Vocational and Technical College 05 professional biochemical process of a student about to graduate. DENG Hao name, I, with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith recommend your own.
Three years in school, I did not feel wasted. I learned a lot not only knowledge, but also to improve the quality of their own, college, in life as a member of the class, have been teachers and students alike. This chain of my work and organization and management ability of a high degree of my sense of responsibility. I pay attention to quality, and actively participate in school activities, when the sophomore basketball team participated in the Department work together with students from the whole of the fourth house, when the junior grades the first game.
Professional areas: proficiency in biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, enzyme engineering and fermentation technology courses and other important principles of the theory, do experiments to understand its basic operation and applications.
Computer areas: learning and familiar with the Windows XP operating system platform, Office Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). AutoCAD graphic design, etc.
However, this does not satisfy my thirst for knowledge, students at the same time I understand that the strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, I apply for schools Nongda Hunan food自考undergraduate engineering, but also the examination and obtained the chemical analysis of evidence. I have to improve their level of education as well as ability to pay attention to social practice, the cold, the summer in between my coach and served as conductor of KTV establishments, develop their own communication and the ability of different people, summer vacation this year, I also learn and apply for a car to drive card, but a matter of time only as a result of examination of two subjects (also due to a road test).
Easy-going personality in life, I have a good habit, I am confident but not arrogant. In a life full of energy most of the time, I hope that in the wider world to demonstrate their talents in the hope has been tempered in practice and improve. So I hope you can join. I will do a good job down the job of their own to do its utmost to work to obtain good results!
Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, thank you for your busy schedule to give my attention, your company would like to record breaking achievement, and wish your career and life are smooth.
I eagerly look forward to hearing from you. Thanks
4.届测控专业毕业生英文求职信 篇四
Dear leaders:
Thank you for your busy schedule to take some time to look at my . Xx I am a University of Electronic Information Engineering College students, xx graduates session. I majored in detection instrumentation.
In college, I learned hard work, outstanding achievement, was awarded a scholarship on five separate occasions, firm and strong practical ability, the training school, the curriculum design were excellent results. In addition, I also specializes in computer and English, has passed through a computer assessment and national levels A four English-speaking countries. At the same time, I carried out a systematic computer study, courses include: computer and cultural foundation, the basis of computer software, computer hardware, computer interface technology, computer control technology, and learning the C language, VB, OFFICE and macro assembler.
Knowledge of learning theory, I also pay attention to practical ability. Great time I attended the School of Electronic Science and Technology Association. Second arrogant, Ive prepared in the laboratory experiments to help teachers. Often involved in the maintenance of laboratory equipment, laboratory equipment for the more familiar, practical ability and capacity than the more experimental, to develop single-chip systems, familiar with the DSP hardware, software applications.
In order to cultivate the ability of all aspects of their own, I have long served as a dormitory, student union cadres, xx ban squad leader and squad leader detection professional classes. I also actively participate in the planning of community activities, to establish broad relationships, organizing a series of planning activities, liking of their teachers praise students.
The squad leader was in office during the I and the concerted efforts of the whole class, I have been class civilized school classes, classes in the city the title of civilization, I have also been rated as excellent school students. Have strong organizational skills and the use of the theoretical and practical capabilities.
Down-to-earth and trustworthy, others in good faith, the enthusiasm of doing things and positive is my motto, honesty company give me a opportunity to display their talent and become one of your company through thick and thin, I will be able to help your companys development of a hand!
★ 制药工程毕业生求职信
★ 制药工程专业简单的求职信
★ 制药工程专业毕业生求职简历
★ 车辆工程专业毕业生求职信
★ 毕业生软件专业英文求职信
5.企业管理专业毕业生英文求职信 篇五
Distinguished leadership of your company,Hello!
Due to your company and the longing for self-development, achievement of self-desire, as a society is about to become college students, i sincerely look forward to their own careers on the fan set sail smoothly from here.Thinkingan important aspect of the modern enterprise.people entering the management of the core stage, the study “how a mans work” indispensable.despite the complexity of the work of man can also have a sense of accomplishment.in addition to information on the ideological education of a large number of professional knowledge, i have a lot of self-study such as business management courses, often through the magazines in this regard, very interested in what the practice in this regard, the theory used in real life.Law-the protection of the rights and interests of an effective weapon.to war, businesses will inevitably fall into economic disputes, in order to remove the obstacles to develop the adverse factors, it is necessary to resort to law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.although it is engaged in ideological education, but i also learn a great deal of hard laws and regulations, if the opportunity arises, i hope your company can become a legal service workers, for the company to share problem-solving.No man is perfect, so they are active at the same time to correct the shortcomings, i have to “live and learn” as its motto, i do not know your company can give me an opportunity to continue learning?
Thank you for your concern is whether i am chollima take you to decide by simple desire of shenzhou rocket you will be lucky hands toward me!
6.医学专业毕业的英文求职信 篇六
Hello!Thank you for taking the time to read my letter of recommendation, below, I to a simple self-introduction.I am chongqing three gorges pharmaceutical college school student#39;s department of 2008 Olympic nursing.Ordinary me, optimistic, positive and uplifting, have a strong sense of responsibility and mission.While at university, I always with diligence rigorous attitude to study hard, system solid mastery of the theoretical knowledge and professional skill, and at the same time, use after school time, I widely with a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also to train a wide range of skills.Two years of campus life form good learning and work habits.I deeply felt, and excellent students work together, make me benefit in competition, To the actual difficult challenge, let me grow up in defeat.Review two years of campus life, I not only learned all kinds of knowledge, and learned how to become a man of value.I love own specialty, see ourselves for hard and sweat for the patient#39;s health and a smile, is my biggest joy.I sincerely look forward to in your under the leadership for the expensive unit business branches, and in work continuously learn and progress.I believe, I can, I will!
Enclosed personal resume, looking forward to your interview.I wish your esteemed courtyard business is thriving!
7.应届毕业生求职英文求职信 篇七
I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of teaching post in your school .Currently , I am a senior 3 student in Lanzhou City University ,my major is English.
In Lanzhou City University ,I have been working hard and doing well in the major courses .Not only I have I passed cet4,cet6, but more important ,I can communicate with others freely in English .I have good command of spoken and written English .At present, I work hard and try my best to pass the TEM4.Besides,I am skilled in computer useage ,such as CAD.
Teaching practice do enrich my working experience .During my teaching practice,I was always preparing my lesson plan carefully .I have combined theories into practice. Miss Liang Fang, my director teacher thought well of my enthusiasm, devotion, intelligence, and diligence .I was also popular with my students. My teaching practice which increase my responsibility to be a teacher ,meawhile I gain first step to my career.
The education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.
The working experience offered me a good chance to improve my ability.
I do believe that with my solid education background and rich working experience ,I would be an excellent member of your school.
I would appreciate time in reviewing my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and
8.优秀毕业生英文求职信 篇八
(86)139-0000-0000(86)-551-0000e-mail: 教育背景 2002年9月~ 2007年6月
合肥 安徽大学 工商管理学院 班级排名5% 管理学学士 于2007年7月获管理学学士学位 主修课程:财务会计(84)审计(88)税法(87)财务管理(91)经济法(82)
获奖情况 2005/04 2002-2005年 2003-2004年 2004/11 2003/04 2003-2004年
2005/12 获2005“安徽省三好学生” 共六次获得安徽大学一等奖学金,一次二等奖学金 共两次获得安徽大学“优秀学生干部”获得院英语演讲比赛二等奖 参加校排球比赛获得二等奖 两次获得院元旦晚会“优秀演员奖”参加2005校艺术节舞蹈大赛获得团体二等奖
社会实践及学校活动 2006年7月 ~8月
2005年7月 ~9月
2004年3月~ 2005年6月
安徽省安庆市审计局实习生 ☆作为“安徽省烟草分公司安庆市公司2005年财务收支审计”项目7人小组成员之一,主要负责实质性测试、抽查凭证工作。工作态度和专业素质得到了项目组长的肯定,并得到她亲笔实习鉴定信。☆抽调安庆市及其下属8个县的“业务招待费-自用烟”项目的原始凭证,将其按照品种、数量和价格进行表格设计和统计,所得结果用于核对自购自销的费用支出。☆独自与公司打假部门相关人士联系,沟通并了解了打假工作从举报、奖励到最终处理的全过程。做抽样测试以确认其资料的真实性,合规性,所得结果用于企业审计报告。广州顾氏进出口贸易有限公司 业务部 ☆主动给潜在客户(多为意大利和澳大利亚客户)发送广告邮件,得到回复后根据客户需求就销售价格和运输方式协商洽谈。月销售额达10万人民币,个人绩效评估居部门第二。☆调查客户满意度,总结分析调查结果,以此为依据从而更好的保留了老客户,同时开发了更多的新客户。安徽大学 文娱部部长 ☆整合上届文娱部资源,明确部门定位。通过设计招新方案,引入选拔机制,高质量完成了2005年招新工作。管理文娱部日常事务,积极组织部员培训,提升了部员的专业素质,尤其是大一新生。☆带领部门成员,合理分工、积极合作,成功举办了院2004年迎新晚会,红五月歌唱比赛,2005年元旦晚会。
cet-6,良好的英文听、说、读、写能力;并懂得如何与外国人沟通交流;国家计算机二级,熟练掌握ms word、excel、powerpoint等办公自动化软件;于2005年取得会计上岗证、2006年考取助理会计师职称;爱好及其他
热爱舞蹈.运动,尤其是游泳和羽毛球;喜欢旅游、看侦探小说。yan liu accounting department of business management school, anhui university, 230601(86)139-0000-0000(86)-551-0000e-mail: sept,y2002~ june,y2007 hefei april.2005 2002-2005 2003-2004 nov.2004 april.2003 2003-2004 dec.2005 march,y2004 ~ june, y2005 anhui university school of business management top 5%candidates for bachelor of managementmajor courses :financial accounting(84)auditing(88)taxation(87)corporate finance(91)law of economics(82)2005 all-round student of an hui provincefirst prize scholarships of anhui university for 6 times,second prize for one time “excellent student leaders” for twicesecond prize in english speaking contest of the schoolsecond prize in the university volleyball contest won “best actress” in new year party for twice second team prize in the dancing contest of the 2005 university art festival anhui university activity departmentdepartment director hefei ● maximized the utility of the resources and clarified the mission and position.successfully finished the 2005 recruitment through designing the recruiting plan and introducing the selecting mechanism.administered the daily affairs of the department.organized training for the staff which enhanced their performance, especially for freshmen.through our performance, and received praise from the head of the orphanage.july to aug, y2006 internship certificate with her signature.and final prosecution process.performed random checking to guarantee the truth and credibility, the result of which was used in the annual report.july to sep.guangzhou gushi imports and exports co.ltd.operation department y2005 guangzhou ●took the initiative to send advertising-mails to potential customers(mostly italian and australian), and negotiated with customers about prize and way of transport according to the request in their replies.monthly sales reached up to rmb0.1million and ranked second in the department’s individual performance appraisal.●analyzed customers’ requests and initiated the direct sales method , which boosted the sales drastically and personally received praise from the senior.●made a survey on customer satisfaction and analyzed the result,according to which maintained old customers and developed new customers.passed all subjects of cia(certified internal auditors)test and got the cia certificate in y2009.cet-6.fluent in english.got the financial accountant qualification in y2006;love dancing and sports, especially volleyball and badminton.enjoy traveling and reading detective stories.篇三:毕业生优秀简历模板中英文
上海政法学院经济管理学院审计学(86)*** e-mail: 教育背景 2013年9月~ 至今
上海政法学院 经济管理学院主修课程:财务会计审计 税法 财务管理经济法
2015/5 上海政法学院优秀团干
社会实践及学校活动 2015年9月 ~至今
2014年9月~ 2015年6月
上海政法学院经济管理学院足球队队长上海政法学院 体育部部长 ☆整合上届体育部资源,明确部门定位。通过设计招新方案,引入选拔机制,高质量完成了2015年招新工作。管理文娱部日常事务,积极组织部员培训,提升了部员的专业素质,尤其是大一新生。☆带领部门成员,合理分工、积极合作,成功举办了院2014年上海政法学院运动会 2014年6月 青浦区爱心暑托班 志愿者服务
cet-4,良好的英文听、说、读、写能力;并懂得如何与外国人沟通交流;熟练掌握ms word、excel、powerpoint等办公自动化软件;普通话水平二级甲等
爱好及其他 思维具有逻辑性又富于创意,渴望接受挑战,能同时完成多项任务,喜欢团队合作,能承受压力并高效完成工作。优秀
9.应届毕业生英文求职信 篇九
应聘外企免不了要写一份英文简历,那么呢?以下是一份,希望对大家在这篇中有所收获并能掌握一定与与英文。Dear Sir or Madam,
Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit any criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a person who can manage, create and communicate. An active youth is just around.
On my graduation from college recently, I am eager to gain a position that will offer me opportunities and also changes. I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.
I am strong, optimistic ,dynamic and honest.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.Moreover, I have had benefited much from my part-time jobs. A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.
10.本科毕业生英文求职信 篇十
Dear sir,
I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in .
I graduated from the college of business administration in june of . since that time i have been taking night courses at city polytechnics in sales techniques and advertising.
For the past four years, i have worked as a shipping salesman for maersk, one of the world largest shipping company. at present I am their chief salesman and account for over one quarter of the sales in asia. before my present employment, I worked for abc chains boutique as a salesclerk. we worked mainly on commission and I was able to earn a substantial amount although I was very young.
I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forth-coming at my present position.
If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.
11.会计学专业毕业生求职信 篇十一
会计学专业毕业生应该如果写求职信?下面为大家分享会计学专业毕业生个人求职信范文:我是一名刚从xx职业学院毕业的学生。作为一名会计学专业的大学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力.在三年的学习生活中,我所学习的内容包括了从会计学的基础知识到运用等许多方面.通过对这些知识的学习,我对这一领域的相关知识有了一定程度的理解和掌握,此专业是一种工具,而利用此工具的能力是最重要的,在与课程同步进行的各种相关时践和实习中, 具有了一定的实际操作能力和技术.在学校工作中,加强锻炼处世能力,学习管理知识,吸 收管理经验.我知道计算机和网络是将来的工具,在学好本专业的前提下,我对计算机产生了巨大的兴趣并阅读了大量有关书籍,用友财务等系统应用软件。
我正处于人生中精力充沛的时期,我渴望在更广阔的天地里展露自己的才能,我不满足与现有的知识水平,期望在实践中得到锻炼和提高,因此我希望能够加入你们的单位.我会踏踏实实的做好属于自己的一份工作,竭尽全力的在工作中取得好的成绩.我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会做出应有的贡献.刚谢您在百忙之中所给与我的关注,愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩,祝您的事业 白尺竿头,更进一步!