


1.make翻译 篇一

make +宾语+不带to的不定式(作宾语补足语)。如:Nobody made us go to bed at a certain time.没有人让我们在某一固定时间就寝。

make +宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)。如:Unfortunately, this function also makes estuaries very sensitive to enviro-mental pollution.不幸的是, 这个作用也使河口对环境污染很敏感。

当make+形容词(短语)+名词短语时,是一种倒装结构。为使句子结构保持平衡,通常将较长的名词短语移置补足语之后,不加引导词汇作形式宾语。如:The telescope made possible the observation of the far-off stars.望远镜使人们能够观察遥远的`星球。

make +宾语+名词(作宾语补足语)。如:Bill Gates’ Microsoft makes him a phenomenon in the business world.比尔·盖茨的微软使他成为商界的一个奇才。

2.make翻译 篇二

knowing how valuable friends are, we should be very careful in making friends. in order to make friends one should reach out first instead of just waiting. when one takes in initiative, he will find many people who have common goals, tastes and interest with his. and his circle of friends grows. if one is always concerned about other people and helps them rid out a storm, they will certainly become his good friends.

one should be polite, prudent, sincere, honest, tolerant and considerate in making friends. but one should also keep the principle in his mind that a good friends is helpful while a bad friends would be harmful. one should break off with false friends, get to know new ones and never forget old ones.

3.起到重要作用的英语短语make 篇三


Nomenclature plays a very important part in nationalist thought.


The food industry can play a significant role in promoting healthy diets by


Here these designer lipid-like peptides may play a key role in improving effective drug delivery systems.


4.make翻译 篇四

做决定(Making Decision)

Growing up means making my own decisions.When I was a little, my parents made all the tough decisions for me.But while I am getting older and older, I felt that I can make decisions for myself!It occurred to me that I have got to face all the difficulties on my own.Otherwise, I can‘t succeed in the future.The hardest decision that I have ever made was keeping a diary every day.At first I usually got lose of it, but I found a lot of pleasure in keeping a diary eventually.Every night I sit at my desk and rethink the happened during the day‘s events before I go to bed.After I write my feelings down, I can always be in a comfortable mood.I have so many experiences in my diary.Keeping diary is not only a good habit, the diary itself is also a good friend of mine.I‘ll keep one for the rest of my life.

5.make翻译 篇五

第 1 单元 课题 Making a difference

第 1 课时 课型 Speaking and listening


Enable the students to talk about science and scientists. Help them learn to describe people and practice debating

重点:Learn the patterns used to describe people and debating

难点 :How to describe people and how to debate

教具:a tape recorder; a computer


Step 1: Warming up

Show the photos of some great people on the PowerPoint . Ask the students whether they know who they are and what they are famous for.

Then show the quotes on the Powerpoint and ask them to match them with the photos.

Step 2: listening

Get the students to know what to do in the listening test: Judge the who the scientists described on the tape .

Step 3: Speaking

1. Show the five brances Biology, Maths, Chemistry, Physics and computer science.

2. Show the useful expressions on the power point

3. Ask the students to say something about the famous scientists.

Record after teaching :

Try to think out more methods to help the students finish the task of speaking.

编写时间: Sept. 1,2005 执行时间:Sept. 3, 2005

第 1 单元 课题 Making a difference

第 2 课时 课型 Reading


Learn the story of Stephen Hawing and encourage students to become strong-ninded. From his story students should learn to solve problems with scientific methods

重点:Learn about how Stephen got rid of his difficulties and became successful

难点: How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text

教具:a computer, a tape


Step 1 Revision

Check the students homework and ask the students to say sth about Stephew Hawking.

Step 2 Leading in

Ask the students to understand the title of the passage.

Step 3 Reading

1. Scanning: Ask the students to scan the text and find the information about his misfortune, his attitude towards difficulty, results from his disease and his achievenments.

2. Skimming Ask the students to skim the text and finish the post reading

3. Comprehensive exercises : Finish the Exx in the Best Design

4. Complementory Exercises : the Exx in the Best Design

,编写时间: Sept. 2,2005 执行时间:Sept. 4,5, 2005

第 1 单元 课题 Making a difference

第 3,4 课时 课型Language points


Students are asked to find the language points in the text.

重点:within, be curious about, debate, work on, dream of, seek after, observe,be satisfied with, the other way around… 难点:the usage of the infinitive 教具: a computer


Step 1Revision Check the students’ homework

Step 2 Word study

Step 3 learn the language points

Learn the usage of the words and expressions in the text and ask the students to do some exercises .

Step 4 Practice

Ask the students to finish the exercises and check the answers

编写时间: Sept. 2,2005 执行时间:Sept. 6 ,2005

第 1 单元 课题 Making a difference

第 5 课时 课型Grammar


Students are asked to talk about their dreams using infinitives.

重点: Infinitives have adv. and adjective functions as well as noun functions

难点:Verbs that take infinitives but not gerund

教具: a computer


Step 1Revision Check the students’ homework

Step 2 Word study

Step 3 Grammar

Recall the usage of the infinitive and ask the students to finish the exercise in part 1

Step 4 Practice

Ask the students to finish the exercises and check the answers

Record after teaching : Pay more attention to the perfect and the passive infinitive form, esp. the active expressing the passive form

编写时间: Sept. 2,2005 执行时间:Sept. 7, 2005

第 1 单元 课题 Making a difference

第 6 课时 课型Integrating Skills


Students are asked to talk about their dreams using the expressions they have learned.

重点:know something about the scientists and say sth about them. 难点:learn sth in the text and write a composition.

教具: a computer


Step 1Revision Check the students’ homework

Step 2 language points study

Step 3 Ask the students to write a composition using the expression Step 4 Practice

Ask the students to finish the composition and check it.

Record after teaching : Pay more attention to writing . Before writing , discussion is necessary . After writing , checking before the class is more important.

编写时间: Sept. 5,2005 执行时间:Sept. 8,2005

第 1 单元 课题 Making a difference

第 7 课时 课型 exercises


Students are asked to do some exercises about what they have learned.

重点:review something about the text. 难点:review something in the text .

教具: a paper




punish, branch, be engaged to, predict, turn out to be, make a difference, doubt, use up, be satisfied with, go on with

1. KFC has lots of ________ in China.

2. No one can ________ what will happen in the future.

3. You will be ________ if you break the law.

4. They ________ their work after a rest.

5. This man appeared to be very kind, but he ________ a murderer in the end.

6. What will happen if we human beings ________ all the natural resources?

7. If everyone plants a tree, we can ________.

8. There is no ________ that Yang Liwei is a hero in China now.

9. He got the first place in the exam and his parents___ very___ his performance in the exam.

10. Tom ________ a pretty girl and they are going to get married soon.


1. branches 2. predict 3. punished 4. went on with

5. turned out to be 6. use up 7. make a difference

6.make翻译 篇六














1.Class opening and review


唱:It’s time for lunch。


2.New concepts

(1)May I borrow___?

We need ___。 Let’s borrow ____。


借助已知句型:Do you have any ____? May I have ____, please? 学习新句型May I borrow ____? We need ___。 Let’s borrow ____。

教科书:L15, N1



(2)We need some ___。


T: I’m hungry。 I want to eat some soup。 Boys and girls, let’s make soup! Ok!

Ss: Ok。

T: But we have nothing。 What do we need?

We need some…(出示water) We need some… (出示vegetables)

T: Say after me—we need some water, we need some vegetables…



(3)Story: The Magic Stone。




五、Class closing



Lesson 15:Let’s Make Soup!

May I have ____, please? We need ___。 Let’s borrow ____。

May I borrow___?



Liming: ___________________________。

Jenny: Sure。

Liming: ______________________ Thanks。

Jenny: _________________________。

A.I need a pencil。 B.May I borrow your pencil?

C.You are welcome。 D.Now I can draw some trees。


7.make翻译 篇七

The Second Period Learning about language

By 陈学恩 From 教苑中学

一. 教学目标 (Teaching aims)

1. 教学内容 (Teaching content)

Text Book 5 Unit 4, Page 26 Reading , Page 27 Comprehending, Page 28 Learning about language .

2. 能力目标 (Ability aim)

Enable the Ss to understand the meaning and uses of some of the new words.

Enable the Ss to know how to use some of the phrases and words.

3. 语言目标 (Language aim)


concentrte on…; accuse …of …;


Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.

Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.

二. 教学重难点 (Teaching important points)

Listen to the material to fill in the chart and answer the questions. Make sure the students have known Zhou Yang’s experiences.

Discuss with partners and have a dialogue to practice making appointment.

三. 教学方法 (Teaching method)

a. task-based learning

b. explaining ,discussing and practicing.

四. 教具准备 (Teaching aids)

A recorder, a projector, PowerPoint

五. 教学步骤 (Teaching procedure)

Step I. Lead-in

Ask the students to read the whole text and find out the new phrases that they don’t know how to use. Let the students do some exercises.

Step II. Explaining:

Show the students some important phrases and teach the uses of them.

Step III Practice

The students will do some exercises to consolidate.

Step IV. Homework

8.make翻译 篇八



1. This is Kitty and Ben’s model house.这是凯蒂和本的房子模型。

Kitty and Ben’s 中的’s 为名词所有格,表示所有关系,翻译为“……的”。



Lucy’s hat 露西的帽子my mother’s bike 我妈妈的自行车


the teachers’reading-room教师的阅览室

the twins’ bedroom 双胞胎的卧室


Childern’s books 儿童读物the women’s movement妇女运动


Lucy and Lily’s mother露西和莉丽的妈妈


1. They made it two years ago. 这是他们两年前制作的。

two years ago 意为“两年前”,与一般过去时连用。made为make的过去式。


如:I met her three years ago.我三年前遇见她。

(2)ago 须同过去时连用。如:I left school half a year ago.半年前我离开了学校。

2. They are going to make a new one.他们打算制作一个新的。

(1)“be going to +动词原形”表示事先经过考虑或事先做好安排,打算做某事。如:We are going to have a swim this afternoon.今天下午我们将去游泳。

一般疑问句将be 提前,否定句在be 后面加not。如:Are you going to meet this afternoon?

你们今天下午打算会面吗?Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.是的,我们将会面。/不, 我们不会面。(肯定和否定回答)I’m not going to help my mother this afternoon.今天下午我不打算帮我妈妈。

be going to 与will的区别:

(a)will 既可用于口语又可用于书面语,而be going to 则只用于口语,科技英语几乎不用它表示将来时。如:He is going to /will do his homework.他要做作业。

(b)be going to 表示事先经过考虑或事先做好安排,打算做某事;而will 可以表示没有经过事先考虑只是在说话时做出的决定。

-Jim is ill. –I ’m sorry to hear that. I will go and see him.


(c) will 表示事物的倾向性或规律性,be going to 不能这样用。

Tomorrow will be the 3rd of May.明天是五月三号。

(d)be going to 表示说话人认为有迹象表示即将发生某种情况。

Look! It’s going to rain. 看!天要下雨了!

三. 重难点解析

1. make意为“制造,制作”。make sb.sth.=make sth.for sb为某人制作某物

如:My father made me a model bus.我爸爸给我制作了一个公共汽车模型。

2. a bottle of glue 一瓶胶水



如:a bottle of beer 一瓶啤酒 a bowl of rice 一碗饭

two spoons of sugar 两匙糖 four boxes of pens 四盒钢笔

ten baskets of apples 十篮苹果

3. What do we use these cotton reels for? We use them for making tables. 我们用这些棉线轴做什么?我们用它们制作桌子。

use …for doing …用……来做…….=use …to do…如:(1)We use knives for cutting things.=We use knives to cut things.我们用刀来切东西。(2)We use coats for keeping warm.=We use coats to keep warm.我们用外套来保暖。

4. We use a pair of scissors for cutting things. 我们用剪刀剪东西。

a pair of scissors意思是“一把剪子”,scissors常用复数。我们学过a pair of trousers,类似的词还有:shoes, glasses, shorts等。

5. We use glue and tape for sticking things together 我们用胶水和胶带把东西粘在一起。


6. colour of the outside /inside of the model house 房子模型的外边/里边的颜色

(1)outside 在这里用作名词。反义词是inside,如:Don’t judge a man from the outside.不要根据外表来判断一个人。

(2)outside 还可用作介词、副词、形容词。

如:Let’s meet outside the school gate. 咱们在校门外边集合吧。

The boy is standing outside. 那个男孩在外边站着呢。

The house needs outside repairs. 这房子外部需要修理。

(3)与out ,out of 的区别:

(a)out 作副词,意为“出,在外”,反义词为in “在里面”;be out “外出”,反义词组为be in “在家”,be in =be at home。

She is out.=She isn’t in .她出去了。

out 作形容词,意为“外面的”或“在野的;下台的”。

an out match 外出访问比赛 an out Party 在野党

(b)out作副词还有“向外,…出”的意思,表示向外移动。go out for a walk出去散步

(c)out of 是动态介词,表示“从…出来(去)”,“在……范围外”。

They come out of the classroom.他们从教室里走出来。

Don’t look out of the window.不要朝窗外看。

7. things /furniture in the rooms 房间里的东西/家具

furniture 指家具(总称),一件家具应说:a piece of furniture

8. The new model house is bigger than the old one.新房子模型比旧房子模型(大)。


如:His brother is younger than I/me .他弟弟比我小。

Hangzhou is more beautiful than Wuhan.杭州比武汉美。

9. However, the rooms in the new model are smaller .然而,(新)房子模型的房间比较小。

根据上下文内容,新房子模型的房间比旧房子模型的房间小,因此用比较级,而后省略了than the ones in the old model house。

10. Let us show you how to make a model house. 让我们给你们示范怎样作房子模型。


He often shows me how to go to the Internet.他常告诉我怎样上网。


(1)show sb sth=show sth to sb 如:

Please show me your ticket=Please show ticket to me . 请出示你的票。

Show the boy your watch=Show your watch to the boy .给那个男孩看看你的表。

如果某物是代词,要用宾格,且不能用show sb sth句式,而只能用show sth to sb句式,此时某物只能是it 和them。如:(误)Show me it /them. (正)Show it/them to me .把它/它们给我看看。

(2)Show sb+从句

Show me what’s in your hand.给我看看你的手里有什么。

(3)show 还可以作“表现,显露,领路,上映,演出,展出”等解。

如:He shows great interest in science. 他对科学显示出极大的兴趣。

Please show me around your school.请带我参观一下你的学校。

What’s showing on the TV?电视演什么呢?

(4)show 作名词用,表示“演出,节目,炫耀”等。如:

There is a flower show this weekend 这周末有一个花展。

She is food of show.她喜欢炫耀。

11. Next ,cut a piece of cardboard to make a roof for your model house . 然后,剪一块纸板来做你的房子模型的房顶。

(1)a piece of …一片(块,张…)……如:a piece of paper 一张纸

a piece of bread一片面包

(2)to make a roof for your model house 为动词不定式作目的状语。


12. Finally, stick wallpaper onto the walls of the rooms.最后,把墙纸粘到房间的墙上。

stick粘住,粘在一起 stick…onto… 把……粘到……上



1. This is ______bedroom(卧室).

A. Lucy’s and Lily’s B. Lucy and Lily’s

C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy and Lily

2. He ______the apple into pieces twenty minutes ago.

A. cut B. cuts C. cutted D. cutting

3. I want to use matchboxes ______the wardrobes.

A. for make B. to make C. to making D. for making

4. What does the boy ______the cotton reels _____?

A. use… to B. use…for … C. use… in D. use… at

5. There______ two bottles of glue on the table.

A. is B. be C. are D. am

6. Let them______ the walls of the model house.

A. decorateing B. decorate C. decorating D. decorates

7. Mr Green uses glue and tape ______things togother.

A. sticking B. sticks C. stick D. for sticking

8. This girl is ______than her sister .

A. beautiful B. very beautiful C. more beautiful D. beautifuler

9. Tom’s brother uses a piece of paper_____ a toy bed.

A. making B. to making C. to make D. to makes

10. Aunt Wang _____some cakes _______us three days ago.

A. made…to B. makes…to C. made…for D. makes…for


1. My sister bought three _____of glue.(bottle ,bottles)

2. We used a _____of scissors to cut things.(pair, piece)

3. We’ll_____ need some tape. (possible ,possibly)

4. There is a beautiful ______on the window.(curatins, curtain)

5. We use straws for ______lamps.(make, making)


1. scissors ,cut, we, things, with


2. you , do , a , want, bottle ,milk ,of


3. for ,what ,you, do ,it ,use


4. use ,we ,for ,them, tables, making


5. are , bottles, two ,on ,glue, of ,the ,table, there



1. We use the glue to ________them together.(ctsik)

2. She wanted to make a ______.(fosa)

3. We often_______ our room with balloons .(cedaroet)

4. We use knives for______ things.(cingutt)

5. My daughter likes sticking things_____.(gotheter)


A. It’s Kitty’s. ( )1.What do you use them for?

B. I’ll need some paper. ( )2.What will you possibly need?

C. Yes, I am. )3.Whose house is it?

D. Five. ( )4.How many rooms are there in your flat?

E. We use them for making lamps. ( )5.Are you sticking things?


一. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. C

二. 1. bottles 2.pair 3.possibly 4.curtain 5.making

三. 1. We cut things with scissors.

2. Do you want a bottle of milk?

3. What do you use it for?

4. We use them for making tables.

5. There are two bottles of glue on the table.

四. 1. stick 2. sofa 3. decorate 4. cutting 5. together

9.make翻译 篇九

be made of 由~~材料制成

be made up of 由~~组成

make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗

make a mistake 弄错

make a point of doing 强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持

make advantages/use of 使用,利用

make after 追求,追赶

make believe 假装

make certain 确信,把~~弄清楚

make contact with 接通,与~~接触,与~~联系

make for 去向,向~~前进;有利于

make friends with 和~~交友

make into 把~~制成,使~~转变为

make much of 重视;理解;赏识

make one’s mind on sth. 决定某事

make one’s own 当作自己的看待

make oneself at home 随便,别拘束

make out 填写;开支票;理解;辨认

make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视

make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化装

make up to 接近,巴结;向~~求爱

make way for 为~~让路,让路于

on the make 急求成功;增加


put aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除

put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉

put back 把~~放回原处;驳回

put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落

put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议

put ... into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成

put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞

put on 上演;穿上,带上

put up with 忍受,容忍

put one’s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志

put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列













Task 1

1.College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories.

What do you think? Please include specific reasons and details in your


2.One of your friends is usually exhausted for his work. What suggestions

will you give to him if he wants to cultivate some personal interests?

3.If someone is visiting your country, what food will you introduce to the

visitor and why? Please include specific examples anddetails in your


4.School is planning to forbid the use of cell-phone on campus. What do you

think are the effects of the policy?

5.If you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be

making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal


6.What do you think we should do to reduce the use of cars or other

vehicles in order solve the traffic problems? Please include specific examples

and details in your explanation.

7.Which of the following is the best way to learn about a city: to join an

organized trip; to visit the museums; to take walks in the streets of its


8.Describe one or two ways your life may change five years from now. Please

include specific reasons and details in your response.

9.The advantages and disadvantages or the fast food.

10.Which of the following inventions do you think has made the greatest

impact on people in your country, the airplane, the computer,or the television?

Please include specific reasons and examples to support your choice.



Task 1: Your friend wants to study abroad, but he will graduate one year

later then. Do you think he should do this or not?

Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With more

and more people reading in electronic format, libraries will disappear.

Task 1

1. Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take

courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not

receive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good

program and why?

2. Some professors prefer to give regular quizzes. Some prefer to give

surprising quizzes. Please talk about the advantages and/or disadvantages of

surprising quizzes.

3. University students encounter many difficult challenges in their

studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you

deal with it?

4. Your school plans to open a new section for the school newspaper, which

one of the following would you suggest they add? Explain why.

1) Film recommendation

2) Tips and advice about student travel

3) Restaurant review

5. Students often want to get better grades in their classes. Explain what

students should do in order to improve their performance in the class.

6. What is your opinion on the following statement: students should be

allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?

7. Final is coming, and your friend often oversleeps and misses the class.

Will you help your friend to study while you also have a lot of exams?

8. Which of the following library volunteer would you want to choose to


1) helping people find the right material

2) reading to kids

3) keeping bookshelves organized

9. There is going to have students’ TV show. Which show would you like to

watch? Please Give your reasons.

1) Interview school leaders

2) Students’ debate on political and social topics

3) Comedy about school life

10. If your friend is a forgetful person who always has trouble remembering

important things like deadlines for school assignments. What suggestions do you

have for this friend of yours?

11. How should parents teach their kids to work with others?

12. Which of the following qualities do you think is the most important for

a university student to be successful?

1) Highly motivated

2) Hard-working

3) Intelligent

Choose one of these qualities and explain why it is important.

13. Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find


14. People set a variety of goals for themselves throughout their lives.

Describe one goal you would like to achieve in the future, and explain why this

goal is important to you. Include specific details in your explanation.

15. If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one

apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive. The other is a little far

from the campus but cheaper. Which one do you prefer and why?

16. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social


17. Which of the following has the greatest impact on students’ life?

1) electronic books

2) smart phones

3) online courses

18. Which do you think is the best way for students to know about Italian


1) cooking class

2) movie class

3) history class

19. Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you

have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.

20. You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The

government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green

space. Do you think this is a good idea?

1. Some students prefer to study for exam at night while other students

prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer, explain why.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best

ways to learn is by making mistakes. Use specific examples and details to

support your opinion.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? School shouldn’t

allow young students to use calculator during exam.

4. Some universities accept the students to choose a major field of study

when they enter the school; while other universities wait until the second or

the third year before students deciding to choose a major field of study. Which

do you prefer? Why or why not?

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A university’s

academic reputation is the most important thing a student should consider in

deciding which university to attend. Use examples and details to support your


6. Some university students choose to take difficult classes even if they

know they might not get a good grade in the class. Other students prefer to take

easier classes in which they know they will get a good grade. Which do you

prefer? Explain why.

7. Which one would you prefer? Go to a college in your hometown or go to a

university in a new town?

8. Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social

media websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?

9. Agree or disagree: if children do well in school, parents should give

them money as rewards?

10. Do you think the boss should supervise his employee when they are

working, or give his employee more freedom in work?

11. When giving feedbacks to students, some teachers would like to talk to

their students in person; while some teachers would give written comments to

students. Which do you prefer and why?

12. Some people say that childhood is the best time in a person’s life.

Other people disagree. What is your opinion? Explain why.

13. Some people like to make decisions based on their own experience; while

other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do

you prefer and why?

14. Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family

members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which

do you prefer and why?

15. Which one do you prefer? To spend money buying or owning things like

clothes, computers, or to spend it on experiences like vacations or


16. Some people prefer to buy the food that is already prepared. Other

people prefer to buy fresh food and prepare meals by themselves. Which do you

prefer? Explain why, using details and examples in your answer.

17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the

popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer

books than before.

18. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government

should ban violent TV shows and foul languages on TV?

19. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To protect the

health of young children, advertisement for candy and junk food should not be

shown on television. Use specific reasons and details in your response.

20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should
