


1.学生英文版留学申请书 篇一


The desire to know more about the nature has motivated me to step into the broad world of science. I have cultivated my great interest in physics, chemistry, biology and a lot of related fields since I was very young. I was armed with strong foundation in physics due to my three years’ time in Tianjin Nankai High School, (one of the most famous high schools in China).

In the September of , I entered University of Science and Technology of China and became a member of physics department since then. New environment always brings unexpected difficulties, and great effort has given by me to get adapt to the new life. During the period of hard trying, both my knowledge and my maturity have remarkably grown and I finally got rank above 12 % of 140, with overall GPA 3.5/4.0, and major GPA 3.8/4.0. My hard working finally earned me the Outstanding Student Scholarship in .

Besides enhancement of knowledge in physics, I have also accumulated a great deal of knowledge in chemistry and material science. I have got 95/100 in “The Structure and Properties in Solid and Solid State Chemistry” and 87/100 in “Solid State Optics and Spectroscopy”, among the top scores in class. Moreover, I have made effort to improve my ability in mathematics and computer science cautiously.(附加的段)

My two years’ research in Structure Research Laboratory of USTC has brought me to a more extensive and practical field of physics. Served as an undergraduate research assistant in Professor Xianhui Chen’s group, I have devoted most of my time to the research and my knowledge in condensed matter physics and its related fields have greatly increased. I have obtained all the basic experimental skills in a very short time and in order to keep with the pace of the latest achievement in my research field, I have spent a large amount of time in reading related journals, such as Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Solid State Chem. and so on.

At the beginning of 2003, I began my systematical work in exploring the growing method and transport property investigations in hole-doped single crystal BSLCO (Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO4+y) series and electron-doped NCCO (Nd2-xCexCuO4-y) series. My work was focused on the single crystal preparation and physical property measurement, especially the transport property and magnetic properties. After so many times of attempt in the melting range and descending speed, I successfully grew a great deal of single crystals with high quality. Moreover, I have spent so many days and nights together with my colleagues in lab measuring the resistance of the single crystals under zero field and high field. Due to the high quality of the crystals and our hard work, we finally obtained plenty of meaningful data and by analyzing the normal state property, I have submitted a paper titled “Field-induced log (1/T) diverging resistivity deviation from normal state in superconducting cuprates” to Phys. Rev. Lett. in 2003 as the third author. However, my work was not stopped and with further investigation in the 2D weak localization system, I have submitted another paper to Europhys. Lett. in October 2003 as a co-author.

Besides, through the work, I obtained almost all the skills of manipulation of the corresponding instruments from physical preparation to characterization, such as M.Braum Glove-Box system (Germany), MORRIS High Pressure system (Berkeley), Rietveld and Lebail Refinement of crystal structure from XRD pattern, 17 T Ultra-High Magnetic Field system (Oxford Science), AC Assistance Bridge (Liner Research Inc.) sputtering and so on. What’s more, I can skillfully use software, (GSAS, FullProf, CELL PCPDFWIN and etc), to analyze the structure of the material through X-ray diffraction data.

Beyond the achievement in research, the happiness I gained from the cooperation with others and the approach of the physics science was greater. Times of failure make me believe that the persistence is the only thing to make people gain their goals and the research work needs active and creative thinking. I often have discussion with other members in my group not only on the current encountered problem but also on the some new ideas for research. During the weekly group meeting, we often exchanged our views on our current research project and I have learned a lot through this communication.

Meanwhile, I never give up searching for more extensive and challenging field. Actually, some of my present work is from my own idea. Known the misfit layer of CoO2, I have grown some single crystals of highly efficient thermoelectric materials, such as Bi2Sr2Co2O, Bi2Sr2CoO6+y, Ca3Co4O9....... In order to find the relationship between the misfit structure of CoO2 layer and the high thermoelectricity, magneto-resistance and magneto-power, I have investigated the low-temperature transport, thermal and magnetic properties. By reading a number of related papers, I plan to take further investigation of these materials through their thermoelectric potential and other related measurements.

With great interest in nano science, I have paid extra attention to the update technique in synthesizing the nanowires and nanoparticles. Both from the corresponding books in this field and experience of the PhD students in my group, I grasped a number of methods, such as micro-emulsion, hydrothermal method, sol-gel and other soft chemical ways to synthesize the nano scale materials. Under the available condition, I am synthesizing the nano scale superconducting material YBCO and nanowires of magnetic materials, such as La0.5Ba0.5MnO3.

More and more do I realize the importance of collaboration, during my exploring of the novel polycrystalline Co1212 and Fe1212. The samples were reported by some group to be superconducting only if it is annealed under the extreme pressure. I have measured the transport property of the crystals and observed some abnormal phase transition of superconductivity. However, because of the limitation of experimental condition, our samples cannot become superconducting. In order to solve the problem, we cooperated with Institute of Physics of China Academic Science to obtain the extreme pressure. Two papers of my work on Co1212 have been submitted to the international journals late this year, and I was the second author. In this case, I realized the cooperation within and without a group is equally important, and sometimes accomplishment is gained under several groups of people. We also have done some work in YBCO thin film transport property, collaborated with professor C. L. Chen of Superconducting Center Texas, U.S.A.

In addition, I have also attended some of other sub-group’s research project, such as using sol-gel method to grow Ru1212, NaCoO2 transport property investigation and colossal magneto resistance materials preparation. What’s more, I have also attended the 7th National Superconductivity Conference and National Annual Conference of Physics in 2003. My ken was greatly enlarged by hearing the report of the attendance and my confidence in my research was increased at the same time.

Research interest and future plan

Material of science and engineering is concerned with the study of structure, properties and applications of materials. During my two years’ research in Structure Research Laboratory, I have accumulated plenty of knowledge in the related area of material science, and meanwhile my ability in doing research is greatly proved. In the past work, I have done quite a lot in synthesis as well as characterization, and I have also deal with different classes of materials, such as electronic, magnetic, superconducting and so on. I believe, aimed with strong foundation of physics, the appropriate area for me to take research work will be more extensive.

The area of interest is just as following:

1. I have read a lot of corresponding papers in magnetic recording research, and I have great interest in this kind of materials. I believe research in this area is important both for basic studies of the effects of dimensionality and interactions, and for the future of magnetic recording. Hence, I wish to do some work in synthesis and processing of this kind of materials.

2. Because nano materials, such as carbon nanotubes, nano particles, quantum dots, nano-porous structures, and nano-electronics device materials, are the essential part of the current and future nano-based technologies. I hope very much to continue my future research work in this area.

3. Moreover, I am also interested in the structural material, such as advanced engineering materials, which characters may be changed responding to the different mechanic condition. So I think I also hope to do the related research in analysis of materials property.

My future plan is to pursue my PhD degree in material science and engineering. In fact, though the technology is developing at a tremendous speed, there is still a lot of progress remaining to be made. For instance, nanoscale devices, either assembled lithographically or chemically, will have a high probability of failure. Therefore, any architecture built from large numbers of nano scale devices will necessarily contain a large number of defects, which fluctuate on time scales comparable to the computation cycle. Furthermore, deeper insight should be given into the constraints imposed by nano-devices, especially carbon nanotube-based devices, by modeling the devices and corresponding architectures. Such a framework can contribute towards building more powerful nano-probes, nano-computer and efficient power fuel-cells.

Why I Choose UCSD

UCSD is world famous for its outstanding faculty and reputation. Though the economic condition in California is not so satisfying at the moment, I believe it will not impede the future development of UCSD.

The Materials Science and Engineering Program at UCSD aims to provide fundamental knowledge for understanding of materials with the objective of predicting, modifying, and tailoring the properties of materials to yield, at the technology level, enhanced material performance. Also, I was greatly impressed by the great collaboration of different departments, which makes the Materials Science department more competitive and attractive. With so many outstanding professors and so broad research areas, I was convinced that the Material Science and Engineering Department is always the best choice for me to pursue my PhD degree.
























































2.学生英文版留学申请书 篇二


我校医学留学生主要来自英语为官方语言的国家, 留学生到校后虽然要经过一年的汉语学习培训, 但是这种培训也只能帮助他们应付日常的汉语交流, 在教学时如果用汉语讲解对留学生而言还是存在相当大的困难;另外, 在学生毕业后他们一般要回到自己的国家考取职业医师资格, 而这种考试所用语言都是英文, 除此以外, 由于我校留学生生源主要来自南亚国家, 他们的发音与我们熟知的英式发音或美式发音有很大的区别, 给任课教师用英文与同学交流造成了一定的困难[1]。因此, 无论从教师教学层面还是学生学习层面均需要用英文教学, 都对任课教师的英语水平提出了很高的要求。为此, 我校在留学生全英文教学师资建设上采取了有力措施。

1. 加强师资培养。

高素质的师资队伍是保证教学质量的关键。我校主要通过“百人计划”选派青年骨干教师出国学习、参加校内外短期英语强化班、专业外教培训、青年教师在职攻读博士学位和引进海外留学归国人员相结合的方式提高教师队伍素质。目前, 我校医学专业基础医学课程全英文教学已建设了一支专业知识过硬、专业英语精湛、具有较强的英语表达能力和教学水平的高素质教师队伍。

2. 严格全英文教师的遴选工作。

留学生生理学全英文教学的关键是任课教师的素质和水平[2], 在全英文教学教师遴选中我们主要从授课教师专业知识、英文交流能力、承担全英文教学的责任心几个方面重点考查, 推选专业知识扎实、责任心强和英文交流能力强的老师担任医学全英文课程教学。

3. 加强所聘外教在教学中的作用。

在教学初期, 由于缺乏留学生教学经验, 我们采取聘用有经验的外教的办法, 由外教承担主要的理论教学任务, 国内教师承担生理学实验教学任务。同时组织教研室教师随堂听讲外教教学过程, 由外教协助和指导相关全英文教学课程建设和教师培训工作, 随后逐渐过渡到教研室教师和外教共同承担所有理论教学任务, 目前, 随着教研室教师自身素质的综合提高, 我校生理学留学生全英文教学课程已由教研室教师全部承担, 教学效果得到留学生的一致好评。


合适的教材在医学全英文教学中特别重要。从2003年起本课程主要使用生源国原版英文教材进行教学, 同时为了满足教学的要求, 各课程负责人还积极参与英文教材的编写, 配套使用本教研室老师参编的英文教材作为扩充性英语资料。除此以外, 我们还加强与国内的重点高校以及外文图书进出口公司联系, 通过多渠道来源的教材选择, 极大地丰富了教师备课素材, 使教师备课内容更加充实, 备课质量大幅提高。


为了保证教师课堂教学质量, 我们加强了全英文生理学教师备课的指导和监督, 采取个人备课加集体备课制度。通过加强集体备课, 保证教师的备课质量, 共同研讨教学内容与方法。对于青年教师实行上课前严格的试讲制度和导师制, 做好青年教师的传帮带。


1. 采用互动讨论等多种式教学。

留学生收所在国文化的影像, 性格活泼, 表现欲强, 经常在课堂上主动提问[3], 因此我们利用留学生的这一特点, 开展了多种教学方法的研究、探索与应用, 在课堂教学中经常以提问启发的方式和学生进行互动式教学, 并在讲解过程中列举过生动的事例、适当应用肢体语言进行表达, 增强互动效果, 课堂教学效果明显提高。另外, 针对教学中的重点和难点, 根据不同章节的内容特点, 我们选取适当的内容在理论课教学中安排一定时间的课堂讨论, 讨论内容主要是用课堂上学到的理论知识去分析生活中和临床上遇到的各种现象, 达到培养学生分析解决问题的能力。

2. 教学中充分运用现代化教学手段和网络资源。

在教学手段上, 许多院校都充分应用多媒体教学手段, 我们在多媒体应用方面采取综合运用现代化教学手段如多媒体技术等, 通过录像、动画等不同形式进行教学, 提高了课堂教学的生动性、激发了学生的学习兴趣, 更好地帮助学生理解人体生理学知识。另外, 我们通过积极建立生理学课程网站, 丰富生理学教学内容, 并推荐一些国际上的顶级医学院校网络教学资源, 使留学生学到更多的生理学知识, 此种方式可很好地弥补在有限的课堂上无法学习的大量生理学知识, 有部分院校也采取了同样的方法[4], 从而提高了教学质量。

3. 课后交流与答疑。

我校招收的留学生来自多个不同的国家, 其基础参差不齐。为了提高学生对所学知识的理解和掌握程度, 除了平时课后利用E-mail或单独辅导等方式做好课后辅导外, 我们在阶段性课程讲解完后都安排相应老师对学生们做专门的辅导和答疑。在答疑过程中, 老师在解答留学生在学习中遇到的问题的同时还可通过语言交流锻炼自己同学生的英语语言交流能力, 增进老师与留学生之间的相互理解。


我们对留学生生理学实验教学进行了改革, 保留了部分经典的生理学实验教学, 同时加入一些与临床相关的生理学指标检测实验, 构建基础与临床相结合的实验教学体系, 如在血液章节, 我们加入红细胞和白细胞计数实验内容, 在心脏章节加入人体血压和肺功能测定实验内容。另外, 在实验构成上增加综合性实验项目数量, 通过综合性实验项目的教学提高学生综合分析解决问题的能力。


据生源国国家医学考试协会反馈, 我校培养的医学留学生其中已有超过75%的留学生回国后通过了生源国行医执照考试, 并有学生通过美国职业医生第一阶段考试。国内许多高校以及相关国家大使及其他政府官员先后多次来我校考察访问, 对学校的医学留学生教育给予了高度评价。我校的人才培养质量也得到了生源国医学界及学生家长的高度认可, 有较好的国际影响和社会声誉。

经过多年探索, 我们从聘请外教为主到外教和国内教师共同承担直至最后全部由教研室教师承担留学生生理学全英文教学, 经历了一系列的艰难探索, 其中, 全英文教学师资的培养在所有环节中起到了决定性的作用。上述积累的一些教学经验, 在此与同行共享, 希望能对该课程教学质量的提高起到积极的促进作用。

摘要:随着我国医学教育事业的发展, 医学教育国际间交流的日益增多, 国内许多高校开始招收医学留学生, 且招生数量正不断增加, 如何保证医学留学生教学质量成为留学生教育的一个重要课题。本文就如何提高留学生全英文教学质量进行了有益探索。



[1]王军, 朱晓晖, 崔世维.面向南亚留学生的医学全英语教学方法初探[J].南通大学学报 (教育科学版) , 2009, 25 (4) :91-93.

[2]陈懿, 唐标, 严暄暄, 文菊华.对巴基斯坦留学生英语教学的初浅体会[J].湖南中医药大学学报, 2010, 30 (2) :10-11.

[3]杨玲玲, 张钰哲, 吴建新.留学生生理学教学的实践和思考[J].中国科教创新导刊, 2012, (23) :219.

3.学生英文版留学申请书 篇三


【关键词】留学生 实验教学 英文实验教学

【基金项目】国家自然科学基金项目:“两亲聚合物溶液聚集体调控用于增强乳化的方法及机理研究”(No. 21273286),中国石油大学(华东)研究生全英语教学核心课程建设项目(No.QYY1405),中国石油大学(华东)精品实验建设项目(No. JS201403)联合资助。

【Abstract】Experimental teaching plays an important role in the cultivation of college students. It is an important way to train students to find problems, analyze and solve problems. As the international exchange continues to expand, the number of international students is increasing. In the foreign students?蒺 experimental teaching, there are problems such as the language barrier. The paper puts forward the method of transcribing and using English experimental teaching method to solve the problem of language barrier, which will stimulate students?蒺 interest in learning and improve the efficiency of teaching.

【Key words】the foreign students; experimental teaching; English experimental teaching

【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)01-0225-01






[1]曹杰,孙明波.石油工程专业留学生高分子化学课的教学思考[J].现代企业教育,2012,9 (下期):154~155.





4.英文留学申请书 篇四

My name is Lan Xi, a Ph.D. candidate studying Land Resource Management inCollege of Public Management, China University of Geosciences. I intend to spendone year of my doctor years in ASU School of Public Affairs by the end ofSeptember 20__ for a Ph.D. Mobility Program which I can acquire more knowledgeabout international policy of land management.

The land resource management is really an important major in ChineseUniversity. It’s a subject of applied science which is combined both land policyand planning of land, and it helps the government to optimize the distributionof land resources. I’ve been studying the land resource management at least 7years since 20__ when I was a college student, and I also love this major for 7years. I’ve read about your papers about land policy published on somemagazines, and I can feel your abundant knowledge and lofty personality inwords. Moreover, your altitude about sustainable development affects me a lot.As myself, it’s so thankful for my 7 years studying of land resource managementand 5 more projects. It makes me become an accomplished and experienced person.And I’m sure I can help you and your team with some land projects.

I really want to join your team to learn more about the land resourcemanagement and exchange the experience. And I would greatly appreciate it if youcould send me more information about the application at your earliestconvenient.

Sincerely yours,

5.外国留学英文申请书格式 篇五

Buildings are a necessity in life, and I would like to be the next innovative mind that will produce works as extraordinary as that of Renzo Piano, Sir Norman Foster and Zaha Hadid. Neo-Futurism is a movement that interests me because of the mix between art and technology which can be shown in works such as Wembley Stadium or The Shard. I think this course will let me showcase my creative, team work and IT skills that are fundamental in this field.

Art is a regular hobby of mine, and studying it in school not only made me experiment with different media and techniques, but at A2, it allowed me to think like an artist and understand, for example, the symbolism of a Pre-Raphaelite painting such as Ophelia. Not having studied Art at GCSE meant that I had to learn new techniques such as mono-printing or dry point within a short amount of time and this progress is shown in my AS sketchbooks.

Mathematics is a subject I have enjoyed throughout my school years, however I believe my AS grade does not reflect my full potential. Classical Civilisation was a subject that I thoroughly enjoyed at GCSE. The modules within the course led me to research about the history of architecture during the Greek and Roman periods. I learned about the detail in which buildings were designed, from the frieze on temples to common buildings such as homes and various key elements which reflected a part of their culture.

English Literature allowed me to broaden my knowledge of Literature by studying novels and poems. This subject has also taught me how to understand someone else’s opinion and counteract with a valid argument through essay-writing and class debates. I feel that this quality will be helpful when discussing social and environmental aspects of designing buildings.

Computing enables me to understand the way in which a system works, and the opportunity to create my own system as part of my A2 unit led me to understand several aspects of computers such as programming, creating databases and working with clients. I have been interested in CAD since I was introduced to it briefly during Textiles Technology at GCSE and since then, I have practiced personal projects with programs such as Photoshop and AutoCAD.

I enjoy helping with teaching lower school students as I usually help out in art lessons on a weekly basis and have also taken part in a peer mentoring scheme in which I was able to guide Year 11 students for their GCSE exams. This is something from which I gained an insight about taking on responsibility and having leadership skills. This year I am also part of the Student Council, and as a sixth form student, it is my responsibility to ensure that input from all key stages are being taken into account during organisation of events or simply for new changes.

Volunteering weekly at Cancer Research helps me gain customer service and work as part of a team for an important cause. I also read novels, and often write works of fiction, including topics such as mystery, crime and coming of age.

I regularly play badminton and I would like to carry this hobby with me to university. Recently I have enrolled on an online course for creative writing in order to broaden my writing skills. A personal visit to Bath earlier this year also heightened this interest in past architectural designs from the Greek and Roman periods and the elements which we still may use today such as arches or aqueducts. I would like to study Architecture at university because I believe that a combination of my skills and creativity will let me integrate well within this course. I am keen to learn about how current technology is used to develop extraordinary and unique buildings, taking culture, nature or even the past as inspiration.

I am keen to learn about how current technology is used to develop extraordinary and unique buildings, taking culture, nature or even the past as inspiration.”

Yours sincerely,


























6.个人英文出国留学申请书 篇六

I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further mystudy in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of AppliedPhysics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get myB.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I choseBoston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array ofdatabases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe myinterests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solidacademic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduatestudy.

I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the GraduateApplication Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, andother relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of thisletter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

7.学生英文版留学申请书 篇七

来华留学生这个群体以青少年为主, 这个年龄的人群本身的心理成长特征正处在一个阶段向另一个阶段过渡的时期, 发展具有不稳定性、可塑性[1]。此外, 留学生处在异国, 想象和现实的反差, 政治制度、社会意识形态之间的反差, 不同文化传统、宗教信仰、民族特性及生活习惯之间的差异都容易导致他们产生适应不良、焦虑、抑郁等不良情绪。这些生理、心理、个性特点更影响他们发展的不平衡、不稳定, 使他们极易受到外界环境的各种因素影响[2]。

在管理过程中, 我们发现留学生随着入校时间的推移, 学生适应能力、医学知识的增加、自我调节能力的提高, 心理健康状况会有不同的变化。因此, 对不同年级留学生进行心理测评, 分析不同年级留学生主要存在哪些方面心理问题, 对产生的问题进行分析, 并采取对症措施进行心理干预 (对症为留学生进行咨询、疏导, 并进行各种行为指导及治疗;学校除了组织各种健康有益的活动外, 有计划的开设与心理相关的课程) , 是管理留学生的重要任务, 也是高校开展心理健康教育的重要组成部分。

1 研究对象

整群抽取新疆医科大学国际教育学院2007~2011级临床本科留学生 (分别为1~5年级) 542人为调查对象。

2 调查方法

防御方式问卷 (Defense Style Questionnaire) , 简称DSQ。是由M、Bond (加拿大) 于1983年编制的一种自评问卷。后来分别于1986年和1989年两次修订。该问卷改变了以往了解防御机制的方法主要是依靠会谈和自传分析的方法, 能够较全面、省时地收集较标准的资料, 便于比较和研究[3]。该问卷包含88个项目, 每个项目均采用较为细致的1~9级评定方法 (完全反对;很反对;比较反对;稍微反对;既不反对也不同意;稍微同意;比较同意;很同意;完全同意) , 此处之程度, 完全由评定者自己的体会, 即是否赞同条目对自己行为的描述, 并无硬性规定。全部项目可概括为4个因子, 即:不成熟的防御机制、成熟防御机制、中间型防御机制和掩饰因子。因子分值越靠近9, 即应用某类机制的频度越大, 其掩饰度则越小。此问卷测试的是习惯化的行为方式, 评定的时间范围应适当延长 (本次测评中, 我们的要求学生填写一年内的感受) 。

该问卷的目的是能够收集较为完整、连续的心理社会成熟程度指标, 适用于研究成年人的防御机制。防御机制不管是在疾病中可能是种病理心理机制, 还是在缓解内心痛苦, 减少应激时是种中介机制, 在理论和实践中, 都是极其重要的[3]。

3 质量控制

为保证调查的客观性、准确性, 调查员是留学生管理干部 (大部分有医学背景) , 并对调查员进行了集中培训, 统一要求、统一标准和进度, 统一指导语。

调查员组织全部留学生在课堂上完成问卷, 留学生个人做出独立的、不受任何人影响的自我评定。调查员组织全体学生集中在一起, 当场发放、当场收回。当天调查完后, 第二天在各班随机抽样3%进行重复调查, 观察两次调查结果。在本次调查中, 结果一致。

4 防御方式问卷量表 (DSQ) 测试结果

调查发出问卷542份, 收回537份, 有效问卷509份, 有效回收率为93.9%。需对88个项目进行填写, 每个项目均采用较为细致的1~9级评定方法 (完全反对;很反对;比较反对;稍微反对;既不反对也不同意;稍微同意;比较同意;很同意;完全同意) , 程度完全由学生自己体会, 也就是说:是否赞同条目对自己行为的描述, 并无硬性规定。平均填表时长38分钟。

我校留学生防御方式问卷调查, 见表1。

留学生防御方式与生活事件应激强度的相关分析 (见表2) 。

5 讨论

根据表5的结果显示, 测试者中68.24%的学生成熟防御机制占第1位。22.34%的学生掩饰因子占第1位。7.31%的学生中间型防御机制占第1位, 只有2.11%的学生不成熟防御机制占第1位。测试者中各种防御机制的频度次序依次为:成熟防御机制, 掩饰因子, 中间型防御机制, 不成熟防御机制。说明留学生在受到内在或外在刺激引起情绪波动时, 大多数学生都能采用较为合理的防御机制来调节心理平衡 (或者说有意愿自我调节) , 这是一个好现象, 这对留学生心理健康发展是有利的, 说明我校留学生在学习医学专业期间, 对内在或外在的刺激引起情绪波动时, 自我调节和平衡能力与国内学生相当。

从留学生防御方式与生活事件应激强度的相关分析 (表2) , 不成熟防御方式与人际关系、学习压力、健康适应等成正相关;中间型防御方式与健康适应因子成正相关。防御方式、生活事件应激强度之间是相互影响的[4]。

本次调查通过防御方式问卷DSQ测试, 通过专业软件进行统计、分析, 并结合青少年生活事件量表ASLEC多元线性回归分析, 认为留学生超过半数学生 (68.24%) 都发生过负性生活事件, 根据他们自身的成熟度和心理调节能力, 结合他们医学专业知识增加, 他们也有意愿进行心理调节, 这为管理者提供良好的基础保障。


[1]Araujo K, Ryst E.Adolescent defense style and life stressors[J].Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 2001, 30 (1) :19-28.

[2]陈慧, 车宏生, 朱敏.跨文化适应影响因素研究述评[J].心理科学进展, 2003, 11 (6) :704-710.

[3]汪向东, 王希林, 马弘.心理卫生评定量表手册[J].中国心理卫生杂志, 1999, 13 (增刊) :102-105.

8.留学申请巧避“误区 篇八












9.留学申请书范本_中英文 篇九

I am a student, Graduated from the yunnan national university sports education professional, I like directional movement, directional movement directional movement directional movement originated in Sweden ,so I have a dream to study in Sweden.Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to University of Gothenburg for study.First, Sweden is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.Second, the tuition is lower than other countries, which I think is more reasonable for me.Finally, Sweden, picturesque, environment is graceful, suitable for living, the climate of Sweden is similar with the climate of the South of China.Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to Sweden for study, and my parent agreed with me.As a girl, I like directional movement since I was young.Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to education.If I study specialized curriculums on directional movement, I will go back China and work hard on directional movement after leaving college.My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in Sweden.Then, I will study specialized curriculums on directional movement.I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums.Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study.After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.
