


1.10月6日—2017年10月11日时事政治考点资料 篇一







3)[反腐] 山东省人大内司委原副主任委员张建华接受调查。



8)[军事] “国际军事比赛-2018”新疆库尔勒赛区三项赛事圆满收官,中国陆军取得3个团体第一,6个单项第一。

9)[港澳] 梁振英连续5天撰文,敦促外国记者会取消“港独”演讲,他还向《南华早报》书面表示,“所有中国公民都应该反对分离主义者”。

10)[台湾] 拖延两周仍有三家美航企未修改涉台标注,民航局回应:密切关注修改情况。两岸儿童绘画书法作品展在郑州开幕。




4)美国业界反对特朗普政府对华商品加征关税。美国的盟友加拿大 开始“抵制美国货”了,之前加拿大便利店内约40%至60%的食品都来自美国。










2.10月6日—2017年10月11日时事政治考点资料 篇二

第十五届中国东西部合作与贸易洽谈会是由国家发展改革委、商务部、中国贸促会等9个国家部委、31个省市人民政府和新疆生产建设兵团共同主办的国家级重点展会。届时, 位于西安曲江国际会展中心B4馆的“新兴产业馆”将围绕新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料和新能源汽车等战略性新兴产业, 以及国家产业调整振兴规划确定的重点产业, 推出一批新技术项目, 特别是由陕西省工业和信息化厅组织的“陕西物联网”展区, 将优选陕西本土物联网相关企业, 精心组织, 重点突出陕西物联网产业基础扎实、产业链完整的特点。以声、光、电等先进技术, 动态演示、现场互动。让参观者能切身体验到物联网技术给人们的生产生活带来的便利。

在本次展会的“新兴产业馆”, 您将看到陕西物联网总体介绍、西安国际港务区将带来的中国大型国际陆港示范展示, 同时将体验到大唐电信的“感知矿山”、中国移动的“电梯卫士”、迅腾科技的“精细农业”现场连线杨凌示范田、西安元智的物联网文物安保、西安智控的智能家居系统、思明电力的电力巡检、世纪互联及未来国际的云计算平台、航天恒星的飞邻平台、中星测控的智能传感器、优势微电子的“唐芯一号”、烽火的智能物流等等代表今后产业发展方向的新兴概念和产业布局。

3.8月11日— 9月10日 篇三
















4.10月6日—2017年10月11日时事政治考点资料 篇四

Seizing the Opportunity of a Global Economy in Transition and Accelerating

Development of the Asia-Pacific

——在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上的主旨演讲 – Keynote Address at the APEC CEO Summit


H.E.Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

2017年11月10日,岘港 Da Nang, 10 November 2017

武进禄主席先生,亚太工商界各位代表,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Chairman Vu Tien Loc,Leaders of the APEC Business Community, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,大家好!很高兴来到岘港,再次同亚太工商界的朋友见面。Good afternoon!I am glad to come to Da Nang and meet all of you again.亚太是全球经济最大的板块,也是世界经济增长的一个主要引擎。工商界是促进经济增长的生力军,是新发展理念的探索者、实践者。这几年,每次出席亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议,我都抽出时间同工商界的朋友见面,共同探讨应对当前挑战的思路和举措。

Our region, the Asia-Pacific, has the biggest share of the global economy;and it is a major engine driving global growth.The business community is a primary contributor to growth, as it keeps exploring new ways of development.That’s why during the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting over the last several years, I have always taken time to meet business leaders and discuss with you approaches and measures to address the challenges we face.国际金融危机发生10年来,国际社会一起努力,推动世界经济逐步回到复苏的轨道。今天,我们迎来了世界经济逐步向好的局面。尽管仍然面临风险和不确定性,但全球贸易和投资回暖,金融市场预期向好,各方信心显著增强。

It has been 10 years since the international financial crisis broke out.Over the last decade, the international community have worked in concert to steer the global economy back to the track of recovery.Thanks to our efforts, the global economy is improving.Despite risks and uncertainties, global trade and investment are picking up, people are more optimistic about the outlook of financial markets, and confidence is growing in all sectors.发展之路没有终点,只有新的起点。“往者不可谏,来者犹可追。”世界正处在快速变化的历史进程之中,世界经济正在发生更深层次的变化。我们要洞察世界经济发展趋势,找准方位,把握规律,果敢应对。

Development is a journey with no end, but with one new departure point after another.An ancient Chinese philosopher once observed, “We should focus our mind on the future, not the past.” We live in a fast-changing world, and the global economy is undergoing more profound changes.We must therefore closely follow the trend of the global economy, identify its underlying dynamics, keep to the right direction, and, on that basis, take bold action.——我们正面临增长动能的深刻转变。当前,改革创新成为各国化解挑战、谋求发展的方向。结构性改革的正面效应和潜能持续释放,对各国经济增长的促进作用进一步显现。新一轮科技和产业革命形成势头,数字经济、共享经济加速发展,新产业、新模式、新业态层出不穷,新的增长动能不断积聚。– We are seeing a profound change in growth drivers.Countries are turning to reform and innovation to meet challenges and achieve growth.The potential of structural reforms is being unlocked and its positive impact of boosting growth of various countries has become more evident.A new round of technological and industrial revolutions is gaining momentum.Digital economy and sharing economy have registered rapid growth.New industries as well as new forms and models of business are flourishing.As a result, new growth drivers are being created.——我们正面临全球发展方式的深刻转变。随着时代进步,发展的内涵正在发生深刻变化。创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念日益深入人心,实现更加全面、更有质量、更可持续的发展,是国际社会共同追求的目标。落实2030年可持续发展议程,应对气候变化等全球性挑战,成为国际社会重要共识。

– We are seeing a profound change in the model of global growth.As time advances, development has taken on profoundly richer implications.The vision of innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all is gaining increasing public support.To achieve more comprehensive, higher quality and more sustainable development has become the shared goal of the international community.To implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and adapt to climate change and other challenges of a global nature has become an important international consensus.——我们正面临经济全球化进程的深刻转变。过去数十年,经济全球化对世界经济发展作出了重要贡献,已成为不可逆转的时代潮流。同时,面对形势的发展变化,经济全球化在形式和内容上面临新的调整,理念上应该更加注重开放包容,方向上应该更加注重普惠平衡,效应上应该更加注重公正共赢。– We are seeing a profound change in economic globalization.Over the last few decades, economic globalization has contributed greatly to global growth.Indeed, it has become an irreversible historical trend.Against the backdrop of evolving global developments, economic globalization faces new adjustments in both form and substance.In pursuing economic globalization, we should make it more open and inclusive, more balanced, more equitable and beneficial to all.——我们正面临全球经济治理体系的深刻转变。世界经济格局的演变对全球经济治理体系提出了更高要求。坚持多边主义,谋求共商共建共享,建立紧密伙伴关系,构建人类命运共同体,是新形势下全球经济治理的必然趋势。

– We are seeing a profound change in the system of global economic governance.The evolving global economic environment demands more from the system of global economic governance.We should uphold multilateralism, pursue shared growth through consultation and collaboration, forge closer partnerships, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.This, I believe, is what we should do in conducting global economic governance in a new era.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,面对世界经济的深刻转变,亚太在改革创新大潮中是勇立潮头,还是迟疑徘徊?是主动引导经济全球化继续前行,还是在挑战面前犹豫不定?是携手开辟区域合作新局面,还是各自渐行渐远? Faced with the profound changes in the global economy, should we, the Asia-Pacific economies, lead reform and innovation, or just hesitate and proceed haltingly? Should we steer economic globalization, or dither and stall in the face of challenge? Should we jointly advance regional cooperation, or go our separate ways?

答案是清楚的,我们必须顺应大势,勇于担当,共同开辟亚太发展繁荣的光明未来。This is my answer: We must advance with the trend of times, live up to our responsibility and work together to deliver a bright future of development and prosperity for the Asia-Pacific.第一,继续坚持建设开放型经济,努力实现互利共赢。开放带来进步,封闭必然落后。亚太经济体通过自身发展实践,对这一点有着深刻体会。我们要努力打造平等协商、广泛参与、普遍受益的区域合作框架,合力构建开放型亚太经济,促进贸易和投资自由化便利化。我们要引导经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展,造福不同国家、不同阶层、不同人群。我们要主动适应全球产业分工调整变化,积极引领全球价值链重塑,确立新定位,构筑新优势。我们要支持多边贸易体制,坚持开放的区域主义,帮助发展中成员更多从国际贸易和投资中受益。

First, we should continue to foster an open economy that benefits all.Openness brings progress, while self-seclusion leaves one behind.We the Asia-Pacific economies know this too well from our own development experience.We should put in place a regional cooperation framework that ensures consultation among equals, wide participation and shared benefits, build an open Asia-Pacific economy and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.We should make economic globalization more open, inclusive and balanced so that it benefits different countries and people of different social groups.We should proactively adapt to the evolving international division of labor and actively reshape the global value chain so as to upgrade our economies and build up new strengths.We should support the multilateral trading regime and practice open regionalism to make developing members benefit more from international trade and investment.建成亚太自由贸易区是亚太工商界多年的梦想。2006年,正是在工商界呼吁下,亚太经合组织成员领导人在河内首次把建设亚太自由贸易区确立为远景目标。2014年,我们在北京启动亚太自由贸易区进程。我们应该行动起来,全面深入落实北京路线图,向着建成亚太自由贸易区的目标不断迈进,为开放型亚太经济提供机制保障。

The building of a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific(FTAAP)is the long-cherished dream of the business community in our region.It was in response to the call of the business community that APEC leaders, for the first time, initiated the FTAAP vision in Hanoi in 2006.In 2014, the FTAAP process was launched in Beijing.We should get into action, fully implement the Beijing Roadmap, move toward the FTAAP and provide an institutional underpinning for growing an open economy in the Asia-Pacific.第二,继续谋求创新增长,挖掘发展新动能。当前,世界经济回稳,周期性因素发挥了很大的作用,内生动能不足的顽疾并未消除。世界经济彻底摆脱“新平庸”的风险,只能向创新要动力。Second, we should continue to pursue innovation-driven development and create new drivers of growth.The current global economic recovery is, to a large extent, the result of cyclical factors, while the lack of self-generating driving forces remains a nagging problem.To avoid the risk of the global economy entering a “new mediocre”, we must sustain growth through innovation.我们正迎来新一轮科技和产业革命,数字经济、共享经济在全球范围内掀起浪潮,人工智能、量子科学等新技术不断取得突破,亚太不能等待和观望。我们应该抢抓机遇,加大创新投入,转变发展方式,培育新的经济增长点。要积极推进结构性改革,消除一切不利于创新的体制机制障碍,激发市场活力。要落实好北京会议《经济创新发展、改革与增长共识》,深化互联网和数字经济合作,引领全球创新发展的方向。

The new round of technological and industrial revolutions is unfolding before us.Digital economy and sharing economy are surging worldwide, and breakthroughs have been made in new technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum science.We in the Asia-Pacific cannot afford to be just onlookers.What we should do is to seize the opportunity, increase input in innovation, change the model of development and nurture new growth areas.We should promote structural reform, remove all institutional and systemic barriers to innovation and energize the market.We should implement the APEC Accord on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth adopted in Beijing, deepen cooperation on the internet and digital economy and strive to be a global leader of innovative growth.第三,继续加强互联互通,实现联动发展。联动发展是对互利共赢理念的最好诠释。亚太经济体利益交融,联系紧密。坚持联动发展,既能为伙伴提供发展动力,也能为自身创造更大发展空间。2014年,我们制定完成了亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图。我们要以蓝图为指引,建立全方位、多层次、复合型的亚太互联互通网络。要充分发挥互联互通对实体经济的辐射和带动作用,打破发展瓶颈,释放发展潜力,形成协调联动发展的格局。

Third, we should continue to enhance connectivity and achieve interconnected development.Interconnected development is the best way to achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcome.We the Asia-Pacific economies are closely connected, and our interests are interlocked.Such an interconnected development will both open up new horizon for our own development, and create driving force for us all to achieve common development as partners.In 2014, the APEC Connectivity Blueprint was formulated.This Blueprint should guide our efforts to build a comprehensive, all-round and multi-tiered Asia-Pacific connectivity network.We should boost the real economy through the building of connectivity, break bottlenecks to development and unlock potentials.With these efforts, we can achieve coordinated and interconnected development.今年5月,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京成功举办。共建“一带一路”倡议的核心内涵,就是促进基础设施建设和互联互通,加强经济政策协调和发展战略对接,促进协同联动发展,实现共同繁荣。这一倡议源自中国,更属于世界;根植于历史,更面向未来;重点面向亚欧非大陆,更向所有伙伴开放。我相信,共建“一带一路”倡议的深入推进,将为亚太各方提供更加广阔、更有活力的合作平台!

In May this year, the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing.The Belt and Road Initiative calls for joint contribution and it has a clear focus, which is to promote infrastructure construction and connectivity, strengthen coordination on economic policies, enhance complementarity of development strategies and boost interconnected development to achieve common prosperity.This initiative is from China, but it belongs to the world.It is rooted in history, but it is oriented toward the future.It focuses on the Asian, European and African continents, but it is open to all partners.I am confident that the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative will create a broader and more dynamic platform for Asia-Pacific cooperation.第四,继续增强经济发展包容性,让民众共享发展成果。当前,经济全球化进程遭遇逆风,一个重要原因是发展的包容性不足。让不同国家、不同阶层都能享受发展红利,让美好的愿景变为现实,仍需要作出不懈努力。

Fourth, we should continue to make economic development more inclusive and deliver its benefits to our people.The current headwinds confronting economic globalization is mostly generated by the lack of inclusiveness in development.Hard work is still needed if we are to bring the benefits of development to countries across the globe and people across our society, and thus turn our vision into reality.过去几年,我们围绕包容发展进行了积极探索,有了坚实的共识基础。我们要结合区域经济一体化的深入推进,做大开放普惠的市场,做强利益共享的链条。我们要把包容共享理念融入发展战略,努力健全讲求效率、注重公平的体制机制,维护社会公平正义。我们要在教育、医疗、就业等民生领域加大投入,解决好贫困、收入差距拉大等问题。我们要加大对弱势群体的扶持力度,改善中小微企业发展环境,增强劳动者适应产业变革的能力,让人人拥有机遇,享有成果!

Over the past few years, we have actively explored ways to promote inclusive development and have built strong consensus about it.We should deepen regional economic integration, develop an open and inclusive market and strengthen the bond of shared interests.We should make inclusiveness and sharing a part of our development strategies, improve systems and institutions to uphold efficiency and fairness, and safeguard social equity and justice.We should invest more in education, medical care, employment and other areas that are important to people’s livelihood, and address poverty and the widening gap between the rich and the poor.We should reach out to disadvantaged groups, improve business environment for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and enable the workforce to better adapt to industrial transformation, so that everyone will have his fair share of opportunity and benefits.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,中国古人说:“口言之,身必行之。”实现亚太更大发展,需要每个成员脚踏实地拿出行动。作为全球第二大经济体,中国深知自身肩负的责任。过去5年,我们主动适应、把握、引领经济新常态,深入推进供给侧结构性改革,保持经济稳中向好、稳中有进,推动中国发展不断向着更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续的方向迈进。过去4年,中国经济平均增长率为7.2%,对世界经济增长的平均贡献率超过30%,成为世界经济的主要动力源。

As an old Chinese saying goes, a commitment, once made, should be delivered.Boosting development in the Asia-Pacific requires real actions by all of us members.As the world’s second largest economy, China knows fully well its responsibility.Over the past five years, we have taken proactive steps to adapt to, manage and steer the new normal of China’s economy and deepened supply-side structural reform.As a result, China’s economy has maintained steady performance, and we are pursuing better-quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development.Over the past four years, China’s economy has grown by 7.2% on the average annually, contributing over 30% of global growth.China is now a main driver powering global growth.我们通过全面深化改革破除妨碍发展的体制机制障碍,推出360个重大改革方案、1500多项改革举措,一批重要领域和关键环节改革取得突破性进展,主要领域改革主体框架基本确立。我们加快构建开放型经济新体制,转变对外贸易和投资方式,继续推动对外贸易由量的扩张转向质的提升。We have worked hard to remove systematical institutional barriers that impede development through comprehensive reform.As many as 360 major reform initiatives and more than 1,500 reform measures have been taken.Breakthroughs have been made in key areas, and general frameworks for reform have been put in place in major sectors.We have sped up efforts to build new institutions of the open economy and transform models of foreign trade and outbound investment to continue the shift from quantitative to qualitative improvement in trade.我们全方位推进理论创新、实践创新、制度创新、文化创新以及其他各方面创新,不断释放增长新动能。中国正成为各种创新要素发挥集聚效应的广阔平台,不论基础设施还是经济业态,不论商业模式还是消费方式,都迸发出创新的澎湃动能。

We have advanced theoretical, practical, institutional, cultural and other explorations to unleash new impetus for growth.China has become a huge platform where all factors and players of innovation converge to make a real difference.From infrastructure to various economic sectors, from business models to ways of consumption, innovation is leading the way.我们深入贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,努力提升发展的包容性和共享水平。居民收入持续较快增长,连续多年跑赢同期国内生产总值。城乡区域收入分配差距持续缩小,中等收入群体持续扩大,基尼系数下降,每年新增城镇就业已连续4年保持1300万人以上。绿色发展取得显著成效,能源资源消耗强度大幅下降,生态环境治理明显加强。

We have pursued a people-centered philosophy of development to make our development more inclusive and beneficial to all.Individual income has registered sustained growth, outpacing GDP growth for many years.Income gaps between urban and rural areas and between different regions have been narrowing, middle-income group expanding, and Gini coefficient dropping.More than 13 million new urban jobs have been created every year for four consecutive years.Significant advances have been made in pursuing green development, resulting in considerable reduction in the intensity of energy and resource consumption and marked improvement in the ecological environment.让所有贫困人口脱贫,是中国政府对人民作出的承诺,也是我牵挂最多、花精力最多的一件事情。过去5年,我走访了全国很多贫困地区,目的是找准致贫的根源,提出管用的举措。中国脱贫攻坚战取得决定性进展。5年来,又有6000多万贫困人口稳定脱贫,贫困发生率持续下降,贫困地区农村居民人均收入保持两位数增长。这一成果来之不易,我们为之感到自豪。

To lift all the remaining poor people out of poverty is a solemn commitment made by the Chinese government to the people.It is uppermost in my mind, and I have spent more energy on poverty alleviation than anything else.Over the past five years, I have been to many poor areas in China to pin down the causes of poverty and address them in a targeted way.As a result, decisive progress has been made in the fight against poverty.Over the past five years, we have lifted more than 60 million people out of poverty.The poverty headcount ratio has declined, and per capita rural income in poor areas has maintained double-digit growth.This has not come easily, and we are proud of what we have achieved in poverty alleviation.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,中国的发展是一个历史进程。上个月,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会在北京胜利召开。大会聚焦人民对美好生活的向往,制定了新时代中国特色社会主义的行动纲领和发展蓝图。2020年,中国将全面建成小康社会。到2035年,中国将基本实现社会主义现代化。到本世纪中叶,中国将建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国。在中国共产党领导下,中国人民将开启新征程。China’s development is an evolving historical process.Last month, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully convened in Beijing.Responding to our people’s desire for a better life, the Congress formulated a guide to action and a development blueprint for China in the new era.It is envisaged that by 2020, China will turn itself into a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and by 2035, China will basically realize socialist modernization.By the middle of this century, China will become a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally-advanced, harmonious and beautiful.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people will embark on a new journey.第一,这是全面深化改革、持续释放发展活力的新征程。解决前进道路上的困难和问题,关键在于全面深化改革。我们将强化问题导向,坚决破除一切不合时宜的思想观念和体制机制弊端,突破利益固化的藩篱,激发全社会创造力和发展活力。我们将构建系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的制度体系,不断推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。明年,我们将隆重纪念改革开放40周年。中国改革的领域将更广、举措将更多、力度将更强。

First, this is a new journey of deepening reform across the board and unleashing dynamism for development.To resolve difficulties and problems on the way forward, we must deepen all-round reform.We will focus more on solving problems, get rid of all outdated thinking and ideas and all institutional ailments and break through the blockades of vested interests to inspire creativity and vitality throughout society.We will develop a set of institutions that are well conceived, fully built, procedure based, and efficiently functioning and achieve modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance.Next year, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of China’s launching of the reform and opening-up initiative.China’s reform will cover more areas;and more and stronger steps will be taken in pursuing this endeavor.第二,这是与时俱进、创新发展方式的新征程。中国经济已经由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。我们将贯彻新发展理念,坚持质量第一、效益优先,建设现代化经济体系。我们将以供给侧结构性改革为主线,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,提高全要素生产率,着力加快建设实体经济、科技创新、现代金融、人力资源协同发展的产业体系,着力构建市场机制有效、微观主体有活力、宏观调控有度的经济体制,不断增强经济创新力和竞争力。我们将推动互联网、大数据、人工智能和实体经济深入融合,在数字经济、共享经济、清洁能源等领域培育新的增长动能。我们将不断探索区域协调发展新机制新路径,大力推动京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展,建设雄安新区、粤港澳大湾区,建设世界级城市群,打造新的经济增长极。

Second, this is a new journey of moving with the times and exploring new model of development.China’s economy is in a transition from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development.We will be guided by a new development philosophy, put quality first, give priority to performance and develop a modernized economy.We will pursue supply-side structural reform as our main task, work hard to achieve better quality and higher efficiency performance, and create more robust growth through reform.We will raise total factor productivity and accelerate the building of an industrial system that promotes coordinated development of the real economy with technological innovation, modern finance, and a talent pool.We will endeavor to develop an economy with more effective market mechanisms, dynamic micro-entities, and sound macro-regulation.All these efforts will make China’s economy more innovative and competitive.We will promote further integration of the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence with the real economy, and cultivate new drivers of growth in digital economy, sharing economy, clean energy and other areas.We will continue to explore new mechanisms and pathways for achieving coordinated development among regions, promote coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze Economic Belt, Xiongan New Area, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, build world-class city clusters and foster new source of growth.一个创新步伐加快、发展质量更优的中国,经济新业态不断涌现,创新成果加快转化应用,区域经济实现协同发展,将产生更广泛、更强大的辐射效应,带来更多合作机会,让更多国家搭乘中国发展的快车。

As China works hard to pursue innovation and higher quality of growth, new forms of business will keep emerging, more innovations will be used, and development of various regions in China will become more balanced.All this will create a more powerful and extensive impact, present more opportunities of cooperation and enable more countries to board the express train of China’s development.第三,这是进一步走向世界、发展更高层次开放型经济的新征程。中国对外开放的脚步不会停滞。我们将同各国一道,深入推进“一带一路”建设,增添共同发展新动力。我们将实行高水平的贸易和投资自由化便利化政策,全面实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,大幅度放宽市场准入,扩大服务业对外开放,保护外商投资合法权益。凡是在中国境内注册的企业,我们都会一视同仁、平等对待。我们将赋予自由贸易试验区更大改革自主权,探索建设自由贸易港。我们将加快同有关国家商签自由贸易协定和投资协定,推动建设亚太自由贸易区,推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定谈判尽早结束,构建面向全球的自由贸易区网络。

Third, this is a new journey toward greater integration with the world and an open economy of higher standards.China will not slow its steps in opening up itself.We will work together with other countries to create new drivers of common development through the launching of the Belt and Road Initiative.We will adopt policies to promote high-standard liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment.We will implement the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list across the board, significantly ease market access, further open the service sector, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors.All businesses registered in China will be treated as equals.We will grant more powers to pilot free trade zones to conduct reform, and explore the opening of free trade ports.We will speed up negotiations with partner countries on the concluding of free trade agreements and investment treaties, advance the building of FTAAP, work for the speedy conclusion of RCEP negotiations, and endeavor to establish a global network of free trade areas.未来15年,中国市场将进一步扩大,发展将更加全面。预计将进口24万亿美元商品,吸收2万亿美元境外直接投资,对外投资总额将达到2万亿美元。明年11月,我们将在上海举办首届中国国际进口博览会,这将为各方进行开辟中国市场的合作搭建新平台。

In the next 15 years, China will have an even larger market and more comprehensive development.It is estimated that China will import US$24 trillion worth of goods, attract US$2 trillion inbound direct investment and make US$2 trillion of outbound investment.In November next year, China will hold the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai, which will provide a new platform for expanding cooperation in China’s market among all parties.第四,这是以人民为中心、迈向美好生活的新征程。让人民过上好日子,是我们一切工作的出发点和落脚点。我们将坚持在发展中保障和改善民生,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,不断促进社会公平正义,使人民获得感、幸福感、安全感更加完善、更有保障、更可持续。我们将持续推进精准扶贫、精准脱贫,实现到2020年我国现行标准下农村贫困人口脱贫的目标。全面建成小康社会,13亿多中国人,一个都不能少!

Fourth, this is a new journey toward a better life for the people.To secure a better life for our people is what we aim to achieve in everything we do.We will ensure and improve living standards through development and meet people’s ever-growing needs for a better life.We will continue to promote social fairness and justice to see that our people will always have a strong sense of gains, happiness, and security.We will continue to implement targeted poverty reduction and alleviation measures and ensure that by the year 2020, all rural residents living below the current poverty line are lifted out of poverty.Each and every one of the over 1.3 billion Chinese people should lead decent lives.No one will be left behind!

我们将加快生态文明体制改革,坚持走绿色、低碳、可持续发展之路,实行最严格的生态环境保护制度。到2035年,中国的生态环境将根本好转,美丽中国目标将基本实现。我们将积极应对气候变化,保护好人类赖以生存的共同家园。中国二氧化碳排放将于2030年左右达到峰值并争取尽早达峰,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重将达到20%左右。只要是认准了的事情,我们都会坚持不懈做下去!We will speed up institutional reform for ecological conservation, pursue green, low-carbon and sustainable development, and implement the strictest possible system for environmental protection.By 2035, there will be a fundamental improvement in the environment;the goal of building a Beautiful China will be basically attained.We will actively tackle climate change, and protect our common home for the sake of human survival.China’s carbon dioxide emission is expected to peak around 2030, and we will make every effort for such emissions to reach the peak ahead of time.We will increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20% by 2030.Once we set a target, we will not stop our efforts until it is met!


Fifth, this is a new journey toward a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.The dream of us Chinese is closely connected with the dreams of people of other countries.Our world is full of challenges and the road ahead will not be smooth.But we will not give up on our dream.We will double our efforts and work with all others to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys durable peace, universal security, and common prosperity.中国人民讲求以和为贵、协和万邦。我们将坚持走和平发展道路,始终做世界和亚太地区的和平稳定之锚。我们将秉持正确义利观,积极发展全球伙伴关系,扩大同各国的利益汇合点,推动建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系。我们将秉持共商共建共享理念,积极参与全球治理体系改革和建设,推动国际政治经济秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。We Chinese believe that peace is most precious and that there should be harmony among all nations.We are committed to peaceful development and we will remain an anchor for peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.China will, guided by the principle of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests, actively develop global partnerships, expand the convergence of interests with other countries, and work to foster a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation.Acting on the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration, we will get actively involved in reforming and developing the global governance system to make the international political and economic order more just and equitable.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,亚太的和平、稳定、繁荣属于全体亚太人民,亚太的未来要靠亚太人民携手创造。互信、包容、合作、共赢的伙伴关系,是亚太大家庭的精神纽带,是确保亚太合作处在正确轨道上的重要保障。让我们脚踏实地推进合作,扎扎实实采取行动,共同建设亚太更加美好的明天!

All of our people in the Asia-Pacific deserve peace, stability and prosperity;and all of us in the region should jointly deliver a bright future for the Asia-Pacific.Partnerships based on mutual trust, inclusiveness, cooperation and mutual benefit: This is what keeps our big Asia-Pacific family together and ensures the success of Asia-Pacific cooperation.Let us take solid steps to promote cooperation and usher in an even brighter future for the Asia-Pacific.谢谢大家。Thank you.携手谱写亚太合作共赢新篇章

Working Together for a New Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation in the


——在亚太经合组织第二十五次领导人非正式会议第一阶段会议上的发言 – Remarks at Session I of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting


H.E.Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

2017年11月11日,岘港 Da Nang, 11 November 2017


President Tran Dai Quang, Dear Colleagues,感谢陈大光主席和越南政府为本次会议所作的周到安排。几天前,台风“达维”登陆越南,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。我谨代表中国政府和人民向灾区人民致以诚挚慰问。

I wish to thank President Tran Dai Quang and the Vietnamese government for their thoughtful arrangements.Vietnam was hit by Typhoon Damrey a few days ago, resulting in heavy casualties and economic losses.On behalf of the Chinese government and people, let me express my deep sympathy to those affected by the typhoon.3年前的今天,我们在北京共商亚太合作大计。中国人常说,3年有成。3年来,世界经济逐步回暖,已呈现出国际金融危机发生以来较强的复苏势头,各方信心正在增强。

Three years ago on this day, we discussed in Beijing the blueprint for Asia-Pacific cooperation.The Chinese people believe that three years is a good time to take stock of what one has achieved.In the past three years, the world economy has gradually rebounded, showing strong momentum of recovery since the outbreak of the international financial crisis.People in all sectors are gaining more confidence.察势者智,驭势者赢。我们要看到世界经济正在发生深层次重大变化。昨天,我在工商领导人峰会演讲中谈了看法。亚太各方应该因势利导,立足于行动,引领全球新一轮发展繁荣。

Those who recognize the trend are wise and those who ride the trend will win.We need to take note of the profound changes taking place in the world economy.At yesterday’s CEO Summit, I shared my thoughts on this subject.If Asia-Pacific economies seize the trend and take action, we can usher in a new round of development and prosperity for the world.第一,坚持不懈推动创新,打造强劲发展动力。创新是撬动发展的第一杠杆。当前,新兴科技和产业革命加速兴起,创新发展面临难得历史机遇。我们要推动科技创新和制度创新两个轮子一起转,市场和技术和谐共振,让新技术、新业态、新模式不断开花结果,最大限度释放发展潜能。我们要用好亚太经合组织平台,深入落实今年制定的互联网和数字经济路线图。

First, we need to promote innovation as a strong growth driver.Innovation is the most powerful lever for development.As new technologies emerge and the new industrial revolution gains momentum, we face a rare historic opportunity for innovation-driven development.We need to strive for both scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, build synergy between market and technology, and help bring to fruition new technologies, new business forms and models to fully unlock our development potential.This is why, in the context of APEC, we need to implement in real earnest the Roadmap on the Internet and Digital Economy we have drawn this year.这些年,中国经济不断呈现新动能,关键就在于坚持走创新发展之路。30年前,中国第一封电子邮件从北京发出。目前,中国已拥有7.5亿网民,网络零售额年均增长30%,共享经济规模达3.5万亿元人民币,移动支付规模超过158万亿元人民币。事实证明,只要勇于探索,创新发展的道路就会越走越宽。

Innovation has proven to be essential to the emergence of new drivers for the Chinese economy in recent years.Thirty years ago, China’s first email was sent from Beijing.Today, China has 750 million Internet users, our on-line retail sales are growing by 30 percent a year, our “sharing economy” has reached 3.5 trillion yuan in size, and China’s mobile payment transactions have exceeded 158 trillion yuan.This example shows that as long as we keep exploring, we will see more opportunities and successes of innovation-driven development.第二,坚定不移扩大开放,创造广阔发展空间。历史告诉我们,关起门来搞建设不会成功,开放发展才是正途。我们应该不忘初心,深入推进贸易和投资自由化便利化,构建开放型经济,维护和加强多边贸易体制,引导经济全球化再平衡。要按照商定的路线图,坚定推进亚太自由贸易区建设,在开放中实现亚太新一轮大发展。

Second, we need to open up our economies to create more space for development.History has taught us that closed-door development will get nowhere, while open development is the only right choice.We need to remain true to APEC’s founding purpose: advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, build an open economy, uphold and strengthen the multilateral trading regime, and help rebalance economic globalization.We need to take determined steps toward a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific in line with the agreed roadmap, and herald a new round of development in the Asia-Pacific in the course of opening up.明年是中国改革开放40周年。近40年来,中国坚持对外开放,在走向世界的过程中实现了自身跨越式发展。展望未来,中国开放的力度将更大,惠及世界的程度会更深。从明年起,我们将举办中国国际进口博览会,打造互利合作新平台。我相信,这将有利于各方更好分享中国发展红利。Next year will mark the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up.In nearly four decades, China has opened its arms to embrace the world and achieved “leapfrog development” of itself in this process.Looking ahead, China will open still wider and its development will deliver even greater benefits to the rest of the world.Starting from next year, China will hold an International Import Expo.I am sure this new platform of mutually beneficial cooperation will help all parties to better share the opportunities of China’s development.第三,积极践行包容性发展,让民众有更多获得感。包容性不足是一个具有普遍性的问题。我们要把提升包容性置于更突出位置,处理好公平和效率、资本和劳动、技术和就业的关系,重视人工智能等新技术对就业的影响,让更多人共享发展成果。我们要落实好今年制定的包容行动议程文件,深化减贫、中小微企业、教育、反腐败、城镇化、妇女等领域合作,增进28亿亚太人民的福祉。Third, we need to pursue inclusive development to enhance our people’s sense of fulfillment.Lack of inclusiveness in development is a problem facing many economies.We should redouble efforts to address this problem.To enable more people to share the benefits of development, efforts must be made to strike a better balance between fairness and efficiency, capital and labor, technology and employment.Greater attention must be paid to the impact of artificial intelligence and other technological advances on jobs.APEC members need to do a good job of implementing the Action Agenda on Inclusion formulated this year, and deepen cooperation on poverty reduction, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises(MSMEs), education, fighting corruption, urbanization and women’s empowerment.All this will contribute to the well-being of the 2.8 billion people in the Asia-Pacific region.中国始终坚持就业优先,着力增强经济发展创造就业的能力,以创业带动就业,保障高校毕业生等重点群体就业,以教育培训提升劳动力素质,缓解结构性就业矛盾。过去几年,中国每年都实现了1300万以上城镇新增就业。我们得到的一点重要启示是,只要加强统筹,举措到位,就业不是经济结构调整必然付出的代价,稳住就业反而能够为改革发展提供充足的回旋空间。

China gives high priority to employment.We have worked to ensure that economic development is pursued in a way that supports job creation, encouraged business start-ups as a means to create more jobs, and paid particular attention to the employment of college graduates and other key groups.We have also provided the labor force with better education and training to tackle structural unemployment.In each of the past few years, we have created over 13 million new jobs in cities and towns.An important thing we have learnt from all this is that with better coordination and the right measures, economic restructuring does not have to come at the expense of employment.On the contrary, stable employment would allow greater leeway for reform and development.第四,不断丰富伙伴关系内涵,实现互利共赢。我们同属亚太,彼此息息相关,命运相连。要强化命运共同体意识,加强政策协调对接,形成合力。要秉持和而不同理念,促进优势互补、合作互惠、发展互鉴。要兼顾自身利益和他方利益,减少政策负面外溢效应。我们已经确定了亚太伙伴关系的方向和构架,要扎扎实实向前推进。Fourth, we need to enrich our partnerships and deliver benefits to all involved.As APEC economies, we have a stake in each other’s success and our future is closely connected.With a shared future in mind, we need to develop a stronger sense of community, harmonize our policies and create synergy.We need to foster a spirit of harmony in diversity, draw on each other’s strength, pursue mutually beneficial cooperation and draw on each other’s best practice in development.We should consider the interests of others while pursuing those of our own, and reduce the adverse spillovers of our domestic policies.As we have agreed on the direction and framework of an Asia-Pacific partnership, it is time to take solid steps toward this goal.基于共商共建共享理念,中方提出并积极推进共建“一带一路”倡议,得到各方热烈响应和支持。今年5月,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京成功举行,取得丰硕成果,推动共建“一带一路”进入全面实施的新阶段。中方愿以此为契机,同亚太伙伴深化政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,实现协同联动发展,朝着命运共同体方向迈进。

China has put forward the Belt and Road Initiative and is pursuing it in a spirit of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.This Initiative is well received and supported by various parties.The successful and fruitful Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing in May marked a new stage of full implementation.Going forward, China will deepen policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity with our Asia-Pacific partners, seek interconnected development and move toward a community of shared future.各位同事!Dear Colleagues,大家都很关注中国的未来发展。上个月,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会成功举行。我们立足于中国特色社会主义进入新时代的历史方位,着眼于实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴的总任务,制定了未来一个时期的基本方略和发展蓝图。我们将坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,着力解决好发展不平衡不充分的问题,大力提升发展质量和效益,更好满足人民在经济、政治、文化、社会、生态等方面日益增长的需要,更好推动人的全面发展、社会全面进步。我们将深入贯彻新发展理念,全面深化改革,加快建设创新型国家,推动形成全面开放新格局,建设现代化经济体系。

You may all have an interest in China’s future development.Last month’s 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was a great success.We laid out our development strategy and blueprint for the coming decades, keeping in mind that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era whose overriding goal is socialist modernization and national rejuvenation.We will continue to be guided by a philosophy of people-oriented development, resolve the issue of unbalanced and inadequate development and raise the quality and efficiency of growth to better meet our people’s ever-growing needs for economic, political, cultural, social and ecological progress, promote all-round development of our people and facilitate social progress across the board.We will act on the new vision of development, comprehensively deepen reform, turn China into an innovation-driven country at a faster pace, break new ground in pursuing opening-up on all fronts and build a modern economic system.我相信,一个发展动力更足、人民获得感更强、同世界互动更深入的中国,必将为亚太和世界创造更多机遇,作出更大贡献。

5.10月6日—2017年10月11日时事政治考点资料 篇五











6.10月6日—2017年10月11日时事政治考点资料 篇六





3)[反腐] 沈阳破获一起谎报“非洲猪瘟”骗补偿款案,犯罪嫌疑人岳某某被警方抓捕归案。





8)[军事] 西宁联勤保障中心改进保障方式提升供应效率,军粮供应站设到野外驻训地。9)[港澳] “香港与改革开放40年高峰论坛”在港举行。香港年金计划总认购额约49亿港元。800名港青结束赴陕交流返港,冀赴内地发展。

10)[台湾] 美国航空公司整改“台湾”选项,台当局连夜回应:对以政治力干预民间商业行为及国际企业营运的做法表示谴责。台湾6月平均月薪40846元新台币,同比增长2.46%。











7.10月6日—2017年10月11日时事政治考点资料 篇七

受青睐的哈密红枣 新疆维吾尔自治区的哈密地区,到处都是枣树,每年的6、7月份都有大量的客商去哈密订购红枣,预定量占哈密红枣总产量的50%~60%。哈密红枣的含糖量高达40%,甜而不腻。哈密红枣含有柠檬酸、苹果酸等果酸,酸甜可口。哈密红枣除了个大、味甜外,还有一个特点就是果核比较小,果肉率一般在95%以上,不论是用来鲜食还是制干都非常合适。如今,哈密红枣的栽培面积已经达到2万多公顷,2012年的产量达到3万吨,产值将近3亿元。(联系电话:13809900353)


赚钱的金手指葡萄 贵州省遵义市汇川区的高坪镇,每逢节假日就热闹非凡,不少游客驱车赶去采摘那里的葡萄。在采摘的葡萄中有一个品种叫金手指,它的外观就像人的手指一样,颜色亮丽,未成熟时是翠绿,成熟以后的颜色是黄绿,个体最长的能达到6厘米,两头小中间大,是当前栽培葡萄中体型最长的。如今,金手指葡萄主要以采摘形式销售,也有部分葡萄被当地收购商当做高档礼品销往外地,价格每公斤在60元左右。

兔子产值翻番的秘密 浙江省文成县地处浙南山区,有着长年饲养肉兔的历史。新西兰白兔属于中型兔,成年兔体重能达到5~6公斤,它对饲养条件要求不高,适合中小型养殖户饲养。商品兔3个月左右就可出栏,饲养周期短,兔肉品质好,管理简单,一个中小型养殖场每年的出栏量可以达到5万只。据了解,将兔的前胸加工成兔排,前腿加工成兔肉干,腹肌肉加工成香肠、贡丸,骨头加工成高档营养粉,加上兔头、内脏、兔皮等其他部位产生的收益,一只兔子的产值超过150元。当地通过加工厂的精细加工让兔子产值翻番,也使养殖户的效益得到了保障。如今,文成县已成为浙江省的养兔大县,从养殖、加工到消费已经形成一个完整的产业链。现在全县养兔存栏量已经达到了200多万只,每年产生的经济效益在1.8亿元左右。在当地流传着这样一首顺口溜:“家养一只兔不愁酱油醋,家养十只兔不愁衣和裤,家养百只兔走上致富路。”文成县通过积极开拓深加工,让销售多元化,从而使兔子产值翻番,真正像顺口溜里说的那样带动了当地农户致富。


红红火火的皱椒 皱椒是贵州省毕节市大方县的优良品种,色泽鲜艳,辣味适中,被誉为“骄中之椒”。成熟后的鲜皱椒颜色红艳,水灵饱满,上端粗、下端细长并弯曲向上,远远看去就像是鸡爪子一般,所以又被称为鸡爪辣椒。据介绍,皱椒香味突出除了与品种有关外,还与独特的生长环境有关。大方县境内海拔最低处720米,最高处2325米。另外,大方县的土壤大多数是红壤,氮、磷、钾、铁元素含量比较高,所以大方县的皱椒吃起来有脆、甜的感觉。贵州省是辣椒主产区,品种繁多,大方的皱椒独树一帜,不靠辣度靠香味儿赢得了消费者青睐。此外,火红的大方皱椒辣味适中的特性除了用于调味品外还适合做配菜,消费量因此大大增加。如今,大方皱椒还加工成了辣椒酱、辣椒素提取物等深加工产品,满足了市场需求,延长了产业链。(联系电话:13508573721,13985356034)

连树一块儿卖的苹果 内容略。(联系电话:13386829677)


再度受宠的国光苹果 20多年前,国光苹果在水果市场上的份额占到了60%以上,后来随着我国大量引种个大、味甜、经济效益高的富士苹果,国光苹果被迅速边缘化了。但随着富士苹果种植面积的扩大和供应量的增多,在市场上也慢慢变得平淡了。如今,国光苹果酸酸甜甜的味道又开始重新受宠,不仅不愁卖,还卖出了好价钱。北京市延庆县张山营镇种的国光苹果不仅个头大, 而且果色艳丽、果肉甜脆。正是看好市场需求,果农们运用科学技术精心栽培出来的国光苹果才能摇身大变,成为内外兼修、品质过硬的水果品种再度受宠。(联系电话:13716692501)


辣椒不辣也赚钱 金塔辣椒属中早熟品种。除了颜色好看、辣度适中以外,抗病、高产的特点也是受到种植户欢迎的原因之一,尤其是吉林省洮南市有利于排水和向阳的沙壤土环境和光照、温差等自然因素,使这种辣椒形成了皮薄、肉厚、辣中带香、辣味适中的独特品质。据了解,由于金塔辣椒口感独特,在洮南市除了一部分精选鲜椒出口以外,大部分被企业加工成了30多种口味的辣椒酱。金塔辣椒在加工辣椒精、辣椒色素,以及多种口味的辣椒酱、辣椒干等产品上很有优势,所以金塔辣椒在洮南市的种植规模和产品销量也一直高于当地其他品种。现在辣椒种植成了洮南农户的主要收入来源。(联系电话:0436-6267801,13904361763)


3年才上市的林蛙 养殖和经销林蛙必须取得野生动物驯养繁殖许可证和经营许可证。半人工养殖林蛙,就是人工孵化蝌蚪,从蝌蚪变态到幼蛙的一个半月时间里需要人工喂食,然后再放养到自然界。林蛙从蝌蚪变态成幼蛙,再到商品蛙,需要3年时间。公蛙30元1公斤,母蛙260元1公斤。母林蛙的收购价格之所以比公林蛙高,原因在于母蛙有林蛙油。(联系电话:15943091953)


飘香的融水香鸭 融水香鸭品种纯、品质好,还具有独特的香味。据了解,2012年2月,广西融水苗族自治县的融水香鸭获得了国家工商总局颁发的地理标志认证。现如今,融水香鸭走出了深山、走出了农家,走进了各大餐馆、酒店,走向了千家万户的餐桌,真正成了受人青睐的香鸭。(联系电话:13978232556)


吃水果茶的黑猪 黑龙江省肇东市生长着一种独特的生猪,叫甜草岗黑猪。它的主要特点是体质匀称、好动、四肢发达,具备一定的野性。这种猪喜欢吃李子、苹果和梨,养殖场每周给黑猪喂两次水果,每次每头平均500克。普通商品猪5个月左右就可以出栏,而甜草岗黑猪生长到70公斤左右要7个月,长到150公斤要12个月。相对长的生长期有利于积累更多的营养物质,特别是有利于肌间脂肪的积累。现在,很多酒店、餐馆等消费场所都把甜草岗黑猪肉作为日常采购的首选。(联系电话:400-0451-880,0451-87710173)
