1.英语教学论writing 篇一
Which Is More Important About Younger and Older Generation
From my point of view, I think the younger generation more important in the modern word.First of all, as we know, with the economic development drastically and the society become more and more informational zed, the technology plays more and more essential role in the study and life.The younger generation knows the technology better, and they can use it very well.For example, they can communicate with others in online chatting rooms to practice their interpersonal ability and make the networking widely.What’s more, the younger generation can buy a lot of things through the computer or the mobile phone, such as ordering meals without going out、buying clothes with a bargain price and so on.It can save lots of time and keep energy to study or work more efficient.Second, most of the younger generation has been educated for many years, and they have a good understanding about the new words which were created by them.Obviously, they can use their rich imagination to create many new things which can make our world better.In addition, the younger generation is awfully passion, and they have the strong-willed to counteract every difficulty and change the
world.Furthermore, they are willing to contribute their energy and efforts to the world.Did you ever think about that why the older generation works so hard? Absolutely, they are working for their children—the younger generation.They want to create the best life for their children.The older generation has the responsibility to bring up their children and make every effort to make children better.This is their historical mission, and this is the recycle of human life.As the younger generation is on the way to powerful enough to control the whole world, meanwhile, the older generation is becoming more andmore older so that they even can not keep up with the great progress of the society.In a word, the younger generation is the hope of the world, and they do become more and more important.
2.英语教学论writing 篇二
成功的课堂教学始于“预学”。“预学”首先是教师的预学。“教师预学”是要“读懂学生”, 了解学生的知识基础, 关注学生的兴趣, 研究学生学习的方法, 为学生设计文本导读等。预学的载体是“学案”, 其设计包含这些基本元素:本课学习目标、资料搜集具体要求、文本预学导读关键词、初想问题检测、预学疑难提问留白等。“预学”中强调学生对资料收集的途径以及信息与所学内容关系疏近进行筛选, 变被动为主动。
然而, 在本节课的“学案”中, 没有能很好地凸现对学生资料搜集的要求。虽然在预学中要求学生翻译语言点并发现重难点, 但是回过头反思学案设计, 还是没有能好好把握让学生自主搜集资料的机会。在课堂“探究”中的第一个任务“介绍作者背景知识”时, 完全可以把它设计成“学案”放在课前让学生自己搜集信息, 学生也完全有能力在课前通过在图书馆查资料、网络搜索等来自我认知这三位科幻小说之父的背景知识, 这样就可以将“探究”的第一环节留给他们展示, 如有不到位的地方, 我再及时补充, 这样能给学生留下更深刻的印象, 也避免了我在这一环节上一手包办的现象。
新课程标准指出:通过评价, 使学生在英语课堂的学习过程中不断体验成功与进步, 认识自我, 建立自信, 促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展。而在“预学—探究—提升”的课堂模式中, 也强调了教师点评的重要性。预学阶段的一般操作流程如图所示:
因此, 预学的结果是要展示并进行学生互评或教师点评。这一阶段, 教师在课堂教学中要对学生进行准确恰当的评价, 多给予鼓励, 以保护学生的自尊心和自信心, 让学生愿意把自己的想法告诉老师。英语新课程标准中的“评价建议”强调:评价内容从过分注重学业转向注重多方面发展的潜能;评价技术从过分强调量化转向更加重视质的分析;评价主体从单一转向多元;评价角度从终结性转向过程性、发展性, 更加关注学生的个别差异。
在本节课中, 课堂评价语比较单调贫乏, 没有体现评价形式的多样性。对于学生的回答只作“Right” “Yes”等单一的评价, 使用针对性不强, 结果使这些教学评价不但不能调控课堂、激发学生思维, 反而让学生丧失自信心, 不愿意积极发言, 也不愿意主动参与课堂活动。所以, 在今后的教学中不应仅仅简单地用对或错、是与否来评价, 而应给予具体的分析和点拨, 让学生从交流中获得信息, 产生一种成就感。
一节课总是由好几个环节构成, 讲解某个知识点也要经过几个步骤。教师备课时应注意这些环节或步骤间的自然衔接, 力求做到水到渠成, 不露痕迹。这样, 一节课的思路就显得非常清晰, 而学生的思维也不会因某个教学环节的突然中断或突兀转折而被打断, 也就感到整节课是一个完美的整体。
而这堂课的教学环节过渡不够自然, 有些环节甚至有些突兀地直接转移到下一环节。衔接语贫乏枯燥, 缺少生气和情趣, 总是这样一些过渡语:OK!We are going to.../OK, let’s.../ Read it and then answer my questions. 诸如此类的话。句式多是祈使句, 以命令或强制性的口气来要求学生做这做那。学生在一遍又一遍的命令声中只有服从。 然后整个教学就是教师问学生答, 教师说什么学生就做什么。所以以后在备课时应该想得更仔细更周到, 做到句句考虑, 字字斟酌。如在介绍三篇科幻小说时, 中间可以衔接得更自然顺畅, 或者让学生自由选择先阅读哪篇小说, 不一定要完全按照课文安排的顺序, 可以按照学生的意志去重组课文, 将学生真正放到主体位置。
3.英语教学论writing 篇三
【关键词】PEP Read and write 有意识 教学环节
义务教育阶段英语课程的首要目的是为学生发展综合语言运用能力打基础,为他们继续学习英语和未来发展创造有利条件。随着新课程改革的不断深入和素质教育要求的发展,小学英语教学的要求再也不是局限于掌握单词和句子,已经提高到篇章的阅读和写作。笔者通过对比发现,人教版PEP新教材中的Read and write板块,与旧教材相比,内容丰富,主题生活化,易操作且具有时代性。在文本形式和教学目标上均发生了较大的变化。具体表象有:语言呈现形式由“对话文本”修正为“图文搭配”、“图文选择”、“图文回答”等。教学目标由“能掌握‘四会单词、并结合句子进行使用”修正为“能够按照意群朗读并理解短文,能在有意义的语境中选词抄写句子,然后进行个性化的书写”。
(1)头脑风暴,点燃激情。用头脑风暴的游戏导入本节课的教学,教室设计了聚光灯的效果,以见词读词、见图读词、猜测读词的形式:即看到单词读出教室名称,看到图片读出教室名称,看到问号,听教师来描述如:Its a room. We can draw pictures in it. What is it?学生猜出教室名称。这样让学生以最快的速度站起来读出本单元的教室单词或词汇,学生迅速进入学习状态。
同时课件中出示David的照片,学生感到很新鲜、很有兴趣来观察David设计的学校是什么样的。接着让学生用已学句型、词汇来描述David设计的学校。学生能熟练运用“The … is on the first/second floor.”“The … is next to the …. ”等语言。然后,教师设计了一个速记活动:给学生30秒的时间快速记住David所设计的学校各教室的位置,把原图故意模糊,并给出语言支架(见图2),让David到讲台上背对屏幕,其他同学用所给语言支架询问David,如:Do you have …? Where is …? David 根据学生的询问来回答。最后教师为David的学校设计一幅楼层分布图(Floor Distribution)(见图3),从而和教师设计的新课内容Sarah的学校自然衔接。
(1)激发兴趣,引入文本。教师让学生对图4 Sarah的学校用所学语言进行自由描述,旨在激发学生的阅读兴趣,为阅读做必要的铺垫。接着,学生观察发现楼层分布图中有四个是空白教室,教师于是设计了听音打钩的教学活动(见图5),通过听力活动整体呈现语篇,并让学生有目的地听。
教师让学生同桌校对,在学生汇报时让学生在语篇中找出library、art room、classroom 1、teachers office这四个单词并圈出来。
【任务二】学生在完成任务一过程中,教师通过观察发现把四个教室名称正确填入空格中,对学生而言有一定难度,比如:The library is on the second floor.因为在二楼的有两个空格,所以学生不能直接填出它的位置,其余两个teachers office、art room也是同理,必须找到classroom 1这个关键点才能确定每个教室的位置。教师通过设计巧妙的问题,让学生带着问题从整体到细节、由浅入深地进行阅读,在读中找出相关答案。教师与学生的问答活动如下:【问题一】 T:Where is the library? S: Its on the second floor.【问题二】T: Which room is on the second floor too? S: The teachers office is on the second floor too. 【问题三】T: Where is the art room? S: The art room is next to the gym. 【问题四】T: Is classroom 1 under the library? S: No,it isnt. Its under the teachers office.学生在文本中找出答案的同时,教师在板书上摆演出两种可能性(见图7)。学生回答完第三问题后板书上分别呈现了library、teachers office、art room三个教室的两种可能性(见图8)。
(1)先说后写,有效铺垫。教师戴上Sarah头像站在板书music room旁边介绍:This is the music room. 然后伸出手指指向远处的art room介绍:That is the art room.学生模仿教师站在不同位置,用This is/That is….介绍黑板上各个教室。接着教室引出课本中John站在近处介绍图书馆和Sarah站在远处介绍playground两幅图,请学生用This/That is ….来描述图画。然后教师出示这两句话,让学生两判断哪个句子好,哪个句子差(见图11)。
1.热身活动有效,激发学习兴趣。新课程标准指出学生是学习和发展的主体,因此如何在课堂上吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的好奇心和求知欲是读写课有效教学的基础。“热身活动是阅读教学前的准备活动,旨在调动学生对文字符号和情景的关注,激发学生的阅读兴趣,为阅读做必要的铺垫”。教师应采用Lets sing、 Lets chant、Lets do、Quick response等多种形式导入新课。
4.英语教学论writing 篇四
That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri’s Weekly newspaper. To my astonishment, they published it and sent me two dollars. I was a published and paid writer. I showed my teacher and fellow students. They laughed. “Just plain dumb luck,” the teacher said. I tasted success. I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written. That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck, that was fine with me.
During the next two years I sold dozens of poems, letters, jokes and recipes. By the time I graduated from high school, with a C minus average, I had scrapbooks filled with my published work. I never mentioned my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again. They were dream killers and if people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their dreams.
I had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four. While the children napped, I typed on my ancient typewriter. I wrote what I felt. It took nine months, just like a baby. I chose a publisher at random and put the manuscript in an empty Pampers diapers package, the only box I could find. I’d never heard of manuscript boxes. The letter I enclosed read, “I wrote this book myself, I hope you like it. I also do the illustrations. Chapter six and twelve are my favourites. Thank you.” I tied a string around the diaper box and mailed it without a self addressed stamped envelope and without making a copy of the manuscript.
A month later I received a contract, an advance on royalties, and a request to start working on another book. Crying Wind, the title of my book, became a best seller, was translated into fifteen languages and Braille and sold worldwide. I appeared on TV talk shows during the day and changed diapers at night. I traveled from New York to California and Canada on promotional tours. My first book also became required reading in native American schools in Canada.
The worst year I ever had as a writer I earned two dollars. I was fifteen, remember? In my best year I earned 36,000 dollars. Most years I earned between five thousand and ten thousand. No, it isn’t enough to live on, but it’s still more than I’d make working part time and it’s five thousand to ten thousand more than I’d make if I didn’t write at all. People ask what college I attended, what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: “None.” I just write. I’m not a genius. I’m not gifted and I don’t write right. I’m lazy, undisciplined, and spend more time with my children and friends than I do writing. I didn’t own a thesaurus until four years ago and I use a small Webster’s dictionary that I’d bought at K-Mart for 89 cents. I use an electric typewriter that I paid a hundred and twenty nine dollars for six years ago. I’ve never used a word processor. I do all the cooking, cleaning and laundry for a family of six and fit my writing in a few minutes here and there. I write everything in longhand on yellow tablets while sitting on the sofa with my four kids eating pizza and watching TV. When the book is finished, I type it and mail it to the publisher. I’ve written eight books. Four have been published and three are still out with the publishers. One stinks. To all those who dream of writing, I’m shouting at you: “Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Don’t listen to them.” I don’t write right but I’ve beaten the odds. Writing is easy, it’s fun and anyone can do it. Of course, a little dumb luck doesn’t hurt.
本新闻共2页,当前在第1页 1 2
★ 这次 我没有哭泣范文
★ 我没有摘树叶
★ 幸亏我没有迟到作文
★ 我没有周末作文
★ 我是谁(Who am I?)
5.英语教学论writing 篇五
2.学生能够初步理解并尝试运用通过关键词(key words)进行阅读判断的技巧。3.学生能够理解HeShe is....或者是HeShe has...两种表达方法的使用,并在老师的提示下,以填词成句的方式进行单词和句子片段的书写。教学准备:物体图片、单词卡片、学生练习纸等 教学过程: 一.复习导入
1.T: Boys and girls, I have some pictures for you.What color is it?
……(从黑和白的颜色入手,用反义词的形式复习本单元的单词和词组。)2.T: Now boys and girls, let’s chant together.(播放chant的视频,一起读)
T: Can you chant with your classmates?(找班上的同学代替chant的内容)3.T:(用QQ好友的情景)Boys and girls, I have a friend.He is friendly.He’s tall and strong.He has short hair.He has small eyes.What’s his name?....S:(学生猜)
4.T: Let’s describe him together.(看着PPT上面的描述)
5.T: Please take out these paper and circle the words and write down the name?
T: OK.Time’s up.You can work in pair.First fold the paper.Then describe and your partner guess.S:(学生开始做对话猜猜练习)二.阅读
1.T: I have another friend.He’s short and strong.He’s friend.He has a read bag.Who is he? S:
2.T: Bingo.He is Santa.He has a red bag.He has four gifts for these four students.But he doesn’t know their name.Let’s help him? OK? S:….3.T: Here is a gift.Which gift? What number is it? Here is a note.S:(读note上的描述,找出礼物的编号)
T: Yes, gift Number 2.Let’s read it together.What’s her name? Open your book.Find the name.Match the sentence with the student.S:(学生找第一礼物的主人)
4.T: What’s her name? S:
T: Why? How do you know it?
4.T: What about other gifts? Underline the key words and match.S:(学生完成其他礼物主人的找寻)
5.T: Let’s check.Let’s read together.(注重关键词的寻找,问why How do you know it?)S: …..三.写
1.T: Boys and girls, you did a very good job.I have some word blocks here.Can you make sentences with them? Like this…..T: OK.Let’s play a game.(老师先示范做步步高的游戏,然后学生做游戏)
T: What sentence did you make?(找一些学生说句子,纠正结构is has)2.T: Look at Santa.Santa has a red_________.Circle the word bag and write it down.How about these words? Find the word and circle it and write it here.S:(学生开始做练习)
T: Exchange your paper and check the answers.Look, here is the right answer for you.4.Now Santa thinks all of you did a very good job.In these class, he wants to send a gift to one of you.I think….did a very good job.I write a letter to Santa.(在黑板上示范)
T: Santa, please send a gift to my friend.His name is…….Maybe on Christmas Day, Santa will send a gift to your stocking.Can you recommend one of your friends to Santa.Please take out this paper and write it down.(学生写)
1.T: Now please put the papers into the bag.Let’s shovel them.Who can choose one and read it.S:(学生抽一个读)
6.英语教学论writing 篇六
第五册Unit 5 A Read and write.教学活动设计
本单元是以My new room为题,重点学习几种常用家具的名称、表示位置的方位介词和there be句型的用法。而本课时的具体内容是:小兔子介绍自己的公寓和公寓里摆放的设施。学习内容是复习There be句型、巩固单词mirror、closet、air-conditioner、end table和四年级已经学习的单词,如:bedroom、kitchen、bathroom、living room并能准确书写两个句子;准备把握there be 的单复数形式。
⑴复习强化功能句 there be的理解与运用。(100%的学生达到听说读用。)⑵巩固单词:mirror、closet、air-conditioner、end table。(100%的学生达到听说读。)
⑶书写句子:There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.(100%的学生达到听说读,95%的学生达到听说读写用,另外5%的学生,我会利用一帮一的方式督促帮助他们在课余时间识记,也会在以后的学习中反复的复现巩固。)
能够使100%的学生达到听懂会说本课时所学的there be句型,能灵活运用功能句谈论有某物。
教学重点:使学生熟练掌握There be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。
教学难点:难点在于帮助学生区分使用There is和There are的表达法。
Step One: Warm up / Review First: Listen and sing Listen to the song“My small room”,and let students sing after the tape.设计意图:激发学生的学习兴趣,营造轻松、快乐的英语学习氛围。Second: Design and say Teacher show a picture about a big empty room and some word cards.T: Now please look at Rabbit’s new room.There is nothing in it.Can you help him design it? Ss: Yes.T: Thank you.Now please help him put the furniture in it.One student put the furniture, others speak out its color and the words of the furniture.Clear? Ss: Yes!T: Very good!Ready? Go!After it, look at Rabbit’s room and describe the structures:“There is… There are…”
设计意图:设计以帮助小兔子设计、装饰并最终描述装饰后房子的活动,一可以提高学生的主动性、积极性;二是复习巩固前两课时的知识;三是为学习本课时“Read and write”奠定基础。
Step Two: Presentation First: Listen and answer T: His new room is too beautiful.I love his room.I think the Rabbit must be thank you, boys and girls.But today our friend “Rabbit” invites us to visit his new house about his design.Do you want to see? Ss: Yes!T;OK!But before we go, I should tell you something about visiting their houses.We should be polite;we don’t go here and there and touch their things.We can follow the owners to visit!Clear? Ss: Yes, I know.T: Good!Let’s go!Listen carefully and judge.The baby rabbit’s room is small and nice.Yes or no? Listen to the tape and ask students to answer the question.设计意图:由上一个活动自然过渡到导入新课,“小兔子邀请我们去参观它自己设计的新房子”,在去之前,老师强调去别人家做客要注意的几点。一可以教育学生在日常生活中去别人家做客要有礼貌;二要在主人的带领下参观这一条也为听录音,听小兔子介绍奠定基础。此外,让学生带着问题听录音,易于培养学生有选择的听音并获取有效信息。
Second: Read and do T: We are very polite, so baby rabbit says:” You can visit my room freely.” Now we can go freely, boys and girls.(A)T: Now please read the passage three times, try to finish the tasks: The first time, read and circle the new words, and try to master the main idea.The second time, find out the sentences about “There be”.The third time, read carefully and finish the exercises on your books.OK!Time is for you.Please go!(B)Teacher explain their questions about the passage.S1: 有三个不认识的单词flat own third
教师的讲解思路:运用音标教学,先从单词的读音上来教授学生,如fl 的
发音已经学过,告知学生a的发音,他们自己可以拼读该词,third 的学习可以先从three 开始,ir的发音也早已渗透过,所以准确读出单词对于孩子们来说并不是难事。之后就是单词意思的把握了,引导学生根据上下文推断单词意思,教师可以给予适当提示。如:house---flat,one—first three—third(C)Ask students to read the sentences about “There be”
Teacher write two sentences on the board: There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.Ask them to summary the rules about two sentences.(There are+名词复数,There is +名词单数)即:There be的就近原则。
Then let them make up sentences with the structures ,and check them.(D)Check the answers about books.Let them read their answers and correct the mistakes.设计意图:由于本课时是前面两课时的复习课,知识多为复习巩固,因此,本课时充分发挥、调动学生的主观能动性,采用以学生自主学习为主,教师适当引导为辅的方式进行教学活动。在新词的教授上适当渗透音标教学,并培养学生根据语篇推断单词意思,为以后做阅读理解题奠定基础。
Step Three: Practice First: Listen and read Listen to the tape and read after it.设计意图:模仿比较纯正的发音,使学生准确把握语音、语调。并再次熟悉课文内容。
Second: Group work(Complete “I can write”)Let them think over good methods to remember the spelling of the sentences.The best group will win some “Happy face ” and “stars”
Third: Fill in the blanks
1.There ____ an end table and two beds.2.There ____two beds and an end table.3.There is a ________(起居室)and two_______(卧室)
4.There ________green curtains and two end______(床头橱)设计意图:巩固练习所学句型以及单词的单复数形式。作业布置:
To introduce your room to your partner, and some students should write it on your notebooks.设计意图:分层次布置作业,所有学生要求会说所学句型,部分水平较高的学生应达到书写成文。力争让不同层次的学生都有所提升。板书设计:
Unit 5 My new room There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.house--flat own one—first three—third
7.Easy to Write 篇七
俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”只有学生有兴趣了,他们的学习才能变被动为主动,才能积极地去体验、参与、感知和交流,才能学有所得。为了提高学习的兴趣,我们采取了多样的教学方法和模式,如开放式课堂、游戏、比赛等,让学生在活动中学习和交流,又在交流中互相学习。学生有兴趣,就会主动去听、去说、去读、去写、去用。例如我们上完What color is this?这课后,学生就跑过来指着我的衣服问:“What color is this?”我很是惊讶,但也很感动,是他们没有学过的黑色,我告诉他们说:“It’s black.”马上就有学生说Tony的老师是姓那个Black吗?我说是的,但还没等我说完,就有学生笑着说:“黑老师呀,他老师姓黑!”这群小鬼,反应很机灵,我就和他们解释作姓氏那个要大写的,我们翻译过来是布来克女士,学生觉得非常有趣,就催我多说一些。有个学生感慨地说:“Tony teacher is Ms. Black,and my teacher is black,too.”且不说这句子语法的错误,但是就三年级的小朋友来说,兴趣使他会尝试多说,多用句子来代替简单的词汇,而且会把学过的知识结合起来综合运用,实现从词到句的过渡,but,too等词也显示出他会用英语的逻辑思维去思考,为以后的学习打下了坚实的基础。
小学阶段最高作文要求写60~80个字,大概八九个句子的样子,看似很简单,但对基础差的学生来说就一点都不容易,起码一看题目就晕了。如何让学生敢写、好写是我们一直的追求。我们在指导学生写作的时候不能一开始就吓着了学习有困难的学生,我们要降低门槛,从简单的入手,从低年级入手。写作是高年级的要求,但是我们从三年级开始就着重培养学生造句的能力。我们布置学生每周末都做一次词句话的作业,学生用新学的单词或从其他课外读物上学到的单词造句,再配上自己画的图。四年级就可以造两到三个句子。有专家说过:“Always practice vocabulary in sentences.”有三四年级造句的基础,到五年级写作文的过渡难度就不大,学生也较容易接受。实践证明,学生兴趣浓厚,而且常会给老师带来惊喜。好词妙句,我们就拿出来与大家共同学习。对于不同层次的学生来说,这些句子的意义不同。对于成绩好的学生,尽量多积累这些好词妙句,扩充他们的知识储备量,在自己写的过程中就能灵活运用了;对于学困生来说,哪怕是抄会了一两个好句,在写作时能用得上的话,也能给单调简单的文章增光添彩,从而增强了他们的自信心。俗话说:“信心是成功的一半。”有了信心,学生就能更勇敢地写了,这样不同层次的学生都会有所得。
如何提高学生的写作能力,让学生觉得easy to write是我们一直不断探索的方向。只有不断学习、不断尝试和不断改进,才能教学相长,让学生的知识储备量不断增加,写作能力不断提高,综合运用语言的能力不断增强。
8.英语教学论writing 篇八
Using Language (Reading, Speaking and Writing)教学设计
浙江省温州第四中学 徐长才
Using Language (Reading, Speaking and Writing)语言运用部分是新课标人教版各单元中的重点教学内容,它承载着本单元语言输出教学的重要任务,是对本单元阅读、词汇、语法等各项内容学后的一个运用和检验。因此,授课教师应对这一块教学内容进行科学合理的设计,以全面完成本单元的教学任务。
1. 以建构主义理论为基础
建构主义理论主张在问题情境下进行学习,要求学生不要盲目或被动地接受和记忆教师传授的知识或课本知识,而是要主动地进行自我探索,将学习过程变成积极参与建构知识的高水平的思维过程(朱文英,)。教师要尊重学生已有的知识和经验,并帮助他们将新环境提供的信息整合或重组到自己原有认知结构中,激活学生的思维、启发他们观察、发现、思考、归纳、总结,鼓励他们提出自己的问题和观点。教师在教学Using Language这一部分时,应科学妥当地设置话题情境,激活学生已有的知识,以便使之在新的语言环境中得到拓展和运用,从而构建新的知识。
2. 以任务型教学方法为依托
新课程标准倡导任务型语言教学,它是以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式(而不是以测试的分数)来体现教学的成就。学生有了具体的动机就能自主地学习,并且主动地用所学语言去做事情,在做事情过程中自然地使用所学语言,在使用所学语言做事情过程中发展语言能力。Using Language这部分的教学就是要求教师设置学生感兴趣的任务,让任务贴近学生的实际生活,符合学生的认知水平,学生完成教师所设任务的同时能够运用本单元所学的语言知识来发展其语言能力。
本节课教学内容Using Language(Reading, Speaking and Writing)是本单元的最后一个课时,要求学生以有机农业和绿色食品为话题,复习巩固如何用英语提出忠告和建议,以及用英语制作海报和广告。它是学生在学完前面各项内容后的提升阶段,是对师生落实前面各项内容的一个检验。该部分由Reading, Speaking and Writing三部分组成。其中Reading,和Speaking 都是为Writing作铺垫的,即Reading for writing , Speaking for writing. 《学科教学指导意见》指出,教师可以围绕Reading, Speaking and Writing中相关材料指导学生进行听、说、写的尝试,并指导学生就相关材料进行比较,提出自己的观点和建议。根据新课标的要求,在写作教学之前,教师应作好铺垫,激活灵感,激发兴趣,明确目的和读者对象,讨论主题,搜集素材,语言准备,写提纲等等,从而为接下来重点教学环节打下基础。本节课主要围绕学习设计英语海报和广告展开。值得一提的是在操练Speaking部分时,对功能项目的训练应有所侧重。比如:I’d prefer….because…, This is good value because… It’s a great pity that… If I have a choice I’d choose…because…等属于高一阶段应有所侧重的功能项目。而 I don’t like …because… , You need to … It’s better to …等是初中阶段就应该熟练掌握的功能项目,可以不作为重点来训练。
这个阶段的高一学生思维正处于活跃的阶段,具有较为丰富的想象力。经过初中三年的学习和磨练,再经过模块一至模块三的学习训练,具备了一定的语言表达能力。本节课中,他们经过两篇关于农业方面文章的阅读,积累了相关的词汇与句式表达,从而为本节课的写作打下了一定的基础。然而,本节课有三个主要环节即阅读、对话和写作。在这三个环节中,学生运用功能项目时,可能只会机械呆板地套用,缺乏灵活性,而且不能把握对话的要点。写作内容是设计英语海报,学生有可能对英语海报的格式及语言表达方面把握不准,导致表达规范性不够和重点不突出的倾向。因此,授课教师在教学设计时应引起足够的重视。另外,基于本节课课型的特点,学生在对话操练前会采用同伴互助即pair work 的方式进行操练,写作过程中会采用讨论和合作探究完成海报的设计。
1. 语言知识:巩固Using language 这一块所学过的单词,比如:organic, fertilizer, chemical, fertile, supply, mineral, pest, whatever, refer to, nutrition等并学习新词 certain。
2. 语言技能:学会用英语提出忠告和建议,比如,描述某有一农产品的优点与缺点;学会用英语制作海报,从而提高英语写作能力。
3. 情感态度:了解农民的生活,尊重农民的劳动;学会辨别有害食品与绿色食品。
4. 学习策略:合作探究,同伴互助。
5. 文化意识:引发学生对食品的质量与发展农业的思考。
1. 组织学生用英语说服顾客购买老王的绿色食品,培养学生口头表达能力,为学生的写作作好铺垫;
2. 指导学生用英语制作海报,提高英语写作能力;
1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学设计之理念,采用情境教学法、交际教学法、讨论法等教学方法。从一定程度上说,人们使用语言是为了完成各种各样的任务,而任务型的教学活动就是让学习者通过运用所学语言来完成各种各样的交际活动。学习者通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言形式来学习和掌握语言,实现目标,感受成功。
4. 贯彻“教中学,学中用”的策略,真正使学生学以致用。
学生课前应作好预习准备工作。比如,复习和巩固Using Language部分的单词;要弄清绿色食品,有机肥,农家肥的指向,如何用课本上所给的功能项目向对方提建议和忠告等。教师要认真领会新课标精神,充分分析教材,确定重难点,把握学生的学情,理清教学思路,准备好教学课件和教学素材以及课堂上要用的画笔及纸张,另外要确定好学生的合作小组以及明确组内分工。本节课宜在具有多媒体平台和实物投影仪的教室里进行。
Step1. Lead-in
Show the students some pictures of green food and junk food and ask them some questions as follows:
1. Which food do you prefer to eat, why?
2. Which of those do you think are green foods and what will you think of when we mention the green food?
Step2. Reading
What is green food? Green food, which is healthy and safe for people’s health, refers to the food growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. The fertilizer that “green” farmer use is natural waste form animals. They believe that putting this in their fields, which are away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies makes the soil richer in minerals and more fertile. Besides, they can keep the air, the soil and water as well as the food supply free from chemicals.
As everyone knows, green food is usually more expensive to grow than other food which is not safe so that many people would rather buy ordinary food at a much lower price without caring about their health. This means green food doesn’t sell well in China, which worries“green”farmers.
Lao Wang from Nanxijiang Farm, for example, learns to grow green fruits such as watermelons and he gets a big harvest this year. His watermelons sell at 8yuan per kg while the ordinary ones at 4yuan per kg. The problem is that he doesn’t know how to let people in cities know how special his green melons are and may not be able to sell them out before they go bad.
1. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
He wants to tell us something of green food such as the advantages and the disadvantages of it.
2. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the green food according to the passage?
Advantages: a. healthy and safe for people’s health
b. grown with natural fertilizers
c. away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies
d. free from chemicals
Disadvantages: a. more expensive than other food which is not safe
b. green food doesn’t sell well
3. What is Lao Wang’s trouble?
He doesn’t know how to let people in cities know how special his green melons are and may not be able to sell them out before they go bad.
Step3. Discussion
Activity: Work in pairs and discuss which of Lao Wang’s watermelons would you prefer to buy, your opinions must be based upon the above advantages of green food, using the following expressions, especially the underlined ones.
I would rather… I don’t like…because…
I’d prefer… because… It’s a great pity that…
Should I we …? It’s better to …
This is good value because… If I have a choice I’d choose…because…
What is the advantage of …? You need to…
设计说明:通过讨论,开启学生思维,为进入到对话环节做准备, 巩固和运用本单元的功能项目并且有所侧重。
Step4. Dialogue production
Activity: Work in pairs to help Lao Wang solve his problem. One acts as a customer, the other acts as Lao Wang, who is trying to persuade his customers to buy his watermelons, again using the above expressions. Some pairs will be invited to act your dialogues out.
Step5. Pre-writing
What other ways can you think of to help Lao Wang sell his products well? Yes, make a poster or an advertisement. Let’s begin.
Show two posters of which one is well designed and the other is ordinarily designed to the students in order to tell the differences between them and decide which is better. Then draw their attention to the better one. The format of a poster should be known to the students. Also the students should be guided to be able to use attractive heading, beautiful pictures and persuasive words, creative design and direct reasons to form their poster.
Sample 1 sample 2
1. The structure of a poster:
Sample 1 sample 2
▲Main heading
▲Part 1 Explain what you sell
▲Part 2 Reasons to buy
(in shortened sentences)
▲Part 3 Impressive slogans
An attractive picture
▲ Main heading
▲Part 1 Impressive slogans
▲ Part 2 Reasons to buy
(in shortened sentences)
▲ Part 3 Explain what you sell
An attractive picture
2. Useful words and expressions:
Healthy and safe; free of chemical fertilizer; rich in nutrition; high in ; grown away from; be certain to ; natural fertilizer;
Follow your desire! This is one step on the road to a …world!
It’s best choice ! just do it!
Step6. While-writing
Activity: Work in groups of 4 and design your best posters for Lao Wang to sell one of his green fruits. Each of the four should be assigned a concrete job such as deciding the heading, drawing the beautiful pictures and using the most attractive words and expressions.
Step7. Post-writing
Give the assessment of the works to the class and then ask some groups to show their works on the screen. Have comparisons of the presented works and then the teacher gives the exact and scientific evaluations.
Assessment Self(自评) Peer
(5) Does the poster have a clear structure(结构)? (2)
Does your poster include persuasive reasons?(2)
Do you draw any pictures?(1)
Grammar(2) Do you use tense correctly?(1)
Is your spelling correct?(1)
(3) Do you use any good expressions learnt from this class?(1)
Do you use attractive and brief sentences?(2)
Total marks (10)
设计说明:(1) 引导学生进行自我评价和互评,它不仅符合新课程所倡导的合作、交流和探究的学习理念,而且有益于学生认识自我,树立自信;有助于学生反思和调控自己的学习过程,从而促进综合语言运用能力的不断发展。
Step8. Summary
In this class we have made it clear what green food is and we have offered our help to Lao Wang to solve his problem by persuading customers to buy his products and making a poster for him. I really appreciate your job. Well done! I hope green food will be always on your dinner table and you will be always healthy with green food.
Unit2. Working the land
Using Language: Reading, Speaking and Writing
Advantages: a. healthy and safe for people’s health
b. grown with natural fertilizers
c. away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies
d. free from chemicals
Disadvantages: a. more expensive than other food which is not safe
b. green food doesn’t sell well
Useful expressions:
I would rather… I don’t like…because…
I’d prefer… because… It’s a great pity that…
Should I we …? It’s better to …
This is good value because… If I have a choice I’d choose…because…
What is the advantage of …? You need to…
1. Please improve your poster and upload to the web : www.albaba.com .
1. 本课的重点是写,通过写前的各种铺垫,实现语言的有效输出。但是学生的海报设计不论是版面还是语言表达仍不尽人意,有些简单。尤其是海报上语言表述依然幼稚平淡,似乎初中学生也能写出这样的句子。这是否与教材本身的要求有关?
陈琳 王啬 程晓堂等:《英语课程标准解读》,北京师范大学出版社版,第105页。
广东省教育厅教研室: 《英语优秀教学设计与案例》,广东高等教育出版社版,第141
9.英语教学论writing 篇九
Teaching aims:
1 help the students know more about sports in English
2 help the students develop their speaking and writing ability
3 help the students realize the importance of sports in their daily life.
4 develop the studentsˇ ability of teamwork and communicating with each other
5 help the students know more information about the Olympic Games
Teaching important points:
1 encourage the students to talk about their interest, esp in their familiar things
2 develop the studentsˇ realize of teamwork and communication
Teaching difficult points:
1 how to make all students take an active part in the activities
2 how to finish the tasks effectively.
Teaching methods:
Task-based learning, talking and discussing.
Teaching aids:
A computer , some slides
Teaching period:
40 minutes
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 lead-in
Lead in the topic by a proverb
He who is not healthy at twenty, wise at thirty, or wealthy (rich) at forty, will never be either.
-------Russian proverb
How old are you now? You are near 20, so we should be healthy. Then how can we keep healthy at 20?
(eat properly, sleep well, do sports,K)
Can you tell me any other proverbs about sports.
Iˇll show you another ones.
冘 Life lies in sports.
冘 Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Also some quotations:
A little labour much health.
British proverb
Stop means death, and only sport can knock open the door to immortality (living forever).
R. Tagor
Health is the main factor to happiness, and exercise is an important guarantee of health.
J. Tomson
Today weˇll talk about sports. When we mention sports, what will you think of?
(NBA, World Cup and Olympic GamesK.)
Step 2 different kinds of sports (P49)
Do you know the following sport items?
Do you know what item means? (We can see a pen is a item.)
These are some sports in ancient china.
Cuju, golf, swimming, horsing and shootingK
In modern time, more and more sports are invented.
Ball games: basketball, table tennis, badminton, baseball, football, ice hockey, tennis softball
Track & field: relay race, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, javelin.
Aquatic sports: surfing, swimming, diving, boating
Some others: fencing, shooting, judo, wrestling, boxing, skiing, weightlifting, cycling
Step 3 interview
Some of you may like one kind of sports very much. Letˇs have an interview. Work in pairs and ask your partner some questions:
His/Her favourite sports item
When he/she developed the hobby
What is enjoyable about this hobby
What difficulty he/she had
What practice he/she needs for the hobby
What you have learned from his/her hobby
While interviewing, write down some key words or sentences.
Step 4 information exchanging
Have you finished the interview and written down something? Now please exchange information about your partnerˇs favorite sport in two groups. Tell each other about his/her sports.
Step 5 speaking
First, let them talk freely, then show them the following version, and invite some of them to say something..
One possible version:
My friend Mikeˇs favourite sport isK
He developed this hobby whenK. Once K
He likes it because K. From it , he canK
But there are also some problemsK
So in order to K, heK
From his story I know , K.
Step 6 writing
How to write about your hobby? Show a version and analyze what we should write in each para.
Swimming is my favourite sport.(topic sentence) I learned it in the summer when I was eight. I like it because it can bring me much fan. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, youˇll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. (Benefits)
Itˇs a healthy sport and it can build up your body. But the process of learning is also a painstaking task. If you are a beginner, you must be careful. Youˇd better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. Maybe you will be drowned, maybe you will drink some dirty water into your stomach, and maybe you will get tired after an hourˇs swim.(difficulties)
In a word, if you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.(conclusion)
Would you please write some key sentences/words but not your whole writing about your hobby in class now. Iˇd like you to write it in 3 para. Then Iˇll invite some students to report. Iˇll give you 5 minutes please.
You can either write in this way or in the way you like..
para. 1 interest/fun
para. 2 dificulties
para.3 conclusion / what you have learnt from it.
Step 7 report
Maybe you havenˇt finished your writing. But I want to invite someone who has finished to report.
Invite some students. Teacher can give some suggestions if necessary.
Step 8 homework
Would you please finish your writing after class. While writing, you should pay attention to the following points:
1: use correct tenses and sentence structures
2: pay attention to punctuation. (do you know what punctuation is? )
3: writing of true feelings is encouraged
10.英语教学论writing 篇十
It’s very important to leam that all nouns in Englishare
UNCOUNTABLE.Unfortunately there is no rule that will tell you whether anoun is COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE:It just is.Thus. an UNCOUNTABLE noun is always singular.COUNTABLE nounsshould be paid moreattention to.
What’8 more wecan put“a”or“an”in front of each COUNTABLE noun,but UNCOUNTABLEnouns cannot.This is because“a”is a weak form of theWOrd “one”.and as you can’t count an UNCOUNTABLEnoun, yon cannot take “one”of it Therefore,UNCOUNT-ABLE nouns cannot take“a”.In a great many casesUNCOUNTABLE nouns ale used without any article atall.In other Words.COUNTABLE nouns can never occurin the singular without an article.
2.MisUSed Verbs
Here are some main errors:
(1)Disagreement of Subjeet and Verb
A.An easily correeted error is the olnission of“s”inthe Thord Persorl Singular Simple Present Tense.
B.Errprs in using a Plural Subjeet with a SingularVerb or a Singular Subjeet with a Plural verb.
(2)Incorrect Past Participle and Simple Past Tense
Most verbs in English add—ed or—d to form their pasttense and their past participle which are called regularVerbs. A number of other verbs, however,are quitedifferent,which are caned irregular verbs,and each onemust be leamt separately.
So,errors are often made from not knOWing the rightform of tIle Simple Past Tense andd the Past Participle.
(3)The confusion of the Active Voice with the PassiveVoice
The students should always have the followingconsciously in mind:The Active Voice is used when thesubjeet does the action while the Passive Voice is usedwhen the subject is done something to.
(4)Auxiliary Verbs
Remember that,as a nlle,aU Auxiliary Verbs arefollowed by the Infinitive without“to”,each of which hastheir own meanings and uses.Forthe negative,use lnly“not”. However, there are some certain verbs. notproperly Auxiliary Verbs,which are treated in this way.They are see,hear,feel,nake and fet.The most commonerrors in a passage arise from the misiise of them.Therefore,I advise students to pay particular attention tothem.
3.Misused PronouFis
Pronoun is a Word used instead of a noun, anadjeetive.or a numeral.
Pronouns can be classified as follows;
(1)Personal Pronollns:I,you,he,it,we,they,her,him…
(2)Possessive Pronouns: my,mine;our,ours;their,theirs
(3)Self-Pronouns:myself,himself, theraselves.itself…
(4)Relative Pronouns;who,which,what…
(5)Demonstrative Pronouns:this,that,tllose.these…
(6)Indefnite Pronouns:some,any,all,none,every,each…
(7)Interrogative Pronouns:who,which,what…
(8)Reciproeal Pronouns:each other,one another…
(9)Conjunctive Pronouns:who,which,what…
Personal Pronouns express persorlal relatioilships.Subjeets haVe the rlominative form,while objects,whether direet or indireet, or prepositional, have the obieetiveform.
There are two sets of PoSSessive Pronouns:Conjointforms and Absolute forms.when used as modifiers(justlike adjectiveS before the nouns)!,they take the first form;The second forms are used to avoid the repetition of thenouns.They are not followed by the nouns and may beused in many of the constructiotis in which noHns areused.
Self-Pronouns are formed by adding“self”(plural:“selves”)to the genitive (possessive)case of the first andthe seeond person,and to the objeetive CaSe of the thirdperfon.They have thtee distinct llSes:reflexive,emphaticand predieative.
4.Misused AdjectIves or Adverbs
A modifier is a word or a group of Words which isadded to another word or a group of Words and modifiesits meaning.Modifiers are classified,aecording to theirfunetions,as(1)AdjeetiVeS Modifiers,which modify nounsand pronouns;arld (2)Adverbial Modifiers,which modifvVerbs,adjeetives and adverbs,or modify the Sellterlee as awhole.
Besides, Adjeetives can be used as a Predieative,part of a eomplex objeet,a prepositional object or tofunetion as a noun(generally but not rlecessarily preeededby the de6nite“the”--to denote all the persons possessingthe quality meritioned by the adjective as a group,so theyare plural in meaning and take a plural verb).
外研社英语《Can I write to her》教学反思06-22
english writing 英语写作10-13