1.英语口语考试悉尼介绍 篇一
校长名:Dr Michael Spence
副校长名:约翰·赫恩(john hearn)
介绍:约翰·赫恩(john hearn)早在1981年就曾来中国开展对大熊猫的研究。此后,他一直没有间断对中国以及中国高校的访问。如今,已身为悉尼大学副校长
John Harsanyi澳大利亚第一任总理
Earle Page澳大利亚总理
Gough Whitlam澳大利亚总理
Trevor Swan-澳大利亚历史上最优秀的本土经济学家,Solow-Swan Model的发明者之一
2.英语口语考试悉尼介绍 篇二
1. 关于口试。
2. 关于笔试。
1. 加强听力训练,坚持练习和技巧相结合。
2. 加强口语训练,坚持克服心理障碍与创造语言环境相结合。
3. 加强阅读理解训练,坚持精读和泛读相结合。
4. 加强翻译训练,坚持语言文字理解和提高表达能力相结合。
[1]宋焘.英语口语及训练方法.为你导航, 2004.
[2]朱盘宝.几种英语考试的介绍和建议.机械职业教育, 2002, (8) .
3.英语口语考试悉尼介绍 篇三
On the basis of having the capacity of speaking two languages,it is a common phenomenon for the bilingual to switch one language to another in their conversation.
According to Stockwell(2007),language varieties such as a particular language,or dialect,or register,or accent,or style can be generalized as the term“code”.The phenomenon mentioned above can be named“code-switching”(abbreviated as CS).In this paper,the“code”specially refers to the“language”rather than other language varieties.
The widely accepted definition of CS is presented by MyersScotton(1993:1):“Code-switching is a term used to identify alternations of linguistic varieties within the same conversation.”
Theoretical background
The research of code-switching in sociolinguistic aspect can be dated back to Blom and Gumperz’s(1972)“Social meaning in linguistic structures”.
When studying code-switching,Myers-Scotton(1993)made a perfect combination of the social factors and the grammatical factors together to take into consideration.In the language structural aspect,she built“Matrix Language-Frame Model”.The core idea of this model is there are two language systems in CS:one is Matrix language and the other is embedded language.The Matrix language plays a leading role in the conversation.
In the socialcultural aspect,she constructed“Markedness Model”.Myers-Scotton’s markedness model was stated in the form of a principle and four maxims.That is,The negotiation principle which includes the Sequential Unmarked Choice Maxim,The Unmarked Choice Maxim,The Marked Choice Maxim and The Exploratory Choice Maxim.Generally Speaking,“Markedness Model”gives a way of looking into the CS as a negotiation for the interlocutors to cooperate in the conversation.It is a model to perceive the social motivation of CS.
In this research,the procedures of Conversational Analysis(abbreviated as CA)have been adopted to analyze the data.CAwas initially proposed by Harvey Sacks in the late 1960s and early1970s,which is a method to analyze the organization of the interaction.When analyzing the talk-in-interaction,the following three types of organization would necessarily be identified:turntaking,sequence organization,and repair.
The research topic I have been working for is“Conversational code-switching of Chinese students who study in Sydney.”
I will make a complimentary explanation t�ha偭t t�his paper is a Mandarin-English based research.The“Chinese”here is limited its scope to“Mandarin”.
The data have been collected by recording the spontaneous conversational exchange from graduate Chinese students who study in Sydney majoring various subjects such as linguistics,commerce,human resources.
There are 8 male students as well as 9 female students being investigated.They are all Mandarin-English bilinguals.All of them have accomplished their undergraduate study in China.The average length of time of their staying in Sydney is half a year.This research has been carried out in half a month.As a result,I have acquired about 3 hours tape-recording of these subjects’daily conversation.
Results and discussion
In this part,some first-hand data will be presented with separate analysis according to the CA approach and other sociolinguistic theories relating to CS.
1.The driving factors of CS
A:Global patterns he local patterns shi zhi shen me a?
(‘What do Global patterns and local patterns refer to?’)
B:(2.0)Wo jue de global patterns shi zhi wen zhang organize de fang shi._Local patterns shi zhi stages he phases.
(‘In my opinion,global patterns refer to the ways of organization of the article.Local patterns refer to stages and phases’)
A:(1.5)Hao xiang lao shi ye zhe me jiang guo.
(‘It seems that the teacher has said that.’)
Extract1 has taken place in school.It isa conversation between twopeople.A proposesa questionbyMandarinand English mixing expression.Amakes anevident selectionthat he wants Bto answer.Afteratwoseconds’thinking,Boffers an answer to A’squestionso that theadjacencypair is notdelayed.Itis apparent that B follows A’s discourse pattern as herresponse contains Mandarin and English.When it comes to the English words A used to deploy,B switches her speaking from Mandarin to English.Besides,it seems that B prefers to switch Mandarin to a specific English word.After 1.5-second pause,Aendsthe discourse sequence with a pure Mandarin sentence.
It can be clearly seen that when it comes to the academic words such as local patterns,global patterns etc.,the speakers tend to use the original form of the word in English.
Baker(2001);Romaine(1995)pointed out that:“Bilingual speakers tend to tal�k one�speci�fic topic in language A because language A is the language they were taught to cope with this topic,and/or because language B m@ay isomet�imes lack some terminology needed to handle this topic.”
That statement above to some extent clarifies the use of codeswitching in the domain of school and other academic settings.It can be summarized as educational factors acting on CS of the conversation.
Extract 2:
A:Ni zhu zai na[li?
(‘Where do you live?’)
A:Li xue xiao bu jin a.
(‘It is not near to school.’)
B:=Hai hao le.By train hen kuai de.
(‘That’s all right.It is fast to get to school by train’)
In this extract,the speakers use English word“Ashfield”and the phrase“By train”to make a switching from Mandarin.As mentioned a specific name of a location,the Chinese students are used to employing the original form.There is no need for them to interpret into Chinese(Mandarin)because the bilingual speakers can widely recognize the proper noun.“By train”is a simple phrase to express the daily transportation.It can be assumed that the bilingual speakers here obey the locals’daily expression.This can be called as conventional factors on CS.
2.The social motivation of CS
A:Ni he de shi hong cha ma?
(‘Are you drinking black tea?’)
B:=Bu shi.(‘No.’)
A:Na shi shen me?
(‘Then,which kind of tea?’)
B:(2.0)Green Tea.
In Extract3,A wonders to know what B is drinking.A receives a dispreferred answer from B.In order to achieve her goal,A keeps on asking.All these above are in Mandarin.Unexpectedly,with 2.0-second pause,B makes her response in English.
According to Myers-Scotton(1993),the speakers in the same community know what a linguistic choice will be normal,unmarked realization of an expected rights-and-obligations set for a particular conversation.Considering Chinese overseas students who study in Sydney as a community,when talking about trifles in daily life,they tend to speak in Chinese.Chinese here is the unmarked language choice.In the above extract,Speaker A asks repeatedly about what tea B drinking is.Finally,B selects the marked choice(English)to show his impatient about A‘s question.The use of CS from the speaker is a way to show their feelings such as impatient,disagreement.It is also regarded as a good way to make the statement more noticeable by using CS.What’s more,it seems that code-switching can play a conclusion role of a conversational sequence.Thus,code-switching sometimes is a signal of a specific sequence ending.
3.The repair in the conversation
Extract 4:
A:Ni men zhong wu chi de shen me?
(‘What you guys have had for lunch?’)
B:Slice(of bread)
C:(To B)Haha,Tou ying pian.
B:Jiu shi na zhong chang er qie bao de mian bao.
(‘That is exactly the long and thin piece of bread.’)
A:=Ming bai le.
(‘Get it!’)
In the above extract,A asks a question in Mandarin.B is self-selected as the next speaker to answer the question in English.Because of B’s uncompleted phrase plus A’s uncertain hearing,A is quite struggled to know B’s meaning by questioning.C interferes in the conversation by joking in Mandarin.B makes an account for the misunderstanding caused by him in Mandarin.A finally replies in Mandarin to show her understanding.
In CA,The term of repair is“The mechanisms through which certain’troubles’in interaction are dealt with.”(Schegloff,Jefferson,&Sacks 1977).
Because of A’s mishearing of the word slice and C’s ridicule,B decides to repair his discourse by using Mandarin to clarify.The repair is initiated by A and C,thus,the clarification of B can be marked as“other-initiated,self-repair.”
In Chinese overseas students conversation,the phenomena of repair frequently occurs for the reason that code-switching sometimes may lead to confusion by the deficiencies in cognition and hearing.
4.The Matrix language model in analyzing these conversations
A:Zhe ge zuo ye de fen hao di.
(‘This assignment got a very low mark.’)
B:(2.0)Don’t worry.Zhe ci zuo ye da jia fen shu dou bu gao de.
(‘Don’t worry,most of us do not got a high mark in this assignment.’)
In Extract5,A complaints the low mark she has gotten in Mandarin.Within 2-second pause,B is trying to find words to comfort A.B consequently chooses English to attract A’s attention.Then,B switches to Mandarin to give reasons for his claim which makes his claim more acceptable.
A:Ni Jin Tian Xia Wu Neng Pei Wo Qu Chao Shi Ma?
(‘Can you go to supermarket with me this afternoon?’)
B:(2.0)Sorry,Wo Xia Wu You Ke.
(‘Sorry,I have class this afternoon’)
A:=That’s OK.
In Extract6,A puts forward his request in Mandarin.With2.0-second hesitation,B uses English to apologize,then switches to Mandarin to give the reason.A gives a brief response to B in English to end the sequence.
Examples such as Extract5 and Extract6 are by no means rare in my research.As a result,every subject chooses Chinese(Mandarin)as his/her Matrix language in conversation,even no one is exception.English is the embedded language in their conversation.In addition,they prefer to use English words or short phrases to make code-switching rather than a complicated sentence.It can be assumed that due to the extent of familiarity of the language,the Chinese overseas students who study in Sydney have not matched the level of using English as native speakers,they still prefer to use their mother tongue Chinese(Mandarin)to structure their conversation.
The study has revealed that when Chinese students who study in Sydney employ code-switching in their conversation,it can be regarded as both linguistics choices and communicative strategies.
The code-switching of Chinese overseas students is based on their vernacular-Chinese.The CS is in large degree in the morphemic level.In order to achieve the social goal,code-switching is widely adopted in the subjects’conversation.However,code-switching happens in their conversation naturally rather than deliberately.
[1]Baker, C. (2001) Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingu- alism (3rd Edition). Clevedon: ML Matters Ltd.
[2]Blom, Jan-Petter, and John J. Gumperz. (1972). Social meaning in linguistic structure: code-switching in Norway. Directions in Sociolinguis- tics, ed. by John J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
[3]Ellis, R. and Barkhuizen, G. (2005) Analysing Learner Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4]Myers-scotton, C and Jake, J. L. (2001) Explaining Aspects of Code-Switching and their Implications. Cited in Nicol, J. L. (ed.) One Mind, Two Languages. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
[5]Myers-Scotton, C. (1993). Common and uncommon ground:So- cial andstructural factors in code-switching. Language in Society, 22, 475-503.
[6]Myers-Scotton, C. (1993). Social Motivations f or Codeswitching :evidence from A f rica: Oxford University Press.
[7]Romaine, S. (1995) Bilingualism (2nd Ed). Oxford UK and Cam- bridge USA: Blackwell.
[8]Schegloff,E.A., G. J., and H.sacks. (1977). The prefernce for self- correction in the organization of repair in conversation. Language 53, 82-361.
[9]Stockwell, P. (2007). Sociolinguistics:A resource book for stu- dents (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge.
[10]Wang, X. J. (2006 ). Code-switching between mandarin and Eng- lish in English-dominant environments. Annual Review of Education, Communication, and Language Sciences. Retrieved from www.ecls.ncl.ac.uk/publish/ARECLS/xiaojingwang.htm