1.初一英语上阅读理解 篇一
The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.In the morning, Mr Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them to school every day.Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day.She does the housework.She always eats her lunch at noon.In the afternoon,she usually sees her friends.They often drink tea together.In the evening, the children come home from school.They arrive home early.Mr Sawyer comes home from work.He arrives home late.At night, the children always do their homework, Then they go to bed.Mr Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,but sometimes he and his wife watch television,1.Where do the Sawyers live?___________________ 2.What does Mrs Sawyer do every day?____________________ 3.Who does Mrs Sawyer see in the afternoon?_____________________ 4.Do the children arrive home early?_______________________ 5.Does Mr Sawyer arrive home early?_____________________-6.What do the children often do at night?_______________________ 7.Does Mr Sawyer usually read his newspaper at night?______________
It is eight o’clock.The chilren go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot.It is ten o’clock.Mrs Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.It is four o’clock.In the afternoon, Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six o’clock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework.At the moment, they are playing in the garden.It is nine o’clock.Mr Sawyer usually reads his newpaper at night.But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight.At the moment, he’s reading an interesting book.1.The children go to school ______ every day.A.by car B.on foot C.by bike D.by bus 2.Mrs Sawyer is going to ___ this mornig? A.staying at home B.go shopping C.drinking tea D.watching TV 3.Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at ______in the living room.A.8:00 B.16:00 C.18:00 D.21:00 4.Are the children doing their homework at the moment?
A.Yes, they do.B.No, they don’t.C.Yes, they are.D.No, they aren’t
5.At the moment ,Mr Sawyer is_________ A.watching TV B.reading his newspaper C.playing in the garden
D.reading an interesting book.(C)
There is a car race near our town every year.In 1995,there was a very big race.There were hundreds of people there.My wife and I were at the race.Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.You can see us in the crowd.We are standing on the left.There were twenty cars in the race.There were English cars, French cars, Geman cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.It was an exciting finish.The winner was Billy Stewart.He was in car number fifteen.Five other cars were just behind him.On the way home, my wife said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly!You’re not Billy Stewart!”
1.Is there a car race near our town every year? _________________ 2.How many people are there in the big race of 1995? _____________ 3.Who was at the race with the author(作者)? ______________________ 4.Are they standing on the left?_____________________ 5.Were there thirty cars in the race?____________________ 6.Were there any Chinese cars in the race?__________________ 7.The finish was exciting, wasn’t it?_______________ 8.Who was the winner of the race?__________________
Last week Mrs Milly went to London.She does not know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.”I can ask him the way,” she said to herself.“Excuse me,” she said.“Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?” The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English!He was a tourist.Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook.He opened the book and found a phrase.He read the phrase slowly.”I am sorry,” he said.”I do not speak English.”
()1.Mrs Milly went to London last week.()2.Mrs Milly asked a man the way to a bus stop.()3.The man didn’t know the way to King Street.()4.The man was a tourist and he knew English well.()5.The phrasebook was in the hand of the man.(E)
Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.He’s a pilot.He was in the R.F.A.He will fly to New York next month.The month after next he’ll fly to Tokyo.At the moment, he’s in Madrid.He flew to Spain a week ago.He’ll return to London the week after next.He’s only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.Nigel is a very lucky man.But his wife isn’t very lucky.She usually stays at home!
1.Nigel’s job is a ________.A.teacher B.doctor
D.pelot 2.____ Nigel will fly to Tokyo.A.next month B.the month after next C.a week before D.We don’t know in the text.3.How old wil he be the next year?__________
A.forty B.forty-one
D.forty-three 4.What does Nigel’s wife usually do?
A.Goes to every country in the world with Nigel.B.Goes to work
C.Fly to New York and London.D.Stays at home.5.Is Nigel’s wife lucky? A.Yes, she is.B.No, she isn’t.C.She is lucky.D.No, she is.(F)
Eric and Susan are very good friends.They grew up together, they went to high school together, and they went to collge together.Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey.Even though they live far apart, they’re still very good friends.They write to each other very often.He writes her letters about life on the West Coast, and she writes him letters about life on the East Coast, They never forget each other’s birthday.Last year he sent her some CDs, and she sent him a wallet.Eric and Susan help each other very often.Last year he lent her money when she was in the hospital, and she gave him advice when he lost his job.Eric and Susan like each other very much.They were always very good friends, and they still are.()1.Eric and Susan grew up and went go high school together.()2.Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey.()3.They never forget each other’s birthday.()4.Susan sent Eric some CDs last year and Eric sent Susan a wallet last year.()5.Susan lost her job and Eric gave her advice.(G)
Joan got home late from work today, and she was very happy.When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset.There was nothing to eat for dinner.Joan sat down and made a shopping list.She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrot, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, half a pound of chicken, and a loaf of bread.Jone rushed out of the house and drove to the supermarket.When she got there, she was very disappointed.There wasn’t any lettuce.There weren’t any carrots.There wasn’t any milk.There weren’t any eggs.There weren’t any tomatoes.There wasn’t any chicken, and there wasn’t any bread.Joan was tired and upset.In fact, she was so tired and upset.In fact, she was so tired and upset that she lost her appetite(食欲,胃口),drove home, didn’t have dinner, and went to bed.1.Was there anything to eat in the refrigerator?
A.Yes, there was.B.No, there wasn’t.C.Yes, there wasn’t.D.No, there was.2.Did Joan need any fish?
A.Yes, she did.B.No, she didn’t.C.Yes.she didn’t.D.No, she did.3.How did Joan go to the supermarket?
A.By bus.B.By bike.C.By car.D On foot.4.Joan bought _____________ in the supermarket.A.carrots B.milk C.tomatoes D.nothing 5.What did Joan do after she drove home from supermarket?
A.She watched TV.B.She ate dinner.C.She went to bed.D.She went to work.(H)
I’m tired of winter.I’m tired of snow.I’m tired of cold weather,and I’m sick and tired of winter coats and boots!Just think!In a few more weeks it won’t be winter any more.It’ll be warm, It’ll be warm.It won’t snow any more.It’ll be sunny.I won’t have to stay indoors any more.I’ll go outside and play with my friends.We’ll ride bicyside and play baseball again.In a few more weeks our neighborhood won’t look sad and gray any more.The flowers will bloom, and the trees will become green again.My family will spend more time outdoors.My father will work in the yard.He’ll cut the grass and paint the fence.My mother will work in the yard, too.She’ll buy new flowers and plant them in the garden.On weekends we won’t just sit in the living room and watch TV.We’ll go for walks in the park, and we’ll have picnics on Sunday afternoons.I can’t wait for spring to come!Hurry, spring!
1.Does the author like spring or winter?__________________ 2.Is it warm now?________________ 3.What will the author do in a few more weeks?__________________ 4.Where will the author’s family spend more time in a few more weeks?____________ 5.Will the author’s father cut the grass and paint the fence?__________________ 6.Will the author’s mother water flowers?___________________ 7.What will they do on Sunday afternoons?_________________________ 8.Do you like spring or winter? Why?______________________________
Amy’s apartment building is in the center(中心)of town.Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient(方便的)place.Across from the building, there’s a bank, a post office, and a restaurant.Next to the building, there’s a drug store and a laundromat(洗衣店).Around the corner(角落)from the building, ther are two supermarkets.There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s apartment building.There are a lot of cars on the street, and there are a lot of people one the sidewalks(人行道)all day and all night.However, Amy’s isn’t very upset(不安)about the noise in her neighborhood(附近).Her building is in the center of town.It’s a very busy place, but it’s a convenient place to live.判断正(T)误(F)
()1.Amy’apartment is in a convenient place.()2.There’s a drug store around the corner from her building.()3.There are two supermarkets in her neighborhood.()4.There are a lot of cars on the sidewalk.()5.The center of town is very noisy.根据短文,回答问题
6.Where is Amy’s apartment building? ________________________________________ 7.What’s across from her building? ______________________________________ 8.Is there a laundromat near her building? ________________________________
9.Why is there a lot of noise near Amy’s building? _______________________________ 10.Why is Amy happy there? _________________________________
2.初一英语上阅读理解 篇二
一、引入热点话题, 让阅读教学插上时尚的翅膀
《英语新课标》的基本理念之一是:英语课程要力求给学生提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的内容健康和丰富的课程资源。因此, 阅读内容的选择要尽量具有生活性、时代性。我们应努力做到“Bring the whole world into the classroom”, 做到关心社会, 让生活走入英语课堂, 让学生感到英语就在身边。
浏览近几年的中考试卷, 我们也不难发现每年阅读材料的内容几乎都跟学生的学习、生活以及当年的社会热点话题有关。
最近两年, 笔者在阅读教学时给学生选择的阅读补充材料内容举例如下:
以上话题都是当前的热门话题, 涉及到气候、环境、健康、科学技术等等, 涉及面广, 内容丰富又极具时代气息。这些话题都引起了学生的极大兴趣, 激起了他们阅读的欲望, 他们感到英语阅读教学是时尚的、潮流的, 是与时俱进的。
二、丰富语言材料, 让阅读教学插上丰满的翅膀
《英语课程标准》中对“读”提出的五级目标要求:能读懂7~9年级学生阅读的简单读物和报刊、杂志, 克服生词障碍, 理解大意;能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料, 除教材外, 课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。初中英语教材中的课文所承载的文化信息量有限, 要让学生学好英语, 局限于教材是不够的, 在浩瀚的知识海洋里, 教材内容仅仅是沧海一粟。要对知识进行融会贯通还要求英语老师给学生增加拓展材料, 加强课外阅读材料的补充。
在每单元的阅读课教学时, 笔者都精选题材相似或话题相关的文章供学生进行扩充阅读。需要强调的是, 选择恰当的阅读材料, 是有效激发他们阅读兴趣、培养阅读能力的关键所在。那么, 究竟怎样选择好课外阅读材料呢?
(一) 注重阅读材料的梯度性
根据著名心理学家维果茨基的“最近发展区”理论和语言学家Krashen的“输入假设”, 应该选择难度最接近或稍微超出学生对语言的理解和习得, 既有利于巩固基础知识、引起兴趣, 又便于启发思维、增添知识。语言学家Rod Ellis也认为“学习者需要专门适合他们的发展阶段的外语资料”。因此, 在开始阶段, 选择材料不要太难, 以免学生丧失兴趣。可先选择贴近学生生活的材料, 先选择学校、家庭生活等题材。随着学生英文水平的提高, 教师所选择的阅读材料应该逐渐扩大到旅游、环保、植物、动物、社会、经济、科普等内容的文章。这样梯度性地选择材料, 可以做到因材施教, 有效激发学生的阅读兴趣。
(二) 注重阅读材料的趣味性
兴趣是行动的最大内驱力。教育心理学家告诉我们, 只有感兴趣的东西, 学习者才会积极投入其中, 认真思考, 以最简捷、最有效的方法获得必要的知识。教师可以选择英语笑话、寓言故事、科普小品、人物传记、脍炙人口的名人演讲等学生感兴趣的题材让学生阅读。
(三) 注重阅读材料的丰富性
在教学中, 笔者除了到“英语阅读专刊”上寻找资料外, 还从新近出版的英文报刊、杂志上精选阅读语篇。报纸涉及到经济、文化、教育、科技、体育等社会生活的各个方面。文章有长有短, 文字有难有易, 对学习者来说, 选择的范围比较大。目前适合中学生阅读的英文报纸有:《中国日报》 (China Daily) 、《21世纪报》 (The 21st century) 、《英语周报》 (English Weekly) 、《广州早报》 (Guangzhou Morning Post) 等, 这些报纸语言通俗易懂, 内容比较贴近学习生活。另外, 一些时事性较强的杂志如《英语世界》 (English World) 、《英语学习》 (English Language Learning) 、《英语沙龙》 (English Salon) 等也是很好的选择。
通过课文训练与课外英语材料阅读相结合的方式, 学生的阅读能力有了明显的巩固和提高。总之, 只有通过大量阅读, 学生才能广泛接触各类题材的短文, 掌握阅读不同背景题材短文的技巧, 全面提升解读语篇的能力。
三、构建和谐课堂, 让阅读教学插上快乐的翅膀
毕加索有这样一幅画:鱼在天上游, 鹤在水上飞。有人问:“这可能吗?”他说:“只要和谐, 什么都能做到。”这位睿智的艺术家以独特的方式向我们诠释了“和谐”的真谛。试想:今天是阅读课, 学生面对的是一行行密密麻麻的文字, 以及文后罗列的几道干巴巴的阅读理解题。请问:“学生在这样的课中快乐地学习, 这可能吗?”显然, 这就要求我们英语教师义不容辞地做个“和谐”课堂的设计师和建筑师了。
(一) 设计情境, 以情感染学生
建构主义提出, 语言学习是与一定的“情境”相联系的。笔者在教学以上海世博 (World Expo 2010 China) 为话题的阅读课时, 上课伊始, 先为学生播放优美动听的上海世博会主题曲“Haibao!Let’s show”, 并在投影幕上出示本次世博会的会徽、吉祥物海宝以及各国的场馆图片, 学生一开始就在心理上产生一种入境感、愉悦感, 为后续的有效阅读做了良好的铺垫。
(二) 尊重学生的独特体验和价值取向
阅读能力的形成在很大程度上要靠学生的自我领悟体会, 阅读教学应培养学生多角度、有创意的个性化阅读思维活动。发展学生的阅读能力必须充分发挥学生的主动性, 充分调动学生自己的生活经验和知识积累, 在主动积极的思维和情感活动中, 感受快乐的体验。
例如, 笔者在与学生共同讨论“渔夫和金鱼”故事中的“对渔夫是怎样一个人的看法”时, 很多学生在经过思考后发表自己的看法, 下面是三个学生 (S1、2、3) 与T (笔者) 的对话。
S1:I think he is a kind husband.Because he didn’t want to make his wife angry and went to ask the fish for help again and again.
T:I also agree that a husband should try to make his wife happy.
S2:I think he is a man who doesn’t have his own mind.He didn’t dare to refuse his wife’s request.
T:Right.We should say“No”when we face unreasonable requests.
S3:I think he is a foolish man.He knew his wife was greedy, but he didn’t stop her so that his wife’s greed became bigger and bigger.
T:I think so.So we should try to avoid making smaller mistakes become bigger ones.
这些想法或观点, 都是学生在对文本把握、理解和分析的基础上得出的, 是学生充分调动自己的生活经验和知识积累, 获得的独特感受和体验。不同人对文本中蕴涵的价值取向的理解也是不同的。上述笔者对于学生不同的看法, 都表示尊重与赞赏, 学生从不同角度思考问题的行为得到了鼓励, 多角度思考的勇气得到了保护。这样, 学生今后阅读的热情和能力自然不断提高。
让学生享受阅读所带来的快乐, 是提高学生英语阅读兴趣和能力的关键。事实表明, 和谐的课堂不仅有利于学生消除讲英语的心理畏惧感, 更能有效地拨动他们的兴致, 使他们直接沉浸在对英语文本的鉴赏和理解中, 让他们体味阅读所带来的快乐。
四、激活学生思维, 让阅读教学插上飞翔的翅膀
初中是英语阅读教学的起始阶段, 教材中选用了许多篇幅短小、内容浅显、主题单一的段落作为阅读文本。教师在教学设计中往往只对文本进行粗略地处理, 阅读课毫无阅读的风景。但浅文正因为浅显, 更需要教师深度挖掘和精心设计, 如在文章上“做文章” (即对原文进行扩写、续写、改写等) , 或问题引领, 或提炼总结等等。
(一) 在文章上“做文章”
将阅读与扩写、续写、改写等形式有机结合起来, 是对学生创造思维的一种培养过程, 是在阅读基础上的创造和发挥。从扩写、续写、改写一篇文章, 需要学生利用已有的阅读知识, 充分展开想象的翅膀, 生动、形象、具体地描绘出来, 这将使学生认知的范围和视野不断拓展, 创造思维的空间进一步扩展, 学生阅读的欲望进一步激发, 创新思维的过程也将更有意义。
由于表达的需要, 教材中有些阅读篇章比较简短, 教学中可引导学生通过想象和联想加以扩展充实, 以激发学生的创新思维。在教学Go for it.7B Unit6 (It’s raining!) Section B 3b阅读部分时笔者请学生根据原文及图片内容展开丰富想象, 并扩写为100单词以上的文章。以下为一学生扩写后文章, 画线部分为扩写内容:
It’s winter in France.The weather is windy and cold.It’s the worst day of the year.people are wearing coats and scarfs.But everyone is having a good time.
Friends are talking and eating food in the restaurants.They are talking about the weather, the food and their plans for the coming new year.And they hope they will be healthier and richer next year.In a park, a musician is playing the guitar and some boys are playing soccer.The musician plays very well and loses himself in the beautiful music.Around the musician, some people can’t help dancing and singing with the music.And the boys often come to the park to play soccer on weekends.They come from different schools.But they all like playing soccer.One of them is the capital of the school basketball team.One man is taking a photo.He is going to leave his hometown.He wants to put thesights into his heart.
反思:教材提供的阅读材料是一个只有46个词的文本, 而且教材的阅读要求仅仅是看图填词。“What are the friends talking in the restaurants?”“Why is the man taking a photo in the park?”等等这些问题都是课文留下的“空白”, 那么, 引导学生讨论上述问题后, 再进行扩写训练, 拓展了学生的想象空间, 使学生的创新思维能力得到迅速提高。
《英语课程标准》对“读”的五级目标要求是:能理解故事的情节, 预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。英语课本阅读文章的某些情节因表达需要, 会省略、或戛然而止。在指导学生阅读时, 引导学生进行续写训练, 有助于对文章的深入理解, 以培养学生的创新思维。以Go for it.8B Unit3 (What were you doing when the UFO arrived?) Section A 3a阅读部分的教学设计为例:该部分课本上的阅读要求是:Read the e-mail message and number the pictures in the correct order.该部分阅读内容为Ted不同寻常的一次经历。主要描述外星人登陆地球后的一系列行踪, 文章的结尾两句是:While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station.Isn’t that amazing!显然, 事情到此还不是结局。What would happen after the TV reporter got?What would happen at last?可见, 结局还有诸多悬念留待读者去猜想。于是, 我引导他们想象并预测接下来可能会发生的情景, 鼓励他们进行续写。毕竟, 孩子天生就有很强的想象力, “异想天开”是他们对自我挑战的一种渴望。个个迥然不同的结局无不体现出他们丰富的想象力, 以下为其中的两篇续文:
(1) Before the TV reporter arrived, the alien got out of the museum and went into the park.In the park, you can’t imagine what the alien did.It took out a bag, pick a small pear on a tree, cut down a young tree, even caught a duck (Nope!) , then, put them into the bag.Next, it got into the UFO.What happened at last?The alien took out a camera and took lots of pictures from the UFO.What a day Ihad!
(2) After a few minutes, some policemen got to the museum.And the TV reporters arrived just at the same time.The alien felt very afraid when it found what was happening, but soon it became calm.To our surprise, the alien could speak some English.It told the reporters that it was from Mars.It was the second time to visit the earth.The alien also said it wanted to make friends with earthmen and hope earthmen would live Mars one day because the environment was much better on Mars.
当然, 除扩写、续写外, 仿写、改写也是培养学生阅读兴趣和能力的有效方法。总之, 为学生创设浅文深学的阅读环境, 可让学生的思维能力从起始阶段就得到有意识的培养。
(二) 提炼问题、挖掘文本
西方学者亚里士多德曾说过:“思维自惊奇和疑问开始”。以巧妙的问题来引导学生的思维发展, 自古就得到中外教育家的高度重视和普遍运用。巧妙设疑能调动学生思维的积极性, 引导学生把准思维方向, 扩展思维广度, 提高思维层次, 把学生带入一个奇妙的文本世界, 使学生积极思考问题, 寻求解决问题的能力, 从而培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力, 有效提高学生的英语阅读能力。
以Go for it.8B Unit6 (I have been collecting shells for several years.) Section A 3a阅读部分的问题设计为例。这是一篇记者采访几个为慈善事业筹募资金进行马拉松滑冰学生的现场报道。在根据课文回答完浅层问题后, 笔者又提出以下三个问题:
1.T:How much will Alison raise?
S:At least 50 dollars. (多精确的at least, 文本里相关的信息只是For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.Alison has been skating for the whole five hours.)
2.T:Why have some skaters been skating for several hours but some just started an hour ago?
S:Because it’s not a match.It’s a charity.They needn’t start at the same time.
3.What do you think the reporter will say at the end of her news report?
Ss:That’s all.Thank you.If you want to raise more money, join us!Join us and show your love……
原文是一则很简短的报道, 只是让学生很简单地了解了当时马拉松滑冰慈善活动的进展情况, 但是这三个问题活跃了学生的思维, 因为这三个问题在课文中都没有现成的答案, 学生需要思考、推理。可见, 巧妙的问题设计不仅使学生对课文有了更加深刻的理解, 而且能引领学生的思维走出文字材料, 使课堂呈现开放多维的状态。
实践证明, 上述四种方法对培养学生的阅读兴趣, 提高阅读能力是非常必要的, 也是非常恰当的, 效果同样是非常明显的。英语阅读兴趣的培养是一个综合过程, 能力的提高更是一个循序渐进的过程。教师若能结合学生的认知水平, 合理、灵活地把上述“引入热点话题”“丰富语言材料”“构建和谐课堂”“激活学生思维”等四方面运用于英语阅读课教学中, 初中英语阅读教学定能焕发光彩。
总之, 让阅读成为启迪学生智慧的强大磁场, 让英语文本内蕴如涓涓细流浸润学生的心田, 让英语阅读教学插上美丽的翅膀, 是英语老师的共识, 更是我们不断探索前行的努力方向。
摘要:阅读教学在英语教学中占有重要的地位, 是提高英语教学有效性的主要途径。然而在实际阅读教学中存在的一些问题, 影响了学生的阅读能力和兴趣。本文作者结合具体的教学事例, 叙述了四种培养学生阅读兴趣和阅读能力的方法:即“引入热点话题”“丰富语言材料”“构建和谐课堂”“激活学生思维”。
[1]教育部.英语课程标准[S].人民教育出版社, 2003年.
[2]鲁子问, 康淑敏.英语教学方法与策略[M].华东师范大学出版社.
[4]陈俭贤.培养阅读能力提高阅读效率[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2010年, 第3期.
3.谈对山区初一学生的英语阅读引导 篇三
1. 从有趣的单词或句子入手。可以分类总结单词如动物、颜色等,还可以猜测中英文词语翻译的差异,如lucky dog, blue film, the black sheep等。英语中有很多的谚语、俗语也是学生所感兴趣的,如“Kill two birds with one stone.”用这些简单的词汇、句子引导他们充实词汇,激发英语阅读的兴趣。
2. 西方传统文化引导。可给学生介绍中西方的一些文化差异,如节日文化,感恩节、圣诞节、复活节、万圣节等的由来、食品、习俗;还可介绍西方的餐桌礼仪、对比中国与其它国家的餐桌礼仪;还有西方的见面礼仪、幸运数字的追崇等。
3. 简短有趣的故事阅读。可以从学生熟知的、简短的、词汇简单的故事入手,让他们初步感受阅读的乐趣,帮他们学习掌握新词汇,逐步建立他们对英语阅读的兴趣。
4. 好听的英文歌曲的歌词阅读。每周学一首英文歌,在每天课间或课前播放,教师还可鼓励学生自己去听、选英文歌来推荐给大家。在班上我举行了一次英文班歌推选比赛,学生兴趣盎然,取得了很好的效果。注意在教英文歌的时候,要引导他们阅读英文歌词,掌握歌词大意,既训练阅读能力又充实词汇。
5. 每周一期班级英文手抄报张贴。安排好轮流出刊的次序,以个人创作或小组合作的形式,鼓励学生自己阅读、挑选英语文章、故事、句子来编绘手抄报。这样一来编报的同学要通过大量的阅读才能挑选出自己喜欢的文章,读报的同学又因为对同学节选内容的好奇而阅读,碰到不会的词汇他们自己会去查找学习,无形中提高了他们的阅读能力。每逢重大节日就举办英文手抄报特刊,去年我们学校在圣诞节举办了圣诞手抄报和宣传画比赛,整个学校弥漫着浓浓的节日气氛,取得了很好的效果。
6. 有趣的活动比赛。我们举办了英语故事演讲比赛、英语短剧比赛,使学生通过阅读、筛选、改编、表演等一系列的活动扩大了阅读量、扩充了词汇,提升了语言的使用能力,也很大程度上提高了他们的英语阅读兴趣。
1. 把课外阅读当作常规。除了课堂的阅读教学与训练以外,我鼓励学生每天进行课外阅读活动,鼓励他们根据自己的兴趣爱好及水平自选一本课外英文阅读书籍或一种英文报刊,每天坚持阅读一篇短文,课堂上让部分同学谈所看趣闻或阅读心得。
2. 订阅英文报刊。可在班里的阅读角摆放一些适合学生阅读的新英文报刊,这些报刊可以由班级订,也可让学生从家里带来,时常更新,让学生在课间就能轻易地接触到新鲜的、不同的阅读资源。
3. 建立班级的英语网站。鼓励学生推选文章放到网上,并定时组织班级同学对同学们所推荐的文章进行评论、评选。
4. 举办阅读类型课,如趣味阅读课、快速阅读课、报刊阅读课等,举行阅读竞赛。
1. 精读与泛读训练相结合。初一的课堂教学中,既要有泛读的速度训练也要有精读的语言结构的学习,对课文可先进行泛读,回答问题,然后再精读文段,鼓励学生思考和提问,学习语言点,提高语言运用能力。
2. 限时阅读训练常规化,提高阅读的速度。进行限时阅读训练,挑选词数、难度适中的短文,让学生在规定时间内读完,完成理解题,然后检查理解准确率,进行辅导讲评。
3. 指导学生养成正确的阅读习惯。默读,不要出声读、不要手指指着读,不要总是停下来查字典,指导他们减少眼停次数,扩大视力范围,争取在单位时间里捕捉更多的语言信息,提高阅读速度。
4. 指导学生学会正确的阅读方法。指导学生根据文段不同类型,学会使用速读、跳读、览读、带问题读等阅读方法;教会学生抓关键词、抓文中重点段、段中主题句和根据上下文猜生词词义等方法,以提高阅读的速度和效率。
4.初一上英语作文经典1 篇四
写人: 1.My friend
I have a good friend.Her name is _____.She comes from _______.Now we are in the same class
We often go to school and go home toghter,just like sisters.She likes English very much and she is good at it.So, If I have a question of English, I will turn to her for help.She is very helpful.She also does well in singing and dancing.介绍自己
Dear Mike , Thanks for your letter, Now I’d like to tell you something about myself.My name is Anna.I’m thirteen.I study at No.3 Middle School.I’m in Class Four Grade Seven.My favorite subject is English and I also like math.I think they are very important and useful.I like playing the violin.I like an action movie.Because it is exciting.What about you? Do you like an action movie? Please write to tell me soon.写物
My Room I have my own room.It is big and nice.There is a bed, a desk and a shelf.The doll is on the bad.The lamp is on the desk.The books are on the shelf.The trash bin is behind the door.The clothes are in the closet.There is a air-conditioner over the closet.Look!There are many pictures on the wall.I love my room very much..My favourite festival My favourite festival is spring festival.On that day, we can have a good time.We usually have a big dinner together at home or in a restaurant.Then, we watch TV until 12 o’clock, the TV programs are always very interesting and exciting, we enjoy them very much!My favorite subject/ sports
5.初一上学期英语教学计划 篇五
5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生
6.初一上英语作文我的房间 篇六
Look! The center of the room with a big soft bed. I am lying on the bed so much beloved toy, a green pillow leans on the bed, a quilt neatly on the bed. Lay up can be comfortable, like a soft and warm hand gently hold your body.
My little bookcase on a corner of the window, although it is not big, but it is full of all kinds of books, seem to also look at. Whether kindergarten picture books, or my father sold me after read prose book, there are.
Look! In front of the window, and that is my little desk. Fold the above a few big thick stack of books; A chicken alarm clock shape; There is a light blue bear lamp... Every day I often tidy my desk, so it is very clean and it looks like new.
There are many things on the wall of my room. The nail on the wall of the head of a bed a few pictures of when I was a kid, desk hangs a map of China and a map of the world, in also posted on the wall near the door I get honors and awards at school... Adorn the white as the walls of the cut already more beautiful, just like in the white dress on colorful on diamonds and pearls.
This is my little room, although in your eyes, my little room has may not be very beautiful, but in my eyes, this kind of simple beauty gave the room a warmth, a feeling of clean and tidy.
7.初一英语上阅读理解 篇七
课例之一,阅读主题:Sports,授课时间为2008年9月初,学生对刚刚结束的北京奥运会记忆犹新,所以讨论十分热烈,这时,我刻意展示刘翔的一张照片,一时间学生的情绪颇为激愤,他(她)们对刘翔退出比赛的事非常不满。于是,我适时地播出刘翔在鸟巢退出比赛时伤心落泪的系列画面,并在画面上打出特地为刘翔写的一首歌“Oh, my hero!”,并以声嘶力竭的摇滚风格刻意渲染:If there’s no pain, how we can gain?体育精神与奥运金牌谁重谁轻,其结果已不辩自明。那些持偏激态度的学生也认识到了自己体育观的狭隘。从奥运到刘翔,从英语阅读教学到正确的体育价值观,水到渠成,让学生在掌握知识的同时,也矫正了他们狭隘的体育观,开阔了他们的心胸、拓宽了他们的视野。
课例之二:阅读主题Growing pains,我敏锐地捕捉到教材的不足,即一味地扩大成长的烦恼,却没有很好地提出建议解决这个问题。果然,课程一导入学生就义愤填膺地抒发着自己对家庭对父母的不满,当进入到讨论如何解决成长的烦恼这一环节后,学生中规中矩地提出了一些常规的方案,如,Talking with friends, write to the parents/teachers...但明显不能起到实际的效果。这时我不失时机地甩出预设的杀手锏,首先打出一幅母亲在厨房大汗淋漓做饭的图片,再缓缓出现一个问句:Do you know what your mother’favourite food is?随后又打出一幅父亲肩托小孩放风筝的图片,配以问句:“Do you know wha your father’s favourite sport was when he was at your age?”紧接着打出一系列的以父母的感人瞬间为主体的图片并配以简单而明确的提示,最后结语:We know little about our parents though they know much about us.教室一时出奇得安静,我趁机将课堂推向高潮,以一首荡气回肠的《父亲》,赢得学生发自内心的热烈掌声……当看到那一双双湿润的眼眶,我知道:此时,什么generation gap,什么growing pains都在这一瞬间变得荡然无存(哪怕是一瞬间,也多么难能可贵。)
8.让语文阅读给英语教学插上翅膀 篇八
In the UK about 140,000 children get lost every year. Do you kown how to keep yourself safe?
Before you go out, look at the map. Make sure you kown where youre going and tell someone where you plan to go and when you will get back home.
Turn off your MP3 player(播放器) when you are walking on the street, so you can hear whats going on about you.
Walk on busy streets if you are alone. If someone is following(尾随) you, cross(穿过) the road or go to a place with lots of people around, like a bus stop or a shop.
If someone tries to take something from you, never fight with him/her.
Carry a mobile phone, a phone card or some money to make a call if you want help.
例如在学习外研版七年级下册英语module8 :Goldilocks and the There Bears.不妨在学习之后设计这样几个阅读任务:
(1)What would you do if you get lost in the forest like Goldilocks?
(2)What if Goldilocks didnt run out of the house?Try to rewrite the story freely with your own creativity and imagination.
(3)Do you like Goldilocks ? Why?