


1.英语语法系统 篇一



To go or not to go is a question.


It is not easy to learn English well.



He decided to give up the job.


Tell me how to do it.



My job is to look after the baby.



I have a lot of things to do.



He often comes to see us.



She told me not to go out.



I saw a man enter the room.



a.She like to be praised.


I was glad to have been invited.


b.I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble.


c.She seemed to be talking with somebody.








2.英语语法系统 篇二

1 系统功能语法理论的提出

20世纪70年代Halliday在继承前人理论的基础上提出其系统功能语法理论(Systematic-Functional Grammar)。Halliday1968年第一次提出系统功能语法中的4个功能部分:经验、逻辑、话语和人际。1970年又在《语法结构与功能》一文中,将上述4种功能调整为概念功能(Ideational Metafunction)、人际功能(Interpersonal Metafunction)、语篇功能(Textual Metafunction)。这三大功能都被认为是所有文化都会在语言上反映出的一些具有普遍意义的元功能或纯理功能(Metafunction),具体地说:概念功能(即经验功能和逻辑功能)研究人的主客观经验,例如The glass broke,说的是杯子自己破了,而John broke the glass,所说的“破”则是由John引起的。人际功能研究语言表达的社会及私人关系,这些关系在语句中体现在语气和情态上。语气决定说话者认为自己选择什么样的角色和听话人应该是什么样的角色,例如Please do something是父亲对儿子讲话,或是上级对下级讲话;Would you please do something则是同级之间讲话的一种语气。而语篇功能是指语意层中把语言成分组织成语篇的功能,对语篇意义的理解既会受到上下文的影响,又会受到社会情况语境因素的影响,例如“He forgot to ring the hospital about the girl in labor.Had he rung,he might not have been told that the girl had died,and that baby was suffering from heroin addiction.”基本词汇“labor”常用含义为“劳动”,因此当看到“the girl in labor”,很自然地翻译为“劳动中的女孩”。其实不然,根据上下文“hospital”,“baby”,可以推断为这里的“labor”当“分娩”讲。系统功能语法试图解释语言中任何一个成分在语言系统中的功能。语法能力是指对某一语言中的词汇的掌握和语法规则的习得。系统功能语法理论中功能的观点揭示了人们如何利用语言来达到综合交际的能力。


2 我国目前的英文写作课程


(1) He had lived in England for thirty years.After the Second World War had broken out,he came to America in 1940.

(2) He came to America in 1940 from England where had lived for thirty years after the breaking out of the Second World War.

两个句子表达的意思是一样的,但表达方式却不一样。汉语重意合,空间描述上喜欢由远及近,倾向于用句子(1)的表达方式。英语重形合,叙述顺序由近及远,用句子(2)表达相同的含义。有些学习者虽然也学会了开篇点题和写主体句,但并没有深刻领会汉英语表达习惯之间意合和形合的差异,所以他们写不出地道的英文。在行文上,英语和汉语都注重语篇连贯。连接成分的合理运用可以反映作者在写作中思维的完整性和逻辑的严密性,使读者读起来更容易把握文章的脉络,从而更好地实现语言的交际功能。以笔者理解,语篇正是通过衔接手段(Cohesive Devices)才实现了文章的连贯性。


3 语篇功能在英语写作课程中的指导意义

系统功能语法中,语篇功能的思想所包含的主体结构(Thematic Structure)、信息结构(Information Structure)及照应或所指(Reference)、省略(Ellipsis)、替代(Substitution)、连接词(Conjunction)、词汇衔接(Lexical Cohesion)等衔接手段(Cohesive Devices)是深刻理解语篇的重要途径,同时也是有效创造(写作)语篇的基础。让教师掌握这一思想并教会学生理解与运用这些联结手段显然会对母语学习者尤其是外语学习者的理解能力与写作能力有极大的指导作用。

在语篇中,语篇功能思想中的衔接手段即语法手段(Grammatical Device)的使用可以起到联句成篇的作用,能在语篇中起到篇章纽带作用的语法手段很多。1976年,Halliday和他的夫人Hasan发表了论述语篇衔接的专著《英语中的衔接》(Cohesion in English),这本专著将英语的衔接手段归纳为五种:

3.1 照应(Reference)

指用代词等语法手段来表示语义关系,可分为人称照应(Personal Reference)、指示照应(Demonstrative Reference)、比较照应(Comparative Reference)和分句性照应(Clausal Reference)。例如:

Have you ever considered the changes that are taking place and will take place in your life as a college student?Has it ever occurred to you that your professors and other school personnel have certain goals for your growth and maturity during your college years?Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your adulthood?Though college students seldom think about them,key changes will prob-ably happen to them during their college years.


3.2 替代(Substitution)

指用替代形式(Pro-form)去替代上下文出现的词语,使用替代既是为了避免重复,也是为了连接上下文。可分为名词性替代(Nominal Substitution)、动词性替代(Verbal Substitution)和分句性替代(Clausal Sebstitution)。依次举例如下:

(1) You can compare the bottom-up views with the topdown ones on reading.

(2)——You think Jone knows?

——I think everyone does.

(3)——Has Barbara left?

——I think so.

3.3 省略(Ellipsis)

指的是省去句子中某一成分。省略的使用是为了避免重复,突出主要信息,衔接上下文。省略可看做是一种特殊的替代——零替代(Substitution by Zero)。一个句子中的省略成分通常都可以从语境中找到。这样,一个句子给另一个句子的理解提供依据,就使它们之间形成了连接关系。所以在语篇分析中,省略在句子之间所起的纽带作用是不可忽略的。例如:

For more than fifty years,the United Netherlands main-tained colonies on the mainland of North America.For much of the first half of the seventeenth century,theΦNetherlands was a major cultural and commercial center.


3.4 连接词(Conjunction)

指连接句子的各种连词、副词等。连接成分的合适运用可以反映作者在写作中的思维的完整性和严密性,使读者读起来更容易把握文章的脉络,从而更好地实现语言的交际功能。连接成分表达的是语义上的关系,而不是语法关系。所以它们的位置不十分固定。一般可分为递进连接,如:furthermore,in addition,alternatively等;转折关系,如:however,yet,at the same time,instead等;因果关系,如:therefore,in consequence,that being the case等;时间顺序连接,如:previously,then,on another occasion,等等。仅举一例:

There seemed no chance of coming to an agreement;therefore it was decided to break off negotiations.此句是因果关系。

3.5 词汇衔接(Lexical Cohesion)


One morning,the two sisters were together in the room.Then suddenly the door opened and John burst into the room.

概括地说,衔接手段对英语写作有很大的帮助。但它只是句子间表示表层形式的连贯。它在某些条件下具有连接的效果,但并不是句子衔接关系中唯一的、最重要的因素。更为重要的是每个语段及至篇章都应有话题中心,而每个句子的铺陈都应紧扣这个中心。只有语篇中的深层语义连贯,文章才具有真正的黏合力(Cohesive Power)。有语段为证:

(1) Body language varies from culture to culture.Each culture employs gestures and body movements which convey some meaning often supporting the verbal utterance.Gestures and body movements are not necessarily the same in all cultures.Chinese people traditionally receive gifts with both hands to show sincere thanks.English people would normally only use one hand.English people regard receiving gifts with both hands as a sign of being greedy.Chinese think receiving gifts with one hand is impolite.Teachers should explain how culture influences verbal language.Teachers should call students'attention to the similarities and dissimilarities between English and Chinese in body language.Body language is an integral part of a culture.

(2) In addition,body language varies from culture to culture.That is,each culture employs gestures and body movements which convey some meaning often supporting the verbal utterance.Gestures and body movements are not necessarily the same in all cultures.For example,Chinese people traditionally receive gifts with both hands to show sincere thanks whereas English people would normally only use one hand.English people regard receiving gifts with both hands as a sign of being greedy,and yet Chinese think receiving gifts with one hand impolite.Thus,teachers should,in addition to explaining how culture influences verbal language,also call students'attention to the similarities and dissimilarities between English and Chinese in body language because body language is integral part of a culture.


4 结论





[1]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000:17-20.







3.英语语法系统 篇三

【摘 要】任何语篇都是将语言的概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义情景化或语境化的现实结果。本文以系统功能语法理论为基础,主要分析了大学英语读写语篇《Protection》实现的概念意义,研究发现语篇中使用的过程类型的分布趋势和语篇的体裁之间有着很大的相关性。【关键词】系统功能语法


及物性 一、引言语篇是指“任意长度的、在语义上完整的口头或书面的语段”(Halliday,1976)。语篇教学在英语教学中占据着举足轻重的位置,“语言教学就是以语篇为中心,语言教学其实就是语篇教学”(张德禄,2006)。传统上,教师在分析语篇时,只是划分课文的段落、归纳段落大意以及中心思想等。韩礼德在《系统功能语法导论》中明确指出,他建构系统功能语法的目的是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架。张德禄(2006)指出系统功能语言学可以用于指导外语的语篇教学。系统功能语法认为语言实现三大元功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。语篇是具备一定意义潜势的语言系统的实例化,语篇是将语言的概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义情景化或语境化的现实结果。因此,在分析语篇时,一定要分析语篇表达的这三种意义,忽略了其中任何一种意义的语篇分析都不是对语篇完整意义的解读。本文尝试将系统功能语法的语篇分析模式运用于分析大学英语读写第二册第七单元的语篇《Protection》(保护)中的概念意义,一方面证实该理论的适用性,另一方面希望能够将该语篇分析模式引入到大学英语语篇的教学中来,提高大学英语的教学水平。二、及物性分析语篇的概念意义主要通过及物性系统来体现,小句的及物性用来表达参与者在一定环境下进行的某种活动。及物性系统包括参与者、过程和环境成分,其中过程是及物性系统最重要的成分,主要通过小句的动词来体现。例如:They slowly unlocked the front door.其中they是参与者,slowly作为方式状语属于环境成分,unlocked是过程,the front door 是另一个参与者。韩礼德根据动词的特征,将过程分为物质、心理、关系、言语、行为和存在六个过程。语篇《Protection》共有47个小句,物质过程使用了27次,占57.5%,心理过程使用了9次,占19.1%,关系过程使用了5次,占10.6%,言语过程使用了3次,占6.4%,行为过程使用了2次,占4.3%,存在过程使用了1次,占2.1%。物质过程是表示参与者做出某种动作或事件发生的过程。它通常有两个参与者,动作的发出者和接受者。例如:I was hanging up the laundry in the backyard on a long clothesline.该句中I 是动作者,hanging up是动作过程,the laundry是动作的接受者,即目标。“in the backyard on a long clothesline”表示动作发生的地点,属于环境成分。心理过程是表示感觉、反应和认知等心理活动的过程。心理过程有两个参与者,一个是拥有主体意识的感知者(Senser),另一个是感知的对象,称为“现象”(Phenomenon)。例如:But Hogahn sensed that his connection to me was different from his connection to Soren.该句子中的sensed表示认知心理过程,Hogahn是感知者,感知的对象由that引导的小句充当。关系过程是反映事物之间所处何种关系的过程,它分为修饰和认同两类。例如:Hogan was younger and stronger.该句属于修饰型的关系过程,因为Hogan和younger and stronger的位置不能互换。言语过程指通过说话交流信息的过程,它至少有一个参与者,即说话者(Sayer),说话的内容(Verbiage)。例如:He said.“If a burglar came,he would probably lick him.”该句中的he 是说话者,引号内的成分为说话内容。行为过程通常只有一个参与者,即行为者。例如:Soren laughed.该句中的Soren是行为者,laughed是行为过程。以往教师在给学生分析语篇体裁时,更多地凭借的是直觉和对语篇整体的感悟力,没有提供充分的理据,因此不能使学生信服。前面的统计数据表明,语篇《Protection》使用的物质过程频率最高,占57.5%,因此,我们可以判定该语篇体裁类型是记叙文。语篇对过程类型的选择和语篇类型和体裁之间有着很大的相关性,该语篇共9个自然段,讲述的是:瑟伦要去日本,霍根无人看管,我欣然接纳,因为霍根可以保护我,而起初“我”是保护者。接着,从第四段到文章的结尾,采取倒叙手法,讲述瑟伦第一次把只有七个月大的狗托付给作者看管时,霍根意外落入冰湖,“我”奋勇将其救起的故事。记叙文主要以时间为顺序,讲述事情发生的起因、经过和结局,而物质过程用于描述外部世界发生的事件,因此记叙文倾向于使用物质过程。另一方面,该文的中心句是“我”和霍根之间的保护关系早就存在了,不过起初我是保护者。为了使读者信服,作者必定要借助于物质过程来讲述“我”和邻居家的狗之间发生的故事加以例证。三、结语通过本文的研究证明,韩礼德提出的系统功能语法的语篇分析模式可以有效的用于英语语篇的分析,系统功能语法理论有着很强的适用性,它一定能改变我们现行的英语语篇的传统教学模式,在大学英语的教学改革中发挥重要的作用。【参考文献】[1]Halliday,M.A.K.& Hasan R.Cohesion in English[M].London:Longman,1976.[2]张德禄.系统功能语言学在外语教学中的应用[J].外语艺术教育研究,2006(2). 基金项目:本文系2013年度湖北科技学院校级科研项目“系统功能语言学的语篇分析模式在英语教学中的应用研究”(项目编号:KY13020)的阶段性成果。作者简介:陈永斌(1978.12-),男,湖北咸宁人,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:语篇分析和文体学。

4.英语语法原则语法一致原则 篇四

1. 以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式;主语为复数时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:His father is working on the farm. / To study English well is not easy. / What he said is very important for us all. / The children were in the classroom two hours ago. / Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.

注意:由what引导的主语从句,后面的谓语动词多数情况用单数形式,但若表语是复数或what从句是一个带有复数意义的并列结构时,主句的谓语动词用复数形式。如:What I bought were three English books. / What I say and do is (are) helpful to you.

2. 由连接词and或both …… and连接起来的合成主语后面,要用复数形式的谓语动词。如:Lucy and Lily are twins. / She and I are classmates. / The boy and the girl were surprised when they heard the news. / Both she and he are Young Pioneers.

注意:(1)若and所连接的两个词是指同一个人或物时,它后面的谓语动词就应用单数形式。如:The writer and artist has come. (2)由and连接的并列单数主语前如果分别有no, each, every more than a (an) , many a (an)修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。如:Every student and every teacher was in the room. / No boy and no girl likes it.

3. 主语为单数名词或代词,尽管后面跟有with, together with, except, but, like, as well as, rather than, more than, no less than, besides, including等引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式;若主语为复数,谓语用复数形式。如:Mr. Green, together with his wife and children, has come to China. / Nobody but Jim and Mike was on the playground. / She, like you and Tom, is very tall.

4. either, neither, each, every 或no +单数名词和由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词,都作单数看待。如:Each of us has a new book. / Everything around us is matter.

注意:(1)在口语中当either或neither后跟有“of+复数名词(或代词)”作主语时,其谓语动词也可用复数。如:Neither of the texts is (are) interesting. (2)若none of后面的名词是不可数名词,它的谓语动词就要用单数;若它后面的名词是复数,它的谓语动词用单数或复数都可以。如:None of us has (have) been to America.

5. 在定语从句时,关系代词that, who, which等作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数一致。如:He is one of my friends who are working hard. / He is the only one of my friends who is working hard.

6. 如果集体名词指的是整个集体,它的谓语动词用单数;如果它指集体的成员,其谓语动词就用复数形式。这些词有family, class, crowd, committee, population, audience等。如:Class Four is on the third floor. / Class Four are unable to agree upon a monitor.

注意:people, police, cattle等名词一般都用作复数。如:The police are looking for the lost child.

7. 由“a lot of, lots of, plenty of, the rest of, the majority of + 名词”构成的短语以及由“分数或百分数+名词”构成的短语作主语,其谓语动词的数要根据短语中后面名词的数而定。如:There are a lot of people in the classroom. / The rest of the lecture is wonderful. / 50% of the students in our class are girls.

注意:a number of“许多”,作定语修饰复数名词,谓语用复数;the number of“……的数量”,主语是number,谓语用单数。

8. 在倒装句中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。如:There comes the bus. / On the wall are many pictures. / Such is the result. / Such are the facts.

S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补)归纳



名词/代词宾格 + 名词

The war made him a soldier.战争使他成为一名战士.

名词/代词宾格 + 形容词

New methods make the job easy.新方法使这项工作变得轻松.

名词/代词宾格 + 介词短语

I often find him at work.我经常发现他在工作.

名词/代词宾格 + 动词不定式

The teacher ask the students to close the windows.老师让学生们关上窗户.

名词/代词宾格 + 分词

I saw a cat running across the road.我看见一只猫跑过了马路.

S │V(及物)│ O(宾语) │ C(宾补)

1. They │appointed │him │manager. 他们任命他当经理。

2. They │painted │the door │green. 他们把门漆成绿色

3. This │set │them │thinking. 这使得他们要细想一想。

4. They │found │the house │deserted. 他们发现那房子无人居住。

5. What │makes │him │think so? 他怎么会这样想?

6. We │saw │him │out. 我们送他出去

7. He │asked │me │to come back soon. 他要我早点回来。

5.英语语法系统 篇五



● The house in which I used to live has becomea garden.我过去住的房子已经变成了一个花园。




● Between the two parts of the concert is aninterval, when the audience can buy ice-cream.音乐会的两部分中间有间歇,这时候,观众可以去买冰激凌。



● He made a long speech, as we expected.正如我们所预料的一样,他的演讲很长。


时间状语从句: 主句+when/while/as引导的时间状语从句


● Mary made coffee while her guests werefinishing their meal.客人们快吃完饭的时候,玛丽煮了咖啡。


时间状语从句: 主句+as soonas/directly/immediately等引导的时间状语从句


● I recognized her immediately I saw her.我一见到她,就认出了她。


时间状语从句: 主句+before/after引导的时间状语从句

● I went to bed after I finished my homework.做完作业后,我就上床睡觉了。


时间状语从句: 主句+since引导的时间状语从句

● Mary has been in Shanghai since she left Beijing.玛丽自从离开北京后就一直在上海。


时间状语从句: 主句+till/until引导的时间状语从句

● I will stay here until you come back.我会一直待在这里直到你回来。



● As all the seats were full, he had to standup.由于所有的位子都满了,他只好站着。

because, since, as的区别



● You cango wherever you like these days.这些天你可以去你想去的地方。



● To show our respect, we usually have to takeour gloves off whoever we are to shake hands with.为了表示我们的尊重,不论要跟谁握手,我们通常都要摘掉手套。


引导让步状语从句时,疑问词-ever可与“no matter+疑问词”互换。

● Wherever/No matter where you go, I will bewith you.无论你去哪儿,我都和你一起。


让步状语从句:主句+(al)though/as/while/eventhough/even if引导的让步状语从句

● Tim is in good shape physically even thoughhe doesn’t get much exercise.即使不做太多锻炼,蒂姆还是保持了很好的体形。


条件状语从句:主句+if/unless/aslong as引导的条件状语从句

● Let’s go out for awalk unless you are too tired.如果你不是太累的话,我们出去散一会步吧。



● He worked so hard that he got ill.他工作那么努力,结果病倒了。


目的状语从句:主句+so that/inorder that/in case引导的目的状语从句

● I’ll run slowly so that you can catch up withme.为了能让你赶上我,我会慢慢跑。



● The weather was worse than I had expected.天气比我预料的还要糟。



● French is as familiar to him as English.他对法语就像对英语一样熟悉。



as if/as though引导的方式状语从句

● You ought to do as Paul tells you.你应该按照保罗吩咐你的去做。


当as if引导的方式状语从句表示与事实相反的情况时,从句常用虚拟语气。

● She closed her eyes as though she was verytired.她闭上了眼睛,好像是很累了。



If...did/were..., 主语+would/should/could/mightdo...表示与现在事实相反的假设。


● If you were the manager, we would not be sotired.如果你是经理,我们就不会这么累了。


If...had done...,主语+would/should/could/mighthave done...表示与过去事实相反的假设。


● If we had taken the other road, we might havearrived here in time for the meeting.如果我们走了另一条路的话,或许就能及时赶到这里开会了。(陕西)


If...did/were todo/should do...,主语+would/should/could/might do...表示与将来事实相反的假设。


● If it were fine tomorrow, I would goshopping.如果明天天气好,我就去购物。


If...had done..., 主语+would do...

● If he had set out earlier, he would be homenow.如果他早点出发的话,他现在就已经到家了。


If...should do..., 主语+would have done...

● If she shouldleave, I would have heard about it.如果她要走,我早就应该听说了。



主句if引导的虚拟条件句的谓语动词中含有should, were, had时,可将if省略,而将should, were, had提前,构成倒装。、

● Were I you(=If I were you), I would go.如果我是你,我就去。



句子的虚拟条件是通过词或短语如with, without, otherwise, but for等来表示的。

● Without the greenhouse effect, the earthwould be about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有温室效应,地球的温度将比现在的温度低大约33摄氏度。


主句+as if+(从句)主语+did/had done...as if引导的从句


● She acted as if she had been the hostessyesterday.她昨天表现得就好像她是女主人似的。


主句+so that+(从句)主语+should/could/might do...

so that意为“为了”,它引导的从句表示目的。

● He took a taxi to the station so that heshould not miss the train.为了不错过火车,他乘出租车去火车站。


主句+lest+从句(主语+(should) do...)


● They spoke in whispers lest they (should) be heard.他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。


...wish (that)+主语+did/had done/would do...


● I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year around.我希望北京全年都是秋天。



● I suggest that we (should) set off at once.我建议我们立刻出发。


...would rather+主语+did/had done...

would rather后的从句用一般过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。

● I would rather you hadn’t told him.我宁愿你没有告诉他。


It is+形容词/名词/过去分词+that+主语+(should)do...

● It is strange that the girl (should) be sorude.那个女孩那么无礼,这真奇怪。




● My suggestion is that we (should) get startedsoon.我的建议是我们应该尽快出发。


It is (high/about)time that+主语+did/should do...

● It is high time that you went to school.早就到了你该去上学的时间了。


if only+主语+did/had done...


● If only I had another chance.要是我再有一次机会就好了。



● Still water runs deep.静水流深。



● Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。
























































6.英语四级复习英语语法 篇六

用 -’s 表示

有生命的人或物的所有格用-’s表示,有时也可用of表示。如a man’s voice=the voice of a man。此外,还需注意以下3点:


The boss’s son, was arrogant to all the employees. 老板的儿子对所有雇佣人员都很傲慢无礼。


This shop sells ladies’ hats. 这家商店出售女帽。

You don’t belong in the beginners’ class. 你不适合在初级班。


Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” is a literary classic. 狄更斯的《双城记》是一部古典文学作品。


This is Tom and Mike’s room. 这是汤姆和迈克共住的房间。


It’s less than two hours’ drive from here. 开车到那里不到2个钟头。

We visited some of the city’s scenic spots. 我们参观了这座城市的一些风景区。


We had a great evening at Paul’s. 我们在保罗家度过了一个愉快的夜晚。

She bought a bottle of vitamin tablets at the chemist’s. 她在药房买了一瓶维生素片。

用 of 表示


Let’s meet in the bar of the hotel. 咱们在旅馆的酒吧间碰头。

You’ll find the answers at the back of the book. 在书后你可找到答案。


Might I ask for a photograph of the baby? 我可否要一张这宝宝的照片?

–’s 和 of 双重表示


Two friends of my father’s came to see me. 我父亲的两个朋友来看我

7.英语语法系统 篇七


一般来说, 大学生在大学毕业时已经有了十年的英语学习经验。但是只有少部分的学生能流利地用英语与他人进行交流。究其原因:一是教师大都采取传统的以教师为中心的教学方式, 学生很难有机会参与到教学活动中。虽然有些教师也曾在教学过程中使用听说法和交际法, 但长期以来受传统教学的影响, 大多数学生仍喜欢先将他们的想法组织成中文, 然后再翻译成英语进行交流;二是学生缺少在真实情境中锻炼他们口语能力的机会, 课堂所学的语言知识和在真实情境中所用的语言存在很大差距。


20世纪70年代初, 韩礼德在继承前人理论的基础上提出系统功能语法理论。系统功能语法理论由“系统语法”和“功能语法”两个部分组成。系统语法强调语言作为系统的内部底层关系, 是与意义相关联的、可供人们不断选择的、由若干子系统组成的系统网络, 人们为了表达一定的语义, 必须在语言的各个意义功能部分进行相应的选择。功能语法是指根据语言的社会性质, 语言作为社会交往的工具, 必须具有一定的语义。语言的意义系统有三种:概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义。它们在具体语言交际中表现为三大相对应的功能:概念功能 (ideational metafunction) 、人际功能 (interpersonal metafunction) 和语篇功能 (textual metafunction) 。


语言心理学认为存在两种语言规划任务:自动任务和受控制的任务。前者涉及的是那些不需要使用很多资源的语言任务, 包括注意力资源。后者涉及的是那些需要使用很多资源的语言任务, 例如记忆、语法知识、计划等。通常, 在外语学习的初级阶段, 语言输出是一个受控制的过程, 但是当学习者对这个过程精通了而且可以不需要经过思考就说出句子, 那么这个过程就从受控的过程变成了自动的过程 (桂诗春, 2000:114) 。英语口语教学最重要的任务是帮助学习者实现语言计划任务, 从受控任务向自动任务的转变。


在传统语法教学特别是传统语法翻译教学的影响下, 在交际过程中, 许多学生倾向先将他们的想法用中文组织语言, 再翻译成英文, 他们往往不能从受控任务中摆脱出来, 而不得不使用大部分的资源, 例如记忆、语法知识、计划等等。然而, 由于传统语法的复杂性和抽象性, 及语言计划时间的有限性, 学生通常只能完成词语翻译, 对于句子的翻译则力不从心, 因此, 中国式英语和语法错误就随之产生了。另外, 由于中文思维向英文思维转变需要花费很多时间, 说的频率也就受影响了。通常情况下, 翻译者应该要在形成完整中文句子之前就开始进行翻译解码生成, 教师应该帮助学生将受控制任务转化为自动任务, 让学生尝试摆脱“用中文思考”的模式, 自动将源语言生成目标语。


韩礼德的系统功能语法是从语言的功能上来使用语言。他认为, 语言是一个社会符号系统, 语言是一种行为, 语言的用途是语言中人们潜在的社会行为的反映和实现 (张德禄, 2005) 。语言的三个功能分别是人们经验的反映、人际关系和文本组织。因此, 系统功能语法是直接基于现实, 并能帮助解决传统语法教学存在的一些问题。

基于系统功能语法的社会情境理论, 教师应该为学习者创造一个真实的情境。例如, 在一个特殊情境中练习对话, 做一些相关的游戏, 相互交流等。教师的功能是一个帮助者, 或者促进者, 在需要的时候给予指导和建议。功能语法强调语言学习的功能性方法 (例如人们用语言做什么, 如要求、道歉、问候或者介绍等等) 。这就是通过实际用途和实际语言交流来学习语言。

此外, 韩礼德认为语言交流是潜在意义系统网络中进行选择的一个过程 (张德禄, 2005) 。系统功能语法能从以下两个方面为口语教学提供帮助:第一, 它提供能用于口语表达的选择系统;第二, 它教会学生怎样进行选择。系统功能语法引导教师在他们教授词汇、语法以及句子的时候与系统相联系的同时, 告诉学生需要进行的选择和选择方法。

更重要的是, 韩礼德的系统功能语法发展了文化理论和情境理论, 而且从文化和情境的视角提供了口语教学的理论基础。众所周知, 想要熟练掌握目标语言, 学习者不仅应该获得语言知识, 还要获得语言文化背景的知识。当地人表达意义不仅仅是通过声音, 而且也通过构成同一语言社区的共同知识, 如此, 当地人之间的交谈是可预见的也是可理解的。然而, 如果外语学习者不知道目标语言社区的文化, 那么他们就不能顺利地与当地人进行交流。因此教师在口语课堂教学的时候, 应该考虑到文化和情境因素, 创造一个本土语言环境。

在系统功能语法的引导下, 学生不再需要将他们的思想转化为中文, 然后在翻译成英文;而是直接用英语组织他们的语言:他们首先决定能用来表达观点的合适语言元素, 然后根据英语的逻辑语义结构将语言元素组织成句子。


韩礼德的系统功能语法理论为中国大学口语教学提供了许多理论基础, 能为学生的语言组织过程提供帮助, 特别是对那些需要通过受控制过程而生成的句子。从多方面帮助学生实现从受控制语言计划到自动语言计划的转变, 例如社会情境、系统以及文化情境。当然, 该理论在大学生的英语口语教学的实践中还需进一步完善。

摘要:传统语法翻译教学法在我国的英语口语教学中一直占据主导地位。但学生很难在该教学情境中有效地进行语言的输入和输出, 缺乏在真实情境中使用英语。本文在分析大学英语口语教学现状的基础上, 结合英语语言学家韩礼德提出的系统功能语法理论, 探讨该理论对大学英语口语教学的影响。



[1]Halliday, M.A.K.McIntosh, &Strevens.The Linguistics Sciences and Language Teaching[M].London:Longman, 1964.

[2]张德禄.功能语言学语言教学研究成果概观[J].外语与外语教学, 2005 (1) :19-20.

[3]张德禄.韩礼德功能语言教学思想探索[J].外语教学, 2004 (5) :18-20.

[4]黄婷.大学英语口语教学实践探析—以口语实用目的为核心[J].苏州教育学院学报, 2008 (12) :101.

8.英语语法系统 篇八

【关键词】初中英语语法 三维语法 教学案例分析










案例一:教学中,英语感叹句的构成主要包括了:What + a / an + adj. + n. + s + v.;How + adj. / adv. + s + v.;两种形式。如果教师在教学过程中对于相应知识的呈现十分直接,没有有意识的设定情景,并且也不能和学生先前所学知识进行有效衔接,就容易使学生在学习过程中出现一定盲目性,导致学生不能接受新的知识。甚至有一些学生都不知道“a”或是“s”的意义,只是固定的对相应的内容进行机械式记忆。此种方式,虽然形式较为直接,向学生展现了清晰明了的知识结构,但是过于枯燥,导致课堂气氛沉闷,课堂缺少活力。


Teacher:Pay attention to the following expressions:

forget to do忘记去做;forget doing忘记做过。

Now, let's make some sentences.



语法区分:used to do过去常常做某事,但现在不做;be used to doing习惯于做某事。



在教授英语时态过程中,教师往往强调动作发生的时间,并归纳时间状语。一般过去时经常带有一些标志性的词语,例如:yesterday,last night,four years ago等。但是在实际运用中,某些句子没有出现一些标志性的词语,学生该如何判断时态?

A:Your phone number again? I(do not)quite catch it.

B:It's 69568442.

在此例子中,教师通过课堂的实际状况,设置了一个情景对话,对话之中并没有类似于yesterday,last night,four years ago等这些标志性词语,但是,学生可以通过语言环境判断出是一般过去时。此种方式,打破了传统教学中存在的弊端,使得学生不再拘泥于呆板的教学方式,更加注重对语境、语义的分析,从而达到了良好的教学效果。













[1] 陈如彬. 新课程理念下初中英语语法教学浅析[J]. 考试周刊,2014(95):94.

[2] 彭林. 初中英语语法教学的理念与实践[J]. 中学课程辅导(教学研究),2013(26):28-29.

[3] 赵炜懿. 三维语法框架下的初中英语语法教学案例分析[D]. 南京师范大学,2014.

[4] 于业宏. 解读《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》[J]. 辽宁教育,2012 (3):10-13.

9.中考英语语法:中考英语试题分类 篇九

(201X山东省潍坊市19. 1)At least 300 million people are using QQ________by Ma Huateng to chat on line.

A.create B.creates C.creating D.created


(201X四川省成都市42. 1)-Wheres your brother now,Bob?

-I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________.

A.playing;dont do so B.playing;not to so C.play;to do so


(201X吉林省通化市46,1)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes.

ughed B.to laugh ugh ughing


(201X河南省24,1)Father often tells me--too much time on computer games.

A.dont spend B.not spend C.not to spend D.not spending


(201X湖北省黄冈市43,1)-How would your family like to travel?

-Its a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel,while father always sticks ______to travel.

A.to drive B.to driving C.driving D.drive


(201X山东省聊城市34,1)The teachers often tell their pubils ________aeross the road when the traffic light is red.

A.not go B.not to go C.dont go D.didnt go


(201X陕西省25,1)Dont forget _________an umbrella _______you.Its going to rain.

A.to take;to B.taking;to C.to take;with D.taking;with


(201X广西省梧州市40,1)English is very important,so I practice________it very hard.

A.speaks B.to speak C.speaking D.speak


(201X山东省莱芜市24,1)Most of the young people enjoy ______ Jay Chous songs.

A.sing B.sang C.singing D.to sing


(201X黑龙江省哈尔滨市30,1)As teenagers, were old enough _____________ with housework. We can help set the table, wash the dishes and clean our own rooms.

A. to help B. helping C. helped


(201X福建省福州市41,1)-Hi,Steve!Our teachers told us________an electric bike.Its too dangerous.

-Im sorry.I wont do it again.

A.to ride B.not ride C.not to ride


(201X湖北省荆门市35,1)After several campus(校园) attacks , many schools across the country have already taken action________their campuses________ .

A. making, safe B. made, safe C. to make, safer D. make, safe


(201X湖北省黄石市26,1)- What would you like for breakfast ?

- I like hamburgers . But now Id like ________ some cakes.

A. eating B. to eat C. to drink D. drinking


(201X黑龙江省鸡西市26,1)-How long does it take your father ______ to work every day?

-About half an hour.

A. drives B. driving C. to drive


(201X黑龙江省鸡西市28,1)Last weekend, the Greens had great fun ______ at Water World.

A. swimming B. cooking C. hiking


(201X北京市31,1)Granny often tells us _____ water in our daily life.

A. save B. saving C. to save D. saves


(201X广西省定西市4,1)The boy is looking forward to________a good time after the exam.

A. to have B. has C. having D. have


(201X青海省宁夏27,1)When we came to the gate, he stopped _______ me go in first.

A. to let B. to tell C. to allow D. to ask


(201X甘肃省兰州市32,1)We have two rooms ______, but I cant decide ______.

A. to live, to choose which one B. lived, choose which one

C. to live in, which one to choose D. live, which one


(201X四川省眉山市33,1)Just before the Chinese class, I suddenly realized that I forgot _______ my Chinese text book.

A. bring B. bringing C. and bring D. to bring


10.初中英语语法总结 篇十


1.宾语从句:1.主句若是一般现在时,从句根据实际情况用适当时态。He says(that)he will have a walk soon.The teacherasks who is the cleverest in the school.I. want to know who came here late this morning.2.主句若是一般过去时,从句也要用过去时。

He wondered if I would come.She told me that her son had got well.She said that she liked watching TV.We thought Jim was wrong.3.无论主句是何时态,从句若表客观真理,要用一般现在时。

Mr.Li said the moon is smaller than the earth.4宾语从句无论有何引导词,都要用陈述句语序。

Could you tell me when you will get back to Wuhan?(不是will you)

Do you know which sweater she is wearing?(不是is she)2.状语从句:1主句若是一般将来时、祈使句或含不表过去的情态动词等,则if(如果), unless(除非),when(当„的时候), as soon as(一„就„),before, after, until, till, as(当„的时候)所引导的状语从句用一般现在时。

You may take a rest when you finish doing your work.I will call you up if I leave for Shanghai next week.Wait for your brother at the bus station until he arrives.2而主句若是一般过去时,从句也要用过去时,如:

I would give the money to the charity if I had a million dollars.When he got to the park, his classmates had left.My son ran towards me as soon as he saw me on the street.3.定语从句:关系代词who只指人,which只指物。that既可指人又可指物。whose 后必须跟有名词,既指人,也可指物。关系词作主语时,不可省略,作宾语时可省略。whom只指人,只作宾语。关系副词where指“在那里”,when指“在那时”。

She is a girl who/that is beauti l and kind-hearted.She is a girl(who/whom/that)I know very well.That boy whosehair is very long is my brother.(所属)

The girl whois tall is my sister./ I own a bike whoseprice is high.I bought a watch(which/that)I paid 100 yuan for.(指物)

I prefer a place which/thatis clean and quiet.I prefer a place whereI can live a quiet life.(在这儿)

I shall never forget the day whena boy helped me find my dog.4.wish和hope:1wish可接to do sth./sb to do sth./that从句.I wish to spend my summer holiday in Qingdao.I wish youto join my flowers smell beauti l.The sweets taste sweet.The silk feels soft.I felt tired.这些动词不用于被动语态。The sweets are tasted sweet.是错误的。

注意:如果加介词like, 则后不可接形容词,而接名词或代词:

He looks like his mother.That sounds like a good idea.It smells like a flower.It tastes like salt.8.find和think部分用法: + 宾语 + 宾语补足语。(代替宾从)

宾补有以下情况:1.名词短语,John found his son a clever boy.2.形容词短语,Mrs.Smith thinks her husband kind of lazy.3.有时宾补后可接带to不定式,I found it hard to fool the girl.9.would like/want/feel like: 1 would like,和want类似:◇都可接名词短语:I would like/ want another three desks.◇都可接带to 不定式:I would like/ want to go out for a walk.◇都可接sb,然后再跟带to 不定式: I would like you to give me a hand.2 feel like: ◇后也可接名词短语:Do you feel like some tea? ◇后若接动词,须用动词ing形式:Do you feel like having a walk? I don’t feel like drinking tea.【feel like常用于疑问句或否定句中。】

10.词序易错的短语:1 形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词,形容词在后面。Is there anything delicious in the fridge?

Nothing serious.There is something wrong with the computer.I want to go somewhere warm.else修饰疑问词和不定代词、不定副词,也放在后面。

What else can you see in the picture? Who else is in the room?

Do you have anything else to say? Where else can you see it? enough修饰形容词和副词,enough 放在后面。

This sweater is cheap enough.Nemo is old enough to work.He ran fast enough to catch up with the dog.11.对“评价”、“天气”的提问之区别:1What do you think of „?=

How do you like „? “你对„怎么看?”(How„?句中有like,是动词。)2What’s the weather like in„? = How is the weather in„?“„的天气什么样?”(What„?句中有like,是介词“像”。)

12.take, cost, pay, spend区别: It + take + sb + some time + to do sth.It took us half an hour to cut down the tree.物+cost+sb+钱: The bag cost me thirty yuan.(cost, cost, cost)

若cost后无sb, 则译作“价钱是”:The bag costs 30 Yuan.人+ pay +sb + 钱+ for sth: I paid the seller 200 Yuan for the bike.(pay, paid, paid).(pay后所加内容可视具体情况取舍。)人 + spend + 时间/ 钱 + on sth /(in)doing sth.The girl spent two hours(in)searching the Internet.The girl always spends much money on her clothes.spend 有时可指“度过”:spend holiday/ weekends/ winter 13.双宾结构:pass/ give/ teach/ offer/ lend/ send/ sell/ call/ show/buy/

ask/ tell/ build等可加双宾结构。即后接sb + sth.其中pass, give, offer, lend, send, sell, show等可接sth + to sb.buy, build等可接sth + for sb.另外,若sth是代词时,不用双宾结构。Please pass it to me.14.部分词作连词与介词:(连词接句子,介词接名词或代词)

Keep care l when you are listening to the teacher.(连词)

Keep care l when listening to the teacher.(介词)

类似的,while, than, before, after, as, since, until等。

如:I’ll wait until I hear from her.(连词)

I’ll wait until next Friday.(介词)


He’s eating fried chicken.他在吃炸鸡。There is no time left.I have read a novel writtenby Lu Xun.我读了一部鲁迅写的小说。

He lives in a house builttwenty years ago.2.动词ing作形容词:表示正进行或功能,常作定语。

the ing boy, a running bus, the rising sun, a bus running on the road, the boy ing in the corner(正进行)

a sitting room, the sleeping car, the bathing suit(功能)16.动词ed与动词ing作形容词用法之二:和心理感受有关,但ed修饰人,ing常修饰物。I felt surprised at his words.How exciting the film is!/ I want to go to a place which is relaxing.17.动词ing和带to不定式作主语:

To be a teacher is my dream.Working hard brings you success.Taking care of our environment is very important.To plant trees makes me happy.(谓语用单数)

Reading books gives you knowledge.(谓语用单数)

Listening and writing are both difficult.(谓语用复数)18.later / after / ago /before: 1later“„时间后”结构:时间段+later

常用于一般过去时。They went to Beijing five days later.(later单独在句尾,常用于将来时:I’ll see you later.)

2after“„时间后”结构:after+时间段,常用于一般过去时,和1相同。They went to Beijing after five days.(after也可加句子:I’ll send you an e-mail after I get home.He found out the information after he had searched the Internet for thirty minutes.)

3ago“„时间前”结构:时间段+ago, 用于一般过去时。The Greens moved to Shanghai four weeks ago.(since +时间段+ago,主句用现在完成时)

4before 单独放在句尾,常用现在完成时:“以前”

I have been to London before.He has seen the film before.(若是时间段+before, 则常用过去完成时,译为“„时间前”:

I had seen the film two weeks before.We had found out the answer to the problem an hour before.)19.四季


21.星期 22.“也”:either, 用于否定句的末尾。also, 通常挨着动词,少用于句尾。too, 通常在句尾,前常有逗号。as well, 只用于句尾。注意:后三个词都不用于否定句

23.带to不定式用法之一:带to不定式有逻辑宾语在前时,to后动词用及物动词,不及物时需加介词。The apples are too tall for the boy to reach./The zoo is not a good place for animals to live in.24.(a)little /(a)few: 1few,little“几乎没有;少”否定词。few加可数名词复数, little加不可数名词。2a few“一些”肯定词,加可数名词复数;a little“一些;一点”也是肯定词,加不可数名词。3另外,在too, very, so等词后用few, little;在only, just, still等词后用a few, a little.而quite a few/ a little译为“很多”

25.及物动词+副词:put on/off/away/up/down/out;break off/down;

turn on/off/up/down;get back;use up;give away/out/up/back;try out/on;ring/call up;let down;clean up/out;set up;think up;hand in/out;fix up;work out;;dress up;pick up;help out;

keep off/out/down cut down;write down;wake up(叫醒);

take off/away;sell out;look up/over;eat up;throw away/off

宾语是名词时,可放在中间或后边,是代词时只放在中间。26.as„„as用法:1和„一样„ His room is as big as mine.He runs as fast as I /me.2as„as possible/sb can “尽可能„”

We went there as soon as possible.我们尽可能快地去了那儿。Listen to the teacher as carefully you can.3有些短语有几个意思:as soon as 和„一样快;一„就„;as much as和„一样多;多达;as long as和„一样长;长达;只要;as well as和„一样好;和„一样;as far as远达;就„来说;

27.prefer用法:prefer sth/doing sth to sth/doing sth比起„更喜欢„

prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿„也不愿„

prefer to do sth / prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事 28.some-, any-, every-用法:1some-“某~,一些~”,用于肯定的陈述句中。I have something to tell you.Maybe somebody has taken it.若用于疑问句中表示期待对方肯定的回答或表示请求或建议.Why not ask somebody to help you? Shall we give him something to eat? What about some milk? Could you please lend me some chairs? 2any-, 在疑问句中仍译为“某~,一些~”Do you have anything to say?Is anybody in the house?在肯定句和否定句中译为“任何~”You may put the box anywhere in the room.He is taller than any other student in the class.We don’t have anything to eat this morning.3every-“每~”,强调所有,既包括此也包括彼。Is everybody here?-No,Tom and Lucy have asked for leave.The glass was broken, and the water went everywhere.29.动词时态和形式:八个时态:一般现在时、现在进行时(am/is/are + v.ing)、一般将来时(will/shall/be going to+动词原形)、一般过去时、过去进行时(was/were +v.ing)、现在完成时(have/has + v.过去分词)、过去完成时(had + v.过去分词)、过去将来时(would + v.原形)六个形式:原形;过去式;过去分词;第三人称单数(加s/es);现在分词(v.ing);带to不定式。

30.if/whether区别:if 如果(引导条件状从)/ 是否(引导宾从)

whether无论(引导让步状从)/ 是否(引导宾从)

都译为“是否”时,whether可接or not, 也可接带to不定式。

if 则不可。另外,if可接any-单词,常不接some-单词。

If you have any water, please give me some.31.因为:because, 常是对why的回答,语气最强。

since, 位置:Since„,„.Since it’s already late, I must go now.for, 位置:„,for„.语气最弱。I drove carefully, for it’s snowing.as有时也指“因为”,用法基本无限制。32.表推测:must, may, might, can, could, can’t


There is the door bell, it must be Tom.may / might“也许”一般用于肯定句,may比might可能性大。

She is coming to us.She might be our new teacher.can / could“可能”could比can语气更委婉。但can多用于否定。

You could be right, but I don’t think you are.The light in the office is off.The teacher can’t be there now.33.so与such区别:so是副词,后跟形容词/副词,so tall/slowly„

such是形容词,后跟名词短语。such bad weather / good news„;

such a beautiful girl / an important lesson / a heavy stone„;

such kind boys / new desks / friendly people / amazing movies„;

若名词前形容词是many, much, few, little时,不用such, 而用so.so many flowers / much rain / few friends / little water„

也常有“so / such „that„”句型,译为“如此„以致于„”。34.so的另两个用法:1so + be/情态动词/助动词+主语,“„也”

上下文所指不是同一个人或物。The twins are working, so am I.I will stay up tonight, and so will Peter.以及对话形式:A: I woke up late this morning.B: So did I.so + 主语 + be/情态动词/助动词,“的确„是”上下文所指是同一个人或物。A: We have lunch at school.B: So you do.又如:A: Bruce can work out the problem.B: So he can.35.neither/nor用法之一:neither/nor+ be/情态动词/助动词+主语

“„也不”上文是否定句。She didn’t get well, nor did her brother.或对话形式:A: Jim hasn’t had breakfast.B: Neither have I.36.keep, make, get,have用法:

1keep + sb/sth doing sth “让„一直做„” I’m sorry for keeping you waiting so long.keep + doing sth “坚持做某事”

2make + sb/sth do sth让„做某事I’ll try to make you understand what I mean.I feel sorry that I have made him wait for long.3get + sb/sth to do sth.让„做某事。He got Peter to buy him a pen.4have + 宾语+ 动词原形 /ing /过去分词

Have him do it, please.让他做它吧。We had the machine working.我让那台机器一直工作着。We had the machine repaired.我们让人修理了那台机器(让那台机器被修理了)。

5也都可接形容词:keep safe/busy, keep the door closed/open, make us happy, get the door closed, have everything ready.37.used短语:used to + 动原,“过去常常”He used to smoke.be used to 译为“被用来„”,后接动原。It is used to cut things.be used to 译为“习惯于„”,后接动词ing或名词/代词.如:He’s used to working late./ We are all used to following others.be used for + 目的(名词或动词ing)如:

English is used for business./Knives are used for cutting things.38.through/past/across: 都可作介词,“穿过”前常有位移动词。

He climbed through the window and saw what he could take away.He went past me without saying any words.He swam across the river.【through,内部;past,旁边;across,表面。】

位移动词+ past 相当于动词pass;位移动词+across相当于cross.39.the number of / a number of: 前者“„的数量”;后者“许多的”

都跟可数名词复数。前者作主语,谓语用单数;后者作主语,谓语用复数。The number of the trees is two thousand.用单数is.A number of trees have been cut down.用复数have.40.延续性动词:How long,since,for,(以上见84)until/till等所在肯定句中的主句谓语要用延续性动词。

How long may I keep this novel? I’ve lived here since 2002.Let’s wait until he comes back..但否定句中可用短暂性动词:

I haven’t seen you for a long time.41.all/each/both/none/either/neither:

1All boys/All of the boys are from China.all 接可数复数,谓语也用复数。All of the water is polluted.若接不可数,谓语用单数。

2Each boy/Each of the boys has a different bag.each接名词单数或接of + 限定词+复数,后谓语都用单数。

3Both of the twins are clever.后面谓语用复数。

4None of the students has/have been there before.none +of +限定词+复数, 谓语用单、复数都可。另见88

5-When shall we meet, Saturday or Sunday?

-Either day is OK./ Either of the days is OK.谓语用单数。

6-When shall we meet, Saturday or Sunday?

-Sorry, I have to look after my mother these two days.That is, neither time is OK./ neither of the days is OK.谓语用单数。

all/each/none分别指三者或更多中的“都”/ “每一个”/“没有一个”。both/either/neither两者中“都”/“任何一个”/“没有一个” 42.计量表达法:数量+单位+形容词。

The building is twenty meters tall./ The street is forty meters wide.The fish is five kilos heavy./ This baby is only six months old.若计量表达的后面跟有名词,则要用连字符,单位不用复数。

They dug an eight-meter-deep hole./.I bought a 10-kilo-heavy fish.It’s a piece of 2-meter-thick ice./ They built a 50-meter-wide street.It’s a two-month holiday.(此处计量中的形容词long可省略。)43.Must I / May I / Need I „? 用法:1Must I „?我必须„吗?

A: Must I finish the work? B: Yes, you must./ No, you needn’t.2May I „?我可以„吗?A: May I go out for a walk now?

B: Yes, you can./ No, you mustn’t/can’t.3Need I„?我有必要„吗?

A: Need I clean the house? B: Yes, you must./ No, you needn’t.44.hundred/thousand/million/billion: 前有具体数字,不加s及of.否则加s, 加of.如:thousands of trees;many millions of people.nine hundred people, ten thousand students等。但前若有several,后常不加s和of:several million pounds 45.反意疑问句(QT)部分用法:1something, nothing, anything, everything作主语,QT主语用it.Something is wrong, isn’t it? / Nothing is difficult, is it? 2I think Lucy can do well in the exam, can’t she? I don’t think he will come here on time, will he?


3祈使句的QT一般用will you? 而Let’s „用shall we?

Get up now, will you? Don’t be noisy, will you?

Be quiet, will you? Please don’t talk, will you?

Let us do it now, will you? Let’s do it now, shall we?

4There be句型,QT主语用there.There is a man working in the field, isn’tthere?

There used to be a meeting on Friday, didn’tthere?

There won’t be a movie in the theatre, willthere? 46.put on, wear, dress, in: 1put on,“穿上”后接物。表行为,是短暂动词。You should put on your coat when you leave.2wear,“穿,穿着”后接物,表状态,是延续性动词。He always wears the yellow sweater in winter./I like wearing beautiful clothes.3dress, “给„穿衣”后接人。You can dress yourself, baby.Lucy is dressing her little brother now.be dressed in后常接具有某种特征的衣物。

The lady is dressed in a white skirt / white.可直接加表颜色的词。

4in, “穿着”后接具有某种特征的衣物,表状态,是介词,不可作谓语,可作状语。The woman in a white skirt is my teacher.Do you know the girl in a red coat? I’ve seen the boy in yellow.47.虚拟语气部分用法:在非真实条件句中要用虚拟语气,即if 从句中用一般过去时,而主句动词用would/should+动词原形,表示与现在相反的主观设想,也可以表示在说话人看来实现的可能性很小的情况。(注意:虚拟语气中的be动词都要用were.)

If there were no air, people would die.(与现在事实相反)

If I got rich, I would travel around the world.(可能性很小)48.other/others/the other/the others/another:

1如果不特定指出哪一个,是泛指,“另一个”要用another, 后加可数名词单数。If you are still thirsty, you may have another cup of tea.(没特定指出哪一杯茶,是泛指。cup是单数。)

another也可+数字+可数复数:The meeting will last another two hours./ We need another six desks.2如果只有两个或只有两部分,就给出了范围,其中另一个或另一部分是特指(other前有the.),有如下用法:


Mrs.Green has two sons, one is interested in math, the other(one / son)is good at science.【只有两个,用the other, 不加s, 后面名词可省略。】 又如:This pair of shoes is strange.One is blue, yet the other is green.这双鞋子很怪,一只蓝色,而另一只绿色。

第二种,只有两部分:此种情况下the other后接可数名词复数,或不接名词而只在the other后加s.Two fifths of the students in our class are boys, the other students are girls / the others are girls.Two children went, but the others stayed.(其他孩子都留下了。)

3如果没有显示出只有两部分,未给出范围,则是泛指,不加the.Lei Feng liked helping other people / others.Have you any other questions?

Alice didn’t like that dress, so she asked to see some others.4other的另一用法:用比较级的形式,体现最高级的含义。

He is taller than any other boy in his class.(划线中boy用单数)=

He is taller than all the other boys in his class.(划线中boy用复数)


49.how long/how often/how soon/how far: 1how long 是对长度或时间段提问。How long is the river?-It’s 5,000 kilometers long.How long have you lived there?-For five months./ Since 2002.2how often是对频率提问,如:never, sometimes, often, usually, always, once a week, twice a day, three times a year, every day等。

How often do you watch TV?-Every two days./ Twice a week.【若只有次数,则用how many times 提问:

How many times do you watch TV a week?-Twice./ only once.】

3how soon 是对“in + 时间段”提问:

How soon will you return to Beijing?-In a week./ In two days.4how far是对时间段’s + walk/ride/drive或计量表达提问。

-How far is it from your home to the school?

-Five minutes’ walk./An hour’s ride./Thirteen minutes’ drive.或者说:It’s about 20 kilometers(far)away.(问和回答不同。)50.分数表达:二分之一: half a/an 或a half.如:

half an hour= a half hour半小时 It’s half past seven.(省略冠词)


三分之一: a /one third 三分之二: two thirds

四分之一: a/one fourth 或a/one quarter

四分之三: three fourths或three quarters.五分之一: a/one fifth 五分之二: two fifths 其它类推。


Two fifths of the students are on time.(指名词复数时,谓用复)Two fifths of the land is polluted.(指不可数时,谓用单)

51.到达:1get to + 地点 get to Shanghai/London/ China

接地点副词时,不带to.get there/home/here.2arrive in+大地点(Beijing/Zhengzhou),arrive at+小地点(school/hospital),arrive只作不及物动词。所以也可单独用:Please ring me up when you arrive.reach只作及物动词,后直接加地点:reach Beijing/England

但常不说reach home/there/here.52.感叹句:What + 名词短语+主语+谓语!

What lazy boys(they are)!What hard work!What good news!

What a good idea!What bad weather(it is)!What a pity!

How +形容词 / 副词+ 主语+ 谓语!

How hard the work is!How fast he runs!How rude you are!

How carefully they are listening!How bad the weather is!

53.because/ instead / out等与加of的区别:

1because 后接句子,because of 接名词或代词。

He didn’t come because he was ill./ because of his illness.2instead是副词,单独在句尾。instead of 还要接名词或代词。

We didn’t have rice, we had noodles instead./ instead of it.3out 副词,可单独用,但若接地点,先加of.(也可作介词,“向„外”,可不加of.一般不要求掌握。)

He went out early.或He went out of the house early.54.too much, too many与much too:

much too“过于”,加形容词或副词原级。much too big/slowly等。

too much“太多的”,加不可数名词。too much work/rain等。

too many“太多的”,加可数复数。too many books/people等。55.alone / lonely: 1alone,“独自一人;单独”不含感情色彩。

可当形容词,但只在系动词后作表语:Jack is alone.杰克是单身。

The old woman is alone in the house.那位老妇一个人在屋里。

可当副词,修饰动词:She lives alone.她独居。

Can you move the stone alone? 你能独自搬动那块儿石头吗?

Dick is walking on the beach alone.狄克独自在海滩漫步。

(注意:不可说very alone.但可说very much alone.是特例)

2lonely, “孤独的;寂寞的”带有伤感色彩。只当形容词。

可在系动词后作表语:The old man is lonely.这位老人是孤独的。

He has many relatives, but he feels lonely.他有很多亲戚,但感到孤独。(lonely 和心理感受有关,而alone和心理感受无关。)

也可在名词前作定语:a lonely person一位孤独的人

a lonely village一个偏僻的村庄(alone不可作定语)56.belong to与be: This suit belongs to me /Lucy /my brother.(人)

This suit is mine /Lucy’s /my brother’s /hers.(某物是某人的)

57.by常见用法:1“通过”I study English by memorizing grammar.You can know it by looking it up in a dictionary.He travels by bike.2“截止到”Will you finish the task by tomorrow?

The train had left by the time he got there.3“被”This novel was written by Lu Xun.4“经过”He passed by me without noticing me.5“在„„旁边”Sit by me.They are playing by the river.58.部分用in的短语:in English, in a good way, in a hurry,in pen / ink(见105), in the day(见92), in different sizes,in different shapes, in a difficult situation,in good health,in a red coat / in red(见46), in style, in the open air(露天场所)59.比较级与最高级部分要点:1不规则形式或易错形式:

much/many→more→most bad/badly/ill→worse→worst

far→farther/further→farthest/furthest little→less→least

few→fewer→fewest old→older/elder→oldest/eldest

以ly结尾的形容词常把-ly换成-lier/-liest.2常见比较级/最高级句型:He runs faster than me.(有than)

He did better than any other student in the school.(参照48)

Tom is the cleverest boy in his class.(某个范围内)

He is the taller of the two(boys).(两者,此句型中加the)

He is the tallest of the three(boys).(三者)

Which is better, tea or milk?(两者选择)

Which is the best, tea, milk or water?(三者选择)

It’s the second longest river in China.(序数词后用最高级。)

3“越来越„”比较级+and +比较级

He cried harder and harder.She is getting taller and taller.类似:bigger and bigger / happier and happier / fatter and fatter

/ stronger and stronger / richer and richer / worse and worse„

另一种情况:more and more beautiful / slowly / carefully /„

4“越„, 越„”“the+比较级”分别置于两句的开头,倒装。

The more difficult English is, the harder you should study.The younger we are, the more energy we have.The more you eat, the fatter you will get.5“越来越多的„”more and more +名词

More and more people are getting richer and richer.We need more and more desks / paper / trees / water „.6“„得多”much + 形容词/副词比较级

This room is much bigger than that one.类似:much taller/fatter/younger/heavier/faster/earlier/better„

以及:much more careful/difficult/tiring/similar/mysterious„

7“另外的„(个)„”结构:数量+ more + 名词

one more towel, three more suits, many more tiles,much more ttruth, some more meat, a lot more wood,a little more experience, once more = one more time = again.这种结构有时也可用another + 数字 + 名词替代:

five more trees = another five trees(记住词的位置)60.talk, tell, say, speak: 1talk只作不及物动词。

Don’t talk in class.Shall we talk about our English study?

He is talking with his teacher.May I talk to you?

(talk with/to sb talk about sth)


Mr.Li told us an interesting story.Who told you the news?

3say必须接有内容。Please say it in English.He said nothing.“I disagree with you.” said Tom.What will you say?

say 若接sb, 则需先加to: I must say sorry to you.“I overslept this morning.” he said to me.4speak“说话”不及物动词。He spoke too fast for me to follow.接人时先加介词to.May I speak to Mr.Smith?

可表说话的能力。The baby can speak now.There is something wrong with his throat, he can’t speak.“演讲,发言”Who will speak in the meeting? “说”可作及物 动词。

61。sometimes/some times/sometime/some time:

sometimes: “有时”=at times.He is imes late for school.some times: “几次”I have been to Nanjing some times.sometime: “某一时刻”I bought it sometime last spring.We’ll meet again sometime next week.some time: “一段时间”We have to stay here for some time.62.need 的用法:1need可当情态动词(和can等用法类似,但need只用于疑问句或否定句中):Need I go now?(need 在一般疑问句的开头)I needn’t tell you the answer.(否定句中直接在need后加not)【当情态动词时,need无时态变化。】

2need 可当行为动词(和want 等用法类似):

He needs a bike.(后可直接加名词)

I need to go over my lessons.(后接带to不定式)

Do you need to have a rest?(一般疑问句中do, does, did在句首)

We don’t need to wait for her coming.(否定句中do,does,did提前)

【注:need 后接表被动的内容时,可表达为:

The TV needs to be repaired.= The TV needs repairing.】 63.do with 与deal with: 都译为“处理,对付,安排,应付”

What have you done with the milk? 用what提问。

How shall we deal with this problem? 用how提问。

下面两句由此而来:Could you tell me what to do with the milk? Could you tell me how to deal with this problem? 64.就近原则:常见的有:Either you or Lucyis wrong.There is a dog and two cats in the yard.(there be句型)

Not only you but(also)Iam strict in the work.Neither you nor Lucy has seen the film before.65.主谓一致:One/Neither of you is right.(单数谓语)

Tom, with his friends, has gone.(主语是Tom, 单数谓语)

This pair of shoes looks beautiful.(主语是pair, 单数谓语)

The shoes look beautiful.(主语无pair, 复数谓语)

Every boy and every girl has a chance to do it.(单数谓语)

The old need to be looked after carefully.The young are energetic.(the 加形容词表一类人,谓语用复数)

Mr.and Mrs Green are from America.指格林夫妇(复数谓语)

The teacher and writer is an able man.指教师兼作家, 一个人,单数谓语。

Both you and I are excited about the news.(复数谓语)

the number of与a number of参见39.(分数表达见50)


It’s quite an easy question.He is quite a clever boy.It’s such an important lesson.(另见33)Lily is really a lazy girl.67.部分用what 提问的句型:

What size do you want? What will you do with the problem?

What’s the population of China? What day is it today?

What’s the date today? What’s the price of this one? 68.there be部分用法:1There is only a student taking notes now.There is no need to open the box.There are 20 trees to be planted.2常有以下结构: there may/will/must/is going to/used to/„be.„

3there be中不可再出现have/has/had(有)的词。另一用法见45。

69.常见表否定的词或短语:no, not, hardly, few, little, neither, nor, nothing, nobody, none, nowhere等.有些有时在某些句型中也相当于否定,如without, too„to„

without anything, too tired to go any further

但前缀如dis--, un--, in--或后缀如--less,并不表否定。

70.常见后接动词原形的词或短语: why not / had better / please /would you please / let / make / 情态动词,等等。

【注意否定形式:had better/ would you please/ let直接加not + 动原;而please加don’t+动原】

71.常见后接动词ing的词或短语:finish /enjoy /practice /give up /

end up /put off /consider /keep /feel like /prefer„to„/can’t help /

be busy /be worth /take turns /miss(错过)/spend /have fun /介词等。

72.常见后接带to不定式的词或短语:want /hope /wish /allow /encourage /ask /tell /pretend /decide /plan/invite /urge/ advise/warn/ seem /in order(为了)/疑问词,等等。另外,it作形式主语,后也常有带to不定式。【否定:以上大多词 + not + to do sth】 73.被动语态(be +v.过去分词)用法:I did it.→It was done.双宾:He told us a story.→We were told a story.→A story was told to us.She passed me a pen.→I was passed a pen.→A pen was passed to me.情态动词:We can make a plan.→A plan can be made.进行时态:Tom is writing a letter.→A letter is being written by Tom.完成时态:I have finished the work.→The work has been finished.74.名词或所属格作定语:1强调性别时a man doctor / two men doctors ; a woman teacher / six women teachers 被修饰词是单数时,性别也用单数;被修饰词是复数时,性别也用复数。

2a girl actor / four girl actors a boy player / two boy players

a bus station / some bus stations 复数只变被修饰的词。

3a boys’ team / a gentlemen’s holiday / the Teachers’ Day /

the Children’s Day “复数 + ’s ”作定语,译为“„的„”

4Father’s Day / Mother’s Day 此处“单数 + ’s ”作定语。

(附:and连接的名词所属格:Lucy’s and Ann’s fathers are workers.分别是两个人的爸爸,所以应分别加“’s”

Lucy and Ann’s father is very interesting.两个人共有的爸爸,所以在两人后只加一个“’s”。)

75.win与beat区别:win后加物:I’m sure Jim will win the match.We won the first place in the sports meeting.而beat后加的是人:I’m afraid they will beat us.I hope we can beat the boys’ team.(男子队,相当于人。)76.it/that/one的部分用法:1it 指上文的某个事物,和上文是同一个。This book is very useful.I will take good care of it.it也可指上文所说的事:My son has lost himself in the computer games.I’m worried about it.2that与上文所说是同一类,但不是同一个,常指不可数名词。

The food in China is quite different from that in America.The weather of Hainan is better than that of Gansu.that也可指上文所说的事:A: I had an accident and broke my legs.B: I’m sorry to hear that.3one 指代上文所说的某类可数名词单数,但不是同一个物。This sweater is too expensive, do you have another one?(也指毛衣,但不是上文那个)77.at/by the end of, in the end 的区别:

1at the end of +时间点或地点,“在„的尽头,在„的末尾”

They will have a sports meeting at the end of March.(加时间)

He put some books at the end of the bed.(加地点)

2by the end of +时间点,“截止到„末”

若接过去的时间点,常用过去完成时:They had planted six thousand trees by the end of last month.若接将来的时间,常用一般将来时:We shall finish the work by the end of next month.3in the end “最后”,后不加of 短语:They wanted to find a place to rest in, in the end, they saw a village.78.have gone to/have been to/have been in: 1have gone to+地点“已去了„(还未回来)”-I can’t find those children, where are they?

-They have gone to the farm.(去了农场,不在这儿)

2have been to+地点“去过„(原来去过,现在已回)”句尾常接次数或多个地点或before,或句中常有ever, never等。

She has been to Qingdao three times.I have been to two big cities.Have you been to Dalian before? I have never/ever been to Dalian.I have never been there before.(此短语省略了to)

3have been in+地点,“已在„(多久了)”句尾常接for+时间段,或since +时间点/一般过去时的句子。

Peter has been in China for a long time.I’ve been here for 2 hours/since 2 hours ago.(此短语省略了in)79.all/whole用法:all(of)the land / all(of)the class / all(of)the students„【all 在定冠词the 前】 the whole school / the whole country / the whole area„【whole 在定冠词the 后】 80.a bit / a little区别:都可作副词,后直接加形容词和副词。

I’m a bit / a little hungry.She feels a bit / a little tired.也可作代词或形容词,后接名词时有所不同:

I have only a little drink.She ate a little bread and went out.(a little 直接加名词)而下文:I have only a bit of drink.She ate a bit of bread and went out.(a bit 先加of再加名词)81.“擅长”与“不擅长”;“对„有利”与“对„有害”:

“擅长”:be good at / do well in

“不擅长”:be bad in / be poor in / be weak in / do badly in

“对„有利”:be good for “对„有害”:be bad for 82.表数量的词和短语的部分用法:1none / all / some / most / plenty of / a lot of(lots of)后既可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。2many /(a)few / a number of / several只接可数名词复数。3much /(a)little / a bit of只接不可数名词。

83.易用错的副词:1really可修饰动词、副词和形容词,常在它们前面。I really love reading.I really miss you.(修饰动词)

Tom speaks really quickly.汤姆说得非常快。(修饰副词)

It’s really kind of you.你真好。(修饰形容词)

2very much常修饰动词want, miss, hate, love, like, dislike, enjoy, take after(长得像„), move(使„感动), excite(使„激动)等等。常在句尾。Jack wants to go there very much.杰克很想去那儿。

I hate reciting the words very much.我很讨厌背单词。

He enjoyed the film very much.他很喜欢这部电影。

He takes after his mother very much.他长得很像他妈妈。

(very much 不可修饰形容词和副词:I’m happy very much.He is lucky very much.都是错误的。)


She is very kind.I am very happy.Peter speaks very slowly.(very不可修饰动词:I very like English.He very misses you.等类似结构都是错误的。)84.常用于现在完成时的词或短语:for(后加时间段,句中谓语用延续性动词);since(后加时间点或一般过去时的句子,主句谓语用延续性动词);How long(对时间段或for与since引导的内容提问,句中谓语也用延续性动词)in/all one’s life(在某人一生);in/during the past/last+时间段(在最近的„时间内);so far(到目前为止);yet(用于句尾,用在疑问句或否定句中);already(用于句中或句尾,用在肯定的陈述句中);ever;never;just;before(单独用在句子末尾,常用此时态。但若时间段加before, 常用过去完成时)以及recently等.85.形容词与副词区别:1形容词修饰名词,作定语(划线部分):

She is a kind girl.What bad weather!I bought a new bike.形容词可在系动词后,作表语(划线部分):

The girl is kind.His face turned red.It tastes sweet.2副词(划线部分)修饰动词、形容词、副词,也可修饰整个句子。

He ran quickly.Please speak loudly.Tim lives alone.修饰动词

She is very angry.He felt too tired.I’m so lucky.修饰形容词

He got up quite early.She did it very well.修饰副词

Unluckily, I failed the English exam.修饰整个句子 86.everyday与every day: everyday是形容词,后接名词,“日常的”。He is practicing everyday English.every day是副词,作时间状语,“每天”。We speak English every day.87.everyone与every one: 1everyone“每个人;大家;所有人”,只指人。后不接of短语。Everyone is here except Tom.2every one“每一个”既可指人,也可指物。后要接of短语。Every one of us has a dictionary.Every one of the trees is tall.88.none与no one: 1no one“没有一人”只指人,后不接of短语。

No one has been to Beihai Park.No one told us about it.(以上因后面无of短语,故不用none)


None of the children has/have been to Beihai Park.(此处指人。因后有of短语,故不用no one)

A: How many elephants did you see there? B: None.(对话中none单独用,指物,不用no one.)

89.乘交通工具之表达:1by bike/ car/ sea(ship)/ air(plane)(无冠词)

2on a horseback /his bike /the plane /a ship(有冠词或限定词)

3in his/a car(car前用in)4on foot 5动词短语: ride a bike /a horse;drive a car;walk;take a plane/ taxi/ bus;fly 90.kind of 与kinds of:

1kind of 单独用,表示“有点”,后接形容词或副词:

He is kind of thin.”他有点瘦” I feel kind of hungry.”我有点饿”

Uncle Wang speaks kind of quickly.王叔叔说得有点快。

2若kind of前有a, this, that等,译为“一种,这种,那种” 后加名词。

That kind of question is difficult to answer.那类问题难回答。

3熟记一些短语:all kinds of...“各种各样的...”many kinds of“很多种类的”different kinds of“不同种类的” 后加名词。动词,后接语言。Do you speak English? 91.rain / snow / wind的常见修饰词:a strong wind“一阵强风”

a heavy rain“一场大雨”heavy snow“大雪”(以上是名词短语)

blow hard“猛烈地吹”snow heavily“下大雪”rain hard/heavily“下大雨”(以上是动词短语)

92.day的部分用法:1on Teachers’ Day表节日或周几前用“on”.2in the day / daytime“在白天”前加“in”。3in eight days“八天后”用“in”。4(in)those / these days“在过去 / 现在”

5today, next/last/this/that/every/all day等前面常不加介词。

同样,on Sunday/Monday/.../Saturday介词用的是on(有时可省略), 若有next/last/this/that/every等时不再加on.93.个别名词的部分用法:1family“家庭;家庭成员”指整体时,表示单数,谓语动词用单数形式;指成员时,表示复数,谓语用复数形式:His family is going to move.My family is large.(以上指整体,谓语用单数)

My familyare very well.我全家人很健康。(指成员,谓语用复数)一般不再区分谓语的单复数形式。类似的还有:staff(职员),class, team, public(公众),government等.2有些名词只表复数,谓语只用复数。如people, police, cattle等:The police are searching for a man with a big nose.The cattle are eating grass in the field.3deer, fish,sheep等词的单数和复数形式相同:

a deer(一只鹿)/ two deer(两只鹿)a fish(一条鱼)/ two fish(两条鱼)

a sheep(一只羊)/ some sheep(一些羊)

另外fish若表示种类时,复数要在后加es: two fishes(两种鱼)






6有些名词只是不可数名词: It’s such great fun.What fun!

What good news!I won’t do anything in such bad weather.Can you tell me some information? I like music which is popular.类似:a piece of chalk much knowledge learn a little English等

94.leave的用法:1leave可指“离开”leave Zhengzhou离开郑州

leave Zhengzhou for Wuhan离开郑州到武汉

leave for Wuhan动身到武汉(for后接目的地,而不是出发地)

2leave留下;忘记 I left my backpack at home.leave后接地点,而forget后无地点。Sorry, I forgot the money.95.ill与sick的区别:1都可译为“生病的”。ill只在系动词后作表语: Her mother was ill in bed.但sick既可作表语(在美语中),也可作定语:Her mother was sick in bed.Jane is taking care of her sick mother.(此处是定语,不可用ill, 见下文ill用法)

2若ill作定语,译为“坏的,恶劣的”an ill person一个坏人


The boy always feels sick when he travels by car.96.return用法:1“返回”,相当于“go back / get back / come back..如:Ann will visit you when he returns to London.(当“返回”时是不及物动词,先加to才可再加地点。另外,return已含有back的意思,后不可再跟back.)

2“归还”,相当于“give back”如:I have returned the dictionary.(当“归还”时是及物动词,后直接加物,若再接人时方可加to.同样不可再跟back.如:You should return the piano to Dick on time.)

97.favourite 与own的类似结构: 形容词性物主代词 + favorite +名词(某人最喜欢的...)或者 + own + 名词(某人自己的...)

如:My favorite animal is dog.He found hisown bike.98.stop / start(begin)/ forget(remember)/ like/go on等动词:

1stop doing sth.停止正在做的某事。stop to do sth.停下来做某事(stop后是将要做的事)He was tired, so he stopped working.He was tired, so he stopped to have a rest.要注意有时两种形式会同时出现:He was tired, so he stopped working to have a rest.2start/begin doing/to do 含义基本相同,但以下情况下start/begin后只接to do: ★若start / begin 已用进行时态时:He is just beginning / starting to write the letter.★主语是物而不是人时:The ice began / started to melt.★其后的动词与想法、感情有关时:He began / started to understand it.3forget/remember to do sth.忘记/想起将要做的事。

forget / remember doing sth.忘记/想起已经做过的事。

4like doing sth.(因爱好而喜欢,表示一种习惯)

Jack likes sleeping in the class.(在班睡觉虽不是好事,杰克却有这个爱好。有睡觉的习惯。)

like to do sth(认为明智或正确而喜欢)

She likes to help others.(助人是一件正确的事,所以喜欢。)

I don’t like to play in the street.(在大街上玩不明智,故不喜欢)

有时区别不明显,接两形式都可。He likes watching / to watch TV.5go on doing sth.继续做某事(上文所做的事)go on to do sth接下来做另一件事(不是上文所做之事)


主格 宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词


I me my pen/house...mine myself

you(你)you your bag/car...yours yourself

he him his desk/coat...his himself

she her her hair/books...hers herself

it it its tail/face...its itself

we us our teacher/room...ours ourselves

you(你们)you your class/hometown...yours yourselves

they them their school/fathers...theirs themselves 100.基数词和序数词:基数词表示人或物的数量。序数词表示人或物的次序。注意以下几种形式:one→first two→second

three→third five→fifth eight→eighth nine→ninth twelve→twelfth twenty→twentieth thirty等类推

另外,“四十”forty;无字母u.“第九”ninth无字母e.101.room /space /place: 1room“房间”(可数)a room/ two rooms


Could you make room for me? 你能为我让一下空间吗?

Is there room for me in the car? 车里有我的位子吗?

2space“空间”普通用语,表示万物存在之处,与“时间”(time)为相对概念。in the dark space在黑暗的宇宙空间(太空)

time and space时间和空间

Is there any space for me in the car?(此处和room的含义相当)


I want to live in a place which is warm in winter.Mount Chaya is a wonderful place.嵖岈山是一个奇妙之地。102.常见国籍、人与语言的对应:

1China“中国”Chinese(无复数形式)“中国人(的)/中文(的)/中国的” a Chinese/ two Chinese“一个/两个中国人”

Japan, Japanese 和此类似。

2England“英国(原义:英格兰)”(= Britain)


He is English.(前无冠词)= He is an Englishman.(前有冠词)“他是英国人”

注意复数:They are English.= They are Englishmen.(变为men)

3France“法国” French(无复数形式)“法国人(的)/ 法语(的)/ 法国的”

The lady is French.(前无冠词)= The lady is a Frenchwoman.(前有冠词)

注意复数:The ladies are French.= The ladies are Frenchwomen.4Germany“德国”German“德国人(的)/ 德语(的)/ 德国的”

The boy is a German.(前有冠词)The boys are Germans.(复数加s.)

5America“美国” American“美国人(的)/ 美国的”

He is American.(前常无冠词)They are Americans.(复数加s)103.易写错词形:◆noise(名词)“噪音”;noisy(形容词);noisily(副词)◆health(名词)“健康”;healthy(形容词);healthily(副词)


◆succeed(动词)“成功”;success(名词);successful(形容词)successfully(副词)◆save(动词)“救,节省,存”;safe(形容词)“安全的”;safety(名词)“安全,安全场所”safely(副词)◆true(形容词)“真的,对的”;truly(副词“)真正地”;truth(名词“)真理,事实”◆terrible(形容词)“难受的,可怕的”;terribly(副词)104.job与work:1job, 可数:I have a job as a teacher.Jobs are not easy to get.He wants a job.2work, 不可数

I cannot find work in this town.Have you finished your work? 105.with和in表示“用”:1with用工具:write with a pen /a pencil/

a piece of chalk 2in用写字材料:write in ink / pen(前无冠词)106.时刻之表达:1分钟未过半点,如7:20→seven twenty→twenty

past seven: 2:02→two oh two→two past two 2分钟已过半点,如5:45→five forty-five→a quarter to six→fifteen to six 1:58→one fifty-eight→two to two 3刚好半点,如9:30→nine thirty→half past nine 4刚好整点,如11:00→eleven o’clock 107.be + 形 + of sb 与 for sb的区别:1It’s kind of you to help me.解释:kind, nice, good, clever, foolish,lazy等词表示的是人的特点或性格。此句相当于在说You are kind to help me.此情况下介词用的是of.2It’s easy for you to do the work.解释:easy,difficult, necessary, important, dangerous, interesting等词如果在句中不反映人的特点或性格,如此句中并不是在说You are easy.而是“做

这项工作”这件事是容易的。此情况下介词用的是for.又如:It’s dangerous for us to climb the mountain.“爬山”是危险的,不是说“我们”是“危险”的。for sb 是“就某人来说”之意。

108.take, bring, fetch与carry: 都译为“拿”。◆take“拿走”,从说话人处带到另一处 ◆bring“带来”,从另一处带到说话人处。◆fetch“去拿来”,先到另一地拿东西,然后再返回到说话人处。◆carry“拿、搬、扛”,没有特定方向性。

109.条件与祈使: 有时条件句可以与祈使句有相同的意思。注意以下句子结构有何不同。

If you work hard, you will achieve your dream.相当于: Work hard, and you will achieve„

If you don’t listen to me carefully, you won’t understand it.相当于:Listen to me carefully, or you won’t understand it.110.in / on / at + 时间:1in three days(“„时间后”,常用于一般将来时)in September

in 1998;in the 1860s(在十九世纪六十年代)

in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night

2on Christmas Eve;on October 1st;

on Sunday evenings;on a cold morning;

on Fridays;on New Year’s Day;

on the morning / afternoon / evening / night of September 10th.(morning / afternoon / evening / night若是early / late 修饰时,仍用介词in)

3at 6:00;at Christmas;at noon;at night 112.one day与someday/some day的区别:

1one day“某一天,有一天”既可用于一般过去时,也可用于一般将来时。One day, a stranger came to my house.I will achieve my dream one day.2someday/some day“某一天”常用于一般将来时。可以和one day互换。I’m sure I can go to the Great Wall someday.113.missing与lost: 都可译为“丢失的,失踪的”

但用的分别是动词的现在分词和过去分词形式。My pen is lost / missing.(表语)
