1.经典英文广告词 篇一
1. Alishan melon seeds, a nibbling on the happy. Alishan melon seeds advertising
2. Camps and more camps, eat again. - Multi-instant noodles advertising
3. Efficiency, quality, equality and credibility. KFC fried chicken business slogan
4. “Tim add a finger, really good.” - Kentucky Fried Chicken
5. Master Kong instant noodles, delicious see. Master Kong instant noodles advertising
6. Tianfu peanuts, the more stripping the more fun. Tianfu peanut advertising
7. Sichuan specialty, taste first-class. Tianfu peanut advertising
8. Bite a bite. - Jonston Biscuit Advertising Company
9. Even if immersed in the milk is still crisp. - US-month company Post pizza ads
10. “Face” a new Dacheng surface. Taiwan instant noodles advertising
11. Most of the vitamins. Hong Kong Victoria Mito shop advertising
12. Grains are selected, the essence of drops. Hong Kong Nan Shun company peanut oil advertising
13. The most convenient breakfast. US Slide cereal ads
14. You may wish to take a look at those strong little boy is eating! - US-month company
15. “Mai cake” ad unique taste, food for thought. - Yu Le ice fruit factory advertising
The son of summer. Japanese tomato canned advertising
17. Taste to surprise you. - A foreign food advertising
18. Behind every success - Aspartame. Japan Ajinomoto Club sweetener advertising
19. family, do not forget the element of taste! - Ajinomoto ads
20. stick is not great, you try; good, you try. - Ancient Boat Series Flour Advertisement
2.经典英文广告词 篇二
1 广告英文常用修辞手法
1.1 双关 (Pun)
双关语是指在特定的言内语境中用一种文字形式表达出一明一暗双重意义。英语的双关分为词义双关 (homograph) 和谐音双关 (homophone) 。词义双关是一词多义, 谐音双关是同音异议。广告英语中的双关语能引人注意, 富于联想, 给人以丰富的想象余地, 体现了广告英语语言的含蓄美。
1) Ask for More.
2) Start ahead.
以上第一个例句是摩尔香烟的广告语, 使用了谐音双关, 其中的More与more发音相同, 但意义不同。广告在宣传香烟品牌的同时, 也暗示“还要更多”, 起到了宣传和劝购得双重效果。第二个例句是飘柔洗发水的广告语, 使用了词义双关, 其中的ahead即指“洗发从头开始”, 又暗含中国文化的“好的开始等于成功的一半”的观念, 意蕴耐人寻味。
1.2 比喻 (Metaphor)
比喻是一种常见的修辞手法, 包括明喻和暗喻。广告语中使用明喻, 能使广告产品的特征一目了然, 形象生动;使用暗喻则可以使人发挥丰富的想象力, 从而巧妙地增强语言的美感。
1) Its sound is as unique as its shape.Its brakes are as u-nique as its engine.
2) Kodak is Olympic colour.
以上第一句运用的是明喻, 这则广告强调保时捷跑车的声音和它的外形一样帅气独特, 而制动与引擎一样性能优良, 令人产生安全感、信任感。第二句运用的是暗喻, 将柯达色彩喻为奥林匹克的宗旨“更快、更高、更强”, 具有很强的感召力。
1.3 拟人 (Personification)
由于拟人手法是把所宣传的事物人格化, 赋予它们人的品格和言行, 所以广告英语中使用拟人的手法会使所宣传的产品更生动形象, 富有人情味, 使消费者产生一种亲切感, 从而激发消费者的购买欲, 也达到了广告宣传的最终目的。
Flowers by BEAUTY spread from the heart.
以上第一句从人的角度来描写手表, 让人感觉手表像人一样, 之后又指出比人更胜一筹。第二句是鲜花广告, 鲜花被描述为能说会道、像有生命的人一样, 这就使读者产生一种亲近感, 引起人们的兴趣。
1.4 反复 (Repetition)
为了表达的需要, 重复使用同一词语、句子等的修辞手法叫做反复。广告语中使用反复的手法, 在语言形式上有承上启下的作用, 在语气上能渲染气氛, 加深读者或听众的印象, 营造一种特殊的情调, 从而增加消费者对宣传产品的印象。
1) Everything is extraordinary;Everything tempts.
2) Double your pleasure.Double your fun.
例句一是卡地亚饰品的广告, 其中Everything进行了反复, 强调了每一件饰品都是做工独特、品质一流。例句二是绿箭口香糖的广告, 通过反复double, 暗示该产品能给人带来比别的产品更多的快乐与享受。
1.5 押韵 (Rhyme)
押韵是诗歌中常用的修辞手法, 而广告中使用押韵可以使其富有节奏感, 读起来琅琅上口, 听起来悦耳动听, 看起来赏心悦目, 一次这一手法可以使消费者从广告中获得美的享受, 而且容易记住产品的效果, 从而也就加深了对产品的印象。
1) For the woman in you, Stylish, Sexy, Smart.
2) Read, remembered, rushed.
例句一是一本女性杂志的广告, 其中连续使用了三个/s/, 使三个形容词分别压押头韵, 读起来既富于节奏感, 又不失柔和甜美, 使人很容易将这份杂志与聪明、性感、有品位的女性联系在一起。例句二中是一则办公自动化系统广告, 运用了三个/d/, 模拟出办公室特有声效, 给人以动态美感, 富有感染力和说明里。
1.6 夸张 (Hyperbole)
夸张是在客观事实的基础上, 为了表达的需要, 故意言过其实, 用来抒发作者鲜明的感情态度, 从而引起读者的强烈共鸣。英语广告中, 通过这种言过其实的夸张表达, 取得强调、幽默或取笑的效果, 语言的感染力得到充分发挥。
Years from now you may have to replace the laces.
这是关于鞋子的广告。其中运用夸张的手法, “不用换鞋, 只须换鞋带”体现了鞋子经久耐穿的品质, 获得了强调、幽默的效果。
2 结束语
为了使广告新颖别致、形象生动、引人入胜, 英语广告常常使用各种修辞手法来增强广告的效果, 唤起人们的审美情趣。广告英语语言修辞美集中表现在广告英语充分使用了英语语言文学的各种修辞手法, 如双关、比喻、拟人、反复、押韵、夸张等, 在实现广告劝购功能的同时, 获得高尚的情趣和精神上的享受。
[1]王春梅.广告英语的修辞魅力[J].安徽工业大学学报:社会科学版, 2005 (6) .
[2]张雨, 王舒雅.广告用语的语用特点[J].安徽文学:下半月, 2009 (6) .
[3]王奕君.英语广告中修辞手法的运用[J].湖北广播电视大学学报, 2009 (9) .
[4]张磊.广告英语的修辞特色与翻译策略[J].黑龙江科技信息, 2008 (36) .
[5]刘海舟.英语广告中的修辞与翻译[J].中国科技信息, 2008 (22) .
3.浅析英文广告的修辞艺术 篇三
【关键词】英文广告 修辞
1.明喻(simile)是一种比较直观的比喻手法,多用like, as来体现本体和喻体的相似性。当消费者对商品不了解时,明喻可以帮助消费者建立清晰的相似性的联想。比如:Regal. It feels like your favorite easy chair. Only faster. (Buick) 这是别克汽车的君威系列广告,把汽车比喻成座椅,让人联想到家的舒适型和亲切感,但此车也具备速度快的优点。
2.暗喻(metaphor)又称为隐喻,指“根据两个事物间的某种共同特征或某种内在联系,把一个事物的名称用在另一个事物的名称上,说话人不直接点明,而要靠读者自己去领会的比喻。”暗喻起到含蓄比喻的效果。例如:We just redid the family room. (Chevy Astro)这是雪佛兰汽车的广告,将轿车内的空间比喻成家中的房间,暗示乘坐在这款车里,全家人在不同座位上都能享受到居家不同房间布局的方便性、多样性、功能齐全性。此车拥有这么多的优点,激发读者跃跃欲试。
3.头韵(alliteration)指两个单词或多个单词的首字母读音相同,从而读起来产生音韵美,朗朗上口,更易记忆。例如:Heavy isnt Healthy. (Purin) 这是一则Fit & Trim系列的狗粮广告,此款产品的特点是有助于减肥的狗粮,通过压头韵的方法既强调了体重和健康的关系,又体现了英语的音乐美。Had enough? Have a nips. (Nips) 这是一则糖果广告,表达的意思是:吃饱了吗?来一块糖吧。通过头韵让这则广告语简洁明快,对称整齐。
4.双关(pun)是“利用词的同音和多义的条件,使词语或句子具有双重含义,言在此而意再彼,又名多义关联”。在广告中巧用双关,不仅体现了英语词汇的丰富内涵,更大大增强了语言的幽默性,让人读来意味深长、妙趣横生、回味无穷。例如:Things always look better after dark. 这是Milky Way品牌的黑巧克力广告。该广告语表层意思为:黑夜朦胧、万物更美,让人想象到浪漫气息。但细细品味,英文中的dark也可形容黑巧克力,这才体现了这则广告巧妙的深层意思:品尝过黑巧克力,一切都变得更美好了。此处dark一语双关的词义,体现了英语语言的艺术性。
Feel free to feel young. (Kraft) 这是名为“free”系列的火腿,初读广告,意为:感受自由,感受年轻。读来让人感觉神清气爽,再细看发现商标名称正是free,因而深层意思为:品尝free牌火腿才能感受年轻。
Which Husky is too husky? (Purina)这是一则带有减肥功效的狗粮广告,广告以哈士奇狗为例,字面意思为:哪条哈士奇狗太过哈士奇了吗?再进一步理解,husky还有“强大的、魁梧的”意思,因此广告的深层意思为:哪一条哈士奇狗太过强壮了?暗示着超重和肥胖的狗,提醒人们注意狗的饮食来克制狗的体重,因此呼应了这则减肥狗粮的销售目的。
5.对比(antithesis)也称“对照”,将结构基本相同、意思相反的语句排列在一起,更加鲜明直观地对比突出了产品的特色和优势,让顾客信服。例如:Full-time van. Part-time baby-sitter. 这是一款汽车广告:全职的车;兼职的保姆。其中full强调了此车的高性能,而part-time则表达了这部车能满足有孩子的家庭的外出需要。
New shade Uvaguard. The biggest breakthrough in sun protection since SPFs. 这是一款防晒霜的广告,此处通过最高级的使用,强调了该款商品的卓越性和优越性是无人可及的。再如:Mentadent introduces the most incredible massage you can get standing up. (Mentadent) 这是一款牙刷广告,同时运用了夸张和暗喻的修辞手法,将用这款牙刷刷牙的过程比喻成为牙齿按摩,强调了刷牙过程的愉悦性和舒适性。同时,这样的“牙齿按摩”还是最美妙和最不可思议的,此处用英语最高级正是夸张的体现,强调相比其他牙刷而言,这款牙刷的舒适性是无以伦比的。
7.反复(repetition)指“为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情,特意连续或者间隔地使用同一词语、句子或段落。”恰当的使用反复可以突出广告的重点,增加节奏感。例如:Feel how it feels to have skin feel like new. (Lever) 这则沐浴露广告中运用了反复辞格,“feel”三次反复出现,强调了该产品给人带来的全新的感觉。
[1]Aubin,Robert J.Readers Digest[J].New York:Readers Digest Association,Inc.,1996.
4.国外经典创意英文广告词 篇四
2. Prudential Financial: “Growing and Protecting Your Wealth”
3. Qwest: “Spirit of Service”
4. Renault: “Créateur d’Automobiles”
5. Rite Aid: “With Us, It’s Personal:
6. Rolls-Royce: “Trusted to Deliver Excellence”
7. Sherwin-Williams: “Cover the Earth”
8. Silicon Graphics: “The Source of Innovation and Discovery”
9. Spencer Gifts: “Life’s A Party! We’re Makin’ It Fun.”
10. Sprint Nextel Corporation: “Yes you can”
11. Staples: “That Was Easy”
12. Symbol Technologies: “The Enterprise Mobility Company”
13. Target Corporation: “Expect More. Pay Less.”
14. The Home Depot: “You Can Do It. We Can Help.”
5.经典英文广告语 篇五
1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)
4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8. Poetry in motion,dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)
9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)
10.To me, the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)11.Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)12.Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)13.The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)14.Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子)
15.Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)16.The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)
17.We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)18.Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)19.Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)
20.No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)
.21.Start ahead.(Rejoice)成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)
22.Things go better with Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola)饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)
23.Connecting People.(Nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)
24.A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)25.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye.(RADAR)蚊子杀杀杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)26.A Kodak Moment.(Kodak)就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷)27.Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)
Buick: In Search of Excellence.别克轿车:志在千里!
Buick: Buick-your key to a better life and a better world.别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.Honda: For the Road Ahead.本田:康庄大道。
Chevrolet: Future for my future.雪弗兰: 未来,为我而来。
NISSAN : Life is a journey.Enjoy the ride.NISSAN 汽车:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途高兴。
NISSAN:Shift the future 尼桑:转变未来
6.口红的英文经典广告语盘点 篇六
2, fantasy lipstick, East Tian made!
3, unique lips, in the East Field 6 color fantasy lipstick.
4, East Field fantasy lipstick, your appearance is the show field.
5, light and moist, to color things, in the East field fantasy 6 color lipstick.
6, like you think, fantasy lipstick series, for the United States and students.
7, lip lipstick drunk, charm traces, East Field fantasy lipstick, Fashion vane.
8, East field fantasy lipstick, amazing woman treasure.
9, East field lipstick, wonderful in fantasy!
10, fall in love with East Field fantasy lipstick, turned six-color Bright Queen.
★ 信用证常用表达方式
★ 记叙文表达方式
★ 口红的英文经典广告语盘点
★ 公共交通换乘调查报告
★ 城市公共交通调查报告
★ 浅析公共交通换乘枢纽设计
★ 浅谈城市公共交通的优先发展
★ 时间英语表达方式总结
★ 句子的表达方式有哪些
7.诵读英文经典提高语言素养 篇七
(1)思想性。语言是是思想的外壳,因此语言材料中不可避免的隐藏着一定的价值观,这些价值观中有一些与我国主流的价值观是不一致的。中学生正处于人生观,价值观形成的关键时期,如果接触了一些有悖于我国主流价值观的阅读材料则后果是可怕的。因此,在选择经典诵读材料时首先要考虑的就是语言材料的思想性。要选择思想健康,积极向上,符合我国主流价值观,没有政治错误的语言材料。例如在初一阶段为了教育学生珍惜时间,热爱生活,我和学生一起诵读了What is time?和What is life?这两首经典的英文小诗。
(4)协同性。经典诵读的出发点是为了配合课堂教学,提高英语教学质量。因此,经典诵读语言材料的选择必须要为英语教学服务,必须要和英语课堂教学相协同。主要体现在两个方面,一是与单元话题相协同,二是与语法项目相协同。例如在学习牛津初中英语9A第二单元的不定代词语法项目时,我就因时制宜,结合该语法项目和学生一起欣赏了Emily Dickens的I'm Nobody,这既拓展了不定代词的用法,又揭示了深刻的人生哲理。
(2)植入英语课堂教学,使英文经典诵读体现在每一堂英语课中。在英语课的导入,拓展,结束等各个环节都可以巧妙的渗透英文经典。例如,在敎动词不定式时,我就用了莎士比亚的名言:To be or not to be来导入新课。
8.教你用经典英文称赞美别人 篇八
You do a g00d job.你干得非常好。
We’re so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲。
I’m very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。
This is reallv a nice place.这真是个好地方!
You’re 100king sharp!你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。
You always know the right thing to say.你总能说到点子上。
You’re very eloquent.你说话总是很得体。
Nice going!=you do a good job.干得好!
The food is delicious.好吃!
Everything tastes great.每样东西都很美味!
What an adorable baby!多么可爱的孩子。
I admire your work.我羡慕你的工作。
You’ve got a great personality.你的个性很好。
You have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。
Your Chlnese is yeally surprising.你的中文令人驚讶。
Your English is incredihle.我真不敢相信你的英语。
You have a very successful business.你的事业很成功
You’re very professional.你非常专业。
You’re so smart.你非常聪明。
I envv you verv lllUeh.我非常羡慕你。
You’re really talented.你很有天赋。
You look nice in that color.你穿那种颜色很好看。
Y0u have a good taste.你很有品位。
Y0u look like a million dollars.=you look outstanding.
9.创意英文广告词 篇九
2. Adidas: “Impossible is nothing”
3. Agere Systems: “How Communication Happens”
4. Agilent: “Dreams Made Real”
5. Airbus: “Setting the Standards”
6. AkzoNobel: “Tomorrow’s Answer Today”(今天提交明日答案)
7. Amazon.com: “…and You’re Done”
8. AMX: “It’s Your World. Take Control”
9. Anritsu: “Discover What’s Possible”
10. Apple: “Think different”
11. AT&T: “Your World. Delivered”
12. ATG Design Services: “Circuit Design for the RF Impaired”
13. ATI Technologies: “Get In the Game”
14. BAE Systems: “Innovating for a Safer World”
15. Ball Corporation: “The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems”
16. BellSouth: “Listening, Answering”
17. Blackhawk: “Powering DSP Development”
18. BMW: “The Ultimate Driving Machine”(终极驾驶机器)
19. Boeing: “Forever New Frontiers”
20. Bose Corporation: “Better Sound Through Research”
21. Bowers & Wilkins (Speaker Mfg.): “Listen and You Will See”
22. BP Microsystems: “Setting the Standard in Device Programming”
23. Cadence: “How Big Can You Dream”
24. Canon: “Know How” | Delighting you always(感动常在)亚太地区
25. Cingular Wireless: “Raising the Bar”
26. Cisco Systems: “The Human Network”(新网络,人为本)
27. Cirrus Logic: “Leading the Digital Entertainment Revolution”
28. Compaq (HP): “Inspiration Technology”
29. Cypress Semiconductor: “Driving the Communication Revolution”
10.公益英文广告词 篇十
2, speak good Mandarin, friends all over the world.
3,56 ethnic 56 flowers, 56 languages into one sentence: Please speak Mandarin.
4, communicate you and me, rely on Mandarin.
11.浅析英文商业广告中的语音隐喻 篇十一
【关键词】英文商业广告 语音隐喻 关联原则 明示—推理交际
【中图分类号】H31【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)05-0006-02
Ivan Fonagy 于1999年在其论文 “Why Iconicity” 中首次提出“语音隐喻”,主要从语音(或发音方式)与所表达的意义这一角度进行了论述。但是他没有给“语音隐喻”作清晰的定义。国外学者Branko Vuletic 认为“语音隐喻是不同的意义(contents) 通过各自能指的相似性(similarity)或相近性(closeness)所进行的联想(association)。 Vuletic指出:语音之所以能在不同意义间联想,是因为他们之间具有相同或者相似的语音成份。李弘教授首先将“语音隐喻”这个概念引入中国,并且他认为Fonagy所说的 “语音隐喻”实际上是语音与其所指对象或所表达意义之间的相似性的问题。
关联理论认为,首先,言语交际是一个认知过程,关联是人类认知的基础。其次,言语交际活动涉及两种意图:信息意图和交际意图。另外,言语交际的过程,实际是明示—推理过程。即说话人首先在其话语中设置明示刺激(ostensive stimuli),说话人向听话人明示传递的信息及自己传递信息的意图。而听话人根据说话人提供的明示刺激和相关认知语境,来努力寻找最佳关联从而推断出说话人的交际意图。每个明示的交际行为都应设想为本身具有最佳关联性,即在正常交际中,听者总是力图以付出最小的努力来获得最大的认知效果。
(a)Try our sweet corn, you will smile from ear to ear.
这是一则关于基于音同形同异义类双关的爆米花的英文商业广告。这里 “ear” 既可意为 “耳朵” 又可意为“一颗玉米穗”。这里的语音隐喻是借助ear [?覦 ?藜]“耳朵” 和ear [?覦 ?藜]“一颗玉米穗”之间存在着语音相同来进行跨域联想的。但是由上文可知,隐喻是以语境为依据且任何交际都是在相关语境,围绕相关主题等相关因素进行的,所以:(1)就字面意而言,我们可以将这则广告理解为:我们的爆米花很美味,吃了我们的爆米花你会心情愉悦。这里 “ear”是耳朵的意。(2)结合这则英文商业广告语境,根据关联理论,假设消费者的理解具有最佳关联,根据爆米花商人给出的明示手段,并利用ear [?覦 ?藜]“耳朵” 和ear [?覦 ?藜]“一颗玉米穗”之间的相同读音,推理出广告深意:“我们的爆米花很美味,很香甜,吃我们的爆米花,你会一颗接一颗,根本停不下来”。在这里“ear”是“一颗玉米穗”的意思。
(b) The sigh of good taste.
这是一则1957年可口可乐的广告。这也是一则基于音同形同异义的英文商业广告。这则广告的语音隐喻是借助taste [te?覦 st]“味道”和taste [te?覦 st] “有品位的”。广告字面意为:可口可乐味道好极了!此时taste [te?覦 st] 是“味道”的意思。若结合可口可乐的广告语境,假设消费者的理解具有最佳关联,利用可口可乐公司给出的明示手段,及taste [te?覦 st]“味道”和taste [te?覦 st] “有品位的”的相同读音,最终推测出这则可口可乐广告深意:可口可乐不仅味道好,而且选择可口可乐是有品位的象征。此时taste [te?覦 st] “有品位的”的意思。在这里深层含义与字面意和谐统一,给顾客留下了深刻印象,并刺激了消费者的购买欲。
(c) Every one kneads it.
这是一则基于音同形异异义的卖面粉的广告。广告字面意思:每个人都揉这款面粉,每个人都在用这款面粉。但是结合面粉商所处的环境,根据关联理论,假设消费者的理解具有最佳关联,再根据可口可乐公司给出的明示手段,并利用need [ni:d]“需要”和knead [ni:d] “揉”的读音相同,我们可以推测出面粉厂商还有深层意思,即:每个人都需要这款面粉,大家都快来买!这里用概念域 A“need” 激活了另外一个概念域 B “knead”。此时这则“面粉”广告语也产生了语音隐喻义。
(d)The “In” idea in business travel.
这是Hilton酒店的一条广告语。这则广告语的语音隐喻是借助inn [in] “旅店”和 in [in] “时髦的”的读音相似。广告字面意思为:在Hilton酒店居住是个时髦的选择。根据最佳关联原则,以及希尔顿酒店给出的明示手段 “in”与“inn”读音相同,消费者可以理解Hilton酒店的广告深层:选择在Hilton酒店居住是很时髦的选择,Hilton酒店的优质、周到的服务以及齐全的设施会让你有种如家的感觉。这里用概念域 “Inn”激活了另一个概念域 “In”. 通过认知和推理,人们对概念域 “In” 的认知通过映射作用到概念域 “Inn” 上,由此这条希尔顿酒店的广告语便产生了语音隐喻义。
仿拟 (parody) 主要通过模仿现有短语、句子或篇章,改动部分词语或词序, 为创造特殊效果而临时造出,这种词格通过语音手段来实现就叫语音模仿。如:
(e) Thirst come, thirst served.
这时可口可乐公司与1932年的一则广告语。这则广告仿拟谚语 “First come, first served.” “先到先得”。在这则广告中,巧妙的将“first”改为“thirst”,不仅发音相近,使人感觉顺畅自然,而且“thirst”一词有“口渴”的意思,根据关联理论,语音隐喻的成功映射需要一定语境。当消费者看到这则广告,结合身的认知语境,不由会联想到当您口渴时,这份可口可乐饮料将立刻为您解除干渴。如此,这则广告显示出一种不可抗拒的吸引力和强大的感召力。
(f) All good things come in pears.
这时一则卖 “梨”的广告。在这则广告仿拟固定词组“in pairs”“成双的,成对的”。这则广告巧妙的将“pairs”改为“pears”, 不仅发音相同,而且有异曲同工之妙。根据关联理论的最佳关联原则,当消费者看到这则卖 “梨”的广告,会不由的想到 “All good things come in pairs” “好事情会接二连三地出现”。再结合自身的认知语境,最终不免会推测出这则广告的隐喻义,即“买了我们的梨,吃了我们的梨,好的事情会接二连三地发生在你身上”。商家采用这种仿拟手段,不仅增强了渲染效果,顾客留下了深刻印象,也达到了盈利目的。
(g) My goodness,my guinness.
在这里用goodness-guiness来作喻, 是因为goodness ['g?尬dnis]-guinness['ginis]押韵。也就是概念域 guinness激活了概念域goodness. 这则广告借助两个概念域音位单位同韵。这则广告的字面含义为“健力士黑啤很好喝,它在我心中位置和上帝一样可信。”在这里guinness 是“上帝 ”的意思。 根据关联理论的最佳关联原则,当消费者看到guinness, 不免联想到他的另外一个意思 “ 吉尼斯世界纪录”。于是消费者便可以根据自身认知语境,推测出健力士商人要通过这则广告表达的深层含义“健力士黑啤质量好,口感好,可以达到世界吉尼斯纪录的标准。”商家通过这种韵律优美的押韵手法,不仅可以提高产品知名度,而且可以刺激消费者购买欲望。
语音隐喻在我们生活中随处可见,语音隐喻与英文商业广告的结合也成为当代商业广告业发展的必然趋势。如上文出现的 “All good things come in pairs”. “My goodness,my guinness.”等等。对英文广告中的语音隐喻进行语用解读,有利于广告者创作出更好有创新性的英文商业广告语。本文以关联理论为视角,对英文商业广告中的语音隐喻进行语用解读。认为语音隐喻实际是一种明示——推理的认知过程,继而结合具体英文商业广告,解析英文商业广告中不同表现形式的语音隐喻,以达到更好理解和应用语音隐喻的目的。
12.英文广告中的语用预设类型分析 篇十二
广告语言是一个广告的灵魂, 是一种劝导说服性的语言, 其最终目的是向潜在的顾客群体传递产品或服务信息并最终劝说人们实施购买行为。广告撰写人尽可能地采用一切语言和非语言技巧来实现广告传递信息和说服的双重目的, 语用预设就是其中一个非常重要的语言工具。
过去对广告语的研究主要强调广告语中的词汇和短语、修辞和交际目的, 而且没有一个很好的理论框架支持。近年来, 很多学者开始从语用学的角度进行研究, 但涉及广告语中语用预设研究的论著和论文很少。笔者搜集了100个英文广告, 主要是日用品广告和服务广告, 并对其标题和标语中的语用预设的类型进行了尝试性的研究。
预设 (presupposition) 亦称前提, 常常被定义为发话者在说出某个特定的句子时所作的假设, 包括语义预设和语用预设。语用预设指交际双方所共有的知识, 主要包括:1.交际双方与一般人都共有的、和一定的语境相联系的知识;2.在某些特殊语境中只为交际双方共有的知识;3.和一定事理相联系的知识。语用预设是说话人假定听话人知道的、能促成言语行为顺利实施的适切条件或知识。
根据不同的准则, 对预设的分类也不同。鉴于本文研究的是广告语言中的语用预设, 结合陈新仁 (1998) 的分类, 笔者将语用预设分为存在预设、事实预设、状态预设、信念预设、行为预设。
存在预设是一个最基本的类型, 即预设存在某人或某物, 主要有专有名词、定冠词、所有格类词等限定描述类词引起的。
状态预设就是预设人们的情感状态。情感是不稳定的, 很容易改变。一般来说分为两种:一是预设过去不理想的状态, 二是预设改变后的理想状态。这一类与事实预设较为接近, 所不同的是关于这种状态的描述显得更为主观些。
信念预设也是一种常见的类型。一个人的态度往往受到世界观、人生信念、对具体事物的看法等的支配。当认为不好时, 就是一种厌恶的态度;相反的, 就是一种支持的态度。
行为预设是预设读者或听众过去、现在或将来的行为。预设的行为一般有三类:一类是过去的行为, 这种行为经常是他们不愿做的, 就像状态类中的过去状态一样。另一类预设的行为强调读者或听众眼前有某种行为需要, 并且想要满足这一需要。第三类行为预设读者或听众受到外部的刺激, 实施了自己的行为。
存在预设。存在预设主要是有限定描述类词引起的, 如专有名词、定冠词、所有格类词等。如:TAZO’s full-flavored blend of green tea, spearmint and lemongrass tickles your tongue and the enlightenment begins.这是个茶广告, 存在预设是由专有名词“TAZO”、所有格词“your”和定冠词“the”引起的。其中“TAZO”预设存在这种品牌的茶, “Your”预设存在需要这种茶的人, “The”预设喝这种茶会给人带来无限的启迪。存在预设使用的真正目的是劝导消费者购买这种茶, 即如果你想喝茶, TAZO牌茶是最好的选择, 不仅会满足你舌头的欲望, 而且还会使你获得无限的启迪。这样的广告语言给读者留下了很深的印象, 也起到了很好的说服效果。
事实预设。事实预设是陈述事实的预设, 即摆出某个令人难以抗拒的事实。如:Your stylish shoes just became your comfortable shoes.上面这个鞋子广告给读者列出了一个事实, 即有的鞋时尚却不舒服, 有的鞋舒服却不时尚, 而Scholl牌鞋既时尚又舒适。这则广告紧紧抓住了广大现代女性既爱时尚又爱舒适的心理, 因此Scholl牌鞋会成为她们最好的选择。可以说这是一个成功运用事实预设的广告案例。
状态预设。状态预设就是预设人们的情感状态。一般来说分为两种:一是预设过去不理想的状态, 二是预设改变后的理想状态。如:Make your skin feel like butter.Olay complete with butter significantly improves extra-body skin.Complete bodywash
这则化妆品广告运用了状态预设传递了大量信息:女人们曾经使用过有黄油成分的沐浴露, 但是那类产品不能有效改善胳膊肘和膝盖处的干燥皮肤, 也就是不能给全身一个呵护, 因此, 她们处于一种焦虑状态。为了消除她们的焦虑感, 商家提供了一种与众不同的产品——Olay, 它不仅可以呵护全身的皮肤, 还可以使肌肤细嫩光滑如黄油一般。总之, 状态预设以微妙的方式提醒读者存在的不理想状态, 通过使用广告中的产品可以改变这种状态。
信念预设。信念预设也是一种常见的类型, 是通过改变消费者的传统信念, 来改变他们的消费观念和产品选择。如:“Environmentally friendly”meets“fun to drive”in the Toyota Prius, the world’s bestselling hybrid vehicle.The Prius is just one example of how Toyota brings“opposites”into harmony for a sustainable future.
人们都有这样一种观念:汽车尾气会污染空气, 破坏地球的可持续发展, 因此汽车并不是更好的交通工具。这则广告预设其他公司生产的汽车具有这种缺陷而丰田公司的Prius汽车不会破坏环境, 可以和地球发展和谐共存。看到这种广告, 消费者肯定会对这种牌子的汽车留下深刻的印象, 从而更乐意购买这种汽车。这样人们对汽车的传统信念就发生了改变。
行为预设。行为预设的行为一般有两类:一类是关于过去的行为, 这种行为经常是消费者不愿做的;另一类行为强调消费者眼前的某种行为需要。如:BrightenyoursmilethissummerwithCrestWhitestrips.
这则广告中的行为预设属于第二类, 即人们都想让自己的牙齿更洁白、笑容更灿烂, 但是过去使用的产品不能满足消费者的这种行为需求。通过预设这种不满意的行为, 广告为大家提供了一种新型产品即Crest Whitestrips牙膏, 可以改变消费者目前使用别的品牌牙膏的行为, 从而选择购买广告中的产品。这种策略很容易满足消费者的心理需求, 更好地实现广告的劝说功能。
研究结果表明语用预设是广告语言中普遍存在的一种现象, 在收集的广告语料中74%的广告都运用了这一语言工具, 只有在分类广告中出现频率为0, 因为分类广告只是一些客观信息, 一般只包括商品名称、联系电话、电子邮件等。而在74个广告中的96个句子里, 存在预设出现频率最高, 为50%, 随后是状态预设 (18.75%) 、事实预设 (14.58%) 、信念预设 (7.29%) 、行为预设 (4.17%) , 并且语用预设类型出现的频率和广告种类有一定的关系。
存在预设出现频率最高是因为它是加强广告效果的最直接的方式。一方面广告商想使广告语言更贴近消费者而使用了大量的所有格类词;另一方面为了想让消费者知道存在这样一种产品并且记住新产品的名字, 大量使用了专有名词和限定词。使用频率第二位的是状态预设, 因为状态预设抓住了消费者想通过使用新产品而改变当前不好的状态, 反映了他们的心理需求。状态预设主要运用于化妆品和药品广告中。因为这类广告限制较多, 不能夸大产品的效果, 否则就违背了一定的法律准则。而状态预设没有夸张的成分, 消费者更容易相信。事实预设是第三个使用频率较高的类型, 经常出现在与消费者的生活密切相关的食品广告中, 因为消费者更喜欢相信事实, 尽管这种事实只是广告商预先设定的, 但确实使广告更具有说服力。
其他的几种类型相对来说少一些, 这并不意味着它们的广告效果差。广告语言很容易激起读者的各种情感, 并且可能影响读者对广告产品的喜好。如果读者喜欢这个广告, 就会对其产品产生正面的态度, 激发购买欲望。因此, 不管运用什么语用预设类型, 最终目的都是让读者更容易接受该产品。
笔者希望这项研究能让广告设计者了解语用预设的意义并正确运用这个语言工具, 借以达到他们的预期目的, 同时能够对广告语言和语用预设的研究作出一定的贡献。
[1].陈新仁:《论广告用语中的语用预设》, 《外国语》, 1998 (5) 。
[2].陈新仁:《当代语用学》, 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2004年版。
[3].何自然:《语用学与英语学习》, 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997年版。
[4].梁玉娟、左红霞:《论英语广告中的语用预设》, 《鲁行经院学报》, 2002 (4) 。
13.精彩品牌英文广告词 篇十三
2. Generation Next.(Pepsi)新的一代。(百事)ask for more 渴望无限——也创意无限。
3. The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus)追求完美永无止境。(凌志汽车)
4. Communication unlimited.(Motorola)沟通无极限。(摩托罗拉)
5. Feast your eyes.(Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment)滋润心灵的窗户。(庞氏眼贴片)
6. Focus on life.(Olympus)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)
7. Behind that healthy smile, there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste)健康笑容来自佳洁士。(佳洁士牙膏)
8. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)
9. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)
10. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)
11. We lead. others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)
12. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)
13. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
14. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)
15. Come to where the flavor is. marlboro country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)
16. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.....对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却多姿多彩(轩尼诗酒)
17. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)
18. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
19. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)
14.酒店的英文广告词 篇十四
2. PengCheng beauty, warm and enjoy life! Intercontinental hotels
3. Happy to let the customer benefit! Shenzhen new hotel
4. In the ocean, edible can play can live! Dalian ocean hotel
5. Left the hovel, xili is your home; For you a gave you a warm, affectionate! Xili restaurant
6. Delicious health! Concentric hotel
7. Delicious kick off, the guests invaluable friend house guest! Formed a halal restaurant
8. Famous special vegetable, tree seafood, delicacies, welcomed patrons! The Chinese hotel
9. The taste is set in a! Concentric hotel
Annual party, to encourage!!!! Shenzhen star palace restaurant
11. Taste, taste, joy in dongfeng!!! Dongfeng hotel
12. Thousand sails to compete sends the Yangtze, all gathered in the new world! New world hotel
13. The splendor restaurant, home outside of the home! The splendor hotel
14. Pomp, ghost town! Silver horse hotel.
15. Drink a water, copolymerization united. Concentric hotel
16. Holding your hand, altogether hoary head, sunshine hotel oath and consent! Sunshine hotel
17. All are low grade, the “seafood” high! Is yuan seafood restaurant
18. The famous door, a pulse is linked together, dahua hotel
19. A good place for leisure party! Lucky hotel
15.论英文广告中的消费意识形态 篇十五
It is well-known that the ultimate purpose of advertisement is salesmanship, which means selling goods to customers.Thus, although advertisement gives an extravagantly colorful description of the goods, it provide services to consumption–it is“a culture of consumptive society”[1].Advertising is substantially creating one after another ideological myth, which calls up the consumers’appetite for shopping by attractive symbols.Consumption has become a power that cannot be cast off from people’s life.According to a French ideologist, the ideological system indicate the relationship between social mechanism and the main body, that is, it refers to the token of an imaginary relationship of the individual and the condition of its true existence.
1.1 Ideology
In ideology, people express the condition of their own existence through imagination.What people“express to themselves”in ideology is not the condition of their true existence or their real world.The most important thing is their relationship with those existing conditions.No other than these conditions lie in the centre of the imaginary token.The essence of imaginary characteristics become“the basis of all the distortion of imagination”[2]So the individual’s judgment to the conditions of themselves will always produce imaginary distortion.In such a process, an individual will be changed into the main body through interpellation or hailing.An individual imagines itself into the main body by ideology and with its influences.Advertising is substantially creating one after another ideological myth, which calls up the consumers’appetite for shopping by attractive symbols.In the mechanism of“calling up”, consumers can realize their own identities.Nevertheless, the condition is distorted to some extent.
1.2 The consumption ideology in advertisement
Take the“Afternoon Black Tea”produced by Kylin beverage company for example, it is nothing more than a tea beverage different from the green tea and oolong.In its complanate advertisement, a subdebutante, lowering her head and smiling, put a bottle of the“Afternoon Black Tea”to her cheek, which is an integrated mass with the background color and the rose.Here the“Afternoon Black Tea”is the representation of beauty, romance, warmth as well as happiness of love, instead of a mere kind of beverage.In the videoadvertisement of“Doublemint”, an ordinary chewing gum becomes the symbol of vitality, confidence and success.“Diesel jeans wear”becomes the symbol of“For a successful life”.The gym shoes“Nike”becomes a substitute of the spirit of independence and gumption.The advertisement of“Sprit”does not exhibit the production itself, nor does it describe people’s drinking process.Instead, it focuses on those seemingly irrelevant things:the surfy sea and the spoondrifts jump on young boys and girls.The very rhetoric core lies in these ultra-utilitarian sentiments, significants as well as the aesthetic attitude towards life of the harmony between man and nature.
Thus, consumers affected by those advertisement consumes not only value products but the value of symbols or symbolic value added to them as well.Those so-called“meanings”are artificially welded up to products.Therefore, the arbitrary link between“signifier”and“signified”, “products”and“meanings”of advertisements fully demonstrated its ideological functions.The wonderful picture of happiness described is no more than an“idol”, which often has a deceptive nature.For example, in an advertisement of clothing, it goes as:
Once you were a kid.
Now you’re just a bigger kid.
And Hagger has a bunch
of comfortable, casual pants
to help you feel like one.
So hop into a pair and go fish.
Play ball.Or go fly a kite.
It is difficult to imagine the middle-aged and the elderly will feel like they are kids once they put on the“Play Clothes”.Likewise, it is unbelievable for a middle-aged woman who is already mother of someone may restore the baby-like skin after using“OLAY”.As long as someone buying“Attack”toothpaste, the estrangement between“I”and“the new mother”will disappear stealthily.That is truely fabulous.“The aim of advertisement is describing a satisfactory way of life and making people think of a chain of signifier:for instance, Coca Cola=youth=sexy=popular=funny”[4].Therefore, advertisements give promises of hapy life:men become the pronoun of personality, success, status, distinguished, and illustrious;women are the incarnation as beautiful, sexy, stylish, and self-confidence;children are smart, lovely, healthy, and lively.
From the perspective of Maslow centrism, it is the advertisement that create the apex of consumer experience, the peak experience.Maslow says, “existence of the taste of love is also experience of parents, mysterious, Marine-like and natural experience, aesthetic perception, creative time, treatment of the insight and intelligence, the experience of sexual climax, the completion of a state campaign”[5].He also sited an example, “a young mother is busying kooking in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for her children and husband.Sunshine sheds into the house, the kids, neat and clean, are chackling when they are eating.Her husband is joshing with them.She is intoxicated with their beauty, her own love towards them and her sense of hapiness when looking at them.She thus enter into the peak experience.”[6]It mingles the main body and the object.“In aesthetic experience and love experience, it is most possible to concentrate and‘pump’into the object.Thus the‘ego’disappeared”[6].Nay, in the peak experience, the experience of imagination seems all that exist at that time.“a drop in the bucket”is felt like the whole world.In addition, the peak experience is constitutionally good, which makes a man full of spirits and is able to give the full play to the best of intelligence to reach a perfect situation.
1.3 Roland Bathe’s“myth”function
Actually, Roland Bather called the idol as“myth”function of advertisement.The so-called“myth”function does not refers to the classical mythology, but“a complicated system of imagos and beliefs created by the society in order to maintain its own existence, that is, its structure of the‘meaning’system”.Bather says, there are two levels of the meaning of“myth”:the first one is“primary meaning”and the other one is“the secondary meaning”or“implied meaning”.According to Bather, “myth is different from the general because it will surely take effect as the secondary sign.It builds on the prior chain of symbols.Those which are symbols (that is, an‘imaginary wholeness’which contains the signifier and signified) in the first system change into a pure signifier.”[7]Take the popular message“A diamond is forever”as an example.As the hardest minerals in nature, diamond can be seen as a signifier, the conception it represents is a signified.The above two lie in the first level—“the primary meaning”.The symbol“diamond”compose by signifier and signified can be regarded as another signifier, which can be used to represent eternal love.This is the second level of signifier–the“secondary meaning”or“implied meaning”.The“myth”function in mass cultural studies aims at making the“implied meaning”a signification taken granted by the commen people.This advertisement let people think of the ever-lasting love instead of the naturalizing process of ideology as soon as they see a diamond.
In the advertisement of“Chanel No.5”, it is in company with a portrait of a female French movie star Catherine Deneuve (in France, Deneuve is the model of female beauty, she stands for the classical beauty of dignity and elegance.) , thus deliver her elegant temperament to the perfume.From the semiotic point of view, there is no inevitable relation between“Chanel No.5”and Deneuve’s beauty, so the relationship of them is arbitrary and artificial.Nevertheless, the advertisement changes such an artificial thing into a natural attribute of the perfume.It implies the audience consumingly that if they buy and use a“Chanel No.5”, you will have the elegance and beauty of Catherine Deneuve.This is called the process of“naturalizing”.
The seemingly mysterious advertisement is in fact the use of“myth”function.So, naturally, Barthes’"myth"[8]is a newly discovered text.For instance, it explored the world of intellectual culture and extended it to movies, sports, advertising, newspapers, women's magazines and so on.Barthes was one of the first commentators of the post-war mass culture and modern consumer culture.It grafts kind of imagos such as romance, rarity, appetency, beauty, success, Scientific progress and a comfortable life in the ordinary consuming goods like Soap, washing machines, motorcycles, alcoholic drinks.It consequently turns those things belonged to social and cultural categories into things’natural attribute.Take the following advertisement for example:
It doesn’t bother us that most of them don’t wear our shoes.
The Susan Brills of the world do.
Emergency Rom Nurse, wife, mother of three, cookie connoisseur, Grateful Dead Head, and gung-ho aerobicist.Susan Brill, Boston, Mass.She’s who we build shoes for.
It contains the syllogism in it:Successful woman like Susan Brill wear“our”shoes;they are wearing“our”shoes;so they are famous people, too.It may also be such a syllogism:No other than“our”shoes fit famous people;so, only if you have a try, you would become a successful woman, or it does not matter even if you are not famous yet.The main conception reflected from this advertisement is:outstanding achievement and civilizational temperament are problems of consumption rather than problems of gumptious apperceive or judgement.
2 Conclusion
Since the ultimate purpose of advertisement is salesmanship, which means selling goods to customers, advertising is substaintially creating one after another ideological myth, which calls up the consumers’appetite for shopping by attractive symbols.In the mechanism of“calling up”, consumers can realize their own identities.There are arbitrary links between signifier and signified, as well as production and its meanings.It shows the ideological function.Consumers affected by those advertisement consumes not only value products but the value of symbols or symbolic value added to them as well.Those so-called“meanings”are artificially welded up to products.Therefore, the arbitrary link between“signifier”and“signified”, “products”and“meanings”of advertisements fully demonstrated its ideological functions.The advertisement provid a great idol to people.The idol, as Roland Bathe called, is the“myth”function of advertisement.According to Roland Bather, there are two levels of the meaning of“myth”:the first one is“primary meaning”and the other one is“the secondary meaning”or“implied meaning”.The“myth”function in mass cultural studies aims at making the“implied meaning”a signification taken granted by the commen people.
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