1.四川景点英语导游词 篇一
2.四川景点英语导游词 篇二
云南省拥有着优厚的自然地理条件,气候类型多样,动植物种类丰富,有着“动物王国”和“植物王国”的美称,与越南、缅甸接壤,临近老挝、泰国,在发展旅游业上有着很好的地缘优势,另外还有着国内最丰富的少数民族文化资源,在国内和国际旅游市场上都有着巨大的发展潜力,当地许多优质的旅游资源受到翻译水平和其他种种因素的制约,在国际旅游市场上的知名度并不高,如今到云南旅游的国外游客仍然是以与其临近的东南亚国家为主,云南旅游资料的英译工作开展得较为缓慢,英译出来的资料影响力有限,在国外传播度并不高, 虽然不乏一些高水平的译者在为云南旅游资源的对外宣传工作而努力,目前云南主要的旅游景点的文字资料都有译者尝试着去翻译,英译的标识和公示语以基本覆盖了云南省内主要的旅游景点和所有的省内5A级景区,然而由于翻译水平的差异还有当地翻译市场缺乏清晰而明确的规范和高级翻译人才的匮乏,以及翻译人才培养体系的落后和不健全等原因,这些旅游文字资料的翻译质量参差不齐,大部分旅游资料英译水平难以令人满意,只要仔细阅读这些英译的英文资料,其中大部分资料都能找到翻译得不太恰当和不到位的地方,译者大多不认真的去考虑中西方语言在写作表达上差异以及中西方文化的差异,只是对资料进行简单的和生硬直译,却没有仔细的去考虑这样的译法是否为西方国家的读者所接受和理解。有时,甚至对资料不加以认真理解和考证,不管理解对错与否,仅凭字面意思和译者自己的主观理解就草草进行翻译,想要将云南旅游英文翻译工作向前推进,我们还需要付出很多的努力。
译文:It is said that there is a fairyland beneath the colorful cloud of southern China.
It is said that there is a fairyland at southern part of China — Yunnan province.
译文:Our today’s destination
改译 :It is the destination of our trip today.
译文:It is safe to say that Lijiang has always been on any itineraries of Yunnan’s travel agency.
改译:I dare to say that Lijiang has always been a strong recommendation of any travel agencies in Yunnan.
Any traveler coming to Lijiang is almost always coming to visit the old town.
这句话的语序受汉语表达习惯的影响明显,却忽略了汉语与英语在语序上的差异,改译:Most of travelers who travel in Lijiang would choose to visit the old town.
例:“鱼米之乡”被翻译为“ land of fish and rice ”,但地道的翻译应该是“land of milk and honey”
译文:Please slow down your step
这句话应该改译为:Please slow down,就可以了
例:大理的特产“乳扇”被翻译为“ milk fan”,这种译法忽略了用词的准确性,用“diary”一词比“milk”要适合和贴切一些,正确的译法是“diary fan ”.
例:在泸沽湖的英文导游词中有这样一句话:“ The lake is like a beautiful pearl shining among the hills of the northwest plateau in Yunnan”,“hill”在英文中指的的小山丘或丘陵, 云南地区处于高原地区,山多为高山所以“mountains”更为贴切。
例如:在云南文山普者黑的英文导游词中的有这样一句话:“ July to August is the best to admire the most beautiful country landscape of Pu zhehei”,这里“观赏”用“admire” 一词翻译不太恰当,“admire ”多为“尊敬、崇敬”之意,使用来形容德高望重的人或长辈,“欣赏或观赏”用 “appreciate”一词翻译更为恰当.
例:“Lets’ march into the garden”,“march”一词多用于表示“行军,游行队伍前进”,用于此处不是很贴切, 应该译为:“Let’s heading towards the garden.”
例:在西双版纳的导游词中“ now,we are back to our hotel ”这句话中就出现了时态上的错误,正确的译法应该是 “ we are backing to our hotel ”
例:“ This is the only place where wild elephants can be seen”这句话中在关系词的选择上出现了错误,当先行词被“the only”修饰时,关系词只能用“ that”,而不能用 “where”
例:“大象随音乐起舞”被翻译成了“ dance to the music”,应该翻译为“ dance with music”
例:在抚仙湖的英文导游词中有着言一句话“ Fuxian lake has the shape of inverted gourd,”分析:“以…样的形状”应该“ in the shape of ”.所以正确的说法应该是“Fuxian lake in the shape of inverted gourd ”.
2.译者必须具有很强的跨文化交际能力,精通中西方文化的差别,精通汉英两种语言在表达方式和习惯上的差异, 精通中西方国家历史,了解中西方人在思维习惯上的差异, 了解中西方国家在意识形态上所存在的差异,这样才能在翻译的过程中避免跨文化交际方面的错误。
3.四川景点英语导游词 篇三
环节之三,析。在本环节中,笔者与学生共同分析这节课的两大学习内容。首先分析的是“总结景区导游服务规范”。学生在课前已经完成了引导文的阅读和资料的查询工作,所以在这里笔者接着启发学生按照接待前、接待中和接待后的顺序来进行思考,学生以小组为单位进行讨论,确定总结方案后再轮流将方案予以阐述,而教师和学生再分别进行点评。最后,笔者与学生共同总结出一篇“景点景区导游服务规范”顺口溜,那就是:看计划,熟景点,物质准备要带好;欢迎词,重讲解,安全环保要注意;欢送词,say goodbye,不要忘记填记录。通过这种方式,学生便可以轻松记忆景点景区导游服务规范。
4.四川阆中古城景点导游词 篇四
小李请大家猜猜华光楼有多高? 华光楼是阆中古城最高的地方,楼为4层,通高36米,“阆中有座华光楼,半截插在天里头。”想必中国古代四大名楼大家都比较熟悉,华光楼比岳阳楼还高出近15米、比滕王阁更高出18米。真是不比不知道,一比吓一跳吧!
5.四川峨眉山景点导游词 篇五
6.四川省著名景点导游词介绍 篇六
峨眉山地处四川省西南部,距成都154公里,距乐山38公里,系邛崃山脉北岭南支,总面积300多平方公里。峰万佛顶海拔3099米。境内群峰挺秀,山色绮丽,具有”雄“、”秀“、,”奇“、”险“、”幽“的特色。尤以”秀甲九州“闻名古今,以 ”峨眉天下秀“与”青城天下幽“”剑门天下雄“”三峡天下险“ 并称巴蜀四大风景名胜。峨眉山又是著名的佛教胜地,被称:为普贤菩萨的道场,与山西的五台山、浙江的普陀山、安徽的九华山并称中国四大佛教名山。
还带了乌龙寺的画送给和尚。和尚自幼喜爱字画,心里非常高兴。但他又感到奇怪,为什么画家不到半天就游完乌尤寺回来了?这个谜和尚一直猜不透。过了几天,画家来向和尚道别,并付给食宿费,和尚坚持不收。画家见和尚不愿收钱,心里觉得很过意不去,猛然间想起和尚喜欢画,于是就拿出笔墨纸砚对和尚说: ”你不收钱,我画几幅画送给你“。和尚听了非常高兴,不一会儿,画家就画好了四幅画送给了和尚,因为每一幅画上都是一位漂亮的女孩,画家就把这四幅画题名为《娥眉四女图》。然后对和尚说:”你把画放在箱子里等我走了七七四十九天以后再拿出来“。画家一走,和尚就想,这样的好画放在箱子里太可惜了,何不挂出来让大家观赏呢?于是这四幅画就挂在客堂里了。
民间传说当然不足为凭,而近现代地质学家为我们解开了这玄奥的谜底:峨眉地区几亿年前还是一片泽国水乡,大约距今6 千万年左右,强烈地壳运动震撼了峨眉大地,把地下沉积物抬出海面,同时受到挤压变形和断裂的影响,形成一系列的背斜、向斜和断裂组成的复背斜地质构造,东部下降为峨眉平原,西部上升成气势巍峨的峨眉山。地质学家说中国地质史上中生代末期的燕山运动奠定了峨眉山地质构造的轮廓,新构造期的喜马拉雅山运动及其伴随的青藏高原的强烈抬升,造就了雄秀壮丽的峨眉山。峨眉山地层从前寒武纪以来,除缺乏中、晚奥陶纪、志留纪、泥盆纪、石炭纪沉积外,其余各时代地层均有沉积。峨眉山独特的地质特征,为各种生物的滋生繁衍和雄秀地貌自然景观的形成创造了先决条件。
7.四川景点英语导游词 篇七
随着国家示范高职院校的进入, 在未来新的旅游行业需求形势下, 我们这些教育工作者也应该看到在教学与考试方法方面存在的不足, 从而对人才培养的方式与方法进行反思。
(一) 教学方法更多的启发学生兴趣
该课程以往的教学方法是教师在黑板前面讲授, 而且缺乏这方面正式的教材;更多的是绝大多数教师没有旅游行业从业经验, 达不到工学交替的效果, 纯理论知识授课, 很难对学生产生吸引力, 即使学生认真地听, 认真地记, 但还是一头雾水。即便是教师在上课的时候教学方式方法有所变化采取电子课件, 但是景点导游不同于其他理论课程, 《景点导游》是一门实践性很强的技能实践课, 需要理论结合实践, 而且更需要一位从事过旅游行业, 又做过导游有着丰富带团讲解经验的资深教师主讲, 并且理论结合实际, 利用多媒体技术, 把课堂与景点教学相结合, 通过整周实践教学, 带领学生到景点去把课堂搬到真实的旅游景点中去。
(二) 适当补充相关知识, 注重创新能力培养
《景点导游》是一门边缘学科的综合性课程, 其知识体系的构建是众多学科知识在旅游这一特有主题下辐射和应用的结果。而目前《景点导游》课程教学过程中, 所涉及到的文化学、社会学、历史学、文学、美学、人类学等的知识比重相对不足, 其直接后果就是导致学生在专业思维形成时存在理性的思维和感性的创造性想象能力的不平衡。在授课的过程中, 对该课程所涉及的相关知识加以补充式讲授, 再经过工学交替的人才培养模式, 使个体上提升对景区景点讲解的能力以及讲解过程中应用创新能力。
(三) 理论与实践考试方法应有所侧重
该课程以往的考试方式与方法, 往往是出一张卷子来考试学生对课程的掌握情况, 但这种考试偏重的是一种理论考试, 却忽略了该课程的实践性, 没有体现出《景点导游》理论与实践相结合的课程特点, 是一种重理论轻实践的表现。传统的考试方式与方法已经无法适合高等职业教育的特点。对于旅游高职教育《景点导游》课程考试的新思路应该是理论结合实践去考核学生, 对知识的掌握情况以及景点讲解的技能, 在重视理论知识的同时, 更应该重视课程的实践技能性, 突出高职学生的实践技能。
高等职业教育面对的是一种就业形式的教育, 我们培养出来的学生更多的是培养和提高学生的生存技能、就业的能力。《景点导游》就是培养学生的专业技能, 提高学生的就业能力的课程。如何利用这样一门课程来达到高职教育的最终目标, 一场教学与考试方法的改革开始了。
(一) 从高等职业教育的根本任务上看改革的必要性
客观地讲, 无论是理论界还是教育部门和高职院校, 对高等职业教育的根本任务已基本形成一定的共识, 那就是:高职教育要以社会需求为目标, 以就业为导向, 坚持培养面向生产建设, 管理和服务第一线需要的下得去、留得住、用得上、实践技能强、具有良好职业道德的较高素质的技术应用型人才。但是, 许多高职院校《景点导游》课程无论是教学还是考试方法上还沿袭着本科院校的做法, 俨然一副本科教育的“压缩饼干”, 从而忽视了高等职业教育对学生职业技能培养的目标要求。因此《景点导游》课程教学与考试方法的改革已迫在眉睫, 十分必要。
(二) 从高等职业教育人才培养模式上看改革的必要性
高职高专教育人才培养模式的基本特征:以培养高等技术应用型专门人才为根本任务;以适应社会需要为目标, 以培养技术应用能力为主线设计学生的知识、能力、素质结构和培养方案;毕业生应具有基础理论知识适度, 技术应用能力强, 知识面较宽, 素质高等特点;以“应用”为主旨和特征构建课程与教学内容体系;实践教学的主要目的是培养学生的技术应用能力, 并在教学计划中占有较大比重;“双师型”教师队伍建设是提高高职高专教育教学质量的关键;学校与社会用人部门结合, 师生与实际劳动者结合, 理论与实践结合是人才培养的基本途径。对高职高专院校的根本任务、培养目标、人才培养宗旨、教学计划、师资队伍建设等各方面问题均作了切实明确的规定, 为高职高专院校课程教学与考试方法改革的必要性提供了强有力的理论根据。
(三) 从高职教育的发展趋势上看改革的必要性
随着高职教育的快速发展, 在高职教育国际交流不断开展, 校企合作办学的过程中, 经过权衡对比、听取企业专家意见, 我们得出的结论是高职院校的人才培养明显处于滞后状态。“十一五”期间, 正直政府推进国家级示范性高等职业院校建设, 大力发展中国特色的高职教育。随着国家示范性高职院校的进入, 应该以此为契机, 进行卓有成效的改革, 大力开展工学结合、工学交替, 做高职教育发展的模范, 改革的模范, 管理的模范。从高等职业教育发展的总体趋势上看, 我认为高职教育教学与考试方式改革也势在必行。
旅游行业是实践性很强的行业, 《景点导游》更是实战型的课程, 该课程在实践中总结出了“技能岗位型”的人才培养模式, 即根据专业对应岗位能力模块的要求来确定学生的知识、能力和素质结构, 结合全国导游员资格考试制度, 建立了理论授课结合实践考试的“双线”教学模式, 形成了“基础平台+能力模块+职业资格证书=新的课程体系”的模式。
(一) 教学方法结合专业特色
1. 突出应用, 强调实践
旅游行业是实践性强的行业之一, 因此《景点导游》课程的内容应突出实用性。在教学方法的设计、教学内容的编写、教学案例的选择中, 应当首先考虑符合景点导游的实际。强调培养学生的实践能力、讲解过程中解决实际问题的能力。
2. 重视基础, 强化技能
为了使学生掌握景点导游的有关基本知识, 在内容编排上应当对《景点导游》课程相关的基础理论知识、基本技能做出较系统的介绍, 做到基础知识“全面”, 实践教学“实用”, 技能训练“突出”。
3. 结构新颖, 体系科学
《景点导游》课程体系的设计应该以基本理论、基本技能、实践环节为知识与能力体系;理论教学与实践教学学时比例设计成为1:1, 走工学结合的模式, 强基础、重实践。做到理论知识“完整、充实”;实践技能“扎实、过硬”。
4. 形式多样, 激发兴趣
在《景点导游》课程教学中适时加强教材建设、大力提倡情景教学、案例教学, 并且在课堂教学中提供大量的讲解实例, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 利用整周实训带领学生到景点去开展工学结合, 并拓宽学生的知识面, 将讲课内容制作成多媒体教学课件, 景区景点图文并茂;实景拍摄、自主开发模拟现场景点导游软件, 并应用于网络上便于学生课外自主学习。
(二) 考试方法强化实践技能
1. 有针对性的结合全国导游员 (面试) 现场考试
学生通过对《景点导游》课程完整的理论知识学习, 在期末课程考试环节中, 有针对性的结合全国导游员 (面试) 现场部分考试形式出题, 结合现场面试部分的形式及要求, 设计评分标准及评分表, 让学生了解考试流程, 为参加全国导游员资格考试练兵, 同时强化学生的导游词讲解技能以及学生临场的随机应变能力。
2. 有所创新、强化技能, 以不变应万变
在模仿全国导游员资格考试方法的基础上, 提倡有所变化、有所创新。例如:在《景点导游》现场考试的过程中, 有意加大难度, 在市内、市外两处由学生随机分别抽取导游词进行讲解, 而且不允许更换导游词;在导游词讲解结束之后结合景点知识提问;并在导游基础知识问题中再随机抽取两道问题进行解答。虽然考试的难度加大了, 但却起到强化学生对理论知识和实践技能的掌握程度, 做到以不变应万变, 学会处理在全国导游员资格考试中出现的各种突发性问题。
3. 为形成良好的考试制度创造支持环境
充分利用和组织旅游管理专业的优质教学团队, 发挥教师的监督和指导性作用, 全员参与学生《景点导游》课程模拟全国导游员 (面试) 现场部分, 期末的考试、监考、评审任务, 长期坚持并按照统一安排部署, 依据考试说明及考试流程, 认真落实学生的技能考试工作, 最后统一上交学生考试成绩单。
总的来说, 我们在《景点导游》课程上所进行的教学与考试方法改革, 并不是孤立的, 更不是随心所愿的, 它是随着课程体系结构的变化而变化的;也是随着高等职业教育的课程要求以及企业对人才需求的变化而不断变化的。当然, 再好的教学和考试方法也只不过是一种形式主义, 我们今天所做出的大胆的尝试, 是结合高等职业教育的要求、同时也是从旅游行业对人才需求的角度出发, 更是对人才培养模式的一次新的探索。目的只有一个, 那就是变知识灌输为教学与科研、教学与实践相结合, 指导学生“在学习中成长”、“在实践中成才”, 通过对实践教学在空间、时间及深度上的拓宽, 使学生在工学结合、工学交替的教学环节中施展和挖掘潜能;在更广阔的空间里, 创新式发挥, 从而达到人才培养的目的。
摘要:旅游管理专业高等职业教育人才培养要满足知识经济、产业化信息时代的社会需求, 并且要紧跟21世纪旅游行业的发展步伐。《景点导游》作为为旅游行业培养大量优质旅游景点导游人才的专业核心课程, 教育教学的重点应该是的教学方法和考试制度模式的大胆改革和创新;减少课堂讲授的时间, 变知识灌输为教学与科研、教学与实践相结合, 指导学生“在学习中成长”、“在实践中成才”, 从而达到人才培养的目的。
[1]杨建立、杨京楼.高职院校教学改革的必要性及其实践探讨, 教育与职业, 2006.[1]杨建立、杨京楼.高职院校教学改革的必要性及其实践探讨, 教育与职业, 2006.
[2]吴宪洲.论以就业为目标的高职教育改革, 教育与职业, 2006.[2]吴宪洲.论以就业为目标的高职教育改革, 教育与职业, 2006.
[3]杨培茵、郑昌江.论旅游高等教育的课程体系重构与教学模式转型, 2007.[3]杨培茵、郑昌江.论旅游高等教育的课程体系重构与教学模式转型, 2007.
8.英语景点导游词 篇八
Bonjour, tout le monde! Se félicite de la visite à cette guilin, je les montagnes et l’eau sont les guides des visites guidées cette chen, si je les invite les membres de la commission, il n ′!
Nous voudrions ensuite de LiJiang, est très importante et LiJiang est guilin, si l’on veut aller doit aller LiJiang guilin. Bon, maintenant, nos travaux ici LiJiang trois caractéristiques de l’eau, et un repos, un LiJiang vert, l’eau est qu’un repos ne donne à la mobilité, vu les JiangDe d’agrégats vert, comme c’était déjà un des martin-pêcheur, chers amis, si elles ont été vus dans la mer, par exemple pour apprécier le niveau a cette occasion, mais qui ne peuvent pas être LiJiang et par ah!
Regarder de l’eau pour la consolidation de la paix, nous devons regarder montagne. Les trois guilin, show, chihuahua, risque, pourquoi? Sous一座座, des personnes agées, comme énorme, comme, à dos de chameau. Pourquoi beau? Comme la verdure comme nouvelles pousses de bambou. Pourquoi risque? Crête WuLi guatémaltèque, GuaiShi, YiBuXiaoXin mont-liban. Pourrait tomber de tout son long
Sao guilin! Vous êtes les bienvenus pour lui.
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, Today, we are going to visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. This museum is located at the foot of mountain Li Shan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an.First, I will give you a brief introduction about the master of this underground army---the First Qin Emperor, Yingzheng. He came to the throne at the age of 13 and seized the power at the age of 22 . By 221BC, he had annexed all the six independent states and established the first centralized autocratic feudal empire in the long history of China.
After the unification of the whole country, he styled himself the First Emperor and standardized the coinage, weights and measures, the legal codes, the written scripts and so on. He also ordered the linkage of the original Great Wall. All these exerted an everlasting influence on the long feudal history of China. But the First Qin Emperor was very ambitious. As soon as he came to the throne, he ordered that a magnificent mausoleum should be built for him. It took 37 years to complete this great project. Actually, the site of those terracotta warriors and horses we now see is just a small part of his mausoleum.
Ok, everyone, now we are standing at the front gate of the Eighth Wonder of the world---the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. As one of the top ten places of historical interest in China, it was also listed as a world heritage site.So next, let’s go to uncover the veil of this miraculous work.
In March 1974,when several farmers were sinking a well about 1.5km east of the First Qin Emperor’s Maosolem, they came upon many fragments of the terracotta figures.The results of archaeological excavation showed that is two more pits were discovered respectively.They were then named pit1,pit2, and pit3 by the order of discovery.The new discovery stirred up a sensation all over the world.In order to provide the historical artifacts with adequate protection, a musem was set up on the site of Pit 1 in 1975 upon the approval of the state council.
Pit 1,covers an area of 16,300 square meters, is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. The terra cotta armies in pit 1 were arranged in battle formation. In the front of this formation, there are 210warriors in 3 lines facing forward. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the so-called vanguard. Meanwhile, there is one row of warriors on each of the borders of this pit, facing outward---they are the flanks and the rear guard. Holding long-distance shooting weapons, they took up the job of defending the whole army.Then, this way please. We may find ten partition walls which divided this pit into 11 corridors. The warriors standing inside them with horse-drawn chariots represent the principal military force of this battle formation. According to the density, there are over 6000 terracotta warriors and horses, and most of them are infantrymen.
Ok, Here now we arrived at Pit 2. we can see that Pit 2 is still under cover, that’s because we want to preserve them. Pit 2 consists of 4 different mixed military forces in four arrays, they are infantrymen, cavalrymen, archers and charioteers .And pit 2 also include many chariots and horses. They can be divided to act independently, capable of attacking, and defending with a quick response. As you see, those worriors, their feet, legs, bodies, necks, hands and heads, all with different faces, were all made separately and joined together. we may find they are all vivid and true to life.And also as we can see, here are some actual weapons unearthed in those pits. The most
attractive one is a bronze sword. Although it was buried over thousands of years, it is still very sharp. It can cat through 20 pieces of paper put together.
Now we come to pit 3. Pit 3 covers an area of about 520 square meters. There are only 68 warriors and 4 clay horses. The warriors were arranged opposite to each other in two rows, and only one kind of weapon called “SHU” had been discovered. This kind of weapon has no blade, and is believed to be used by the guards of honor. We have found many animal bones in the north side, and it is supposed to be “Prayer Hall”, and “Commander’s office” is on the south side. This suggests pit 3 is the headquarters directing the whole underground army.
Then we have arrived at the exhibition hall of Bronze Chariots and Horses. In 1980, two sets of large painted bronze chariots and horses were found. They broke into thousands of pieces when we found them and after 8 years’ careful restoration; they were rebuilt and open to the public. The first one was named “High Chariot” and the second one was called “Security Chariot”. They were the eariliest and most exquisitely and intricately made bronze valuables,and also the largest bronze wares discovered in the history of world archaeology.It provides extremlyvaluable material and data for the research of the metallurgical technique and technological modeling og the Qin Dynasty.
So now we will finish our journey in the museum today, I believe that you must be very astonished at this world wonder.So it’s your time,you can work around and take some pictures. thank you for listening~
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China as well as one of the four ancient capitals in china.Many foreign friends known Beijing because of the the success of the Olympic Games. Please sit back and relax. Iam your local guide for your Beijing tour ,you can call me Amry.This is our driver Mr. Zhang.We will make every effort to provide the best quality service.Like me, Beijingers are always ready to welcome friends from all over the world with their most hospitality.During you Beijing tour we will visit the Forbidden City、Great Wall、Summer Palace and other attractions.I hope that the old as well as fashion Beijing will leave you a good memory.
The first attraction of our tour in Beijing is the Forbidden City.The first thing people would think of when talking about the Forbidden City is it the place where Chinese emperors used to live and hold their courts. .But the value of the Forbidden City is not limited to this.It is a microcosm of Chinese history, Chinese culture and Chinese architecture.The Forbidden City is located in center oBeijing. It was imperial palace of both Ming and Qing dynasties.With a history of over 600 years, it is the largest and most complete palace complex that still exists in the world. 24 emperors had rule the empir from here for more than 500 years. Forbidden City is also called Purple Forbidden City .In the feudal[fju:dl]封建时代的 society ,emperors had supreme至高的 power , so this residence was certainly a forbidden place . Purple was the symbolic[simb?lik] 象征color of the North Star which was believed to be the center of the cosmos宇宙 .So it got the name of Purple Forbidden City.
The building arrangement within the Forbidden City is symmetrical对称的And it is divided into two parts :the outer court and the inner court .The former is the place where emperors handled courts事物 and held different ceremonies仪式.It consists of Taihe ,Zhonghe and Baohe Halls.Taihe hall is the largest hall within the Forbidden City.It was the location where Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty Emperors hosted their enthronement and wedding ceremonies .The inner court consists of Qianqing, Jiaotai and Kunming Halls where the emperor lived and handled day-to-day work.The lmperial Garden lies on north of the Kunming Hall. It looks like a natural picture.This is the place where the emperor and his family play.
Since the founding of new China, the Forbidden City has been well maintained.It was made part of the world cultural heritage list in 1987.Tody as the largest museum of cultural relics in China, it collected and displayed one million precious relics .
Now I want to ask you a question.How many houses are there in the Forbidden City? It was said that there were 10000 rooms in the complex of the Heaven Palace .As the son of the heaven , emperor had to build only 9999.5 rooms .Actually ,there are only 8707 rooms in the Forbidden City.
As The saying goes, seeing is believing.With curiosity, lets walk into the Forbidden City.Lets appreciate Chinese culture and feel the history of the rise and fall of the Chinese emperors.
Ladies and gentleman:
I am very pleased to serve as your tour guide. Today we are going to visit the ancient town of Lijiang------before we get there, I?d like to give you a brief introduction to it.
Located in northwest of YN province, Lijiang is about 580 kilometers away from KM with an average elevation of 2400 meters. The population of Lijiang is about 1.12 million. Among which the population of Naxi the main nationality here, is 260000.so how about the surroundings of Lijiang.
Located in the north of Lijiang town, the Yulong snow mountains is the
southernmost modern marine glaciers in the temperate zone of the north hemisphere. the other famous scenic spots around Lijiang are--- the Laojunshan mountain, Lugu lake and the Tiger Leaping Gorge which are also very famous and attracted many tourists. The famous characteristics of Naxi culture are the 3 living fossils, they are----the character fossil. Created in Tang Dynasty, the Dongba character was regarded as the only existing hieroglyph; and the music fossil, the Naxi ancient music, later we will fully appreciate the beauty and mystery of the music, I will give you more details; and the third fossil is the human society fossil, the Mosuo matriarchal family.Most Mosuo people living near the Lugu lake still practice their ?walking marriage? custom. At night the man comes to the woman?s house and return to his house in the morning, so they live separately. Women manage the households and yield works, play a more important role than men in family life.
Now we have come to the ancient town of Lijiang, which enjoys the fame ?eastern Venice?. And it has another name-Dayan town, which literally means –a great ink slab, with Lion Mountain in the west and Elephant Mountain in the north, the ancient town is surrounded by green hills, so it looks like a jade ink slab. The town was first built in song dynasty and has a long history of 800 years. In it was listed in the world culture heritage.
Now we are arriving at the entrance to the town, as you can see, there is a big carved wall in front of us, from the figures on the surface of the wall, you can see a character who has similar image to a monk, but in Naxi culture he is a Dongba whose function is like a priest in Christianity, he plays a very important role in Naxi people?s life. Especially for faith.
Going ahead we will see a white screen with an inscription by former leader Jiang zeming on May 2 1997 meaning –the world?s cultural heritage: the ancient town of the Lijiang.
Now you can see the old town has no walls, it was said that the hereditary ruler of Lijiang used to be surnamed Mu but If this character Mu was surrounded with a frame or a wall, it would become an another Chinese character ---Kun, which means siege or predicament. So there is no stone wall surrounded, very different from other old town in china right?
Ok let?s pay attention to the two waterwheels, which are said to be lover waterwheels or mother and son waterwheels, but no matter what they stand for, they have the same meaning---they will nestle to each other for ever.
Follow me, Let?s walk up to the Yulong bridge, the spring from the Yulong snow mountain is divided into 3 branches and sub-branches to flow into the old town. So let me give you a tip, because there are so many streets and lanes in the town, it is like a maze. if you are lost , you can easily find the entrance to the ancient town by walking up any of the streams.
So everyone is here? Let?s go into the old town. The road under our feet is parallel to the streams which can wash the road when blocked up, so the streets are neither muddy in the rainy season nor dusty in the dry season. The town depends on water for existence, so there are so many streams that more than 350 wooden or stone bridges in the town were built. And the most famous bridges are the Baisui Bridge and Dashi Bridge which also called Men Bridge.
Through the Dashi Bridge, now we have come to the Sifang Street, which means Square Street. Because it looks like a Chinese seal meaning ruling everywhere, it is the center of the ancient town. The square street is surrounded by five main streets; they are Xinhua Wuyi Qiyi Guangyi Xinyi leading in all directions.
In ancient times ,it had been an important marketing center on the ancient Tea-Horse Road. The trade history was more than 300 years. But now many handicraft shops, tea houses and restaurants make it a sea of the visitors. In every Saturdays evening. The Naxi people usually gather and dance here, unfortunately today is Monday we can?t catch that fantastic night. And around the square there are many protected Naxi traditional building, the typical styles are “three houses and one screen wall” and “four houses and five courtyards. This building is called Kegong Archway, it was built 100 years ago to honor the 3 brothers passed the provincial official enrolling exams. The original building was 2 storied, but it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt as 3-story on the former site
Now the Naxi boys and girls are coming, you can see the Naxi men have the same clothes as Han people, on the contrary, most Naxi women wear blue blouses and trousers, covered by blue or black aprons. The T-shaped traditional ape On the back symbolizes the heavens, the seven embroidered circles symbolize the Dipper. 2 larger circles, one on each shoulder, symbolize sun and moon, which mean they work day and night, so it is very lucky to marry a Naxi woman, (bachelors should not miss this opportunity.)
Now we are enjoying the Naxi ancient music, it was praised by the contemporary as the “living fossil of music “it is composed of “Baisha Fine music” “dongjing music” and ”huangjing music” and all the performers are Naxi minority. There are usually 24 players in the group, some of them are aged. They use the original instruments, which are not seen in other parts of the world. There are more than 5 theaters for this Chinese classic music. But all of them are quite atmospheric, with wooden stages for the musicians and wood chairs and benches for the audiences, sitting here, listening to the Naxi music; you will be lost in this china?s Shangri-la.
Now our visit to Lijiang is drawing to a close, I am afraid everyone must be hungry. Now we will go back to the hotel and have supper. At night we will join the campfire with Naxi people. Let?s go!!!!
Good morning! Lidies and gentlemen. I am very glad to be your local guide of this travel for HS Mountain. on behalf of our travel agency ,we hope that all of you well feel as good as today’s sunshine ,and enjoy yourselves.
Now we have arrived in the Mount Huang. Firstly I had better introduce the HS to you .
HS Mountain, is located in the south of An hui Province, It is one part of the Chinese Nan ling sierra. Entire mountain area is approximately 1,200 square kilometers. HS Mountain was called Yi Mountain before Tang Dynasty. Can you guess the meaning of Yi? It means “black ”.Because there are too many black rocks on the mountain.So the ancient people gave it such name. Chinese emperor Huangdi came here for gathering herbs and refining elixir. And he took a bath in the hot spring. Thus he became a immortal. Tang Dynasty Emperor LiLongji extremely believed in the legend. So he renamed the mountain HS . The meaning is that this mountain is Emperor Huangdi’s mountain. From then on, HS Mountain this name has been used till today.
HS Mountain is certainly beautiful. It may be said that it is the wonderful mountain. Having a look with our own eyes is truly a big happy event in our life. Who know the four uniques of HS mountain ? Let me introduce them to you.
The first is strangely-shaped pines. Why are the pines strange? Because HS pines grow up from hard granite instead of rich soil. After thousands of years, their root deeply strike into rock seam. They are not afraid of drought and storm.
The second is grotesque rock. There are so many grotesque rocks all over HS mountain. Some of them are like man’s appearance. Some are like objects’shapes. And also some are endowed with myths and history stories.In 121 famous grotesque rocks, some of the well-known are“ flying stone” “fairy playing chess” “magpie on plum” “monkey viewing sea”. They are all magical and lifelike.
The third is the seas of clouds. The Qing Dynasty emperor Kangxi had once written a plaque for HS . There are four words“Huang Hai Tian Du”on it. Every time after the rain and snow, HS will appear spectacular changeable seas of clouds. HS set off by the seas of clouds and becomes colorful,just like human fairyland. According to the position,the seas of clouds are divided into east sea,south sea,west sea ,north sea and sky sea.And on the lotus peak,Tiandu peak,Bright top,you can overlook the vast seas ofclouds,and enjoy “To the end of the sea,sky is the shore;Up to the mountain,I am the peak”.
What’s the last one? Who can guess? Yeah, it’s hot spring. Water from the springs is odorless. It contains minerals which are beneficial to treat many diseases .Hot springs flow from the foot of Purple Cloud Peak.
The temperature of hot springs keeps in 42 degrees or so.
Now we are entering Yu ping scenic spot. Look, this is the Tiandu peak. It is one of the 3 main peaks of HS mountain and also the steepest. It is 1810 meters above sea level. In ancient times it was called “Quan Xian Suo Du”, meaning“ heaven city”. This peak is steep and straight and has the magnificent momentum. Can you feel it? In the HS Mountain peaks, it is the most spectacular. The Lotus peak, Bright Top and Tiandu peak are known as 3 peaks of HS.