


1.中考英语作文寒假生活 篇一

中考英语作文范文 寒假去哈尔滨旅游

Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother.It's very cold in winter.There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world.You must wear warm clothes.The most exciting thing is playing with snow.Skating is also very interesting there.I will' always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things.I love Harbin

2.中考英语作文寒假生活 篇二


(一) 写作格式不明确, 思路不清晰。

部分学生在中考过程中, 由于在作文之前的题目上花费了大量时间, 导致可用于英语写作的时间不足, 简单将题目阅读一遍就开始进行写作, 没有认真审题, 导致匆忙写出的文章存在格式不正确、思路不清晰等问题, 整个卷面杂乱无章, 无法在书面表达题目中得到高分, 影响了考试成绩。

(二) 写作语句表达不通顺, 语法使用不规范。

写作过程中, 由于缺乏系统性的写作技巧训练与词汇量掌握较少, 导致在英语写作过程中出现单词拼写错误、写作语句不通顺、 语法使用错误等问题。 比如:Everyday I get home after school, I always walking to my room first.Then, I describe my room to us.经过分析, everyday的后面从句应当增加介词when, 而describe则是动词, 应当直接放在名字前面, 改正过后为:Everyday when I get home after school , I always walking to my room first.Now I describe my room to you.

(三) 文章中心不明确, 与题目不符。

中考英语写作过程中应当注重对题目的理解, 尽量避免出现中心不明或者偏题的情况。 部分学生虽然拥有完整的词汇量, 并且可以流畅地使用英语表达出来, 但是由于对题目的意思理解没有到位, 导致没有完全理解题目意思, 最后写出中心不明确的偏题作文。 例如:题目说明要为笔友介绍一个中国的名胜古迹, 部分学生在审题过程中并没有注意到美丽这个形容词, 使用大量语句对名胜古迹的地理位置、人文历史等进行描写, 忽略了题目中要求对名胜古迹的美丽景象的描写, 导致写出的文章偏离题目。


(一) 写作格式的规范。

英语中考作文大多是以电子邮件或者书信的形式进行, 并且两种方式的写作格式大致相同。 相比书信写作, 电子邮件的格式与用语更简洁, 非正式的写作方式是直奔主题, 通过hello, Miss XXX或者Hi, Mr XXX等方式作为写作的开头; 然后在正文的开头缩进大概四个字母, 再进行正文的写作, 并保持文章的整齐;电子邮件的写作在末尾署名时, 应当从左向右进行对齐排列。

(二) 经典语句的使用。

学生在日常学习过程中应当注重对课本教材内经典的语法与词句进行详细记录, 在写作过程中通过灵活运用, 创造出与教材内容对应的经典语句, 不但可以丰富写作内容, 而且不易出错, 提高作文质量。 例如:将直接引语与间接引语运用到英语写作当中, 将直接引语 “I am glad to visit your room”she said. ( 我很高兴参观你的房间) 转换为间接隐喻She said that she was very glad to visit my room. ( 她说她很高兴参观我的房间) 。

(三) 合理的训练方法。

在学生的日常写作训练过程中, 应当尽量避免出现急功近利的现象, 不能将几次规范的写作作为自我评价的标准, 英语作文的写作是一个需要长期系统练习的学习过程, 需要通过学生从简单的字词句写作, 到整体的文章进行思路整理, 在巩固自身英语学习基础的同时, 加强自身相关短语与语法的使用, 使自身的英语写作水平可以稳定提高。 例如:在对电子邮件格式的题目进行写作训练时, 在训练初期可以先按照中文提示或者主要写作内容进行写作思路与写作格式的规范;当已经完全掌握基本的词句写作时, 可以通过题目中主要表达的意思完成题目的正文写作, 规范写作思路, 避免出现文不对题的情况;当已经熟练掌握电子邮件的写作时, 可以通过大量阅读课外文章, 提升自身词汇水平, 强化英语表达能力, 通过大量的阅读与写作, 不断提高自身英语写作水平。


在熟练掌握英语写作技巧之后, 可以通过增强作文文采提高文章质量。首先可以通过多种语句表达形式, 例如:可以采用一句多译的方法进行写作, “我花了十美元买了支新笔”中译英就可以为:①I spent ten dollar on my new pen.②The new pen cost me ten dollar.③I paid ten dollar for the new pen.在写作过程中, 可以通过使用主从复合句或者并列句提高文章质量, 例如:Will she be back tomorrow?I don’t know.可以转变为:Idon’t know whether she will be back tomorrow.可以通过定语从句的使用对人物或者事务进行描写, 例如:She is my friend who is good at studying.同时可以通过倒装句增强文章的可读性, 例如:he likes playing ball, so do I.也可以适当地更改状语在文章中的位置, 避免文章出现雷同的情况, 例如:We went to the countryside last year.或者I often read the news paper at night.最后可以通过省略文章中成分相同的语句达到节省篇幅的目的。


英语作文是通过长期不断累积词汇量与语法修辞, 并且在日常的生活过程中不断丰富自身英语知识, 提高自身英语水平。 在中考的英语写作中, 应当注意认真审题, 读懂题目意思, 通过拟定提纲, 整理好写作思路, 并且在写作过程中突出题目中心意思, 根据自身英语掌握能力丰富文章修辞, 在写作完成之后, 对文章进行详细检查, 避免出现错词错句, 使作文不再是英语中考中的失分点。

摘要:英语作文对锻炼学生英语综合应用能力与书面表达能力起到重要的作用。近年来, 由于英语作文的分值与难度有所增加, 导致书面表达成为考生丢分的主要题目。提高学生在中考中的英语写作水平, 已经成为当前初中英语教师最关注的问题。



[1]蔡慧萍, 方琰.英语写作教学现状调查与分析[J].外语与外语教学, 2013 (9) .

[2]曹黎明.中考作文之应对策略[J].科学大众 (科学教育) , 2013 (7) .

[3]周雪兰.漫谈中考英语写作复习训练与指导[J].中学课程辅导 (教学研究) , 2015 (27) .

3.高一寒假生活英语作文 篇三

Today, after school, my friends asked me to have dinner with them, I felt so happy and went the restaurant with them. Then I found they wanted to eat buffet, I was so happy, because I always wanted to have buffet, I could eat a lot of food.

As we paid the money more than we usually spent, so all of us wanted to eat as more as possible, even though we were full enough, we still tried to eat. I would go the wash room many times, so that I could continue to eat. I found eating the buffet should be a happy thing for me, but now it seemed to be a kind of torture, I always told myself to eat more than I could bear, my stomach hurt.

4.我的寒假生活的英语作文 篇四

Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival. I can watch cartoon every day. I neednt go to school frepuently.

Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside. With the festival coming,I can play all the time. I can play video game with my brother. I am good at playing PC game. So I often beats my brother.

Then more and more relative came to my home. We had dinner together.

5.中考英语作文预测:健康生活 篇五






I think healthy habits are very important for us。

6.中考英语作文寒假生活 篇六


提示词供参考。three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorryHow time flies!I have studied in my school for three years.And I will graduate from middle school in a month.I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you.I had so many memories in three years’ life.On of them impressed me very much.I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult.No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave it up.As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well.Since then, she has kept helping me.Little by little, I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it.I think I am so lucky to become one of her students.I’ve learned a lot from her.I will try to help others when they are in trouble.I think it is a happy thing to help others.

7.寒假生活英语日记 篇七

In this winter vacation, also is my last holiday in elementary school, the adults in order to avoid the noise of the city, to enjoy the quiet place, she took me to visit the phoenix town near the dinghu mountain. Dinghu mountain are divided into two major scenic spots: one is the main peak to the big tripod and QingYunSi; The second is the rainforest valley in the vicinity of Kowloon lake, which is in phoenix.

In the tour let me feel the deepest is the second day to cattle to column grain rain forest adventure, there is: single, double wire suspension on the surface of the water, 1 m more than two meters from the surface is so high, and each article at least more than five meters, more than ten meters long, long, let feet from only one of a long narrow table mm wide wire. Especially those of single wire rope, although there is no double wire so long, but because the two wire is aligned vertically from top to bottom, so to climb back up or down, looks very dangerous, and the following is not straight, stand up and make you more fearful.

8.中考英语作文寒假生活 篇八

















9.中考英语作文寒假生活 篇九


那天早上, 我和表妹一大早就起床了。”哇!下雪了,下雪了!姐姐,咱们去堆雪人吧!好不好?“表妹高兴得一蹦三尺高。”好啊!好啊!“我们俩手牵着手,一蹦一跳地小了楼。


10.寒假作文:寒假生活之蒸馒头 篇十








11.中考英语作文:初中生活的回顾1 篇十一

Dear parents,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I was born.When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up.Once I argued with my best friend and was upset,you talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help,I have become a good student.I am so thankful for your love that I will work harder and try to do better in the future.

Best wishes

