1.英语课前两分钟演讲稿 篇一
2.英语课前两分钟演讲稿 篇二
3.初中语文“课前两分钟活动”初探 篇三
关键词:课前两分钟活动内容 具体做法
4.英语课前3分钟演讲稿 篇四
I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to visit Washington because my cousin is there. Of course, Id like to go to London too, because England is a place for English language development. If I could ride my bike at Cambridge, I would be very happy.
I wish I could speak English with all the people in the world. I will also introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall and the gardens in suzhou. I will teach people all over the world about the beautiful language of our country.
I like English. Its great to learn English. I once wanted to be an English teacher. I also like Chinese literature. When I was little, I could remember many poems. I also want to be a Chinese teacher. Now I think both of my dreams can be realized: I can teach foreign friends Chinese in English and share Chinese culture with them. Therefore, more and more people will be able to understand 5,000 years of history and culture and the prosperity of our great motherland.
5.经典英语课前3分钟演讲稿 篇五
He is very tall, about 1.90 meters. He is the tallest one among all the players in the Chinese Badminton Team. In , he is chosen as the flag holder stands for China in the opening ceremony in the 15th Asian Games held in Doha. It was the first time that the badminton players were chosen to take over the special task, before which time, it belonged to the basketball players. It was a great honor. And it also proved that Bao was an excellent athlete. We are all proud of him.
He began to play badminton when he was at primary school. In , he won his first good medal, which was significant to him, in Guangzhou. Because of that, he entered the Chinese Badminton Team. As he is as old as Lin dan, who is the top one in the world, he is always put into a situation which is not good to him. He seldom beats Lin dan. In fact, his techniques are comprehensive, but he is lack of passion, the desire to win is not so strong. So he always has misplays. Due to this, he seldom wins the gold medal. I think this is related to his character. He is easygoing and couth; he looks as if he will never get angry with anybody. So this affects him while he is playing badminton. In a period of time, critical voice has come towards him. He is under great pressure. He was not in the best state. But recently he cheers up again. Several days ago, the Chinese Badminton Championship was held in Guangzhou. I went to see him on Saturday. I was very excited, and I shouted loudly, hoping he could hear me. There is no doubt that he won the game. Before he went away, he waved hand to us, how excited I was at that time! The next day, he beat Li zongwei again and he won the man’s single gold medal. All of us are very happy. After 7 years, which could be a long time for an athlete, he proved himself again in Guangzhou, which is considered as his lucky place.
I think this will be the energy of his advancing. And I hope he can keep this fighting .
6.2分钟英语演讲稿 篇六
You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions.You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take.You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life.You will never succumb to challenges of hardships.You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!
As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand.You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear.I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!
Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!
2分钟英语演讲稿二In china,people believe that,at the beginning,the tiger and the cat were friends,and the cat was much smarter than the tiger.The cat learned the physical skills quickly,and the tiger was always behind.Gradually,the tiger had to learn from the cat,and the cat was patient to teach the tiger.Day after day,month after month,finally,the tiger could also run,jump,roll,grasp,tear,and strike as well as the cat.One summer afternoon,the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby.Looking at the cat,the tiger suddenly thought,why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat?The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack.The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously.Just as this moment,the cat woke up.Opening up her eyes,the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat.But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him.“I kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.
2分钟英语演讲稿三Red: Rehabilitated? Now let me see.You know, I don't have any idea what that means.Parole official: Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society.Red: I know what you think it means, sonny.To me it's just a made up word; a politician's word.So young fellas like yourself can wear a suit, and tie, and have a job.What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?
Parole official: Well, are you?
7.激活高中英语课前五分钟 篇七
1. 齐读:
上课铃响了之后, 可以叫课代表安排全班同学齐读单词或课文。通过这种练习, 不但把学生的注意力引进了英语课堂, 还可以练习他们的发音, 增加学生与单词“见面”的机会, 有助于对该单元单词的记忆。
2. 课前演讲:
老师们都有这样的感觉, 学生在小学和初中阶段天真无邪, 不会害羞。而到了高中, 变得害羞起来, 课堂上的提问更是没有一点气氛, 以躲开老师的视线不被叫到为幸, 哪怕是自己知道答案也不喜欢表现。甚至有的学生在回答问题时, 声音低得像蚊子哼一样。这都是平时缺少锻炼的结果。我觉得一个人的胆量是锻炼出来的, 课前五分钟活动能调动学生学习英语的积极性, 改变了过去的“一言堂”模式, 增加学生学习英语的兴趣, 活跃课堂气氛, 促使学生更主动地去阅读课文、查找手头的各种资料, 更能深入透彻地去了解教学内容, 锻炼学生的口才、胆量。
3. 师生互动单词比赛:
以大组为单位, 老师在黑板上给出相同的一个字母, 然后要求学生在规定的时间内说出以该字母为首的单词, 不能重复。例如“d”, 学生可能会说出delicate、definite、delicious、destruct、disable、dislike等单词。分组合作游戏极大地调动了同学们的竞争意识和合作意识, 同时也为枯燥的单词记忆增添了色彩。
4. 背经典谚语比赛:
谚语的主要特点是言简意赅, 用日常生活中的具体事例来说明带有普遍意义的道理。在英语学习中, 同学们若能背诵一些经典的谚语, 不仅有利于提高学习兴趣和语言素养, 而且有利于培养同学们的欣赏能力和表达能力。例如:
Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
Pride goes before a fall.骄傲必败。
Health is better than wealth.健康胜过财富。
Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。
He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后, 谁笑得最好。
God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。
No pain, no gain.不劳无获。
Grasp all, lose all.贪多必失。
Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见, 心不烦。
英语谚语短小精悍, 音韵和谐, 琅琅上口, 非常适合于背诵。学生如果能够每天记忆三两句谚语, 长期坚持, 烂熟于胸, 定能由量变上升到质变。正如我们常说“熟读唐诗三百首, 不会作诗也会吟”。在特定的语言环境中会脱口而出, 收到贴切、生动、幽默、风趣等意想不到的语言效果。
英语课前五分钟的形式应该是多种多样的, 可以让学生唱简单的英文歌曲, 说一些简单的英语故事, 准备一些简单的英语话剧, 讲一些英语笑话等等。
1. 注意“放”和“收”。
一方面, 教师要舍得放手, 把主动权交给学生, 尽量让学生“活”起来, 提高他们的积极性, 但同时, 又不能无组织, 一盘散沙。老师是开展课前五分钟的推动者。老师需要终身学习, 不断充实自己, 要有扎实的基本功。教育工作对老师来说是一项长期的挑战, 促使老师做好长期学习的准备。
2. 控制课前五分钟时间, 合理整合教学资源, 切勿喧宾夺主。