1.英文作文个人简历 篇一
Some people think that if one wants to succeed in life, then one must have a formal university education.So what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Graduate student, when I mention this word, what do you think? Maybe It is desirable for everyone of us.Nowadays, many people confused by the modern education that if the university is necessary to succeed.It’s time to remove the doubt and I will tell you the certain answer.It is necessary.Don’t you feel it is a fulfilling life to have an experience of university education? University is a place where we can learn a varity of knowledge.Through university education we can learn more about the world.Here you can draw a color life.That’ the sucessful beginning.We all know that you can make many friends during your university education.If you want to succeed good friends is necessary.Besides, You will get the full scale training and development in university.On the contrary, one person who lack of formal university education will have many aspects he don’t know about.In addition, many famous people such as Mayun also have a university education.The most important thing is that if you want a satisfied job , a university degree is needed.To be a graduate student and get a formal university education is a fascinating thing , isn’t it? So no formal university education no success!
2.英文作文个人简历 篇二
1 关于主位和主位推进模式的论述
1.1 主位理论的发展
现代语言学的主位概念, 一般追溯到19世纪的德裔法籍学者亨利·维尔 (Henri Weil) 。他提出句法运动不等于思想运动, 句法运动由词尾 (名词的格形式) 表示, 思想运动则由语序表示。布拉格学派的创始人之一马泰修斯 (Mathesius) 受到了亨利·维尔思想的启发, 证实并发展了亨利·维尔的观点, 较早提出了主位 (Theme) 和述位 (Rheme) 这对概念, 目的在于研究句子中不同成分在语言交际中所发挥的不同作用。后来以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语言学派接受了布拉格学派提出的这对术语, 并从功能的角度对其进行了重新界定 (朱永生19956) 。
1.2 主位与述位
韩礼德 (1985) 认为一个主位结构 (thematic structure) 由主位和述位构成, 主位一旦被确定, 剩下的成分就是述位了。主位选择体现了说话人所选择的信息传递模式, 述位构建过程体现了人脑对信息加工处理的运作过程。他认为, “主位是充当信息出发点的成分;是小句所关心的成分 (The Theme is the ele ment which serves as the point of departure of message;it is tha which the clause is concerned.) (Halliday 1985:38) 。在英语中被选为主位的都是居于句子首位 (whatever is chosen as the Them is put first) , 其他的部分都被视为述位。述位是句子的信息中心所在, 是新信息, 是交际对象所未知的内容。如:
I/received a research grant for$100, 000.
1.3 主位与述位推进模式
国内语言学者朱永生对主位推进模式进行了研究, 他采用了四种基本的主位推进模式。我们用符号T表示主位, R表示述位, T1, R1分别表示第一句的主位和述位。英语中的主位推进模式主要可归纳为:
1) 延续型, 这一模式的特点是第一小句的述位作为第二小句的主位:
I (T1) worked for more than one year in electronic industry (R2) .The experience I gained during working (T2) benefits me a lot (R2) .
2) 连续型, 即小句有共同的主位, 而每句的述位各不相同:
First, I (T1) actively participate in many active working in clients’suits (R1) .Second, I (T2) have excellent problem-solving skills (R2) .I (T3) would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm if given the opportunity (R3) .
3) 交叉型, 这一模式的特点是前一句的主位是后一句的述位:
T2→R2 (=T1)
Tn→Rn (=Tn-1)
A personal meeting (T1) would give us the opportunity to discuss your short and long-term objectives and my ability to direct your organization towards successfully achieving those goals (R1) .I (T2) should be glad to have a personal meeting (R2) .
4) 派生型, 此模式由一个“超主位”或上义主位派生出一组“下义主位”:
Undergraduate courses I have taken (T1) are very importan and useful (R1) .English language skills (T2) enable me to commu nicate with foreigner clients (R2) .Extensive electronic and comput er competency (T3) can improve my work efficiency (R3) .
2 英文简历中的主位推进模式
2.1 语料收集及研究方法
本研究收集了40份中国高校毕业生的英文简历, 从中筛选出符合条件的30份。选出的英文简历语篇篇幅较长 (平均为100—150个英文单词) , 书写清晰, 语句连贯。笔者对简历中的主位、述位进行标注, 运用主位推进模式对其进行分析。
2.2 统计结果与分析
从表1可以看出, 英文简历中常用“Action Word” (行为词) , 从而使表达更有目的性, 更充满活力, 更有力度。而且英文简历中常省略句子主题 (I, my manager) 、物主代词 (my/mine his/hers) , 有时甚至省略冠词 (the, a) , 这样使简历看起来更简洁, 而且符合西方人的表达方式。
从表2可以看出在英文简历中避免使用长句、复合句。没人愿意看冗长的句子, 因为“YRIS” (Your resume is scanned, no read) 。
2.3 简历文本的语篇分析
由于文化背景和语言上的差异, 英文简历应该符合英语国家人们的阅读习惯。英文简历的基本要求是简练, 对于求职者来讲, 目的明确、语言简练是其简历行之有效的基础。而一个篇章真的正主位结构是指主位的衔接和连接, 它们的相互关系和领属层次, 以及跟段落、整个语篇和情景的关系。
下面结合主位推进模式理论, 分析英文简历中的主位特点, 归纳为以下几点:
1) 若无标记主位为“I”时, 经常避免使用。在表述自己的学历、工作经验和任职资格时, 如果你的名字出现在个人资料中, 或者反复使用“I”一词, 不仅达不到简洁的效果, 而且有自傲的嫌疑, 使HR产生厌烦的感觉。
I am very experienced at programming in C++and Java.
→Highly experienced programming C++and Java.
2) 简历作者为强调过去的学习或工作经历时, 多采用连续型主位推进模式。同时避免使用复合句, 达到简练的效果。
例如, 在介绍experience时采用的表达方式:
I taught some pupils English in grade three and grade five as a substitute teacher from Sept.2011 to May.2012.I took part in the inauguration of Hubei Institute of Technology as a volunteer, and had been awarded“the advanced individual volunteers”on April 8, 2012.
3) 有时省略主位或者述位, 以达到精简的目的。虽然有很多话要说, 但是空间有限, 英文简历写作允许使用缩写句。
例如, 在表达self-assessment时, 如果在一句话中要列出不止一个成就, 表达方式为:
Advantages:Honest, work actively and seriously, quickthinking, hard-working, high self-learning ability and social competence, etc.
Disadvantages:Lack of social experience but I will use the shortest time into the best state.
3 结论
研究结果表明, 虽然英文简历中有不同的主位推进模式, 但在英文简历语篇中主位推进模式倾向于使用连续型推进模式, 这与体裁和交际目的相关。第一, 缺省主位在英文简历中很突出, 主要原因是两种语言的不同特征。中文注重话题, 英文注重主语, 在简历文本的表达形式上有不同体现。第二, 连续型推进模式在英文简历中比在中文简历中出现次数多, 这与西方人的思维缜密、注重逻辑有关。本研究可以帮助中国人在撰写英文简历时避免文化差异所造成的交际语言障碍, 从而写出更加地道的英文简历, 实现跨文化的有效信息传递。
摘要:该文运用主位-述位推进模式理论对30篇英文简历进行语篇分析, 以期为中国学生在撰写英文简历时提供一定的帮助。
[1]Halliday M A K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Edward Arnold, 1985.
[2]姜望琪.主位概念的嬗变[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2007.
[3]张德禄.语篇分析理论的发展及应用[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2012.
3.英文作文个人简历 篇三
投其所需用BaIance Sheet展示自我
4.国外英文简历与国内英文简历区别 篇四
很多客户使用从国外网站上下载的英文 简历 ,以此为参考模板,撰写自己的英文 简历 ,用于应聘在国内的外资企业。由于这一类客户较多,问题相对比较集中,所以我们专门对此问题做个解答。
国外英文 简历 与相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景不相同,所以有很多地方需要根据国情做适应性改进。
其次是国外的英文简历一般只写职责,不写业绩,这一点与国内的英文简历有本质的。如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的,各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是 面试 时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上你的业绩。
5.英文个人简历 篇五
电子信箱:性别: 学历:民族:专业:毕业学校:联系电话:
期望地区:到岗时间: 一星期之内 自我简介:
2006.9 — 2009.6…………………………………………………………………… 主修课程:……………………………………………………………………………… 技能证书:
…………………………………………………………………………………………… 获奖情况:
…………………………………………………………………………………………… 实践经历:
…………………………………………………………………………………………… 社会活动:
…………………………………………………………………………………………… 项目能力:
………………………………………………………………………………………… 兴趣爱好:
………………………………………………………………………………………… 自我评价:
Personal Resume
Name:Zhang Lu
Date of Birth: Mar.1990Gender: female Nationality:Han Education Background:undergraduate Major:financialPostal Code:710082
Mobile Phone:***Graduate from:Shaanxi University of Technology Address:No.1-3-36, Laodong Village, Laodong Street, Lianhu District, Xi’an Email Address:980952301@qq.com
Career Objective:
Job Category: full-time
Job Objective:Finance, Audit, Tax, Banking, Marketing, Human Resources,Administration, Secretary
Expected Industry: Finance, Banking, Investment, Fund, Securities, Energy, Mineral,Mining, Smelting, Petroleum, Petrochemical, Chemical, Aviation,Aerospace Industry, Consulting, Management, Legal, Accounting,Electrical, Power, Hydropower Projects
Expected Working Place:Xi’an
Expected Salary: 2000-4000 RMB
Current Status: graduating student
Personal Dates:
Technical Qualifications and Special Skills:
Accounting Certificate
The third prize form “Dance Match” from Shaanxi University of Technology in 2010“Advanced Individual” from the Shaanxi University of Technology students’ union
in 2010
“Outstanding Student Workers” form students’ union of College of Management
in 2010
“Outstanding Student Workers” form the University Student Union in 2011
Working Experience:
As a salesman in Vanguard, I worked eight hours a day.According to different demands of customers, I introduced diverse advantages of the edible oil.I was trying my best to satisfy the need of the customers, so my achievement was outstanding.After more than one month of practice experience, I leant a lot.My character is optimistic and outgoing.Although my major is finance, I often read the book about marketing.I would like and prefer working in this industry.2010.07—2010.08
Working as an assistant coach in the Xi’an Kaixiang Outward Bound Centre.The outward bound is military management.I mainly help the coaches to management and training more than 100 problem children.After daily training and communication, students and I became very good friends.I often encouraged peer students to make their own and correct problems.I benefit a lot form the 2 month of hard training, and become more tough and hard-working.2012.07—2012.08
I worked as an intern in Shaanxi Branch of Zhongyi Accounting Firm.During the internship, it enforced my social understanding and the abilities to recognize, observe and solve the problems.So that I can quickly adapt and integrate into future works.And I got the knowledge to make out vouchers, accounting statements, and the audit report and asset evaluation.My theoretical knowledge was fully trained during the practice, and this made me have a better understanding of what I had learnt and enhanced my professional skills.At the same time, I also learnt how to
work in cooperation with people and get along well.Language ability:
English: good at reading, writing, speaking and listening.Position in School:
The minister of the safety and the Rights Department of students’ union:help the college teacher management student in all grade in safety and equities.And assist thestudy ministry to develop the class activities.Programming Ability:
2012.03-2012.07Qihang College Students Internship and Part-time Network StationProject Duties: responsible for financial and market with classmates
Project Description: This project is what we use to take part in the National College
Students Entrepreneurship Competition.In campus, we can
find a few internship and part-time job advertisings in notice
board.However, these advertisings are rare, have less
information and easy broken.This is a stumbling block in the
way we find an internship and part-time job.Practice plays a
pivotal role in the growth of college students, so 8 of us team
together to learn how to create set up this project.Our aim is to
help the college students to find more internships and part-time
jobs.Meanwhile, it can help the enterprises to do good conduct
propaganda and promotion.Training Experience:
2012.04Study Ministry of Shaanxi University of Technology
Training Courses: Ideological and political education, Document writing training,Computer office operation training,Mental health lecture,Etiquette and reception lecture,the outdoors diathesis development activities
Certificate: the student cadre training certificate
Location: Shaanxi University of Technology
I am extroverted and sociable person with strong language expression capability.Due to three years’ experience in student union, it made me possess the team spirit and organizing ability.What’s more is that I can operate the office software skilled.There are many other merits, such as agile thinking, high working initiative, conscientious, responsible and hard-working.求职信
6.英文个人简历 篇六
作者:不详 来源:不详 加入时间:-9-13 【 WG7777.NET 】
在时间排列顺序上也遵循由后至前这一规则,即从当前的工作岗位写起,直至求职者的第一个工作岗位为止。求职者要将单位的名称、自身的职位、技能写清楚。另外,欧美人很重视求职者的实际工作经验,所以,提及自己“工作时的培训(ON THE JOB TRAINING)”,不失为一个聪明的做法。
7.经典英文个人简历 篇七
famlily name: wang given name: bin
date of birth: july 12, 1971 birth place: beijing
sex: male marital status: unmarried
telephone:(010)62771234 pager: 99900-1234567
e-mail: career@sohu.com
work experience:
nov.1998-present ccide inc, as a director of software development and web publishing.organized and attended trade shows(comdex 99).summer of 1997 bit companyas a technican ,designed various web sites.designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by frontpage, photoshop and java as well;
1991-august 1996 dept.of automation,tsinghua university, b.e.achievements & activities:
president and founder of the costumer committee
established the organization as a member of bit
president of communications for the marketing association
representative in the student association
computer abilities:
skilled in use of ms frontpage, win 95/nt, sun, javabeans, html, cgi, javascript, perl, visual interdev, distributed objects, corba, c, c++, project 98, office 97, rational requisitepro, process,pascal, pl/i and sql software
english skills :
have a good command of both spoken and written english.past cet-6, toefl:623;gre: 2213
others :
8.英文个人简历优秀 篇八
basic information
Gender: Male
Education:Master in Engineering
Mobile: Email:
Mail Address: Room 402, No. 32, Lane 1133, Zhang Yang Road,
Pudong, Shanghai, PRC, 20
Work Experience
Jan Oct . Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC.
Aug Jan.2005. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group). My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC.
Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services). With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong.
As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company.
Sept Aug 2003. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager
As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office.
In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to,
9.英文个人简历表格 篇九
Your Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Phone Number & Email Address
To obtain a ____A____ position with ___B___ using _____C______
B.A. or B.S., Major Graduation Date
Minor / Concentration Overall GPA
Course Title Course Title Course Title
Course Title Course Title Course Title
Demonstrated experience with…
Proficient in …
Fluent in ….
Position Title
Employer Name, City, State
(Mo./Year to Mo./Year)
Use bullet points (not paragraphs) to describe your accomplishments
Start your statements with “power verbs”
Do not use personal pronouns (i.e. I, my, me) in your statements
Leadership Title
Student Organization, UC San Diego
(Mo./Year to Mo./Year)
Be specific in your statements and when possible, end statement with result or outcome
Quantify achievements (Example: Increased sales by 20%)
Volunteer Title
Community Service Organization, City, State
(Mo./Year to Mo./Year)
Be consistent with punctuation and format
Use present tense verbs for current positions and past tense verbs for previous positions
Active Member, Student Club, University (Mo./Year to Mo./Year)
10.医生英文个人简历 篇十
Male, 18,
Education: high school
Working lives: no experience
Working area: Shanghai
Working experience:
Job seekers had not fill in working experience.
Education experience:
Job seekers had not complete education experience.
Introduce myself:
Job seekers had not fill in to introduce myself.
11.个人简历-中英文 篇十一
邮编: xxx
电话: xxx
邮箱: xxx
照片 工程相关工作工程及项目管理、生产管理、质量检验等自我评价 乐观积极、开朗、富有激情;工作吃苦耐劳,认真负责。年轻、精力充沛,爱好体育运动。思想活跃、有首创和革新精神,能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作,也有良好交际能力,能够快速适应并融入到新的团队中。我相信有付出才有收获!工作经验 2009年 校内xxx 2010年xxx
2009.9 – 2013.7
工作技能 名称 技能等级 经验 英语 大学英语四级 10年
Microsoft Office Word 熟练 4年 Microsoft Office Excel熟练 4年
Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 熟练 4年
C++ 一般 2年 Java 一般 2年
Zip code: xxx
Mobil: xxx
Email: xxx
Photo Objective Industrial Engineering relevant Engineering and project management, Production management, Quality and inspection etc.Self-evaluation Be positive, optimistic, open minded and full of passion;I work hard and responsible.Young, bright and energetic to go in for sports.Being active, creative and innovative, able to work under high pressure and limited time.Good communication skill so as to adapt and integrate in new team.I believe that no pains no gains!Work Experience 2009working practice
2010Knowing practice
May.2011xxx Internship
Jun.2011xxx Internship
2009.9 – 2013.7
Major:xxx Engineering
College: xxx Automation College
University: xxx University
Main professional courses:
xxx, xxx,Quality Management and Reliability, Basic of Mechanical Designing, Mechanical Technology, etc.Skills English CET-4 10 years
Microsoft Office Word Expert 4 years Microsoft Office ExcelExpert 4 years
Microsoft Office
PowerPoint Expert 4 years
C++ Intermediate 2 years
12.英文优秀个人简历 篇十二
Name: Miss ***
major:International Economics and Trade
university: ******University
mail box:1961120379@qq.com
Birthday: September of 198
3Job objective:
To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.Personal Ability:
I have a strong ability to accept new things,strong sense of responsibility.Sincerity and diligence is my work attitude.I have a strong teamwork、good coordination capacity、strong adaptability and logical thinking ability.English Skills:
Excellent written and spoken English skills.Certifications: English CET 4 and 6 ,BEC Level 2(achieved EXCELLENCE in Spoken English Exam)
Computer Skills:
Proficient in office applications: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook.Knowledge of and experience with Photoshop.Proficient in C, Basic, and FoxBASE programming languages.Certification: Computer level 2 certificate
Assistant in charge of Activity pision of the Communist Youth League.Having been a personal tutor for many students for a year.We are still keep in touch.Self Assessment: