1.述职报告(朱莉) 篇一
Thank You.I’m very very honor to be here.谢谢,我非常非常荣幸来到这里。
Over 60 million people are displaced today.More than at any time in the last 70 years.That is one in every 122 people.This tell us something deeply worrying about the peace and security of our world.It said that for all other advances this type of human insecurity is growing faster than our ability to prevent or reverse it.现在有超过六千万的人们被迫离开家乡,比过去70年的任何时候都要多,每122个人中就有一个。这让我们对世界的和平与安全表示担忧,人们的不安全形势发展的太快,我们已经没有能力去阻止或扭转这种形势。
The international humanitarian system is supposed to work on the basis that refugees will be protected largely in camps where they can be given basic food, shelter, education as a temporary measure until they are able to return to their homes.During this time, the exceptional cases of the most vulnerable people can be identified for asylum in a third country and then moved.That is how the system has worked and how it should work.Today we are seeing it break down.Not because the model is flawed or because refugees are behaving differently, but because the number of conflicts and scale of displacement have grown so large.In the past 6 years, 15 conflicts have erupted or reignited.国际人道主义制度运行的基础是难民们在难民营中受到充分保护,在那里难民们有最基本的食物、庇护所和教育作为临时保障,直至他们返回自己的家乡。在这期间,可以认定特别困难的人群在第三国寻求庇护并且定居。这就是国际人道主义制度的运作方式,并且应该这样运作。现在我们看到制度没有起作用,不是因为制度本身有缺陷或者难民们的行为异样,而是因为冲突的数量和难民的规模已经增长得太快了。在过去6年中,爆发了15起大规模的冲突,The average time a person will be displaced is now 20 years, 20 years and excel.The number of refugees returning to their homes is the lowest it is bend in 3 decades.Africa has more people displace than ever before, and millions of refugees live without sufficient food or proper shelter let alone education because UN appeals are drastically underfunded.The UNHCR appeal for the Central African Republic for example is less than 3% funded.With this then the state of today’s world is it any surprised that some of this desperate people who are running out all options and who seeing no hope of returning home would make push to Europe as a last resort even at risk of death.现在人们远离故乡的时间平均为20年,甚至高于20年,难民们返回故乡的时间最少也要30年。因为联合国的需求极度缺乏资金支持,非洲被迫离乡的难民数量比以往都要高,数百万的难民没有充足的食物、合适的住所,更不用说教育了。例如,联合国难民署对中非共和国的资助只得到了不到3%的资金支持。就现在的形势,那些走投无路的人们看不到回家的希望,只能抓住欧洲这最后的希望,哪怕冒着生命危险。
The question is how are we respond as democracies and as an international community to this major test of our values and our resolve.The spotlight has been firmly on Europe, but the crisis in Europe is only a fraction of the global refugee problem and there for the solutions been discussed for Europe are only a fraction of the overall answer.We in the west are neither at the center of the refugee crisis nor for the most parts the one’s making the greatest sacrifice.The majority of the world’s refugees live in country such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Iran, Ethiopia and Jordan.So my argument is that unless we address the root causes of the crisis.We will not seen it slowing of the number of refugees crossing borders and in fact quite the opposite.Countries around the world will be ask to do more and more.European nations are current negotiating to resettle 10% of refugees from just one conflict: Syria.Well, other countries are bursting at the scenes with millions of refugees from multiple conflicts.So what we must do first and foremost as citizens is to demand our government show the leadership necessary to address the fundamental courses of the refugee crisis at a global level.This is the wilder picture that I would like to dress today.现在的问题是我们作为民主国家,作为国际社会应该如何回应对我们的价值和决心的巨大考验。公众的注意力一直聚在欧洲,但是欧洲的危机只是全球难民问题的一部分。我们讨论的关于解决欧洲问题的方法只是解决全部问题的一种。我们西方国家既不是难民危机的中心,也未做出最大的牺牲。全球的难民主要分布在土耳其、巴基斯坦、黎巴嫩、伊朗、埃塞俄比亚和约旦。所以我认为,除非我们能从根源上解决问题,否则我们不会看到穿越边境的难民数量会减少,事实上还会增加,世界各国的压力会越来越大。欧洲国家现在在商讨重新安置10%的难民,只是从叙利亚一个冲突地区。然而,其他国家面临众多冲突导致数百万的难民已人满为患。所以我们作为民众首要任务是:要求政府从国际层面展现出对难民危机必要的解决基本问题的领导力,这是我今天从宏观层面想表达的观点。
I know that no one can speak for 60 million displace people, and I know that it is the democratic right of the citizens of each country to reach their own conclusions about the right way forward.I there prefer put my thoughts before you with humility and respect seeking to understand all points of view.On one hand, the refugee crisis has produce great acts of generosity and solidarity with refugees here in Europe and other parts of the world.And on the other hand, fear of uncontrolled migration has eroded public confidence and the ability of governments and international institutions to control the situation.It has given space to a false air of legitimacy to those who promote politics of fear and separation.It has created the risk of a race to the bottom with country’s competing to be the toughest in the hope of protecting themselves whatever it cost or challenge their neighbors and despite their international responsibilities.But since no country can sail itself out from the impact of the refugee crisis such a free for all would lead to an even greater site of problems.It would mount to the worst of both worlds failing to tackle the issue and undermining international law and our values in the process.我知道没有人可以代替六千万无家可归的人说话,我知道这是每个国家公民的民主权利来通过正确的方法做出自己的决定。我秉持谦逊和尊敬之意,在此阐述自己的观点,也希望了解各方观点。一方面,难民危机唤起了众多在欧洲和世界其他地方对难民的团结慷慨之举,另一方面,对无管制移民的恐惧削弱了民众的信心,以及政府和国际组织掌控局势的能力。这给那些推动政治恐惧和分裂的人提供了错误的合法空间,这恐怕将发展成为一场逐底竞争,各国竞相采取严酷手段,为求自保而不顾一切代价,不顾邻国安危,甚至置国际责任于不顾。但是既然没有国家能免受难民危机的影响,这种混乱会引发更大的问题,给双方都带来最坏的结果。无法解决问题,破坏国际法律和我们的价值观。
And there is another factor, at the moment when we need strong collective action, we are questioning our ability to cope with international crisis.I am sure that many people listening feel this.We have watched the events of the last few decades, wanting to see progress, probably feeling that we’re doing our part to make that happen.But after so many years of failed attempts by governments and leaders to do the right thing, we feel angry, we feel cheated, we feel confused.We’re starting to think that maybe it is simply not possible to make a lasting difference.But the worst possible choice we would make is to decide to step back from the world.另一个事实是,在我们需要团结一致的行动时,我们却质疑自己应对国际危机的能力,我相信很多在座的听众皆有同感。我们见证了过去几十年的事件,渴望看到进步,可能也在为取得进步而尽一己之力,但是经过这么多年政府和领导人失败的努力之后。我们感到愤怒,感到受到了欺骗,感到迷茫,我们甚至开始感觉到也许根本不可能做出永久的改变。但是我们做出的最坏的选择是对这个世界不闻不问。
The last time there was this number of refugees was after World War Ⅱ, when nations came together to forge the United Nations, the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.I believe this is again that once in a generation moment when nations have to pull together.How we respond will determine whether we create a more stable world or face decades of far greater instability.At extremes, the debate about refugees in western nations has been polarized, with on one hand some people calling for open borders, and on the other hand for the complete exclusion of all refugees, or worse, for certain groups of refugees.But policies should not be driven by emotion, by what might be termed as “naïve humanitarianism” placing the perceived needs of refugees above all other considerations, or by our rational fear and unacceptable prejudice.Instead, we need to find a rational center, rebuilding public confidence and ensuring democratic consent for the long-term approach that will be needed.上一次世界上有这么多的难民是在二战以后,那时各国联合起来成立了联合国,颁布了《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》,我相信这又是一个百年一遇的时刻,各国应齐心协力。我们的反应将决定我们是能够创造一个更稳定的世界,还是将面临几十年更大的混乱。在这种极端的情况下,关于西方国家的难民讨论也走向极端。一方面有人呼吁开放边境,另一方面,有人要求排斥所有难民或者更恶劣的情况:排斥部分特定的难民。但政策的制定不应被这些因素左右,例如感情,将难民的需要置于一切其他考虑之上的所谓的“简单人道主义”或者合理的恐惧和不应有的偏见。相反,我们需要建立一个理性的中心重建民众信心并保证对所需的长久之计达成民主共识。
I believe each government should make a new compact with its people, setting out what their country can contribute based on an objective assessment of the needs, of the available resources and capacity of local communities to absorb certain numbers of refugees where that is appropriate.It calls for policies which balance the needs of local communities with the needs of refugees.We shall properly fund it, communicate it and implement it consistently over time.The point is every country must do its fair share and no country can abdicate its responsibility.I suggest this should be based on four principles.我认为,各国政府与其人民达成新的一致找到他们可以出力的地方,客观评估难民需要、可利用的资源以及当地的承受能力,在合适的地区接纳一定数量的难民,这需要能够平衡当地居民需求和难民需求的政策。我们要对其长久合理地投入资金、交流沟通、贯彻执行。关键在于,每个国家都要公平承担责任,任何国家都不能逃避。我建议如下四点原则:
First, It is not wrong for citizens in any country faced with the sudden surge of people seeking refugee within their borders to want to know that there are strong processes in place to prevent law and order, to preserve and to protect their security.No one should be crossing a border and not registering and going through asylum process.第一,任何国家的居民面对突然大批涌入自己国家寻求庇护的难民,都有权知道,有强大的法律和秩序来保护他们的安全。任何人都不应在未登记注册的情况下跨越边境或进入庇护程序。
Second, it is important to maintain the distinction between refugees and economic migrants.An economic migrant chooses to move in order to improve their lives or livelihoods.Refugees have to move if they’re deceived their lives and preserved their freedoms.However difficult the situations migrants are seeking to escape, however understandable their motivation, there is no blanket human right to resettle in another country.And there is no answer to global poverty and insecurity that involves the mass transfer of people.To put it in another way, all human beings deserve equal human rights.But all people seeking asylum do not have equal grounds for asylum.Everyone must respect the laws and asylum procedures.That said, we must bear in mind that the distinction is complex and must never be used as a way of dismissing migrants who have valid claim for asylum.第二,明确难民和经济移民的区别十分重要。经济移民选择移居是为了提高生活水平或为了生计,而难民是在生命受到威胁、自由受到限制时,不得不移居。无论经济移民试图逃离的环境多么恶劣,不管他们的动机多么合理,在另一个国家重新定居都没有完整的人权。面对涉及大规模人口迁移的全球贫困和安全问题,我们却无确切答案。换句话说,所有人都应享有平等的人权,但是寻求庇护的人们却没有得到平等的庇护。每个人都必须尊重法律和庇护申请程序,这就是说,我们必须牢记,区别是很复杂的,但这绝不是拒绝合法申请庇护的移民的理由。
I will add that we would fail the basic test of humanity if we discriminate between refugees on the basis of religion, race or ethnicity.When I meet a refugee I do not see a Muslin refugee or a Christian refugee or a Yazidi, I see a mother, or a father, a son or a daughter, a person within equal right to stand in dignity on this planet.Populations uprooted are the future of their countries.These are decent families registering and waiting peacefully for a chance to return home.And the majority of them are women and children.We should never make them feel like beggars, or worse, like a commodity to be traded between countries, a burden or ever a threat, or that their children are not considered equal to others.Nobody wants to be a refugee.Nobody deserves to be a refugee.And for as long as war, it’s part of the human condition.None of us are immune to becoming refugees.So all refugees merit equal, respect and compassion.另外,如果我们根据难民的宗教信仰或种族来对听他们加以区分,我们将失掉最基本的人性。当我看到一个难民的时候,我看到的不是穆斯林或基督教徒或雅兹迪教徒,我看见的是一位母亲、父亲、儿子或女儿,一个与其他人享有平等权利、有尊严地活着的人。这些被赶出家园的人是他们国家的未来。这些礼貌的人们申请登记、平静地等待着重返家园的机会。他们中的大部分人是妇女和儿童,我们永远不能让他们感觉自己是乞丐,或更恶劣的国家之间进行交易的商品、负担甚至是威胁,或他们的孩子低人一等。没人想成为难民,没有人应该成为难民。只要战争存在,这就是人类现状,我们每个人都有可能成为难民的可能,因此,所有的难民都应受到平等对待、尊重和同情。
Third, it would be naïve to think that we can protect ourselves selectively alone from challenges in the globalized world by pulling away from other countries or peoples.As with any global problem in the 21st century uncoordinated national responses are not the answer and unstable world is an unsafe world for all.And there is no barrier high enough to protect from such disorder and desperation.If your neighbor’s house is on fire, you are not safe if you lock your doors.Isolationism is not strength.Fragmentation is not the answer.Strength lies in being unafraid in working with others and living up to our highest ideals.We must not change who we are because we face a crisis.第三,如果我们认为疏远其他国家和人民就能逃避全球化世界的挑战,从而有选择地保护自己,那将是非常幼稚的。21世纪的任何全球性问题都需要国家之间协调解决。对于任何人来说,不稳定的世界就是不安全的世界。没有任何屏障足以抵挡如此混乱和绝望,辅车相依,唇齿相连(城门失火,殃及池鱼)。孤独主义不是力量,分裂破碎不是答案。不畏与他国合作实现最高理想才是力量所在,我们不能因为危机而改变自己。And finally, none of these will be enough unless we address the underlying causes of refugee crisis.Shouldn’t we been asking how to make the world more stable rather than asking how to stabilize a mass of displace people.What are the failures and flows of our international system that are causing the number of refugees grow larger everyday.We need to recognize the decades of broken promises, double standers and partial justice are fundamental part of how we got today’s situation.If we look back and see this many people displaced, and this much conflict and so little accountability then we have to question the source of the problem.最后,除非我们从根源解决难民危机,否则我们所做的一切都还不够。我们应该让世界更稳定,而不是稳定大量的难民。到底是国际体系中哪些不足造成难民数量日益剧增。我们必须意识到数十年来的违背诺言、双重标准、部分正义导致我们走到今天这种情况。如果我们回头看,有这么多人流离失所,有这么多冲突,责任义务却少之又少,那么我们不得不质疑问题的根源。
When the Security Council member uses its veto when civilians are being killed by their own government or we turn away too soon from a conflict situation or cases refer to the international criminal court and then we don’t give it sufficient support.When we don’t help nations treat fairly in the world so that they can stand on their own.We partially meet UN aid appeal and think that we have achieve something.In all these cases, the consequence is deeper conflict and wilder instability which leads to the type of mass displacement we are dealing with today.If these things continue to happen there will be further displacement and more people on the borders of Europe and elsewhere.The long term answer involves founding our world on laws and accountability.However distant that ideal and genuinely working towards the common interests achieving this will be the work of generations but it underscores why we cannot step back from the effort to build a more stable world beyond our borders and a better future for our children.当安理会成员使其否决权,当公民被政府杀害或是我们不去面对冲突局面,或是对于涉及国际刑事法院的案子,我们不给予足够的支持,我们不帮助一些国家受到公平待遇让他们站稳脚跟,我们只是回应了一部分联合国援助呼吁而且认为自己已经有所成就。在所有这些情况下,将导致更深的矛盾和更大范围的不稳定,从而造成我们今天所面临的大规模移民的情况,如果这些持续发生,欧洲边界和其他地方将会有更大数量的难民。长远的解决方法是建立法律和责任的世界,无论这个理想有多遥远,都真诚地朝着共同利益前进。实现这个理想需要几代人的努力,但它强调了我们为什么必须努力建立一个超越边界的更稳定的世界,为我们的后代建立一个更美好的未来。
Yes, it is a difficult time in history where there are people bent on violence with no thought for the lives that are ruined by their actions but we have been through tough times and we have faced the worst in humanity on the global scale with people intent on destroying our democracies and we have fought back from that.We have more awareness and we have matched bigger enemies.And if we learn anything from the past, this is what should rally us together, not withdrawing but deciding to come together and show leadership.This is the duty that falls on all of us to the next UN Secretary General, to all governments, to civil society, to every one of us.And whether we succeed we’ll help define this century.The alternative is chaos and further displacement.A world without order and law, and institutions built by our predecessors buckling under the stream of human catastrophe that we could have prevented.是的,现在是一段艰难的时间,因为有人倾向于暴力,毫不关心被他们毁掉的生命。但是我们曾经历苦难,我们曾面对世界上最惨无人道的事,我们曾面对有人刻意破坏民主,我们都进行了反击。我们有了更多的认识,也有了更大的敌人。如果说我们从过去学到了什么,那就是我们应该团结起来,绝不退缩,齐心协力,起表率作用。这是我们所有人肩上的责任,是下一任联合国秘书长的责任,是各国政府的责任,是民间社会的责任,是我们每一个人的责任。无论成功与否,我们都会明白混乱和更多难民没有法律和秩序的世界,我们前辈建立的机构屈服于人类灾难,这些本都是我们可以阻止的。
Thank you very much!非常感谢!
2.述职报告(朱莉) 篇二
评 析
一 力量源
二 必争点
三 辐射区