


1.四级邀请函作文 篇一

四级作文:英语四级命题作文:远程教育 Remote Education

Apprently, the vivid picture given above portrayed that a teacher and her student are praising the convenience of remote education. When it comes to the choice between studying in traditional colleges and self-studying through Internet, recently more people choose to receive remote education.

In the eyes of those people studying through Internet, remote education has its own advantages which are beneficial to their study. In the first place, studying through Internet is more efficient and flexible because learners will not be bound up in the classroom at the required time. In the second place, they can listen to the lessons from the famous teachers who are uneasy to contact at campus.

But remote education is still far from perfection. On one hand, staying before computers too long will make students neglect the importance of communication. On the other hand, different from the traditional teaching methods, students find it more difficult to get feedback from their teachers on time.

In my opinion the remote education represents the trend of educational development and the most effective way to realize the popularity and justice of educational resource. Of course, presently it is only a complement to the traditional education.





2.四级邀请函作文 篇二



语篇-历史分析方法是以某一现实问题为导向, 通过进行跨学科多领域多维度的研究, 在宏观社会、历史、政治背景下对语篇进行批评性的解读。因此, 语篇-历史分析方法是一种的实证研究。维也纳派学者Wodak和Meyer (2009:29) 提出了该分析方法的五个分析策略:所指或提名策略;谓语策略;辩论策略;视角化、框架化和语篇再现策略;强化和弱化策略。

所指或提名策略是对成员进行划分, 即“组内成员” (自己人) 和“组外成员” (他人) 。这种划分通常是通过使用隐喻、提喻、换喻等修辞手法来实现的。



视角化、框架化和语篇再现策略是指通过报道、描叙、叙述或转述的方法来表明自己的观点和视角 (项蕴华, 2014:45) 。

强化和弱化策略。在写作过程中, 作者会有直接或间接对某些观点进行强化或弱化, 从而达到传递或掩盖某种意识形态的目的。


本部分以2007年-2015年6月期间大学英语四级真题写作部分为研究对象, 以语篇-历史分析方法中的五大分析策略为理论基础, 试图探究该方法对于英语写作的指导作用。

1. 所指或提名策略

On the Importance of Reading Literature (2013年6月CET4多题多卷一写作部分考试试题)

该题目要求考生论述读书的重要性, 和大多数四级作文一样, 该题目要求考生在最后一段提出自己的观点。考生可以使用代词“I”即写自己, 写读书带给自己的益处, 或是用代词“we”, 即号召和自己一样的大学生参与到阅读大军当中, 充实知识开阔眼界。

2. 谓语策略

Education pays (2012年12月CET4多题多卷一写作部分考试试题)

该题目要求考生对“教育的回报”进行论述。考生应从多角度论述教育带来的益处。由于涉及益处, 在文章中应大量呈现具有积极或褒义色彩的谓语部分, 例如:狭义上来说, 教育意味着a better job, a higher salary, a lower unemployment rate。广义上来, 说教育可以全民族和国家带来development和advancement。

3. 辩论策略

Spring Festival Gala on CCTV (2006年12月CET4写作部分考试试题)

该题目要求考生从正反两个方面进行论述, 即有些人喜欢在除夕观看春节晚会, 但是有些人提出取消春节晚会。在正面论述过的程中, 考生可以使用“文化”、“历史”等辩题, 即看春晚已经成为中国人的传统, 人们习惯了与家人在除夕夜围坐在电视机前看晚会。在反面论述的过程中, 考生可以从“事实”、“财务”等角度出发, 即近些年来春晚节目质量下降, 花销却逐年增多, 节目质量与经济投入不成正比。

4. 视角化、框架化和语篇再现策略

What Electives to Choose? (2007年12月CET4写作部分考试试题)

题目中的electives是选修课的意思, 可以判断出这篇作文要求考生以大学生的视角来阐述选择某些选修课的原因。四级考试的考生为在校大学生, 所以在写作过程中, 考生可以从自身出发, 写“我”选择选修课的标准, 或者写“我的同学”或“其他同学”选择了哪些课程。

5. 强化和弱化策略。

Free Admission to Museums (2009年6月CET4写作部分考试试题)

根据题目要求, 考生应在文章的第二个段落突出强调免费开放博物馆的所带来的问题。很多考生由于审题不清, 从正反两个方面进行论述, 即免费开放博物馆的优点和缺点。虽然正反观点的对比论述也是英语四级的重要考点之一, 但并不是本题目的考察内容。参考范文的第二个段落从三个方面论证了免费开放博物馆所带来的弊端, 强化了考点, 符合题目要求。


作为批评性话语分析的新兴分支, 语篇-历史方法在国内语言学界仍未得到广泛的应用。本文试图将该方法中的五大分析策略应用于大学英语四级写作的训练当中, 证实了该方法对英语写作教学具有一定的指导作用。


[1]Reisigl, M&Wodak, R.The Discourse-Historical Approach[A], in R.Wodak&M.Meyer (eds) , Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (2nd edition) [C].London:Sage, 2009.

[2]冯翠华.A Handbook of English Rhetorical Devices[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1995.

3.四级作文中常见的问题及对策 篇三

【关键词】英语 四级 作文





2分 — 条理不清、思路紊乱、语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。

5分 — 基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。

8分 — 基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字尚连贯;但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。

11分 — 切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。

14分 — 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语法错误。




2.汉语思维。汉语思维的负面影响主要体现在两个方面:字对字的翻译和环绕式的思维。比如red tea(红茶),people mountain people sea(人山人海)等就属于汉语思维的影响。而环绕式的思维让学生习惯于层层铺垫,把中心思想放在最后。换句话说,写作太“绕”。









[1]姜健.大学英语四级考试[M].济南:山东电子音像出版社, 2007.

[2]李庆明.英汉语言文化比较[M].西安:西北工业大学出版社, 2007.


4.四级作文 篇四

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况;2.一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性;3.如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。

On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life.But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another.As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members.On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study.On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any.Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.点评:“和谐”成为我们当今社会词频概率最高用词,就社会而言,倡导建立和谐社会;就家庭而言,提倡建设和谐家庭;就校园来讲,则要建立和谐校园;和谐两字似乎无所不在,大学生宿舍生活同样需要和谐。本预测题与四级考试热点密切相关,又为典型的校园生活主题,值得关注。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况;2.一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性;3.如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

5.四级英语作文 篇五




【范文】Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life.But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory will be disturbed in one way or another.As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members.On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study.On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.Firstly, you have to evaluate your life style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any.Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, you’ll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.Thirdly, you’ll have to share with each other and make good friends.In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.宿舍生活是大学生活不可或缺的一部分。但有时在宿舍的和谐将以某种方式干扰。众所周知,一个和谐的宿舍生活是很重要的,大学生和福利的所有成员。一方面,我们可以好好休息一下,把我们的心放在研究。另一方面,我们将有一个好心情,享受在一起。有几种方法可以创建和维护一个和谐的宿舍生活。首先,你必须评估你的生活方式和试图摆脱你的坏习惯,如果有任何。其次,当一个恼人的情况发生时,你得学会容忍对方和共存。第三,你必须与彼此分享并成为好朋友。总之,我们应该尽力建设一个和谐的宿舍生活为了良好的学习和良好的生活。1.:洋快餐颇受中国消费者的青睐

2.产生这种现象的原因 3.我的看法

【范文Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers.Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food.There are several reasons for its popularity.For one thing, it is fast and convenient.Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute.Precious time won’t be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive.For another, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurants, and American style.However, I think that fast food isn’t healthy enough because it doesn’t compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition.Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should turn to it only once in a while.快餐变得越来越受欢迎的在中国,尤其是在儿童和青少年。今天,没有什么是更具有代表性的现代社会的快节奏比快餐。快餐的流行有几个原因。首先,它是方便和快捷的。走进快餐店,和你的食物一会儿就准备好。宝贵的时间不会浪费在排队订购或等候在你的表为你的食物到达。另一方面,它的流行也归因于清洁食品、优质的服务和舒适的环境的快餐店,和美国的风格然而,我认为快餐是不健康的,因为它不足够组成一个均衡的饮食和低营养。快餐仅仅是一个好的选择当你匆忙,我们应该向它只偶尔。



3.如何正确看待社会实践【范文】Social practice is a bridge between their theory and reality.So, in recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school.In the social practice, students are sure to learn more than their textbooks.Their participation in social practice might strengthen their sense of social responsibility.Their close contact with the working people might help them to apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problem.But many teachers complain that there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study.In my view, it’s an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studies, especially when they fall into conflict.But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs.Timely participation in social practice will benefit them all through their life



3.你认为人们应如何保持心理健康【范文】 One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year.When you fail to manage these problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses.The causes of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another.In today’s society, a good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure.Others lack communication skills.In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit.There are a lot of ways to curb mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy.Firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problem and see whether you can do something to make a change.Secondly, learn to relax yourself and take exercise to release the pressure.Lastly, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner or friend about your problem, or seek support and advice from a psychological consultant.如何保持心理健康呢?

6.四级作文 篇六

(一)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the chart below, which shows the change in the percentage of readers who have got an experience of reading digital books between 2008 and 2015.You should summarize the chart first and then explain the reasons behind it.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.As is shown in the graph, the proportion of readers that experienced digital reading has risen constantly for 7 years from 2008 to 2015.On the initial stage, the percentage stayed at 24.5%.After that, it increased smoothly, from 24.6% to 40.3%.The percentage first reached over 50% in 2013, and it then climbed up sharply by 14% and finally reached its summit 64%.The growth of the ratio reveals a new trend that nowadays people prefer reading in a digital way.Behind the phenomenon are some reasons accounting for it.In the first place, the rapid development of technology brings more digital reading devices and books into our reach, which makes our reading handy and easy.What comes then is that people attach more importance to reading—whether it is reading from screens or from printed materials—as a way to acquire information which represents perhaps the greatest asset in a knowledge economy.In addition, the fast-paced life squeezes our chunks of time into pieces.There is no doubt that portable devices fit this circumstance better.To summarize, this trend will absolutely continue and our reading habit is bound to change with the advance of technology.点评:第一段对图表进行了描述。首句概括,接着是对每个阶段的详细描述。第二段深入分析了出现这种现象的原因,即外部原因科技和内部动因人们的求知欲,以及现代社会的碎片化。第三段总结,并作出预测。

initial意为最初的。当图表中表达上升趋势时,可用increase smoothly(平稳上升),climb up sharply(急速上升)来表达。summit为顶峰,峰值。表示比例的单词除了percentage,还有ratio。account for 是表示原因的动词词组。bring sth.into one’s reach表示触手可及。attach importance to sth.多用于主动和被动语态,表重视。asset 意为财产、资产、有价值的人或物。squeeze表示挤压。chunks of time表示大量的时间。

(二)Directions: Write a short essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the topic Studying in Colleges or Through Internet.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.As is vividly shown in the cartoon, a man is sitting beside a computer, saying that he believes studying via internet is better while the woman is against his opinion.With the popularity of online course, studying through internet draws our attention to the dilemma between traditional college education and jumped-up online education.Some people are in favor of studying via internet for its convenience and flexibility.Students can have courses without the restrictions of time and space.Also the flexibility of choosing courses can satisfy various requirements of students whose academic performance differ from each other.Others prefer studying in college because face-to-face courses make it easier for teachers to solve students’ puzzles and pass on more knowledge according to students’ interest.At the same time, students can be more engaged in the class.All in all, both ways of study bring us different benefits.We should make the most of different ways and have a better command of them.Only in this way can we study more efficiently and achieve a better academic performance.点评:第一段第一句话对图片进行了概括,第二句话由图画引出本文要讨论的主题。第二段分别从两方面讨论了大学学习和网络学习的优势。最后一段表明态度,即要充分利用二者的优点,将两者结合起来。

draw one’s attention表示吸引某人的注意力。dilemma表示进退维谷,两难境地。in favor of sth.常用来表示倾向于,前面和系动词搭配使用较多。flexibility表示弹性,灵活性,形容词为flexible,比如My schedule is quite flexible。satisfy表示满足,可以和requirement、interest、needs、desire等表示要求、欲望的宾语搭配。academic performance为固定搭配,表示学习成绩。puzzle意为疑问。pass on 表示传递,后面经常跟的宾语有knowledge、skill。make the most of sth.表示充分利用某事。

(三)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on whether college graduates should choose to be high-paid manual workers or low-paid white collar workers.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.From this picture, we can see the left one stands for the welfare of the migrant workers in which only one man stands, while the right one represents that of college graduates, where people squeeze with sweats to keep a foothold.There are two factors responsible for the phenomenon depicted in the picture.First, considering their long-term mental education, college students may think manual work is too hard and dull compared with mental work.Second, it’s quite natural that the students are affected by the hierarchy of jobs when making choices, for the sake of higher social status and more respect from others.From my perspective, in order to make the decision as rational as possible, college graduates should make their choices based mostly on their own interests and abilities rather than on the conventional judgment on different jobs.As a matter of fact, it’s your passion and contributions to the society that guarantee your job satisfaction.点评:第一段对两个图片进行了概述。第二段分析了出现这种现象的两个原因。第三段表明作者态度。

migrant workers字面意思为流动工人,是对农民工的委婉表达。squeeze with sweats to keep a foothold表示挥汗挤入求职市场以获得立足之地。depict表示描述,近义词还有show、display、demonstrate。affect表示影响,但通常表达不好的影响。hierarchy是等级的意思。social status 表示社会地位。

(四)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on Green Consumption.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1.绿色消费的概念在中国日渐流行;

2.日常生活中还存在很多不利于环境保护的消费行为; 3.如何解决这个问题。

Nowadays, a green wave of consumerism has swept through China.An increasing number of people tend to consider environmental issues while purchasing products.However, there are still many consuming deeds in our daily life, making it difficult to further promote green consumerism.For example, lack of economic sense have already lead to a massive waste of food, water, and other reusable materials, which not only consumed lots of products, but resulted in a sharp increase of greenhouse gases.Furthermore, many people still tend to use plastic bags rather than using a reusable cloth bag at the supermarket.The following ways can be employed to help push ahead with green consumerism.Firstly, the government is supposed to take measures to let consumers be well-informed of specific and practical ways to reduce their own greenhouse gas emission and know exactly how eco-friendly one certain consumer behavior is.Secondly, the manufacturers should strive to change consumers’ negative perception of their environmentally friendly products, many of which suffer an image problem.Thirdly, technological advances and government subsidies should be combined to cut the high price which poses the largest barrier to buying green products.Finally, more varieties of eco-friendly products should be developed to meet consumers’ increasing demands.点评:第一段交代背景。第二段指出仍然存在的问题,并举了两个例子说明。最后一段从提高消费者环保意识,提高绿色产品质量,降低绿色产品价格,丰富绿色产品种类四个方面提出解决办法。

sweep through 可指(事件、思想、信仰)迅速传播, 席卷, 文中用来表达绿色消费热潮席卷整个中国。a massive waste of sth.表示大量浪费某物。greenhouse gases意为温室气体,还有greenhouse effect,表示温室效应。plastic bags 和a reusable cloth bag 这里形成对比,一个指塑料袋,一个指可重复使用的布袋子,是环保高频词汇。push ahead with意为推动、推进,常与reform、initiative、scheme、plan等搭配。

(五)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Protect Privacy on Internet.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1.网络隐私的问题逐渐引起人们的关注; 2.举例说明网络隐私泄露带来的一些后果; 3.应该如何保护网络上的个人隐私。

With the applications of computer network, Internet privacy violations occur more frequently.The problem has caused people’s concern.Leakage of personal information online had led to widespread harassment across the country.Many people claimed they had been frequently harassed by anonymous messages, phone calls and spam after they filled out forms online that required personal information.Private information leakage, in more serious cases, threatens netizens’ property security.Some lawbreakers swindled netizens out of their savings.What’s worse, lawbreakers could abduct children and women through stealing their individual personal information.Recently, some criminal cases of abducting and trafficking women and children happened because victims’ personal information had leaked on Wechat.The governments should develop and implement more rigorous procedures and safeguards to protect people’s personal information.Most important of all, Internet users should be aware of the importance of protecting privacy and do not divulge privacy on Internet.Moreover, in order to have a safer Web experience, it is quite beneficial to take the time to read user agreements, set security features, add software and get a broad knowledge of many essential network security techniques.点评:第一段交代背景。第二段举例说明网络隐私泄露的后果。最后一段指出保护网络隐私的方法。

violation指侵犯,动词为violate, 可以跟的宾语有one’s interests。harass意为骚扰, 折磨。anonymous messages 指匿名信息。spam指垃圾邮件、电邮广告。匿名信件、垃圾邮件、电话推销都是网上个人信息泄露后最常遇到的骚扰形式。netizen由单词citizen和net 结合而来,指网络用户。lawbreaker是犯法者。swindle 指欺诈获取。在表达绑架诱拐时,abduct和traffick为高频词汇,受害人为victim。leak表示泄露,既可以泄露机密,也可以泄露气体、液体,如leak top secrets, leak poisonous gases。divulge在这里是leak的同义词,表示泄露。


1:As is vividly revealed in the picture above, _______.The picture reminds us of_______.(第一段描述图画。)Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration that _______.For example, _______.Therefore, when it comes to _______.(第二段揭示图画深层含义,并进行举例说明。)In a word, _______.Only in this way can we_______.(最后一段总结观点。)

2:The picture above is a vivid description of a phenomenon that _______.I do not think that _______.(第一段描述图画。)Firstly, _______.Secondly, _______.Last but not least, _______.(第二段发表个人对图画的看法。)To sum up, _______.(最后一段总结观点。)3:There is a widespread famous/humorous saying goes that _______.Funny as it is, the saying ironically/truly/faithfully reflects the fact that _______.(第一段引出话题,并进行简单评论。)Therefore, we must _______.And what’s more _______.For example, _______.Obviously, only with _______ can you_______.(第二段进一步陈述观点。)All in all/In conclusion/In general, _______.(最后一段总结观点。)

7.四级邀请函作文 篇七

语料库是指由自然、连续的语言运用文本或经过一定语言学信息标注组成的具有一定容量的电子文库。通过研究特定语言或群体的语料库, 可以分析、发现并总结出目标语言的一些重要特征。进入70年代以来, 随着一些大型和专业语料库的出现, 语料库语言学的发展重新焕发了生机。到目前, 语料库语言学已经成为现代语言学的一个重要的分支。对于语言学研究来说, 语料库语言学以真实的语言数据为研究对象, 通过对众多语言事实的概率分析, 总结出语言运用的规律, 从全新的角度揭示出自然语言的多样性和复杂性。语料库最早也是最基础的应用是在语言数据的频率统计方面, 如字频、词频、词类等的统计上。随着计算机技术和互联网的发展, 语料库在语言研究、语言教学和语言工程等方面得到了广泛的应用。

20世纪80年代, 以计算机语料库为载体的语言数据研究使语言学家和教师对语言的实际使用情况有更为详细和客观的研究。人们通过研究发现, 语言是由被称之为“词块”的大量程式化表达所构成。词块一词最早由美国语言学家Ellis提出, 随后众多语言学领域的学者对词块进行了多维度的研究, 并提出各自不同的定义甚至名称:词束 (lexical bundle) 、词汇短语 (lexical phrase) 、预制块 (prefabricated chunks) 等共计50余种。词块是学术论文中不可或缺的一部分, 英语学习者过少使用或过多使用某些词块将会对语言产出的地道性产生了负面的影响, 其被认为对于流畅会话和写作具有重要的作用。虽然相关研究成果众多, 但语言学界目前并未达成对词块定义的统一认识。然而, 国内外越来越多的研究者认识到词块对语言学习者的写作能力具有十分重要的意义。

学术英语是中国英语语料库的有机组成部分, 反映了中国英语变体的一个较为规范的侧面。基于大量可靠的数据, 系统地描述学术英语文本在词语运用、词语搭配、词块分布特征和典型特点, 不但能为学术英语文本的读者提供有用材料, 而且能对他们进行的或者进行过的学术英语写作提供积极反馈。同时, 也能为今后的相关研究提供可靠的语言数据库和资源库。作为学术英语的重要组成部分, 近年来不少学者对学生作文中的词块进行过相关研究, 为词块教学提供了宝贵的教学参考。

然而, 在总结之前写作词块的相关文献时发现, 以往的研究存在三个不足之处: (1) 大多数写作词块研究采用的语料是学生的随机话题作文, 作文量少, 统计不够客观; (2) 大部分写作词块研究研究对象为词块广度, 很少有人根据语法功能、语篇和语用功能对学生写作中的词块进行分类及统计; (3) 不少研究结果仅仅指出大学生写作时词块使用问题, 但未对原因进行探讨。本研究在分析整理大学英语英语四级作文相关词块的基础上, 旨在归纳大学英语四级学习者词块使用特点, 探讨其使用规律背后的深层次原因, 从而帮助参加大学英语四级考试的学生意识到词块学习的重要性, 利用所学词块知识写出较地道的四级作文, 提高英语综合素养。


(一) 研究思路

在英语书面语中, 词块占有很大的比例。大学英语学习者如果能提高词块使用意识, 就会逐渐减少写作时易出现的搭配错误, 提高语言表达的准确性。基于大量真实的四级作文文本, 本研究全面系统地描述大学英语四级作文中的词块使用特点及问题, 可以为大学英语教师及学生提供四级作文教与学的直接参考。具体而言, 本研究将从功能方面对CLEC语料库中的子语料库大学英语4级ST3中的四词词块进行分析整理。

(二) 语料库及词块的选择

本研究将采用中国学习者英语语料库CLEC。CLEC是由上海交通大学和广东外语外贸大学合作开发的一个学习者语料库 (桂诗春&杨惠中, 2003) , 收集了包括中学生ST2、大学英语4级ST3和6级ST4、专业英语低年级ST5和高年级ST5在内的5种学生的语料一百多万词, 并对言语失误进行标注。本研究中, 研究者将采用大学英语4级ST3子语料库。另外, 本研究将选取ST3子语料库中的所有四词词块, 四词词块介于二词词块和六词词块之间, 不管是从类符数和形符数足以满足研究需要。

(三) 研究方法

本研究将以以下步骤进行分析。第一步, 通过Antconc这一工具中的Cluster功能所需词块。第二步, 本研究分别从从结构方面和功能方面对四词词块进行分类筛选及数据分析。第三步, 探析研究结构背后的原因。


本研究将采取Biber, et al. (2004) 从功能方面对词块进行的分类方法。其分类方法如下:从语篇和语用方面, 词块可以分为四大类, 分别是:立场词块、组篇词块、指示词块和会话专用词块。立场词块有两类:一类是表达肯定的多词单位, 另一类是表达态度的多词单位, 如I think so。组篇词块也分为两类:引出话题的词块和对话题进行阐述的词块, 也就是用来建立上下文关系的词块, 如on the other hand。指示词块, 如in the form of等。会话专用词块指的是在会话中起礼貌、询问等语用意义的词块, 如you are welcome等。在对中国学习者英语语料库CLEC中词块进行提取后, 一共得到了175个合格4词词块, 在按照Biber, et al. (2004) 的功能类型进行分类后, 我们得到如下数据:

在进行功能词块筛查时, 仅49个词块符合功能词块特征, 因而其他词块在本节被人工删去, 我们的考察对象就缩小为49个词块。组篇词块出现次数为4词, 所占百分比为8.16%。立场词块, 出现次数为42, 所占比例为85.71%。指示词块出现次数为3, 所占比例为6.12%。会话专用词块出现次数为0。

立场词块在所选词块中出现次数为42, 所占比例为85.71%, 远远超过其他三类词块。在四级作文写作中, 学生要求发表自己的观点或态度, 因而, 这类词块的高频使用说明学生已经掌握了如何表达自己的立场这种写作手法, 不过大学生在表达立场时过于单一, 主观性太强。同时, 本研究将这类词块分为四大类:1) 第一人称立场词块, 如what should we do, I think we should;2) it+形容词+to/for/that态度词块, 如, it is important that, it is necessary for;3) 被动句态度词块, 如, It is said that, it is suggested that等。4) 第三人称立场词块, 如people always think that等。在这几类词块中, 第一类词块出现了16次, 第二类词块出现了9次, 第三类词块出现了3次, 第四类词块出现了8次。这一结果表明大学生在表达立场时, 倾向于使用第一人称词块, 来表达自己的主观性, 而被动类词块由于有较强的书面语色彩, 大学生很少使用。

组篇词块出现频率仅为4词, 这说明大学生不能很好的运用衔接类词块来增强文章的逻辑性和紧凑感。正因为如此, 不少学生所写的文章结构散乱, 没有逻辑性。这类词块需要在今后的学习和教学中加以重视。

指示词块在本研究中出现频率更低, 仅为3词, 而且, 类型也非常少, 这一点说明学习者不擅长使用指示性词块来联接上下文, 不擅长使用从句等长难句。这就要求学习者在今后的复习中, 加强词块的强化练习。

由于所选语料出自大学英语四级作文语料库, 会话专用词块在本研究中未发现。

总的来说, 英语学习者擅长使用主观性立场词块来表达立场及态度, 不过在使用时, 词块类型过于单一, 被动句使用过少。指示类词块和组篇词块出现频率过于偏低, 且类型较少。至于会话词块, 由于所选语料库的局限性, 此类词块不做探讨。


本研究通过对CLEC语料库中大学英语四级作文子语料库 (ST3) 的四词词块进行检索、整理及分析, 发现:从功能分类而言, 组篇词块出现次数为4词, 所占百分比为8.16%。立场词块, 出现次数为42, 所占比例为85.71%。指示词块出现次数为3, 所占比例为6.12%。会话专用词块出现次数为0。这一结果显示, 大学生很好的掌握了如何提出自己观点, 并且能对一社会现象或者问题发表自己的看法, 但是需要指出的是, 大学生使用立场词块时, 过多使用第一人称类词块, 被动类立场词块使用太少。另外, 大学英语四级学习者不能很好的使用组篇词块和指示词块来提高文章的逻辑性和连贯性。

通过从结构和功能方面对大学英语四级作文词块的分析, 出现了不少新的问题, 研究结果可以供教学参考: (1) 在教学过程中, 教师应该给学生讲解词块知识, 帮助学生扩大词汇量, 以促进英语教学; (2) 教师在教授英语写作时, 应当加大对功能词块的训练, 特别是组篇词块和指示词块; (3) 在进行词块训练时, 可以适当加强对“介词短语+内置of短语片段”, 以及“被动词+介词短语片段”的训练力度。本研究仅仅从功能和结构方面对四词词块进行了分类, 将来, 本研究将还拓展到2词块及6词词块的研究, 以更好的达到以研促教的效果。


[1]Biber, D., S.Johansson, G.Leech, S.Conrad&Finegan.Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1999.

[2]Biber, D., S.Conrad&V.Cortes.If you look at…:Lexical bundles in university teaching and textbooks[J].Applied Linguistics, 2004, 25 (3) :371-405.

[3]Wray, A.Formulaic Language and the Lexicon[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2002.

[4]桂诗春, 杨惠中.中国学习者英语语料库[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2003.

[5]马广惠.词块的界定、分类与识别[J].解放军外国语学院学报, 2011 (1) :1-4.

[6]卫乃兴.词语搭配的界定与研究体系[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2002.

[7]许家金, 许宗瑞.中国大学生英语口语中的互动话语词块研究[J].外语教学与研究, 2007 (6) :437-443.

[8]许先文.非英语专业研究生二语写作中的词块结构类型研究[J].外语界, 2010 (5) :42-47.

8.四级英语作文模版 篇八

Para.1.restate the phenomenon.As a student,I am strongly favor of it./ against it.The reasons are as follows.Para.2.In the first place,What’s more,…In addition,…Furthermore,…Besides,… Para.3.In conclusion,I believe that…

Some universities have a rule that freshmen cannot bring their own computer to the campus.As a freshmen,I am strongly against it..My reasons are as follows.In the first place, as is known tot all , computers play an important role in our daily life.We can use computer to search a lot of information, to do our homework, to get to know what is happening in the world.What’s more freshmen are adults.We can have self-control.For those who are addicted to computer games, even if they are not allowed to bring their own computer, they might go to the net bar to play games.In conclusion, it is useless and unnecessary to have this rule.正反观点类

Para.1.Recently we have a discussion about whether we should…(导入话题)。Our opinions are divided on this topic.Para2.Most of students are in favor of it.(正方观点)Here are the reasons.Firstly …Secondly …Finally…

Para.3.However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点)Their reasons are as follows.In the first place,What’s more,… In addition …

Para.4.Personally speaking, I support(个人观点)Therefore,…

Recently we have a discussion about this topic;To working for a big company or a small company: which is better?
