


1.老人与海英语原版书评 篇一















2.浅析原版电影与英语学习 篇二



作 者:刘延虹 LIU Yan-hong  作者单位:济南工程职业技术学院,山东济南,250014 刊 名:山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF SHANDONG ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTE SHANDONG ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL INSTITUTE 年,卷(期):2008 “”(1) 分类号:H319.3 关键词:原版电影   英语学习  英语教育  

3.老人与海英语原版书评 篇三




9/88-Present THE LAPIS CORPORATION,Pinesville,LA

Personnel Administrative Assistant

Maintained filles.

Prepared records for off-site storage.

Designed forms for archives.

Developed effective space management plan for on-site records.

Improved tracking system resulting in few lost files.

Handled employment verifications and designed forms to expedite process.

12/84-8/88 GLADE GROVE COLLEGE,Baton Rouge,LA

Records Coordinator for Development

Recorded gifts made to the college.

Maintained filles.


Translated data form. surveys into numerical code for data entry.

Edited computer printouts.

Performed quality control.


“Advantage” Coordinator (The “Advantage” is an auto dialer.)

Tested and programmed each unit.

Schedule site visits and installations.

Kept inventory.

Assisted customers with questions and problems.

4/71-5/72 Interviewer

Conducted public opinion surveys.


Biltmore College,Dallas,Texas 1972

Associates degree in Marketing.

References are available upon request.

Work experience is emphasized while limited education is de-em-phasized.

Clean layout makes resume easy to read.

4.老人与海英语原版书评 篇四

Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom-Review Written as an appeal to the salvation of soul, Tuesday with Morrie is an incredible treasure to the mankind.This book is published in the U.S.in 2006.This is a book about “the life’s greatest lessons” between a young man and an old man, the true experience of Mitch and his respecting professor.Regardless of their close friendship on the campus, Mitch, who “had become too wrapped up in the siren song of his own life”(Mitch, 2006, p.33)stayed out of touch with his teacher after graduation until it comes to the last moment, when Morrie was terminally sick.Due to a great coincidence, they reunited thankfully and Morrie brought back the true feelings in the dust-laden heart of Mitch.They started fourteen extraordinary lessons, during which they discussed the simple but ultimate issues of life.These lessons are sure to make the most important course one has to take.The words flow gently through people’s minds like a warm stream with twinkling sprays of thoughts.With the main lessons presented in a natural, plain dialogue mode, it reads entirely relaxed.Readers are absorbed into the scene, talking face-to-face with Morrie, asking the same questions that disturb them so much and gain spiritual enhancement over and over again.And it is not simply an aggregation of the conversations they have made.The structure is exquisitely designed with the main lessons and the backgrounds appearing alternatively.It remains intriguing and the coordination of the two parts make the affection it created far more impressed and long-lasting.In addition to helping people reconsider the real content and the significance of love, it is a terrific journey where readers are confronted directly with the death.There is no doubt that the mightiest part of the book is the combination of love and death.The two concepts have striking contrast but both contribute to the return of people’s soul.With death drawing near, people tend to think more and deeper.It is the best time for one to look back, evaluating his or her life in a completely different way.When people know they are bound to die, they are no longer engaged in the trifles around, they are no longer bothered by the huge appetite they have got for everything.And the material world just seems unimportant;they only want company and mental comfort from others.It is the only time that almost every human being can reexamine himself and knows the true feelings inside him.De.Montaigne and Steve Jobs have both spoken highly of the particular state of mind called “being-towards-death”.For them,being-towards-death means one can truly get rid of the daily routines and decide what really matters for him or her as well as the people around.And that is what makes this series of chicken soup a milestone in history.Another highlight is that Mitch faced up to himself bravely.It is estimable for him to spoke out his faults, revealing the cold, indifferent figure of himself.This big contrast and the great change of Mitch present people an overwhelming affection and drive people to reflect on themselves.As a book to refresh people’s soul, Tuesday with Morrie is absolutely perfect.The warmth of love and the depth of thought shock everybody.There is one little flaw, though.At the end of the book, it puts “Have you ever really had a teacher…If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find your way back.”(Mitch, 2006, p.192)Yet actually, unfair as the life is, quite few individuals can expect to have such enormous fortune to come across such a great mind in their life.For the majority, they are more likely to gain constant power from their inner world.It would be better if the author could express this idea in another way or maybe propose a more common method for the ordinary to create their own culture.At least it may not be so wisea to owe this too much to his teacher.Though this is also a book in memorial to Morrie, it is more crucial to pass on.And Morrie would be glad to see so, wouldn’t he? This may probably make the impact of the book more sustainable, not just a transitory passion, but a continuous one.Tuesday with Morrie is a profoundly heart-warming book which enables us to explore our love and inner passion.The unembarrassed love between Mitch and Morrie is to touch everyone, making us feel ashamed when we hold back our true feelings, making us feel guilty when we drop our dreams and stimulating us to love and gain the courage to say that our culture is wrong.And the reexamination of these beautiful concepts in the view of death pushes us to embrace our life and create our own culture.References:

Mitch, A.(2006), Tuesday with Morrie, New York, Anchors Books

5.《dear john》英语书评 篇五

After《Message in Bottle》 and 《Night in Rodanthe 》, Nicholas Sparks’ another fiction , 《dear john》,became the No.1 of New York Times Bestseller.As a book about pure love,《dear john》chooses a common tale, asking us a question : what dose “true love” mean? Everyone may have thought about this, but there’s no exact answer.Nicholas Sparks shows one, that is leave。

John grew up in a single-parent family.As an angry rebel, he dropped out of school and joined the Army, not knowing what else to do with his life until accidentally becoming acquainted with the pure, pleasant Savannah.Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the girl who captured his heart.John about to retire on, the two eventually punctuality when 9·11 Incident broke out, which changed everything.John feels it is his duty to relist.And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else.“Dear John,” the letter read...and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever.Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true love--and face the hardest decision of his life.Finding Savannah physically and mentally exhausted

because of the cancer of her husband, john donated most his money and left there silently with his true love for her.The hero a kind of love called great love or selfless love.He hope his lover happy instead of possess her.Sitting on the hill quietly, watchingSavannah and her recovered husband sweet and john felt satisfied。True love should like this , however, when he or she forsake us ,we may never tolerate that.《dear john》 not only brings us to aworldfilled with romantic, but leads us to think over our understanding of love.“if you ask what is nice romantic history? This is the most classical romantic history.” Peici Wu said.The magazine 《book list》 comment:Nicholas Sparks is absolutelymatched with his fame.《dear john》 is a best definition about brave and sacrifice.The book teach us what is love and how to love.
