1.东师附中八年级练习题 篇一
Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.一、What could we do if we want to help people in need?
1.打扫社区 clean up the community 3.给他们打电话 call them up5.修自行车 repair / fix up bikes7.张贴标语 put up signs
2.分发通知 give out/ hand out notices 4.照顾残疾人 care for the disabled 6.让孩子振奋 cheer up the kids 8.筹款 raise money
10.volunteer in an after-school study program
9.捐赠自行车give away bikes
1.想做某事 would like to do / want to do 3.决定做某事 decide to do
2.希望做某事 hope to do 4.努力做某事 try to do
6.帮助某人做某事 help sb.(to)do8.叫某人别做某事 ask sb.not to do 10.需要做某事 need to do
5.志愿做某事 volunteer to do
7.告诉某人别做某事tell sb.not to do9.有能力做某事 be able to do
三、other phrases
1.参加选拔 try out
2.旅行 go on a journey 4.孤单的人lonely people
6.有作用,有影响 make a difference
3.独自一人旅行 travel alone5.面对困难 face difficulties
7.用完 run out of8.相似 be similar to 9.擅长 be strong in
10.失聪儿童 deaf kids
1.——我希望在外面工作。——你可以帮着清洁城市公园。I hope to work outside.You could help to clean up the city parks.2.你可以请求医院让你看望小孩并使他们高兴。
You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up.3.我像我爸爸,他经常志愿帮助需要帮助的人。
I take after my father, who always volunteers to help people in need.Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.-1-
I’m strong in taking care of people, and I want to help out as a volunteer in your old people’s home.5.我周五下午有空帮忙。
I’m free to help on Friday afternoon.6.我需要想出一些办法来赚钱。
I need to come up with some ways of getting money.7.我们有一天都会老。
We are all going to be old one day.8.当我看到动物们渐好,看到它们主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出一种强烈的满足感。
I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.9.在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。
Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.10.通过做志愿者,我能做我喜欢做的事,同时又能帮助别人。
I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time by volunteering.11.四岁时她就能独自看书了。
She could read by herself at the age of four.12.有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有Lucky这条狗。
You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.13.我想感谢你捐钱给“动物帮手”组织。
I’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers.14.小狗Lucky对我的生活产生了重大影响。
Lucky makes a big difference to my life.15如果你愿意的话,我给你寄一张他的照片。
I’ll send you a photo of him if you like.16.花时间帮助需要的人是度过空闲时间的一个好方式。
Volunteering our time to help people in need is a good way to spend our free time
Clean-Up-Day is only two weeks from now.We can’t put off making a plan.If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.-2-
2.八年级(下)期末强化练习 篇二
A.-15 B.15 C.- D.
2.如图1,在Rt△ABC中,AB=BC=4,D为BC的中点,在AC边上存在一点E,连接ED、EB,则△BDE周长的最小值为( ).
3.如图2,在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,DE⊥BC,垂足为点E,连接AC交DE于点F,点G为AF的中点,∠ACD=2∠ACB.若DG=3、EC=1,则DE的长为( ).
4.小华的数学平时成绩为92分,期中成绩为90分,期末成绩为96分,若按3:3:4的比例计算总评成绩,则小华的数学总评成绩应为( ).
A.92 B.93 C.96 D.92.7
5.等式 成立的条件是 .
6.一个对角线长分别为6cm和8cm的菱形,顺次连接它的四边中点得到的四边形的面积是 .
7.如图3,已知矩形ABCD,AB在y轴上,AB=2,BC=3,点A的坐标为(0,1),在AD边上有一点E(2,1),过点E的直线与BC交于点F.若EF平分矩形ABCD的面积,则直线EF的解析式为 .
8.如图4,菱形OABC的顶点C的坐标为(3,4),顶点A在x轴的正半轴上.反比例函数y=(x>0)的图象经过顶点B,则k的值为 .
9.某班同学在希望工程献爱心的捐献活动中,将省下的零用钱捐给贫困山区的失学儿童,有15位同学捐了20元,20位同学捐了10元,3位同学捐了8元,10位同学捐了5元,2位同学捐了3元,则该班同学共捐款 元,平均捐款 元,其中众数是 元.
(1)线段CD表示轿车在途中停留了 h;
3.八年级物理练习题 篇三
1.一架天平的称量范围为0~1000g,用它可称下列哪个物体的质量( )
A.一头大象 B.一个苹果 C.一位学生 D.一辆汽车
2.关于质量和密度,下列说法中正确的是( )
C.冰 冻矿泉水完全熔化后,质量不变,密度变大
3.下列实例中,材料的选用与描述的物理属性不相符的是( )
4.关于粒子和宇宙,下列认识中正确的是( )
A. 红墨水在水中散开说明分子间有排斥力
B. 用鼻子嗅气味能鉴别醋和酱油表明分子在运动
C. 在水分子、 氢原子和电子中,尺度最小的是氢原子
D. 宇宙是一个有层次的天体结构系统,恒星是绝对不动的
5.如图的几个现象中,属于减小压强的是( )
A.蚊子的口器很尖 B.篆刻刀很锋利 C.破窗锤前段很尖 D.铁轨铺在枕木上
6.以下各例能够减小摩擦的是 ( )
4.生物八年级上册练习题 篇四
3.现有A、B、C、D四种动物,它们的分类情况是:A和B同“目”不同“科”,B和C同“科”不同“属”,D和A不在同一“目”中,你认为哪两种动物的共同特征最多?( )
A、A和B B、B和C C、D和A D、都一样
★ 初中八年级语文上册期中试题及答案
★ 八年级上册生物期中试卷
★ 五年级数学上册期中检测练习题
★ 八年级地理上册期中综合测试题
★ 八年级上册地理期中复习题有哪些
★ 四年级数学期中练习题
★ 语文第九册期中练习题
★ 初中八年级化学上册知识点
★ 初中英语教案八年级上册答案
5.八年级上册政治同步练习题 篇五
6.东师附中八年级练习题 篇六
1. It is i____ to eat a balanced diet.
2. I’m s____ to hear that your mother is ill.
3. She really needs some conversation p____!
4. I hope you f____ better soon.
5. ——What’s the m____, Judy?
——I have a sore throat.
1. There is ____ knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.
A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. everybody
2. Anna eats ____ food, so she is ____ fat.
A. much too; too muchB. much too; too many
C. too much; much tooD. too much; too many
3. Will you help me ____ the boy out of the water?
A. pullB. pushC. pickD. put
4. Granny often asks Emma ____ early in the morning.
A. get upB. to get up
C. getting upD. got up
5. Katherine loves the garden in spring because the flowers smell so____.
A. wellB. niceC. wonderfullyD. nicely
6. Harry Porter ____ carefully but ____ nothing outside.
A. listened; heardB. listened; listened
C. heard; heardD. heard; listened
7. Boys and girls really need a balance of ____ in food.
A. yin and yangB. work and life
C. eat and drinkD. out and in
8. Would you like to ____ the house ____ the furniture?
A. fill; ofB. full; withC. full; ofD. fill; with
9. I’ll go boating ____ it rains hard.
A. soB. evenC. even ifD. until
10. We will stay at home if it ____ tomorrow.
A. rainB. rainsC. is rainD. isn’t rain
11. In India, eating ____ the left hand is rude. Your left hand ____.
A. use; stay stillB. with; stay still
C. use; stays stillD. with; stays still
12. Cheese is much too ____ because there’s too much ____ in it.
A. fatten; fatB. fattening; fat
C. fattening; fattenD. fat; fatten
13. Eat a balanced diet ____ healthy.
A. to keepsB. to stayC. to giveD. keeping
14. ——I’m stressed out.(常识题)
——You should ____.
A. talk to everyoneB. listen to music
C. go to have dinnerD. drink some water
15. Elizabeth likes Chinese food, ____, noodles.
A. exampleB. such asC. for exampleD. as
1. How many ____(tooth) does an Australian koala have?
2. Because of his ____(ill) Joseph couldn’t pass the exam.
3. In Africa, the Chinese doctors have saved more than fifty thousand people’s ____(life).
4. The young soldier is running to the sea ____(quick).
5. The artist gives me a lot of ____(advice) on how to learn to draw.
6. Thursday is the ____(five) day of the week.
7. ——How are you feeling today?
——Oh, thanks. I’m feeling ____(well) now.
8. Alexander isn’t good at ____(speak) Japanese.
9. It’s difficult ____(sleep) at the hospital.
10. We hope Amanda ____(enjoy) living in Guangzhou.
give, take, stay, improve, find
1. Nobody ____ energetic all the time.
2. Please ____ this medicine three times a day.
3. A sore throat can ____ you a cough.
4. Did Doctor James ____ out Mrs Black’s trouble?
5. Although I try to work hard, my English doesn’t ____ much.
1. Mother often feels very tired and worried.(变为一般疑问句)
____ Mother often ____ very tired and worried?
2. I think you should go to the park with him.(变为否定句)
I ____ ____ you ____ ____ to the park with him.
3. The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.(改写句子,句意不变)
The box is ____ heavy for me ____ ____.
4. I have a headache.(就划线部分提问)
What’s ____ ____ with you?
5. Sara should eat hot yang foods like beef or lamb.(就划线部分提问)
____ ____ ____ ____ should Sara eat?
A. What can I do?
B. What should I eat?
C. What do you do?
D. What do you mean?
E. I’m not feeling well.
F. What’s the matter with you?
G. Do I have to take them before or after meals?
Henry: Doctor, __1__ I often feel tired. Yesterday I cleaned my room.
I had to rest every five minutes.
Doctor: There’s nothing much wrong with you, but I’m afraid you have a problem: you’re eating too much!
Henry: I don’t understand. __2__
Doctor: I mean you eat too much rich food and you don’t take enough exercise.
Henry: Oh, dear! You mean I’m too fat. __3__
Doctor: It’s very easy! If you want to become thin, you have to eat less food, and you have to take more exercise.
Henry: __4__
Doctor: Well, every day you can have more vegetables and fruit. If you do that, you can be thin.
Henry: No problem. __5__
Doctor: Before? After? No!You don’t understand! Not before or after meals—instead of them!
1. 如果你喉咙痛,就应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。
If you have ____ ____ ____, you should drink some hot tea with honey.
2. 今天早饭我奶奶没吃什么不好的东西。
My granny ate ____ ____ at breakfast.
3. 保持健康很容易,饮食均衡很重要。
It’s easy to stay healthy, and it’s important ____ ____ ____ ____
4. 我希望你在台北过得开心。
I hope you ____ ____ in Taipei.
5. 每个人都会疲倦,当你感到疲倦的时候,你不应该继续看书。
Everyone gets tired. When you ____ ____, you shouldn’t ____ ____ ____.
Some people eat to live, __1__ there are others who live to __2__.
To __3__ a long and __4__ life, we must learn to have a __5__ diet. A balanced __6__ simply means a bit of __7__.
A diet includes meat, fish, vegetables and __8__. If you watch your __9__, then you won’t have to suffer the __10__ of going on a diet.
1.A. butB. andC. thenD. or
2. A. workB. playC. eatD. drink
3. A. goB. comeC. eatD. live
4. A. badB. shortC. healthyD. poor
5. A. lotB. balancedC. bitD. different
6. A. foodB. eatC. liveD. diet
7. A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. food
8.A. foodB. fruitC. drinkD. bread
9.A. foodB. meatC. dietD. fish
10.A. illB. sickC. troubleD. pain
Do you think you are overweight?
I am getting fat. I work in an office and go there by car. I have good food, but I don’t have enough exercise… that’s how I get fat. My wife and I decided I had to do something about it. I don’t have much time for exercise because life is very busy. There are not many sports which you can play at home, either. Table tennis would be fine, but we don’t have room large enough. Then I heard of a book of exercises for people like me.
There are 5 different exercises. These are what you have to do.
Each of the exercises is done as many times as possible. The exercises get more difficult stage by stage. For women they are different. If you don’t get much exercise, you’ll enjoy them.
1. Life is very busy, so I ____.
A. am getting fat
B. don’t have any time
C. don’t have much time for exercises
D. work in an office
2. The book of exercises is for people who ____.
A. walk to work every day
B. don’t have large room in their house
C. like getting a lot of exercise
D. want to spend a short time on exercise every day
3. People take only ____ to do exercise.
A. a long timeB. ten minutes every day
C. a lot of moneyD. five minutes every day
4. The first exercise is ____ than the last.
A. more difficultB. more expensive
C. easierD. cheaper
5. The exercise will help people to ____.
A. get fatB. enjoy themselves
C. be kept fatD. stop getting fat
Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.
Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
6. Those who have big houses may often feel ____.
A. happyB. lonelyC. freeD. excited
7. When you fall down in a P. E. class, both your teacher and your classmates will ____.
A. laugh at youB. play jokes on you
C. quarrel with youD. help you up
8. What will your friends say to you when you make great progress? ____.
A. Oh, so do IB. Congratulations
C. Good luckD. It’s just so-so
9. Which idea is not right according to the passage? ____.
A. People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air
B. You can get help from others when you make mistakes
C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money
D. Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards you
10. Which of the following is this passage about? ____.
A. Bad luckB. Good luckC. HappinessD. Life
7.八年级下数学分式方程练习题 篇七
一、精心选一选 1.在xyy46,,中分式的个数有
24yxyA.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 2.下列各式是最简分式的是
4baa2b1A.B.C.D.2 8aba2axyb2a3.化简的结果是
()aaabA.a-b B.a+b C.4.下列各式与D.ababxy相等的是
()x22xA.X=2 B.x=-2 C.x=1 D.x=1或x=2 x296.若分式2的值为零,则x的值为
x4x3A.0 B.-3 C.3 D.3或-3
()24mA.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 8.若方程AB2x1,那么A、B的值为()x3x4(x3)(x4)A.2,1 B.1,2 C.1,1 D.-1,-1 9.若3x2y0,则x1等于
四、解下列方程 21.⑴
1a+2b2b2+22,其中a=-2,b= 24.先化简,再求值:(1)
3a+ba-b5x-44x+104x31 ⑵=-1
8.冀教版八年级英语上册练习题 篇八
1.Every class _________ fifty pupils.A.has
D.are 2.Jenny’s cousin arrives from the U.K._________ Wednesday.A.in
D.of 3.I like playing _________ violin but I dislike playing _________ football.A.a;the
D.the;/ 4.I’m not scared.Danny isn’t scared, _________.A.either
D.and 5.I want to buy _________.A.two piece of paper
B.two pieces of papers
C.two piece of papers
D.two pieces of paper 6.—Your coat looks very nice.—_________.A.You’re welcome B.Thank you
C.You’re right
D.No.thanks 7.—Your sweater looks nice.Is it _________ wool?
—Yes.And it’s _________ Shanghai.A.made of, made by
B.made of, made in C.made by, made for
D.made by, made from 8.There _________ a boy and two girls in the classroom now.A.is
D.have 14.This is _________ Smith.He comes from Canada.A.Ms.B.Mrs.C.Mr.D.Miss 9.—How long has your uncle lived in this city?
—_________.A.Last year
B.For six years
C.Next year
D.In 2007 10.Mr.Li has two children, one is a boy, _________ is a girl.A.other
B.the other
D.another 11.I’m very tired, but I still have _________ to do.A.lot of homework.B.too much homework C.too many homework
D.a lot of homeworks 12.—What ________ do you like best?
D.fruit 13.—What’s the time now?
—___________.A.It’s winter
B.It’s eight o’clock C.It’s Sunday
D.It’s October 14.You are so busy.What do you want me ________ for you?
A.to do
D.doing 15.My parents often make me ________ up early on Sundays.A.to get
D.got 16.They will have dinner in this restaurant this evening, _________ ?
A.are they
B.will they
C.won’t they
D.aren’t they 17.—Where can people borrow books?
—From the _________.A.restaurant
D.farm 18.—Is this your dictionary?
—No._________ is in the desk.A.His
D.Mine 19.National Day is coming.We’re all very _________.A.exciting
D.important 20.—The green dress looks so nice!
—If you like it, you can __________.A.try on it
B.try it on
C.try them on
D.try on them 21.—Happy birthday to you!
—_________.A.Thank you
B.The same to you
D.That’s all right 22.I have _________ to tell you.A.interesting something
B.interested something C.something interesting
D.something interested 23.—How far is your school from here?
—Not very far.It’s about fifteen _________walk.A.minute
D.minutes’ 24.My father ________ to go to work every day.A.by bus
B.take a bus
C.takes a bus
D.takes bus()25.—Who taught Sally Chinese?
—_________.She learned it by herself.A.Nobody
D.Everybody()26.Rose is a _________ girl.She does everything _________.A.careful;careful B.carefully;carefully C.careful;carefully D.carefully;careful()27.Wang Mei wants to _________ a singer when she grows up.A.turn
D.make()28.We don’t know _________.A.where does she live B.where she lives C.where she live
D.she lives where()29.—Sam is an English boy.—_________.A.So is Bob
B.So Bob is
C.Bob is so
D.Bob so is()30.Danny hopes _________ the film with us this evening.A.seeing
C.to see
D.see()31.—Where are you going next week?
—I’m going to the Great Wall, because China is famous _________ it.A.from
D.for()32.All my classmates want _________ something for our school.A.to do
D.did()33.—Why do you look tired today?
—_________ I went to bed too late last night.A.When
D.Until()34.Everyone was there _________ Jim yesterday, because he was ill.A.and
D.or()35.Yao Ming is a famous basketball player _________ is playing in NBA.A.whose
D.which()36.I _________ think Miss Li _________ help you with your English.A.don’t;can
D.don’t;can’t()37.Our teachers always tell us _________ more English in and out of class.A.speak
C.to speak
D.speaking()38.Jenny is _________ taller than Kate.A.very B.much C.so
D.too()39.If it _________, we will have a picnic(野餐)tomorrow.A.rains
B.will rain
C.doesn’t rain
D.won’t rain()40.—Does Bob like playing football?
—_________.He likes playing basketball.A.No, he doesn’t
B.Yes, he does C.No, he does
D.Yes, he doesn’t()41._________ he could do it the next day.A.May be B.Maybe C.May is
D.Can()42.—Would you like to come to my house tomorrow?
— A.I would like
B.Yes, I would like
C.Yes, I’d love to
D.No, I’d love to()43.My new classmates is a girl _________ Betty.A.is called
C.is named
D.named()44.Here _________ some advice for you.A.is B.are C.has D.have()45.Li Lei is _________ excellent student.He is good at his lessons.A.the
D.an()46.—Hello!May I speak to Jim, please?
—___________.A.I’m her B.This is Jim speaking C.I’m Jim speaking
D.My name is Jim()47.—May I use your computer this afternoon?
—OK.___________.A.No problem
B.I’m not sure
C.The same to you
D.Let me try()48.—You speak French very well.—___________.A.Yes, please
B.I’d love to
C.Thank you
D.It doesn’t matter()49.—________? I did not understand what you said.—Ok!I’ll speak more slowly.A.I’m Ok
D.Excuse()50._________ is fun and I love it.A.Dance
D.Danced()51.—How many people are there in your city?
—It’s hard to say._________ people, I think.A.Million of B.Two millions C.Two million
D.Two million of()52.He translated the Chinese sentences _________ English.A.at
D.into()53.—When did you come to China?
—__________.A.In two months B.About two months C.Two months ago
D.For two months()54.He often helps me _________ my room.A.clean
D.cleaned()55.—Do you know the man _________ is sitting behind Grace?
—Oh, he is my uncle.A.what
D.Where()56.—Thank you for giving me _________ I wanted.—You are welcome.A.the information B.an information
C.the informations
D.informations()57.—What’s your mother’s __________?
—She is a nurse.A.age
D.job()58.—You look very __________.Why?
—Didn’t you hear(听到)the ________ news?
D.excited;exciting()59.I want to _________ some new words in the dictionary.A.looked at
B.look up
C.looked for
D.look after()60.Peter stopped ________ his clothes and went out for a walk.A.washing
B.to washing
D.wash()61.—Mrs.Green found it hard to _________ well with her daughter.—That’s really a big problem.A.say
D.listen()62.The teacher encourage us _________ English as much as possible.A.speaking
C.to speak
D.spoke()63.Miss Wang asked me to write _________ article on how to learn English.A.has
D.a()64.We shouldn’t _________ these poor children and we should help them.A.look after
B.think of
C.know about
D.laugh at()65.It’s not easy _________ everyone to keep healthy.A.for
D.at 二.正确词形填空
1.—How is the weather today?
—It’s ___________(rain)and cool.2.Danny’s feet are ___________(big)than Li Ming’s.3.His classmates laughed ____________(loud)in the classroom.4.Sports help people to keep ___________(health).5.Today is my daughter’s ___________(nine)birthday.6.Autumn is the __________(good)season of the year.7.It’s about twenty ____________(minute)walk from here.8.This is my book.___________(you)is over there.9.I don’t know which dress ___________(buy).10.I hear that Paris is beautiful.How about ___________(go)there for our holiday? 11.Look!They _____________(listen)to the teacher.12.Thank you for ____________ to my party.(come)13.My mother ____________(take)me to a supermarket and bought me a hat last Sunday.14.Li Ming has invited me ___________(go)to the movie.15.____________(walk)after supper is good for you.16.Let’s stop _____________(work)and have a rest.17.It’s very important for us ______________(learn)English well.18.All of our teachers makes us ____________(study)very hard in our school.19.Each of us ____________(have)an English-Chinese dictionary.20.We will ___________(play)football this afternoon.21.My dream is ________________(become)a good English teacher.22.We ________________(have)an English exam next Monday.23.I hope ______________(be)a doctor.24.I think your ______________(predict)is exciting.25.It’s fun ______________(look)after the little baby.26.My father makes me _______________(play)the violin every night.27.My sister is good at _______________(speak)English.28.Please tell them _______________(finish)the work as soon as possible.29.Our teacher often encourages us ______________(work)hard.30.Hello!This is Kate _____________(speak).31.I can’t hear you clearly.Please speak more _______________(slow).32.Meimei draws very _____________(good).33.Would you like ______________(play)football with my friends and I tomorrow? 34.If you have decided(决定)to do something, you should keep ______________(work)on it.35.It’s hard ________________(understand)this passage.36.Jessica comes from a ________________(west)country.37.He ______________(study)in Germany(德国)two years ago.38.I don’t know how _______________(make)a sentence in English.39.Mr.Liu will teach _______________(we)English next term.40.Which class has the ________________(many)children in that school? 41.It took the Chinese people eight years ________________(build)the Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝).42.I _______________(teach)at this school since I moved here in 2000.43.He needs _______________(practice)English every day.44.Ask him ______________(speak)slowly.I can’t follow him.45.Lily always gives me some ____________(advice).46.Mary’s brother is much ____________(tall)this year.47.How many ______________(teacher)are there in your school? 48.The backpack is not mine, not _______________(she).49.It is cold and _______________(snow)today.50.Her painting is much ______________(good)than mine.51.Some of your ______________(picture)are beautiful.52.Mr.Green _____________(teach)us English for two years.53.______________(not be)late for class next time!54.You don’t need ______________(arrive)so early every morning.55.There are rows of books on these _______________(shelf).56.—What are you doing?
—I _____________(look)for my bike.57.I think the nice skirt is ______________(Jenny).58.Can you see ______________(some)ducks in the river? 59.Please _____________(loud).I can’t hear you.60.Let’s stop _____________(work)and have a rest.61.Mr.Green _______________(teach)us history since last year.62.It’s very important for us ______________(learn)English well.63.He hopes ______________(be)the CEO of a big computer company in the future.64.All of our teachers makes us ______________(study)very hard in our school.65.We will _____________(play)football this afternoon.66.Danny, Jenny and Brian are _____________(have)lunch now.67.Please ______________(turn)out the light.68.I don’t know why he is _____________(call)Irfan.69.Each of us ______________(have)an English-Chinese dictionary.70.That bicycle isn’t Zhuo Ma’s, It’s _____________(my).三.句型转换
1.They laughed at Gina because her shoes were too old.(对划线部分提问)
____________ ___________ they ___________ at Gina? 2.Mr.Liu has lived in London for ten years.(对划线部分提问)
____________ ___________ ___________ Mr.Liu __________ in London 3.Turn out the lights.(改为否定句)___________ ___________ out the lights.4.It’s time for lunch.(改为同义句)
It’s time ___________ ___________ lunch.5.Let’s go into the post office.(完成反意疑问句)
Let’s go into the post office, ___________ ___________? 6.This is very good advice.(改为感叹句)
__________ __________ the advice is!7.I need to learn a lot in school.(改为一般疑问句)
__________ you __________ to learn a lot in school? 8.He gave me many photos.(改为同义句)
He gave many photos __________ __________.9.Lily is 18 years old.(对划线部分提问)
___________ __________ is Lily? 10.Li Ming has never eaten hamburgers.(改为反意疑问句)
Li Ming has never eaten hamburgers, ___________ ___________? 11.Mary does her homework at school every day.(改为否定句)
Mary __________ __________ her homework at school every day.12.Everybody is sitting in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)
___________ __________ everybody sitting? 13.I think he can arrive here on time.(改为否定句)
I __________ __________ he __________ arrive here on time.14.Education is very important for children.(改为感叹句)
_____________ ____________ education is for children!15.To use English every day is important for us.(改为同义句)
__________ __________ _____________ for us ___________ __________ English every day.16.I think you would like to read it.(改为否定句)
I ____________ ____________ you ____________ like to read it.17.The students are learning to speak English.(对划线部分提问)
_____________ _____________ the students _____________? 18.He went to the zoo yesterday because he wanted to watch the animals.(对划线部分提问)
_____________ _____________ he _____________ ____________ the zoo yesterday? 19.The workers have built many built many buildings before.(改为一般疑问句)
_____________ the workers _____________ many buildings before? 四.完成句子
Li Ming ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________.2.你知道现在几点了吗?
Do you know ___________ __________ __________ __________ now? 3.是该上学的时间了。
It’s ____________ ____________ ____________ to _____________.4.打扰一下,你能告诉我去邮局的路怎么走吗?
Excuse me, can you ____________me ____________ ____________ ____________ the post office? 5.我不想上学迟到。
I don’t want ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ school.6.有时谈论战争是十分可怕的。
Sometimes it’s very ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ the war(战争).7.昨天我在会上做了一次很好的演讲。
Yesterday I ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ in the meeting.8.我喜欢玩电脑游戏。我弟弟也是。
I like playing computer games, ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________.9.你的家庭是贫穷还是富有?
Is your family ___________ ___________ ___________ ? 10.长大了我要去帮助生病的人。
I want to help the people _____________ ____________ ____________ when I grow up.11.我有一个好主意,你们想知道吗?
I _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________.Do you want to know it? 12.我可以和吉姆通话吗?
May I _____________ _____________ Jim, please? 13.你经常给你的父亲打电话吗?
Do you often _____________ _____________ _____________ to your father? 14.记住给你妈妈写信。
Remember to _____________ _____________ your mother? 15.我想更多地了解我的笔友。I want to _____________ ____________ ____________my pen pal.16.我的老师告诉我要学好英语。
My teacher told me _______________ _______________ English _______________.17.你可以在词典中查找它们。You can ____________ ____________ ___________ in the dictionary.18.我最喜欢的学习英语的方式就是看电视和电影。
My favourite way ____________ ____________ English is ____________ TV and movies.19.老师进来的时候,他们停止了谈话。
When the teacher came in, they ______________ _________ 20.李明擅长英语。
Li Ming ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________.21.我经常在数学上帮助他。
I often ____________ ____________ _____________ his ____________.22.我最喜欢音乐。_____________ ____________ ____________ ___________.23.请不要把灯关掉。____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ the light.24.你知道现在几点了吗? Do you know ___________ __________ __________ __________ now? 25.老师准备谈论美术。The teacher is ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ art.26.那个男孩子穿着短裤和衬衫。
That boy is ___________ shorts ___________ a shirt.27.他们正在寻找莉萨。
They ____________ ____________ ____________ Lisa.28.上星期天老师带我们去长城了。
Last Sunday our teacher ___________ ___________ to the Great Wall.29.是该上学的时间了。
It’s ____________ ____________ ____________ to _____________.五.句子改错
1.May I ask you the way of the post office?
2.There is a lot of bookstores in the city.3.Soccer makes the boy thirsty, isn’t it?
_ 4.Do you like playing piano?
5.Wang Mei is good at sing English songs.6.Look!There are apple trees in the front of the house.7.The post office is about two hundreds metres away from our school.8.I have much animal toys in my room.9.I don’t know what to do it.10.Please write a letter with English.六.书面表达