


1.九年级英语仁爱版上册 篇一

I. 重点词组

1. not only…but also… 不仅……而且……

2. be supposed to 应该

3. ought to 应该

4. turn off 关掉

5. instead of 代替

6. on time 准时

7. make sure 确保

8. push forward向前推

9. push down 向下

10.pull up 向上拉

II. 重点句型

1. For example, we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.


2. Everyone is supposed to do that.每个人都有义务那样做.

3. First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.首先, 你离开房间时应该随手关灯。

4. Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。

5. Well, actions speak louder than words.嗯, 百说不如一做。

6. There will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, so make sure you go to bed early tonight.


III. 语法



常用的并列连词有:and, or, but, while, not only… but also

e.g. 1. The river is dirty and the temperature of the earth is rising.

2. They work well, but they are slow and can’t run for long.

2.九年级英语仁爱版上册 篇二


“仁爱版”教材是根据《初中英语课程标准》编写的, 教材图文并茂, 内容贴近现实生活, 使学生能够通过亲身的参与和实践, 感悟和体验英语, 进而逐步获得语言运用能力。教材采用任务型语言教学模式, 融话题、交际功能和语言结构于一体, 在学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等素养整体发展的基础之上, 注重培养学生的综合语言运用能力。它的独特之处是话题构成了每个单元的核心, 每个话题在结束时都安排一个由单个学生或小组或整个班级参与的活动, 这些设计活动使得学生的学习有一个明确的目标, 学习更具有连贯性。


在教学实际中, 有的老师感到使用“仁爱版”教材是一个很大的挑战:教材的词汇量太大, 教材内容多, 考查范围广, 课文例文与交际话题侧重于城市学生生活, 这可能对于农村学生来说一时难以适应;课时少, 要求高, 每节课的教学内容经常完成不了;教材的操作难度大, 加大了教师的备课与授课难度, 教材每个单元中以开放性练习或任务给习惯了被动学习的学生带来了一定困难;随着教学的深入, 两极分化越来越严重。改变这一现象, 我们需要正确处理和使用教材。


在满足课程标准基本要求的前提下, 我们需要根据学生的能力和语言基础对教材的内容进行整合和选择, 对教材内容进行适当的补充, 在不影响教材的完整性和系统性的情况下, 要善于结合教学实际的需要, 灵活地和有创造性地使用教材, 对教材的内容、编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。我觉得可以先化难为易, 体验感悟;还要多向思维, 开拓思路。我们在处理教材时可根据教学需要, 对教材内容进行适当补充, 达到增强效果的作用, 同时也要考虑到教材的自主、合作、探究性。比如可利用网络查找相关知识, 拓宽学生视野。在学习八年级Unit 1 Topic 1“最喜欢的篮球运动员”时, 由于同学们对于NBA有所了解, 可布置课外作业搜寻有关NBA球员的信息并于下节课向其他同学讲讲, 从而激发学生的参与兴趣, 让学生学会有效地利用学习资源。在教材中, 教学活动的难度过高或过低的现象时有发生。如果我们认为某个活动太难, 就可以增加几个准备性或提示性的步骤, 从而降低活动的难度;如果活动太容易, 就可以对原有的活动进行延伸。比如:在阅读理解的基础上展开讨论或辩论、增加词汇训练或进行写作训练等;活化教材, 化静为动也是我常用的一种方法。新教材的呈现方式是多种多样的, 在整合教材时, 我们不必局限于教师讲的方式, 应设法改变教材的呈现方式, 可以采用对话、图片、录像、做游戏、讲故事、唱歌曲等多种方式, 化抽象为具体。比如:在学习八年级Unit4 Topic 2 Section B与学生讨论现代科技之谜———UFO时, 由于教学无法通过学生的经验学得新的内容, 因而我们可利用多媒体辅助教学, 播放关于UFO的图片或影像引入话题, 以视觉和听觉的强烈感染打动学生, 为学生的影评做铺垫, 这势必能提高学生的乐趣, 增强体验效果。活化教材还体现在改变学生的学习方式, 让学生积极参与、自主学习、合作探究, 通过做调查、填表格、做报告等小组活动发挥学生自主学习性;有时, 顺序的调整也是整合的必要手段。新教材的编排有些是与课堂教学实际有距离的, 适当地调整顺序就成为必然。教材每课通常由Work alone, Listen and follow;Read and say;Read and understand等几个部分组成, 我们在教学中可适当调整这几部分内容, 使之形成一个有机的整体。教材中有一个内容相关的模块, 如果在延续性和难度等方面没有太大的问题, 就可以提前学习这个模块。例如八年级Unit1 Topic 1时, Topic 2、Pair work可提供一些有关运动的图片进行问和答, 再让学生谈谈自己日常生活中常进行的一些体育运动。把教材内容与现实生活联系起来, 有利于激发学生的学习动机, 也有利于提高学生的学习效率。

3.仁爱版初中英语词汇教学策略浅析 篇三

关键词 英语词汇 教学策略

中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2016)14-0021-02



在具体的教学过程中教师要让学生像记生字那样巧妙掌握方法,设法培养他们记单词的积极性。例如,在七年级入学阶段,我们指导学生学习“Good morning”时要让学生提高兴趣,我们可以说“早上好”三个字,而英语才两个词,从笔画和字母来说,英语都要简单点,这样可以提高学生学习词汇的兴趣。另外就要让学生学会用小笔记本、手机等随身复习巩固学过的单词,这样他们逐步增加词汇量就会产生积极主动的学习动力。


词汇教学一定要结合语境,避免孤立的教单词。我们的仁爱版教材好多都是附有彩色图画的,在教学过程中教师就要善于把句子与图画情景结合起来,再分析句子的词汇结构。特别是应用一些恰当的故事来加深学生对词汇的掌握有很大的作用。当前的“电子白板”在词汇教学中的作用就很大,我们可以利用各种动画来辅助教学而提高学生对词汇的掌握。利用媒体来创建语境非常的合适,特别是词汇的发音是非常有利用价值的。通过语境创设,学生有了兴趣,教师再乘热打铁,使学生真正学会生词的含义和基本用法。另外,充分运用故事情景来提高学生对单词的掌握程度很重要。在教学中还可以利用有效的教具实施情景设置。在教单词home、room、house、building等词时,我就把单词所表达的事物设计出一个课件,当屏幕上出现了形象逼真、色彩鲜艳的画面时,学生的注意力马上集中到了屏幕上,这时,我就趁机教学What's this/that. It's… There is a…反复几次学生不仅掌握了单词拼读,理解了词义,还练会了What's this/that. It's… There is a…的句型。








按照新课程标准,教师要充分运用英语来跟学生对话交流,从各个方面来提高其英语综合运用能力,其中英语表达是提高词汇这个基础关的动力。英语解释法正符合了听、说向大脑输入大量语言材料的要求。如可以这样解释下列单词:(1)supermarket:a place where you can buy many things;(2)visit:go to see sb or some places ;(3)animals:Dogs and cats are animals .当然用简单英语解释英语单词要求教师在课前做一定的收集工作去查找最简单的词汇,同时可配合一些肢体语言来解释。




4.九年级英语仁爱版上册 篇四

1. 掌握p60-61页单词: cheer up , clean up, homeless, hunger, give out, put off, set up

2. 学会用英语提供帮助


task1: 小组自学单词并背诵



1. the kind man always helps the h_______ children.

2. we often see the s_________ of “no smoking” in public places.

3. the city library was e________ three months ago.

4. around fifty people die of h_______ every day in the camp.

5. if you wait to sell your old sofa, why not put an a_______ in the local paper?

task2: 小组讨论用什么方法帮助别人

task3: 听录音,完成课本1b, 2a, 2b 听力任务

task4: 大声朗科听力材料

task5: 学生分角色表演3b.


1. will you help ___________ (clean) up the classroom?

2. tom could put off ______ (make) that plan.

3. clean-up _________ (day) is only two weeks from now.

4. we need ___________ (come) up with some ________ (idea).

5. they plan ___________ (buy) a big house.

6. _________(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly.


一. 单项选择

1.the class room is so dirty, i decided ____________.

a.clean it up b. to clean it up c. clean up it

2. you should visit the sick kids to __________.

a. cheer up them b. laugh at them c. cheer them up d. take after them

3. we have to _______ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.

a. put up b. put off c. put up d. put down

4. we have to put off ______ plans for the vacation.

a. make b. to make c. making d. made

5. the teacher is giving ______ the new books to the student.

a. to b. out c. in d. off

unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks.

第2课时 编写: 郝玉平时间:


1. 掌握p62-63 单词: major , coach, take after, similar, fix up, repair, think up

2. 讨论作为一名志愿者应该做什么


task1: 小组自学单词


1. the students plan _____ (buy) some flowers for miss wang.

2. the old man is an expert. he can r________ kinds of machines.

3. my clothes seem s_______ to bob’s because we like the same design.

4. the radio should be f________.

task2: 1.快速阅读3a掌握大意

2. 朗读短文,小组讨论遇到的问题


task3: 合作探究


5.九年级英语仁爱版上册 篇五

Unit2 Topic2 All these problems are very serious section A



大家好!我是来自英语科组的参赛者伍世华。今天我说课的题目是九年级英语Unit 2 Topic2 All these problems are very serious section A。本次说课我将从五个方面向大家进行介绍,分别是:教材分析、教法分析、学法指导以及教学程序,板书说明,首先我说的是教材分析部分。



本课是仁爱版英语九年级上册第二单元第二话题Section A的内容。本课是这个topic的开篇,主要以口语、听力练习、新知为主。通过谈论天气这一话题,得出环境问题越来严重以及提出相关的保护措施-------种树plant trees,得知树木可以防风固土,防水土流失等作用,从而教育学生爱护环境,并为下面的学习做铺垫。




(1)知识目标:通过本课的学习,学生掌握一些词汇和语法知识,如,stop from doing sth;while的用法;动名词作主语,让步状语的用法等,这是本节课所要达到的知识目标。







2,学生会正确运用对话中的重要短语和一些语法知识,如stop......from doing sth;while的正确用法等。












第一步: 复习导入

a,播放本册书中的unit2topic1sectionA1a的影片。问题:what are they talking about?




播放完毕之后,老师提问:what are they talking about?让学生独自思考并回答问题。这样也在无形当中引导学生运用了自主学习法。因为视频短片内容简单,贴近生活,是学生已经学过的知识,所以大部分学生可以理解并回答这道问题。在提问学生时,适当照顾基础较薄弱的学生,并及时给予肯定并表扬学生,给学生信心,从而使学生有动力,兴趣继续往下学。在学生回答问题的时候,鼓励学生多说英语,可以用英语回答的尽量用英语回答,不能的用中文,并让会用英语回答的学生进行补充。这样做可以训练学生的英语口语能力以及中英互译的反应能力,达到让学生多说英语的目的。

讨论 T:what should we do to protect the environment?




当学生们说到plant more trees(多种树)的时候T:why we should plant more trees?What are the functions of trees?接着顺理成章进入第二环节——新授。

第二步:新授unit2 topic2 section A

a,听录音1a第一遍,回答问题并可对答案。Question:The boys and girls are talking about_______?

A,different types of sandstorms

B,the reasons for sandstorms

C,sandstorms in different cities 情境意义:这我使用了听力训练法,听录音是学习英语的重要方法,也是语言的重要技能,学生通过听可以感知对话内容。学生则是独立完成学习任务,给予学生独立思考的空间。让学生带着问题听录音,并回答问题,达到对课文对话内容的初步理解的目的。










本课的知识点: 感叹句,while的用法,change......into,stop......from

doing sth.,wash......away,blow......away,动名次作主语,让步状语though的用法等。






第四部步 a,练习:

()1.The Green Great Wall can stop the wind_____ blowing the earth away.A.to


D.with()2.We must plant more trees after we _____ every year.A.take away them B.take them away C.cut



them D.cut them down()3._____Liang Li is very busy,she always helps others.A.But

D.Because()4.He is tall, _____ his son is short.A.when

D.and()5.I met my teacher _____ I was walking in the street, but I didn’t say hello to him.A.before











最后,为了让学生能巩固本堂课所学内容,我将布置作业,让学生结合实际谈谈环境问题、写一篇题为“My Ideal School”的作文作为课堂延伸。这个作业能使学生的学习都面向现实生活,从而增强学生的环保意识,达到本节课的情感目标。

6.仁爱九年级上册英语课件 篇六

Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.

Section A

The main activities are 1a and

2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands


1. Learn some new words and useful expressions:

cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson

2. Learn the present perfect tense:

You have just come back from your hometown.

Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.

By the way, where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer…

3. Learn some functional sentences:

I felt sorry for them.

There goes the bell.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)


T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Let’s begin our class! (老师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes the bell,板书bell,要求学生掌握)


Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holidays?

Ss: Yes.

T: (问其中一学生)Hi, Li Xueqing, where did you go during your summer holiday?

S1: I went to my grandparents’ home.

T: What did you do there?

S1: I went fishing, swimming and so on.

T: Wang Xue, where did you go?

S2: I went to West Lake with my father.

T: Wow! West Lake is a beautiful place. What did you do there?

S2: I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, took photos and bought many beautiful cards.

T: Li Yang, what about you?

S3: I had to stay at home to help my mother with the housework.

T: Oh. I feel glad for what you did, and I think you’re a good girl. You’re helpful. S4, did you go to summer classes?

S4: Yes. I did. I went to an English training school to improve my English. I think the English training school is a nice place for me to improve my English.

T: The English training school is a proper place to improve your English.



Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)

1. (创设对话情境。Mr. Smith组织Class 2去野营。在校门口集合时发现Jim没来。对话呈现have/hhas gone to…,完成2。)

Smith: Hello! Everyone. Are we all here?

Ss: No, Jim isn’t here.

Smith: Do you know where he is?(教师帮助学生用has gone to和volunteer回答。)

Ss: Yes. He has gone to Beijing to be a volunteer for the Olympics.

(板书volunteer,让学生猜出意思。然后板书have/has gone to,解释并稍加操练。)


have/has gone to …

(星期一Jim返回学校,Mr. Smith和Jim展开对话,呈现have/has been to …)

Jim: Good morning, Mr. Smith.

Smith: Good morning, Jim. You have just come back from Beijing. How was your trip?

Jim: Cool! And I have been to many places of interest.

(教师可用简笔画呈现have/has been to和have/has gone to,并讲解它们的区别。)

He has been to school.

He has gone to school.

2. T: Mr. Smith and his class had a good time. By the way, do you know what Rita, Jane and Kangkang did during the holiday?

(板书by the way,要求学生掌握)

by the way

T: Now, listen to 1a. Kangkang and his friends are talking about their different experiences

during their holidays. Pay attention to what they have done.


T: From 1a, we know someone has just come back from India. Who is she, Sally or Rita?

(教师加重语气读has just come back。)



T: Yes. You have the right answer. Rita has been to her hometown in India in her summer holiday. But now she is in China. We can say she has been to India. Where has Jane been?

S2: Mount Huang.


T: Yes. She has been to Mount Huang. Where has Kangkang been?

S3: He has been to an English training school.

3. (重放课文1a录音,核对答案,板书并领读生词cruel,要求学生掌握。)

T: Listen to the tape again. And then talk about what they have done.

(多媒体展示康康、简、丽塔和玛丽亚的图像和has been to。让学生再听一遍对话,教师引导学生用现在完成时说出四人分别在暑假中的活动。)

S4: Kangkang has been to…

Rita has been to…

Jane has been to…


T: They are as old as you. What were they doing?

S4: They were working. They looked so tired and thin.

T: Rita saw them working for a cruel boss in her hometown in India. They couldn’t go to school. They lived a poor life. I felt sorry for them.



Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)

1. T: Now, open your books. Please read 1a. And then fill in the chart in 1b, according to 1a.


(学生独立完成1b的表格。教师检查学生所填内容,然后学生口头汇报,巩固现在完成时have / has been to 这一基本句型。)

2. T: Kangkang has been to an English training school to improve his English. Rita has been to India. What about you? Where have you been?And what did you do?Please work in groups to talk about your summer holidays.


T: Who will try to act it out in front of class?


For example:

S1: I have been to West Lake.

S2: (指S1问S3) Where has he/she been?

S3: He/She has been to West Lake.

S2: (问S1) What did you do there?

S1: I went boating on the lake.

S2: (指S1问S3) What did he/she do there?

S3: He/She went boating there.


Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:6分钟)

1. (教师让学生两人一组,每人拿出提前准备好的`照片或图片,操练现在完成时,并注意区别一般过去时和现在完成时,完成1c。)

A: Hi, B. Where have you been?

B: I have been to Shanghai.

A: When did you go there?

B: I went there this summer holiday.

C: Hi, D. Where has Lucy gone?

D: She has gone to Mount Tai.

C: Why did she go there?

D: Because she wanted to see the sunrise there.

2. (根据呈现的have/has been to…和have/has gone to…,完成2。小组完成后可讨论答案,然后教师核对。在处理2时,讲解并要学生掌握chairwoman, yet和grandson,板书并领读。)

3. (缤纷小赛场。出示幻灯片或小黑板。)

(1)My teacher gave us the p answer.(首字母填空)

(2)I also want to be a v for the Olympics.(首字母填空)

(3)These (chairwoman) can’t agree with each other.(适当形式填空)

(4)—Hi, Michael. How was your holiday?

—Wonderful! Because I to many famous mountains.(单项选择)

A. went B. have been C. have gone D. has gone

(5)—Where’s Jane, Maria?

—She her hometown to see her grandparents.(单项选择)

A. return to B. has gone to C. has been to D. have gone to

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)

1. (教师制作关于暑假活动的表格,让学生相互调查完成表格。)

Name Where has he/she been? What did he/she do?

2. Homework: Write a survey report.

7.九年级英语仁爱版上册 篇七

本单元以讨论允许和不允许做的事情而展开学习, 在不断深入讨论过程中又学习了表示同意和不同意的表达方法以及由情态动词should构成的被动语态。为了能够增强学生开口讲英语的自信心, 第一课时充分利用多媒体教学设备, 创设与本课话题相关的情景, 如谈论青少年日常行为规范、校规、家规等。围绕着教学目标, 设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务, 让学生辩论一些学校规章制度。学生在使用所学目标语言进行辩论时, 教师要不断地鼓励学生, 让学生勇于发表自己的真实观点和想法, 同时学会关注日常生活和学习中的各种规章制度, 对周围世界进行比较客观地认识和评价, 养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯。


(一) 教学内容分析

学生在七年级下册第十二单元“Don’t eat in the classroom”中学过关于规章制度的讨论, 在八年级下册第二单元“what should I do?”中学过情态动词should的用法。本单元谈论的是学生非常熟悉又和生活、学习紧密相关的话题——家规、校规及其他规章制度, 能引起学生的共鸣 , 激起学习的兴趣。因此, 掌握“be (not) allowed to do/ Should (not) be allowed to do”难度不大。可以让学生结合生活实际自由谈论各种规章制度, 发表自己的观点, 并陈述同意或不同意的理由;还可以根据实际情况对各种家规、校规进行修改, 并为一些组织机构制定新的规章, 体现“为用而学、在用中学、学了就用”的新课程理念。

(二) 学生情况分析

笔者教学的对象是初三学生 (以中等生为主) , 他们具有较强的求知欲和表现欲, 所以对英语学习的模仿力很强, 但部分学生对英语学习没有自信, 害怕表现, 但又希望能得到大家的肯定。因此笔者在教学活动中尽量让这部分学生参与到课堂活动中来, 有更多的说英语的机会, 增强他们的自信心;还有一些学困生由于基础薄弱, 对完成某些任务有一定的难度, 教师可采取小组奖励的办法, 通过学生间的合作学习, 促进小组成员之间的互帮互学, 鼓励小组中的优秀成员主动帮助困难生学习, 培养学生的团队意识。提高他们综合运用语言的能力, 让他们都能体验到成功的喜悦, 使各层次的学生都有所收获。


(一) 语言知识目标

1. 掌握语言结构 should (not) be allowed to do, 学会表达 agree 和 disagree。

2. 对目标语言的听力训练。

(二) 情感态度目标

通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行, 养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等, 并能认真遵守;理解父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性。


(一) 教学重点

1. 词汇:teenager, choose, pierce

2. 词组:too wild, too silly, too young, not seriousenough, not old enough, not calm enough, get earspierced

(二) 教学难点

结构:should be allowed to,

should not be allowed to


(一) 步骤 1:导入 (5 分钟)

T: An exchange student comes to our classtoday. He wants to know some rules about ourschool.

通过投影展示以下活动名称, 学生以四人一组活动, 各自谈论在学校里能做哪些, 不能做哪些。

What rules do you have at our school?

We should sweep the floor every day.

We should not arrive school late.

We should not take mobile phones .


sweep the floor, clean the blackboard, fightw it hothers , arrive school late , take mobil ephones等等。

多媒体呈现表格, 小组讨论填表


( 二 ) 步骤 2:呈现 (25 分钟)

1.Introduce the new structure: allow sb. to dosth. / don’t allow sb. to do sth.

多媒体呈现 :

Teachers allow us to eat in the dinning hall.

Teachers don’t allow us to eat in the classroom.

2. 小组活动:

全班50人分成12组, 每组4人


(1) 用纸片做成12个签, (其中有2个签画有小红旗) , 由组长抽签, 抽到带有小红旗的签的两个组进行比赛。

(2) 第一轮用am/is/are allowed to结构说句子, 比赛小组每人2次机会, 但是不能重复出现句子, 否则为失败。第二轮用am/is/are not allowed to结构说句子, 规则同第一轮。获胜小组会得到一面红旗并在全班中挥舞以示胜利。

(3) 在重新抽签 (不含已参加过的小组) , 规则同2.

参考短语:sweep the floor, fight with others, eat in the dinning hall, eat in class, take mobilephones等, 可以自己自由发挥。

设计意图:由熟悉的结构引入新的结构, 并采用小组活动使每个学生能够参与其中熟练短语和句子结构, 达到开口说的目的, 有助于学生理解下一环节, 从而使新授课的内容达到高潮。

3. 被动语态:

(1) 定义 : 表示主语是动作的承受者 .

(2) 构成 : 助动词be+ 及物动词的过去分词。助动词有人称、时态和数的变化。

(3) 含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+ be +及物动词的过去分词。

(4) 用法:当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者, 或者只强调动作的承受者时, 要用被动语态。

4.复习过去分词的构成 :

(1) 规则变化

watch---watched practice---practiced

study---studied stop---stopped

(2) 不规则动词的过去分词:

am/is /are---been have/has---had

write---written do---done go---gone

5. 教学1a

(1) 教师明确任务要求, 给出一定的指导。强调重点词汇:teenager, choose, pierce。

(2) 让—位学 生大声朗 读1a中的句子。 确定学生理解了每个句子之后, 让学生发表自己的看法:agree or disagree。

(3) 在学生掌握了结构be allowed to的基础上, 进—步介绍带有主观态度的新结构:

should (not) be allowed to, 告诉学生这—结构增加了情感态度, 表示应该被允许和不应该被允许。

(4) 学生完成1a之后, 让不同的学生发表意见:agree or disagree. Why?

6. 投影展示练习

我会做:这个环节要求学生快速抢答做4个转换句子, 将allow sb.to do变成be allowed to do并用投影展示答案。

1.They should allow us to have part-time jobs.


2.We should allow children to spend time with their friends.


3.The teacher should allow Anna to finish thepicture.


Parents should allow children to choose theirown friends.



1. We should be allowed to have part-time jobs.

2. Children should be allowed to spend timewith their friends.

3. Anna should be allowed to finish the picture.

4. Children should be allowed to choose theirown friends.

设计意图:帮助学生理解la中的句子, 投影展示练习这个环节巩固了学生allow的用法。

7. 教学 Section A - lb, 2a, 2b

利用多媒体课件中的Section A - 1b, 2a , 2b进行听力练习。

(1) 认识新词汇:teenager, earring, get their earpierced, do homework with friends

do part-time jobs, too wild / young / silly …, not serious / calm / old…enough

(2) 教师先帮助学生明确要求, 并且给出—定的指导。

(3) 让学生朗读其中的句子, 问题。

(4) 播放录音, 核对答案。


8. 练习


The telephone _____ (invent) by Bell in 1876.

The trees may _____ (plant) in spring.

Teenagers should not _____ (allow) to drive.

English _____ (speak) in Canada.

Math must _____ (study) well.


was invented , be planted , be allowed , is spoken, be studied


(三) 步骤 3:巩固和拓展

1. 学生列出青少年应该被允许做的和不应该被允许做的事情, 列表之后进行 free talk。

设计意图:要求学生重点结合Section A -1c和Section A - 2c的内容进行小组活动, 以便能更自然, 更正确地使用所学的语言。


结构:should be allowed to, should not be allowed to

词组:too wild, too silly, too young, not serious enough, not old enough, not calm enough

设计意图:创设贴近学生实际情况的情境, 真实而富有趣味, 激发了学生的参与意识, 巩固了本课的新知。

(四) 步骤 4. 小结

1. 利用媒体资源中课件中的内容复习Grammar Focus.

2. 总结并回顾本节课所学到的重点知识。

(五) 步骤 5:作业

1. 用结构 be (not) allowed to do 列出课堂上介绍的—些事情;

2. 用 should, must, may 等情态动词各写出 5 个被动语态的句子。

(六) 步骤 6:板书设计


(一) 评价内容

本节课通过展示练习, 巩固与拓展这两个环节, 如果全班80℅的学生能够按要求学习或完成句子, 那么就达到了预期的教学目的本课的教学难点即得到突破。这是评价本课是否成功的更重要的标准。

(二) 评价方法

小组活动汇报, 基本全体学生都能说出一个正确的句子即可符合标准;

8.北师大版五年级英语上册教案 篇八








(1)基本掌握核心词汇When, birthday, autumn, spring, March, September, October,及短语happy birthday. 能说,能简单运用。


When is your birthday?It’s March 12th.

How old are you?I’m eight years old.







Step1 Greetings and warm-up

Step2 Set the scene

(1)T: Today is my friend’s birthday. I have a gift for her.

(Ss review and read the word: gift.) Here is a birthday gift. 引入课题,板书课题: birthday.(Ss read and practice the pronunciations).

Let’s sing it!

Ss: Sing a birthday song together, and say “happy birthday” to the friend.


Watch the flash and think about the question: Whose birthday is it? (It’s Mocky’s birthday.)

(3)Read the story one sentence by one sentence.

Show the pictures of the four seasons and a calendar, learn spring, autumn, October, September, and October.

(4)Read the story again, and repeat: Today is Mocky’s birthday.

T: When is Mocky’s birthday? How old is Mocky?

Write down the dialogue and read.

(5)Then do the exercise: T or F.

Step3 Paper work:

(1)Show table 1 and fill Mocky’s birthday and age.

Then read the story again and complete the table 1 in groups.

Check the answers.

(2)Show a calendar again, and ask Ss to answer:

When is your birthday? How old are you?(Point at the right picture and talk about it.)

Ask 3 friends about their birthdays, and complete the table 2.

Ask 2-3 to show their table and read the sentences.

Step4 小结: 新单词和句型.

T:Today we learned five new words…

Ss: Spring, autumn, March, September, October.

T: And how to ask and answer your friends’ birthday and age?

Ss: How old are you? I’m … . When is your birthday? It’s … .

Step5 Say Goodbye.


Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday

When is Ken’s birthday? How old is Ken?

It’s March 12th.

He’s 10 years old.

New words:





1.Read the story.

2.Tell your parents your birthday in English.


“Mocky’s birthday”是小学英语北师大版第九册第四单元的内容。本单元的重点是关于询问及介绍生日,年龄的句型,以及十二个月份的学习。本堂课的教学选择了第一课时,关于课文教学。课文由Mocky看到桌上的礼物,猜测是谁过生日,由此引入关于询问和介绍自己生日和年龄的对话。






9.仁爱版九年级英语优质课教案 篇九

Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.Section A


The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn a new word and some phrases:

as a result, behavior, in the beginning, day by day, die out

2.Learn some useful sentences:

(1)As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.(2)Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals.3.Learn the indefinite pronoun and adverb:

(1)None of us likes pollution.(2)Don’t spit anywhere in public.(3)Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.4.Learn the importance of protecting the environment.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步




T: What kind of pollution is it?


It is noise pollution.T: What harm can it cause?


It can disturb others and make people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.S2:

It does great harm to people’s hearing.It can even make people sick or deaf.T: Good.How should we solve this problem?


Don’t always listen to loud pop music.S4:

Don’t make a loud noise in public.…


Step 2 Presentation 第二步




T: It is too dirty and there is too much heavy smoke outside.I can’t stand it.1.(教师展示1a的图片,导入新课。)

T: Do you like the environment here?


No, we don’t.T: Why?


10.九年级英语仁爱版上册 篇十



get lost 走失;迷路

hate to go shopping 讨厌去购物

hear from sb.=receive/ get a letter from sb.


be abroad 在国外

at least 至少

take place = happen 发生

one-child policy 独生子女政策

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

the population of China 中国的人口

live longer 活得更长

medical care 医疗保健

control the population 控制人口

be known / famous as 以……而闻名

work well in doing sth.做某事方面很有功效

have a long way to go 有很长的路要走

be short of 缺乏……

one of the greatest problems 最大问题之一

be in trouble 陷入麻烦中/ 在困境中

prefer boys to girls 重男轻女

offer sb. a good education


a couple of 一些 ;几个

even though = even if 即使

have a lot of pressure 有许多压力

the differences between A and B



1.We got lost and couldn’t find each other. 我们走失了,互相找不到对方。

2.It seems that their living conditions were not very good. 似乎他们的生活条件不是很好。

3.It is possible that Kangkang’s father was the only child in his family.


4.One answer is known as the one-child policy. 其中一项众所周知的措施是独生子女政策.

5.And even though we have made a lot of progress, we have big pollution problems in the

city. 虽然我们已经取得了很大的进步,但是仍存在严重的城市污染问题。



1.already 和 yet

already “已经”(多用于肯定陈述句)。

如:He has already gone home. 他已经回家了。

yet “已经; 还”(用于否定句或疑问句)。

如:Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗?

I haven’t finished my homework yet. 我还没完成作业。

※ already 也可用于疑问句,表“出乎意料或惊奇”

Have you finished your homework already? 难道你已经完成作业了?

2.ever 和 never

ever “曾经”(多用于疑问句,问初次经历)。

如:I have ever been abroad. 我曾出过国。


如:I have never seen him before.

----Has he ever been abroad? 他曾出过国吗?

----No, never. 不,从来不。


just “刚刚”(多用于肯定句,位于谓语动词之前)。

如: I have just tried to call you. 我刚刚打电话给你。


before “之前”(一般位于句末;常与never呼应)。

如:He says he has never seen such beautiful scenery before.



possible (反义词)--impossible

rise (过去分词)--rose

conclude (名词)--conclusion

medicine (形容词)--medical


less (反义词)--more

excellent (近义词)--great/good

different (名词)--difference

come (过去式)-came (过去分词)-come

see (过去式)-saw (过去分词)-seen

peace (形容词)--peaceful


1.---- I really hate to go shopping. 我真讨厌去购物。

---- So do I . 我也是。

So do I .为倒装句,表示前面提到的肯定情况也同样适合另外一个主体,表“某某也一样”,结构为“so + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。

如:Jim is a student, so is Tom. 吉姆是一名学生,汤姆也是。

Jim can swim, so can Tom. 吉姆会游泳,汤姆也会。

Jim likes sports, so does Tom. 吉姆喜欢运动,汤姆也喜欢。

如表前面不怎样,后面“也不”怎样时,其结构为“ neither/ nor + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。

如:Jim wasn’t Chinese, neither/ nor were they. 吉姆不中国人,他们也不是。

Jim can’t speak Japanese, neither can I . 吉姆不会说日语,我也不会。

Jim didn’t go there, neither did I . 吉姆没去那儿,我也没去。


如:Jim is a good student. So he is. 吉姆是一名好学生,的确如此。

Jim swims well. So he does. 吉姆游泳很好,的确如此。

2.At that time, China was the country with the largest population in the world.


population为不可数名词,表示人口的多少只能用 “large”或 “small”修饰,提问人口用“what”.

如:The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. 上海的人口比北京多。

What’s the population of China?= How many people are there in China?


3. Great changes have taken place in China. 中国发生了巨大变化。

take place 指必然性的“发生”或有计划、安排之内的“举行”。

如:The meeting will take place next Friday. 会议将在下周五举行。

happen 指偶然的、没有预料的“发生“,其结果往往给人带来不幸或麻烦。

如:The accident happened yesterday. 事故发生在昨天。


如:The population has increased a lot. 人口增长发很多。

4.increase 可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。其含义是“增长,增加,加强”等。

increase by… 指“增加了……”; increase to…指 “增加到……”

5. and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China.


one fifth 是分数表达法。英文分数表达法:分子为基数词,分母为序数词,先读分子后读分母。当分子大于1时,分母的序数词则变为复数,直接在词尾加“s”。

如:one fourth四分之一three fourths 四分之三one second二分之一two thirds三分之二

6.It has worked well in controlling China’s population.


work well in doing sth. 表“在……方面很有功效”, 如:

如:Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight.


7. Because of our large population, we are short of energy and water.

be short of… 表 “缺乏……”

如:She is always short of money at the end of every month. 每个月底她总是缺钱。

be short for… 表“是……的缩写”.

如:TV is short for television. TV是television的缩写形式.

8. Can all Chinese families offer their children a good education?


offer 表“(主动)给予, 提供”

offer sb. sth. “提供某人某物”.

如:I offered him a glass of wine. 我敬了他一杯酒。

offer to do sth. “(主动)提出做某事”

如:She offered to cook for her mother. 她提出帮她妈妈煮饭。

I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours.


9. unless = if not 表“除非…; 如果不”,引导条件状语从句。

如:I won’t go unless I hear from you. = I won’t go if I don’t hear from you.


Unless Bill studies hard, he’ll fail in the exam. 如果比尔不努力, 他不会通过考试的.

10. a couple of… 表 “几个人或几件事”.

如:a couple of years ago 几年前; a couple of students 几个学生

couple 指任何两件同类的东西

如: a couple of watches 两只手表; five couples of cats 五对猫

11.pair 指两件不可分开使用的东西,它们可指两件互不相连的东西(鞋子、袜子等),也可指


如:a pair of shoes 一双鞋子a pair of pants 一条裤子


( )1.-They have been to Australia.

-So _____ I.

A. do B. have been C. did D. have

分析:D 此句为so引导的完全倒装句。其含义为“A如此,B也如此。”其结构是so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。本句为完成时态,其助动词是have。故选D。

( )2.The population of Shanghai is larger than _____ of Shenyang.

A. that B .it C. one D. this

分析:A 此句要用相同成分即上海的人口和沈阳的人口做比较。因为population是不可数名词,所以用that代替。如果是复数名词则要用those来代替。

( )3.-_____ the population of the U.S.A. in ?

-It _____ about 296 million.

A. What is; is B. What was; was

C. How many is; was D. How many was; is

分析:B 问人口的多少用what而不用how many。本题问的是的人口, 故为过去时态。

( )4._____ of the teachers are women in our school.

A. Two third B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three


( )5.He’s read this book before, _____?

A. hasn’t he B. doesn’t he C .isn’t he D. wasn’t he

分析:A 本题考查反义疑问句反问部分的时态与人称的单复数要与陈述部分一致的用法。

( )6.The _____ population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.

A. increase B. increased C. increasing D. increases

分析:C 本题考查increase的现在分词作定语的情况,表示“正在增长的”。increased是它的过去分词也可作定语,但表示的是“已增长过的”。

( )7.The little girl has _____ finished reading the book you lent her.

A .already B. yet C. still D. once

分析:A already“已经”,常用覨t now.

分析:C 上句为否定情况,应用neither/nor+助动词+主语,表示“我也未参观过造纸厂”。


I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词

1. ---No one likes “Little Emperors.” ---N___________ do my parents.

2. The cars in the cities are i____________ rapidly these days, so traffic jam comes into being.

3. People couldn’t live long because of poor medical t________________.

4. In China, some people in less developed areas p__________ boys to girls.DA被动语态。根据题中changes是复数,答句用完成时态。故选B。

( )9.Students today have a lot of pressure(压力) _____ they have to learn too much knowledge at school.

A. in order to B .unless C. because D .because of

分析:C in order to和because of后面不能接从句,unless不符合题意。故选C,用because。

( )10.-I have never visited a paper factory.


A. So have I. B. So I have. C. Neither have I. D.I haven’t now.

分析:C 上句为否定情况,应用neither/nor+助动词+主语,表示“我也未参观过造纸厂”。


I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词

1. ---No one likes “Little Emperors.” ---N___________ do my parents.

2. The cars in the cities are i____________ rapidly these days, so traffic jam comes into being.

3. People couldn’t live long because of poor medical t________________.

4. In China, some people in less developed areas p__________ boys to girls.

5. His mother told him that the sun r__________ in the east and sets in the west.

II. 翻译词组,补全句子

1.We must ___________ ___________ (采取措施) to control the population.

2. Doing eye exercises ____________ __________ (起明显作用) in protecting our eyesight.

3. In 1960s, we were ________ _________ (缺乏) food and money .

4. He wouldn’t leave the TV set, __________ ___________ (既使) he was going to have an important exam the next day.

5.Her daughter __________ __________ (迷路) in the shopping center yesterday.

III. 完成下列句子的汉译英(每空1分,满分30分)

1.中国人口有多少? 中国有大约13亿人口。

_______ the _________ _______ China ? China ______ a population of ______1.3 billion.

2. 为什么中国要实施独生子女政策? 虽然跟以前比,中国人口增长放慢了,但人口问题依然严峻。

---Why does China _________ __________ with its __________ policy ?

---___________ its population is __________ _________ slowly than before, its population problem _________ ___________ quite ___________.

3. 这所学校里老师的数量是300人,其中四分之一是女教师。

_________ ___________ of the teachers in the school __________ 300, _________ ___________ of them ___________ women teachers.

4. 上周石油的价格增长了百分之二。 的确如些。

The price of oil ___________ ___________ 2% last week.

__________ _________ _____________.

5. 你生活在哪种家庭,是大家庭,还是小家庭?

_________ _________ of family are you ________, ________ family or _______ family ?

IV. 选择题

( ) 1. Two thirds of the surface of the earth ____ covered with water.

A. is B. are C. has

( ) 2. The number of workers in this factory _____ increasing.

A. are B. is C. will

( ) 3. ---It seems to me that you are very hard-working, Maria.

---I have to. I have a lot of _____ from my family and society.

A. time B. efforts C. pressure

( ) 4. ---______ have you done with the waste ?

---I have thrown it away.

A. How B. What C. Where

( ) 5. ---Which country has a ____ population, England or Germany ?

A. smaller B. less C. few

( ) 6. About one fifth of the people in the world _____ in China.

A. live B. is living C. has lived

( ) 7. ---Excuse me, is Joan in ?

---Sorry, she isn’t here. She ___ to the airport to see her parents off half an hour ago.

A. went B. has gone C. has been

( ) 8. ---Who will go to the airport to meet Jenny ?

---I will. I _____ her several times. I can find her easily.

A. met B. have met C. will meet

( ) 9. We are tired. We have studies for ____ hours.

A. a couple B. couple C. a couple of

( ) 10. The more excellent our public transportation is, _____ our life will be.

A. the happier B. the more happy C. the more happily

( ) 11. ---What did Jeff say about the lost girl ?

---He said that he had seen her _______.

A. three days agoB. three days before C. for three days

( ) 12. ---Dad, my teacher said I had made a lot of progress recently.

---I’m glad to hear that. But I think you still _______.

A. have a long way to go B. have a rest C. live in the present

( ) 13. ---I went swimming last Sunday.

---_________. I like it very much.

A. So I do B. So I did C. So did I

( ) 14. ---We haven’t been to the Great Wall. ---_________.

A. So has she B. Nor she has C. Neither has she

( ) 15. ---Did you know _______?

---They had a quarrel about the answer to the question.

A. what did they happen B. what happened to them C. what they happened


I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词

1. Neither 2. increasing 3. treatment 4.prefer 5. rises

II. 翻译词组,补全句子

1. take measures 2. works well 3. short of 4. even though 5. got lost

III. 完成下列句子的汉译英

1 What’s the population of, has, about / around

2. carry on, one-child, Though, growing more, still seems , serious

3. The number, is, a quarter, are

4.increased by, So it did

5. What kind/ sort / type, in, extended, nuclear

IV. 选择题
