


1.二年级数学测试题 篇一















































2.二年级数学测试题 篇二

1.否定结论“至少有两个解”的正确说法是 ()

(A) 至少有三个解.

(B) 至多有一个解.

(C) 至多有两个解.

(D) 只有一个解.

(A) 第一象限. (B) 第二象限.

(C) 第三象限. (D) 第四象限.

3.已知y=f (x) 是定义在R上的函数,

条件甲:y=f (x) 没有反函数;

条件乙:y=f (x) 不是单调函数,

则条件甲是条件乙的 ()

(A) 充分不必要条件.

(B) 必要不充分条件.

(C) 充要条件.

(D) 既不充分又不必要条件.

5.已知a∈R, 直线 (1-a) x+ (a+1) y-4 (a+1) =0过定点P, 点Q在曲线x2-xy+1=0上, 则PQ连线的斜率的取值范围是 ()


的定义域是 ()

(A) 可以表示双曲线.

(B) 可以表示椭圆.

(C) 可以表示圆.

(D) 可以表示直线.

(A) 1∶5. (B) 1∶3. (C) 1∶2. (D) 1∶1.

9.关于x的方程|e|lnx|-2|=t (0<t<1) , 其中t是常数, 则方程根的个数是 ()

(A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 不能确定.

10.若双曲线x2-y2=a2 (a>0) 关于直线y=x-2对称的曲线与直线2x+3y-6=0相切, 则a的值为 ()







所以n≤1, 即至多有一个解,

故选 (B) .




故选 (D) .



故选 (A) .


故选 (D) .


故可设直线PQ的方程为y=kx+4与x2-xy+1=0联立, 消去y得

当k=1时, 显然有解

当k≠1时, 由Δ≥0, 解得


故选 (B) .


由图2知, 定义域为

故选 (C) .

8.如图3, 设∠PF1F2=α, 则

在△PF1F2中, 由正弦定理得

故选 (A) .



作y=t, 由图5知, 共有四个交点, 故选 (C) .



故选 (B) .


11.设P (x, y) , 则

12.由条件知a·b=2cos60°=1, 要使a+λb与λa-2b的夹角为钝角, 须

13.显然b>0, 且a≠0, 则

若a<0, 仿此解出矛盾的结果,



令arccosx=y, 则y∈ (0, π],




17.令x=x′, y+1=y′, 则可化为


所以l1, l2的方程为


19.设经过时间t汽车在A点, 船在B点, 如图7, 则有

设小船所在平面为α, AQ, QP确定平面为β, 记α∩β=l,

连接CB, 则AC⊥CB, 进而

故当t=2时, 线段AB最短, 最短距离为30m.




设n个圆主要分成an个部分, 则a1=2.

若有n+1个圆, 这第n+1个圆与前面n个圆至多有2n个交点, 这2n个交点又将第n+1个圆的圆弧分成2n段, 每段弧将原来所在区域一分为二, 所以

以上各式相加, 得


25.作出可行域 (如图10) , 目标函数为

由图象知, 最优解为P (3.6, 7.8) , 但不是整数, x+y=11.4, 不合题意.

显然, 若x, y均是整数, 应有x+y≥12.

令x+y=12, 经检验 (3, 9) , (4, 8) 符合题意.

故x+y的最小值为12, 此时

3.新目标七年级下期末测试题(二) 篇三

1. ____ great fun it is to go boating in such fine weather!

A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a

2. ____ birthday is in July, but ____ is in November.

A. Your, herB. His, myC. My, hersD. His, her

3. Mike bought me ____ Christmas gift. It was ____ umbrella.

A. a, a B. an, anC. a, anD. an, a

4. Linda often helps her mother ____ housework in the evening.

A. doesB. doC. didD. doing

5. Peter does well ____ science. That is, Peter is good ____ science.

A. at, atB. at, inC. with, forD. in, at

6. Let’s ____ a rest, shall we?

A. goB. haveC. havingD. has

7. There are heavy clouds. It ____ like rain.

A. isB. feelsC. wouldD. looks

8. Zhou Jielun is popular ____ us. We all like him.

A. forB. withD. toD. in

9. Where ____ you go ____ vacation last summer?

A. do, forB. did, inC. do, onD. did, on

10. ——Would you like some drinks?

——____, ____.

A. No, pleaseB. Yes, much thank

C. Yes, I’d likeD. Yes, please

11. ——What do you think of talk shows? ——____. Which is wrong?

A. I love themB. I can’t stand them

C. I don’t mind them D. I think of talk shows very much 12. ——How was your weekend? ——____.

A. It’s greatB. It’s OK

C. TerribleD. I have a good time

13. He was really ____ after a long holiday.

A. relaxedB. relaxes C. relaxingD. relaxs

14. ——How about ____ a walk after supper?

——Good idea!

A. takeB. to takeC. takingD. takeing

15. ——____, but can you tell me the way to the post office.


A. I’m sorryB. SorryC. Excuse meD. Hello

16. ——Would you like to go boating this weekend?

——I’d like to, ____ I am too busy.

A. soB. andC. orD. but

17. Your mother has to get up early every morning, ____?

A. hasn’t sheB. isn’t sheC. doesn’t sheD. didn’t she

18. ——What are you doing now?

——I ____ a letter to my pen pal.

A. writingB. am writeC. am writingD. am writeing

19. There is ____ rain in the south in spring.

A. muchB. manyC. a lotD. a few

20. Listen! Who ____ in the next room?

A. singsB. is singingC. sangD. singing

21. Judie doesn’t like chicken, and I don’t, ____.

A. tooB. alsoC. as wellD. either

22. ——Would you like ____ cup of coffee?——No, thanks.

A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. other

23. ——____ do you go back to your hometown?

——Twice a year.

A. How longB. How soonC. How farD. How often

24. My Chinese teacher usually ____ a pair of glasses.

A. puts onB. wearsC. withD. is wearing

25. ——May I ____ your bike? ——Certainly, here you are.

A. lendB. borrowC. keepD. lent

26. ——____ did you come to school yesterday?

——By taxi.

A. WhyB. WhereC. WhenD. How

27. Shenzhen is my second ____. I love it. It’s a beautiful city.

A. home B. familyC. roomD. house

28.The Browns ____ to Paris last Monday.

A. flyB. fliedC. flewD. flies

29. ——Hi, ____ I speak to Cindy?

——Speaking, please.

A. mayB. willC. mustD. need

30. ——____ of noodles would they like?

——They’d like beef carrot noodles.

A. What sizeB. What otherC. What kindD. What


Bruno is a young man of twenty. He’s very__1__and likes sports.But he likes footballbest. He always plays football or watches football matches if he’s __2__.

One Saturday afternoon there was a football match. The young man was __3__ because he got a __4__. After lunch he went to the stadium(体育场). On his way there,__5__ was wrong with his car. He had to stop to mend it. When he drove it again, he looked at his __6__and found there was only ten minutes left. He was __7__to be late for the match and drove fast. At the turning he didn’t stop though(尽管) the lights were red. The __8__ stopped him and asked, “Why didn’t you wait for a __9__?Didn’t you see the red lights?”

“Yes, I did, sir,” said Bruno. “__10__ I didn’t see you.”

1. A. shortB. strongC. thin

2. A. freeB. busyC. kind

3. A. happyB. sadC. friendly

4. A. bookB. ballC. ticket

5. A. somethingB. anythingC. everything

6. A. clockB. handC. watch

7. A. worriedB. afraidC. careful

8. A. doctor B. policemanC. teacher

9. A. daysB. hoursC. minute

10. A. ButB. SoC. Or


1. She has a nice watch.(变为复数)

____ ____ nice ____.

2. My sister read an interesting book last Sunday. (变为否定句)

My sister ____ ____ an interesting book last Sunday.

3. Jack does his homework after supper. (变为否定句)

Jack ____ ____ his homework after supper.

4. We are listening to pop music now. (对划线部分提问)

____ you ____ now?

5. Nat went to a movie yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

____ did Nat ____ yesterday?

6. My father works on a farm. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ your father work?

7. What’s the weather like in Shanghai? (改写句子,句意不变)

____ ____ the weather in Shanghai?

8. How beautiful the flowers are!(改写句子,句意不变)

____ ____ ____ they are!

9. I was not a little tired after a long walk. (变为一般疑问句)

____ ____ not a little tired after a long walk?

10. How does your friend like soap operas? (改写句子,句意不变)

____ does your friend ____ ____ soap operas?



Mr Smith moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor, so he went to see one. He sat down in the waiting room and looked round. The doctor’s name was on the wall. Suddenly(突然) Mr Smith re-membered: There was a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he became a doctor!

When he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young stu-dent, and was very sorry to see how old this man was. He said to him,“Good morning, doctor!Did you go to King High School?”

The doctor answered, “Yes, I did.”

“Were you there from 1942 to 1946?” Mr Smith asked.

“Yes, I was,” the doctor answered. “How did you know?”

Mr Smith laughed and said, “You were in my class.”

“Oh?” the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few min-utes. “What were you teaching?”

1. Mr Smith ____ town, so he needed a new doctor.

A. caught a cold B. went to live in a new

C. went away from anotherD. visited

2. Mr Smith thought of a classmate of his when he ____.

A. saw the old doctor

B. saw the doctor’s name on the wall

C. saw the picture of the doctor

D. talked to the doctor

3. When Mr Smith found the doctor was old, he ____.

A. felt happy B. felt unhappy

C. felt pleased D. felt quite angry

4. The doctor thought Mr Smith was his ____ in King High School from 1942 to 1946.

A. friendB. teacherC. classmateD. monitor

5. Mr Smith thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr Smith was ____.

A. as old as heB. much younger

C. even(更) olderD. a little younger


Now people make their living with their hands. But Tom makes his living with his feet. A very good living, isn’t it?

Tom’s story began in a very small city in England. His parents were very poor(贫穷). Seven people lived in their small house. Tom had no place to play but in the street. Tom’s father often played football. Little Tom wanted to play football, too. So his father made a nice ball for him to play. The little boy played it every day.

At last Tom learned to play a real football, and after a few years he could play football very well. Now Tom is one of the best football play-ers.

6. Tom makes his living with his ____.

A. handsB. headC. feetD. legs

7. Tom’s parents lived in a ____ city in England.

A. smallB. bigC. newD. old

8. Tom wanted his father to ____ him a football to play.

A. buyB. borrow C. buildD. make

9. A few years later Tom was ____ at playing football.

A. well B. goodC. badD. nice

10. Tom plays football ____ than many other players.

A. harderB. worse C. best D. better


A: Hello! May I __1__ __2__ Lucy, please?

B: __3__ __4__, please (Lucy, it’s for you).

C: Hello!__5__ is Lucy.

A: Hi, Lucy. This is Ann. Would you like to go to the park with me?

C: __6__!I’d __7__ to go with you. __8__ shall we meet?

A: __9__ the school gate.

C: OK! Thanks a lot.

A: You’re __10__.


以My English Teacher为题,写一篇短文,介绍从外国来的英语老师。

内容应包括:1.外表形象;2.内在品质; 3.兴趣爱好; 4.所在国籍;5.家庭情况;6.师生关系。词数60-80。


4.二年级数学上册期末测试题 篇四




























(4)照这样排下去第30个图形是( )。









()÷()=( ) ( )÷( )=( )
















5.二年级数学暑期作业测试题 篇五








4.如图,在中,点分别在边,,上,且,.下列四个判断中,不正确的是( )




5.如图,四边形为矩形纸片.把纸片折叠,使点恰好落在边的`中点处,折痕为.若,则等于( )











6.八年级第二学期期中英语试题 篇六

2. 卷I答在自行准备的答题卡上;答卷Ⅱ时, 将答案直接写在试卷上。

卷I (选择题, 共70分)

听力部分 (1×20分)

Ⅰ.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。

1. A. pull B. push C. watch

2. A. 8654905 B. 8654095 C. 6854905

3. A. sit down B. look down C. come down

4. A. I was better. B. I was sick. C. I was full.

5. A. The teacher needs help

B. The teacher is in the office.

C. Someone is taking the books to the office.

Ⅱ.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。

6. A. All right. B. Me, too. `C. You’re welcome.

7. A. A little, please! B. Tea, please. C. Yes, please.

8. A. That’s true. B. Let’s go. C. Oh, have fun!

9. A. It’s interesting. B. It’s delicious. C. It’s boring.

10. A. It’s sunny. B. I’ll take it. C. I hope so.

Ⅲ .听对话及问题, 选择正确答案。

11. A. A red skirt. B. A white shirt. C. A white skirt.

12. A. To a zoo. B. To a lake. C. To a mountain.

13. A. It’s summer. B. It’s autumn. C. It’s winter.

Ⅳ. 听短文、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。

16. What is Mrs. Li doing when it begins to rain?

A. Talking with others. B. Working in the fi elds. C. Shopping with her friends.

17. How do people feel when they see Mrs. Li?

A. Happy. B. Surprised. C. Nervous.

18. How do animals and men get their food?

A. By drinking water. B. By enjoying air and sunlight. C. By eating plants and other animals.

19. What do the fl owering plants have?

A. Roots, stems, leaves and fruits.

B. Roots, stems, leaves and fl owers.

C. Roots, stems, leaves, fl owers and fruits.

20. How many non-fl owering plants can you see around us?

A. Few. B. No one. C. A lot.

笔试部分 (50分)

V.单项选择 (1×20分)

21. Would you like _________ water?

A. a B. an C. any D. some

22. Mary, keep away from the fi re, _________ you will get burnt.

A. or B. so C. but D. and

23. There are _________ apples in the basket.

A. little B. a little C. much D. a few

24. Can you see the boy _________ on the grass?

A. lied B. lies C. lying D. to lie

25. How does this weather make him _________?

A. feels B. feel C. feeling D. to feel

26. _________ is diffi cult to climb the tall tree.

A. It B. This C. That D. One

27.–My daughter ate a lot of ice cream.

–Yes, _________.

A. so did she B. so she did C. so she was D. so was she

28. Thank you for _________ the show.

A. join B. joins C. to join D. joining

29. Neither he nor I _________ wrong.

A. be B. is C. am D. are

30. Sometimes Kate _________ skating in winter.

A. go B. goes C. going D. gone

31. He has been in China _________ two years.

A. since B. for C. at D. to

32. _________ sleep too late. It’s bad for your health.

A. Do B. Don’t C. Not D. Please not

33. _________ people visited China for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. Million B. Millions C. Millions of D. Million of

34. It is not a good place for an animal _________.

A. lives in B. live in C. to live D. to live in

35. When somebody is in _________, you should help him.

A. danger B. dangerous C. safe D. safety

36. –_________ did you stay there?

–We stayed there for about fi ve years.

A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How far

37. The sun _________ when we got to the top of the mountain.

A. rise B. rose C. was rising D. is rising

38. –_________ we meet at the park at 7 o’clock?

–OK! See you later!

A. Can B. Shall C. Must D. Do

39. The children _________ the farm tomorrow, aren’t they?

A. visited B. will visit C. would visit D. are going to visit

40. If you __________, you’ll improve yourself soon.

A. study hard B. will study hard C. don’t study hard D. won’t study hard

Ⅵ.完形填空 (1×10分)

41. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best

42. A. on B. at C. in D. from

43. A. a little of B. a few of C. many D. much

44. A. make B. made C. makes D. making

45. A. slow B. slowly C. quick D. quickly

46. A. move B. moves C. moved D. moving

47. A. faster B. higher C. fast D. high

48. A. call B. called C. calling D. calls

49. A. in the front of B. in the middle of C. at the back of D. on the top of

50. A. Another `B. Other C. The others D. The other

Ⅶ.阅读理解 (2×10分)


The sun is always shinning. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at a time. When the sun is shinning on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side.

At night, you can see the stars. The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from the sun is so bright that you can’t see them in daytime. When nights come, there is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. The sun is closer to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger.

51. When it is night, the sun ____________.

A. doesn’t shine B. shines for a short time

C. disappears ( 消失 ) D. shines on the other side of the earth

52. We can’t see the stars in the sky in daytime because ___________.

A. there are no stars there

B. the stars are much smaller than the sun

C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen

D. the stars come out only at night

53. The stars look small because they ____________.

A. are far away B. are small C. have no light D. are in the sky

54. Small things may look ____________ when they are closer.

A. bigger B. small C. near D. far away

55. The sun looks bigger than other stars because ____________.

A. it’s bigger B. it’s far away in the sky

C. it gives much bright light D. it’s closer to the earth than other stars


People’s likes and dislikes are different, so they have different ambitions. Now let’s look at the following characters’ likes, dislikes and ambitions.

56. What does Jim want to be?

A. A worker or a teacher. B. A model or an accountant.

C. A salesman or a detective. D. A doctor or a social worker.

57. Who doesn’t enjoy working in the same place?

A. Larry. B. Anita. C. Jill. D. Maria.

58. Who wants to be a teacher or a nurse?

A. Anita. B. Jill. C. Maria. D. Jim.

59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Jim likes working nights and weekends. B. Jill doesn’t like being in noisy places.

C. Maria enjoys wearing different clothes everyday. D. Anita really likes doing things with her parents.

60. What does the underlined word“stand”mean in the passage?

A. 忍受B. 站立C. 理解D. 想象



考生注意:该试卷听力部分共有四道大题。请你听完录音后将所选答案的对应标号填入答题纸上相应的位置。 (停顿5秒……)

现在是听力试音时间。 (停顿5秒……)

W: How do you do?

M: How do you do?

W: What’s your name?

M: My name is Tom.

W: How old are you?

M: I’m 13 years old.

试音到此结束。 (停顿2秒……) 听力测试现在正式开始。

第一题 : 听句子 , 选出句子中所包含的信息 . 下面你将听到五个句子 , 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出包含所听信息的选项。 (每句重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔6秒)

No.1. Let’s push the chair under the desk.

No.2.We can meet on the Internet. My QQ number is 8654905.

No.3. It’s dangerous in the tree. Please come down.

No.4. I went to the doctor and he gave me some medicine.

No.5. Well, I really need someone to take these books to my offi ce.

第二题:听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子 , 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (每句重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔6秒)

No.6. Thanks for helping me.

No.7. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

No.8. It’s a nice day. I’m going out with Allen this afternoon.

No.9. Why do you like science?

No.10. What’s the weather like today?

第三题:听对话及问题, 选择正确答案。下面你将听到五组对话和问题 , 每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中找出正确答案。 (每组重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔10秒)

No.11. M: What should I get my sister for her birthday?

W: You can get her a skirt.

M: What a good idea! I could give her a white one.

Q: What will the man give his sister for her birthday?

No.12. M: What fi ne weather! Let’s go somewhere today!

W: Good idea. But where shall we go? The zoo?

M: No. I don’t want to go there. How about boating on the lake?

W: OK. Don’t forget to take your cap and sunglasses.

Q: Where will they go?

No.13. M: What about going out and making a snowman with me, Jenny?

W: Why not? I’d love to. When? Right now? I can’t wait.

Q: What season do you think it is now?

No.14. W: Bill, look at that cup with three legs. It’s strange.

M: Yes, it’s very beautiful. Let me take a picture of it.

W: No. Look at that sign. I don’t think it is allowed here.

M: OK, I won’t.

Q: Which sign did they see?

No.15. M: Would you like something to eat?

W: Yes, please.

M: What would you like, bread or hamburgers?

W: Neither. I only want sandwiches.

Q: What does the woman want to eat?

第四题:听短文, 选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇短文和五个问题, 短文和问题读两遍。请你听完短文和问题的第二遍朗读后, 根据其意思, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 找出正确答案。 (每组重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔12秒)


Mrs. Li is growing vegetables in the fi elds. Soon it begins to rain. Mrs. Li stops working and wants to go back home. Just then she sees her son Xiaohan running to her with something. It is her raincoat! But Xiaohan forgot to bring his own raincoat. They have to go home in one raincoat. Some people are surprised when they see Mrs. Li and four feet. When Xiaohan comes out of the raincoat and says “hello”, they all laugh.

Question No.16. What is Mrs. Li doing when it begins to rain?

Question No.17. How do people feel when they see Mrs. Li?


Animals and men get their food by eating plants and other animals. Plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. There are two main kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, fl owers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are fl owering plants. So we can see few non-fl owering plants around us.

Question No. 18. How do animals and men get their food?

Question No. 19. What do the fl owering plants have?

Question No. 20. How many non-fl owering plants can you see around us?

7.新目标八年级下期末测试(二) 篇七


1. I hear she’ll be back ____ a week.

A. afterB. inC. fromD. at

2. ——____ do you go to see your grandparents?

——Once a month.

A. How longB. How often C. How soonD. How much

3. Don’t speak aloud. You ____ keep quiet in the reading-room.

A. couldB. mayC. would D. should

4. If you want to be thinner, you have to eat ____ food and do

____ exercise.

A. little; manyB. much; fewC. fewer; moreD. less; more

5. We all went swimming ____ Jim, because he had to look after his

younger sister.

A. exceptB. besidesC. andD. or

6. ——I’m not feeling well, maybe I have a cold. What should I do?


A. Maybe you should see a dentist

B. Maybe you should have a good sleep

C. Maybe you should see a doctor

D. Maybe you should drink some coffee

7. If it ____ tomorrow, I won’t visit the West Lake.

A. don’t rainB. will rainC. rainsD. rain

8. ——____ will they play?

——They will play football.

A. What subjectB. What sportC. What foodD. What language

9. It’s not right ____ you ____ others’ homework.

A. to; to copyB. for; copyC. to; copyD. for; to copy

10. ——Could you please tell me ____?

——Tomorrow, I think.

A. when will he comeB. when he will come

C. when would he comeD. when he would come

11. ——Will there be less pollution?

——____. There will be more pollution.

A. Yes, there willB. No, there isn’t

C. Yes, there isD. No, there won’t

12. Her mother told her ____ in bed.

A. not readB. not to readC. don’t readD. to not read

13. Work hard, and your dream will ____ one day.

A. come trueB. come onC. come overD. come up

14. The students were reading when the teacher ____ into the classroom.

A. was comingB. cameC. comesD. coming

15. ——Why don’t you go and play soccer?


A. Yes, I thinkB. Yes, I can play

C. That’s a good ideaD. It’s good game

Ⅱ.完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,总共10分)


For many young people, __1__ a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to __2__ a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world __3__ you. Many athletes give money to schools and __4__, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.

__5__, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will __6__ you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life __7__.

If you play sports __8__ a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. __9__, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were __10__ before they became rich and famous.

1. A. becomesB. becomeC. becomingD. to become

2. A. to makeB. makingC. makeD. made

3.A. will knowB. knowC. to knowD. knew

4.A. charityB. charitysC. charitiesD. charityes

5.A. ThoughB. BecauseC. HoweverD. Still

6.A. seeB. watchC. lookD. look at

7.A. difficultB. to difficultC. most difficultD. easy

8.A. asB. inC. withD. for

9. A. In factB. In a factC. On factD. At fact

10. A. happyingB. happyerC. happierD. more happy




1. Which is the cheapest(便宜的) of all? ____.

A. HatB. T-shirtC. PantsD. Socks

2. How much are two pants? ____.

A. $14B. $20C. $21D. $22

3. You can buy ____ in Mason’s Clothes Store.

A. black pantsB. a blue sweaterC. a green hatD. red socks

4. If you want to buy a T-shirt, which color isn’t afford(提供)?____.

A. redB. yellowC. greenD. black

5. You like red and you only have $6. You can buy ____.

A. a sweaterB. a hatC. a T-shirtD. nothing


There are 45 students in our class. I have made a survey, 36 students say they like to exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. But girls think basketball is difficult for them; they’d like to play volleyball together twice a week. My friend, Tony, is good at running. He runs fastest(最快) in our class. He runs for 30 minutes on the playground every evening before he goes to bed. Is it interesting? Gray is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter and four times a week in summer. So he’s pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. They eat both meat and vegetables. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like to eat junk food, especially Sally. What’s worse (更糟糕的) is that she doesn’t like to exercise, so she is very fat. She always says “I’m going to lose weight tomorrow.”

6. How often do most boys play basketball? ____.

A. Every dayB. Twice a dayC. Twice a weekD. Twice a month

7. Why do the girls dislike to play basketball? ____.

A. Because they have no time

B. Because they think it’s not easy

C. Because they don’t like to play with the boys

D. Because they don’t like to exercise

8. Who runs the fastest in the writer’s class? ____.

A. GrayB. SallyC. TonyD. We don’t know

9. How often does Gray swim in summer? ____.

A. Three times a monthB. Four times a week

C. Hardly everD. Every afternoon

10. Why is Sally so fat? ____.

A. Because she doesn’t like to exercise

B. Because she likes to eat junk food very much

C. Because she likes sleeping very much

D. Because she likes to eat junk food and doesn’t like to exercise


Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least (至少) one in every room. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.

11. In the future there will be ____.

A. much more fruitB. more people

C. less vegetablesD. less people

12. Every family will have at least a ____ in the future.

A. robotB. cowC. TV setD. computer

13. In the future people don’t have to ____.

A. work long hoursB. work fast

C. walk on footD. eat meat

14. Which of the following is NOT right? ____.

A. There will be more people in the world and they can live longer

than now

B. There will be more room for sheep and cows

C. People will eat more fruit than meat they eat today

D. Robots will do dangerous and hard work for people in the future

15. One big problem in the future is that ____.

A. many people don’t have to work

B. many people will not be able to find work

C. people have to work fast

D. all the work will be done by robots



1. What ____(发生) to you last night?

2. One day people will ____(飞) to the moon for vacations.

3. Can you ____(带来) some music CDs to the party?

4. There are all kinds of ____(花) in the garden.

5. I will ____(发送) an E-mail to my best friend tomorrow.

6. The girl felt a little ____(紧张的) at the meeting.

7. You could give him a ____(票) to a ball game.

8. There are two____(百) workers in the factory.

9. My father doesn’t know how to ____(使用) the computer.

10. They finish the homework by ____(他们自己).



A. Dress-making

B. Beauty Sights in France

C. Starting Your Stamp Collection

D. Sports

E. An Instruction to History

1. Her mother is a teacher. She enjoys dress-making for her family.

2. Her father has been interested in history and he also likes


3. Jack, her elder brother, is studying languages at university and will

spend nine months in France next year.

4. Sarah, her sixteen-year-old sister, loves watching sport programs

on television.

5. Dan, her younger brother, is twelve. He loves pop music. He also

collects stamps and has a large collection.

1. Mother ____ 2. Father ____ 3. Jack ____

4. Sarah ____5. Dan ____








