


1.05-06第一学期1总结 篇一






















2.高二英语05-06同步课程1 篇二

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)



高中英语第二册(上) Unit 1 Making a difference




There’s no doubt that human right are above all.


It’s clear that he has made rapid progress in English this year.


It’s hard to say. 很难说。

What’s your idea? 你有什么想法?

Have you thought about giving up smoking?





genius inspiration perspiration undertake analysis obvious quote gravity radioactivity euripus debate scan boundary incurable exploration disable theory seek misunderstand observe predict astronomer heaven intelligent patient


dream of sth 梦想(做)……

doing sth

turn out (to do) … 结果(是)……

use up 用完

What if the spaceship moves faster than light?


the other way around 相反地,从相反方向


1、Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.


这句percent这后不能加of,因为这里不是指灵感的百分之一及勤奋的百分之九十九,如用of应是:One percent of genius is inspiration, and 99percent, perspiration.

又如:40% of the students are girls in the school.


Blacks make up 20 percent of the population here.



Three fourths of his stomach was cut off in the operation.


2、There did not seem much point in working on my PhD - I did not expect to survive that long.



There’s no point in doing it. 做这事没用处。

What’s the point of telling her again?


There seems very little point in debating about the problem.


这句中that long也可用this,与so替代,但that与this比so程度上更确定,这句中就是指医生确诊还能活的那么一般时间,so往往不那么确定,往往面谈,试比较:

It’s so hot today. 今天那么热。

He’s so busy. 他是那么的忙。

Look, can you run that fast?


I’ve hover worked this late before.


3、Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of.



Never have I seen so thrilling a movie.


Seldom is he late for school.


Not until you’ve fished your homework can you watch the sports program on TV.


4、Readers were pleased and surprised to find that ancients could write about his word is a way that ordinary people could understand.


To explain what they have cent, they build a theory about the way in what things happen and the camases and effects.



第一句: … in a way that …这里that是understand的宾语,可以用which替代,也可省去,但决不能用in which替代。

第二句: …about the way in which …这里in which是定语从句中的方式状语可用that 代之也可省去,但决不能用which替代。


He always behaves in the way that I hate.




I don’t like the way in which he talks to me.




5、Scientists, on the other hand, Hawking writes know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.


turn out这里意为,结果是,最终发现是,最后证明是等先进事迹一种常见的用法,后面接形容词时to be 常可省略:

The examination turned out (to be) easy.

The noise turned out to be the dog scratching of the door.


It looked like rain this morning, but it has turned out to be a fine day.

(to be) fine.

6、If knowledge is power, as Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1507, then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power.



As he knew, she wasn’t good maths Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the 110 - meter high hurdles, as we have seen on TV.


7、Despite this warning, Hawking found it necessary to in clue one equation.


despite = in spite of 不管表示让步意义

He came to the meeting in spite of /despite his serious illness.


8、… he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved.



He appeared to be talking to himself.


There appears to have been a mistuned standing.


You appear to have traveled quite a lot.


9、… it was said that only three people could understand it at the time.


It is said that … 据说 ……之意

It was said

而It says that … 强调文字材料表达的内容

It said


It is said that they have found water in Mars.


It says (in Boston Globe) that they have found water in Mars.


10、What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.


an end 意为结束,完结

Don’t worry, there will be on end to your troubles one day.


I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.


The meeting came to an end at last.




1、I don’t like watching cartoons; _________ playing PC game.

A、nor like I B、nor do I like

C、neither do I D、either I don’t like

2、He studies maths in the way ________ even the teacher is puzzled about.

A、which B、in which C、where D、as

3、_________ in the book that the Universe came for the Big Bay.

A、It is B、It was said C、It says D、It is said

4、Can “Green GDP” put ________ to the destruction of our environment?

A、the end of B、an end of

C、end to D、an end to

5、Choose the wrong sentence:

A、It seems that he has seen a ghost.

B、He appears to have seem a ghost.

C、He looks t have seem a ghost.

D、He seems to have seem a ghost.

6、___________, he went on climbing the high mountain. Choose the wrong answer:

A、Despite the rough weather B、In spite of the rough weather

C、As though the weather was rough

D、Though the rough weather

7、I feel it an honor ______ to attend the opening acrimony of the new library.

A、to invite B、to be invited

C、of being invited D、to have invited

8、_________ a famous university, we must work hard at senior high school.

A、To enter B、Entering C、Having entered D、Entered

9、I have a student ________ this afternoon.

A、talk to B、to talk to C、talking to D、talked to

10、I hurried to the bark only ________ it had closed.

A、finding B、found C、to find D、to have found


When you read the proof that today more than two and a half million children under six years old live in houses where there is the danger of lead poisoning, it is natural to ask how and why this situation has happened, and what can be done about it.

This threat to millions of children has growing through the years from several causes.

50 years ago all house paint was made with some amount of lead. The addition of lead made the paint dry faster and gave a shinier and harder finish(罩面漆). In fact, the more lead, the better and more expensive the paint, and some paint had as much as 50 percent lead.

Medical scientists, who had known for many years that lead could be poisonous when it got into the human body, finally began to speak out against the use of so much lead in places where people lived, worked and played. Then, 30 years ago the paint companies agreed to reduce the amount of lead in paint, especially that used on toys, children’s furniture and for inside walls and woodwork.

Although many--but not all--companies made an effort to reduce the use of lead, action was not quick enough to suit many public health officials and other concerned citizens. In 1972, a law was issued(提出) that, beginning in 1973, a new paint for sale on the market could not contain more than one half of one percent lead. This did not affect the old paint, of course. Some of it was over thirty years old on the walls of millions of homes.

During the post-war years, millions of Americans decided to move to larger cities and towns, away from small towns and farms. As cities grew, people from those cities moved out into the new suburbs. Many of the old houses in the cities were occupied by those who could not afford to have the houses newly-painted. Today, years later, the largest number of lead poisoning cases are being found in millions of older houses in the larger cities.

1、At one time paint that contained __________ was thought to be good.

A、no lead B、very little lead

C、a little lead D、a lot of lead

2、Factories began to reduce the use of lead __________.

A、after the second world war B、before 1972

C、after 1972 D、forty years ago

3、The largest number of lead poisoning cases today is found in _________.

A、poor areas of large cities. B、the countryside

C、rich suburbs around cities D、areas with newly built houses

4、The article suggest that heavily leaded paint is _________.

A、cheap B、fast drying

C、slow drying D、colorful

5、One can concluded after reading this article that ________.

A、although poisonous lead is useful when used in paint

B、lead is no longer used in paint

C、it’s not difficult to prevent lead poisoning

D、lead poisoning will continue to be a problem for some time

参 考 答 案

一、1、B 2、A 3、C 4、D 5、C 6、D 7、B 8、A 9、B 10、C

3.05-06l留守学生总结 篇三

关爱“ 留守学生”工作总结












4.05-06第一学期1总结 篇四






















课堂是实施素质教育的主阵地,课堂教学改革是教学永恒的主题,提升教师教学水平是深入推进素质教育、全面提高学生素质的主攻方向。本学期我们以改革教学方法为突破口,加强教学研究,确立“以人为本”的教育观,创设多种教研途径。如“集体备课 个体实施 ”:本学期开展集体备课活动,先由一名担任公开课教师(45周岁以下)主讲——分析教材,讲解教学目标、教学思路以及创设的情境,再组织教师讨论,发表各自的见解,然后进行个体实施,通过上公开课——组织听课——讨论评议,以改进教学方法。这样,既发挥了集体的智慧,又体现了每位教师的教学个性,加强了课堂教学的研究。从而促进课堂教学改革,提升教师的课堂教学水平。












5.大学第一学期的总结1 篇五






6.高二英语05-06同步课程 篇六

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)

Unit11 Scientific achievements 单元综合检测题




1. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. An athlete called Liu Xiang.

B. Competitions in the world.

C. Olympic Games.

2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. By the window.

B. In a post office.

C. On the steps.

3. How does the woman really feel?

A. Surprised. B. Light-hearted. C. Worried.

4. What is the time now?

A. 8:45. B. 9:00. C. 9:15.

5. What does the man take finally?

A. The blue tie.

B. The yellow tie.

C. Both the two ties.

第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. Go for a walk.

B. Go for a picnic.

C. Go out for supper.

7. How will they go there?

A. On foot.

B. By taking a taxi.

C. By driving a car themselves.


8. What’s the weather like these days?

A. It’s very hot.

B. It’s very cool.

C. It’s warm.

9. How does the man feel at home?

A. Sad. B. Disappointed. C. Bored.

10. What’s the woman’s idea?

A. Watching TV at home.

B. Going to Green Park.

C. Talking on the phone.


11. Where is the woman going?

A. Hawaii. B. Los Angeles. C. The airport.

12. When is the woman’s sister’s wedding?

A. On Oct. 12th.

B. Tomorrow.

C. On Oct. 11th.

13. When will the woman leave?

A. In a few hours.

B. Right now.

C. On Oct. 9th.


14. How does the girl find the news her father is watching?

A. Unforgettable.

B. Uninteresting.

C. Unfortunate.

15. What does her father advise her to know about?

A. Current world situation.

B. The news media.

C. Something about TV.

16. Why does the girl tell her father to change to Channel 7?

A. The program on Channel 7 is very interesting.

B. She likes to see a musical play on Channel 7.

C. The anchorman on Channel 7 is very popular.


17. At what time did Sally give up her tennis dreams?

A. After she entered a college.

B. After she earned her degrees.

C. After she spent 3 months practicing.

18. How many degrees did Sally earn in Stanford University?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

19. When did Sally ask for the space program?

A. In 1970. B. In 1977. C. In 1978.

20. How many women were among the 35 people?

A. Only one. B. Five. C. Six.




21. - Goodbye, Joyce. Please remember me to your parents.

- ______.

A. Thanks, I will

B. It’s very kind of you to say so

C. My pleasure

D. Thank you. What a good idea

22. The success of this project ______ everyone making an effort.

A. relies on B. cares for C. reminds of D. calls up

23. The student couldn’t ______ what the teacher was trying to explain.

A. recognize B. grasp C. study D. achieve

24. Her examination paper was ______ except for one spelling mistake.

A. private B. humanoid C. perfect D. economic

25. As is known to all, ______ great scientific achievements may have ______ positive effect on our life as well as society.

A. /; a B. the; a C. the; / D. /; /

26. He ______ a plan for the committee to consider.

A. put away B. put off C. put forward D. gave up

27. The school has ______ a special class to help poor readers.

A. set up B. set aside C. come true D. come into being

28. Scientists have made a great ______ in the treatment of cancer.

A. principle B. breakthrough C. conclusion D. introduction

29. - Is it ______ that the spaceship will be launched within this week?

- No, I don’t think so.

A. probably B. perhaps C. possibly D. likely

30. Selecting a digital camera for personal use is no easy task because technology ______ so rapidly.

A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change

31. The development of modern science will soon

______ it possible for some patients to recover from these illnesses.

A. make B. find C. consider D. think

32. - I really like the record you lent me last week.

- ______.

- And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.

A. I’m glad you like it B. That’s all right C. Don’t mention it D. I hope you like it

33. He sent her a telegram ______ his immediate re-turn to London.

A. announced B. announcing C. has announced D. announces

34. The company wishes to ______ its new factory beside the river.

A. find B. stand C. locate D. arrange

35. Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I ______so much fried chicken just now.

A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat



The area of California that is called Silicon Valley is about seventy kilometers southeast of San Francisco. It is about forty kilometers long and about fifteen kilometers wide. You will not find the (36) Sil-icon Valley on any maps of California. But it is a very (37) place. There are thousands of high-technology companies in Silicon Valley today.

The (38) begins with Stanford University. (39) World War II, Stanford University was having financial(财政的) problems. It also (40) several thousand hectares (公顷) of land that was not being (41). A professor at Stanford did his best to (42) the problem. He learned that the university could not legally sell the land. The Stanford family made it legally impossible to sell any of the land (43) they gave it to the university. However, the professor discovered there was (44) to prevent the university from (45) companies to pay the university to use the land. This idea (46) the development of an area called Stanford Industrial Park. This business area was (47) in 1954. Several leading companies moved their offices there. These (48) businesses influenced other companies to move into or near the Stanford Industrial Park.

The area became known as Silicon Valley (49) the beginning of the computer age. In the early 1970s, a(an) (50) named the area Silicon Valley in a series of stories for a publication called Electronic News. Young computer engineers with little (51) started companies in this area. Many of these companies are now large international businesses. One (52) is Apple Computers.

Silicon Valley is a name that has become so popular today that it is often used to (53) any area that is home to many electronics companies.(54) the first and most important Silicon Valley can still be (55) in California.

36. A. position B. name C. city D. direction

37. A. distant B. deserted C. important D. interesting

38. A. situation B. reason C. result D. story

39. A. After B. Before C. During D. Since

40. A. owned B. sold C. bought D. provided

41. A. shared B. forgot C. used D. seized

42. A. think B. deal C. mention D. solve

43. A. because B. though C. when D. if

44. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

45. A. permitting B. persuading C. ordering D. obliging

46. A. belonged to B. led to C. referred to D. added up to

47. A. gave up B. handed in C. set up D. used up

48. A. useful B. helpful C. peaceful D. successful

49. A. at B. on C. with D. for

50. A. engineer B. reporter C. employer D. boss

51. A. thought B. knowledge C. success D. money

52. A. model B. example C. form D. shape

53. A. explain B. describe C. believe D. suggest

54. A. But B. So C. Then D. Thus

55. A. continued B. protected C. touched D. found




Have you ever heard the old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover.”? This is a good rule to follow when trying to judge the intelligence of others. Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual gift in writing may find himself speechless before a pretty girl when he speaks. He may not be able to find the right words. But don’t make the mistake of thinking him stupid. With a pen and paper, he can express himself better than anybody else.

Other people may fool you into overestimating(过高估计) their intelligence by putting up a good front. A student who listens attentively and takes notes in class is bound to (一定会) make a favourable impression on his teachers. But when it comes to exams, he may score near the bottom of the class.

In a word, you can’t judge someone by appearance. The only way to determine a person’s intelligence is to get to know him. Then you can see how he reacts to different situations. The more situations you see, the better your judgment is likely to be. So take your time. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

56. The passage suggests that ______.

A. a good writer may not be a good speaker

B. a good writer is always a good speaker

C. a speechless person always writes well

D. a good writer will find himself speechless

57. According to this passage, a student who listens attentively and takes notes in class ______.

A. is an intelligent student

B. may not be an intelligent student

C. will score better in exams

D. will not be a good student

58. The passage suggests that we should judge a per-son’s intelligence through ______.

A. his teachers

B. his deeds in the classroom

C. his appearance

D. his reactions to different situations

59. The writer of this passage wants to tell us not to______.

A. judge a book by its cover

B. make the mistake of thinking a young man stupid

C. overestimate a student’s intelligence

D. judge a person’s intelligence by his appearance


One night in February 1962, John H. Glenn, Jr. flew over Australia. The man in the Mercury (水星) capsule was alone, but friendly voices reached him by radio. Over the dark land 100 miles below, he saw sparkling lights. It marked the city of Perth, where people had turned on their lights as a greeting to him.

In Friendship 7, Glenn radioed, “The lights show up very well. Thank everybody for turning them on.” His capsule moved on to the east.

During his three orbits of the earth, Glenn could always reach one of the 18 tracking stations. Some of them were on ships at sea. Others were in the United States.

Many of the stations had been built with the help of other countries. These countries allowed Americans to bring in radio equipment and set it up. Without the help of such lands as Nigeria, Zanzibar and Mexico, there would have been breaks in the worldwide radio network. John Glenn, Jr. was the first American to orbit the earth. For his flight, the tracking network (跟踪网络) covered 60,000 statute miles (法定英里). 500 men worked in the stations along the route. Since his flight, the network has grown. Today, it covers more than 100,000 statute miles and has about 100 stations. One-third of these stations are outside the United States.

60. This passage is mainly about ______.

A. talking to ships at sea around the world

B. breaks in the worldwide network

C. the first American to orbit the earth

D. a satellite which fell into the ocean

61. From the passage we can see that ______.

A. Friendship 7 stopped in Perth, Australia

B. all tracking stations are inside the United States

C. radio equipment is important in space flight

D. many people could see Glenn in his capsule when he made the flight

62. During his flight Glenn could always ______.

A. see lights on the ground clearly

B. reach ships at sea

C. reach one of the tracking stations

D. arrive at Mercury in his Friendship 7

63. Why did people in Perth turn on the lights?

A. They wanted to guide Glenn to land.

B. It was too dark for them to see in the room.

C. They wanted to see Friendship 7.

D. They wanted to greet Glenn.


The Beatles had a song that once was a hit on US college campuses, back in the 60s, that went like this: “They say the best things in life are free, but you can keep them for the birds and bees. Now give me money. That’s what I want.”

That may have been almost 40 years ago, but those words are still true for some students today, according to a survey of students’ attitudes.

The American Freshman Survey of more than 267,000 students at 413 colleges and universities nationwide showed more than 50 percent of them said they went to college for “financial well-being in the future”. Fewer than 40 percent saw higher education as a way of developing a meaningful philosophy of life.

University of California education professor Linda Sax, the director of the survey, said this reflects a longstanding tension between material rewards and the value of education, something that has been strengthened in recent years.

“Students also increasingly concentrate on prestige(声望) and college rankings, making them more concerned about where they go to school than why they’re going,” Sax said.

Dustin Grant, a freshman of University of Southern California, said the survey results matched his views on what students think about as they leave high school.

Grant, who is a business major, thinks the high costs of college fuel this materialism.

“This is a major investment - like US$40,000 a year. When you’re putting so much in, you’re going to expect to get something out of it,” he said.

But, the 20-year-old added: “Required courses in humanities and the intellectual life on campus can encourage students to think critically about their values and beliefs. College surely opens up new perspectives(景象). Seniors probably express a greater concern for finding meaning in life.”

64. The survey tells us ______.

A. the differences between the students today and those of 40 years ago

B. some students today take the same attitude to money as those of 40 years ago

C. money is more important than a free life for all the students

D. the different meaning between money and life

65. The third paragraph suggests ______.

A. over 267,000 students are at 413 colleges and universities

B. more students surveyed live a well-off life

C. some students will improve their value of life

D. the meaning of money plays an important part in students’ life

66. From what Linda Sax said, we may find ______.

A. material rewards replace the value of education

B. a college with high ranking attracts more students

C. students show more interest in making money

D. professors are anxious about the value of education

67. The word “hit” in the first paragraph means “______”.

A. successful performance B. popular song C. heated argument D. discussing topic


If you go to Brisbane, Australia, you can easily get a small book called Discover Brisbane free. The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane: the restaurants, the shops, the cinemas, the streets, the buses, the trains, the banks, etc. Here is something about banks on page 49:

ANZ Banking Group

Cnr. Greek && Queen Sts ……………… 228 3228

Bank of New Zealand

410 Queen Street ……………………… 221 0411

Bank of Queensland

229 Elizabeth Street …………………… 229 3122

Commonwealth Banking Group

240 Queen Street ……………………… 237 3111

National Australia Bank Ltd

225 Adelaide Street …………………… 221 6422

Westpac Banking Corp

260 Queen Street ……………………… 227 2666

Banking hours are Mon.-Thu. 9:30 am to 4 pm. Fri. 9:30 am to 5 pm. All banks close Sat. Sun. && Public Holidays.

Australia has a decimal currency(十进币制) with 100 cents to the dollar.

Notes available are: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5

Gold coins are: $2 && $1

Silver coins are: 50, 20, 10&&5 cent

Copper coins are: 2 && 1 cent

68. You can find ANZ Banking Group on ______.

A. Queen Street B. Elizabeth Street

C. the corner of Greek Street and Queen Street

D. the corner of Queen Street and Elizabeth Street

69. ______ seems to be the most important street in


A. Greek Street B. Elizabeth Street C. Queen Street D. Adelaide Street

70. On Saturdays, you can go to ______ to put your

money in or take your money out.

A. ANZ Banking Group B. Bank of Queensland

C. National Australia Bank Ltd D. no bank

71. In Australia, the banks have their longest service hours on ______.

A. public holidays B. Sundays C. Saturdays D. Fridays


A 17-year-old boy from the northeastern state of Massachusetts has won the top prize in the Intel Science Talent Search. The competition is the oldest program in the United States that honors the science projects of high school students. The Intel Science Talent Search is 63 years old this year. The winners receive a new computer and money for a college education. A record says 1,652 students from 46 states entered projects for the competition this year. Their research involved nearly every area of science, including chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science and social science. 40 students were invited to Washington, D.C. for the final judging. A group of well-known scientists judged them on their research abilities, critical thinking skills and creativity. The judges also questioned the students about scientific problems before deciding on the winners.

The top winner is Herbert Mason Hedberg. He received 100,000 dollars for his college education. He developed a faster, more effective method to tell if a person has cancer. He explored a way to separate telomerase, an enzyme(酶) found in most cancer cells. His findings have helped advance research into ways of stopping cancer cells from growing. Herbert said he started the project after watching his grandmother struggle against cancer. The second place winner is 17-year-old Boris Alexeev. He received a 75,000-dollar scholarship. His research in computer science could be used in the study of genetics(遗传学). The third place winner is 17-year-old Ryna Karnik. She won 50,000 dollars for describing a new way to build microchips(芯片) used in computers.

Andrew Yeager of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center was chairman of the judges for the Intel Science Talent Search this year. Past competition winners have gone on to receive many of the world’s highest honors for science and mathematics.

72. ______ of the competitors were invited for the final judging.

A. 1,652 B. More than 40 percent C. Less than 3% D. Ten in thousand

73. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Ryna Karnik is a 17-year-old schoolgirl.

B. 10,000 dollars was given to the top winner.

C. The competition is the oldest program in the United States.

D. Andrew Yeager is one of the winners.

74. The purpose of the Intel Science Talent Search is to _______.

A. continue the program with a long history in the United States of America

B. give the winners a new computer and money for a college education

C. support the students to take part in the Inter Science Talent Search

D. encourage more high school students to devote themselves to science

75. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Three Top Winners B. The Intel Science Talent Search Winners

C. Intel Science Talent Search D. A Famous Competition



What should you do when your parents become angry? If your 76. __________

parents get mad, try to have conversation with them 77. __________

about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They also 78. __________

try to change. But they will take some time because they 79. __________

get angrily all their lives, and that is all they know. You 80. __________

might have to change for your methods a couple of times. 81. __________

Do any nice things for your parents that they don’t expect 82. __________

like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean 83. __________

the floor. If this doesn’t work, turn to your friends that 84. __________

you feel comfortable with, and have him or her to help you. 85. __________


以“Why a sense of humor is important”为题写一篇100词左右的短文。提示如下:

1. 幽默能体现个性;

2. 幽默有益于身心健康;

3. 幽默能融洽与他人的关系。



(Text 1)

M: Liu Xiang became an athlete in and has taken part in many competitions in the world.

W: I know. He set a new record at 2004 Olympic Games.

(Text 2)

M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.

W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?

(Text 3)

M: I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?

W: Oh, I’m really worried about it.

M: I’m not surprised.

(Text 4)

W: Excuse me, sir. What’s the time by your watch? I don’t know whether I can catch the 9: 00 train.

M: Take it easy. You still have a quarter of an hour left.

(Text 5)

W: Which tie would you prefer, the blue one or the yellow one?

M: I prefer blue. But I’ll take them both to have a change sometimes.

(Text 6)

M: Let’s go!

W: Wait a minute. We have to get some things ready.

7.05-06第一学期1总结 篇七





8.辅导员工作第一学期工作总结1 篇八







首先,要求同学们在思想上保持清醒、理智的头脑,遇事冷静分析。如在年初多数地区遭受雪灾,又受物价持续不断上涨的影响,大家都能理性对待,在国家和学院及时拨发了物价上涨补助后,都有感于现阶段国家的政策实施切实有效。在西藏“3.14”打、砸、抢事件和“家乐福”事件发生时,我积极主动地对学生做好思想稳定工作,在良好的说服、教育下,同学们都能积极配合学院做好相关工作。不仅提升了自己的思想水平,也为保持校园的安全稳定做出了积极的贡献。在“5.12” 地震发生以后,在学院的倡导和有效组织下,同学们积极踊跃的为灾区群众捐款,在外地实习的同学也通过各种途径力所能及地向灾区群众献出了自己的一份爱心。










总 结 人:陈虹

9.05-06第一学期1总结 篇九





学校继续以“创双优”、“两学会两主动”、为活动的重点,以《小学生日常行为规范》为学生行为的标准,狠抓 1





