


1.英语七年级期末复习 篇一













2.英语七年级期末复习 篇二

1. 检测足球质量,其中超过标准质量的克数记为正数,不足标准质量的克数记为负数,如图,下列四个足球中最接近标准质量的是().

2. 下列各式从左到右的变形是因式分解的为().

A.(a-2)(a+2)=a2-4B. 8x2-8x=8x(x-1)

C. m2-1+n2=(m+1)(m-1)+n2D. x2-2x+1=x(x-2)+1

3. 下列命题中,是真命题的是( ).

A. 邻补角一定互补

B. 两条直线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等

C. 如果a2=b2,那么a=b

D. 有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直

4. 下列运算中,正确的是().





5. 如果关于x的不等式(a+1)x>a+1的解集是x<1,那么a必须满足().

A. a>-1 B. a<0 C. a≤1 D. a<-1

6. 若x2+kx+36恰好为一个整式的完全平方,则常数k的值是().

A. 0B. ±6C. ±12D. ±36

7. 将一个长方形纸条折成如图所示的形状,若已知∠2=65°,则∠1的度数为( ).

A. 105° B. 115°

C. 125°D. 130°

8. 如图,用四个螺丝将四条不可弯曲的木条围成一个木框,其中相邻两螺丝的距离依序为2、3、4、6(不计螺丝大小),且相邻两木条的夹角均可调整,若调整木条的夹角时不破坏此木框,则任两螺丝的距离的最大值是().

A. 5B. 7C. 8D. 10

二、填空题(本大题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分. )

9. 扬州市某天的最高气温是6℃,最低气温是-2℃,那么当天的日温差是_______℃.

10. PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于0.000 002 5 m的颗粒物,将0.000 002 5用科学记数法表示为_______.

11. 如果x-y=4,xy=-5,那么x3y-2x2y2+xy3=_______.

12. 若3×9m×27m=321,则m的值是_______.

13. 命题“对顶角相等”的逆命题是_______________________.

14. 在△ABC中,∠A=1/2∠B=1/3∠C,则∠C=_______.

15. 凸多边形的内角和是外角和的2倍,则该凸多边形的边数为_______.

16. 如图,将边长为4个单位的等边△ABC沿边BC向右平移2个单位得到△DEF,则四边形ABFD的周长为_______个单位.

17. 有若干张如图所示的正方形A类、B类卡片和长方形C类卡片,如果要拼成一个长为(2a+b),宽为(a+2b)的大长方形,则需要C类卡片_______张.

18. 如下表,从左到右在每个小格子中都填入一个整数,使得其中任意三个相邻格子中所填整数之和都相等,则第2 013个格子中的数为_______.

三、解答题(本大题共有10小题,共96分. )

19. (本题满分8分)计算:

20. (本题满分8分)因式分解:

21. (本题满分8分)解方程组

22. (本题满分8分)解不等式组,并利用数轴确定该不等式组的解集.

23. (本题满分10分)如图,DE⊥AC于点E,BF⊥AC于点F,∠1+∠2=180°,试判断∠AGF与∠ABC的大小关系,并证明你的结论.

24. (本题满分10分)如图,在△ABC中,AD是BC边上的高,AE是∠BAC的平分线,若∠B=42°,∠DAE=18°,求∠C的度数.

25. (本题满分10分)某文具店决定购进甲、乙、丙三种不同型号的笔记本108本,其中甲种笔记本的本数是丙种的4倍,购进三种笔记本的总金额不超过1 470元,已知甲、乙、丙三种型号的笔记本的进价分别为10元/本,15元/本,20元/本.

(1) 求该文具店至少购买丙种笔记本多少本?

(2) 若要求甲种笔记本的本数不超过乙种笔记本的本数,问有哪些购买方案?

26. (本题满分10分)小王购买了一套经济适用房,他准备将地面全部铺上地砖,地面结构如图所示. 根据图中的数据(单位:m),解答下列问题:

(1) 用含x、y的代数式表示地面的总面积;

(2) 已知客厅比卫生间面积多21 m2,且地面总面积是卫生间面积的15倍,铺1 m2地砖的平均费用为80元,求铺地砖的总费用为多少元?

27. (本题满分12分)如图1,将一副直角三角板放在同一条直线MN上,其中∠ABO=60°,∠CDO=45°.

(1) 将图1中的三角尺OCD沿MN的方向平移至图2的位置,使得三角尺OCD的直角顶点与点A重合,CD与AB相交于点E,求∠AEC的度数;

(2) 将图1中的三角尺OCD绕点O按顺时针方向旋转,使一边OD在∠AOB的内部,如图3,且OD恰好平分∠AOB,CD与AB相交于点E,求∠CEB的度数;

(3) 将图1中的三角尺OCD绕点O按每秒15°的速度沿逆时针方向旋转一周,在旋转的过程中,在第_______秒时,边CD恰好与边AB平行;在第_______秒时,直线CD恰好与直线AB垂直.(直接写出结果)

28. (本题满分12分)阅读材料:


我们也知道二元一次方程2x+3y=12的解有无数个,而在实际问题中我们常常只需要求出其正整数解. 下面是求二元一次方程2x+3y=12的正整数解的过程:







(1) 若(42-2x)/7为正整数,则满足条件的正整数x的值为_______;

(2) 九年级某班为了奖励学习进步的学生,花费35元购买了笔记本和钢笔两种奖品,其中笔记本的单价为3元/本,钢笔单价为5元/支,问有几种购买方案?

3.七年级(下) 期末复习指导 篇三

1. a bottle of

2. a little

3. a lot (of)

4. all day

5. be from

6. be over

7. come back

8. come from

9. do one’s homework

10. do the shopping

11. get down

12. get home

13. get to

14. get up

15. go shopping

16. have a drink of

17. have a look

18. have breakfast/lunch/supper

19. listen to

20. not…at all

21. put…away

22. take off

23. throw it like that

24. would like

25. in the middle of the day

26. in the morning/afternoon/evening

27. on a farm

28. in a factory

Ⅱ. 重要句型

1. Let sb. do sth.

2. Could sb. do sth.?

3. would like sth.

4. would like to do sth.

5. What about something to eat?

6. How do you spell…?

7. May I borrow…?

Ⅲ. 交际用语

1. ——Thank your very much!

——You’re welcome.

2. Put it/them away.

3. What’s wrong?

4. I think so./I don’t think so.

5.I want to take some books to the classroom.

6. Give me a bottle of orange juice, please.

7. Please give it/them back tomorrow.

8. What’s your favourite sport?

9. Don’t worry.

10. I’m (not) good at basketball.

11. Do you want a go?

12. That’s right./That’s all right./All right.

13. Do you have a dictionary/any dictionaries?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

14. We/They have some CDs.

We/They don’t have any CDs.

15. ——What day is it today/tomorrow?

——It’s Monday.

16. ——May I borrow your colour pens,


——Certainly. Here you are.

17. ——Where are you from?

——From Beijing.

18. What’s your telephone number in New


19. ——Do you like hot dogs?

——Yes, I do. (A little./A lot./Very


——No, I don’t. ( I don’t like them at


20. ——What does your mother like?

——She likes dumplings and vegeta-bles very much.

21. ——When do you go to school every


——I go to school at 7:00 every day.

22. ——What time does he go to bed in

the evening?

——He goes to bed at 10:00.

Ⅳ. 重要语法

1. 人称代词的用法;

2. 祈使句;

3. 现在进行时的构成和用法;

4. 动词have的用法;

5. 一般现在时的构成和用法;

6. 可数名词和不可数名词的用法

Ⅴ. 重难点讲解

1. That’s right./That’s all right./All right.

That’s right.意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。如:

“I think we must help the old man.”“That’s right.”或“You’re right.”


That’s all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。例如:

“Many thanks.”“That’s all right.”

“Sorry. It’s broken.”“That’s all right.”

All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身体很好”。如:

“Please tell me about it.”“All right.”“请把此事告诉我。”“好吧。”

Is your mother all right? 你母亲身体好吗?

2. make/do


Can you make a paper boat for me?


He’s doing his homework now.


3. say/speak/talk/tell


“I want to go there by bus,” he said.


Please say it in English. 请用英语说。

speak:“说话”,着重开口发声,不着重所说的内容,一般用作不及物动词 (即后面不能直接接宾语 ) 。如:

Can you speak about him?


I don’t like to speak like this.



She speaks English well. 她英语说得好。

talk:与speak意义相近,也着重说话的动作,而不着重所说的话,因此,一般也只用作不及物动词, 不过,talk 暗示话是对某人说的,有较强的对话意味,着重指连续地和别人谈话。如:

I would like to talk to him about it.


Old women like to talk with children.



He’s telling me a story. 他在给我讲故事。

tell a lie 撒谎

tell sb. to do sth./tell sb. not to do sth.

Miss Zhao often tells us to study hard.

4. do cooking/do the cooking

do cooking 作“做饭”解,属泛指。do the cooking特指某一顿饭或某一家人的饭。cooking为动名词,不能用作复数,但前面可用 some, much修饰。从do some cooking可引出许多类似的短语:

do some washing 洗些衣服

do some shopping 买些东西

do some reading 读书

do some writing 写些东西

do some fishing 钓鱼

从以上短语可引申出另一类短语,不能用some, much或定冠词。

go shopping 去买东西

go fishing 去钓鱼

go boating 去划船

go swimming 去游泳

5. like doing sth./like to do sth.


He likes playing football, but he doesn’t like to play football with Li Ming. 他喜欢踢足球,但是他不喜欢和李明踢。

6. other/others/the other/another


Have you any other questions?


others 别的人,别的东西。如:

In the room some people are American, the others are French.在屋子里一些人是美国人,其他的是法国人。

the other表另一个(二者之中),常构成one…, the other…。如:

One of my two brothers studies English, the other studies Chinese. 我两个哥哥中的一个学习英文,另一个学中文。


There is room for another few books on the shelf. 书架上还可以放点书。

7. in the tree/on the tree

两者译成中文均为“在树上”,但英语中有区别。in the tree表示某人、某事(不属于树本身生长出的别的东西)落在树上。表示树的枝、叶、花、果等长在树上时,要使用on the tree。如:

There are some apples on the tree.


There is a bird in the tree.


8. some/any



There is some water in the glass.

Is there any water in the glass?

There isn’t any water in the glass.


Would you like some tea?

9. tall/high


a tall woman 一个高个子妇女

a tall horse 一匹高大的马


He is high up in the tree.


The plane is so high in the sky.





10. can/could

(1) can表示体力和脑力方面的能力,或根据客观条件能做某种动作的“能力”。如:

Can you ride a bike?你会骑自行车吗?

What can I do for you?要帮忙吗?

Can you make a cake?你会做蛋糕吗?


Where can he be?他会在什么地方呢?

Can the news be true?


It surely can’t be six o’clock already?


You can’t be hungry so soon, Tom, you’ve just had lunch. 汤姆,你不可能饿得这么快,你刚吃过午饭。

What can he mean?他会是什么意思?


You can come in any time.


——Can I use your pen?


——Of course, you can. 当然可以。

You can have my seat. I’m going now.


(3)could 是 can的过去式,表示过去有过的能力和可能性。如:

The doctor said he could help him.


Lily could swim when she was four years old. (能力)当莉莉四岁的时候她就会游泳。

At that time we thought the story could be true. (可能性) 那时我们以为那个故事所说的可能是真的。


Could I speak to John, please?


Could you…?在口语中表示请求对方做事。如:

Could you wait half an hour?


Could you please ring again at six?



只有现在式can和过去式could两种形式。能表示一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态,有时也能表示将来。所有其他时态(包括将来时)须用be able to加动词不定式来表示。如:

They have not been able to come to Beijing.他们没有能到北京来。

11. look for/find

look for 意为“寻找”,而find意为“找到,发现”,前者强调“找”这一动作,并不注重“找”的结果,而后者则强调“找”的结果。如:

She can’t find her ruler.


Tom is looking for his watch, but he can’t find it. 汤姆正在寻找他的手表,但没能找到。

12. be sleeping/be asleep

be sleeping 表示动作,意思是“正在睡觉”;be asleep 表示状态,意思是“睡着了”。如:

——What are the children doing in the room? 孩子们在房间里做什么?

——They are sleeping. 他们正在睡觉。

The children are asleep now.


13. often/usually/sometimes


We usually play basketball after school.


Sometimes I go to bed early.


He often reads English in the morning.


14. how much/how many

how much常用来询问某一商品的价格,常见句式是How much is/are…?如:

How much is the skirt?这条裙子多少钱?

How much are the bananas?


how much后接不可数名词,表示数量,意为“多少”,how many后接可数名词的复数形式。如:

How much meat do you want?


How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少人?

15. be good for/be good to/be good at

be good for 表示“对……有好处”,而be bad for表示“对……有害”; be good to表示“对……友好”,而be bad to表示“对……不好”;be good at表示“擅长,在……方面做得好”,而be bad at表示“在……方面做得不好”。如:

Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.


Eating too much is bad for your health.


Miss Li is good to all of us.


The boss is bad to his workers.


Li Lei is good at drawing, but I’m bad at it.


16. 一般现在时/现在进行时


I do my homework in the evening.


I’m doing my homework now.


现在进行时常与now, these days, at the moment 或look, listen等词连用;而一般现在时常与often, always, sometimes, usually, every day, in the morning, on Mondays等连用。

We often clean the classroom after school.


Look!They are cleaning the classroom.

4.七年级英语下册期末复习试卷 篇四



第I卷 客观题部分(90分)

班级: 姓名: 总分:

一、听力测试 (30分)

A)听句子,选择与之相符的图片。念一遍 (5分)

1、A. B. C.

2、A. B. C.

3、A. B. C.

4、A.B. C.

5、A.B. C.

B)听句子,选择适当的答语。念一遍 (5分)

( )6、A. It’s across from the supermarket. B. Yes, it is. C. No, there isn’t.

( )7、A.Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. C. Yes, I do.

( )8、A. Yes, I did. B. I went to the beaches. C. I went there last weekend.

( )9、A. I like them. B. They were friendly. C. It’s boring.

( )10、A. I’d like some noodles. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. I like potatoes.

B) 听对话,选出与对话意思相符的选项。对话念一遍 (5分)

( )11、A. David wants to have a large bowl of mutton noodles.

B. David wants to have mutton noodles for breakfast.

C. David wants to have a large bowl of beef noodles.

( )12、A. Gina enjoyed her vacation.

B. Gina stayed at home on vacation because it rained all day.

C. Gina had great fun staying at home on vacation.

( )13、A. Mr. Wang likes game shows because they are relaxing.

B. Mr. Wang doesn’t like game shows because they are boring.

C. Mr. Wang can’t stand game shows because they are boring.

( )14、A. Kevin practiced English with his friends on Saturday.

B. Kevin did his homework on Sunday.

C. Kevin did his homework on Saturday.

( )15、A. Peter can play the piano.

B. Tom can play the piano.

C. John can play the piano.

C) 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。念两遍 (5分)

( )16、A. At the post office. B. In the library. C. In a shop.

( )17、A. I don’t know. B. Tigers. C. Koalas.

( )18、A. He had to do his homework.

B. He was not very busy.

C. He had no homework to do.

( )19、A. The United States B. Japan. C. Canada.

( )20、A. September. B. July C. June

D) 短文理解。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 念两遍 (10分)

( )21、Zhao Pei has to get up at ______ in the morning.

A. 6 B. 6:30 C. 7:30

( )22、She has to ________ by 10 o’clock.

A. watch TV B. make her bed C. go to bed

( )23、She can’t meet her friends because she has to _________.

A. walk her dog. B. do her homework C. wash the dishes

( )24、She has to learn the piano ______.

A. on school nights B. on weekends C. after school

( )25、She writes to Mr. Know because _______.

A. she has to clean her room

B. she never enjoys herself

C. she wants him to tell her mother about this

二、单项选择 (20分)

( )26、-What did you do last Friday?

-Tim played _____soccer and I played _____ piano.

A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D . a, the

( )27、-_____ you go to the museum with your father yesterday?

-Yes. We _____ there in the afternoon.

A. Did; go B. Do; go C. Did; went D. Do; went

( )28、My cousin feels very tired, so he’d like ____ at home this weekend.

A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. to relax

( )29、-_______________?

-She is tall and thin.

A. What is your sister B. What does your sister like

C. What does your sister do D. What’s your sister like

( )30、-Where is your sister?

-She _________ my mom with cooking.

A. helps B. helping C. is help D. is helping

( )31、His daughter is _________ girl.

A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old

C. an 8-years-old D. a 8 years old

( )32、My grandma likes the big house _____ a beautiful garden.

A. with B. have C. has D. for

( )33、Helping others can make us ______ very happy.

A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel

( )34、-_____________?

-It was very humid.

A. How is the weather B. What is the weather like

C. How was the weather like D. How was the weather

( )35、Hawk is talking _____ a friend. They are talking ____ English.

A. with; with B. with; in C. in; in D. about; about

( )36、His brother likes to ____ jokes. We all like him.

A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

( )37、- What does your mother think of the news?

- ___________. She says it’s too boring.

A. She doesn’t mind it. B. She wants it.

C. She likes it very much. D. She can’t stand it.

( )38、-_______did you go last Sunday?

-I went to the mountains.

A. How B. Where C. When D. Why

( )39、_____ talking! Keep quiet in the library.

A. Don’t B. No C. Not D. Can’t

( )40、Linda can speak English very well. She always _______ with her English teacher.

A. studies for the test B. cleans the classroom

C. practices English D. does her homework

( )41、It’s a fine day. What about ?

A. to go out for a walkB. going out for a walk

C. going out for a walking D. to go out for walking

5.英语七年级期末复习 篇五

1. listen 听(强调动作) hear 听见(强调结果)

I listened carefully but I heard nothing. 我仔细听但什么也没听到。

2. We are on a school trip. 我们在参加学校郊游。

3. What are the others doing? 其他人在干什么?

4. lie in the sun / on the beach躺在沙滩上

5. send sb a postcard 寄给某人一张明信片 send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.

6. enjoy the school trip a lot/ very much 非常喜欢学校郊游

7. anyway 无论如何 (转移话题)

8. buy some presents = shop for presents 买礼物 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.

go shopping for presents 去买礼物

9. enjoy sth. 喜欢某物 enjoy oneself = have a good/ great time

enjoy/ like doing sth. 喜欢做某事

10. take sth. to sw. 把某物带到某地 take away

11. at this moment=now 此时此刻 (现在进行时)

12. in different places 在不同的地方 (比较the same) 13. do different things 做不同的事情

14. leave work 下班 be at work 上班 He is at work. = He is working.

15. wait for buses 等公共汽车 16. run for trains 跑去乘火车

17. have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 18. go to the opera 去听歌剧

19. watch a ballet 看芭蕾 20. get dressed 穿衣;打扮 see friends 看望朋友

20. call home 给家里打电话 call sb. = give sb. a call= phone sb.

21. greetings from… 来自……的问候 22. talk on one’s phone 用某人的手机打电话

23. do taijiquan,打太极拳 do yangge 扭秧歌

24. 现在进行时的构成:be动词+ 动词的现在分词


1. What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival? 在春节你们有什么传统?

2. lots of traditions 许多传统 3. clean the house 打扫房子 do some cleaning

4. sweep away bad luck 扫走坏运 5. paint ……red 把……涂成红色

6. It means 它意味着…… What does it mean? (meaning n.)

7. decorate …with … 用……装饰…… 8. have a haircut 剪头发

9. everyone 后面谓语动词用单数: everyone has a haircut

10. visit our family and friends 看望亲戚朋友

11. at midnight 在半夜 (at noon= in the middle of day) 12.fireworks 用复数

13.bring sb. sth. =bring sth to sb. 给某人带来…… bring back

14. at night , in the evening

15. get ready for sth. (be ready for sth.) get ready for doing sth. 为……做准备

16. sweep the floor 扫地 17. learn a dragon dance 学舞龙

18. make lanterns 做灯笼 19.cook the meal 做饭 do some cooking

20. be interested in sth 对某物感兴趣 be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣


1. check my email 查收我的邮件 get up early 起早 have a picnic 郊游 go to a party 去参加聚会 at the party revise / review for my test 复习准备考试 (为考试而复习)

do some revision stay in bed 呆在床上 at a friend’s home 在朋友家 take the plane to…=go to sw. by plane乘飞机去……/ take the plane from…to…乘飞机从……到……

walk up the Great Wall 爬长城 make friends 交朋友 stay in a hotel呆在酒店里

2. What are your plans? (同义句) What are you going to do?

3. look forward to sth/ doing sth.

We are looking forward to the Spring Festival. We are looking forward to going to Guilin.

4. cook 厨师 (名词) 它还可以当动词: cook sth for sb cook sb sth

5. How do you get (from) Shantou to Xiamen? By bus.

6. Why + 一般疑问句?用because来回答. I am late because my bike is broken.

7 in the morning

on Sunday morning具体到某一天用on on a hot afternoon 有描述词用on

8. be going to +动词原形

I’m going to do my homework this evening.

It’s going to rain tomorrow. It’s going to be rainy tomorrow.

There is going to be rain/ snow/wind(名词)……


1. study at home 在家学习do the dull jobs 做枯燥的工作

do heavy work 干重活 three days a week 一周三天

long holidays 长假 free time空闲时间 be free to do sth. get warm 变暖

2. everyone every one of …

3. by email 通过电子邮件的方式 on the computer on TV on the radio

5. I’m not sure. 我不确信。be sure to do sth.

6. The teachers won’t write on a blackboard with chalk.

The teachers won’t use chalk to write on a blackboard.

do sth with sth = use sth to do sth 用……来做某事

chalk 不可数名词 一支粉笔 a piece of chalk

We will use the sun to heat our homes. We will heat our homes with the sun.

7. Flying will be very cheap. flying为动名词,作主语。


Heating homes will be cheap. It will be cheap to heat homes.


Playing basketball is my favourite sport.

8. will + 动词原形 They will play football.

will be+ 形容词 It will be cool in summer.

There will be+名词 There will be rain tomorrow.

There will be a big bridge over the river.

9. My dream will have big classrooms. (同义句)

There will be big classrooms in my dream school.

will 可以用be going to 代替,但be动词要根据单复数来变化。There are going to be big classrooms in my dream school. There is going to be a big classroom in my dream school.

10. It’s going to rain this afternoon.

It’s going to be rainy this afternoon. (但只有there be 句型除外,be后跟名词。)

11. In my dream school there won’t be any teachers.


1. seven million millions of Americans

2. answer some questions for my homework 为我的作业回答一些问题

3.What’s the population of …? 某地人口是多少?

形容人口多用 big 或 large What’s its population?

4. Shanghai has 13 million people. Shanghai is a city with a population of 13million.

The population of Shanghai is 13 million seven million.

It has a population of 13 million people.

5. be famous for 以……而出名 如:北京以长城而闻名。Beijing is famous for the Great Wall.

6. in the east/south/west of… 在……的东、南、西…(内部)

上海在中国的东部。 Shanghai is in the east of China.

7. 问天气:What’s the weather like? / How’s the weather?

8. on the coast 在海岸线上

9. It’s never very hot in the summer or very cold in the winter.

10. with带有,有 Beijing is a city with lots of old buildings.



dangerous 危险的----- safe 安全的 danger / safety n.

difficult 难的------ easy 容易的 exciting 激动人心的------ boring 枯燥的

expensive 昂贵的------ cheap 便宜的 popular 受欢迎的------ unpopular 不受欢迎的

relaxing 放松的------ tiring 累人的 badly(worse, worst) 坏地------ well(better, best) 好地

carefully 认真地------ carelessly 粗心地 late 晚------ early 早

loudly 大声地------ quietly 安静地

2. be good at sth 擅长某事 be good at doing sth 擅长做某事

例如:我哥哥擅长篮球。 My brother is good at basketball.

我哥哥擅长打蓝球。 My brother is good at playing basketball.

3. What Olympic sports do you like? Football is my favourite sport.

Why do you like it? I like it because it’s exciting

4. 位移动词用现在进行时表示将来时。如:她将去学校。

She is going to school. She is leaving for school.

5. 在每周六上午九点半 at 9:30 am every Saturday

6. 早到这儿 get here early 晚到那儿 arrive there late

坐在黑板前sit in front of the blackboard 在教室后面at the back of the classroom

7. It’s +adj. + to do sth

学习英语很难。It’s very difficult to learn English.

8. 对某人讲得又慢又大声 speak slowly and loudly to sb(宾格).

slowly 和loudly为副词,副词修饰动词。

9. 需要做某事need to do sth我们需要每天打扫教室。We need to clean the classroom every day.

想要做某事want to do sth = would like to do sth.

我们想要打蓝球。We want to play basketball

10. No one 谓语动词用单数。如:没人要踢足球。 No one wants to play football.

11. It’s +物性形容词 +for sb to do sh

对他来说学习数学很简单。 It’s very easy for him to learn math.

12. work hard 努力学习/工作 (这里 hard 就是副词)

speak English well 这里 well 就是副词

13. do some sightseeing 游览 go sightseeing 去观光

14. 带某人参观……take sb. around …

15. 将持续到……will continue/last until …

16. He needs to learn English quickly. How does he need to learn English?

17. She likes running and she likes cycling, too. = She likes running and she also likes cycling.


18. 我不喜欢迟到。I don’t like to be late.

19. 我不喜欢跑步和骑自行车。 I don’t like running or cycling.

20. so 因此;所以 在英语句子中不能与because同时用

如:我饿了,所以想去买点吃的。 I’m hungry so I’m going to buy some food.

21. more +(形容词或副词)原级=比较级

more popular more exciting more dangerous more tired more quickly

22. much, a little, even +(形容词或副词)比较级

much bigger, much better, much more popular

Pan Changjiang is funnier than Yao Ming. 句子中有than,要用比较级


词尾若有哑音e, 直接加r就可以。(nice-nicer) , 重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写。(hot-hotter)

辅音字母若加y, 记得把y变为i。(happy-happier)


1. the longest journey 最长的旅程

2. by 直接加交通工具单数 by bike/ bus/ train

3. get to school 到学校 get home/there/here 到家

4. live farthest from the school 住得离学校最远 farthest 为副词,是far的最高级,可省略the, 形容词最高级前面一定要加the

5. the ( best )way to sw. 去……的(最好)方式 6. the most dangerous way 最危险的方式

7. be closest to sw. 离……最近go to work 去上班

8. take a train to sw. 乘火车去…… 9. the fastest train 最快的火车

10. from…to… 从……到…… 11. in eight minutes 八分钟后 (将来时)

12. the same … 相同的…… the same school 相同的学校

13.take some time by… 乘……花……时间 take ten minutes by car 乘汽车花十分钟

14. more than = over 超过……,多于……

15. one of the busiest international airlines 最繁忙的航线之一

16. a distance of …kilometres ……公里的距离 17. in nine and a half hours 在九个半小时后

18. buy a ticket at the bus stop 在汽车站买票 19. millions of Americans 上百万美国人

20. A taxi from Shanghai to the airport is cheaper than the train for two people.


21. British Airways uses the Boeing 747 for long journeys. 英国航空公司使用波音747进行长途飞行。(划线the Boeing 747用which提问)

22. The Boeing 747 travels longer than other planes.

23. I like to travel by bus because it’s safer than going(动名词) by car.

24. from one place to another 从一个地方到另一个地方

25. The cheapest way is by bus. 不能说:By bus is the…way.

26. travel to school 去上学

27. Who travels (the 可省略) farthest to school? 28. Who has the longest journey?

29. How interesting is the journey from …to… by train? (问interesting的程度)

The journey from …to…by train is the most interesting way.

30. What’s the most expensive way to travel? By plane.


1. my/ my parents’ / sb’s past life 某人的过去生活 2. be born 出生

3. the name of --- ……的名字 4. What +be +sb. +like? 某人的性格怎么样?

5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 6. be strict with sb. / in sth. 对某人要求严格

7.On the east coast of America 在美国东海岸

8. lots of things 许多事情 There are lots of things to do in Shantou.

9. visit their old family houses 参观他们的故居

10. with 带有 He likes the house with a garden. a pond with fish in it 里面有鱼的池塘

11. on my bedroom walls 在我卧室的墙上

12. the last time I was there 我在那儿的最后一次 (be the first to do)

13. one day 有一天 (将来时或过去时)

14.Was anyone famous born there?有名人出生在那吗?anyone为不定代词,谓语动词用单数,形容词放在不定代词后。 There is nothing new in today’s newspaper.

15. I know what he does. 我知道他是干什么的。


She asked where she was. The teacher asked who had a pen.

16. Tony was born in England.

Tony wasn’t born in England. Was Tony born in England? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.

They were naughty. They weren’t naughty.

Were they naughty? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.


1. once upon a time 从前 2. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 decide not to do sth.

3. go for a ride / walk 去兜风/散步 4. in the forest 在森林里

5. pick flowers 摘花 pick up sth. 捡起/拿起某物 pick it/ them up

6. be lost/ lose one’s way 迷路 She is always lost in Beijing.

7. look around+sb.(宾)看某人的四周 look around her/me /him…

8. notice sth. 注意到某物

9. hurry to + sw. = go to sw. in a hurry 急忙去某地

He hurried to school without having breakfast.

10. knock on / at the door 敲门

11. open 开着的adj. closed 关着的adj. The door is closed, but the window is open.

open 打开; 经营 He opened the door and it’s open now.

12. enter + sth 进入…… They entered/went into the building.

13. finish sth. She finished the food soon.

finish doing sth. She has to finish doing her homework now.

14. She counted three bowls. 她数了数有三只碗。 count from 1 to 100

15. rush out of + sw. 冲出某地

He rushed out of the school and rode a bike to home.

16. be tired 累 do/ try (tried) to do sth. 尽力做某事 try sth 试某物 try it/ them on

17. destroyed sth. 毁坏了某物 18. walk into the bedroom 走进卧室

19. very soon 不久; 很快 20. be asleep(形容词)= be sleeping(动词)

21. in pieces 成了碎片 22. at first 起初 at the beginning of 23. point at / to 指着……

24. There’s the naughty girl. 倒装句,原句为:The naughty girl is there.

有一个淘气的女孩。There is a naughty girl.

25. open one’s eyes 睁开眼睛

26. be around sb. 在某人周围 The students are around the teacher.

27. jump out of bed and hurry out of the house 跳下床匆忙冲出房子

28. without sth. 没有某物 He went to school without his bag.

without doing sth. 没有做某事 She left without saying a word.

without anything= with noting

29. return to sw. = come back to sw. 返回某地 return= give back

They returned to China yesterday. 他们昨天返回中国。

30. 讲故事的顺序:First… Next… Then… Finally…

31. and 前后的时态要一致 He entered the house and sat down.

32. the food in the big bowl 大碗里的事物 (介词短语作定语)

the man under the tree 树下的那个男人 一般用which提问

33. live in the forest 住在森林里

34. answer the door 开门 I knocked on the door but nobody answered the door.

35. all around/over the world 全世界

36. tell sth to sb 或 tell sb. sth 告诉某人某事

tell a story tell stories 讲故事 tell children fairy tales 给孩子们讲童话故事

37. again and again 一遍又一遍 38. begin with “ Once upon a time…”以“从前……”开头

39. change into 变成

每个模块后面的 Around the world的内容,要求理解,尤其是长句,能把单词正确排列成句子。 动词过去式的变化规则:书 151页 不规则动词的一般过去式: 书153页


1. listen to the radio 听收音机

2. Teachers’ Day Women’s Day Christmas Labour Day

Children’s Day New Year’s Day

3. 12个月份的拼写:January February March April May June July August September October November December

4. start school 开始上学 start/begin to do sth. start doing sth 开始做某事

5. ride a bike to sw. 骑自行车去某地 go to sw. by bike

walk to sw. 走着去某地 go to sw. on foot

6. play computer games 玩电脑游戏

7. we had games like chess. like 像 8. watch movies/ films 看电影

9. 英语人称顺序:你, 他/她, 我 (I 放在最后)

10. visit sb. 看望某人 11. near the sea 在海边 on the beach 在海滩上

12. travel by car/ train/ …乘……旅行

13. play the piano弹钢琴 go away 走开;离开 14. decide to be a (an) … 决定成为一名……

15. a writer of plays and poems 一位作家和诗人

16. some of his (the) most famous plays 一些他的最著名的戏剧

17. at school 在学校

18. like watching plays 喜欢看戏剧 like doing sth. / like to do sth. 喜欢做某事

19. finish school 完成学业/ 毕业 20. at the age of … 在……岁

21. move to sw. 搬到某地 22. join a theatre company 加入一家剧团

23. a successful actor 一名成功的演员 (success, successful, successfully, succeed)

24. start writing plays开始写剧本 25. in many other languages 用许多其它的语言

27. on of the most famous writers in the world 世界上最著名的作家之一

28. The TV wasn’t in colour. 电视不是彩色的。

29. What games did you play?你们玩什么游戏?

30. like sth. a lot 非常喜欢某物 a lot = very much 非常

31. on holiday 在假期,在度假

32. He did his homework yesterday. He didn’t do his homework yesterday.

Did he do his homework yesterday? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.


1. a national hero / national heroes 民族英雄

2. the engineer of a famous railroad 一位著名铁路的工程师

3. the Chinese government 中国政府

4. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

The Chinese government wanted a Chinese engineer to build it.


want sb. (宾语)想要某人 They didn’t want foreign engineers.

5. What do you think of …? = How do you like …?你认为……怎么样?

6. start in Beijing 在北京开始 finish in Zhangjiakou 在张家口完成

7. When did he work on it? 他什么时候从事这件事的?

8. form 1905 to 1909 从19到1909

9. Why didn’t sb. do sth? 为什么某人不做某事?

Why didn’t you go to school yesterday? 你昨天为什么没去上学?

10. He died in 1919. 他19去世。(die, dead, death)

11. open a museum about his life 开了一家关于他生平的博物馆

12. a railroad is for trains. 铁路是给火车用的。

13. over 垂直上方,不接触 The bridge is over the river.

14. through 穿过(内部) through a mountain/ forest / window

across 横穿 (表面)across the road/ bridge

15. What did the Chinese do when he died? 当他去世了中国人做了什么?

16. China’s first astronaut 中国的第一位宇航员

17. a few days ago 几天前 19. He was Yang Liwei, the pilot, with a wife…

18. return to Earth 返回地球

19. be called 被称作 He was called “Xiao Zhang”.

The boy called Kexiang is playing basketball. 叫可祥的那个男孩正在打蓝球。

20. last 持续 The rain lasted a week. 雨持续了一个星期。

last 上一个 last Wednesday, last night, last year

21. orbit the Earth 14 times = go round the Earth 14 times 绕地球运行14圈

22. reach an altitude of … 到达一个……高度

23. the next day 第二天(前面已提到了某一天, 用过去时)

24. the third country 第三个国家

China is now the third country to send a person into space.


25. join the Chinese Air Force 加入中国空军

join the Chinese space programme加入中国太空项目

26. 11 years later, two months later (多长时间)后

27. with 13 other pilots 和其他13名宇航员

28. He trained for five years. 他训练了五年。 for + 一段时间 He rested for an hour.

29. want to be…想成为…… She wants to be a singer.

30. people on Earth 地球上的人

31. watch Yang Liwei’s space flight 观看了杨利伟的太空之行

32. wave to sb. 向某人挥手 33. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看……

34. have a meal of …吃了一餐……

35. still 仍然,also也,放在实义动词前,be动词、情态动词后

36. return to the ground = land 着陆

37. 到达某地(1) reach sw. (2)arrive in sw.(大地方) arrive at sw. (小地方)

(3) get to sw.

38. What happened? 发生了什么? What happened to you? 你发生什么事了?

39. the latest news 最近的新闻 a piece of news 一则新闻(不可数)

40. How did he show his skill as an engineer?作为一名工程师,他是如何展示她的才能的?

as 作为…… show one’s skill 展示某人才能

41. travel to sw. 去某地旅行

42. sick people / man/ girl…或 sb. is sick

ill 只有一种用法:sb. is ill

43. open a hospital/ factory/ a company开办……


1. two years ago 两年前

2. on the same day 在同一天

3. Who was with you? When were you born?

4. at the airport 在机场 5. go swimming a lot

6. How was your journey? It was great.

7. spend 花费(时间,金钱), 主语是人,其结构:

(1)sb. spend +(时间,金钱)on sth

He spent lots of money on books. We often spend much time on homework.

(2) sb. spend +时间 (in ) doing sth. They spent two hours (in ) playing basketball.

8. well 形容词:身体好 副词:好(修饰动词) 语气词:嗯

9. take + 交通工具 to sw. 乘……去…… She took a bus to Guangzhou last week.

10. go for a walk / ride /swim 去散步/ 兜风/游泳

11. by plane = on a plane = by air 乘飞机

12. read the newspaper 看报纸 a newspaper, two newspapers (报纸可数)

a piece of news 一则新闻 a piece of paper 一张纸

13. send emails 发电子邮件 14. take lots of photos / pictures照很多相片

15. fly to sw. 飞往某地 fly home(不用to)

16. Say hello to sb. 向某人问好 say sorry/ goodbye to sb.

17. How long did you +(延续性)动词? How long did you stay there?

18. have a holiday 度假 19. do a lot of shopping 购买了许多物品

20. go on a boat = go boating 去划船


1. Why are you going to do…? Where are you going to go ?

Where are you going ? Who are you going to go with?

When are you going to go? When are you going?

2. will + be + 形容词 3. on Christmas Day 在圣诞节

4. sit at the table 坐在桌子旁

5. talk to / with sb.和某人谈话 have a talke

8. clean the house 打扫房子 cook a meal 做饭

9. open a present 打开礼物

10. put on new clothes 穿上新衣服

11. sing a song 或 sing songs 唱歌 singer n.

12. go to a party 去参加聚会

13. have some free time 有一些空闲时间 14. stay in bed 呆在床上

15. think about 考虑;思考 16. special celebration 特殊的庆祝活动

17. at the end of November 在11月底 18. give sth to sb. = give sb. sth 给某人某物

19.in the shape of … …… 的形状 The bags are in the shape of Mickey.这些包是米奇的形状.

24. fill … with… 用……装满……

They filled the bottle with water.他们用水把瓶子装满了。

25. traditionally 传统地 (副词)

Traditionally, people clean the house before the Spring Festival.传统上,人们在春节前打扫房子。

26. They put paper around the presents. 他们用纸把礼物包起来。


27.on Christmas Day 或 at Christmas 在圣诞节

on New Year’s Day at the Spring Festival

6.英语七年级期末复习 篇六


1.Play the guitar


2.want to do sth

想做 某事

3.join the music club 加入俱乐部

4.speak English


5.match----with 与------匹配

6.play chess


7.the swimming club 游泳俱乐部

8.what club


9.a sports club


10.be good at telling stories 擅长讲故事

11.the story telling club


12.like to do/doing


13.let’s join


14.sounds good


15.students wanted for School Show学校表演招聘学生16.talk to /with跟某人谈话 17.after school


18.do kung fu


19.show sb sth=show sth to sb把某物展示某人 23.have fun doing 做事情很有趣

20.play games with people 和人们做游戏

24.on the weekend 在周末

21.be in the school music club 学校音乐俱乐部

25.call sb at 给某人打电话

22.need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事

26.help+sb +v 帮助某人

27.help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 28.English-speaking students 说英语的学生

29.play the piano


30.tell sth stories 给某人讲故事

31.it +adj +for sb to sth

32.be good with 和某人相处好

33.help for old people 对老人的帮助

34.make friends with 和某人交朋友

35.in July / on the morning of

36.be free / be busy

37.the Students’ Sports center 学生的运动中38.teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事

39.need help to teach music


40.the teacher do what he can to help students



1.go to school 去上学

2.get up 起床

3.get dressed 穿衣服

4.brush teeth 刷牙

5.eat breakfast 吃早饭

6.take a shower 洗澡

7.what time


8.at six thirty 在六点半

9.an interesting job 一个有趣的工作

10.at the radio station 在广播电视台

11.always /usually/ often/ sometimes/ never

12.your radio show 你的广播节目

13.from----to 从哪里到哪里

14.at night 在夜晚

15.a funny time 一个有趣的时间

16.take exercise 锻炼

17.be late for 迟到

18.at about ten twenty 在大约十点二十 19.on weekends 在周末

20.on school days 在上学日

21.half past six 六点半

22.a quarter past three 三点过一刻

23.a quarter to seven 七点差一刻

24.do homework 做家庭作业

25.take a walk 散步

26.have much time 有许多时间

27.half an hour


28.get home


29.either-----or 或者----或者

30.eat a good breakfast 吃一顿快餐

31.lots of /a lot of 许多

32.be good for


33.taste good 尝起来好

34.do her homework 做她的家庭作业 35.have a healthy life 有一个健康的生活方 式


主题:谈论日常作息习惯 My School Day

I am a student.I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty.Then I go to school at eight.School starts at eight thirty.I eat lunch at taelve.I go home at 17:00.I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano.I do my homework at 20:00.At 22:00, I go to bed.第三单元词组

1.get to school 到达学校

2.take the train 乘火车

3.take the subway 乘地铁

4.ride a bike 骑自行车

5.how do you get to school 怎么到达学校

6.one hundred and five 105

7.how far is it 多远 8.how long does it take sb to do sth花费某人多长时间做某事 9.ten minutes-----how long

10.ten minutes’ walk-------how far

11.ride the bike to school 骑自行车到学校

12.every day 每天

13.walk to , drive to ,fly to

14.I’m not sure 我不敢确信

15.about= around 大约

16.10 kilometers away from 十公里远

17.good exercise 好的锻炼

18.walk to school 步行去学

19.get home 到达家

20.drive his car to work 开车去上班

21.in his father’s car 坐父亲的车

25.crossing the river is 穿过河是

22.need about 10 minutes to get to school 需要十分钟的时间到达学校

Thanks for + n./ v.ing



– How do you get to school?

Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I like to go to school on foot.First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school.And it takes me a few minutes to get there.Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy.I think it is safer to go to school on foot.Third, I think walking is good for my health.It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better.So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot.What about you?

34.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事

35.think about it 考虑它

36.on weekends 在周末

37.be strict with sb in sth 对某人某事严格要求

38.remember to do 记住做某事

39.make rules to help us 制定规则做某事

40.follow sb to do sth 跟着某人做某事

41.a school uniform 一个校服

42.keep my hair short 保持头发短

43.play with my friends

44.relaxing +物.relaxed 人

45.learn to do 学做某事

46.learn from sb 向----学习

47.have fun doing 有趣做某事

48.have to go to the kitchen to get food for sb 不得不去厨房拿食物给某人

49.write a letter to 写信给某人

50.want sb to do sth 想让某人做事

51.it’s best to do sth 最好做某事


1.Don’t + 动词原形+其他,不要做某事。

2.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事3.too many + 可数名词复数

太多的…… 4.practice doing sth.练习做某事

5.be strict with sb.对某人要求严格

6.be strict in sth.对某事要要求严格

7.leave sth sp.把某物忘在某地

8.keep + 宾语+形容词


9.learn to do sth.学会做某事

10.have to do sth.不得不做某事

0them.We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class.I think we have too many rules.What about yours? Please write and tell me.Yours, Li Ming


23.get/be lost 迷路

24.a good place to do sth 做某事的好地方

25.a good place with food and water带着食物和水的地方

26.in great danger 处于危险

27.cut down 砍倒

28.be made of 什么制成

29.Thai Elephant Day 大象节

30.importance in Thailand 泰国的重要性


1.—Why…? 为什么……?

—Because… 因为……

2.let sb.do sth.让某人做某事

3.want to do sth.想要做某事

4.one of + 名词复数 ……之一

5.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事

6.forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

7.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 8.be friendly to sb.对某人友好


1.—Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?


The Animal I Like There are many kinds of animals in the world.What animal do I like? Let’s know her.Many people like her very much.I also like her.She is from China.She is very cute.She doesn’t eat grass and meat at all.She eats bamboo every day.She is so nice.She is black and white.She has two big black ears and eyes.And she also has black legs and arms.What animal is she? She is a panda.I like pandas very much.Do you like her? What animal do you like?

2.read a 4.listen 6.make


home 在家

9.go to movies 去看电影

10.in a newspaper 在报纸上

11.think about 考虑

12.in the United States 在美国

13.watch the boat races 看船比赛

14.the night before the festival节日前的晚上

15.any other night 任何别的晚上

16.his host family 他的寄宿家庭

17.read a story to sb 读故事给某人

18.on the phone 在电话上

19.miss doing 错过做某事

20.wish sb to do sth/wish to do希望某人做某事

21.no place like home

22.eat out 在外面


1.—What + be+ 主语+ doing? ……正在做什么?

—主语+ be + doing sth.……正在做某事。2.I’d love / like to do sth.我愿意做某事。3.any other + 可数名词单数 其他任何一个……

4.wish to do sth.希望做某事


1.—Why are you doing? 你在做什么? —I’m watching TV.我在看电视。

2.—What’s she doing? 她在做什么?

—She’s washing her clothes.她在洗她的衣服。3.—What are they doing? 他们在做什么?

—They’re listening to a CD.他们在听一张CD 唱片。4.—Are you doing your homework? 你在做你的家庭作业吗? —Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.I’m cleaning my room.是的,我在做。/ 不,我没有。我在打扫我的房间。5.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi.朱辉思念他的家人并希望吃上他妈妈的可口粽子。


It’s seven o’clock in the evening.Kate’s family are all at home.Kate is doing her homework.Her father is reading a book.Her mother is watching TV.Her grandfather is listening to the radio and her grandmother is cleaning the room.Her sister, Betty, is playing computer games.They are all enjoying themselves.第七单元词组


经典范文 The Weather in Beijing Hell, everyone!I’m from Beijing.Do you want to know the weather in Beijing? Now let me tell you something about the weather here.In Beijing, spring is very short and warm.In summer, it’s very hot, but it often rains.We often go swimming in the river.In autumn, the weather is very dry and cool.We often go to the farm to work with the farmers to help them.In winter, it’s very cold, and sometimes it’s snowy and windy.I like swimming, so summer is my favorite season.2


1.near here


2.post office 邮局

3.police station 警察局

4.pay phone 付费电话

5.on Bridge Street 在桥街

6.across from 在……对面


8.in front of


9.in town


10.on Center Street 在中心街

11.far from


12.go along


13.watch sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事

14.look like


15.love the clean air and sunshine 喜爱清新的空气和阳光

16.the best things 最好的事情

29.be good at(doing)sth.擅长做某事

17.in life


18.have to do sth.不得不做某事

19.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

20.go shopping


21.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

22.on school days 在去学校的日子

23.have free time


24.make the foods 做食物

25.turn right/left


26.at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口

27.on one’s left/right

在某人的左边/右边 28.play Chinese chess 下中国象棋




1.What does / do + 主语 + look like? ……看上去什么样?

2.sb.+ be + of + medium build / height 某人中等身材 / 个子

3.sb.+ has +… hair 某人留着……发


1.—What does he look like? 他长什么样

—He’s really tall.他真的很高。

2.—Do they have straight or curly hair? 他们留直发还是卷发?

—They have curly hair.他们留卷发。3.—Is he tall or short? 他高还是矮?

—He isn’t tall or short.He’s of medium height.他不高不矮,他中等个子。




13.beef noodles with carrots


14.green tea


15.be different

不同的 16.in different countries 在不同的国家

17.birthday cake


18.make a wish


19.blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛

20.come true


21.get popular


22.cut up


23.a symbol of long life


24.bring good luck to sb.带给某人幸运

25.have different kinds of 有不同的种类

26.orange juice


27.around the world


28.put on



1.would like + sth.想要某物

2.would like + to do sth.想要做某事

3.Why don’t you + do sth.? 何不做某事?

4.the number of + 名词复数……的数量


1.What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条? 2.I’d like beef noodles, please.我想要牛肉面。3.What size would you like? 你想要多大的?

4.I’d like a medium bowl, please.我想要一个中碗的。

9questions 问问题

9.grow apples


10.show sb.around sp.带某人逛某地

11.learn a lot


12.pick some strawberries 摘草莓

13.last week

上周 14.visit my grandparents 拜访我的祖父母

15.go fishing


16.sound good


17.climb the mountains


18.play games


19.visit a museum


20.go on a school trip 去旅行

21.how to do sth


22.buy sth for sb.为某人买某物

23.all in all


24.be interested in


25.not...at all


26.a lot of fun



My Favorite Food

I’m a middle school student.I like to eat healthy food.I have milk, eggs and bread for breakfast.For lunch I would like rice, fish and vegetables.I like chicken, juice, rice and hamburgers for supper.Of all the food, my favorite food is chicken and apple juice.用法集萃

1.How + be… + like? ……怎么样?

2.too many + 可数名词复数

太多的…… 3.teach sb.how to do sth.教某人怎样做某事 4.quite + a / an + 形容词+可数名词单数 = a + very + 形容词

+ 可数名词单数一个相当 / 很……


1.—How was your school trip? 你的学校郊游怎么样?—It was great!好极了!

2.—Did you go to the zoo? 你去动物园了吗?

—No, I didn’t.I went to a farm.不,没有。我去农场了。3.—Did you see any cows? 你看见一些牛奶了吗?

—Yes, I did.I saw quite a lot.是的,我看见了,我看见相当多(的牛奶)

4.—Were the strawberries good? 这些草莓是好的吗? — Yes, they were.是的,它们是。/ No, they weren’t.不,它们不是。

5.Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.一切都是关于机器人的,我对那方面不感兴趣。

7.如何抓好七年级英语阅读教学 篇七


教育家叶圣陶先生说:“所谓教育, 简单地说, 就是养成习惯。”, 因此, 要学好英语必须培养良好的阅读习惯。从七年级开始教师就应该有意识培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯和能力。但是由于学生刚刚开始学习英语, 因所学知识内容的简单化, 教师往往忽视对学生阅读能力的培养, 这不利于学生的终身学习。阅读是吸收英语语言材料、增加语言知识、扩大词汇量的最重要的手段, 而且阅读能力的提高能为口语能力和写作能力的发展打好基础, 也能使学生从英语阅读中认识学习英语的真正意义和价值。养成广泛阅读的习惯:它有助于增加词汇量, 丰富语言知识和了解英语国家的社会文化背景。通过阅读材料, 有些语法知识会在不经意间掌握。因此, 大量阅读是获取语言、增强语感和扩大知识面的最佳渠道。阅读有利于学生养成用英语思维的习惯:学英语时宜尽量摆脱母语的影响, 每当看到或接触到什么时, 尽量用英语描述或用英语联想, 这是掌握英语的法宝。“拳不离手, 曲不离口”。坚持天天读, 日久天长便由量变到质变, 使学生成为英语通。


读书需要氛围, 在阅读教学中, 营造读书氛围对于激发学生读书的兴趣起着很大的作用。可在班级中建立图书角, 在图书室借阅的基础上, 进一步地增强图书的推荐与交流, 建立起一个好书的交换站。同时, 充分利用黑板报、宣传栏等阵地, 宣传读书的重要性, 进行读书方法的介绍, 让学生从内心深处感受到读书的重要性及怎样正确地对待课外阅读。加强班级中读书氛围的营造, 让学生在浓浓的书香味中走进书海, 畅游其中。


七年级学生的课后作业应巧妙安排, 指导学生视各自实际情况, 每日争取用半个小时左右的时间有计划地阅读英语短文或英语故事。如果课课都是泛泛而读, 到头来就像猴子掰玉米, 掰一个丢一个, 满地狼藉却食不果腹。应该反过来, 慢慢地啃一篇是一篇, 神定气稳地反复咀嚼。那么用不了多久, 阅读英语教学对学生英语成绩的提高作用就可彰显。


写作技能的培养提高离不开阅读教学。通过篇章理解培养构建篇章的能力。阅读和写作都是建立在语篇的基础上的, 思想的交流, 信息的传递并不是简单的词汇+语法。英语写作对于初一学生来说无疑是一个难点。许多学生无从下笔, 其根本原因之一就是词汇贫乏, 句子不会译。那么让学生在阅读过程中去识记词、练习、明意、写作。写起作文来就会运用自如, 就不会有巧妇难为无米之炊的感觉。

8.英语七年级期末复习 篇八


Ⅰ. 选择填空。(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

1. —Can you speak English?

—Yes, but only _____.

A. very good B. a little

C. a lot of__ D. many

2. There is ______ old library near here. ______ library is next to the station.

A. a; AB. an; A

C. an; The D. a; The

3. He is too ______. He often sleeps ______ the day.

A. small; on B. lazy; during

C. shy; in__ D. smart; at

4. What sports ______ Paul and his friend often play?

A. isB. does C. doD. are

5. Maria likes going to the movies and _____ TV.

A. watching B. watches__

C. watch__ D. watched

6. —Does Sam live in New York?


A. Yes, he is B. No, he doesnt

C. Yes, he do D. Yes, he lives

7. Mr. Read ______ in a big shop and he is a _____.

A. works; shop assistant

B. work; doctor

C. to do; waiter D. working; teacher

8. I like ______ a policeman because it is an

exciting ______.

A. to do; jobB. doing; work

C. to be; jobD. do; work

9. —Whats your fathers job?

—A policeman. Its a little ______ but very _____.

A. beautiful; dangerous

B. interesting; boring

C. dangerous; exciting

D. big; boring

10. Jack and Tom often do ______ at school.

A. his homeworkB. their homeworks

C. them homeworkD. their homework

11. We ______ going to the school library.

A. all areB. are allC. all doD. do all

12. —_____ shall we go shopping?

—Lets go at about ten.

A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Who

13. Tom, come here. Here ______.

A. some new books for you are

B. are some new books for you

C. some new books are for you

D. are new some books for you

14. Look! Its ______. Lets play in the park.

A. sunnyB. windyC. coldD. humid

15. Uncle Wang is ______ on the bed and he looks ______.

A. lie; beautiful B. lying; relaxed

C. sleeping; excitingD. stand; quiet

16. Thanks a lot ______ us about it.

A. for tell B. for telling

C. telling__D. for speaking

17. Anna ______ red pants and she ______ beautiful.

A. wears; look

B. is wearing; looks

C. is wearing; is looking

D. wears; looking

18. —______?

—Not bad.

A. Whats it goingB. How does it going

C. Hows it going D. Whats you going

19. —______?

—Its cloudy.

A. How is the weather like

B. What is the weather

C. How is the weather

D. Who is the weather

20. —Is there a bank near here?____

—Yes, there is. Walk ______ the street

__and ______ right.

A. across; goB. straight; on__

C. down; turn to D. down; turn




Mike lives nexttoKate. Theyaregood__21__. Mike is seven years old but Kate is only five. So Mike begins to__22__but Kate stays at home. But the boy often goes to__23__with her after school. He often__24__her what his teacher says at school.

Its 25__today. Mike doesnt go to school. He watches TV with Kate after breakfast. An hour later they come out. Its__26__and they can see flowers round the house. The sun is shining (照耀)and the weather is getting hot. So the two children are sitting__27__a big tree. Mike looks up and finds a__28__ coming to the sun and its going to cover it.

“I cant believe (相信) our teacher!” says the boy.

“What makes you say that?” asks Kate.

“She says the earth (地球) goes around the sun.”

“Maybe she is__29__,” says Kate, “My mother often says so.”

“Does it have to__30__ if it is cloudy?”

21. A. students B. friends

C. classmates D. boys

22. A. go to workB. go to hospitalC. go to a factoryD. go to school

23. A. playB. study C. swimD. skate

24. A. says B. speaksC. tellsD. talks

25. A. MondayB. Thurday

C. FridayD. Sunday

26. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night

27. A. overB. underC. far fromD. up

28. A. treeB. cloud C. kiteD. ship

29. A. wrongB. bad C. ill D. right

30. A. runB. walk C. stopD. fly


Ann is__31__American worker. She works in a big factory in America. Its __32__half past six in the morning. Ann is__33__up. She issitting on the bed. Sheisputting__34__her clothes. She has__35__to do today.

Now Ann is sitting at the table. She is__36__her__37__. There__38__a cup of orange and some bread on the table. Ann is__39__the orange and eating the bread. She is__40__todays newspaper.

31. A. the B. a C. / D. an

32. A. a B. / C. the D. an

33. A. getting B. get C. getingD. gets

34. A. off B. upC. on D. of

35. A. anythingB. something

C. some thing D. any thing

36. A. eatingB. eat__

C. eatting D. eats

37. A. lunch B. breakfast__

C. supperD. meals

38. A. is B. areC. be D. am

39. A. seeingB. eating

C. drinkingD. watch

40. A. seeing B. watching

C. looking D. reading



There are two fathers and two mothers and two sons in my family, but only five people. Can you guess how it comes? OK, let me tell you. They are my grandparents, my parents and I.

My father is a worker. He works in a factory about eight kilometers (千米) from my home. So he often goes to work by bike. But sometimes he goes by bus.

My mother is a doctor. She loves her work. She likes to cook a lot of delicous (美味的)food for us. She is a good wife and mother.

Im a student. I have many friends. We like our school. And the teachers are very good.


41. Grandparents mean ______.

A. fatherB. mother

C. father and mother

D. grandfather and grandmother

42. My mother works in a ______.

A. factory B. school

C. hospitalD. home

43. Is my family very happy?

A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent.

C. Yes, it is. D. Yes, we are.

44. How many people are there in my family?

A. Three.B. Five. C. Four. D. Six.

45. My mother works hard and cooks _____.

A. well B. not good

C. bad D. good


Dave: Hi, Tom. This is Dave.

Tom: Oh, hi, Dave. Hows it going?

Dave: Pretty good. What are you doing?

Tom: I am drawing.

Dave: Hows the weather in your city today?

Tom: Its bad. Its windy.

Dave: That sounds terrible. Its warm and sunny in Sydney now.

Tom: Oh, you can play outside (在外面) and have a good time.

Dave: Yes, I am going to the beach.

Tom: Thats really great. Enjoy yourself.


46. Tom is playing football. (__)

47. Today the weather in Toms city is windy, and he likes it very much. (__)

48. The weather in Sydney is warm and sunny. (__)

49. Tom is going to the beach. (__)

50. Dave doesnt like the weather. (__)




The panda is an endangered species (濒危物种)—there are only about 1,500 pandas left in the world. Pandas love to eat bamboo shoots (竹笋). They can live to about 30 years. Baby pandas are really small—only about the size and weight of a can of soda (苏打).

Most pandas live in bamboo forests in the mountains of western China. When people build more cities and farms, they destroy (破坏) pandas home. Also, pandas do not have babies very often. A panda usually has one baby, sometimes has two or three babies. So there are so few of them left in the world.


51. How many pandas are there in the world now?


52. Why are there so few pandas left in the world?


53. Where do most pands live?


54. How old do pandas live to?


55. How many babies a panda usually have?


Ⅳ. 阅读理解填词。(本题共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Kate is an old woman. She works at a h__56__as a doctor. She works forty h__57__a week. She b__58__to work at nine oclock in the morning and stops at five oclock in the afternoon. After working, doctors and nurses all go h__59__. Some take the bus home and some take the taxi home. Kate w__60__home. She likes walking very much because she l__61__near the hospital. At five thirty, Kate gets home. She h__62__her dinner at six. Then she w __ 63__TV and r__64__books. At ten oclock, she goes to the bed. Sometimes she is too t__65__, but she likes her job.

56. h______ 57. h______ 58. b______

59. h______ 60. w______61. l______62. h______63. w______64. r______ 65. t______

Ⅴ. 书面表达。(本题15分)

以Winter in China为题,写一篇短文。要求:不少于60词。

词语提示:the coldest season; from December to February; trees turn yellow; leaves fall; wear warm clothes; snow; all white; go skating; play snowballs

Winter in China








