1.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇一
1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。
2. 学习过去进行时态。
3. 利用知识谈论过去发生的.事情。
4. 复习过去式,学会讲故事。
5. 了解一些自然科学知识和社会科学知识。
Important and difficult points:
1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。
2. 学习过去进行时态。
Step 1 Leading in
1. Greetings and free-talk .
2. Check the homework .
3. Dictate the words in Unit 2 .
Step2 Pre-task
SB Page 18 , 1a .
1. Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .Explain what each one means .
2. Look at the picture .Point out the six people .Match the statements with the people in the picture .
3. Check the answers .
4. Practice reading .
Step 3 While-task
SB Page 18 , 1b .
1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .
2. Look at the dialogue in the picture .
Explain :
过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .
I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived .
3. Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses .
4. Check the answers .
Step 4 Post-task
Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived .
Step 5 While-task
SB Page 19 , 2a .
1. Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .
2. Play the tape twice .Order these statements .
3. Play the tape again ,correct the answers .
SB Page 19 , 2b .
1. Read the instructions .
2. Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line .
3. Play the recording again ,correct their answers .
Notice: when / while
※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .
Step 6 Post-task
SB Page 19 , 2c .
1. Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .
2. Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”
3. Ask a group to say its conversation to the class .
Step 7 Grammar Focus
Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .
Homework :
1. Go over the words in this unit
2. 用介词或介词短语填空。
① They were talking the phone .
② I was the barber’s chair .
③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed .
④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday .
⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight .
What were you doing when the UFO arrived
2.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇二
(一) 教学内容分析
本堂课授课内容为Lao She Teahouse, 课型为阅读引领下的写作课。文章主要介绍了作家老舍的生平、作品、作品的影响以及人们对他的评价。学生在学习过程中能够掌握介绍作家或作品的词汇和表达。
(二) 学情分析
内蒙古第一中学八年级学生英语基础比较扎实, 英语水平较高。因此, 笔者在课堂上不必花费太多时间在基础知识的讲授上, 而可以将更多的时间和精力用于分析文章结构、引导学生构思如何介绍一部电影或话剧。
(三) 设计思路
第一步, 课堂以Free Talk开始, 通过师生之间的Free Talk自然地引入本课话题———北京和老舍茶馆。对老舍茶馆进行介绍, 让学生感受现实生活中老舍茶馆的魅力。
第二步, 笔者提问:“为什么不叫其他名字而偏偏叫‘老舍’?”从而引出作家———老舍, 进而介绍老舍及其生平。
第三步, 介绍老舍最著名的话剧作品——《茶馆》。
第四步, 带领学生分析《茶馆》的文章结构, 引导学生进行介绍电影或作品简介的写作。
本堂课笔者计划采取任务型教学模式进行教学, 教学辅助工具为互联网与多媒体。教学目的在于引导学生通过阅读文本理解进行描述电影、话剧的写作, 同时, 将英文与中国经典话剧相结合, 带给学生中西文化相结合的体验。
《新课程标准》规定基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力, 而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展基础上的, 根据本课教学内容和学生知识结构及认知特点, 本单元的教学目标确定为:
(一) 语言知识目标
立足语言实践活动, 在完成任务的过程中掌握谈论作者及作品的词汇和语言结构。通过讲解和举例使学生掌握重点词句的词法与句法, 从而促使学生学会正确使用词汇和句式结构介绍文学作品的主要内容及其作者生平。
(二) 语言技能目标
1. 通过适当的听力、阅读及写作活动获得谈论作者及其作品的词汇和相关表达。
2. 开展各种任务活动, 使学生具备较熟练地运用所学语言谈论作者及其作品的能力。
3. 通过提炼文章结构, 层层递进式地引导学生对一部文学作品或一部电影进行基本要素的介绍和深层次意义的剖析与表达。
(三) 情感目标
老舍的《茶馆》是我国话剧剧本的代表作之一, 本堂课意在让学生了解该部作品背后的深意, 让学生明白中国社会发展的过程, 让学生把握作品中主要人物的性格特点, 感受人性中的美好品格。同时利用写作结构过渡到美国电影《功夫熊猫》 (Kung Fu Panda) 的介绍, 从而通过中西方文化特点的结合引导学生注重中国传统文化的传承。
1.Pre-reading:Free talk
利用老舍茶馆门口的节目公告牌导入文章的第三段, 通过问答的形式, 促使学生找到当今茶馆里的活动和饮食文化。学生通过选择小标题确定本段的中心思想。
A.Listen to the life of Laoshe and match his experience with year.
听录音, 使学生了解老舍生平, 将其生平重大事件按照时间轴进行排序。通过复述文章, 了解作者的教育背景及其人生经历。导出老舍最著名作品——《茶馆》, 并设置问题:Who is Lao She?What kind of works did he write?What are his works about?What is he named for?将文本信息补充完整, 进一步为后文关于《茶馆》的教学做好铺垫。
B.Read the paragraph and play kahoot to answer the question.
学生精读第一段, 利用i Pad和互联网的kahoot软件设置问题。学生通过软件即时回答问题, 屏幕即时显示出正确答案和各组排名。
C.Read the paragraph about Teahouse and answer the question according to the underlined information.
根据文章中重点信息的画线标注, 回顾问题的设置, 罗列how many, whose, when, who, where, why等要点。
3.Post-reading (writing)
A.Presenting the three-paragraph structure of introducing a movie or play.
第二段———细节Details—who, when, where, what, how
播放电影《功夫熊猫》片段, 引导学生利用给出的作文结构介绍《功夫熊猫》。同时拓展语料:
Kung Fu Panda is an American action movie which takes Kung fu as the theme/with the subject/topic of Kung fu.
What:a movie about a panda who wants to be a Kung fu master/protect the valley/achieve his dream
Who:Po, a gaint panda
When:in the past, long time ago, once upon a time
Where:in Peace Valley in China
How:by keeping learning/practicing a lot/holding on to his dream
布置任务, 学生现场写作。
B.Giving students useful expressions
重点拓展对文学作品和影视作品的评论。影评从各个不同的角度, 如人物、情节、对白、画面和含义等给出充分的语料, 让学生现场写作。重点突出作品的意义在于表达和传承中国传统美德——勇敢、善良、坚持和付出。
Characters:easygoing, playful, active
Plots:exciting, attractive, full of ups and downs
Dialogues:funny, classic, interesting
Pictures:fantastic, amazing, fascinating
Meaning:It shows/spreads/carries forward bravery/kindness/perseverance/contribution
by combing Chinese and western cultures
C.Practice writing
将三段内容进行整合, 并与全班同学分享。教师及时给予指导和改正。
学生自选一部电影或根据教师提供的电影, 对其进行简要的文字介绍。同时教师给出作文的评价标准:结构、内容、语法和书写。
笔者的这堂课跳出了传统教学模式, 结合具体的学情, 大胆创新。其亮点主要体现在以下四个方面:
第一, 整篇课文采用倒叙的形式层层递进, 重点突出。
第二, 由“教学生学”转变为“引导学生学”。通过任务链的设置引导学生积极主动参与学习, 课堂层次分明, 氛围活跃, 学生参与度高。
第三, 紧跟时代步伐, 运用互联网技术, 丰富课堂形式, 激发了学生的学习兴趣。kahoot这一软件的应用既让阅读教学变得高效, 又将学生快速吸引到教学活动中来。
第四, 将输入与输出紧密结合, 成功地将由读到写的过渡做得自然流畅。学生在内化已学知识后进行输出展示, 其学习的主体性地位在课堂上得到了充分体现。
同时, 本堂课还存在一些不足, 例如, 作文拓展梯度高, 以至于基础相对较差的学生不能当堂消化, 需课后进一步梳理加工。改进措施:将作文结构清晰地印在作文纸上, 帮助部分学生完成写作。
孟中华老师以《茶馆》这篇课文为依托, 为我们呈现了一堂生动、形象的读写课, 可谓是我心中的理想课堂!
孟老师打破传统教学思路, 重新规划教材顺序, 采用倒叙的授课模式, 先讲在茶馆能做的事情, 再以为什么茶馆以“老舍”命名, 引出老舍及其生平, 运用音频进行引导与分析。最后以老舍的《茶馆》简介为范文, 运用“互联网+技术”Kahoot带领学生分析出课文结构, 总结写作框架, 并在每部分框架下给出基础以及进阶表达。以电影《功夫熊猫》为素材, 引导学生运用所学框架, 完成《功夫熊猫》影评并及时进行写作评价。
总体来说, 孟老师的课环节紧凑, 由浅入深, 把听力、阅读和写作近乎完美地结合在一起, 在兼顾学生英语基础知识之上又有所拔高, 有所深化, 有所创新!值得一提的是, 孟老师作为青年教师, 紧跟时代步伐, 把互联网技术巧妙地应用到课堂教学中, 不仅丰富了教学形态, 更激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。尽管此次教学大赛中孟老师第一次与学生配合, 但师生之间十分默契, 让我误以为学生和老师之前就认识或之前有所准备!作为年轻教师, 孟老师能够如此深入地剖析教材, 根据自己的见解巧妙地重置教材顺序, 在课堂上循序渐进, 一步步递进式引导学生, 最终完成影评的写作并给出中肯的评价, 实属难得!
3.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇三
1. space station 太空站 2. barber shop 理发店
3. train station 火车站 4. report card 成绩单
5. sea level 海平面
1. fall in love with 爱上 2. go skating 去滑冰
3. come true 实现,达到 4. look for 寻找
5. keep out 不让……进入 6. argue with... 与……争吵
7. call sb. up 打电话给某人 8. pay for 付款
9. get on (well) with sb. 与某人相处融洽
10. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物
11. buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物
12. have a quarrel/ fight with sb. 与某人吵架/打架
13. complain about 抱怨 14. compare with... 与……比较
15. get out 出去;离开 16. take off 起飞
17. run away 逃跑 18. come in 进来
19. hear about/ of 听说 20. take place 发生
21. pass on 传递 22. get over 克服;恢复
23. open up 打开 24. care for 照料,照顾
25. make a living 谋生 26. get injured 受伤
27. run out of 用完 28. raise money 筹集资金
29. come along 出现;发生 30. be interested in/ take an interest in 对……感兴趣
31. be far from... 离……远 32. turn down 调小;拒绝
33. wait in line 排队等候 34. cut in line 插队
35. take care 当心,小心 36. break the rule 违反规则
37. put out 熄灭 38. pick up 捡起
39. get annoyed 生气 40. fall asleep 入睡
41. give away 赠送;分发 42. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事
43. make progress 取得进步 44. make friends with... 与……交朋友
45. end up 结束 46. leave school 毕业
47. wake up 醒来 48. look through 浏览
1. in the future 未来;将来 2. in five years 五年后
3. on the phone 在通话中 4. in style 时髦的
5. on the one hand... 一方面…… 6. on the other hand... 另一方面……
7. in the tree 在树上 8. in silence 沉默
9. in good health 身体健康 10. around the world 在世界各地
11. by the way 顺便问一下 12. in a minute 过一会儿
13. at a meeting 开会 14. on board 在船(火车、飞机)上
1. be able to 能够 2. hundreds of 数以百计的
3. out of style 过时的 4. as much as possible 尽可能多地
5. all kinds of 各种;许多 6. as...as 像……一样
7. first of all 首先 8. be supposed to 应该;被期望
9. all the time 一直 10. right away 马上,立刻
11. three and a half years 三年半 12. no problem 没问题
13. rather than 而不是 14. so many/ much 如此多的
15. three quarters 四分之三 16. such as 例如
17. all year round 一年到头 18. at least 至少
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用适当的介词填空。
1. Last summer I went to Dalian and fell ______ love ______ the city.
2. Ill be an astronaut and Ill go to the moon ______ spaceship ______ the future.
3. My clothes are very old. They are out ______ style.
4. The poor man wanted to borrow some money ______ his cousins.
5. I have to care ______ my friend. He fell off his bike and hurt himself.
Ⅱ. 选择方框中所给的短语,并用其适当形式填空。
[wait in line/ make a living/ get over/ take care of/ complain about/
end up/ take off/ be in style/ run out of/ be supposed to \&]
1. Please ____________ your old clothes and put on the new suit.
2. The teachers came up with two solutions to ____________ the difficulties in computer programming.
3. Why do you ____________ your parents? In fact, they are right.
4. When we are waiting for a bus at the bus stop, we must ____________.
5. My father likes to keep goldfish because they are easy to ____________.
6. —What color ____________ last spring?
—It was blue. But I think it should be green this spring.
7. To ____________, he had to sell newspapers in the street.
8. As a student, I ____________ do my homework every day.
9. I didnt finish writing the composition because I ____________ time.
10. We enjoyed ourselves during the whole night, and we ____________ the party with a song.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。
1. On the one hand, you should study hard; ____________ (另一方面), you should exercise more.
2. ____________ (为了) get there in time, they have to get up early.
3. You should look after yourself ____________ (而不是) others.
4. —____________ (顺便问一下), whats your hobby, Sonia?
—I like flying kites.
5. The boy has been collecting shells for ____________ (三年半).
6. More than ____________ (四分之三) of the students in our class are boys.
Ⅳ. 写出下列句子的同义句(每空一词)。
1. Jack returned them last Sunday.
Jack ______ ______ ______ last Sunday.
2. There are over two thousand living things in the aquarium.
There are ______ ______ two thousand living things in the aquarium.
3. Thanks to your help, I passed the math exam.
I passed the math exam ______ ______ your help.
4. He is so tall that he can reach the apple.
He is tall ______ ______ reach the apple.
5. Is your sister interested in keeping pets?
Does your sister ______ ______ ______ ______ pets?
Ⅴ. 根据汉语意思,翻译下列句子(每空一词)。
1. 他不想和他弟弟打架。
He doesnt want to ______ ______ ______ ______ his brother.
2. 迈克是新来的,但他与同班同学相处融洽。
Mike is new here, but he can ______ ______ ______ ______ his classmates.
3. 在我们学校图书馆,总是有这样的事发生在我身上。
This ______ ______ me all the time in our school library.
4. 你能马上从浴室出来吗?
Would you mind ______ ______ ______ the bathroom ______ ______?
5. 世界各地的人们都来参观长城。
People from ______ ______ ______ ______ come to visit the Great Wall.
Ⅰ. 1. in; with 2. by; in 3. of
4. from 5. for
Ⅱ. 1. take off 2. get over 3. complain about
4. wait in line 5. take care of 6. was in style
7. make a living 8. am supposed to 9. ran out of
10. ended up
Ⅲ. 1. on the other hand
2. In order to 3. instead of
4. By the way 5. three and a half years/ three years and a half
6. three quarters/ three fourths
Ⅳ. 1. gave them back 2. more than 3. because of
4. enough to 5. take an interest in
Ⅴ. 1. have a fight with
2. get on well with
3. happens to
4. getting out of; right away
4.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇四
Some questions: 1.what day is it today?
2.what’s the date today?
3.what’s the weather like today?
4.you have been here for a long time, how do you get on with your classmates?
5.have you make some friends since you came to this school?
6.who is your best friend?
7.can you tell me something about your best friend?
8.say something about your best friend,( appearance, characteristics, future dream),let other students guess who your best friend is.
Step 2 presentation
Unit one Reading
1. Now I know who your best friends are. Can you guess who my best friend is?
Ask some students to guess.
2. my best friend is Betty. Do you know something about Betty? Open your books and turn to page 4,try to find more information about her and the other two students.
3. ask the students to read the whole reading by themselves and try to find some important sentences by themselves.
4. ask some more questions: if you are going to choose one as your best friend, who will you choose and why?
Ask some volunteers to answer the question.
Unit two Reading
1. can you guess where they study? At Beijing Sunshine Secondary School or at Woodland School in England or at Rocky Mountain High School in America? (at Beijing……..)
2. do you still remember life in Woodland School in England and that at Rocky Mountain High School in America?
3. turn to page 20, read the passage together.
4. ask the students: which school life do you like better and why?
Ask some students to answer.
5. what about our own school life? What do you think of our school life?
Some students’ answers: (Part of Grammar)
a. Life in our school is as colourful as that in foreign countries.
b. Life in our school is not as colourful as that in foreign countries.
c. Life in our school is less colourful as that in foreign countries.
d. Life in our school is not so colorful as that in foreign countries.
e. Life in foreign countries is more colorful than that in our school.
a. we have more subjects that they do.
b. we have less free time than they do.
c. they have fewer subjects than we do.
d. they have more free time than we do.
Unit three Reading
1.we feel very stressed and tired because of so much homework and so many exams. What will you do to relax yourself?
Students’answers: sing songs loudly, listen to music, eat a lot of delicious food.
2.what about a day out? Do you think it’s a good idea? Linda also had a day out. During the day, she visited a lot of interesting places around the world. How did she succeed in doing that? Where did she go? Open your books and turn to page 89. read the text by yourself ant try do find the changes of her feelings.
3.what did she see during the day?
4.what was the best part during the day?
5.if you have a day off, where will you go?
6.if you have a week out, where will you go? Will you go to Beijing? Will you go to Guilin?
Oral book: page 103-104. read the two passages by yourself and try to say something about Beijing and Guilin without books.
Homework: write a composition.
A trip to…../ Travelling to……
a.Life in our school is as colourful as that in foreign countries.
b.Life in our school is not as colourful as that in foreign countries.
c.Life in our school is less colourful as that in foreign countries.
d.Life in our school is not so colorful as that in foreign countries.
e.Life in foreign countries is more colorful than that in our school.
a.we have more subjects that they do.
b.we have less free time than they do.
c.they have fewer subjects than we do.
d.they have more free time than we do.
2.some important phrases:
keep secrets be willing to do sth. be ready to do sth. share sth. with sb.
have a good sense of humour say a bad word about anyone travel around the world
give me some advice wear a smile on one’s face have a square face
why don’t sb. do sth spend a lot of time doing sth. have a great time doing sth.
have more weeks off in the summertime be different from walk to school
go on a school trip to the same size as keep fit enjoy ourselves take a boar trip
a lot of traffic invite sb. to do sth. feel sick for most of the trip be made of
places of interest teach oneself sth.=learn sth. by oneself take a look at feel the beauty of
5.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇五
Grammar I.Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.talk about seasons with their own words.2.know about different structures of different sentences.3.learn to make up sentences with different structures.II.Teaching contents 1.New words and phrases: cloud, kick, fever, cough, awful, from morning till night, kick the ball, have a high fever, cough a lot, an awful day 2.New structures: The clouds became dark.Luckily, it didn’t rain.III.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Grasp different structures of sentences.Change sentences to different kinds of sentences with different structures.IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Show a beautiful painting of a landscape in spring and ask students to describe the picture.【设计意图】导入新课,快速进入英语语境。
Step 2 Presentation of “S + V”, “S + V + P” and “S + V + O” 1.Present the sentence structure “S + V”
(1)Show a picture of spring and encourage students to try to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences according to the picture of spring.(2)Explain the structure of each sentence like “S+V”.(3)Work in pairs to find out sentences in the poem or change the sentences to those with the structure like “S+V”.2.Present the sentence structure(1)Show a picture of summer.Lead the students to talking about their feelings about summer according to the picture of summer.(2)Explain the structure of each sentence like “S+V+P”.(3)Work in pairs to change as many sentences to the sentences with the structure of “S+V+P” as possible.3.Present the sentence structure “S + V + O”
(1)Show two pictures of autumn.Let students think about the question “What can you think of?” Then fill in the blanks to complete sentences to describe autumn.(2)Explain the structure of each sentence like “S+V+O”.(3)Go to the poem again and get students to make up the sentences with the same structure of “S+V+O”.4.Summary(1)Work out the rule An intransitive verb does not take an object, but can have a prepositional phrase after it.A transitive verb takes an object.A linking verb(such as: be, become, feel, get, look, seem, sound, stay, smell, taste, turn)links the subject and the adjective phrases or noun phrase that describes it.(2)Practice T: Pay attention to the underlined verbs.Which are transitive verbs? Which are intransitive verbs? And which are linking verbs? 5.Practice Finish the exercises on P85 of the text book.【设计意图】首先引导学生对所展示的图片中的春天的景象进行描述,帮助学生了解并理解“主+谓”的句子结构。让学生在reading课文中找出类似“主+谓”结构的句子,并通过合作和讨论的形式,让学生把课文中的句子改写成“主+谓”结构,达到“现学会用”的目的。然后引导学生对所展示的图片中的夏天的景象进行描述,帮助学生了解并理解“主+系动词+表”的句子结构。让学生在reading课文中找出类似“主+系动词+表”结构的句子,并通过合作和讨论的形式,让学生把课文中的句子改写成“主+系动词+表”结构,达到“现学会用”的目的。之后引导学生对所展示的图片中的秋天的景象进行描述,帮助学生了解并理解“主+谓+宾”的句子结构。让学生在reading课文中找出类似“主+谓+宾”结构的句子,并通过合作和讨论的形式,让学生把课文中的句子改写成“主+谓+宾”结构,达到“现学会用”的目的。最后在课堂完成课本练习,巩固所学知识并及时反馈,帮助学生理解和掌握“主+谓”、“主+系动词+表”和“主+谓+宾”三种句子结构。
Step 3 Presentation of “S + V+DO+IO” and “S+V+DO+OC” 1.Present the sentence structure “S + V+DO+IO”(1)Show some photos and ask students complete the sentences.(2)Explain the structure of the sentence like “S+V+DO+IO”(3)Give more examples and explanations.2.Present the sentence structure “S+V+DO+OC”
(1)Show some photos and ask students complete the sentences.(2)Pratice: What’s the function of the underline words in each sentence ?
(3)Explain the structure of the sentence like “S+V+DO+OC”.Give more examples and explanations.3.Read the sentences from Amy’s diary entries on P86 【设计意图】通过看图说话的形式,引导学生表达出“主+谓+直接宾语+间接宾语”和“主+谓+直接宾语+宾语补足语”的句子,并对类似结构进行讲解和操练,帮助学生理解、区别和掌握此类型的句子结构。在课堂完成课本练习,巩固所学知识并及时反馈,帮助学生理解和掌握“主+谓+直接宾语+间接宾语”和“主+谓+直接宾语+宾语补足语”的句子结构。
6.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇六
八年级英语牛津版8B unit3 online tours 复习教案
It looks like a TV.Like 为介词,“像...” 常与系动词连用,be like ,look like, sound like,seem like...He did not look like an evil person.他看起来不像一个恶人。Sydney Opera House ________ a usual theatre and it symbolizes(代表)Australia.A likes B doesn’t C isn’t lke D looks like 答案;C 回顾复习关于look 短语 look at 看一看(七年级上)look for 寻找(七年级上)look after 照顾(七年级下)look out 留神,当心(七年级下)Look up 查询 Look though 浏览 1, Can you help me to _______ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong?(2013 泸州中考)A look after B look for C look at D look though2.We have to ________ ourselves when we are away from home.A look at B look for C look up D look after
2.send and receive emails receive vt.收到,接到 I have just received his reply.我刚刚收到他的回信。知识拓展:receive VS accept accept用作动词,意为“接受”,指经过考虑,由主观意志来决定接受,动作者本身是主动的。例如:We hope you can accept our invitation.receive也是作动词,意为“接到”,指收到某物这一动作,本身有一定的被动性,不包含本身 是否愿意接受的意思。I received an invitation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept it.昨天我接到一份参加晚会的邀请,但我拒绝了接受。1.What’s the best present you have ever ______?(2011湖南湘西)
7.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇七
1. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
3. after-school classes 课外活动课
5. get into a quarrel with sb. 与某人吵架
7. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶
9. look through浏览
11. be angry with sb. 生某人的气
13. a big deal重要的事
15. work out进展顺利;解决
17. get on with sb. 与某人相处
19. hang over笼罩
21. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事
23. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事
25. so that以便于
27. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事
29. all the time一直
2. in the future将来
4. worry about sth. 担心某事
6. copy one’s homework 抄袭某人的作业
8. family members 家庭成员
10. give sb. pressure给某人施压
12. have a fight with sb. 与某人打架
14. compete with sb. 与某人竞争
16. free time activities业余活动
18. get better grades 取得更好的成绩
20. give one’s opinion 提出某人的观点
22. learn exam skills 学习应试技巧
24. practice sports 体育训练
26. cause stress 造成压力
28. cut out删除
1. I studied until midnight last night so I didn’t get enough sleep.
2. Why don’t you forget about it?
3. Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.
4. He should talk to his friend so that he can say he’s sorry.
5. Maybe you could go to his house.
6. I guess I could, but I don’t want to surprise him.
8.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇八
1.Do you want some ?这里的some 是想要得到别人的肯定回答,所以用some而不用any.
2.something 不定代词,类似的还有somebody, someone, anything, everything等,和形容词连用时形容词放在不定代词后面。Nothing=not any thing 什么都没有了。No=not any
3.what about( doing)=how about(doing) ….怎么样
4.You are so kind=it is king of you to do sth.
类似的结构还有:it is+形容词 to do sth 如:
It is important for sb to sth对于某人而言做…很重要
It is easy for sb to do sth对于某人而言做…很简单
It is possible for sb to do sth对于某人而言做…又可能的
5.share 分享 share sth with sb和某人一起分享某物
Make good friends 交朋友 和某人交朋友 make friends with sb
6.say,tell,speak ,talk的区别
Say 指说话的内容,“don’t do it”he says.
Tell 指说故事讲笑话,tell jokes, tell lies
Speak 指说某种语言。Speak English, speak Chinese
Talk 指谈论,talk with sb 和某人谈论…
7.interest 有趣的人或物,兴趣,interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的,用来修饰物,如,an interesting book一本有趣的书
Interested 有趣的,形容人。Sb be interested in…某人对…感兴趣
类似的还有:excite exciting excited; amaze amazing amazed bore boring bored
8.one of+可数名词复数 ,表示…的一个
Be willing to do =be ready to do 乐意做某事
help sb with sth; help sb to do sth帮组某人做某事
give sb sth = give sth to sb给某人某物
someone in need需要帮助的人=someone in trouble
9.voice ,noise he sound 的区别
grow up 长大 almost 几乎,most大多数,mostly副词,大多地,主要地 wear glasses 带眼镜
10.make 使役动词,使,让…
Make sb do 使某人做某事,让某人做。。。
Make sb +形容词,使某人怎么样make me happy 使我开心
Be made of 由…制成,看的出原材料
Be made from 由…制成,看不出原材料
a good sense of humour 幽默感
11.fit 动词 合适,适合。They do not fit well under his desk.
这件衣服不合适我。This clothes does not fit me .
Past 介词 路过,经过 walk past ,go past动词时pass。通过考试pass the exam
Cross动词 穿过,(表面)介词是across
Through 穿过(内部)go through 经历
Say a bad word about 说关于…的坏话
a true frieng挚友,真正的朋友keep a secret 保密
12.would like to do sth=want to do sth =feel like doing sth 想要做某事
learn about 了解
what is she like ?他是怎么样的
13.why not do sth为什么不做…=why don’t sb do…
be going to do sth =be planning to do sth 计划做某事
buy sth for sb= buy sb sth 买某物给某人
see a film 看电影 watch a movie看电影
year 8=grade8 the 8th grade八年级
mix with 混合。Be mixed with 混合
have lessons=attend lessons 上课
borrow… from …从。。。借。。。
near the end of 在…将要结束的时候
offer sb sth 提供某人某物
14.how much 多少,对时间和钱提问
Among 三者以上,both两者都
Sb spend +时间 (in)doing sth/on sth某人花费时间做
It takes sb+时间 to do sth 某人花费时间
Start 开始,finish 结束 start doing sth finish doing sth
Get up 起床 a lot of =lots of 许多,大量,即可修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词 many 修饰可数名词,much 修饰不可数名词
15.have a good time doing sth =have fun doing sth 做某事很高兴
after school 放学后,after class 下班
after-school 放学后的,形容词 after-class下课的,课间的
16.trip短途旅行,travel旅行旅游,交通,journey 长途旅行
have a trip to …到。。。的旅行 go on a school trip 进行一个学校旅行 take a boat trip 乘船旅行
17.be going to do 计划,打算做…
Need to do sth 需要去做… do exercises 做锻炼 keep fit 保持健康=keep healthy
Enjoy oneself 玩的高兴,享受某人自己的…
Help oneself 随便吃,随便喝;请自便
Enjoy doing sth =like doing sth = love doing sth 喜欢做某事
The top of … … 的顶部
It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees.
With 在这里表伴随状态,翻译的时候需要注意,这是一个带有大花园和许多树的美丽建筑,with表示有的含义。With your support ,we will win.有你们的支持,我们将会赢
18.how long 对长度提问。How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?
How wide 对宽度提问。 How wide is the bridge?
How far 对路程,距离远近提问。
How often 对频率提问。
19 含有动词不定式的固定结构
Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
Ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事
Advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
quite =very 很,非常on the way 在路上 a little 有点
finally最后,最终= in the end 名词 final,决赛
get off 下车,get on 上车 by bus =take a bus 乘坐大巴车
the whole world=all over the world =around the world 全世界
arrive at +小地点 arrive in+大地点 get to sp =reach sp 到达
couldn’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事
couldn’t believe one’s eyes 简直不敢相信某人的眼睛
more than 超过。。。 places of interest 名胜古迹,复数加在place
just 仅仅, in just one day 仅仅在一天之类
learn a lot 了解许多 a lot 相当于副词,许多
main sights 主要景点 main 形容词 主要的 副词mainly主要地
put in 安装,put up张贴 ,挂 put on 试穿
go and see for yourself 你亲自去看看。亲自for oneself
独自 by oneself 自学 teach oneself
20.Take place 发生= happen
It is free for groups of 30 or mare students. free免费的
Free 免费的;自由的,空闲的 for free=free of charge 免费
in one’s free time = when sb be free= in one’s spare time
Far away from 离…远 join us 加入某人join sb
On foot = by walking = walk to sp 步行
21.instruction 说明指令。名词,词缀是ion,动词instruct
Had better do sth 最好做某事,最好不要做某事 had better not do sth
It says ,”do it yourself”这里的say的意思是写,说。不能用write和read。
Exactly精确地,准确地副词 ly 是词缀。形容词是exact
Repair=fix 修理 repair doing= fix doing
Decorate …with …用…装饰…名词是decoration
be crazy about =ba mad at 对….狂热,对…着迷
once 曾经;一次;一…就… another time另一次
make a mistake 犯错 put in a light 安装灯
a power cut 停电 hit a pipe 碰到水管
fill…with … 用…填满 用…装满…
be filled with = be full of 装满,充满
keep on doing sth 一直做某事,继续做某事
instead 相反,反而 instead of而不是
cut out 剪出
22.itis time to do sth =it is time for sth 该…. 是…时候了
be late for sth 做某事迟到 be late to do
stop dong sth 停止做某事( 正在做的事情) stop to do sth 停下来去做(未做准备要做的事)
decide to do sth 决定做某事
colour 名词颜色,动词 上色,涂色 colour the roses red
paint 名词油漆 颜料, 动词涂颜料,上色,涂漆paint the room
cover 名词 封面,盖子,动词 覆盖 cover the floor
9.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇九
一般现在时与一般过去时的被动语态 【教材典句】
1.On the plane, operations are done by volunteer doctors.在飞机上,手术由志愿医生做。
2.Many blind people were helped by ORBIS doctors.许多失明的人受到奥比斯医生的帮助。
以上两个句子都是被动语态,句子 1 是一般现在时的被动语态;句子 2 是一般过去时的被动语态,一般现在时与一般过去时的被动语态的用法是本单元的语法重点。
1.被动语态的定义 语态是动词的一种形式,用来表明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语中的动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。
is spoken
by them.(被动语态)
动作的执行者 2.被动语态的结构 构 被动语态是由“be+及物动词的过去分词”构成的,be 的形式要根据时态及主语的人称来判断。
一般现在时的被动语态结构 肯定句
主语(动作的承受者)+ am/is/ are+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他.English is taught by him.英语由他教。
主语(动作的承受者)+ am/is/are+not+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他.English isn’t taught by him.英语不由他教。
Am/Is/Are+主语(动作的承受者)+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他?
Is English taught by him? 英语是由他教吗? 特殊疑问句
疑问词+ am/is/are+主语(动作的承受者)+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他?
Who is taught English by him? 谁由他教英语? 一般过去时的被动语态结构 肯定句
主语(动作的承受者)+was/were+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他.The bridge was built in 1999.这座桥是 1999 年建成的。
主语(动作的承受者)+ was/were+not+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他.The bridge wasn’t built in 1999.这座桥不是 1999 年建成的。
Was/Were +主语(动作的承受者)+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他?
Was the bridge built in 1999?这座桥是在 1999 年建成的吗? 特殊疑问句
疑问词+ was/were +主语(动作的承受者)+及物动词的过去分词(by sb.)+其他?
When was the bridge built? 这座桥是什么时候建成的? 3.被动语态的用法 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者时用被动语态 These children are helped every year.这些孩子每年都受到帮助。
动作的承受者是谈话的中心,如果在谈话时动作的承受者和执行者同时出现,通常用 by 引出动作的执行者 The book was taken away by the boy.这本书是被这个男孩拿走的。
4.如何将主动语态改为被动语态 首先找出主动语态的宾语作为被动语态的主语,然后根据主动语态的时态及被动语态的主语判断 be 的时态及形式,再把主动语态中的谓语动词改为过去分词。
many trees
every year.主语
时间状语 该句中的宾语是 many trees,时态为一般现在时,因此被动语态如下:
Many trees are planted by him every year.【拓展】①含有双宾语的主动句改为被动句时,两个宾语都可以改为被动结构的主语;通常情况下是把主动语态中的间接宾语改为被动结构的主语;如果把直接宾语改为被动结构的主语,间接宾语前要加上相应的介词 to 或 for 等。
He teaches us English.→We are taught English by him.→English is taught to us by him.②若主动句为“主语+谓语+宾语+不带 to 的不定式作宾补”,在改为被动结构时,一定要把 to 再加上。
The teacher made him hand in homework before class.→He was made to hand in homework before class(by the teacher).③在做用所给动词的适当形式填空题时,看看句子的主语与谓语动词是什么关系,如果主语与谓语动词是动宾关系或者谓语动词为及物动词(短语),但是后面没有宾语,则应为被动语态。
10.牛津英语八年级下作文 篇十
新目标八年级下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
本节课的语法难点是学习和掌握过去进行时,但对于过去发生过的事,学生现在又欠缺接近真实经验的情境。为此,我有意拍摄了一些学生的课外活动情境,如打篮球、跑步、骑车、唱歌、聊天、做作业等,把它们做成一个课件。通过多媒体计算机精心设计 “引趣”情境,其生动形象的画面,紧紧地吸引住了学生的眼球,学生产生了极大的学习兴趣和求知欲。课堂上,学生们看到自己或同学的身影出现在屏幕上是那么的精彩,异常兴奋,注意力也就特别集中,我不失时机地开口了,“I was taking photos at noon yesterday.What were you doing at that time?What was Tom doing at 5pm. yesterday?...”大家纷纷举手,S1:I am playing basketball.(be动词有误,稍后再纠正),S2:I was running...课堂气氛变得异常活跃,这样本课语法难点也迎刃而解了。
新目标英语八年级下Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?第一课时,为了呈现学习重点句型Would you mind(not)...?时,设计如下。(一个学生正在课堂上睡觉)
T:Look,who is sleeping in class now?
Ss:Lang Tong is sleeping.
T:Is it good to do that?How should we help him?
Ss:It isn’t good to sleep in class.We should wake him up.
T:Would you mind helping me wake him up?(一边将该句型呈现于黑板)
S1:OK,I will do it at once.(学生去把他叫醒)
T:Would you mind not sleeping in class?(对被叫醒的学生说)
S2:Sorry,I won’t do it again!(教师帮助,提示学生回答)
牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计)07-20