1.中级口译笔试复习方法 篇一
Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival in China bustling with noise and excitement. During the Spring Festival, everything was in a state of preparedness for every family. About ten days before the festival, people began busy preparing special purchases, including new clothes and shoes for the children to embrace the new year. What’s more, people begin decorating their rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity, which include Spring Festival couplets on red paper pasted on the door panels, red paper-cuttings on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings on the wall, as well as red lanterns or the Chinese character ‘Fu’ (meaning blessing or happiness) on the front door. The Chinese character ‘Fu’ can be pasted normally or upside down, signifying good futune because in Chinese the ”reversed fu“ is homophonic with ”fu comes“, both being pronounced as ”fudaole."
2.中级口译笔试复习方法 篇二
Section 1: Listening Test Part A: Spot dictation Americans have four primary avenues for making friends—— at work, at school, through a hobby or a common interest such as volunteer work and discussion group or through a family or mutual friend connection.In American culture, a job is more than the work that one performs between the hours of 9 a.m.and 5 p.m.Work becomes a major socializing influence.Many young mothers who sacrifice their jobs to care for small children remark on the loneliness of their new lifestyles because they have lost their forum for adult interaction.A great number of American employers recognize business social potential and use it to build a family atmosphere on the job so that employees will feel comfortable and secure in their work environment.Some employers arrange company get-togethers in their home or at a local restaurant.American companies have at least one major function annually, usually at Christmas time.Many corporations have annual summer picnics where employees and administrators alike dress in jeans and T-shirts to play games, such as baseball and volleyball.Top American administrators often hold social gatherings in their own homes.Depending upon the size of the employer’s home and the number of his employees, these social gatherings may be picnics, pool parties, or formal banquets.If the company is large, an employer may hold what Americans call an open house.For an open house, the employer will invite his employees to come to his home anytime between 1 p.m and 6 p.m.on a certain day.Those invited usually stay for one to two hours, chatting with the other guests and their host.People come and go as they please during the designated hours, and the host keeps refreshments, usually light snacks or hors d’oeuvres and beverages, available for all who come.For such social gatherings, it is considered poor practice to refuse the invitation unless you have an excellent reason.Part B: Listening Comprehension 1.statements 1.B For me, taking a rest is better than surfing the Internet or shopping 2.C Usually new employees will not take such initiatives as Mr.Johnson does 3.B Could you say something on the subject of cost-effective publicity? 4.A Children will directly or indirectly affect what their parents purchase 5.C Although it is sugar-containing, the apple is a kind of healthy fruits.6.D The camera we bought is more expensive than I expected 7.A The problem of inflation could be worsened due to rising unemployment and wage explosion 8.D the tariff is a government tax on imported goods 9.A We had planned to sell $120000 worth of this new product 10.A The committee voted against the proposed projiect
2.Talks and Conversations 11.D Studying in a foreign country 12.C The rising cost of living through inflation 13.B The university bookstore 14.A She will use her study time more effectively 15.D A teacher 16.C She was anxious 17.B 120 18.D Her success 19.B He was on a business trip 20.C Agents and customers 21.A 220 22.D The lunch menu 23.C In driving, it is always safety that comes first 24.A because they may no judge speeds very well 25.D The handicapped 26.B slow down or stop to let people cross 27.C Programme writing 28.A A good self-controlled personality 29.B scientists and intellectuals 30.C The wide spaces between the words
Part C: Listening and Translation 1.Sentence Translation 1.Our online courses are open to the public for immediately enrolment.They include everything our students need for study.Our students love the quality as well as the convenience.2.In 1986, there were over 40 million computers in the world, while by 2006, that number climbed to about 800 million, a twenty-fold increase in two decades.3.In an age of fast communication via telephone and computer, face-to-face meetings might seem like wasting our time and energy.However, they are still an important part of doing business.4.There are ten clubs here representing foreign students on campus.Their main purpose is to get students from the same countries together, so we won’t get too homesick and can help each other.5.Listening is what we do first and most.The average person spends 45% of his daily communication time in listening, with the rest 55% in writing, reading and speaking.2.Passage Translation Passage One I am here tonight to wish your club a happy birthday.Now, I myself have reached that stage in life where I would like to have my birthdays remembered but not my age.I suppose I am what is called middle-aged, which is when you start eating what is good for you and not what you like.I am proud of your club because it is set up for our senior citizens.This is a place you can come to for peace and quiet, where you have tea and chat with people of your own age group.Passage Two Researchers have found that daily walking may improve sleep quality.They have also noticed that only those who exercise in the morning have the beneficial effects on sleep.Those who exercised in the evening actually had more trouble falling asleep.One possible explanation is that morning versus evening exercise may affect sleep quality.Morning exercise may get the body clock in good order, and evening exercise may upset it.However, more research is needed to confirm this theory.Section 2: Study Skills 1.D the rope was the symbol of law and order 2.B it changes the human characters 3.B it is rare 4.A the trading nations adopted the gold standard 5.D one could place more faith in gold than in politicians 6.B it is thin in proportion to the earth’s mass 7.C the outer layer is made of rock 8.D still in use 9.C there are active volcanic regions at the centre 10.B the Under world 11.A after consulting someone about her problems 12.C are not to be performed strenuously 13.B can be difficult to change 14.D recovered his vocal powers 15.C to suggest that back problems can be remedied.16.B waste disposal 17.A their wastes were covered over by nature 18.C shipping them as scrap to a steel mill for ne vehicles.19.C building more sewage disposal plants 20.D sludge 21.A sadness is a normal human emotion that serves a specific purpose 22.A the drug did not treat illnesses as it should 23.B grief over death 24.B loss of one’s mind 25.C reasonable 26.C stretched 27.D to suggest an anti-ageing approach that will reproduce itself 28.D death is the reality in nature people should come to terms with 29.A general readers 30.D reproduction is a useful alternative to longer life
Section 3: Translation Test(1)美国经济发展速度日益减缓,工作机遇日益凸显不稳定性。身为一所小型高校的校长,我时刻关注今年毕业生面临的就业市场。最新消息报道了贝尔斯登公司撤销了为商学院毕业生提供的数百个职位,这正是公司裁员的通常做法。而全美的大学也随之降低招生规模。但即使经济前景惨淡,今年的毕业生还是有望找到工作。诚然,众多公司纷纷裁员,但其中许多也正寻求新的人才,尤其是低端职位。超过百万的职场新人像潮水般涌入劳动力市场,学生们应该认识到,在全球市场环境下,语言技巧至关重要,灵活性也同样不可或缺。如果毕业生愿意接受起点低的工作,就工作要求做出一些让步,如果公司要求也不介意搬至其他城市工作,那么他就有可能得到一份工作。因此,即使失业情况日益严重,毕业生还是可以将找工作视作一份长远职业的第一次挑战。
Section 4: Translation Test(2)据消息灵通人士透露,今年春节前,家乐福才与新大新发生“第一次亲密接触”,其中广州市政府无疑起了“红娘”的作用。短短几个月时间,双方“情投意合”。外界关心的是:家乐福到底看中新大新什么地方?
3.翻译资格考试中级口译复习讲义 篇三
总书记 general secretary
总工程师 chief engineer
总会计师 chief accountant
总建筑师 chief architect
总编辑 chief editor; editor-in-chief; managing editor
总出纳 chief cashier; general cashier
总裁判 chief referee
总经理 general manager; managing director; executive head
总代理 general agent
总教练 head coach
总导演 head director
总干事 secretary-general;commissioner
总指挥 commander-in-chief; generalissimo
总领事 consul-general
总监 chief inspector; inspector-general;chief impresario
4.会计中级职称复习方法 篇四
5.高级口译笔试经验 篇五
6.中级口译词汇 篇六
1.four parts of modernization:四个现代化
2.function/serve as a bridge 发挥桥梁作用
3.air.[v] 广播
4.back [v] 支持
5.bar [v] 阻止
6.hit [n] 流行的事物
7.row [n,v] 严重分歧;吵架
8.nab=arrest [v] 逮捕
9.shanghai [v] 诓骗
10.public relations 公关
11.registered household 户口
12.conflict=confrontation 面对,对峙,冲突
13.cross straits direct chartered flights 直航包机
14.Tibet separationist 藏独分子
15.Macao’s handover/return to motherland 香港回归祖国
16.amenity [n] 生活福利设施;便利设施
17.communal amenity 公共设施
18.infrastructure [n] 基础设施建设 19.utility [n] 公共事业(水电煤)
20.utility bill 公共事业费
21.utilitarian [adj] 实用主义的
22.millennium [n] 一千年(pl:millennia)
23.Millennium Development Goals(MGDs)千年发展目标
24.statesman 政治家
25.address 解决问题;发表演讲
26.TaiWan question 台湾问题
27.International affair 国际事务
28.a rising power 一个崛起的强国
29.peaceful reunification 和平统一
30.corruption [n] 贪污腐败
31.anti-corruption 反腐
32.collusion [n] 密谋,勾结,狼狈为奸
33.nepotism [n] 裙带关系
34.accession to[n] 正式加入(国际组织)
35.wedge issues 引起分歧的议题
36.metropolis [n] 大都市
37.the Opium War 鸦片战争
38.since the inception of recent / modern times近代以来 39.join… / join into the club of 加入…的行列
40.build mutual trust 建立互信
41.put aside our / the dispute 搁置争议
42.seek common ground while reserving / shelving our differences 求同存异
43.seek win-win progress 共创双赢
44.peaceful evolution 和平演变
45.exercise macro control 实施宏观调控
46.sustain economic growth , boost domestic demands , adjust economic structure 保增长,扩内需,调结构
47.the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people’s republic of China 新中国成立60周年
48.This year marks the 50th anniversary of democratic reform in Tibet.今年是西藏民主改革50周年
49.the government of the people ,by the people and for the people.Shall not perish from the earth 一个民有,民治,民享的政府是不会灭亡的
50.Soong Ching Ling’s Mausoleum 宋庆龄陵墓
51.Dr Sun Yatsen’s Former Residence 中山陵
52.May Fourth Movement 五四运动
53.scientific concept of development 科学发展观
54.harmonious society 和谐社会
55.torch bearer 火炬手 56.mascot 吉祥物
57.British Commonwealth 英联邦
58.logo 会徽
1.World Economic Forum(WEF)世界经济论坛
2.mushroom [v] 迅速增长
3.rate [n] 工资
4.means [n] 财富;钱财
5.honor the check 兑现支票
6.outstanding debts 拖欠的债务
7.feather the nest egg 充实养老金
8.ups and downs 人生的波动
9.fluctuate [v] 数量的波动
10.take nose dive 大跌
11.on the hook 套牢
12.Subprime mortage loan crisis 次贷危机
13.13..Davos summit 达沃斯峰会
14.expand domestic demand 扩大内需 15.expenditure [n] 开支
16.shift from extensive economy to intensive economy 从粗放型经济转变到集约型经济
17.returns [n] 利润
18.shares [n] 股票、AA制
19.portfolio [n] 投资组合
20.Treasury bond 国债
21.corporate bond 企业债
22.blue chip 绩优股
23.rotten stock =special treatment(ST)垃圾股
24.equity fund 股本资金
25.fixed income fund 固定资金收入
26.monetary market fund 货币市场资金
27.fluctuation/ebbs(退)and flows/surge(涨)and subside(跌):起起伏伏
28.mire/trouble/snare/trap/plight/predicament/dilemma :陷入困境
29.boost/boom/surge/soar/skyrocket/creep up(稳步攀升)/accrue(累积增长)/leap(跃升)/mushroom/ballon/hike/rebound/revive/pick up/burgeon 经济增长
30.booming/thriving/flourishing/prosperous/be in shape/rosy/fat years/resurgent 经济繁荣
31.depression/recession/stagnation/sluggish/slump/collapse/buckle/breakdown/meltdown/turndown/a rope of sand/crash/dive/slide down 经济萧条
32.layoff [n] 解雇,裁员
33.downsize [v] 裁员,精减 34.streamline [v] 使效率高,使增产节约
35.retrenchment [n] 节省开支
36.go bankruptcy(under)/demise/insolvency 破产
37.Merger & Acquisition 兼并收购
38.restructuring [n] 重组
39.bail out 往外舀水,拯救
40.Golden Parachute 钱
41.stagflation [n]滞涨(通货膨胀,就业率和商业率活动持续低迷)
42.listed company 上市公司
43.holding company 控股公司
44.Co,Ltd 有限公司
45.foreign funded enterprise 外资企业
46.joint-venture 合资
47.state-owned enterprise 国企
48.accountant [n] 账户
49.check [n] 支票
50.deposit [n] 存款
51.withdraw [v] 取款
52.interest [n] 利息
53.interest rate 利率 54.insufficient/not enough/inadequate 不足
55.balance [n] 余额
56.bounce [v] 退回,invalid/worthless无效的
57.penalty [n] 罚金
58.emerging market 新兴市场
59.entrepreneur [n] 企业家
60.economic lever 经济杠杆
61.socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济
62.acquisition [n] 交易
63.bid [n] 投标
64.revenue [n] 财政收入
65.handsome / fat / high salary 丰厚的薪水
66.outnumber [v](在数量上)超越;outpace [v](在速度上)超过;surpass 超过
67.fiscal deficit / be in the red 财政赤字
68.soak [v] 向(某人)征收重税
69.interest –free loan 无息贷款
70.bonded loan 保税区
71.sunset industry 夕阳产业
72.special economic zone 经济特区
73.exchange rate 汇率 74.financial meltdown 金融危机
75.stock valuation 股价
76.equity market 股市
77.shareholder 股东
78.New York Stock exchange 纽约证券交易所
79.Shanghai exchange 上海证券交易所
80.macro economic 宏观经济
81.buying rate 买入价
82.selling rate 卖出价
83.Initial Public Offering(IPO)新股首发
84.corporate champion 龙头企业
85.money-loser 亏损企业
86.inventory [n] 库存;存货
87.efficient market 有效市场
88.intellectual property 知识产权
89.opportunistic practice 投机行为
90.cook the book 做假帐
91.regulatory system 监管体系
92.China banking regulatory commission 中国银监会
93.money market 短期资本市场 94.capital market 长期资本市场
95.acquire [v] 收购
96.merge [v] 合并
97.fiscal stimulate 财政刺激
98.intervention currency 干预货币政策
99.pick up in price 物价上涨
100.tightened monetary policy 紧缩的货币政策
101.tightened credit policy紧缩的信贷政策
102.shore up confidence 重振信心
1.expansion [n] 扩建
2.West End(英国)富人区
3.East End(英国)穷人区
4.elegant/extravagance/flashy/frippery/lavish/palatial/splendour/sumptuous 奢华的
5.bleak/dingy/grim/plain/simple/shabby 简陋的
6.dwelling/city dweller/habitation(人)/habitat(动植物)/asylum(政治)庇护/Food,clothing,shelter and transportation(衣食住行)/lodging(寄宿):住所
7.flat/apartment/house/townhouse/court/villa/estate/studio 房子
8.face-lift 建筑整修 9.bread basket 天府之国
10.China Pavilion-the Oriental Crown 中国馆-东方之冠
11.populous = densely populated 聚居
12.sparsely populated 散居
13.parliamentary building 议会大厦
14.tower building 塔桥
15.Shanghai International Convention Centre 上海国际会议中心
1.energy saving and emissions reduction 节能减排
2.energy and environmental conservation 节能环保
3.clean energy 清洁能源
4.renewable/alternative [adj] 可再生的
5.geothermal [adj] 地热的
6.high and new technology development zone 高新技术开发区
7.maglev train 磁悬浮列车
8.lunar probe program 月球探测工程
1.address both symptoms and roots阐明症状和病因
2.near-sighted近视 3.complaint [n] 疾病
4.Alzheimer’s disease 阿尔茨海默氏病;老年痴呆症
5.contaminated milk powder 毒奶粉
6.respiration 呼吸
7.perspiration 汗水
8.sweat [n,v](出)汗
9.syndrome [n] 综合症
10.stem cell 干细胞
11.emergency 急诊;out-patient 门诊病人
12.pneumonia 肺炎
13.diabetes 糖尿病
14.hepatitis 肝炎
15.tuberculosis 结核病
16.cholera 霍乱
17.Avian Flu 禽流感
18.pandemic / epidemic流行病
19.malaria [n] 疟疾
20.forensic scientist 法医
21.the flu vaccine 流感疫苗
1.compulsory [adj] 义务的
2.school board 学校管理委员会
3.superintendent [n] 督学
4.curriculum [n] 课程
5.undergraduate [n&adj] 本科生;本科的
6.Bachelor of Arts(B.A)文学士
7.Bachelor of Science(B.S)理学士
8.liberal arts 大学文科
9.Master of Arts(M.A)硕士
10.Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D)博士
11.degree [n] 学位
12.humanity [n] 人文科学
13.offspring 后代;子女
14.on job postgraduate 在职研究生
2.bar [n] 律师
3.book [v] 立案(控告某人),做笔录 4.default [n,v] 拖欠
5.damages [n] 损害赔偿金
6.constitution [n] 宪法
7.amnesty [n] 赦免,大赦
8.sever labor relation 解除劳动关系
1.Human Resources/recruiting department 招聘部门
2.qualification/credentials 资历
4.eligible 合格的
5.ineligible 不合格的
6.adversary/rival/opponent 竞争对手
7.punctual [adj] 守时的
8.reemployment 再就业
9.CV 简历
10.job market 就业市场
1.destination [n] 目的地 2.e-ticket 网上订的飞机票
3.ticket counter 售票处
4.proof of citizenship 护照
5.seat selection / assignment 座位安排
6.window seat 靠窗的座位
7.aisle seat 靠走道的座位
8.exit row 紧急出口
9.security system 安检
10.board [v] 登机
11.air turbulence 空气涡流
12.reclaim the luggage 取回行李
13.fuel surcharge 燃油附加费
14.airport tax 机场建设费
15.the seat is taken 图书馆的位子被占了
16.resting room 休息室
1.short thinking 目光短浅
2.the last word 定论
3.the last words 临终留言 4.whales on the beach =delayed 延误的
5.Your hard work will be rewarded by God 天道酬勤
6.rewarding trip 不虚此行
7.search me = I don’t know
8.profound [adj] 深远的
9.Chinese culture is both extensive and profound 中华文化博大精深
10.Natural selection and survival of the fittest 物竞天择,适者生存
11.live in harmony and enjoy their work 安居乐业
12.developing by leaps and bounds 科技发展的日新月异
13.All the parents hope that their children will embrace a promising prospect 望子成龙,望女成凤
14.a pie in the sky 海市蜃楼
15.look before you leap 三思而后行
16.work hard to get ahead 努力工作,出人头地
17.Books are the crystallization of human wisdom.书籍是人类智慧的结晶
18.beauty is in the eye of the beholder 情人眼里出西施
19.No one is worth your tears and the one who is won’t make you cry.值得你流泪的那人不会使你流泪。
20.It’s all Greek to me.一窍不通
21.be cross with 和某人生气
22.be hard up for 继续某物 23.brush up 温习;巩固
24.head and shoulders 高人一等;胜人一筹
25.rejoice [v] 快乐;深感欣喜
26.catch on 1.知道;2.流行
27.come down with 生病
28.knock oneself out 筋疲力尽
29.make sense 合理的
30.count on 依赖;信赖
31.face the music 正视现实;接受罚款
32.feel rundown 感到体力不支,疲惫
33.from scratch 从头开始;从零开始
34.give sb a piece of mind 坦率地说
35.go around 足够供应
36.go out 过时
37.head over heels 急促的
38.out of the world 太好了
39.pull through 共度难关
40.set aside 忽视;保存;拒绝
41.set in(雨、恶劣天气、感染)到来;开始
42.see eye to eye with 意见一致 43.smell freshly 感到可疑
44.turn off 使人讨厌,厌恶
45.turn on 吸引
46.wear out 疲惫;磨损
47.as like as two peas 一模一样
48.peas and carrots 形影不离
49.chese and rice 糟糕
50.love at first sight 一见钟情
51.the way of the world 人情世故
52.still water runs deep 大智若愚
53.a ready tongue 口齿伶俐
54.a honey tongue 甜言蜜语
55.speak of one’s mind 心口如一
56.take French leave 不辞而别
57.in apple pie order 井井有条
58.all in all 心爱的人(事物)
59.have ants in one’s pants 坐立不安
60.big apple 纽约
61.be on one’s back 生病;发愁
62.to the backbone 程度深,彻底 63.in the bag 稳操胜券
64.mixed bag 大杂烩
65.one’s bark is worse than one’s bite 有口无心
66.one’s bitten twice shy 吃一堑,长一智
67.beauty is but skin-deep 不要以貌取人
68.haven’t a bean 不名一文
69.the best of both worlds 两全其美
70.meet the bill 付账
71.the bird had flown 人去楼空
72.swear black is white 固执己见
73.a wet blanket 扫兴的人/事
74.hang up one’s boots 退休
75.don’t count your chicken before they are hatched 不要过早乐观
76.don’t cross the bridge before you come to it 不要自寻烦恼
77.pay sb back in his own coin 以其人之道,还治其人之身
78.be hot under the collar 心烦意乱
79.between the devil and the deep sea 进退两难
80.a rough diamond 潜力股;外粗内秀
81.do or die 破釜沉舟
82.bet one’s last dollar on sth 孤注一掷 83.brain drain 人才外流
84.lend an ear 倾听
85.wise after the event 事后诸葛亮
86.make an exhibition of oneself 让…当众出丑
87.keep one’s hair on 保持冷静
88.hands down 易如反掌
89.have an old head on young shoulders 少年老成
90.in a hole 陷入困境
91.do the honors 尽主人之仪
92.a jack of all trades 博而不精的人;万金油
93.law of jungle 弱肉强食
94.a leopard never changes its spots 本性难移
95.make a break 试图逃跑
96.needle match 你死我活的斗争
97.murder will out 纸包不住火
98.sb’s party piece 拿手好戏
99.hot potato 棘手的事
100.plough the sand 徒劳无功
101.in for a penny in for a pound 一不做二不休
102.face value 面值;表面意义 103.weigh the words 字斟句酌
104.know the world = know the way of the world 通晓人情世故
1.karate [n] 空手道
2.sumo [n] 相扑
3.synchronized swimming 花样游泳
1.Gorky / Gorgy 高尔基
2.Jesus Christ 基督耶稣
3.Plato 柏拉图
4.Aristotle 亚里士多德
5.Nixon 尼克松
6.Kissinger 基辛格
7.Mencius 孟子
8.Dr Sun Yat-sen 孙中山
书名: 1.The Romance of Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》 2.Pilgrimage to the West 《西游记》
3.A dream of Red Mansion / The Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》
2.strive for = work for 努力
3..self-improvement 自我完善
4..in danger = in jeopardy 处于危险
7.magazine [n] 弹仓
8.Macca [n] 热门地方
9.avant-garde 前卫派
10.textile [n] 纺织品
11.missile [n] 导弹
12.TV commercial/break 广告插播
13.diversity [n] 多样化
14.diversify [v] 使多元化
15.diversification [n] 多元化
16.gluttony [n] 贪吃
17.greed [n] 贪婪 18.sloth [n] 懒惰
19.pride [n] 傲慢
20.lust [n] 欲望
21.envy[n,v] 嫉妒
22.wrath [n] 暴怒
23.dessert [n] 甜点
24.desert [v] 抛弃,放弃
25.precede [v] 领先
26.proceed [v] 继续做
27.protest [v,n] 抗议
28.commence [v] 开始发生;开始
29.commerce [n] 商务
30.confirm [v] 确认,证实
31.conform [v] 顺从
32.inspiration 灵感
33.aspiration 渴望
34.content [adj,n] 满意,目录
35.contend [v] 竞争
36.principle [n] 原则
37.principal [n] 校长 38.oversee [v] 监视
39.compliment [n] 赞美
40.complement [n] 附加物
41.advices 远道而来的消息
42.spirits(the fire of water)烈酒
43.tequila 龙舌兰
44.vodka 伏特加
45.liqueur 烈性甜酒
46.rum 朗姆酒
47.gin 杜松子酒
48.declaration [n] 申报单
49.split [v] 分摊
50.dump [v] 丢弃
51.archaeology [n] 考古学
52.anthropology [n] 人类学
53.motivator [n] 动力
54.spur [n,v] 激励
55.incentive [n] 激励
56.trigger [n,v] 起因,触发
59.symphony [n] 交响乐 60.antipathy [n] 反感
61.apathy [n] 冷漠
62.telepathy [n] 心灵感应
63.idealist [n] 理想主义者
64.utensil [n](家庭)用具
65.black diamond 煤
66.double 两倍;triple 三倍;quadruple 四倍;quintuple 五倍
67.technical/technological and managerial personnel 技术管理人员
68.a rising power 一个崛起的强国
69.detain [v] 拘留,耽搁
70.spring 泉水,弹簧
71.endeavor [n] 努力,尝试
72.dread [n] 恐惧
73.bolster [v] 改善;加强
74.initiation/inception [n] 开始;创始;发起
75.implementation [n] 贯彻;执行;实施
76.out of a hundred/a percent=% 77.context [n] 背景;环境,上下文;语境
78.reap=gain [v] 收获,取得(成果)
79.embrace [v] 拥抱 80.consensus [n] 一致的意见;共识
81.shape [v] 决定…的形成;影响…的发展
82.undertake [v] 承担;从事;负责
83.conviction [n] 坚定的看法(信念);观点
84.personification [n] 化身,象征
85.virtue [n] 道德,优势
86.debunk [v] 批判;驳斥;揭穿…的真相
87.disparage [v] 贬低;轻视
88.manifest / showcase [v] 展示
88.originality [n] 独创性;创意
89.enrichment [n] 繁荣
90.elements / features 因素
91.scourge [n] 祸害;祸根
92.panorama [n] 全景;画卷
93.nostalgia [n] 怀旧
94.overwhelm [v] 令人折服
95.composure [n] 沉着;镇静;镇定
96.provenance [n] 来源;出处
97.unearth [v] 挖掘;出土
98.motto / maxim / adage 座右铭 99.vice / evil / sin / crime 罪行
100.counter [v] 反驳,驳斥
101.stage=phase 时期;阶段
102.usher [v] 开启
1.the reason why A(结果)is that B 导致A的原因是B 2.owe/contribute/attribute/ascribe A to B A 归功于 B 3.on the brink of 在......的边缘
4.have a stake in sth 与…息息相关
5.there be =be done with =the + N + of 6.be packed /flooded /littered/lined with 形容有很多人
7.the existence/presence/absence/lack/abundance/plentitude/excess of 有…的…
8.A is distinguisheddifferentiated from B by C/C set apart A from B/A is characterized by B 下定义句型
9.be inclined/liable/likely/prone/apt tend to do sth 易于,有倾向做某事
10.incline-inclination ;liable-liability ;likely-likelihood ;prone-proneness ;apt-aptitude;tend-tendency 11.reach a consensus with sb about sth 和某人就某事达成共识
12.A be affiliated to B A隶属于B ;affiliation [n] 联系,从属关系 13.a galaxy of …群英荟萃
14.chance is slimthin/ no way / not a chance 不可能
15.not a bit 一点也不
16.not a little 不止一点
17.far from 一点也不
18.be yet to do sth 现在没做到,但以后会做到
19.stem from sth 起源于,根源是
20.surely/inevitably/definitely/no doubt 一定能
21.to have / exert a strong influence on sb 对某人产生强大的影响
22.at large 整个;全部;总地;一般地
23.come to terms(with sb)(与某人)达成协议,妥协
24.be expected to do sth 被预计会做某事
25.deliver(on sth)/live up to sth 履行诺言;不负众望;兑现
26.be drawing more / basking in admiration 令人折服
27.500 years before the birth of Christ 公元前500年
28.fret about 为…苦恼
29.go too far 太过分
1.constantly.[adv] 始终如一的 2.relentlessly/unswervingly/unremittingly.[adv] 坚持不懈地
3.chic [adj] 时髦的;优雅的;雅致的
4.deluxe [adj] 奢华的
5.striking/amazing/really/remarkable /impressive 强调词
6.substantial/monumental/cornerstone/milestone/watershed 具有重大意义的词
7.exclusive [adj] 独家的
8.rare-rarity 稀少的(动物)
9.scare-scarity 缺乏的(粮食)
10.sparse-sparseness 稀疏的(人口、头发)
11.positive/supportive 赞同的态度
12.negative/opposed 否定的态度
13.micro [adj] 微观的
14.macro [adj] 宏观的
15.overseas [adj] 海外的
16.blues [adj] 忧郁的
17.green [adj] 嫩的,没经验的 as green as grass 18.ingenious-ingeniousness-ingenuity 有创造力的
19.ingenuous-ingenuousness 天真无邪的
20.synchronized [adj] 一致的
21.compact [adj] 袖珍的 22..communal [adj] 公共的
23..packed [adj] 异常拥挤的,挤满人的(有序)
24.agile/nimble/swift/frisky 灵活的
25.famous/famed/well-known/celebrated/ eminent [adj] 卓越的;著名的;显赫的著名的
26.vain [adj] 徒劳的
27.drear [adj] 百无聊赖的
28.vibrant [adj] 充满活力的
29.versatile[adj] 多姿多彩的
30.speculative [adj] 投机性的
31.simultaneous [adj] 同时发生的;同步的
32.far-sighted/foresight 远见卓识的
33.wholly [adv] 完全地;全面地;整体地
34.successively [adv] 相继的;先后的;接连的
35.due [adj] 应有的
36.cosmopolitan [adj] 世界性的,有各国人的
37.distinct [adj] 清晰的;确切的
38.distinctive [adj] 独特的;特别的;有特色的
39.vigorous / dynamic [adj] 充满活力的
40.versatile [adj] 多姿多彩的,多才多艺的
41.glorious / splendid / brilliant / magnificent / glamorous [adj] 光荣的;荣耀的 42.dazzling [adj] 鲜艳夺目的
43.exquisite [adj] 巧夺天工的,精巧的
44.intriguing [adj] 引人入胜的
45.breathtaking [adj] 激动人心;美丽壮观;波澜壮阔
46.enchanting [adj] 迷人的;令人陶醉的;乐不思蜀;流连忘返
47.picturesque [adj] 古色古香的;如诗如画;栩栩如生
48.alien / exotic [adj] 具有异域风情的
49.developed / advanced / rich / industrialized 发达的
50.arduous / tough [adj] 艰难的
51.assiduous [adj] 孜孜以求的
52.indispensable [adj] 不可或缺的
53.instinctive [adj] 本能的;天生的
7.9月中高级口译笔试 开始报名 篇七
1. 5月27日—年6月8日
2. 2006年6月22日—2006年7月2日
1. 上海华浦教育进修学校
2. 上海新世界进修中心
3. 上海先知进修学院
4. 上海交大外国语学院培训中心
1. 考生报名时应携带
a. 身份证复印件一张(贴在登记表背面的相应位置)
b. 一寸免冠照片一张(必须是近期未使用过的一寸免冠报名近照,严禁“大头贴”)
2. 考生在填写登记表前必须认真阅读附于背面的考生须知
3. 考生填写的登记表必须
a. 字迹清晰,通讯地址、邮编、电话准确;
b. 登记表和准考证上的信息必须一致;
c. 通信地址为学校的,则必须写明信箱等确切信息,便于邮寄成绩单。
4. 高级口译登记表和准考证为蓝色;中级口译登记表和准考证为淡黄色;
5. 收费情况(笔试收费):英语高级:210元;英语中级: 180元;
6. 学校提供收据一张,用于领取准考证(请妥善保管)
7. 考试地址服从口译考办的安排
1. 2006年9月中/高级口译考试(笔试部分)日期暂定为9月17日(星期日),上午考英语高级口译,下午考英语中级口译(友情提示:考前半小时进场,考前10分钟进场完毕)
3. 本次英语中/高级笔试听力部分收听上海东方广播电台播音,频率另告。
4. 听力考试的时间:英语高级约80分钟,英语中级约50分钟(含调频率时间)
1. 第一阶段(笔试)准考证务必妥善保存,切勿遗失。第二阶段(口试)考试及办证仍需凭第一 阶段准考证。
2 查询外语口译笔试成绩(注:笔试三周后口译网站公布声讯电话开通时间)。
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3 有关办理笔试合格证书及报考口试相关事宜请考生密切关注口译办网站通知
8.中级口译 外交典型例句 篇八
< Not long ago, 71 orphans whose parents died of HIV Aids came to Beijing to attend the Summer Camp called“ Grow together under the sun".The hotels and hostels that the organizer had contacted refused to provide accommodations to them.>
< Although it has been long scientifically proven that it poses no threat to have the normal contact with the HIVAids patients.However, to the ordinary people, how difficult it is to tackle this psychological obstacle!>
< We need to make the Aids patients aware that apart from the medical staff, there are also other people in the society who can accept them and encourage them to live a normal life.> 、It is clear that we all need to sleep.There are two purposes: physical rest and emotional or psychological rest.We need to rest our bodies and our minds.Both are important for us in order to be healthy.<很显然,我们都需要睡眠。有两个目的:体力休息和精神休息,或者叫心理休息。我们需要使我们的身体和头脑都得到休息。为了保持健康,这两方面对我们都很重要。> P2-2
Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep.Passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepare us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs.< 每天晚上,我们都在两种睡眠中循环,一种是主动休息,另一种是被动休息。被动休息能使我们的身体得到所需要的休息,为主动休息做好准备,梦想就在主动休息中产生。> P2-3
Throughout the night, the brain rests, then it becomes active, then dreaming occurs.This cycle is repeated several times, and we dream for a total of one and half hours, on average.<整个晚上,我们的大脑得到休息,然后大脑开始活动,然后梦想开始。这个循环重复好几次,我们平均一个晚上共做梦达一个半小时。> P2-4
We all experience these dream cycles, no one is an exception.Everyone needs to dream in order to stay healthy.We need active sleep in order to dream and dreaming helps us to rest our minds.<我们都需要经历做梦的循环,没有一个人是例外。为了保持健康,每个人都需要做梦。为了做梦,我们需要主动睡眠,而做梦能使我们的大脑得到休息。> a. 随着我国逐渐走向老龄化社会,我们需要建立一套完整的为老年人服务的社区保障体系。
< As our country gradually moves towards the aging society, we need to put in place a complete set of community security system for the senior citizens.>
< The establishment and development of the socialist market economy system also requires us to reform and improve the social welfare security system, which also raises the higher requirements for community service.> P1-2 随着政府职能的转变,原来由政府包揽的社区服务工作,有相当一部分将逐步转移到社会团体和民间组织。
< With the transformation of the governmental functions, quite much of the community service which used to be undertaken by the government has been transferred to the social groups and the NGOs.> 一方面,政府的宏观管理责任变得更加重大;另一方面,社会团体和民间组织需要参与更多的社区服务。
< On one hand, the government needs to shoulder greater responsibilities in the macro-management.On the other hand, the social groups and NGOs need to be more engaged in the community service.> b. 女士们,先生们,今天我们欧亚各国领导人在此聚会,就促进广泛领域的合作,建立新的伙伴关系,交换我们的意见。
P2-2 我们应该求同存异,增进相互理解和信任,消除贸易壁垒,加强技术交流。
< We should seek common ground while reserving differences, enhance the mutual understanding and trust, remove the trade barriers and strengthen the technological exchanges.>
P2-3 我们希望欧洲理解亚洲各国在保持稳定的同时,促进经济发展的愿望,支持亚洲各国为此所做的努力
9.中级口译高频词汇分类汇总 篇九
Crime&Punshiment 罪与罚
Car theft(偷车)
ID Card theft(intelligent crime智能犯罪)
Pickpocket 扒手
Shoplifter 顺手牵羊者
Break-in 入室盗窃
Attack 攻击
Assault 袭击
Mugging 背后袭击
Rape 强奸
Robbery 抢劫
Hijack 劫持
Hostage 人质
Kidnapping/Abduction 绑架
School/Campus violence 校园暴力
Bully 欺负
Juvenile Delinquency 青少年犯罪
Drug addiction/abuse 吸毒
Drug trafficking 贩毒
Cheating 作弊
Academic Plagiarism 学术剽窃
Copy 抄袭
Corporal Punishment 体罚
Spank 打屁股
Slap 抽耳光
Corruption 腐败
Bribery 贿赂
Fraud, Scam 诈骗
Speeding 超速驾驶
Drunken driving 醉酒驾车
Reckless driving 鲁莽驾车
Fine, Ticket 罚款
Parking 停车
Delinquent Offender
Smuggling 走私
Smuggled goods 水货
Cheap copy/copycat 山寨
Piracy 盗版
Swindle 骗财
Law & Order 法制类
Law Enforcement 执法
Law-abiding citizen 守法公民
Capital punishment 死刑
Life imprisonment 终生监禁
Jailed / Behind bars 入狱,铁窗生涯
Prison/Jail break 越狱
Execution 处死
Community Service 社区服务
Deportation 驱逐出境
Extradition 引渡
Judge 法官
Supreme Court 最高法院
Attorney 辩护律师
Lawyer 律师
Defendant 被告
Prosecutor 检察官
Sue 起诉
Lawsuit 诉讼
Jury 陪审团
Innocent 无罪
Guilty 有罪
Be sentenced to„被判„
Trail 审判
试验Evidence 证据
Forensic medicine 法医
Investigation 调查
Interrogation 审问
Police Department 警察局
Witness 目击证人
Jurisdiction 裁判权,审判权
Criminal Justice System 犯罪司法系统
WHO-World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 Epidemic;Pandemic;Endemic 流行病
Plague 瘟疫
Disease;illness 疾病
Ailment 小病
Bird flu;Avian flu 禽流感
Foot & Mouth Disease 口蹄疫
Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病
Swine flu 猪流感
AIDS 艾滋病
Virus 病毒
Bacteria;Fungus 细菌
Calorie 卡路里,食物热量
Diet 节食
Blood sugar 血糖
blood pressure 血压
Cholesterol 胆固醇
Fiber 纤维
Calcium 钙
Vitamin 维生素
Fruit sugar;fructose 果糖
Glucose 麦芽糖
Nutrition 营养
Medical service 医疗服务
Heath care 保健
Public health 公共卫生/健康
Clinic 诊所
Diagnosis 诊断
Treatment 治疗
Cure 治愈
Alternative therapy 替代疗法
Immune system 免疫系统
Medication 药物治疗
OTC 非处方药
Pre script ion 处方药
Pregnancy 怀孕
Contain 控制(疾病蔓延)
Outbreak 爆发
Asthma 哮喘
Insomnia 失眠
Diabetes 糖尿病
Cancer 癌症
Bronchitis 支气管炎
Heart attack 心脏病
Obesity 肥胖症
Cough 咳嗽
Respiratory problem 呼吸道问题
Malaria 疟疾
Diarrhea 腹泻
Dehydration 脱水
Infectious/contagious/communicable disease 传染病
Painkiller 止痛药
Anti-depressant 抗忧郁药
Antibiotic 抗生素
商务词汇合集/Corporate World
Career Advancement 职业晋升
Chief executive office—CEO 首席执行官
Hierarchy 等级制
Bureaucracy 官僚主义
Executive, management 执行层;管理层
Shareholder;stakeholder 股东
Board of Directors 董事会
Chairman 主席
Vice President—V.P.副总裁
Corporate Identity 公司形象
Public relationship---P.R.公关
Entrepreneur 企业家,创业者
Sales & Marketing 销售和市场
Research & Development 研发
Logistics 后勤;物流
Accounting 财务;会计
Merger & Acquisition 并购
Budget 预算
Revenue 收入
Gross turnover 总营业额
Output 产值,产出
Profit margin(边际)利润
Productivity 生产力
Trade Union 工会
IRS---Internal Revenue Service 国税局(美)
Incentive 鼓励
Restructuring;reorganizing;reshuffle 重组
Supply & Demand 供求关系
Transaction;trade 交易
Private Equity—P.E.私募基金
Venture Capital---V.C.风险投资
Patent 专利
IPR----Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权
Resources Optimization 资源优化
Take over 接管
Processing 加工
Assembly 组装
Launch;unveil;roll out 发布(新产品)
Multi-national corporation 跨国企业
Subsidiary 子公司
Branch 分公司
Affiliated company 附属公司
Associated company 联合公司
Joint venture 合资企业
Joint stake 合股企业
Monopoly 垄断
Leading company
Higher education 高等教育
Colleges & Universities 大专院校
Academy 学院
Academy of Science 科学院
Bachelor 学士
Master 硕士
Doctoral Degree;PhD 博士学位
Undergraduate 大学生
Graduate 毕业生;研究生
(Liberal)Arts 文科
Science 理科
Engineering 工科
Dropout 辍学生
Auditor 旁听生
Transferred Student 插班生
Diploma 文凭
Certificate 证书
Tuition 学费
Student Loan 学生贷款
Grant;Scholarship;Fellowship 奖学金
Lecture 讲座
Seminar;Workshop 研讨会
Enrolment 登记入学
Admission 录取
Entrance Exam 入学考试
Major 主修;专业
Minor 辅修
Associate Professor 副教授
Discipline 学科
Extracurricular activity课外活动
Curriculum 教学大纲
Term;Semester 学期
Attendance 出勤
IQ---Intelligent Quotient 智商
EQ---Emotional Quotient 情商
Intelligence 智力
Intellectual 知识分子;智力上的;
Cognitive 认知的—cognition 认知
Perceptive 感知的----perception 感知
Intuition 直觉
Instinct 本能
Infant 婴儿
Kindergarten 幼儿园
Day-care Center 日间看护中心
Literature 文学
Anthropology 人类学
Sociology;Social Science 社会科学
Psychology 心理学
Philosophy 哲学
Law 法学
Medicine 医学
Electronic Engineering 电子工程学
Agriculture 农学
Architecture 建筑学
Astronomy 天文学
Economics 经济学
Politics 政治学
Biochemistry 生物化学
Linguistics 语言学
Diplomacy 外交学
Business Administration 商业管理
Journalism 新闻学
Mass Communication 大众传播学
Finance 财政;金融学
Banking 银行学
Accounting 会计学
网络和电子产品词汇合集/Internet & Electronics
Distance Learning 远程教育
Network 网络
Website 网站
Portal 门户
Operating system 操作系统
IT—Information Technology 信息技术
Broadband 宽带
Bandwidth 带宽
Paid subscriber 付费订阅者/用户
Administrator 系统管理员;超级用户
Access to„ 接入;访问
Page 网页
Click 点击
Connection 连接
Junk mail;Spam 垃圾邮件
Virtual reality 虚拟现实
Cyber Space 虚拟世界
PC—Personal Computer 个人电脑
Server 服务器
Laptop 笔记本电脑
CPU 中央处理器
Chip 芯片
Processor 处理器
Monitor 显示器
Keyboard 键盘
Mouse 鼠标
Wireless 无线
Backup 备份
Breakdown;crash 故障/崩溃
Database 数据库
Download 下载
Upload 上传
Trojan 木马
Virus 病毒
Driver 驱动程序
Source code 源代码
Modem 调制解调器
Storage 存储
Digital 数码的
Gadget 电子产品;小器具
Electronic products 电子产品
DV---Digital video 数码摄像机
Printer 打印机
Photocopier 复印机
Overhead projector 投影仪
Scanner 扫描仪
Open source 开源
Parameter 参数
Phishing 网上欺诈
Credit card system 信用卡系统
Online shopping 网上购物
Peripheral 周边,外设
Instruction 指令
Internet Addiction/obsession 网瘾
Porno 色情
Violence 暴力
Online game 网络游戏
Automation 自动化
交通工具/Means of transportation
Maglev 磁悬浮(Magnetically levitated train)
Ferry 轮渡
Yacht 游艇
Airship, dirigible 飞艇
Aircraft 飞机
Space shuttle 宇宙飞船
Cab, taxi 计程车
Light rail 轻轨
Sky train 轻轨上的列车
Subway 地铁(美)
Underground railway 地铁(英)
Tunnel 隧道
Metro 地铁(法)
Cable bridge 缆桥
Rapid transit system 快速交通系统
Passport 护照
Visa 签证,不要和visa card(visa信用卡)混淆
Identity card/ID card 身份证
Guidebook 指南
度假旅行on vacation
Tourist;traveler;holiday-maker 旅行者,度假者
Tourism 旅游业
Package tour/holiday 全包旅行/度假
Accommodation 食宿
Transport 交通
Travel agency 旅行社
Luggage claim 行李认领
Travel insurance 旅行保险
Traveler’s cheque 旅行者支票
Express 特快
Schedule 日程安排
Itinerary 行程
Refund 退款
Compensation 赔偿
Insurance certificate 保险证明
Insurance policy 保单
Insurance premium 保费
Insurance coverage 保险范围
坐飞机/By air
Economy/coach class 经济舱
Business class 商务舱
Flight 航班
Get bumped 未登机
Get stranded 滞留
Single trip 单程
Round trip 往返
Boarding 登机
Timetable 时刻表
Time zone 时区
Dehydration 脱水(bad effects of traveling by air)
Exhaustion 乏力
Customs 海关
Tariff 关税
Customs clearance 通关
Security 安全
Emergency 紧急事件
Hotel & resort 宾馆和度假胜地
Sight-seeing 观光
Car&Accidents 汽车和交通事故类词汇合集
auto, motor, vehicle 汽车
GM-General Motor 通用汽车
auto maker 汽车生产商
Pickup 皮卡车
Van 小火车
Ambulance 救护车
Limo/limousine 豪华驾车,加长型的
Ford 福特汽车
Chrysler 克莱斯勒
Volvo 沃尔沃
public transport/mass transit 公交系统
traffic jam/congestion 交通堵塞
rush hour 高峰时段
commuter 通勤者;上班族
passenger 乘客
pedestrian 行人
jaywalking 乱穿马路
zebra stripes/crossing 斑马线,人行道
汽车类/All about car
Airbag 安全气囊
Brake 刹车
Accelerator 加速器,accelerate 加速
Windshield 挡风板
Auto bumper/ front bumper 保险杠。缓冲器
Pedal 踏板
Gear 档
Alarm 警报
Driving license 驾照
Car-pooling 拼车
Parking meter 停车计时器
Lane 车道
Private car 私家车
Route 路线
hybrid car 混合动力车
Fuel efficiency 燃油经济性
Mileage 里程 X miles per gallon gas
Mph miles per hour 时速
公路事故/Road Accidents
Drunken driving 醉酒驾车
Reckless driving 鲁莽驾驶
Man behind the wheel 驾驶员
Speeding 超速驾车
Overtake 超车
slippery road 路滑
foggy weather 大雾天
mechanical failure 机械故障
poor judgement 糟糕的判断
替代能源·新能源/Alternative energy
Solar energy 太阳能
Tidal /wave energy潮汐能
Geothermal energy地热能
Nuclear power 核能
Hydroelectric power 水电能
Pollution-free 无污染
Recycling 循环利用
Renewable 可再生的
Non-renewable energy 一次能源
Energy conservation 节能
自然资源/Natural Resources
Coal 煤炭
Petroleum 石油
Rubber 橡胶
Ethanol 乙醇,酒精(新的汽车燃料)
Consumption 消耗
Depletion 耗竭
Energy crisis 能源危机
Shortage/lack/poverty of power 能源短缺
Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
Ecological environment 生态环境
Pollutant;pollutor 污染物
Water contamination 水污染
Noise pollution 噪音污染
Industrial dust pollution 工业粉尘污染
Soil erosion 水土流失,土地侵蚀
Radioactive contamination 放射性污染
Sewage disposal 污水处理
Monsoon 季风,雨季
Ice core冰芯
Decibel 分贝
Restore the farmland to forest 退耕还林
EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)美国环保署
Atmosphere 大气层
Ozone layer 臭氧层
Disruption to ozone layer 臭氧层破坏
Radiation 射线;放射性
Infra-red 红外线
Light wave 光波
Acid rain 酸雨
Wildlife 野生动物
Rainforest 雨林
Endangered/threatened species 濒危物种
Rare breed 稀有物种
Environmentalist 环保主义者
Conservationist 节能注意者
Ecosystem 生态系统
Biodiversity 生物多样性
Extinction 灭绝
Existence 生存
Survival 幸存
Food Chain 食物链
Organic garden 有机花园
Natural Heritage 自然遗产
GM Food(Genetically modified food)转基因食物
Genetic engineering 转基因工程
Biodegradable 可降解的
Decompose 化解,分解
Fertilizer 化肥
Chemicals 化学物质
Pesticide 杀虫剂
Green Belt 绿化带
the Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书
Copenhagen Climate Summit 哥本哈根气候峰会
Bali Roadmap 巴厘岛路线图
Employment 就业
Unemployment rate 失业率
Employee 雇员
Employer 雇主
the under-employed 半失业者
the unemployed 失业者
retire 退休
pension 养老金
part-time;temporary jobs 兼职;短工
full-time;permanent 全职;长工
moonlighting 兼职
the self-employed 自营者
Interview 面试
Interviewer 面试官;interviewee 面试者
apply for 申请
job applicant 工作申请者
prospective employee 潜在雇员
candidate 候选人
resign/quit 辞职
job-hunting 求职
job-hopping 跳槽
brain drain 人才流失
brain gain 人才获得
headhunt 猎头
superior 上级
subordinate 下级
fire;sack;dismiss 解雇
lay off;downsize;shed jobs;cut jobs;Make „redundant 裁员
terminate the contract 终止合同
expire 合同期满
CV, resume 简历
Qualification 资质
References 推荐信;证明人
Job de script ion 工作描述
HR—Human Resources 人力资源
Duty;responsibility 职责
Recruitment 招聘
Recruiting manager 招聘经理
Intern 实习生
Executive trainee 管理培训生
Career advancement 职场晋升
Starting salary 起薪
Pay rise 加薪
Promotion 升值
Pay cut 减薪
Wage 周薪
Salary 薪水
Bonus 奖金
Dividend 红利;分红
Subsidy;allowance 津贴;补贴
Performance evaluation 绩效评估
Training course 培训课程
Overtime compensation 加班费
Workload 工作量
Multinational 跨国公司
Conglomerate 大型联合企业
Group 集团
Printed media 印刷媒体
Newspaper & magazine 报纸和杂志
Broadcasting media 广播媒体
TV & Radio 电视和广播
Direct media 直接媒体
Direct mall 直邮
Billboards 公告牌
Sign 标志
Point-of-purchase ads “买点”广告
SMS-short messages 短消息
Press/news conference 新闻发布会
Blog 博客
Podcast 博客
Webcast 网上直播
Circulation 发行,流通
Headline 头条新闻
Journalist 记者
Reporter 记者
Correspondent 特派员
Paparazzi 狗仔队
News agency 通讯社
Tabloid 小报
Briefing 简报
Sub script ion 订阅
Commercial 电视广告
Advertisement;advertising;ads 广告
Classified ads 分类广告
Wanted ads 招工广告
Newsstand 报摊
Kiosk 报亭
Exclusive 独家新闻
Scoop 特训;独家新闻
Contribute 投稿
Column 专栏
Columnist 专栏作家
media/feeding frenzy 媒体炒作
sensationalize 炒作
Religious association 宗教联系
Christianity 基督教
Roman Catholic 罗马天主教
Orthodox 东正教
Islamic 伊斯兰教
Buddhism 佛教
the Confucianists 儒家
Taoism 道家
Extremist 极端分子
Cult 邪教
Terrorism 恐怖主义
Terrorist 恐怖分子
Tradition & custom 传统和习俗
Value 价值观
Ethics 道德;ethical 道德的
Manners;etiquette 礼节
Norm;code 准则;规矩
文化冲突/休克/Cultural clash/shock
Immigration 移民
Illegal immigrants 非法移民
Discrimination;prejudice;bias 歧视
Racial discrimination 种族歧视
Sexual harassment 性骚扰
Communication 沟通
Interaction 互动
Diversity 多元化
Melting pot 大熔炉
Imbalance;disparity 不平衡;差异
Adaptation;adjustment 适应
Gesture 手势
Body language 肢体语言
Homesickness 思乡
Insult;humiliation 侮辱
Offend/ commit crimes 犯罪
Folk 民间
Sophisticated 通晓人情世故的;有城府的;
Inconvenience 不便
Urbanization 城市化
Rural area 农村地区
Mountainous area 山区
Urban area 城镇地区
Urban residents 城市居民
Rural population 农村人口
Downtown 市中心;市区
Suburban area 郊区
Countryside 农村
Misunderstanding 误解
Census 人口普查、统计
Demographic data 人口数据
Census Bureau 人口普查局
Birth rate 出生率
Mortality rate 死亡率
Divorce rate 离婚率
Generation gap 代沟
Information gap 信息鸿沟
Aging population 老龄化人口
Senior citizens 老年人
Mid-aged 中年人
Teens;teenager;adolescent 青少年
Puberty 青春期
Depression 忧郁症
Anti-depressant 抗忧郁药
Life expectancy;life span 寿命
Baby boom 生育高峰;婴儿潮
Baby boomer 生育高峰段出生的人
Privacy 隐私
家庭模式/Family patter
Extended family 大家庭
Nuclear family 核心家庭
DINK Double income with no kids 丁克家庭
Single-parent household 单亲家庭
中级口译练习答案 03旅游观光03-24
商务英语BEC 中级口译课 演示 谈判 剧本双语版范文11-25