1.论年幼留学英文写作 篇一
1 Introduction
For many Chinese students,especially non-English majors,English wring is an unhappy task.Although they have already got a certain degree of language ability and basic grammatical knowledge,their English writing is still lack English taste.Sometimes students get good ideas,but when they them into words,they will make others confused.For these reasons,the real problem is the students are used to thinking in Chinese mode in the writing process.People's thinking activity is expressed by the language forms,word,phrase,sentence and sentence groups.Language is the main carrier and expressing form of thinking.Thus the point is not only to master pronunciation,grammar and word,but also understand the thinking mode of the nation.The thesis is focused on describing the differences between the Chinese and English thinking modes and the influence on English writing.
2 The Differences between the Chinese and English Thinking Modes
The thinking mode is the deep mechanism of language generation and development.The language also stimulates the form and development of the thinking mode.It is the main tool of thinking,and the main factor of the thinking mode.The difficulties Chinese students coming across in English writing is not only language knowledge and skill but also the differences between the Chinese and English thinking modes.
2.1 Parataxis and Hypotaxis
The Chinese nation stresses unity.In Chinese language,it is the meaning dominates the form.The language emphasizes parataxis.But the English nation stresses individuality,objectivity,logic and exactness.It is the form dominates the meaning in English.The language emphasizes hypotaxis.The subject is prominent.In a sentence,the subject is always the topic.On the contrary,the topic is prominent in the Chinese language.The subject is not always the topic.Besides,in Chinese grammar when the subject is known by everybody,it can be omitted.The Chinese students usually neglect the unanimity of subjects.The English nation stresses logical thinking,but the Chinese nation stresses dialectical thinking.So compared with Chinese language English is more formalized.One of its features is the integrity o sentence structure,including various conjunctions and linking methods.However,Chinese needs not use these linking methods The logical relation among sentences and words can form a coherent text.
2.2 Spiral and Straight Line
In Cultural Linguistics Xing Fuyi points out that the Chinese nation are used to spiral thinking mode.They get a conclusion first,and then try to prove this conclusion.Thus a spiral expression forms.In a Chinese sentence,it is always the outer and less important information appears first and at last the most importan part.
3 The Influence of Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Modes on English Writing
The difference between Chinese and English thinking modes has great influence on Chinese students'English writing.Chinese thinking mode does not only influence the syntax in English writing,but also constraints the structure of the text.English stresses abstract thinking and straight-line thinking.Influenced by thinking way,the English text structure develops in the way o a straight line.The feature of English passage is that the author tells the theme at the beginning of the passage,and the point is obvious.Readers need not to take time to look for them.Besides English passages have close structure,obvious part,logic and perfect cohesion.Chinese language stresses image thinking,spira thinking and dialectical thinking.Influenced by these characters Chinese passages are always loose in structure and indirect in meaning.Chinese students'English writing is also always loose in structure and indirect in meaning.
3.1 Difference of Thinking Modes and Lexical Difference
Some English words seem to be corresponding to certain Chinese characters.But when you analyze them carefully,you will find that they are not corresponding in meaning.For example,these three English words carry,take and fetch do not have corresponding characters in Chinese,because three words stress direction,rather than tools or method.But when expressing the similar meaning,Chinese stresses methods and tools,rather than directions.Sometimes,the same character in Chinese can have totally different corresponding words.
3.2 Thinking Mode and Sentence Structure
When doing things,Chinese people stress the participant o human beings.In word expression,the subjects of sentences are usually human beings.In English culture,human beings and objects are strictly divided.In word expression,objects and abstract concept usually appears as subjects.For,example:
A good idea suddenly came to my mind.
Chinese sentences are always active and without subjects But English sentences must have subjects.So there are many more passive voice sentences in English than in Chinese.For example:
He was asked a lot of questions at the meeting.
Well,in sentence order,westerners are used to put the poin directly.They express their attitude and point of view first,and then tell the reason and process of the story.For example:
I am very happy to receive her present.
3.3 Thinking Mode and Text Structure
As to the structure of the passage,the mode of Chinese thinking is spiral.They trend to think in a spiral way.The western people's thinking mode is straight.They trend to think and reason in a straight-line way.Thus,Chinese passage structure is always spiraling.Traditionally,Chinese regard an indirect,unclear,complex passage as elegant,beautiful and of high degree Authors always believe that they must write indirectly and complexly as to tell the story completely and adequately.Thus,at the beginning of the passage,they are not eager to express their points of view.Besides,there are not always topic sentences in each paragraph.In Chinese passages,they like to tell the background and reason first,and then give a lot of analysis,and a last,the climax comes.
In typical English passages,authors always start with topic sentences,and tell the point of view at the very beginning of the passage.Next,they instruct the topic sentence point by poin through evidence and theory.The sub-topic and evidence and theory are close to the theme of the whole passage.
4 Summary
The Influence of differences between Chinese and English thinking modes on English writing is obvious.To have an idea o the English thinking mode can make students study the feature o English expression more deeply,and help them to master the English language.With English thinking modes,they can avoid Chinglish.At the same time,to know the differences between Chinese and English thinking modes can help Chinese students to write true English passage.
[1] 吴英丽.论汉英思维模式差异对英语写作的影响[J].江苏教 育学院学报:社会科学版,2006(6).
[2] 张省林.试析汉语思维模式对英语写作的制约[J].西安外国 语学院学报,2004(4).
[3] 张玉玺.英语写作中 Chinglish 的成因分析[J].中国环境管理 干部学院学报,2006(2).
2.试论英文书面表达的写作与技巧 篇二
审题是解题的关键。而书面表达的审题,一是注意内容,即具体写什么;二是看清形式,即表达所需要的文体,适用的时态与人称。根据仔细审题,判定“怎样当一个好的听众(being a good listener)”为文章的话题或中心内容;以演讲的形式与口气进行书面表达,适用第一人称与第二人称,用一般现在时与一般将来时
(1)众所周知,我们国家现在既要加强自身的硬实力,又要向世界推广软实力,来加强国际间的文化交流, 以此来扩大中国在国际上的影响力与竞争力。因此,就像08’ 奥运开闭幕式表演与展示一样,考生通过写信或演讲等形式把中国的传统文化与节日简明扼要介绍给英语国家的人士,最后邀请笔友一起和自己过中国的传统节日—春节、元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中秋节、重阳节等。