英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson


英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson(共11篇)

1.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇一

备课人:------------备课时间:-------------检查人:-----------一级B Lesson 7 Are you washing clothes?

一、Teaching aims:





What is she doing? What are they doing?

5、学习歌曲《Are you sleeping?》。

二、Important points:


2、重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。




What is she doing? What are they doing?

三、Difficult points:

1、难点单词children bicycle catch volleyball race的发音。

2、重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。



What is she doing? What are they doing?

四、Teaching tools:


五、奖励方式: 星星

六、Teaching periods:3 periods

Period 1

一、Teaching aims:



二、Important points:

重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。

三、Difficult points:

1、难点单词children bicycle catch volleyball race的发音。

2、重点单词children wash football ride leg cry cook的四会掌握。

四、Teaching tools:


五、Creative points:

1.warm-up-----------------------------《Are you sleeping?》 2.Review“Super translator” 3.Lead in and presentation----------“小小翻译官”

4.Practice------------------------------重难点分析:“火眼金睛” “拼读大比拼” “趣味带读”“炸地雷”“造句比赛”

5.Consolidation-----------------------“Super doctor” “实战演习”

六、Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting and warming up& Review OK, boys and girls, nice to see you today.Last week all of you did a good job, yes or no? I believe you can do better this week!OK? before the class let’s warm-up《Are you sleeping?》, let’s me see which group is better? 全班一起唱并拍手。“Super translator”

Rule: 老师出示写有中文的句子卡片,孩子们根据中文进行翻译,答对一个加一分!Step2: Lead in and presentation“小小翻译官”


A boy likes playing football and volleyball.Another boy likes riding a bicycle.Step3: Practice 重、难点分析“火眼金睛”


1、重读开音节,看看哪个团队找的速度是最快的!找对一个加一笔。字母组合:children wash catch football volleyball matter cook 重读开音节:race ride 重读闭音节: fun leg left 2.“拼读大比拼”







Rule:根据今日所学wash football ride cry重点单词,让学生对老师指定的任何一个单词造句,可以在书上找,造出一个给该团队加一笔。Step5:Consolidation

1、“super doctor”




Blackboard design:

Period 2

一、Teaching aims:




What is she doing? What are they doing?

4、学习歌曲《Are you sleeping?》。

二、Important points:




What is she doing? What are they doing?

三、Difficult points:



What is she doing? What are they doing?

四、Teaching tools: 话剧头饰

五、Creative points:

1.Warm up-----《Are you sleeping?》 2.Review------“I do you say” 3.Lead in and presentation-----------------“快速笔记王”

4.Practice------重难点讲解:“Follow me”“挑战自己” “进一步挑战” “单词替换” “超级模仿秀”

5.Consolidation-----------------------------“话剧表演” “实战检验”

六、Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting and warming up& Review OK, boys and girls, welcome back!Last class all of you did a good job, yes or no? I hope you can persist in it!OK? before the class let’s warm-up《Are you sleeping?》.“I do you say”


Step2: Lead in and presentation“快速笔记王”

Rule:老师将现在进行时动词变为现在分词的规则和现在现在进行时的基本结构板书在黑板上,以团队为标准,看谁用工整的字迹最先抄完。将为本团队积分3笔!现在进行时的基本结构:be+V-ing。变一般疑问句:将be动词提前即可。动词变现在分词的规则: a.一般情况:直接加ing.b.以不发音的哑e结尾的单词:去e再加ing.c.元辅结构的单词:双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.Step3: Practice

1、重点难点讲解:“Follow me”

Rule: 老师先让孩子们找出本单元的动词,回答对一个加一笔!wash/ catch/ ride/ cry/ cook 老师用其中的一个单词进行造句,然后孩子们根据老师的方式,对其他的单词也进行造句,答对一个加2笔!老师也可以将一般疑问句的变换方式也加进去让孩子们进行操练!






Rule:老师先用现在进行时造一个句子板书在黑板上: Are you cooking? 讲解:只用在最前面加一个What,将后面的动词改为doing,就可以,其他都是照抄!老师还可以用其他单词进行替换,让孩子们得到充分训练!


Rule:老师放磁带,孩子们跟读,看谁的声音是最大的,当场奖励一分!Step5: Consolidation(巩固)




Rule:请学生拿出练习册,给孩子们五分钟的时间做第二课时的题目,老师事先将磁带倒好,然后让孩子们保持安静做完。老师讲解的时候要请学生起来回答,如果不会,就请知道的孩子回答,没有人知道的,老师就一定要重点讲解,尤其是语法部分,并强调让孩子们做好笔记。Blackboard design:

Period 3

一、Teaching aims:





二、Important points:



三、Difficult points:



四、Teaching tools: 练习册、七单元单词卡片

五、Creative points: 1.Warm up 2.Review---《Are you sleeping?》 3.Lead in and presentation--------------“三分钟速记” 4.Practice---“默写单词”

5.Consolidation---------------------------“听磁带完成练习册” “快乐传声”

六、Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting and warming up& Review OK, boys and girls, welcome back!This is our last class, I am so excited, because you will learn more in this class.Are you happy? OK!Before our class, let’s warm-up《Are you sleeping?》 团队PK,声音最大的将得到三笔的奖励,其他的分别加上211笔。“闪卡”


Step2: Lead in and presentation“三分钟速记”

Rule: 给孩子们三分钟的时间记单词,一定要强调,本次的默写只是检测孩子们对于单词的掌握程度,不希望出现抄袭的现象,但是,它是占我们学习一栏的一部分。Step3: Practice“默写单词”

Rule: 三秒钟时间将所有的书本收进抽屉,只留下默写本和考试用具,老师采用录音机播放报单词,默写期间,不允许有任何人东张西望,或者讲话的情况出现。Step4: Consolidation(巩固)


Rule: 做第三课时的题目,老师事先就将磁带倒好,强调听磁带的时候教室保持安静,听完磁带后,安静继续答题。




Rule:将班上分为均等的四个团队,给每个团队的第一个孩子一张白纸,老师出示一个单词,由第一个孩子在纸上写下,然后向后传,每个人都要写,看哪个团队在两分钟之内写的最多,可以欣赏由最后一名的那组带来“母猪歌”。Blackboard design:






2.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇二

《Unit7 Lesson 1 The Biggest Animal》选自英语教材EEC七年级上册第7 单元第1 课时。下面我将从内容和内容解析、目标和目标解析、教学问题诊断分析、教学过程设计这几个方面, 阐述我对这节课的设计。


1.内容:学生掌握本课重点单词。掌握功能句式。 (询问体重和高矮。)

2.内容解析:本课设定为听说课的课型, 主要通过词汇及短语的输入, 使学生对体重、高度和居住情况进行描述, 熟练掌握句型。


知识目标:学生掌握单词“land, dinosaur , whale, giraffe, man, ton, weigh, kilogram”。

学生能够运用以下几个句型“What is a big animal?How much does it weigh? How long is...?How high is ...?Where does it live?”对动物的外形进行描述。

教学重点:运用meter, kilogram等数量单位描述动物的身长、重量和高度。





学生容易在表述中将weigh和weight的词性弄混淆, 不能正确使用。另外, 学生对数字的表述不熟练。基于以上分析, 本节课的教学难点为:在单元话题下通过课堂活动操练相关词汇及句式表达。


根据课程标准教学建议的要求, 本节课的教学将从以下五个环节展开:创设情境 (Produce the scene) —探求新知 (Explore new knowledge) —拓展应用 (Improve and use) —反思提升 (Sum up and reflect) 。

教学理念:以学生为中心 (Student-centered) , 以口语为导向 (Speech-oriented) , 以话题为载体 (Topic-supported) , 以活动为基础 (Activity-based) 。

创设情境: (produce the scene)

教师在黑板上画出动物的轮廓, 同时描述动物的特征, 引导学生猜测动物, 引出本单元话题“The Biggest Animal ”。


T: I have a friend. I’ll draw the shape of my friend. It is the king of the animals and it has no natural enemies. It likes eating meat daily and it has brown fur. Who is my friend?

Ss: It is a lion.

T:Is a lion the biggest animal on land?


T: So today we are going to talk about the biggest animal.

【设计意图:通过创设语境, 激发学生学习语言的热情, 引出本课话题, 为描述动物的具体特征做铺垫。】

探求新知: (Explore new knowledge)

1. 引导学生熟悉新单词, kg=kilogram, 1ton=1000kilograms, 由单词过渡到单句的操练-How long is the lion?-How high is the lion?-How much does it weigh? 过渡到微型对话, 最后达到对话的拓展。


T: Do you want to know more detailed information about the lion such as height, weight and length. Let’s look at the length first.

Ss: Read the short dialogue in a line. Then height and weight.

【设计意图:以一个动物作为描述的载体, 由此呈现新词kilogram, ton, 从集中授词过渡到对单个句型的操练, 微型对话的演练, 最后到句群的呈现, 为掌握对话做铺垫。】

2. 呈现另外4 种不同的动物, 针对不同的动物呈现的信息, 引导学生由感知语言信息达到对语言的输出, 从而从微型对话到对话的拓展, 采取游戏形式, 以小组为单位, 鼓励学生利用有效信息生成更多的句子。


T: After learning the weight, height and the length of animals. Let’s recognize more animals. Let’s play a game. I’ll choose one person in each group. Then play“paper, scissors, stone”to choose your favorite animal. (先熟读数字, 然后以问答形式操练句型, 最后以对话的形式巩固语言。)

T: I will give you some time to make up dialogues with your partner. Please try to create more sentences according to the detailed information.

Ss: Try to make more sentences and create more dialogues.

【设计意图:微型对话, 巩固新知。拓展对话, 感知语言并强调合作探究学习。】

3. 听力的过程:第一遍听, 回答问题“What’s Wang Dandan doing?”第二遍听, 让学生重点比较重量, 由单词到短语, 再形成句子。并强化weigh, the same as的用法。


T: Let’s enter the listening room. For the first listening, please concentrate our attention to the question.

T: For the second listening , please concentrate our attention to the weight of the animals.

第三遍听, 要求学生跟读, 并填上所缺的词。呈现整体的听力对话。根据学情, 调整教材, 将判断先改为阅读表达的形式, 引导学生关注和查找重点信息, 并处理信息。在掌握细节信息之后, 完成书上的判断题。


T: This time, listen carefully and try to fill in the blanks ...

拓展应用: (Improve and use) 语言实践运用主要围绕“What is a big animal? How much does it weigh? Where does it live?”这三个问题操练“It weighs..., the same as ”的句型, 谈论动物, 最后形成语段的输出。

T: I’ll show you some more animals and detailed information. Please communicate with your partner in pairs and present your dialogue. (考虑训练的形式。)

反思与提升 (Sum up and reflect) :

给学生创设情境, 以任务促能力, 在活动的体验中实现语言的运用。依据本单元的功能型语言, 教师设计了“宠物招领”的场景。以对话的形式呈现, 以小组合作的方式操练对话, 并完成宠物招领的任务。

【设计意图:注重输入, 合理铺垫, 遵循学生的认知规律, 达到输出水到渠成的效果。提倡合作完成学习任务, 在交流合作体验中真正实现语言的运用。】


一、教学生活化。根据学生的学情, 学生英语交际水平仍然停留在简单背诵的层面上, 那是因为学生没有这样真实的生活场景, 没有真实的体验和感受。因此本节课在教学活动设计上注重提倡学生亲自参与和体验。

二、教学活动化。充分考虑到学生正处于一个动态开放的生成环境中, 因此精心设计的活动唤起了学生求知探奇的天性。他们自主探索, 积极地“同化”“改造”, 全身心地卷入生动、活泼和富有个性的实践活动中, 丰富着自己的见闻。同时在教师的引导下, 养成仔细观察的习惯, 强化自己内心的独特感受, 生成交流的智慧和灵感。生动的场景, 真切的感受, 详实而富有变化的亲身经历, 有助于学生个性化语言的生成和表达。

3.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇三

Teaching Content:

Review the mastery words and expressions from Lesson 25 to Lesson 31.Review the oral words and expressions from Lesson 25 to Lesson 31.Teaching Aims:

1.Learn to love science and cultivate the spirit of discovering things.2.Know more about the foreign festivals.Teaching Important Points:

1.Teach the students to take care of science and to do experiments by themselves.2.Easter is an important festival in foreign countries, so we must know about it.Teaching Difficult Points:

Express the sequence, uncertainty and uncertainty

Teaching Preparation: water, jar, cardboard

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, water, jar, cardboard

Type of lesson: review lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Ask the students to do the experiments that they like in front of the class.As they are doing the experiments, explain them in English.The students stand beside them.Help them if it necessary.Ask the students to observe carefully.What experiments are they doing?

Are the experiments that they are doing the same as yours?

What can we learn from the others?

What do we learn from the experiments?

Step2.Play a Game

This game is about the foreign countries.The most important festival in western countries is Christmas, then Easter.Discuss what we do on the festivals.Discuss the other festivals in western countries, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving.Step3.Do with the exercises in Lesson 32.Discuss the difficulties in class in groups.If it is too difficult, we can explain it to the class.Step4.Practice the spoken language in pairs.Step5.Come to the last part in Lesson 32.Review the main points in this part.How do you express certainty and uncertainty, sequence and the grammar “The Present Future Tense”.Step6.Homework

4.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇四

Language Focus: leave … on my desk, The more trees, the better …

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing aims

Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. To master some useful expressions.

2.To learn the dialogue and act out the dialogue.

3.To use the Present Perfect Tense freely.

II. Revision

1. Check the homework

2. Revise the passage of Lesson 10. Ask: What have you done to the environment? Have you done anything to harm the environment? What have you done to protect the environment? Help the students answer correctly. Then ask: How can you make our world more beautiful? Get several students to give their own idea.

III. Presentation

Present this dialogue:

A: Have you been a teacher?

B: Yes, I have.

A: How long have you been a teacher?

B: Two weeks.

First get the students to practise in pairs, then make similar dialogues.

IV. Presentation

Part 1. Speech Cassette - Play the tape for the students to listen and try to find the answers to the questions: Where has Lin Feng gone? Why has he gone to do it again? See if the students can answer correctly.

Books open. Play the tape again, get the students to repeat after the tape, have two students read the drills for the class.

V. Practice

Have the students practise the dialogues in pairs, then ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

VI. Read and answer

Have the students ask and answer in pairs, Using the words in the box help them.

VII. Guessing games

Get the students to guess the riddles. If time permits, do it in class, if there is no time, do it after class.

VIII. Workbook

Do Exercise I in class. Have the students do it individually, then check with the whole class. First, Do Exercise 2 orally, then write down the sentences.

IX. Summary

Exercises for class

Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms;

1. Where __________ you __________ (go) yesterday?

I __________ (go) to the zoo.

I __________ never _________ (be) to that zoo before.

2. Where is Mr Green? He ___________ (go) to the library.

3. ___________ you ___________ ( hear) him before? No, never.

4. ___________ you ___________ (finish) your homework yet?

5.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇五






A Look, listen and chant.



B Let"s say.










2.建议教师让学生先学习“Good morning!”等问候用语。不急于让学生开口说,应先让他们多听几遍录音和教师的示范。学生开口后,如有发音不准确的,教师不必一纠到底,只要学生敢于开口说,教师就要给予表扬。(这一点很重要,教师不可忽视。)







Good morning, book.

Good morning, ruler.

Good morning, pencil.

Good morning, eraser.

Good morning, school.


T: Good morning!

Ss: Good morning!


Good morning, school.

Good morning, class.

Good morning, ________ (教师名字).

Good morning, ________ (同学名字).




你喜欢今天的`英语课吗? ○

你积极发言了吗? ○

你学会用英语说什么了? ○

你能回家说给爸爸妈妈听吗? ○


-是否理解了5个新单词的含义? 能否据此做出正确的反应?








6.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇六





















8.要求学生以group work或pair work形式,对学生手中的单词卡进行分类。


7.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇七

Lesson 57 ( The first period )

一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、Organization. be omitted.

三、Teaching of new lesson.



2.Language points. (用幻灯显示)

1)There’s a little oil on it. 上面有点油。

There are a few chopsticks in it.里面有些筷子。


(2)a few表示“一些”,后接可数名词,反义词是many / a lot of,而few则表示否定,意为“很少”,“几乎没有”;也修饰可数名词。

a little也表示“一些”,后接不可数名词,反义词是much / a lot of,而little表示否定,意为“几乎没有”,也修饰不可数名词。如:

I have a few apples. 我有几粒苹果。

He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。

There is a little water in it. 里面有点水。

I have little money. 我没什么钱。

a little还可作程度状语,修饰形容词、副词及它们的比较级,表示“一点儿”,“有点儿”。如:

The dress is a little small. 衣服小了一点。

The box is a little smaller than that one. 这只箱子比那只小了一点。

2)They eat a lot of potatoes. So do we.

So do we, 意为“我们也一样”。“So…”句型是常用交际用语。句中的so可代替上文的名词、动词或形容词等。意为“同样”,“也如此”。

“So+do(be, have, can, will等)+主语”,表示上述的情况(或动作)也适合于后句主语的情况。使用中要注意前、后句的时态一致,后句的助词必须和后句的主语一致。如:

I can swim. So can he.

I am a teacher. So is he.

在对话中,如果表示情况“不一样”,“不如如此”,则用Oh,we don’t. 或Oh,I’m not.等表示。如:

--They eat uncooked fish. 他们吃生鱼。

--Oh, we don’t. 噢,我们不这么吃。

3.Drills and practice. Be omitted.

四、Design for exercises.


熟读课文,掌握So do we句型,掌握已学过的食物类名词。完成Wb L57 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.



1. 二杯桔子汁 2. 一公斤牛肉

3. 许多西红柿 4. 三瓶纯清水

5. some meat 6. a lot of cabbages

7. a little butter 8. pass me the cheese

9. Help yourself to fish 10. the French fries


1.凯特生日那天将举行欢聚会。 Kate is going to a on her .

2.他们确实喜欢那场比赛。 They the match.

3.他看一个苹果落到地上。 He saw an apple the ground.

4.为什么不找点儿喝的?Why not drink?

5.你很快会好。You will soon again.


A. 1.two glasses of orange 2.one kilo of beef 3.many / a lot of tomatoes

4.three bottles of water 5.一些肉 6.许多卷心菜 7.一些/ 一点黄油

8.把乳酪 9.随便吃些鱼 10.法式薯条

B. 1.have, party, birthday 2.really enjoy(like) 3.fall, to

8.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇八

Lesson 62 ( The second period )

一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、Organization. be omitted.



Ask sb. to play and act “A”、“B” on “Asking the way”.

(请四组八位同学表演A 问路、B答路;可提供部分地点名称,如“××大学”、“××电影院”等)

四、Teaching of new lesson.

1.Listening. Listen to the tape for L62, then read after it aloud.

2.Language points. (用幻灯显示)

1)Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema…


on one’s way to…,意为“在某人往……的途中”。如果这个短语后面跟的是副词,如home,there,here等,则不用介词to。如:

I met an old friend on my way home yesterday.

2)What’s the matter? 出了什么事,怎么啦?

在句中matter是名词,作“麻烦事”“毛病”解。而在“It doesn’t matter.”句中它作动词使用,意为“有关系”、“要紧”。

3)He’s sick in hospital. 他生病住院了。

in hospital短语中hospital前不加冠词,类似的表达还有at work等。如表达“在(某家)医院里(工作)”等意思,则须加冠词the。如:

He works in the (a) hospital. 他在那家(一家)医院工作。

4)But I can’t find the address.

find意为“找到”、“发现”,强调“结果”;如果表示“寻找”、强调“过程”,则用look for。如:I’m looking for my pen but I can’t find it now.


5)Maybe you put it there. 也许你把它放在哪儿了。


Maybe you are right. 也许你是对的。

使用时要注意与“may be”区别,may be在句中作谓语。

6)How can I get there? 我怎么到那里呢?

…reach the end. 走到底。

get与reach、arrive表中可表示“到达”。其中reach是及物动词,它后面直接跟宾语;get作“到达”解时,与arrive一样是不及物动词,必须分别通过介词to(get to)或at、in(arrive at、arrive in)才能跟宾语表示“到过某个地方”。但后面如果是home、there等副词(作状语)时,不跟介词(如本句)

7)He may know. 他(指警察)可能知道。


He may go to Shanghai next week. 下周他可能去上海。

We may have a dictation tomorrow. 明天我们也许要听写。

8)It’ll take you about half an hour. 它将花费你大约半小时。


It’ll take you about half an hour to go to the hospital.

句型“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”意为“某人花了多少时间做某事”。句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to do sth.。take在句子意为“需要”。又如:

It takes us four hours to get there. 我们到那里要4小时。

It took him two hours to finish his work. 他花两个小时做完自己的活。


Can we go there by bus? 我们可以乘车去(那里)吗?

句中by bus表示“乘车”这种方式。与“on foot”,“by bike”这些短语一样,bus前不加冠词。

The No. 72 bus will take you there. 本句可译作“你可乘72路公共汽车去那里。”句子字面的意思是“72路汽车将载你到达那里。”因为只有乘72路才能到达,所以用了定冠词“the”。

此外,常见的句子还有“Is there a bus?”“有公车(乘)吗?”。这个句子泛指有没有任何一路、任何一辆的公车,所以用了不定冠词a。

课文中“We’d better catch a bus.” “我们最好乘车去。”句子中指乘72路的任何一辆汽车,所以也用了定冠词a。

10)They look around… 他们四周环顾……

look around= look round 意为“东张西望”。

五、Design for exercises.


熟读课文,巩固掌握常见常用“问路”、“乘车”的有关句型。完成Wb L62 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.



1. 往左拐 2. 第二个路口

3. 沿着这条街走 4. 在街尾(尽头)

5. 二十分钟后 6. 一个半小时

7. 住院 8. 内衣袋

9. 四周探望 10. 回家的路上


1.Can you tell me how I can get to East Park?(改为同义句)

Can you tell me the East Park?

2.The hospital is not far. If you take a bus there, you’ll get there in thirty minutes.(同上)

It’ll take you to to the hospital.

3.The woman finds the husband in the hospital.(划线提问)

the woman her husband?

4.Let’s ask the policeman over there.(完成反意疑问句)

Let’s ask the policeman over there, ?

5.The man was very happy to see his wife.(改为感叹句)

the man was to see his wife!


1. 妈妈生病了住院了,我该怎么办?

Mother is ill . What I ?

2. 请问去第一中学怎么走?

me. is the No. 1 Middle School, please?

3. 走了这么长的路,你一定很累了。

You very a long walk.

1. 你可以在第二路口向左拐。

You on the left.


A. 1.turn left 2.the second turning 3.Walk along this street

4.at the end of the street 5.in twenty minutes 6.one and half hours

7.in hospital 8.inside pocket 9.look around 10.on one’s way home

B. 1.way, to 2.half an hour, get 3.Where, does, find

4.shall , we 5.How, happy

C. 1.in, hospital, shall, do 2.Excuse, Which, way, to

9.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇九

Language Focus:

Words: western, traditional

Phrases: how to celebrate Christmas

When to go to the Christmas play

Grammar: the use of the infinitives: 疑问词+动词不定式

Has been to与 has gone to的区别

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the use of the infinitives.

2. Try to understand the whole lesson and read it fluently.

Master the new words and phrases.

Properties: Recorder.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class

Today, we are going to talk about another use of the infinitives.

II. Revision

Go over the new phrases in the former lesson

Go from house to house singing Christmas songs; do this for fun; on Christmas Eve; as well; kind-hearted; in a single night; is based on; hang by the fireplace to dry; his spirit of generosity lives on; can’t wait to do sth. ; visit their relatives; greet each other with a hug

III. Presentation

Present this dialogue:

A: Excuse me, Could you tell me how to go to…?

B: Go along this road. Turn left at the second crossing.

Have the students practise this dialogue in pairs, and then make up their own dialogues. Pay attention to the usage of the Infinitive.

IV. Ask and answer

Part 1. Have the students understand “how to go to…”. Remember the structure of this sentence.

Have the students ask and answer in pairs.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Books open, read the dialogue in pairs.

Then out it out. Make up a similar dialogue in pairs, act out their own dialogues.

VI. Talk and write

Ask a student to read the first part of part 3 aloud to the class. Read over the questions with the students and make sure they understand them.

Explain the words: western, traditional Have the students discuss the questions in groups Ask students to talk about their ideas. Ask students to pick out infinitives used in the short passage.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercise 1 in class. First have the students read the note Individually. Then read over the model, and practise the sentences.

VIII. Homework

A.Workbook Ex1

B. Go over the whole lesson

10.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇十

Language focus: beat, goal, by the time, realize, check-out

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogues.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check the homework

Revise the names of different sports.

III. Leading in

Just now we have revised some names of sports. Can you tell me what sports do you like best?

Which do you prefer, football or basketball? Why? Can you tell some football or basketball super stars in the world?

Show them some pictures about football stars. And ask: Do you know the football star? Which team is he from?

Then say today there is a football match, Did Jim watch the football match? Did Li Lei watch it? Play the tape for the students to find the answer, then check the answers with the whole class.

IV. Presentation

Let the students go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook, read the dialogue on P76. Answer these questions, then check the answer.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen to and repeat, then go through the dialogue. Explain some language points: 1. win - won - won/ winner, 2. beat somebody 3 .win the game/ match 4. think of

Let the students practise the dialogue, then act out the dialogue, then do Exercise 3 in the workbook. The answers are: saw, already, win, team, stronger, beat, thank, told, place, important.

VI. Teaching grammar

Draw this line on the blackboard:

now before last Sunday before last Sunday

having a lesson has (never)seen watched a match had (never)seen

Ask the students some questions:

1.What are you doing now? (having a lesson)

2. What did you do last Sunday? (watched a match)

3. Was it a good match? (Yes, a very good one)

4. Had you ever seen a good match before?

No, I had never seen such a good match before.

Yes, I had seen many like that one.

Explain: The Past Perfect Tense shows an action happening before a certain time in the past. Give the students more examples:

A: Li Lei said he had seen it.

B: The train had already left when I got to the station.

C: She had finished her homework by the end of last year.

D: They had never seen such beautiful places before they came to China.

VII. Homework

1.Write down the sentences from Wb Lesson61, Ex. 2 in the exercise book.

2. Make up four sentences using when, before, after, by. . .

11.英语教案-Put them away, please!-Lesson 篇十一

Unit 6 Find the right place!

Lesson 21

林永文 (/10/25)

一. Teaching aims: 1.Asking for directions: Where’s the … ?

2.Giving directions: It’s next to the …

二.Teaching tools: pictures, computer ……

三.Teaching steps:

1. Organization.( omitted )

2. Revision.

Park farm

School shop factory




Say: The farm is behind the factory. The shop is next to the school.

Ask: Where’s the school? …… ( Using behind / next to )

3. Presentation.

Park farm

School shop factory


Ask: Where’s the farm / park / school / shop / factory ? etc.

( Using on the left / right side of, in front of, on the left / right )

Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs about the map.

4. Read, say and learn.

Part 1. Look at the picture and ask: Where’s the hospital?

Present this dialogue, using on the left / right, next to ,

in front of ,behind, outside.

A: Excuse me, where’s the hospital?

B: It’s over there, on the left.

Do Wb. L21. Ex.1 individually. Check the answers with the whole class.

5. Ask and answer.

Part 2. Play the tape of the first dialogue and practise it with the Ss. Make up another example. Practise the second dialogue in the same way. Get some pairs to act theirs out.

6. Homework.

① Finish Ex.3 in Page 101 for homework.

② Go over L 21 and recite Part 2.

Language points:

1. Look at the picture.

Look at 看 look through 查看 look up 向上看 、查 look out 向外看 look over 复习

2. the post office.

合成词:①、写成一个单词: bookshop ②、写成开放式: post office


3. next to 紧挨

4. in front of 反义词 behind

5. Excuse me 的用法

①、引起别人注意 ②、请求让路 ③、向人问路或打听消息

6. Thank you all the same.

All the same 仍然

The hospital the bus station the bookshop

The post office the bank the toilet

The hotel the police station the school

The park the factory the farm
