


1.动词have在中学英语中的用法 篇一




His English is excellent.他的英语很棒。(跟形容词)

He is a famous poet.他是著名诗人。(跟名词)

Money isn’t everything.金钱不是一切。(跟代词)

She was the first to arrive.她是第一个到达的人。(跟数词)

Who is upstairs? 谁在楼上?(跟副词)

He is with his friends.他和朋友在一起。(跟介词短语)

He seems to be ill.他似乎病了。(跟不定式)

Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(跟动名词)

This is what you need.这就是你需要的。(跟从句)




误:His English is very well.他的英语很好。(应将well改为good)

误:Be carefully.小心点。(应将carefully改为careful)

误:The soup tastes nicely.这汤味道不错。(应将nicely改为nice)

但是,有时连系动词后也可接副词作表语,不过这主要限于in, on, off, out, away, behind, up, down, over, through, around, round, below, inside, outside 等少数副词小品词以及here, there, upstairs, downstairs等少数表示地点或方位的副词:

Mother wasn’t in last night.母亲昨晚不在家。

The meeting was over at five.会议五点结束。

Come along.The taxi is outside.来吧,出租车在外面。

Mother is downstairs waiting for you.母亲在楼下等你。



My dream is to be a scientist.我的梦想是当一名科学家。

All I could do was to wait.我只能等。

My plan was to go from London to Paris.我计划从伦敦去巴黎。

I was to have seen Mr.Kay.我本要去见凯先生的。

(2)seem, appear, prove, continue, turn out, get, grow, come 等连系动词后也可接不定式(尤其是to be)作表语:

She always seems to be sad.她常常显得很忧伤。

My advice proved to be wrong.我的意见证明是错的。

She appears to have many friends.他好像有很多朋友。

The weather turned out to be fine.天气结果很好。

Circumstances continue to be favorable.情况仍然是有利的。

He has grown to like studying English.他渐渐喜欢学英语了。

【注】若所接不定式为to be,通常可以省略。不过,若其后接的是表语形容词,则to be通常不宜省略。另外,连系动词look后能否接to be似乎尚有争论,不过,在现代英语中接to be的现象已较普遍。

(3)sound, smell, feel, taste, become等连系动词后通常不能接不定式:

误:These oranges taste to be good.(应去掉to be)

误:The roses smell to be nice.(应去掉to be)


It seems that she’s right./ She seems to be right.她似乎是对的。

It appears that you have made a mistake./ You appear to have made a mistake.似乎你弄错了。



She is always like that.她总是那样。

I am used to going about alone.我习惯于独来独往。

These shoes are too tight for me.这双鞋我穿太小。

(2)持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, rest, lie, stand。如:

I hope you’ll keep fit.我希望你身体好。

He always kept silent at meeting.他开会时总保持沉默。

The door remained closed.门仍然关着。

We can remain friends.我们可以继续做朋友。

Please stay seated.请继续坐着。

He stayed single.他仍然是单身。

(3)表像系动词:表示“看起来好像”,主要有seem, appear, look等。如:

He looks tired.他看起来很累。

He seems(to be)quite happy.他好像很快活。

The doctor seemed very capable.那医生似乎很能干。

He appeared quite well.他显得身体相当好。

He appeared taken aback.他似乎很吃惊。

She appeared perplexed.她显得迷惑不解。

(4)感官系动词:表示“„„起来”,有feel(摸起来,感觉), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来,吃起来)等。如:

This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布摸起来很软。

He looks honest, but actually he’s a rogue.他看起来很老实,实际他是一个坏蛋。They all look alike to me.他们的模样我看起来都一样。

Everybody feels contented.每个人都感到很满足。

Ice feels cold.冰感觉起来是凉的。

Silk feels soft and smooth.丝绸摸起来很柔软平滑。

It sounds a good idea.这听起来是个好主意。

This food tastes good.这菜好吃。



误:Glass is felt smooth.正:Glass feels smooth.析:汉语说“摸起来”,其实就是指“被摸起来”,似乎含有被动意义,很容易错用被动语态。


误:The milk is smelt sour.正:The milk smells sour.析:汉语说“闻起来”,其实就是指“被闻起来”,似乎含有被动意义,很容易错用被动语态。

(5)变化系动词:表示主语变成什么样,主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run如:

He became mad after that.自那之后,他疯了。

She had grown thinner and thinner.她越来越瘦了。

His cold was growing worse.他的感冒越来越严重了。

She’s growing fat.她正在发胖。

He’s grown used to it.他对此已经习惯。

When she saw this, she turned red.她看到这,脸红了。

His hair turned grey in a few weeks.在几个星期中他头发就变灰白了。

The milk will soon turn sour.牛奶很快就会变酸。

Several people fell ill, victims of blood poisoning.几个人生病了,都是血中毒的受害者。We get wiser as we get old.随着年岁的增长,我们也变得聪明些了。

Your hair has gone quite white!你的头发全白了!

She went pale at the news.听到这消息,她脸色变得苍白。

When I mentioned it to him he went red.我对他提及此事时他脸红了。

He went mad.他疯了(from)。

The children must not go hungry.孩子们不能挨饿。

(6)终止系动词:主要有prove, turn out(结果是,证明是)等。如:

His story proved false.他讲的情况原来是假的。

His advice proved sound.他的劝告证明是对的。

My intuition turned out to be correct.我的直觉证明是对的。




Translation is an art.翻译是一种艺术。

Beijing is a beautiful city.北京是一座美丽的城市。


Traveling is interesting but tiring.旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。

Every hour and every minute is important.每一小时,每一分钟,都很宝贵。


My idea is this.我的想法是这样的。

Money isn’t everything.金钱不是一切。

His latest play is nothing.他最近出的那个剧本毫无价值。


Tom is 14.汤姆14岁。

Last check-in time is 20:15.最后检票时间为20点15分。

The average of letters received each month is 3,000.每月平均收到信件3,000封。


The secret is out.机密泄漏了。

Sales are down.销售量下降了。

She is off on Saturday.她星期六不工作。


Dinner is at six.6点钟开饭。

I hope he is on time.我希望他准时。

Martha still is in hospital.马撒还在医院里。

Diana was with the children.戴安娜和孩子们在一起。

You look like your sister.你模样像你姐姐。


His goal is to be a doctor.他的目标是当医生。

My duty is to protect my sisters.我的职责是保护我的妹妹们。My advice to you is to speak the truth.我对你的忠告是讲真话。My dream is to travel around the world.我的梦想是环游世界。


Her hobby is growing roses.她的爱好是种植玫瑰。

His job is looking after sheep.他的任务是看羊。

My favorite sport is swimming.我最喜欢的运动是游泳。


That’s what we are here for.我们来这里就为了这个。

The question is how he did it.问题是他是如何做此事的。

That’s where I first met her.那就是我第一次遇见她的地方。

The trouble is that I have lost his address.麻烦的是我把他的地址丢了。

2.动词have在中学英语中的用法 篇二


例1:I don`t like going to supermarkets that are located in the center of the town. (L11 P14 SEFC B2A) 我不想去位于市中心的超市。

例2:He is addicted to surfing the Internet and can`t live without it. (L33 P89 SEFC B2A) 他沉溺于上网, 没有网络简直不能活了。

学生不明白为什么locate, addict要用被动语态, 原因在于没明白其使动用法, locate表示“使…位于…”, addict表示“使…沉溺于…”。改成主动语态为:

I don`t like going to supermarkets that they locate in the center of the town.

He addicts himself to surfing the internet and can`t live without it.

这样, 问题就很清楚了。可见学习使动词的用法, 对英语的正确理解和使用是十分必要的。因此本文就中学英语中的使动词用法作以归纳。

中学英语中使动词根据其使用句型, 可分为两种:


这种表达使动意义的动词有:make, get, have, keep, leave, send, cause等。这些动词在使用中其宾补往往有不同的词形搭配, 变化较多, 下面笔者将其在中学教材中的用法作以归纳。

1.1 ma ke s b/s th+n/a dj/do s th/done

例:The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing is another design that makes us think about nature. (L24 P20 SEFC B2A) 2008北京奥运场馆是又一个使我们想到自然的例子。

例:Being black and a woman made life even more difficult in America at that time. (L14 P34 SEFC B2B) 在当时的美国, 当一个黑人又是个女人会使生活更加困难。

1.2 ge t s b to do s th/ge t s th done

例:It usually takes one hour to get my cellphone fully charged. (L8P26 SEFC B1B) 使我的手机完全充电通常花一小时时间。

1.3 ha ve s b/s th do s th/doing s th

例:Some TV programmes and computer games are a bit like plays-you have characters playing different roles and acting out a story. (L22 P20 SEFC B1B) 一些电视节目和计算机游戏有点相似-你使人物扮演不同的角色演绎一个故事。

1.4 keep sb doing s th/keep sb/sth+adj

例:Other nutrients, such as fibre and minerals, help keep our body functioning well. (L5 P4 SEFC B1B) 其它营养物质, 如纤维素和矿物质, 有助于保持我们的身体功能良好。

例:Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive. (L20 P11 SEFC B1B) 每一次我们庆祝一个节日, 都会改变一点, 我们以这种方式使我们的节日鲜活。

1.5 leave sb doing/leave s th done/a dj./pre p.phrase

例:Don`t leave the door open.不要让门开着。

例:Don`t leave her waiting outside.别让她在门外一直等着。

1.6 send sb to do sth

例:I sent Tom to fetch his dictionary.我打发汤姆去取他的词典。

1.7 caus e sb to do sth

例What caused you to make the mistake?什么使你犯下这错误?



如surprise (使吃惊) , interest (使感兴趣) , astonish (使惊奇) , delight (使高兴) , please (使满足) , amuse (使快乐) , annoy (使烦恼) , worry (使失担心) , excite (使激动) , frighten (使恐惧) , terrify (使害怕) , bore (使厌烦) , tire (使疲倦) , inspire (使鼓舞) 等

(1) 这种动词在主动句中较好理解, 如

例:Their light scared people.. (L25 P76 SEFC B2A) 他们的光使人们害怕。

(2) 但这种动词也多用于被动句中, 如

例:We are entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts. (L 22 P4 SEFC B3) 对于奇怪且不同寻常的行为和事实的报道, 我们感到愉悦。

例:Zijie says he was inspired and motivated by the magazine. (L18 P52 SEFC B2B)


例:The volcano suddenly became active and people were terrified by the eruption. (L4 P78 SEFC B2A) 火山突然活跃起来, 人们对其爆发感到可怕。

(3) 这种动词加词尾-ing, -ed, 可构成两类形容词, -ing结尾的形容词表达事物特征, 可译为“令人···的”, -ed结尾的形容词表达人的情感。这些词的使用在课文中俯拾皆是, 如

例:Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand. (L30 P3 SEFC B2A) 读者们很高兴很吃惊地发现科学家竟能用一种普通人能理解的方式来写他们的著作。 (please表示“使…高兴”, surprise表示“使…吃惊”)

例:What a frightening dog!Even the bravest boys are frightened. (L2 P78B2)

多么可怕的狗!最勇敢的孩子也会害怕的。 (frighten表示“使…害怕”)

例:Marrine life is incredibly rich and varied. (L17P19 B2B)

海洋生命相当丰富且多样。 (vary表示“使…多样化”)

例:They are never satisfied with a simple answer and are always looking for new questions. (L5 P7 SEFC B2A)

他们从不满足于一个简单的答案且总是寻找新的问题。 (satisfy表示“使…满意”)


如, seat (使…坐下) , addict (使…沉溺于) , locate (使…坐落于) , revive“使…恢复活力”) , rejuvenate“使…恢复活力”) , infect (“使…感染…”) , disable (使…残疾) , endanger (使…受危险) .relate (使…有关系)

(1) In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for"rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education. (L7 P7 SE-FC B2B)

1995年, 中国政府提出了一项科教兴国的计划。 (rejuvenate表示“使…恢复活力”)

(2) As his disease has disabled him, Hawking has to sit in his now-famous wheelchair and speak through a computer. (L22 P3 SEFC B2A) 因为疾病已使他成为残废, 霍金不得不坐在他现已很闻名的轮椅上通过计算机讲话。 (disable表达“使…残疾”)

(3) What you have said is not related to what we are concerned with now. (L11 P13 SEFC B2A) 你说的话与我们担忧的事没关系。 (relate表达“使…有关系”)

(4) Thousands of children become infected with HIV everyday. (L27 P51 SEFC B2A)

每一天成千上万的孩子感染HIV。 (infect表达“使…感染…”)

(5) We should never try to revive a person unless we know how todo it. (L6 P60 B2A)

我们只有知道如何做, 才能设法救活一个人。 (revive表达“使复活”)

(6) Some of the original species may become endangered. (L23P66 SEFC B1A) 一些原始物种可能会受到危险。 (endanger表达“使…受危险”) 参考文献:


【1】牛津大学.牛津现代高级英汉双解辞典【M】.牛津大学出版社, 1970.

【2】朗文当代高级英语辞典【M】.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2004.

3.英语动词不定式用法详解 篇三


动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词之特性, 同时也保留动词特征, 同自己的宾语和状语一起构成不定式短语, 在句中作主语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、表语。


To love and to be loved are both happiness.

(1) 不定式作主语时, 为了避免头重脚轻, 常用it作形式主语, 不定式作真正主语, 常见句型有:

It is very nice to get up early and do morning exercise.

It is a great honor to make a speech at the meeting.

It took me five hours to finish my homework yesterday.

It is against my will to tell her the secret.

(2) 不定式的逻辑主语用of或for引出。用for时, 它前面的形容词说明不定式的性质, 而不是说明逻辑主语, 常见的形容词有:important, necessary, difficult等;用of时, 常用表示人的品质的形容词, 常见形容词有:nice, good, cruel, typical, silly, foolish, stupid, bright, clever, wise, right, wrong, mistaken等, 也可以用“逻辑主语+系动词+该形容词”模式改写:

It is very important for us to fasten safety belts.

It was silly of her to believe what he said = She was silly to believe what he said.


(1) agree, beg, choose, decide, afford, fail, expect, hope, long, offer, manage, plan, prepare, pretend, strive, refuse, intend, promise, seem, wish, want等后常跟不定式作宾语。不定式一般不作介词宾语, 但可以作but, except的宾语:

My parents agreed to send me abroad for holidays if I passed the exam.

He had no choice but to have a rest at home.

(2) like, love, hate, continue等动词后跟不定式和动名词作宾语意义接近, 区别在于不定式表示具体的动作, 动名词表示抽象概念:

I like reading, but I don’t like to read in the classroom today.

(3) 不定式作宾语时, 用it作形式宾语, 常跟一个形容词或者名词作宾补:

We consider it necessary to learn English well in case you go abroad.

We have made it a rule not to watch TV during dinner time.


( 1 ) 作定语时, 与被修饰词之间有逻辑上的“主谓关系”、“动宾关系”等:

He is always the first to come and the last to go. (主谓关系)

I have a very important meeting to attend this afternoon. (动宾关系)

I will go to Shanghai. Do you have anything to be taken there? (主谓关系)

注:此句中you不是不定式逻辑主语, 故anything就成逻辑主语, anything与take之前构成被动关系, 故用被动形式, 但也可用主动形式:

I will do some washing. Do you have any clothes to wash (to be washed) ?

There is a lot of homework to do (to be done) today.

(2) 如果作定语的动词不能与被修饰词之间构成动宾关系时, 要加相应的介词, 构成介宾关系:

I have bought a pen to write with and some paper to write on.

( 3 ) 某些抽象名词ability, way, need, possibility , determination等后也跟不定式作定语:

The girl has the ability to operate this modern machine.

He has showed the determination to finish the work ahead of time.


不定式作状语时, 通常表示原因、目的和结果, 逻辑主语通是句子的主语, 有主动和被动之分:

I was very pleased to hear the satisfactory news. (原因)

In order to go to college, I have to learn English well. (目的)

The question is very difficult to answer. =To answer the question is very difficult.

注意:不定式在这种情况下作状语, 一般是及物动词, 与主语之间是逻辑上的动宾关系, 翻译为“…起来”, 不用被动式:

The woman is very difficult to deal with.= To deal with the woman is very difficult.

He woke up at midnight, only to find the door was open. (结果)

He hurried to the school, only to be told that in was Sunday. (结果)

注意:分词也可作结果状语, 但不定式的主动和被动形式都表示出乎预料的结果, 而现在分词和过去分词均表示必然结果:

He was late again and again, thus making the boss angry.

He smoked again at work, thus caught by the boss.


(1) 作宾补或主补时, 不定式的逻辑主语就是句子的宾语或者主语, 有主动和被动之分。常用动词有:advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, consider, desire, encourage, expect, force, get, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, request, teach, tell, want, warn等:

Our school doesn’t permit anyone to smoke in the school campus. (宾补)

We were forced to leave the classroom when school was over. (主补)

(2) 动词notice, let, make, hear, listen to, see, look at, watch, observe, have, feel跟省略to的不定式作宾补, 但这些动词变为被动语态时, 作主补的不定式要加上to:

I noticed a young lady enter the room hurriedly.

A young lady was noticed to enter the room hurriedly.


不定式作表语既可表示将来发生的动作, 也可表示应该做某事:

My job is to teach children English after graduation.

Who is to blame for the broken window?


不定式不仅有时态的变化, 而且有语态的变化。当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者时, 就用被动语态。


He likes to swim in the small river this afternoon.

Nobody likes to be criticized in public.


He was lucky to have met a kind and helpful man.

The book is said to have been translated into English.


He pretended to be sleeping when his mother told him to do washing.

4.完成进行式表示在谓语动词动作或状态发生之前开始的动作, 到谓语动词动作发生时可能停止, 也可能会持续下去:

He seems to have been standing there for five hours.



The teacher ordered us not to make any noise in the classroom.


“疑问词+不定式”相当于一个名词, 在句中作主语、宾语和表语, 其中的不定式常用一般式:

When to start for the journey has not been decided.

If you don’t know when to start for the journey, you’d better call him.

The problem is when to start for the journey.


(1) 在had better, would rather…than…, would…rather than…, do nothing but except other than, might as well, cannot help but cannot choose but cannot but以及情态动词、助动词之后:

I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema in such terrible weather.

There is nothing I can do other than but except ask for a leave.

(2) 动词help后可直接跟省略to的不定式, 即help do sth.;help后的不定式作宾补时, 如果句子主语直接参与不定式动作时省略to, 句子主语不直接参与不定式动作时, 一般不省略to:

Please help do housework, as I am too busy.

Would you please help me carry the box upstairs?

The book will help me to improve my writing skills.

(3) 在why或why not开头、表示建议的疑问句中:

Why argue with your mother?

Why not go outside and breathe some fresh air?

(4) 并列的两个以上的不定式, 从第二个开始省略to, 但对比关系中不能省略:

She will come to help us and give us a lecture.

We haven’t decided whether to go to America or to stay in China during the vacation.

(5) 不定式作表语时, 系动词前边有动词do的任何形式;句子主语是all或what引导的从句;主语被only, first, one, least及形容词最高级所修饰时:

The first thing I want to do now is (to) thank all the people who have helped me in my life.

All I can do is (to) offer him some money to buy food and clothes.

What she really hopes is (to) marry an honest man.

The only thing he can do is (to) do well in the exam.



4.动词have在中学英语中的用法 篇四

第一类是把动词get作及物动词使用, 这时, 其主要有如下几种:

1、get+sb. (sth.) 叫来某人 (弄到事物) 如:please go and get him.去把他叫来。

She got high marks in the final examination.她期末考试得了高分。

2、get+sb.+sth.为某人弄到事物。如:Will you please get me a ticket for the football match?请给我弄张足球赛的票好吗?

He got me some beautiful postcards.他帮我弄到一些漂亮的明信片。

3、get+sth.+adj.使某物处于某种状态。如:We have got everything ready for the sports meet.我们已为运动会作好了一切准备。

She got her school clothes dirty.她把校服弄脏了。

4、get+sth.+done.使某事被做。如:You must get your homework done before you watch TV.你看电视前务必把家庭作业完成。

You’d better go and get your hair cut.你最好去理个发。

5、get+sb. (sth.) +doing.让某人 (物) 行动起来。如:My duty was to get the four of us studying the subject.我的责任是使我们四个人研究这个主题。

Who can get the machine running?谁能启动这台机器?

6、get+sb.+to do.使某人做某事。如:My idea is that we should get a porter to carry our luggage.我的想法是我们得请个搬运工来搬运行李。

7、get+sth.+for sb.替某人弄到某物。如:Could you get a school timetable for me?你能帮我弄张课程表吗?

第二类是把动词get作不及物动词用, 这时, 其词义主要有以下几种:

1、到, 到达如:When shall we get there?我们什么时候到那里?

Let’s see who gets there first.我们看谁先到达那儿。

2、变得, 成为如:When spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer, and the

days get longer and longer.当春天来临时, 天气变得越来越暖和, 白天时间越来越长了。

We got to be a good friends.我们成为好朋友了。

3、致富如:Every one is trying to get rich quick nowadays.现在, 每个人都想尽快发财致富。

4、能够如:They can get anything they want in the stores.他们能够在商店里买到任何东西。

5、离开如:I had to got out that house in disguise.我不得不化了装才离开那屋子。

Have a good heart Jack, and help me to get away now.做做好事吧杰克, 帮我离开这里。

第三类是动词get与其他词相互替换, 在中学英语课本里这类词主要有:

1、get与have拿如:The bottle is empty, could you get/have a full one?

这个瓶子空了, 你能否拿一个满的。

2、get与reach碰到, 拿到如:My kite is in the tree.I can’t get/reach it.

我的风筝在树上, 我拿不到它。

3、get与buy买如:I’ll get/buy a new dictionary.我要买本新词典。

4、get与answer回/接 (电话之类) 如:I’m busy.Could you get/answer the telephone, please?我现在很忙, 请你接下电话好吗?

5、get与receive收到如:Jim got/received a letter from his brother last


6、get与catch抓住如:I can’t get/catch that bird.我抓不着那只鸟。

第四类是动词get与介词或副词构成短语动词, 在中学英语课本里这类短语动词主要有:

1、get up起床如:I get up at 6 o’clock every morning.我每天早上6点钟起床。

2、get to work.上班如:He gets to work at 7o’clock.他7点钟上班。

3、get home回家如:He gets home at seven and he watches morning TV.他早上7点回到家中, 然后看电视里的早间节目。

4、get back回来如:Show me your photos when we get back to school.返校时把你的照片拿给我看。

5、get on上车如:The bus came and we got on.公交车来了, 我们就上了车。

6、get off下车如:I’ll get off at the next stop.我在下一站下车。

7、get in收割如:The farmers are getting in the crops in the field.农民们正在田里收割庄稼。

8、get out拿出、取出如:He got out a dictionary and looked up the word in it.他拿出一本词典来查这个词。

9、get down下来如:The boy climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down.小男孩爬上树, 却下不来了。

1 0、get over走过、渡过。如:How can we get over the river?我们怎样过河?

1 1、get away离开、逃脱如:Two tigers got away from the zoo last night.


12、get about到处走动如:It’s easy in the city to get about by bus.在本市乘公交车去各处都很方便。

13、get together聚一聚如:When can we get together?我们什么时候可以聚一聚。

14、get married结婚如:At present, I don’t want to get married.目前, 我还不想结婚。

15、get through通过考试如:Did he get through his driving test?


16、get along with与……相处如:She gets along well with her classmates.


17、get in the way of妨碍I think the poor health gets in the way of your study.

