


1.tree小学生英语作文优秀 篇一

The Cherry Tree英语作文

one afternoon, a close friend of mine came up to me ecitedly:

“julia, don't you know that there's a cherry tree in our school?”

“a cherry tree? really? where?”

cherry trees were so scarce that i had only seen them in the film “romantic cherry”.

“in i garden. hurry! let's go and see it!”

i dropped my book and followed my friend out of the class

as soon as i stepped into i garden, i began seeking the precious “pink” eagerly. and ho, there it was! in the distance,several pink “clouds” were floating above a small pavilion. that was it! my cherry tree!

we quickened our steps. little by little, the gossamer like pink “clouds” grew bigger and bigger and at last seemed to occupy the blue sky when we were just standing under the cherry, on a small slope. beneath my feet, the soil was covered by fallen petals. what a wonderful eperience! stretching my arms widely, i felt as if flying in the air weightlessly in the world of pink.

when a gentle breeze passed by, hundreds of petals parachuted down. they danced and whirled beautifully in the air and blurred my vision.the petals were so light that it took them some time to fall down onto the ground or into the pool.

the petals lying on the ground joined their brothers and sisters to etend a pink carpet while those floating on the water were setting out on a mysterious journey.

“i surely will be sorry when all of the petals have fallen down.” my friend said woefully.

“no. although they have left their home and have been separated from each other, they are still happy and composed and try to do their best where god place them.” i said to myself,firmly and hopefully.


本文描写了樱桃树开花的美景和作者喜悦的心情。呈现在作者眼前的是一个粉红色的`世界:头顶上漂浮着粉红色的“云彩”,脚下粉红色的花瓣覆盖着大地。作者对花瓣飘落的描写非常精彩:hundreds“petals parachuted down;they danced and whirled beautifully intheair,使读者仿佛身临其境。在作者笔下,这些花瓣都有了生命的灵气:落在地上的花瓣合力展开一块粉色的地毯,而落在水中的花瓣开始了它们的神秘之旅。


2.tree小学生英语作文优秀 篇二

1)Reviewing and learning some more information about trees.2)Having students catch the general ideas of the whole passage and understand some new words and things, release, oxygen, etc.Difficulties: To read through the whole passage.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: 1)Write from the memory.2)Read the comics on page 15 and let students know that we‟ll talk about the biggest and oldest living things on earth----trees.Pre-task preparations: 1)Let students talk freely to see how much they know about trees and make a guess to see whose number is close to the answer.2)Answer the questions in “ What do you know about …?” While-task procedures:

1)Get students to look at the title, the subtitle, and the pictures to tell who are pollution fighters.2)Let students read through the whole passage.Look at the statements on the screen and let them to find out the facts in the passage to complete the sentences.Post-task activity:

1)According to what they‟ve known, let them fill in the blanks to finish the sentences.Help students to summarize the general ideas of the passage.Assignments: Oral work: read the interview on page 17.Written work: preview the passage with the help of dictionary.Notes:

Period II Teaching objectives:

1)Learning the first part of the interview 2)Having students review or learn the words and expressions interested in, sip, etc.Language focus: 1)Helping students pronounce new words correctly and try to memorize 2)Doing some exercise to let students understand the language points.Difficulties: Use „noisy-noisily-noise, living-alive‟ correctly to some of them.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: Complete the statements to see how much they remember the information about trees.Pre-task preparations: Ask students the meanings of the new words.They can choose one of the answers.Then learn to read.While-task procedures: 1)Review and introduce the words and expressions.2)Do some exercise to help students understand how to use the language points correctly.Post-task activity: Do some exercise by themselves.Assignments: Oral work: read the text Written work: review the new words and expressions.Notes: 默写时间太长以至于后面知识点来不及讲,减少学生做笔记时间,通过练习让学生理解知识点并且运用。

Period III Teaching objectives:

1)Learning the second part of the interview 2)Having students review or learn the words and expressions

e.g.release, breathe, etc.Language focus: 1)Helping students pronounce new words correctly and try to memorize 2)Doing some exercise to let students understand the language points.Difficulties: Read and use „breathe, breath‟ correctly.Remember the prepostions in the phrases.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: Read and review the new words.Pre-task preparations: Do some exercise.While-task procedures: 1)Review and introduce the words and expressions.2)Do some exercise to help students understand how to use the language points correctly.Post-task activity: Do some exercise by themselves.Assignments: Oral work: read the interview., recite the new words and expressions.Written work: Do some exercise.Notes:

Period IV Teaching objectives:

1)Learning the third part of the interview 2)Having students review or learn the words and expressions e.g.chemical, etc.Language focus: 1)Helping students pronounce new words correctly and try to memorize

2)Doing some exercise to let students understand the language points.Difficulties: Use „chemical-chemist-chemistry‟ correctly to some of them.Teaching aids: Blackboard, computer, over-head project

Teaching procedures Warming-up: Do some exercise.Pre-task preparations: Read the third part of the interview, let students guess the meanings of the new words and learn to read them correctly.While-task procedures: 1)Review and introduce the words and expressions.2)Do some exercise to help students understand how to use the language points correctly.Post-task activity: Do some exercise by themselves.Assignments: Oral work: read the text Written work: review the new words and expressions.Notes:

Chapter1知识要点 change n.变化

v.改变 2 hard adj.硬的adv.努力地 3 less + n./ adj.(原级)4 at the end of 在….末尾 5 take….from 6 release…into 7 keep sb.doing /adj.8 keep alive 9 warn sb.(not)to do 警告某人做某事 10 communicate with 11 one another = each other 12 replace = take the place of protect / prevent …from 14 refer to 15 put…in 16 stop…for 17 remove dust 18 be washed away 19 provide…for 20 take care of = look after 21 in this project 22 at least at most 23 in prison 24 take a deep breathe 25 hold one‟s breath 26 join in = take part in gas气态 liquid 液态 solid 固态 28 in fact 29 fact =truth 反义 fiction 30 breathe in 吸入 31 pure purely

release = let out = give off 33 alive作表语

living 放在名词前作定语

nature natural aritificial 人造的

naturally 天然地

warn sb.of / about / against / doing sth.36 protect protection 保护 37 nasty horrible 38 join A to B 39 burn away 烧掉

burn down 渐渐烧完

burn sth.down 把…烧得精光 42 hardly = almost not 43 exchange A for B 44 main course 一顿饭的主菜 45 main road 城镇之间的大路 46 about 用于非正式

on 用于正式的 专题性的

be interested in = be keen on 48 on earth 究竟

on the earth 在地球上

nothing nobody something anything+else 51 thank sb.for sth.52 enough money fit enough 53 keep +名词/代词+形容词 54 do the job of 起…效果

run 运转=work operate function 56 certainly 确定= surely

当然= of course 57 protect by 58 join together 59 underground 当副词时= under the ground 60 think 相信=believe 不能用现进

想 可以用现进 61 have 有 没有现进

see hear smell taste 没有现进 63 gas 不同种类气体加‘es’ 64 whether…or 没有if….not 65 come from= be from 66 signals to 信号给 67 only a little / few 68 the present continuous tense 一般现在时 69 add…to 70 supply…for 71 at last / first 72 It‟s + adj.for do srh.73 scientist science scientific 74 fight fighter 75 interested interesting 76 absorb / take in 吸收

hardly any 反义

3.小学优秀英语作文 篇三

My father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time, he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps his promise. I am so happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also broaden my vision.


4.小学生优秀英语作文 三年级 篇四

吸血鬼电影Vampire Movies

I like to see horror movies. But when I see vampire movies, I don’t think they are scared and I like this type a lot. The vampires are so beautiful. They have eternal life, which makes me so envious, because I want to keep young and beautiful. The most important thing is that vampire is so cool, and they are so loyal to the one they love.

