


1.初中英语知识点总结一 篇一


Unit 1 1.add up 合计

add up to 加起来是„ add to 增加,促进 add„to„ 把„加到„上 add that 补充说 2.upset ①adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 ②vt.使不安;使心烦

作为动词时,过去式、过去分词皆为upset,现在分词为upsetting 3.ignore vt 不理睬,忽视

1)ignorance n.无知

be in ignorance of 对„无知 out of ignorance 出于无知 2)ignorant adj.无知的 be ignorant of 对„不了解 4.concern ① vt.使担忧;涉及 ② n.担心;关注/系

the concerned people 担忧的人 the people concerned 牵连到的人们 1)be concerned about/for 关心 2)be concerned with/in 牵涉到 3)as/so far as„be concerned 关于;至于;就„而言 5.set down 记下;放下;登记

1)set about doing 着手做某事2)set of 动身;出发;引爆3)set up 竖起;开设 4)set/put forward 提出;促进5)set out to do 出发;着手做6)set„aside 搁置 7)set down to doing 着手做 6.on purpose 故意;=by design for the purpose of 目的是 =with the purpose of 反义词:by accident/chance 7.in order to In order to 为了(位于句首/句中 so as to 只位于句中 in order that 位于句首或居中 so that 引导结果状语从句,需加情态动词may, might, could, can 等 8.power n.能力,力量,权力

1)be in power 执政;掌权=come to power = take power 2)have the power to do 有„的能力3)beyond/out of one’s powerv某人力所不能及的 power 指职权/权力 或做某事所依靠的能力 energy指人的精力,自然界能量 strength 指力量,力气

force 指自然界力量,暴力,军队力量,压制力 9.settle vt.使定居 vi.定居

settle down 安定;习惯于某种生活;认真做某事

settle down to doing sth.=get down to sth 着手认真做某事

settle in/into 安顿下来,适应„„ settlement n.解决;定居 settler n.殖民者 10.recover recover from 从„„中恢复过来 recover sth.获得某物 recover oneself镇定下来 11.tired be tired from /with 对„„感到疲惫 be tired out 筋疲力尽 be tired of 感到厌烦 12.go though go through the song练习歌曲

The river goes through the city.河流穿过城市

The customers men went through our suicase.海关检查箱子 go through homework 完成家庭作业 13.get短语

get together 聚会 get along with 与„„相处 get up 起床 get off 下车 get ovet 克服 get to 到达 get through 接通 14.其他短语

Draw the curtains 拉上窗帘 Close to 靠近Pack up打包 Have got to 不得不

Face to face 面对面 No longer =not any longer 不再 Join sb in doing sth.加入某人做...Be worn out 筋疲力尽 Calm down平静下来 Hide away 躲藏 at dusk 在黄昏 Be crazy about 对...疯狂

Should have done 本该做某事(虚拟语气)表本来应该做的事情没有做.若用should do则表示现在或将来应该做.

It is/was the first time(that)„have(has)/had done„固定句式 sb find/think/make+it+adj to do sth 某人发现/认为/使某事 „

disagree with 不同意某人观点 disagree on 不能在„„达成一致 Have a dislike for=take a dislike to 不喜欢 suffer vt./vi.遭受 suffer from 遭受 15.a series of 单复数形式相同。类似的词:means,species A series of 加一个名词做主语时谓语要根据series的具体意思决定 16.“参加”

take part in 多指带着责任心参加大型活动,并在其中起一定的作用,如体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等;

join in 强调参加正在进行的活动,如比赛、娱乐、谈话等 Join sb.In sth.意为“和某人一道做某事”

join 指加入团体、组织等,并成为其中的一员,如参军、入团、入党等; attend 指出席或参加会议、音乐会、婚礼、宴会等,也可指听课、听报告等。

Unit 2 1.another day/time下次 the ther day前几天 more A than B 与其说B不如说A no more than 仅仅 not more than 不超过 No less than 多达 Not less than 不少于 2.come 短语

Come on 加油,快点 come out 出来;出版;开花 come down 传承 come over过来 come about发生;产生 come across偶遇;碰到 come to 来到;谈到;苏醒;共计 come around恢复,改变某人意见或立场 come up with跟上 3.recognize recognize sb认出某人 recognize one’s voice分辨出某人声音

recognize sb to be /as 承认某人怎样 recognize that 从句 承认„„ 4.base Base „„on 以„„为基础 On a regular basis 定期

Be based on 以„„为基础 at the base of 在„„脚底;在„„底部 5.present Present sth to sb,=present sb.with sth.把某物交给、赠给某人 at present=at the present time目前 be present at出席 6.command under the command of =under one’s command在„„的指挥下 Be in command of 控制 Have/take command of指挥„„ Command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事 7.request make a request for sth.要求某物 by request of sb.应某人的要求 request sb.to do 要求某人做某事 request that„should do请求做„„ 8.其他短语

attitude to /forward sth.对某事的态度 suggest that„should do建议做..prefer that „should do宁愿做„ make sense 有意义

make use of=take use of 利用 without a second thought 马上

play an important part / role in 在„中担任角色;在„中起作用 because of 因为 in some ways 在某些方面 native language 母语

even if/though 即使,尽管 communicate with sb 与某人沟通 at present 目前 come up with 提出 get/be close to 靠近,接近a large number of = many 大量的 the number of...的数量(谓语用复数)believe it or not 信不信由你 have fun 玩的开心 solve problems 解决问题

an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家 instead of 代替

Unit 3 1.persuade persuade sb to do sth.劝说某人做某事 persuade sb not to do sth.劝说某人不要做某事

persuade sb into doing sth.劝说某人做某事 persuade sb out of doing sth.劝说某人不做„„ 2.advantage take advantage of 利用 without advantage 没有害处

under advantage 在不利的情况下 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 3.prefer prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事 prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A也不做B prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B prefer that should do 宁愿做某事(虚拟语气)4.determine determine to do 决定做某事 determine on doing 决定„„

be determined to do=make up one’mind to do sth.下定决心做某事 determined that 决定„„ 5.care care for关心 照顾 喜欢 想要 care about 在乎 在意 关心 take care注意,当心 with care 小心地,仔细地 6.mind make up one’s mind下定决心 change one’s mind 改变某人的心意

keep „in mind 把„„记在心中 fix one’s mind on/upon把注意力集中在 fix one’s eyes /attention on/upon 7.give短语

give away 赠送;泄露;出卖 give back归还 give off放出,散发出

give up放弃;戒掉 give over 移交 give way to 给„„让道 give In 屈服,让步 8.在某人看来 in one’s view = in one’s opinion = from one’s point of view = as far as „be concerned = as far as I can judge = in one’s judgement 9.can’t„„

can’t help doing忍不住做„„ can’t help to do不能帮助做某事

can’t help but do= cannot but do =cannot choose but do=别无选择做某事 10.其他短语

dream of/about doing 梦想做某事 graduated from„ 从...毕业

graduate in...从„„专业毕业 care for 喜欢,想要 care about 担心,关心 get sb interested in sth 使某人对某事物感兴趣

the best way to do sth / of doing sth 做某事的最佳方式 insist on doing sth 坚持做某事

insist(that)sb(should)do sth “坚持应该干„”--虚拟语气 insist that sb did/had done sth “坚持某一事实”---陈述语气

at an altitude of„ 在海拔...的高度 can hardly wait to do sth / can not wait to do sth 迫不及待想做某事

encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做某事 ever since 自那以后 at midnight 在午夜 attitude towards...对待...的态度 14.强调句:

It is/was(被强调部分)that(who)„

dig for sth.寻找某物 on the scene 当场 dig out 挖出

Unit 4 1.burst burst into laughter 突然笑起来 burst out laughing突然笑起来 burst with anger 勃然大怒 burst in/into 闯入 2.end at the end of 在„„的末尾 by the end of到„„为止 in the end 最后 come to an end 结束 3.专心做某事

be buried in =bury oneself in =devote oneself to =apply onself in =employ oneself in 专心做„„ 4.trap trap sb into doing sth.诱使某人做某事

be traped in 陷入 set traps to do sth.设置陷阱 5.judge judge sb./sth.to be /as 断定某人某物是„ judge sb from/by 从„中判断

judging from /by从„中来看 as far as I can judge 我认为 in one’s judgement 某人认为 6.其他短语

as if 好像 at an end 结束 in ruins 废墟 come to one’s rescue营救某人 rescue sb from „„把某人从某地营救出来 the injured 伤员 of no use 无用 at the top of 在„„的顶端 express one’s thanks to 表达某人的谢意 shake hands with sb.和某人握手

think highly of...对...评价高(被动语态:be highly thought of)break out(火灾、战争)突然发生,爆发 be shocked at...对...感到震惊(shocked指 “人感到震惊的”;shocking指事物 “令人震惊的”)be known as...被称为....be known for以„„闻名 too...to...太...而不能...tens of thousands of数以千万计的 fall down 倒塌 It seemed that 看起来;似乎

Unit 5 1.equal be equal to 胜任,有能力对付,与„相等 equal sb in„„在某方面比得上某人 equality n.平等 equally adv.均等地

feel like 好像 be dressed in穿着 in camp 宿营 2.willing be willing to do sth.乐意做某事 be willing for sb to do sth愿意某人做某事 be unwilling to do sth.不愿做某事 stay awake 保持清醒 be fond of 喜欢 at one point 在某一时刻 3.turn短语

turn around/round 转身 turn down 关小 turn in 上交

turn off关掉 turn up 出面;露面 turn out 证明是,结果是 4.hold短语

hold to 坚持 hold on 稍等 hold up举起;撑起;使停顿

hold on to抓住 on schedule 按计划地 ahead of schedule 提前 5.shock,heart be a shock to sb.使„„吃惊 be shocked to do sth.做某事很吃惊 be shocked at 对„„感到吃惊 lose heart 失去信心

break one’ s heart 让某人很伤心 heart and soul 全心全意 6.escape escape from sth.从„„中逃出来 escape doing sth.逃避做某事 escape from one’s memory =sth.escape sb.某事被某人遗忘 refer to 提到 out of work 失业 blow up 爆炸 7.as a matter of fact =in fact =in reality事实上

in trouble 遇到困难 put „„in prison =be in prison让某人进监狱 be active in 在...方面活跃 without pay 没有工资 8.sentence vt.判刑n.句子

sentence sb to 判某人的刑罚 sentence sb.to death判处某人死刑 be sentenced to 被判决„„ pass sentenced on /upon sb判某人刑 9.fight fght with sb.与某人并肩而战 fight against...同...战斗 fight for...为...而战 be in good health 身体健康 blow up 使充气,爆炸

ask for 请问,询问 in reward 作为回报 set up 设立,建立 realize one’s dream 实现某人的梦想 stop sb.from doing something 阻止某人做某事 answer violence with violence以暴制暴 show somebody over some place 带某人参观某地

The last 30 years have seen the greatest number of laws„„ Only then did we decided to answer violence with violence.(only +状语+部分倒装)

2.初中英语知识点总结一 篇二

因此, 我们一定要注重英语教学, 完成新课改的教学目标, 有计划、有目标、有针对性地展开初中英语教学知识体系的构建和研究, 为学生学习好英语这个科目打下坚实的基础。

初中英语教学知识体系构建的研究是一项关乎初中生英语学习的重要任务, 英语课堂上给予学生最多帮助、能够很好引领学生学习的老师, 无疑可以使学生实现稳定、持续的进步。在进行英语教学的时候, 要注重教学知识体系的构建, 合理、有效地安排学生英语学习进程和英语课上所要讲解的内容, 让学生打下英语学习坚实的基础。


苏教版英语教材很好地遵循了新课改的要求, 致力于学生正确的世界观、价值观、人生观的确立和塑造。教师应从教材着手, 整合教材知识点, 将这些以润物细无声的方式融入教材的教学之中。比如, 教材目录上有一部分标题分别是“Gettingalongwithothers, Teenage life”这些内容侧重人与人、与社会、与自然之间的关系, 在学生学习的过程中就自然而然地将正确思想灌输给了他们, 从而有利于培养他们正确的情感态度价值观。除却教材内容, 教师也应该注意在讲解的过程中引导学生往正确的方面思考。


学习英语最重要的就是培养学生的综合语言技能, 也就是培养学生综合运用语言的能力, 这其中最重要的便是学生的语言技能, 即听说读写的技能。这是学生学习英语应该掌握的基本技能。因此, 建构教学知识体系, 应该注重从这四点切入。


1.学生应能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话并且找到对话的重点, 克服听不懂的生词的障碍, 理解听到的对话的大概意思, 并且能记下自己听到的关键词。

2.学生要能表达自己的观点和看法, 用学到的语法和词汇来进行简单表达, 可以开展最基本的情景对话。

3.学生应能避开生词的困扰, 推断出阅读理解文章的大致意思并且可以总结出篇章的结构和层次划分, 可以读懂常见题材的阅读理解并且得出自己的推断, 能够语音、语调清楚, 没有过多错误地读出整个篇章并且可以理解文章的意思。

4.学生应能进行简单的句子翻译, 写出最常见的几种题材的文章, 完成交代的写作任务并且语法不要出现过多错误。比如进行7A Unit1“Thisisme!”这一课时的教学, 可以先根据教材内容归纳出go, stay, finish, have, work等单词的第三人称单数, 归纳出isgoodat, inaswimmingpool等词组, 让学生进行选择填空, 写进不同的句子里, 这就在一定程度上考查了学生写的能力。接着可以让学生进行课本内容对话的练习, 锻炼他们读的能力。可以分组让学生在台下进行分角色对话, 从而达到熟练阅读的要求。在讲解完教材之后, 教师可以让学生自由讨论, 接着让学生自由表达自己的观点, 锻炼他们自由表达自己观点的能力, 这也能在很大程度上促进他们形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。

5.学生应掌 握词汇的 重音读法, 比如secondary, swimming, racket, lunchtime, badminton, tennis, breakfast...以及句子的语音语调, 比如:Areyoumy↗master?Yes, I↘am.




宾语从句三 姊妹, that, if/whether, wh-/how展风采。

展风采有三关, 引导词、语序、时态在把关。

主从时态要一致, 陈述语序永不变。

陈述请你选that, 疑问需用if/whether连。

特殊问句作宾从, 原来问词不用换。

三关过后莫得意, 人称、标点需注意。

留意变脸的if/when, 从句的简化记心间。

这些都需要引入到知识体系中, 让学生充分掌握应该学习的知识和内容。


3.初中英语知识点总结一 篇三



1. to tell the truth

2. last but not least

3. on the contrary

4. that is

5. believe it or not

6. so far as I know

7. in the middle of

8. next to

9. in addition

10. in general

11. in short

12. so long as

13. to begin with

14. in case

15. whats more

16. as a matter of fact

17. on the other hand

18. as a result

19. generally speaking

20. in my opinion


1. Im Wang Shan, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Beijing Yangguang Middle School.

2. Im ready to give help whenever it is needed.

3. He is such a learned person that we all admire hem very much.

4. I think Im fit for the job.


1. Its a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

2. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain.

3. On the other side, where the playground used to be, now stands another buildingour library.


1. Last night I was preparing for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted me.

2. Hearing this, a few people began to run after him.

3. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.


1. However, other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well known at home and abroad.

2. Personally, I think it a good idea for us senior 3 students to have daily exercise.

3. As we all know, a good learning environment is vital if we want to study English well.


1. As is shown on Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities.

2. Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students of the school spend on different afterclass activities.

3. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods.


1. I am writing to you about the mobile phone I bought on April 20th.

2. If there is anything I can do for you, I will be more than glad to help.

3. Thank you very much in advance.

4. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

4.初中英语知识点总结 篇四


eg.There are twenty girls in our class.have也解释为“有”但是与there be有区别,它的含义是“所有,属有”,其主语为某人。eg.I have a nice watch.

b.There be结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致。

c.There is a river near our school.

否:There is not a river near our school.

问:Is there a river near our school.

回答:Yes,there is.No,there isn’t.

划⑴How many rivers are there near our school?

⑵What’s near our school?

d.there be结构的一般将来时,同学们较难掌握,其正确形式为:there is going to be

e.反意疑问句的构成:There is no water in the glass,is there?

①There is going to _____ a football match this afternoon.

A.have B.watch C.be D.play

②They were sure that they were going to ____ a rest.

A.be B.have C.be on D.on



eg.Mike has bought some foreign stamps.

So has Bob.=Bob has bought some,too.


eg.Mother has never been to Japan.

Neither has Father.=Father has never been to Japan,either.


eg.A:Mike is right in the classroom.

B:So he is.=He is really in the class room.


⑴It’s two weeks since we met last.(自从我们上次见面已有两个星期了)

⑵How long is it since we left Beijing?(自从我们离开北京已有多久了



eg.Work hard,or you will fall behind the other students.

=If you don’t work hard,you’ll fall behind the other.


eg.⑴The more,the better.越多越好。

⑵The harder you work on it,the better you’ll be at it.(你越用功,你就越好。)

7.How do you like the film?=What do you think of the film?(你认为这部电影怎样?)

8.What...do with...?怎样对付...?怎样处理...?


eg.A:What have you done with the library book?

B:I’ve just returned it to the library.

9.I don’t know what to do.我不知道该怎么办?

I don’t know how to do.×10.What...be like?...是什么样的?

eg.⑴What’s the weather like?天气如何?

⑵What’s your school like?你们学校是什么样的?


eg.What do you want a science lab for?=Why do you want a science lab?

12.one of+最高级+复数最...之一

eg.Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers.

13.find it+形容词+to do

eg.I find it useful to learn English well.(我发觉学好英语是很有用的)

find+宾语+名词eg.I find him a good boy.(我发现他是个好男孩.)

find+宾语+形容词eg.I find the door open/closed.(我发现门开/关着)

I find our bags filled with/full of presents.(我发现我们的包装满了礼物)

14.I don’t think+肯定句我想...不

eg.I don’t think I’ll take it.(我想我不买它了)


15.prefer A to B=like A better than B更喜欢A不怎么喜欢B.

eg.I prefer fish to chicken.=I like fish better than chicken

eg.Go straight on and you’ll see a school.=If you go straight on,you’ll see a school.

16.had better do sth.最好干某事.

否定:had better not do sth.

特别注意:had better后面跟be动词词组,不可漏掉be.

eg.You’d better catch a train.

You’d better not talk in class.

You’d better not be late for the class.

17.It is good(nice)of+宾格+to do sth.

eg.It is very good of you to teach me English.(你教我英语真是太好了)

18.It takes sb.some time to do sth.(干某事化费某人多少时间)

=sb.spend some time on sth.(in)doing sth.

eg.It took me half an hour to do the work.=I spent half anhourin doing the work.

19.sb.pay钱for物某物化费了某人多少钱=sb.spend钱on物=物cost sb.钱


eg.I paid thirty yuan for the coat.

=I spent thirty yuan on the coat.

=The coat cost me thirty yuan.

20.have been to某人曾去过某地,现在人不在那儿

sb.have been in+地点某人呆在某地(一段时间)

have gone to某人已去某地,人不在这儿


eg.①The basket is too heavy for me to carry.这篮子太重我拿不动。

②This colour TV is too expensive for us to buy.这台彩电对我们来说太贵了,买不起。



①The basket is so heavy that I can’t carry it.

②This colour TV is so expensive that we can’t afford it.

22.What’s the population of...?...人口有多少?

不说How much population in...?形容人口数量的大用large

eg.The population of China is ten times as large as that of the USA

23.I’ve come to return your pan.(我跑来是还你锅的)→Why have you come?而不用What


eg.He says that he won’t be free until tomorrow.他说他需到明天方才有空。


eg.You’d better wait until tomorrow.(你最好等到明天)



eg.Neither Tom nor his brothers know how to spell the word“hundred”.

Either you or she is right.(谓语动词就近原则)


eg.Both Jim and I are in Grade One(主语看作复数)


1.put down放下shut down把…关上cut down砍掉

come down下来、落下slow down减缓、放慢sit down坐下

write down写下get down下来,降落

2.after all毕竟.终究after that于是.然后day after day日复一日地

one after another相继.挨次soon after不久以后the day after tomorrow后天

3.come up with找到、提出catch up with赶上wake up弄醒、醒来

send up发射open up开设、开办grow up长大

pick up拾起、捡起hands up举手eat up吃光

clean up打扫干净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth.放弃做某事

4.arrive at/in+n.到达get to+n.到达reach+n.到达arrive/get+adv.到达

5.get…back退还,送回去.取回give back归还come back回来

at the back of在…的后面on the way(back)home在回家路上

6.at least至少at breakfast早餐时at desk在桌前at once立刻,马上at school在上学at the same time同时at work在工作588.es

be good at=do well in善长laugh at嘲笑not…at all一点也不at first起初

at night在晚上at noon中午at the age of//when sb.was…years old在…岁时at last/in the end/finally最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century在21世纪初

at the end of在…终点、结尾at the moment/now现在at the foot of在…脚下at Christmas在圣诞节at any moment任何时候at times(sometimes)有时,偶尔at the doctor’s在医务室be bad at不善长

7.for example例如for ever永远be good for对…有益be bad for对…有害for long=for a long time长期for short简称be short for是…的简称

TV is short for“television”

8.come true实现come down下来come from=be from来自,出生于

come in/into进入,进来come on赶快come over过来come along走吧,过来,快点come and go来来去去come up上来come out出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来

9.even though=even if即使、虽然、尽管

10.be pleased with对…感到满意be covered with被…覆盖

be expected to do sth.被期望做某事be proud of以…自豪

speak highly of称赞be afraid of害怕hear of听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信)of cause=certainly当然可以plenty of=a lot of许多

11.by the way顺便说by oneself单独,独自by the end of到…为至

by the time(引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one依次

by air/plane乘飞机by bus/train/car乘公共汽车/火车/轿车

(catch a bus赶公交车get on/off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to…by bus乘车去)

12.do/try one’s best尽力do one’s homework做家庭作业do(the/some)shopping购物

do the cooking烹饪do some cleaning打扫

do the/some washing洗衣服do sport做运动do with sb/sth.处理well done干得好

13.early in the morning一大早in the early spring初春in my early days我幼年时期early bus早班车

14.make a contribution to贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb./ring sb.up/give sb.a call/phone sb.给某人打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to靠近(某地)

give birth to生(孩子)lose to sb输给sb.

15.either…or…或者…或者..on either side of the stree t街道任何一边

(on each side of the street街道每一边on both sides of the street街道两边)

16.keep doing sth.不停地做某事(表示状态继续)keep on doing sth.坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行)practise doing sth.练习做某事enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

finish doing sth.做完某事go on doing sth.继续做某事(同一件事)

17.go on to do sth.接着做某事(另一事)go straight along沿着…一直往前走

go down下降,go for a walk散,go over复习go shopping买东西,go to the cinema去看电影

go well进展顺利,go off to动身前往,go out外出,go to work去上班,go up上升,

want a go想试一试

18.think about考虑(think of认为、想起、考虑、想到think over仔细考虑think out想出)

talk about谈论,worry about担心,How/What about…?…怎么样?

19.borrow…from…从…借….(lend…to…把…借给…)from door to door挨家挨,

from time to time时时from now on从今以后from then on从那以后

be different from与…不同learn…from…向…学习

20.get dressed穿衣get into进入get/be lost丢失get off/on下/上车

get on well with sb.与某人相处得好get out of从…出来get ready for+n.为…做准备get ready to do sth.准备做某事get/go to sleep(fall asleep)入睡(be asleep睡着)get warm变暧get well康复get a chance有机会、得到机会

21.look for寻找wait for等候look after=take care of照看look like看起来像

look over检查,复习look out小心,从里向外看look the same看起来一样

look up向上看,查单词,look around环视look forward to期望look through温习,检查

22.set off出发、动身put off推迟keep off避开、不靠近…drop off放下(某物)

turn off关jump off跳离,take off脱(衣)(飞机)起飞

23.half a kilo半千克half an hour半小时in half分成两半half of the day半天

24.do eye exercises做眼保健操do morning exercises做早操

take(more)exercise(多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book练习本588.es

25.take part in参加hand in上交in hospital住院in surprise吃惊地in the sun在阳光下in trouble处于困境in a minute/moment马上

26.leave for…动身去某地

27.feed on以…为主食live on继续活着base on以…为根据carry on坚持、继续下去and so on等等on the other hand另一方面on foot步行

28.be famous for以..著名be excited about+n./V-ing对…感到兴奋be interested in对…感兴趣be born出生be busy with sth.—be busy doing sth.忙于…be amazed at对..感到惊讶

29.make sure确信make a dialogue编对话make a mistake犯错误by mistake由于疏忽make a noise吵闹make faces做鬼脸make friends(with)和..交朋友make room for给..让地方make tea沏茶make money赚钱make a decision作出决定

30.used to do sth过去常常做某事be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

31.forget to do sth.忘记做某事encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

decide to do sth.决定做某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事

32.hear sb.to do(doing)sth.听见某人做某事

33.help sb.(to)do sth.//help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事with one’s help在某人的帮助下with pleasure乐意

34.in the first第一for the first time第一次at first起初a firs t language母语first of all首先

35.leave a message for sb.给某人留条give/take sb.a message给某人捎口信

36.take photos/pictures照像take away拿走take out取出work out算出

take care当心take medicine服药take one’s temperature量体温

take one’s time别着急take a walk散步take place发生

37.learn by oneself/teach oneself自学learn by heart背熟

38.have a try尝试,努力try out尝试、试验find out/about找出,查明have a good/wonderful/great/time玩得开心have a(bad)cold(重)感冒have a meeting/walk/watch开会/散步/比赛have sports进行体育活动

have nothing/sth.to do with与..无(有)关have no idea不知道


39.win first prize获一等奖

40.all over the world=around the world=throughout the world全世界

41.all kinds of各种各样的


43.not only…but also…不但…而且,both…and……和…都

44.the more,the better越多越好

52.all one’s life一生

53.as soon as一…就…as soon as possible尽可能早地、尽快as well=too也

as much as至多as little as至少regard…as把…当作…as if好像

54.no matter无论…

55 ever since从那以后,此后一直

56.so far到目前为止or so大约

57.three times a week一周三次

58.the number of…的数量a(large/good)number of/large numbers of/many许多

59.less than少于less and less越来越少


61.feel like+n./V-ing想要would like to想要

62.wash away冲走run away逃跑take away带走

63.before long不久long before/ago很久以前for long=for a long time长期

no longer=not..any longer不再

64.more or less=about或多或少大约more than=over多于,超过

65.every year每年every four years每隔四年every other day每隔一天

66.next to紧挨着next door隔壁,邻居next year明年next time下次

67.receive/get/have a letter from sb.=hear from sb收到某人的来信

68.on show=on display展览588.es

69.be filled with/be full of充满…

70.thank to=because of由于

71.some day=one day(将来)某一天all day终日day and night日日夜夜

in a day or two一两天内in the old days从前,旧社会from day to day(day after day)日复一日the day before yesterday前天the day after tomorrow后天Tree Planting Day植树节Women’s Day妇女节

72.keep/stop/prevent…(from)doing sth.防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth.停下来去做某事stop doing sth.停止做某事

73.a place(places)of interest名胜

74.credit card信用卡

75.point at/to指向

76.by sea=by ship乘船by the sea=on the sea在海边at sea在海上

77.set one’s mind to do sth.一心想做某事

78.See you!再见You see.你知道你明白,你瞧Let me see.让我想想see sb.Off给某人送行see a/the doctor看病see sb.do/doing sth.看见某人做某事

79 some…others一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another一个..另一个(三者或以上)one…the other一个…另一个(总数二个)

80.be worn out穿旧,磨坏check out核实,检查write out写出

take sth.out of从…拿出/取出某物

81.in this way用这种方法in a few year’s time几年以后in space在太空

in and out of class在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes在最后十五分钟里

in the second half在下半场later in one’s life在某人后半身in the air在空中

in the open air在户外

82.have been to去过某地have gone to到某地去了

93.be far behind+某人(He is far behind others.他落后于别人)

94.one of+adj.最高级+复数名词

95.take+某物+with+某人(You’d better take an umbrella with you.你最好带上雨伞)

96.prefer to=like…better than宁愿,更喜欢prefer+V-ing(to do sth.)(I prefer doing(to do)it myself.我喜欢自己做那件事).

Would/should等情态动词+prefer+不定式.(I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事),prefer+名词(v-ing)+to+名词(v-ing)(I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球);588.es

prefer+不定式(名词)+rather than+不带to的不定式,(I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里,而不愿乘车),

prefer+名词(代词)to do sth.(We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)

97.人+spend+time(money)+(in)doing sth.(I spent over two hours(in)finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.),人+spend+time(money)+on+名词,(He spent 1,000 on the TV set.他花了一千元买电视机).人+pay+money+for+sth.(He p aid ten yuan for the book.他花了10元钱买那本书.)It+takes(will take,/took…)+sb.+time(money)+to do sth.(It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there by bus.乘车去那里只花你10分钟).物+cost+(sb.)+money,(The dictionary cost me 20 yuan.我花20元钱买了那本词典)

98.do with+sb./sth.(What have you done with the pork?那些肉你怎么处理了?)

99.mind+if从句,(Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind+V-ing,(Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)

100.what…for?/why…?(What do you learn English for?=Why do you learn English?)

101.need+名词(v-ing),(The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)

102.“be used for+名词(v-ing),”被用来做..(A writing brush is used for writing.)“be used as+名词”,被作为…使用(English is used as the first language in none of these countries.)“be used by+动作执行者”,被…使用

103.be made of由…制造(This table is made of wood.这张课桌是木制的)

be made from由…制成(This kind of paper is made from wood.这种纸是用木材制成的)

be made in+地点,“某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany)

be made by+人,“由谁制造的”(This kite is made by Kate.)

104.more developed countries发达国家less developed countries不发达国家

developing countries发展中国家

105.be worth+money(V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China.This book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读.

106.the Summer Palace颐和园Tian’anmen Square天安门广场the Palace Museum故宫the Great Hall of the People人民大会堂the Temple of Heaven天坛

the Great Green Wall绿色长城PLA中国人民解放军PRC中华人民共和国

the Party中国共产党the League共青团Peking Opera京剧

107.so+形/副+that从句(The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter.这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)so+many/few+复数名词+that从句(He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow.他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)

so+much/little+不可数名词+that从句(She has so little money that she can’t buy anything.她钱太少,什么也买不到.)

so+形容词+a/an+单数名词+that从句(This is so good a book that all of us like reading it),such+a/an+形容词+单数名词+that从句(This is such an interesting story that all of us like it),such+形容词+复数名词+that从句.such+形容词+不可数名词+that从句(It is such fine weather today that many children are playing outside)

108.tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事tell sb+从句tell sb.to do sth.让某人做某事

tell a lie说谎tell a story讲故事thank you for+n./V-ing谢谢你

…too+adj./adv.+to+v.太…而不能too much(修饰名词)太多,过分

much too(修饰adj./adv.)太

5.初中英语知识点总结一 篇五



词尾加-s look-looks find-finds

以s,x,ch,sh或o结尾词尾加-es watch-watches,push-pushes

以“辅音字母+y”结尾变y为i再加-es fly-flies,apply-applies



词尾加-ed look-looked,looked

以e结尾词尾加-d live-lived,lived

以“辅音字母+Y”结尾,变y为i,再加-ed carry-carried,carried

以重读闭音节或r音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母双写该辅音字母,再加-ed stop-stopped



直接加-ing look-looking watch-watching

以e结尾去e加-ing come-coming move-moving

以重读闭音节或r音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母,再加-ing swim-swimming

以ie结尾且为重读开音节变ie加y再加ing die-dying lie-lying



①一般现在时常用来表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作,与always,usually,often,sometimes,every day(week,month)等连用;表示现在的事实或状态;表示主语所具有的特征,性格和能力;以及表示客观事实或普遍其理。



She likes biology very much.她非常喜欢生物。

They often go to school by bike.他们通常骑车上学。


①一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去时间的副词如:yesterday,last week,two hours ago等连用;表示过去一段时间经常或反复发生的动作,这时可与频度副词often,usually,always等连用;表示过去发生的一连串动作,以及在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般过去时表示过去将来的动作。


We met each other on the street yesterday.我们昨天在街上碰见了。

She often went swimming last year.她去年经常去游泳。

They moved the chairs to the table,sat down and began to have supper.他们把椅子搬到桌边,坐下开始吃饭。

Mary told me that she would stay at home if it rained.玛丽告诉我如果下雨她就呆在家里。


①一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语如next month,tomorrow,in a week,soon等连用。



(2)也可以用“be going to+动词原形”这个结构来表示根据目前迹象很有可能发生的某件事情,或是打算、计划、以及决定要做某件事情等。

They will have a class meeting next Tuesday.他们下周二将举行班会。

We shall meet at the school gate.我们将在学校大门口见。

It is going to rain.要下雨了。


①现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,常与now,at present,at this,moment等连用;或与these days,this week/month等连用,表示现阶段正在进行的动作。有时还与always,continually,forever等词连用,表示反复出现的动作,代替一般现在时,表达说话人强烈的感情。如赞扬、不满、讨厌等。如:588.es

He is always asking such silly questions.他老是提这类愚蠢的问题。



They are watching TV now.他们正在看电视。

The dog is enjoying his meal.小狗正在吃饭。



过去进行表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。一般和特定的时间状语或状语从句连用。如:then,at that time,at eight yesterday,this time yesterday,when he came in等。


They were watching TV at that time.他们那会正在看电视。

The dog was enjoying his meal at this time yesterday.小狗昨天这个时候正在吃饭。




He has already come back.他已经回来了。

He has lived here for three years.他在此住了两年了。



Please keep the classroom clean.请保持教室的干净。

The bread looks very fresh.这些面包看上去很新鲜。



They were going to have a meeting.他们曾打算开会。


By the time he was ten,Edison had built a lab for himself.到爱迪生10岁时,他已给自己建了一个实验室。

She said she had worked in that hospital for 20 years.她说她已在那所医院工作20年了。





I’m looking for my pen.我正在找我的笔。(现在进行时)

These cups are made in China.这些杯子是中国制造的。(被动语态)


They have known each other for twenty years.他们互相认识有二十年了。(现在完成时)

He had built a chemistry lab for himself at the age of ten.他十岁时就已经为自己建了一个化学实验室。(过去完成时)


He does not speak English.他不说英语。

When did he come back?他什么时候回来的?


The plane will arrive in ten minutes.飞机十分中后将要到达。

I was sure we would win.我确信用我们会赢。


We shall meet at the school gate tomorrow.我们明天将在校门口见。

I told them that I should do the work alone.我告诉他们我将独自做那项工作。




can could能

may might可以(或许)

must must(had to)必须(不得不)

will would愿意

shall should应该

need needed需要

dare dared敢于



The boy can swim very well.Who can answer this question?


The students can leave after the meeting.When can I get the news?


It can be wrong.Who can your new teacher next term?



They could run very fast when they were young.Could you speak English at that time?


Could I borrow your bike?

Could you listen to me carefully?


How could that be?

She couldn’t know me.⑤must的用法


You must finish it before 5 o’clock.Must I hand it in now?


She must be a pretty girl.You must be wrong.⑥need的用法588.es


We need to pay more attention.Need I call him for you?


Need he come?他必须来吗?

Yes,he must.是的,必须来。

No,he needn’t.不,他不必来。



May I ask you some questions?

May we start now?


He may be 25 years old.We may come back in three days.(3)may用于感叹句中可以表示祝愿或愿望。

May you success!

May you have a nice trip!


should意思是“应该”,表示劝告或建议(=ought to)

Who should I meet this afternoon?

You should pack you bag quickly.(二)了解一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时三种时态的被动语态的结构形式及其基本用法



English is spoken by lots of people in the world.世界上的许多人都说英语。

Class meeting is held every Thursday.每周四都举行班会。

The classroom is cleaned by the students every day.学生们每天都打扫教室。


The cup was broken by the boy.杯子被那个男孩打碎了。

He was saved at last.他最终获救了。

My bike was stolen.我的自行车被偷了。

3.一般将来时的被动语态(will/shall be+done;would/should be+done)

A speech will be given this afternoon.今天下午有一个演讲。

A new road will be built next year.明年要修一条新马路。

I think thousands of people will be helped.我认为将有数千人得到帮助。



Tables can be made of stone.桌子可由石头制造。

Tables could be made of stone at that time.那时桌子可由石头制造。(一般过去时)

Can tables be made of stone?桌子能用石头制造吗?(疑问句)




To dance with you makes me happy.和你跳舞令我高兴。

It is difficult to drive in the mountains.(=To drive in the mountains is difficult.)




hope,want,wish,desire,like,decide,try,promise,refuse.I want to talk with her.我想和她谈谈。

She has decided to go.她已决定要走。


I find it impossible to forget her.我发现忘掉她是不可能的。

He thought it necessary to take an umbrella.他认为带把伞是必要的。


Her wish is to be a teacher.他的愿望是成为一名教师。

Your duty is to clean the classroom.你的任务是打扫教室。


He wants me to come earlier.他想要我来得更早些。

The policeman ordered them to turn around.警察命令他们转过身。


She opened the window to let some fresh air in.她打开窗子好让新鲜空气进来。

I went there to see her yesterday.昨天我去那儿看她了。


He is too tired to go any further.他太累了,不能再走了。

He is not old enough to join the army.他年龄太小,不能参军。



I’m sorry to trouble you.真抱歉给你带来麻烦。

6.鲁教版一年级英语知识点总结 篇六


颜色:red, yellow, purple, brown, orange, white, green, pink, blue, black,


1. I like blue/red/pink…… 我喜欢……颜色

2. -What’s this?

-It’s a bird.

3. -What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

- It’s pink/white…… 是粉色/……

4. -How many birds can you see? 你能看见多少只鸟儿?

-Three. 三只

5. -I like an orange duck. 我喜欢一只橙色的鸭子。

-Here you are. 给你。

6 .-What colour do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色?

-I like blue. 我喜欢蓝色。

7. What colour is …… 这是什么颜色?

-It’s red/blue/black……?是红/……色



( )1.衬衫 A. skirt B. shirt

( )2.T恤衫 A. T-shirt B.skirt

( )3.连衣裙 A. dress B. shorts

( )4.短袜 A. socks B. shorts

( )5.短裙 A. skirt B. shirt

( )6.短裤 A. shorts B.dress



表示正在发生的事情或进行的动作,常与now,listen,look等词连用,结构是主语+be动词(am, is, are)+动词ing.

如:It is raining now.


It is six o’clock now.


My parents are reading newspapers in the sitting room.


Look! The children are having a running race now.




表示经常反复发生的事情或动作,常与often, usually, sometimes, always, every day(week year…) on Sundays等词连用。

结构是主语+动词原形;当主语为第三人称单数即he,she, it, Tom, my mother, the boy等词时,动词后加s或es.

如:We have an English lesson every day.


Do the boys run faster than the girls? Yes, they do.


问句借助于do, does否定句借助于don’t, doesn’t,后面动词一定要还原。


表示发生在过去的事情或存在的状态,常与just now; a moment ago; … ago; yesterday; last ( week; month; year; Monday; weekend); this morning等词连用。

结构是主语+be动词的过去式(was; were)或主语+动词的过去式。


如:My earphones were on the ground just now.


Where were you last week? I was at a camp.


What did you do yesterday? I visited a farm




1. 英文字母A a ------ G g 大小写。

2. Phonics(自然拼音):

A a [ ? ]:

cat 猫 apple 苹果 sad 伤心的 bag 书包

dad 爸爸 happy 高兴的 hand 手

3. Words(单词):

cat 猫 dog 狗 bird 鸟

4. Sentences (句子):

(1) Hello. / Hi. 你好。

(2) Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好。

(3) Stand up. / Sit down. 起立。/ 坐下。

(4) ---How are you? 你好吗?

---I’m fine. Thank you. And you? 我很好。谢谢。你呢?

---I’m fine, too. 我也很好。

(5) Good-bye. / Bye-bye. / Bye. 再见。

5. Song(歌曲): Hello



Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

How are you this morn-ing?

Fine,and how are you?

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!





2. Phonics(自然拼音):

A a [ ? ]:

cat 猫 apple 苹果 sad 伤心的 bag 书包

dad 爸爸 happy 高兴的 hand 手

3. Words(单词):

cat 猫 dog 狗 bird 鸟

4. Sentences (句子):

(1) Hello. / Hi. 你好。

(2) Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好。

(3) Stand up. / Sit down. 起立。/ 坐下。

(4) ---How are you? 你好吗?

---I’m fine. Thank you. And you? 我很好。谢谢。你呢?

---I’m fine, too. 我也很好。

(5) Good-bye. / Bye-bye. / Bye. 再见。

5. Song(歌曲): Hello



Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

How are you this morn-ing?

Fine,and how are you?

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!





2. Phonics(自然拼音):

A a [ ? ]:

cat 猫 apple 苹果 sad 伤心的 bag 书包

dad 爸爸 happy 高兴的 hand 手

3. Words(单词):

cat 猫 dog 狗 bird 鸟

4. Sentences (句子):

(1) Hello. / Hi. 你好。

(2) Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好。

(3) Stand up. / Sit down. 起立。/ 坐下。

(4) ---How are you? 你好吗?

---I’m fine. Thank you. And you? 我很好。谢谢。你呢?

---I’m fine, too. 我也很好。

7.初中英语知识点总结一 篇七






1. 通过比较,渗透文化背景知识


2. 创设直观化教学环境,增强文化的渗透


3. 课余组织开展有关文化背景知识学习的活动


4. 鼓励学生拓展阅读面


8.初中英语知识点总结一 篇八

关键词: 英语教学 初中知识 高中知识 平稳过渡


一、 语音过渡

外语教学应该注意第一印象。在许多地区,尤其是教育、文化尚欠发达的少数民族地区,可以说绝大多数学生从初中起才比较正规地接受英语的启蒙教育,对每个音标的发音准确与否,对语音、语调的掌握正确与否,都会直接影响到他们今后的学习兴趣和效果。因此,英语教学必须培养学生正确、标准、流利的发音和朗读习惯。例如:不要让学生(尤其是少数民族学生)把this[is]读成[lis];把tractor[trkt]读成[skt]; 把have read [ hvred ] 读成 [hvrid];把classroom[klasrum] 读成 [klasrun]。

要避免和克服这些现象,高中教师首先应注意对英语语音的复习。不能因为高中学习内容多,课文长,而忙着上新课,赶进度。从而忽略了这一重要环节。一般来讲,高一第一学期头两周,老师应适当地安排一些课时和学生一起复习48个国际音标、拼读规则以及字母组合的读音规律。此举可以让语音基础差的学生能得到再一次学习和迎头赶上的机会;也能让基础好的学生有一个巩固和提高的过程,为将来的学习扫清语音上的障碍。叶圣陶曾说过:“教是为了不教。” 学生熟悉了48个国际音标这个工具,学会了拼读规则,从而能熟练地运用这个工具,那么学生今后就能自己拼读单词,按音标去记单词,这样即使再长的单词,他们也乐于去记,从而更有兴趣去把英语学好。平时,在教学过程中,老师应抓住机会,多播放课文朗读的录音,让学生多听听地道的英语。同时,教师应适当地用英语组织课堂教学,培养学生用英语进行思维和听说的习惯。


语言学习一般都要遵循“由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进”的原则。英语语法教学也应当如此。在初中阶段,学生都已普遍接触到了简单句、祈使句、疑问句、简易的宾语从句和定语从句的结构形式。但到了高中阶段,课文中的句子较长,结构较复杂,学生就不易理解与接受了。这时教师应从学生的实际出发,以他们在初中阶段所学得的语法知识为基础,启发诱导学生一步一步地由陈述句向疑问句过渡,由简单句向复合句过渡。例如:教到高一英语上册第一单元语法“把直接引语变为间接引语”时,可以这样举例:Li Lei asked Fang Fang: “are you free tomorrow?” 将该句变为间接引语即是:Li Lei asked Fang Fang if/whether she was free the next day.(李雷问方芳她明天是否有空。)紧接着老师多举几个例子,然后启发和诱导学生得出下面的结论:①把陈述句或疑问句的直接引语变成间接引语时,句中要用适当的连接词。②原句的引号要去掉。③原句的谓语动词时态、人称、时间和地点状语等都要作相应的变化。④该间接引语实际上就是含有一个宾语从句的复合句,其结构是:“主语+谓语+连接词+主语+谓语+其它”。通过以上例句的演变,学生就会意识到高中的句法结构跟初中的句法是有一定的连带关系的。原来,高中知识并不像想象中的那样深奥,还是可以理解和接受的。这样学生在心理上获得某种认知的满足,进而树立起学习的信心,达到学习上自然过渡的目的。教其它从句和语法结构也可以采用这种“由浅入深”的方法进行,使初中知识同高中知识相互衔接起来。






对于大部份学生尤其英语基础薄弱的学生(特别是贫困地区的少数民族学生)而言,采用关键词和线索复述法是普遍的且比较有效的方法,可以利用课文每段的首句或句中的谓语动词,或每段的重点词语和特殊句式的提示,引导学生边看边想,用词串句,用句串段,由段及篇,层层扩展。如针对高一上Unit 8的课文THE OLYMPIC GAMES,我设计了以下的关键词和线索:

Every four years – take part in – the ancient Olympic Games – 776BC – women were not allowed – the first Olympic Games –1896 –the 27th Olympic Games –300 different events—the Olympic motto –the 29th Olympic Games –big changes.

再如,针对高一下Unit 15 THE NECKLACE我设计了以下的关键词和线索:

getting an invitation →borrowing a necklace→losing the necklace → buying a new necklace→ returning the necklace → the false necklace。看到这些关键词和线索,学生觉得有话可说。这不仅克服了学生“开口难”的障碍,又训练了他们的口语能力,为今后的英语作文打下坚实牢固的基础。



1. 教育部.全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)[S].北京师范大学出版社,2001年7月第一版.

2. 教育部.普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)[S].人民教育出版社,2003年.
