


1.学校中考英语一模试题 篇一

























二、(1)①应该按照我国《集会游、行示、威法》的规定,向当地县级以上公安提出申诉并获得许可;应当按照主管机关许可的目的、方式、标语、口号及起止时间、地点、路线等事项进行;并在集会游、行示、威过程中不得违反治安管理法律法规,不得进行犯罪活动或煽动犯罪等。②因为只有严格按照法定程序和要求去做,才能确保依法举行的集会、游、行、示、威顺利进行,维护社会稳定。 (2)如果随意行使此项权利,会造成人民群众的生产、工作和生活秩序混乱,交通阻塞等状况,破坏国家和社会稳定,违法行使权利的人还会受到法律的制裁。

三、1.(1)我国通过建立以宪法为核心,以立法保障和司法保障为主要内容的权利保障体制,保障公民的权利。 (2)立法保障就是将公民的权利以法律的形式确认下来,运用国家强制力加以保护;司法保护就是通过法律制裁各种侵权行为,保障公民的权利。 (3)①要依法行使权利②要在不损害他人合法权利的前提下行使自己的权利 ③行使权利时不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益。④要在法律允许的范围内行使权利。⑤要采取合法的方式,依据法定程序行使权利。


3.(1)小敏享受了通信自由、抚养教育和受教育权,履行了赡养扶助父母的义务、同违法犯罪作斗争的义务、维护民族团结的义务、接受教育的义务。 (2)邻居的几个小青年侵犯了小敏的姓名权和人格尊严不受侵犯的权利。她可以到人民法院起诉,维护自己的合法权益。


2.学校中考英语一模试题 篇二

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 1.A.easy B.busy C.lazy

() 2.A.put off B.take off C.turn off

() 3.A.this Sunday afternoon B.this Saturday afternoon

C.next Saturday noon

() 4.A.He is ill.B.He is fi ne.C.He is shopping.

() 5.A.If possible, read this story please.

B.Read this story as soon as you come.

C.Read the story as quickly as you can.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 6.A.On Sunday.B.Two days.C.Once a week.

() 7.A.Don’t worry.I’ll take care of your dog.

B.Really?That’s too boring.

C.See you next week.

() 8.A.No, I don’t.B.My computer doesn’t work.

C.Yes, much better.Thank you.

() 9.A.All right.B.That’s all right.C.Great!I love it.

() 10.A.Yes.I like him very much.B.He’s tall and fat.

C.I think he teaches very well.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 11.What will the girl wear?

A.A skirt.B.A dress.C.We don’t know.

() 12.When does David usually leave school in the afternoon?

A.At about 6:30.B.At about 6:00.C.At about 5:30.

() 13.What can we learn about the man from the conversation?

A.The man is new in this company.

B.The man is the woman’s friend.

C.The man has seen the woman before.

() 14.How did Jimmy go to school this morning?

() 15.What’s the price of the shoes this week?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

() 16.Which statement is true about the tall boy?

A.He is 17 years old.B.He is Spanish.C.He has brown hair.

() 17.Where does the small boy work?

A.In a record shop.B.In a hotel.C.In Spain.

() 18.When will they leave for their holiday?

A.On Saturday morning.B.On Saturday evening.C.At eleven o’clock.

() 19.How will the weather probably be?


() 20.Why do many people learn English?

A.Because it’s easy to learn.

B.Because it’s very similar to French.

C.Because it’s useful and helpful for their work.

() 21.What language are most business letters written in?


() 22.What’s the relationship between Peter and Fred?

A.Father and son.B.They are friends.C.Mother and son.

() 23.Who wears glasses?


() 24.What is Mr.Harrison doing?

A.He is giving a talk on computers.

B.He is talking with some students.

C.He is teaching math.

() 25.What subject does Fred do well in?



V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)


() 26.This is________uniform I bought yesterday.Does it fi t me well?


() 27.It’s so crowded here.Let’s make some________for the baby.


() 28.Tom’s mother kept telling him not to tell lies, but________didn’t help.


() 29.—Are you________from Germany?

—No, none of us.


() 30.She laughed at me loudly.That made me feel even________.

A.angryB.angrierC.angriestD.more angrier

() 31.We went to the old people’s home________a rainy day last week.


() 32.Many boys________loudly when the headmaster came in.

A.are talkingB.were talkingC.talkedD.has talked

() 33.—I have spent too much time playing computer games these days.

—I think so.You________stop, for your study and your health.


() 34.A message sent between computers________an e-mail.


() 35.Climbing is dangerous.Many parents don’t________their children to take part in it


() 36.—I________stay up late.

—Really?I didn’t.But I________working in the night now.

A.used to, used toB.was used to, used to

C.used to, am used toD.was used to, am used to

() 37.She’s worked in the factory for ten years, ________?

A.isn’t sheB.wasn’t sheC.doesn’t sheD.hasn’t she

() 38.________useful advice Mr.Green gives me!

A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How a

() 39.—Who’s that boy reading in the garden?Is it David?

—It________be David.I saw him in the classroom just now.


() 40.I will never forget the days________I spent with my dearest friend.


() 41.—How is he getting on with his spoken English?

—Great.Now he can speak English________his English teacher.

A.as good as B.as better as C.as best as D.as well as

() 42.The village is building a school.It________before August this year.

A.had fi nished B.will be fi nished

C.is fi nished D.has fi nished

() 43.It’s raining heavily.We have to________the sports meeting.

A.put offB.join in

C.hold onD.take part in

() 44.—What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?

—I would rather________at home than________football.It’s too hot outside.

A.stay, playing B.stay, play

C.to stay, to playD.to stay, playing

() 45.The Blacks are on vacation.But no one knows________.

A.where they have been B.where are they away

C.where are they from D.where they have gone

VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

My mom only had one eye.I 46______her.She was such an embarrassment (麻烦) .

My classmates laughed at me because of my one-eyed mom.So I said to my mom, “Mom why don’t you have the 47______eye?You’re only going to make me a laughing stock (柄) !”My mom did not 48______.I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt good to think that I had said what I wanted to say all the time.

I told 49______that I would grow up and become successful, because I hated my oneeyed mom and I wanted to 50______her.Then I studied really hard.I got accepted by the Seou University and left my mother.Then, I got 51______and had kids too.

Now I’m living 52______as a successful man.I like it here 53______it doesn’t remind me of my mom.

One day I went down to the old shack (小屋) that I 54______to call a house.I found my mother lying on the cold ground.She had a piece of 55______in her hand.It was a letter to me.In the letter, I learned that when I was very little, I got into an accident and lost my eye.My mother gave me hers!

My world shattered (垮掉) !Then I cried for the person who lived for me—MY MOTHER.

() 46.A.loved B.hated C.liked D.appreciated

() 47.A.other B.others C.else D.one

() 48.A.say B.tell C.answer D.ask

() 49.A.my wife B.my dad C.my mom D.myself

() 50.A.leave B.go to C.raise D.drive

() 51.A.married B.marry C.be married D.to marry

() 52.A.sadly B.happily C.quietly D.poorly

() 53.A.so B.such C.because D.why

() 54.A.used B.use C.am used D.was using

() 55.A.news B.bread C.paper D.letter

VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Miss Wenter was watching TV when the program suddenly stopped.“Sorry to interrupt the program.Now we are asked to broadcast an important notice from the police station.At about nine this evening, a lady named Mrs.Humney was robbed (抢劫) and killed.Anyone who can supply any clue (线索) is asked to report to the police.Thank you.”The terrible news made the lonely gir tremble (颤抖) with fear.She couldn’t help looking around, but she didn’t notice that a man was already hidden behind the door to the balcony (阳台) .

All of a sudden the man appeared before Miss Wenter.The girl really didn’t know what to do“Don’t ask for trouble, just put your jewellery (首饰) on the table, then think over whether I shal be safe to stay up here for the night, ”said the robber.That made Miss Wenter even more terrifi ed but she tried to calm herself.

Just then came the sound of a police car.In a little while, someone rang the doorbell.The robber said with a gun against the girl’s back, “Go to the door and say that you have gone to bed Never let him in.”

Suddenly the girl had an idea.“Oh, who are you?”she asked.

“I’m Sergeant Bull, Miss Wenter.Is there anything unusual here?”

“No, there isn’t, ”she said loudly.“Besides, my elder brother expressed his hearty greetings to you.”

“Thank you.Good night, ”Bull replied in the same manner.

A few minutes later, the sound of the police car going away could be heard.“It’s well done, ”the robber said with a smile.Then he rushed to the girl.Almost at the same time the glass on the window was broken.The policeman hurried into the room from the balcony.They quickly pu handcuffs (手铐) on the robber.

“Miss Wenter, your greetings were so good that it made us take action right away, ”said Sergeant Bull, “because we’ve already known that your elder brother was killed in a robbery half a year ago.”

() 56.Who was hidden behind Miss Wenter’s door to the balcony?

A.Miss Wenter’s brother.B.The robber.

C.Sergeant Bull.D.Nobody.

() 57.Did Miss Wenter live alone?

A.Yes, she did.B.No, she lived with her brother.

C.No, she lived with Mrs.Humney.D.No, she lived with her parents.

() 58.Why did Miss Wenter say some other words to the policeman?

A.Because the robber asked her to do that.

B.Because she was too afraid to say anything else.

C.Because her brother had told her those words.

D.Because she wanted to tell him that there was something wrong with her.

() 59.What did the robber feel when he heard the police car go away?

A.He felt very afraid.B.He felt very relaxed.

C.He felt very angry.D.He felt very surprised.

() 60.What can we learn from the passage?

A.There are robberies here and there.

B.Don’t watch TV alone at home.

C.We should keep calm when in trouble.

D.We’d better live near the police station.


It is reported that many middle school students are just not getting enough sleep, especially during the school week.The problem seems to get worse as they get older.Year 7 students sleep 8.4hours in a school night, and Year 9 students sleep only 6.9 hours.

It’s also reported that not getting enough sleep can cause problems in a student’s life.Many students fall asleep in school or while doing their homework, so it is not surprising that they ge lower grades than those who get enough sleep.Scientists suggest nine hours a night for middle school students.

Of the students who feel unhappy and nervous, 73%don’t get enough sleep at night.Why aren’t students getting enough sleep?Many students have one of the following things, like the telephone, television or computer in their bedrooms.

Using them on a school night not only takes their time away from homework, but also makes it diffi cult for them to fall asleep.As a result, many students can’t fall asleep before 11 p.m., ye they must get up early to go to school.

Scientists also suggest students should not do exciting activities an hour before bedtime.

() 61.According to the report, who might get the most sleep?

A.Year 7 students.B.Year 8 students.

C.Year 9 students.D.Year 10 students.

() 62.How many hours of sleep do middle school students need each night?

A.Seven hours.B.Nine hours.

C.Ten hours.D.Twelve hours.

() 63.Not getting enough sleep can cause the following problems except________.

A.falling asleep in class B.getting lower grades

C.falling asleep while doing homework D.getting fatter and fatter

() 64.According to the passage, students don’t have a________in their bedrooms.

A.telephone B.television C.computer D.piano

() 65.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.Early to Bed, Early to Rise B.Students’Life at School

C.Students Don’t Sleep Enough D.How to Get Enough Sleep


These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns.These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns A lot of small shops along busy streets have been changed into computer game houses so that they can get more money.These places are always crowded with people, especially young boys.

In the computer game house, people often spend a lot of money playing games.It’s easy for one to beat a computer, and one can do that after trying again and again.People want to win when they play computer games.The more they play, the more they want to win and at last they even can’t live without it.

The result is that some people don’t want to work and take days off.They play in the computer game house for hours and hours.For school boys things are even worse.They have no mind for their lessons.When school is over, they rush to the computer game house near their schools.Some of them can get enough money from their parents.Some of them are not lucky enough to get the money.They begin to steal others’money and become bad.

Computer game addiction (瘾) is a serious problem in our life.Something has to be done to stop it.

() 66.Why have a lot of people changed their shops along busy streets into computer game houses?

A.Because they want to get more money.

B.Because busy streets always have busy traffi c.

C.Because they want to play computer games.

D.Both A and C.

() 67.What does“they even can’t live without it”mean?

A.It means they spend a lot of money playing computer games.

B.It means it is easy for one to beat a computer.

C.It means people want to make money when they play computer games.

D.It means people are addicted to computer games.

() 68.What is the result of the computer game addiction?

A.Some people play in the computer game house for hours and hours without working.

B.Some students have no mind for their lessons.

C.Some students even begin to steal others’money to play games.

D.All of the above.

() 69.Why do some students begin to steal others’money to play computer games?

A.Because they want to beat the computer easily.

B.Because computer game houses are usually far away from their school.

C.Because they can’t get enough money from their parents.

D.Because they need money to buy food and drinks.

() 70.What should we do with the computer game addiction according to the passage?

A.We should do something to stop it.

B.We should let it be there.

C.We should go to the public places to play.

D.We should have enough money to play games.

卷II (非选择题共35分)

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

Information Sheet

71.An Italian fi lm called Midnight__________________will be on next week.

72.You can see the fi lm from Monday to__________________.

73.The fi lm lasts two hours and__________________.

74.The student ticket costs__________________.

75.The nearest car park is in__________________Street.


IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)

Soon after my friend Mr.Li moved to America, he opened a store selling Chinese handicrafts (手工艺品) .He arranged the windows beautifully which attracted a lot of passers-by.

One day, a young couple passed by the store.They stopped in front of the windows for a while.Mr.Li quickly greeted them warmly and asked them what they were interested in.The couple answered, “Just window shopping.”Knowing only a little English, Mr.Li thought they wanted to buy windows.So he felt sorry to say, “Sorry, I don’t sell windows.”That young couple fi rst was in a daze (迷惑) , and then left with a smile.

Actually“window shopping”means looking at goods in shop windows without wanting to buy anything.

根据短文内容, 填入76、80题中所缺信息, 并回答77、78、79题。

76.Mr.Li opened a store selling__________________after moving to America.

77.What attracted a lot of people?


78.Did the young couple want to buy his windows?


79.Did Mr.Li know any English?


80.“Window shopping”means__________________in shop windows without buying.

X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。

81.Young people like wearing__________________ (运动) shoes.

82.We did everything we could__________________ (帮助) the students in trouble.

83.All the packages are__________________ (认真) checked at the airport to keep everyone safe.

84.Don’t be afraid of__________________ (犯错) while learning English.

85.We all know that cheese__________________ (由……制成) milk.

XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)

A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)

86.he, late, school, was, yesterday, for


87.she, how, want, does, much, fruit


88.I, you, month, am, looking, seeing, forward, next, to


89.I, him, week, gave, present, last, a


90.it, bus, do, get, stops, not, off, until, the


B) 书面表达 (计10分)

请以My Pen Friend为题, 写一篇英语短文。

提示:1.我的笔友Mark住在英国伦敦, 今年15岁。


3.Mark喜欢听摇滚乐;喜欢读书, Harry Potter是他的最爱。

4.我们一星期通信一次, 有时在网上交谈。

要求:1.短文必须包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥。



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2009年中考英语模拟试题 (一) 选择题答题卡








2009年中考英语模拟试题 (一)

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出包含所听信息的选项。

1.I want a busy but exciting job.2.Never put off today’s work till tomorrow.3.I’m going hiking this Saturday afternoon.4.He must be in hospital now.5.Read the story as quickly as possible.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出该句的最佳答语。

6.How often do you go to church, Mr.Green?7.We’d like to be away for about one month.8.You look upset.Is there anything wrong?9.Sorry.I’ve kept you waiting for a long time.10.What do you think of your new English teacher?

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。

下面你将听到五组对话和问题, 每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确选项。

11.W:I’m going to Tom’s birthday party.Do I look good in a skirt?Or maybe a dress?M:A skirt is better, I think.

W:Is that so?I’d better ask Mom for her opinion.Q:What will the girl wear?

12.W:Hi, David.Do you know when Cartoon World is on TV?

M:Yes, of course.From 6:00 to 6:30, just after half an hour’s ride from school to home.

Q:When does David usually leave school in the afternoon?

13.W:Hello, I’m Mary.Have we met before?M:No, I’m new here.I just started working for this company.

Q:What can we learn about the man from the conversation?

14.W:Jimmy, you didn’t ride your bike to school this morning?

M:No, my bike was broken.So my father drove me to school.Q:How did Jimmy go to school this morning?

15.W:Are these white shoes on sale?M:Yes.They’re$10 cheaper this week.W:So they’re$15.60?

M:That’s right.Q:What’s the price of the shoes this week?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。

下面你将听到四篇听力材料和十个问题, 听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后, 根据所听内容, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确答案。

下面请听第一篇材料, 并回答第16~17题。

The tall boy with brown hair is eighteen years old and he comes from Sweden.He works in a record shop.The small boy with dark hair is seventeen.He is Spanish, but he does not live in Spain.He lives in France.He works in a hotel.

Questions:16.Which statement is true about the tall boy?17.Where does the small boy work?

下面请听第二篇材料, 并回答第18~19题。

We are going for our holiday.We are leaving early on Saturday morning.I hope we will get to York at about eleven o’clock.We are spending the night in York, then on Sunday we are driving up to Scotland.We are going to stay at a lovely little hotel near a lake.Of course we will probably get some rain, but I am sure we will have a fantastic holiday.

Questions:18.When will they leave for their holiday?19.How will the weather probably be?

下面请听第三篇材料, 并回答第20~21题。

Why do many people want to learn English?It’s diffi cult to answer the question.Many students learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.Many people often learn English because it’s useful and helpful for their work.Most business letters are written in English, and English is also used very widely.If you learn a little English, you’ll fi nd it easy to know each other when you travel in another country in the world.

Questions:20.Why do many people learn English?21.What language are most business letters written in?

下面请听第四篇材料, 并回答第22~25题。

W:Who is that man over there?I think I’ve seen him before.M:Which one?

W:The tall one with glasses.He’s talking with some students.M:That’s Mr.Harrison, Fred’s father.

W:Oh, yes.I remember him.His fi rst name is Peter.He gave us a talk on computers last month.

M:Yes, and Fred’s mother is Jane.She was my fi rst teacher.W:Really?What subject does she teach?

M:She teaches math.W:No wonder Fred is good at science.

Questions:22.What’s the relationship between Peter and Fred?23.Who wears glasses?

24.What is Mr.Harrison doing?25.What subject does Fred do well in?

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。

下面你将听到一篇短文, 短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后, 根据短文的内容和提示, 在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺信息。

Thank you for calling the North London Arts Cinema, Wood Green.There is no one to answer your call at the moment.

The North London Arts Cinema is open seven days a week and shows a lot of British and foreign fi lms.

Next week we will show an Italian fi lm called Midnight Meeting.You can see that fi lm from Monday to Thursday.It will be on twice a day in the evening.That’s at 6:45 p.m.and 9:15 p.m.The fi lm lasts two hours and fi fteen minutes.Tickets are$4, but there is a special student ticket at$2 for all our fi lms.Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.

The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hauxton Street.That’s H-A-U-X-T-O-N.It’s just fi ve minutes’walk from the cinema.

Thank you for calling the North London Arts Cinema.If you need further information, phone during offi ce hours—9:00 a.m.to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (一)


I.1~5 BABAC II.6~10 CABBC III.11~15 CCACB IV.16~20 CBABC 21~25 AACBC V.26~30 CBADB 31~35 CBABD36~40 CDABA 41~45 DBABD VI.46~50 BACDA 51~55 ABCAC VII.56~60 BADBC 61~65 ABDDC 66~70 ADDCA


VIII.71.Meeting 72.Thursday 73.fi fteen minutes 74.$2 75.Hauxton IX.76.Chinese handicrafts 77.The windows.78.No, they didn’t.79.Yes, he did.80.looking at goods X.81.sports 82.to help 83.carefully 84.making mistakes 85.is made from

XI.A) 86.Was he late for school yesterday?87.How much fruit does she want?88.I am looking forward to seeing you next month.89.I gave him a present last week.90.Do not get off the bus until it stops.

B) One possible version:

My Pen Friend

Mark is my pen friend.He is a 15-year-old boy who lives in London, England.We got to know each other by accident when we chatted online.He likes listening to rock music.He enjoys reading interesting books, and Harry Potter is his favorite.He also likes to make friends who are friendly and knowledgeable.We write to each other once a week, and sometimes we meet on the Internet.We are happy to talk with each other.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (二)


I.1~5 BCBAC II.6~10 CBCAA III.11~15 BBBAC IV.16~20 CCBCB 21~25 AAACA V.26~30 BADBC 31~35 ABADD36~40 CDABC 41~45 CAADB VI.46~50 BCADB 51~55 DADBA VII.56~60 CBBDC 61~65 DBBDB 66~70 BBBCD


VIII.71.music 72.800 73.from 2:30 to 3:30 74.two 75.smoke IX.76.Yes, they did.77.Sue.78.He is handsome, strong and healthy.79.We don’t know.80.At home.X.81.tickets 82.watering 83.strongly 84.broke down 85.given away

XI.A) 86.Have you ever won an award?87.How important is keeping healthy to you?88.Try hard not to fall behind others.89.I fi nd it necessary to learn English well.90.No one knows where he comes from.

B) One possible version:

Attention, please!Good news for us!We are going to the Sandy Beach this Sunday.So it is necessary for us to make some preparations.I think we should take sun-glasses, a hat, a bathing suit and an umbrella.There are many different kinds of activities there.We can go fi shing, swimming and surfi ng.At noon, we will have lunch on the beach together.And we are going there on our school bus.So remember we will meet at our school gate at 6:30 a.m.this Sunday.Hope we will have a happy day there!

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (三)


I.1~5 ABACC II.6~10 CBCCB III.11~15 BCBBA IV.16~20 CABAC 21~25 CBCBA V.26~30 BBCDA 31~35 DAACB36~40 DBACD 41~45 CADBC VI.46~50 BADCA 51~55 CBADB VII.56~60 ACDBA 61~65 CBCAD 66~70 CBDBA


VIII.71.December 25 72.November 73.care (much) about 74.being friendly 75.Christmas songs IX.76.their health 77.afraid78.June 79.before 80.the train went into a tunnel X.81.decision (s) 82.reading 83.brightly 84.got on 85.were blown out

XI.A) 86.Did you have a class meeting yesterday?87.How long were you away from school?88.Do not leave her waiting outside in the rain.89.He told us a funny story this morning.90.I will call him if he is late.

B) One possible version:

Last Friday afternoon, a running competition was held on the playground in our school.Thirty-fi ve classes took part in it.All the teachers and students watched the competition.At the end of the competition, the headmaster announced that my class got the fi rst place.My classmates and I were so glad that we couldn’t help jumping.

I think running is a good way to keep healthy.It also helps us relax so that we can study more effectively.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (四)


I.1~5 CBBAA II.6~10 AACAB III.11~15 CBCBA IV.16~20 CABAA 21~25 BABAC V.26~30 CBCAA 31~35 DABBD36~40 DBCAB 41~45 CCABD VI.46~50 BADCA 51~55 CBADB VII.56~60 CDDCA 61~65 BBDCC 66~70 CBDAC


VIII.71.New York 72.funny movies 73.interesting 74.friendly 75.once a week IX.76.She was sick.77.Some medicine./Two pills.78.A tube.79.No.80.The farmer.X.81.subjects 82.sing 83.safely 84.be handed in 85.making friends

XI.A) 86.Could you please help me with my English?87.What do you think of his idea?88.We watched him playing in the yard.89.He bought a nice present for me.90.I think she is an honest girl.

B) One possible version:

Dear Mr./Miss Zhang,

We have many troubles these days.Although we work hard every day, we are under great pressure.We can’t get enough sleep every night because we have to stay up late to do our homework.Also we have no time to play sports, and we often get sick.Besides, we can hardly fi nd time to communicate with each other.We are all exhausted.I don’t know what we should do.Could you please help us out?

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

3.2011年中考英语模拟试题 篇三

Ⅱ. 单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

21. —____ do you visit the old man?

—Once a week.

A. How soon B. How often

C. How long D. How far

22. —Is____English-Chinese dictionary on the desk yours?

—No, I don't have____English-Chinese dictionary.

A. an; an B. an; the C. the; an D. the; the

23. In some ways, we look the same. But my sister is____me, she can't stop talking.

A. as quiet as B. as outgoing as

C. more outgoing than D. quieter than

24. —Must I finish my homework today?

—No, you____ . You can finish it tomorrow.

A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. needn't

25. Listen carefully! You can hear her____an English song in her room.

A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. sings

26. The lazy boy____get to school____ten o'clock yesterday morning.

A. could; when B. did; when

C. didn't; until D. doesn't; until

27. —Whom would you like to be your doctor, Judy or David?

—If I have to choose, Judy will be____one.

A. good B. better C. the better D. the best

28.____homework, we can do our homework on Sunday.

A. As for B. Instead of C. Thanks to D. Because of

29. —Jim, can you help me wash the dishes?

—Sorry, Dad. I____to the shop.

A. go B. went C. am going D. have been

30. —Wang Fang is ill in hospital.


A. I don't know B. I'm sorry to hear that

C. It doesn't matter D. I don't think so

31. —George, don't forget____your new book when you leave.

—Oh, thank you.

A. taking B. to take C. takes D. took

32. —Victor, how do you like the new job?

—Exciting, but it____me a lot of time.

A. costs B. spends C. pays D. takes

33. Maria has read many novels written by English writers. Now she would like to read____novels written by writers from____countries.

A. some; other B. any; others

C. some; another D. any; another

34. My young brother has a computer, but he doesn't know____to use it.

A. what B. how C. which D. ×

35. —Shall I get something for you? What's your favorite?

—It's very kind of you! Please don't waste____money. The special is the best choice.

A. many too B. too many

C. too much D. much too

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

“How can I learn English well?” This is a 36 many students may ask. I think the most effective (有效的) 37 is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, you will learn it pretty

38. And if you can tell 39 your own words about 40 the lesson says, you are a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be quite perfect. If you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, you'll find it not so hard 41 you might have thought.

Learn this way, and you will 42 great progress. Of course, writing is also necessary. It helps you a lot on your way to 43 in English studies.

4.学校中考英语一模试题 篇四

本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共6页。满分100分,考试时间60分钟。答卷前,请将学校、姓名、准考证号、座号写在试卷规定的地方。第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)



①坚持把发展科技作为一切工作的中心 ②大力实施科教兴国和人才强国战略 ③尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造 ④坚持实施增强自主创新能力战略 A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④

2.“十一五”期间,最低生活保障制度实现全覆盖,城乡社会救助体系基本建立,社会福利、优抚安置、慈善和残疾人事业取得新进展。上述做法 A.能确保真正实现社会的公平、公正 B.说明关心帮助弱势群体只是政府的责任 C.说明靠政府和社会的帮助才能使弱势群体摆脱困境 D.体现了党和政府始终代表人民根本利益的执政理念 3.2012年3月14日,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议表决通过了关于修改中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法的决定草案。这说明

A.人民代表大会是我国的根本政治制度 B.全国人民代表大会行使最高立法权 C.人民代表大会制度是我国的最高权力机关 D.人民可以直接参与法律的制定和修改


①坚持实施可持续发展战略 ②坚持保护环境的基本国策 ③将提高城市绿化率作为一切工作的中心 ④积极维护公共利益 A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④


①我国社会主义初级阶段的基本国情没有改变 ②现阶段人民群众物质文化需要还不能完全得到满足 ③这些限制措施不符合社会发展的要求 ④我国的生产力水平还比较低 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④


①人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度 ②依法参与选举是人民行使当家做主权利的最重要方式 ③选民对自己选举权更加珍视,民主政治意识不断增强 ④在我国,人人都能参加人大代表选举

A.②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.①②④


A.文化在我国尚不能促进国家经济的发展 B.文化不是综合国力竞争的重要因素 C.我国必须大力发展文化事业和文化产业 D.民族繁荣和国家强盛,只能靠经济、科技和军事实力


A.网络媒体是人民行使当家作主权力的最重要方式 B.我国公民积极依法参与政治生活,行使监督权 C.网络媒体是公民参与政治生活的最重要途径 D.我国公民能自觉地履行对国家机关及其工作人员进行监督的义务 9.肯德基新广告词:“1987年我满怀期待来到中国,从此我与26万员工和你一起成长,对我来说不止要让你吃的安心,更为健康生活提倡天天运动,24年来在700多个城市和乡镇,已超过3200家餐厅遍布中国,我们的未来在中国!肯德基感谢中国!”这说明

①中国在世界舞台上的地位越来越重要 ②中国具有庞大的消费市场 ③中国实行对外开放的基本国策 ④肯德基在美国没有发展的市场 A.①②④ B.①②③ 10.2011年,新型农村社会养老保险的范围进一步扩大,到2012年年底前实现全覆盖。国家启动农村养老保险

①有利于进一步完善农村社会保障制度 ②是解决农村养老问题的唯一途径 ③有利于维护社会公平,促进和谐社会建设 ④是应对我国人口老龄化的现实需要

A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④


①科学技术是第一生产力,科技进步靠创新 ②发展科技是我们党和国家发展进步的活力源泉 ③科技创新能力已越来越成为综合国力竞争的决定性因素 ④创新是民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力

A.①②④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④


①更好地满足广大观众多样化多层次高品位的收视需求 ②有利于营造积极、健康、向上的文化氛围,为经济建设提供良好的社会环境 ③对电视节目的限制,不利于繁荣社会主义文化 ④有利于弘扬社会正气,传播主流价值,引导审美趣味 A.②③④ B.①②③ C.①②④ D.①③④ 13.2012年3月20日,青岛市中级人民法院对青岛涉嫌黑社会性质组织犯罪案作出一审判决,判决被告人聂磊死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人所有财产。这表明 ①我国坚持实施依法治国的基本方略 ②法律由国家制定和认可 ③法律面前人人平等 ④违法必究是依法治国的有力保障 A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④


①我国已成为世界强国 ②我国政府关注社会上的贫困人群 ③我国积极促进社会的公平④我国坚持以经济建设为中心,取得了辉煌成就 A.①②④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③




①是发展先进文化的重要举措 ②有利于提高公民的道德素质 ③有利于形成和谐的社会氛围 ④是发展先进文化的中心环节 A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④ 16.对青少年来说,下列属于践行雷锋精神的是 ①在家里,孝敬父母,乐于劳动 ③在学校,尊敬老师,认真学习③在社会,乐于助人,热心公益 ④在网吧,沉迷游戏,盲目交友

A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④


①已经跨越了社会主义初级阶段 ②长期坚持对外开放基本国策 ③在世界舞台上扮演着重要角色 ④是经济全球化的唯一受益者 A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②③


18.从上述数据中可以看出 A.我国计划生育的基本国策已经过时 B.我国人口过快增长的势头得到有效控制 C.人口增长对环境造成的压力得以缓解 D.我国应努力提高人口的文化素质

19.我国现有总人口数约为13.7亿(含港澳台地区),面对人口数量的巨大压力,我们应继续实施 A.保护环境基本国策

B.人才强国重大战略 C.计划生育基本国策 D.节约资源基本国策

20.2011年12月16日,公安部召开全国公安机关电视电话会议,就开展访问民情、访察民意、访排民忧和评议工作、评查问题、评选先进“三访三评”深化“大走访”活动进行动员部署。开展“三访三评”深化“大走访”活动 ①有利于不断增进对人民群众的感情 ②有利于不断提高服务人民群众的本领 ③说明目前人民群众的生活还没有安全感 ④是贯彻党的“三个代表”重要思想的体现

A.①②④ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③ 第II卷(非选择题 共60分)





材料二: 《“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案》提出:到2015年,全国万元国内生产总值能耗要下降到0.869吨标准,比去年的1.034吨标准煤下降16%,比2005年的1.276吨标准煤下降32%,全国化学需氧量和二氧化硫排放总量分别控制在2347.6万吨、2086.4万吨,全国氨氮和氮氧化合物排放总量分别控制在238万吨、2046.2万吨。“十二五”期间,将实现节约能源6.7亿吨标准煤。(1)材料一说明了什么?(3分)


(3)青少年可以为我国 “十二五”节能减排目标的实现做些什么?(6分)23.(15分)材料一:按照公安部的统一部署,全国公安机关集中开展了“打四黑除四害”专项行动。




(1)2011年是“十二五”规划的开局之年,我们取得了辉煌的成就。请说出图片中的 “2011中国大事”体现了教材中的哪些基本观点?(10分)(2)2012年是“十二五”规划承上启下的重要一年,在这一年里,你有哪些新的期盼?要实现这些期盼,最根本的途径是什么?(5分)



题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 C D B D C B C B B D D C B C A A D B C A







5.学校中考英语一模试题 篇五









A.师昌绪、王振义B.谢家麟 吴良镛C.孙家栋谷超豪D.郑哲敏 王小谟























①培养宽以待人的美德②培养团结合作的品质 ③遵守文明的社交礼仪④改正缺点来完善自己 A.①②



11.公民的权利与义务具有一致性,以下不能体现这一观点的是 A.既要珍惜受教育的权利,也要履行受教育的义务 B.消费者既享有合法权益,也要履行相应的义务 C.既要弘扬中华民族文化,也要排斥其他民族文化 D.既要维护自己的隐私权,也要尊重他人的隐私


①生命的最后时刻首先保障自身安全②司机以坚强的意志保障了乘客安全 ③最美司机放弃了自身的生命健康权④最美司机显示了高度的社会责任感A.①③B.②④C. ②③D.①④ 13.初中生小明因与同学小张发生争执,一气之下在本校贴吧中以小张好友的名义发帖,谎称小张曾去某超市偷窃。小明侵犯了小张的A.名誉权B.隐私权C.肖像权




A.①②B.②③④C.③④D.①②③ 15.对右图中商家的行为理解正确的是

①侵犯消费者知情权②违背了诚实的原则 ③虚假广告构成违法④是宣传的有效手段A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①② 16.只有维护集体利益,个人利益才有保障。以下能体现这一观点的是

A.有了父母的精心培育,才有我的健康成长B.有了老师的无私奉献,才有我的进步源泉 C.有了朋友的热情帮助,才有我的不断进步 D.有了国家的安定团结,才有我的安宁生活


①加强社会主义精神文明建设②培养学生的自立能力 ③实现全面建设小康社会目标④延伸学生生命的价值 A.①③B.②④C.①②④D.①②③④ 18.“领导和团结全国各族人民,以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,自力更生,艰苦创业,为把我国建设成为富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家而奋斗。”这是

A.当前我国的基本国情B.党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线 C.社会主义的根本原则D.实现祖国和平统一大业的基本方针 19.党和国家领导人立足我国国情,积极实施了正确的国策战略。以下能体现这一点的是

①面对我国的人口问题现状,我国坚持计划生育的基本国策 ②面对我国严峻的环境问题,我国坚持保护环境的基本国策 ③面对我国严峻的资源现状,我国坚持节约资源的基本国策 ④面对迅速增长的对外贸易,我国坚持对外开放的基本国策

A.①②B.③④C.①②③D.①②③④ 20.至2012年年底,西部大开发战略累计新开工重点工程187项,投资总规模3.68万亿元,极大地推动了西部地区经济和社会的发展。这说明西部大开发战略有利于

①民族共同繁荣②消除主要矛盾③构建和谐社会④实现共同富裕 A.①②③B.②③④C.①②③④D.①③④


A.维护国家统一B.维护国家尊严C.维护国家荣誉D.维护民族团结 22.宪法是国家的根本大法,因为宪法A.是靠国家强制力保证实施

C.是人民意志和利益的体现 23.我国的根本政治制度是

A.民族区域自治制度B.全国人民代表大会制度C.人民代表大会制度D.以公有制为主体的制度 24.按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存是我国的A.经济制度B.分配制度C.根本制度D.社会制度25.到2049年新中国成立100周年时,中国要建设成为富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。这是我国现阶段各族人民的A.共同理想B.最高理想C.根本任务D.中心工作


































6.学校中考英语一模试题 篇六









(2)在文中①②处依次填入词语,最恰当的一项是(2分)()A.规范千篇一律B.规范一成不变 C.典范一成不变D.典范千篇一律

(3)文中第一段横线处依次填入词语,将这则对偶句式的家训补充完整,正确的一项是(2分)()一粥一饭,当思__________;__________,恒念物力维艰。A.来处不易半丝半缕 B.不易来处半丝半缕 C.来处不易千丝万缕 C.不易来处千丝万缕

(4)文中(甲)(乙)(丙)处依次填入关联词语,最恰当的一项是(2分)()A.或者或者甚至 B.如果那么就 C.虽然但是从而 D.不仅也从而

(5)在第二段横线处依次填入语句,最恰当的一项是(2分)()①摒弃糟粕②丰富家训的时代意义③发掘精华④葆有中华传统文化内核 A.①②③④ B.③②①④ C.③④①② D.④①③② 2.下列古诗文作者所处朝代不同于其他三项的是(2分)()A.大漠孤烟直 B.荡胸生层云 C.衡阳雁去无留意 D.谁家新燕啄春泥





(3)________________(选自辛弃疾《南乡子 登京口北固亭有怀》)


小说不同于历史,它会有文学艺术加工的成分。例如在小说《红岩》中,印完《____①____》后被捕,在狱中坚持斗争最后壮烈牺牲的英雄人物成岗,其原型是革命烈士陈然,但小说并不用陈然烈士的真名实姓,有关成岗的故事情节也并不都来源于他,这就属于文学艺术加工;再如古典小说《三国演义》中,诸葛亮趁夜雾指挥满草束的小船到曹营____②____的事,就可能是由《三国志》中记载的孙权的相关史料加工而成的。有的小说还会虚构出离奇的故事情节,比如老舍笔下的祥子趁乱从兵营逃跑时,带出三匹____③____,这样的经历,就很有些虚构的色彩; 辛老师整理









注释:①鄙:边疆,边远的地方。②发政举事:指君主发布政令,行动做事 5.解释下面句子中加点词的意思。(2分)(1)时时而间进 间:________(2)宋昭公出亡 亡:________ 6.用现代汉语翻译下面语句。(4分)(1)宫妇左右莫不私王

翻译:____________________________(2)内外不闻吾过,是以至此 翻译:____________________________ 7.下面是阅读甲、乙两则文言文选段获得的启示,请根据文章内容将其补充完整。(4分。②④空用原文回答,①③空用自己的话回答)














8.这是一篇回忆性散文,回忆了父亲在“我”不同的成长阶段关爱“我”的几件事。这些事包括:(3分)小学时→父亲哭泣自责并抚慰被爆竹炸伤的“我” 父亲跟在后面陪“我”走路上学 中学时 __________①_______________ __________②_______________ 大学时 父亲送“我”上学并和“我”一起参观校园 __________③______________ 9.请结合第③段的内容,说说段中加点的“猝不及防地长大了”的含义。(4分)答:
































































答案:(1)学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆(2)海日生残夜,江春入旧年(3)千古兴亡多少事(4)歌以咏志 4.解析:本题考查考生对名著阅读的掌握能力,此题算是个综合,将2015年中考说明新增的文学名著《三国演义》《骆驼祥子》《红岩》加入进来,不仅考查了作家名字,更多的是考查了文本中重要的细节。

答案:(1)挺进报(2)草船借箭(3)骆驼(4)吴承恩 文言文:































7.学校中考英语一模试题 篇七

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 1.A.son B.sun C.soon

() 2.A.250 B.25, 000 C.2, 500

() 3.A.get off B.get out C.get up

() 4.A.He runs fastest.

B.He runs faster than Tom.

C.He doesn’t run faster than Tom.

() 5.A.She likes reading at home better than hanging out.

B.She doesn’t like reading at all.

C.She likes hanging out instead of reading at home.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 6.A.Yes, I will.B.Sorry, I won’t.C.Not at all.

() 7.A.Yes, I’d like a drink.B.Just a little, please.C.Some rice, please.

() 8.A.Three times a week.B.About three years.C.Two kilometers.

() 9.A.She is slim with curly hair.B.She likes her mum.

C.She is a little quiet.

() 10.A.You’re right.B.Thanks.My sister bought it.

C.No, it isn’t.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 11.What’s the matter with the woman?

A.She may have a fever.B.She may have a cold.

C.She has a stomachache.

() 12.What does the man think of the MP4?

A.It’s too cheap.B.It’s too expensive.

C.He likes it very much.

() 13.What did the woman use to look like?

A.She used to have short hair.B.She was fatter than now.

C.She didn’t wear glasses.

() 14.Where does the conversation take place?

() 15.What is the woman looking for?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)

() 16.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A.Skin.B.French fries.C.Potatoes.

() 17.According to the speaker, which of the following is true?

A.At first, people in Europe only ate the leaves of the potatoes.

B.An American introduced potatoes to Europe.

C.People in different countries eat French fries in the same way.

() 18.How long did Jim work on the farm?

A.Half a year.B.Two years.C.One year.

() 19.What was the best present that Jim got at last?

A.A good job.B.No pains, no gains.C.Some money.

() 20.Whom do many families buy Christmas trees for?

A.Father Christmas.B.Their children.C.Their parents.

() 21.What didn’t the speaker mention?

A.Bells ring everywhere on Christmas Day.

B.Father Christmas is a kind man in red clothes.

C.People put presents in their children’s stockings.

() 22.Who is Mike talking to on the phone?


() 23.What does Mike want to do with the dictionary?

A.To look up some words.B.To lend it to his friends.

C.To give it to Judy.

() 24.Where is Mary?

A.She has gone to the park with her friend.

B.She has gone to the bookstore with Nancy.

C.She has gone to the supermarket with Judy.

() 25.When will Mary come back?

A.Before 5:00.B.At 5:20.C.After 5:30.


V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)


() 26.There are three______and seven______in the picture.

A.deers, sheeps B.deers, sheep

C.deer, sheep D.deer, sheeps

() 27.—Oh, no.We’ve missed the 8 o’clock train!

—______There’s another one in half an hour.

A.You’re right.B.Not at all.

C.You’re welcome.D.Don’t worry.

() 28.Oh, boys and girls.Come in please.And make______at home.


() 29.I believe that______young have a bright future.


() 30.Mary is flying to France soon.She will arrive______London______the morning of July 19.

A.to, onB.in, onC.in, inD.at, in

() 31.______Chinese people knew anything about surfing online in the 1980s.


() 32.We should do______the teacher told us.


() 33.The computer on the desk is______.They like playing games on it.

A.twinsB.the twin’sC.the twinsD.the twins’

() 34.After Beijing Olympic Games, the number of the people who take part in sports has become

______in China.

A.better and betterB.larger and larger

C.less and lessD.smaller and smaller

() 35.—Could I use your bike?

—Yes, of course you______.


() 36.—What a day!It’s raining again.We can’t go hiking tomorrow.

—Don’t worry.It won’t______long.


() 37.Look!Lily with her sister______a kite on the playground.

A.is flying B.are flying C.flying D.fly

() 38.Please don’t forget______to me, will you?

A.to writeB.writingC.writeD.writes

() 39.—What’s your English teacher like?


A.He is fine.B.He is thirty.

C.He is thin and tall.D.He likes reading.

() 40.______good news!We will have a long holiday after the exam.

A.How aB.WhatC.HowD.What a

() 41.I heard him______the piano in the room last night.

A.playB.playsC.to playD.played

() 42.I______to bed until my grandma came back home.

A.didn’t goB.wentC.had goneD.have gone

() 43.Do you know______?

A.how many are the population of Japan

B.how many the population of Japan are

C.what is the population of Japan

D.what the population of Japan is

() 44.Your hands______before meals.They are too dirty.

A.must washB.can wash

C.must be washedD.can be washed

() 45.Let’s go out for a walk, ______?

A.must youB.shall weC.won’t youD.don’t we

VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist.He lived in 46______in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.He painted some of the most 47______pictures in the world.Mona Lisa is a good example of his works.He began 48______Mona Lisa in 1503.

Da Vinci loved science and 49______.He used darkness and light in a clever way in the painting.And a person can50______see that there is a lot of geometry (几何学) in Mona Lisa.The face of Mona Lisa is made of many circles and round shapes like 51______.Even her smile can be seen as a small part of a large circle.

The woman in the painting is 52______on a balcony (阳台) , and mountains can be seen53______her.Da Vinci loved to study rocks and mountains, 54______we can see many of these in his other paintings.

The woman is sitting with her knees to the side.Her hands are held together in front of her This way of sitting is now used by many 55______when they are painting a picture of a man or a woman.

() 46.A.China B.Italy C.Japan D.Canada

() 47.A.exciting B.interesting C.surprising D.famous

() 48.A.meeting B.painting C.teaching D.writing

() 49.A.math B.music C.geography D.physics

() 50.A.hardly B.easily C.once D.never

() 51.A.boxes B.hands C.shoes D.balls

() 52.A.lying B.walking C.sitting D.sleeping

() 53.A.above B.under C.before D.behind

() 54.A.so B.but C.or D.until

() 55.A.scientists B.writers C.musicians D.artists

VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Read family come to a new city, but Mrs.Read’s son, Bob, is not happy.He doesn’t have anyone to play with.

“Don’t worry!”says his mother.“You will soon make friends here.”

One morning there is a knock at the door.Mrs.Read opens it.There stands a woman with brown hair.It is Mrs.Miller.She comes to borrow two eggs.She wants to make cakes.Mrs.Read gives her two.

In the afternoon there is another knock at the door.Mrs.Read opens it and she sees a boy standing there.

“My name is Jack Miller, ”he says.“My mother asks me to return you this cake and the two eggs.”

“Well, thank you, Jack, ”says Mrs.Read.“Come in and meet my son Bob.”

Look!Bob and Jack are having the cake and milk, and then they are playing football.Now they are good friends!Jack says, “I’m glad you live next door.”

“I must thank your mother for coming to borrow eggs, ”Bob says.Jack laughs and tells Bob“My mother didn’t want the two eggs, but she wants to make friends with your mother!”

That’s a funny way to make friends.It’s an easy way.It can work!

() 56.Bob feels sad when he is in the new city because______.

A.his mother isn’t in the city B.he has no friends here

C.he thinks the city is too noisy D.Jack doesn’t like him

() 57.Mrs.Miller is______.

A.Jack’s friendB.Bob’s mother

C.Mrs.Read’s new neighborD.Mrs.Read’s old friend

() 58.Mrs.Miller______one morning.

A.gives Mrs.Read a piece of cakeB.asks Bob to play with her son

C.borrows two eggs from Mrs.Read D.gives back the eggs to Mrs.Read

() 59.In the afternoon______have the cake and milk together.

A.Bob and JackB.Jack and his mother

C.Bob and his motherD.Mrs.Read and Mrs.Miller

() 60.What did Mrs.Miller really want to do by borrowing eggs?

A.To make friends with the Reads.B.To make cakes with eggs.

C.To find out what Mrs.Read does.D.To see if her friend is in.


It’s important to learn more about protecting our environment.Here is a 4-R rule for us:


If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely.A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper.If everyone uses paper carelessly and throws it away, soon we will no have any trees left.Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities.So it is necessary to reduce the waste.


You should always think of reusing usable things before throwing them away.Give the clothes you do not use or which are too small to the poor.In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.


Bottles, cans and paper are easily to be recycled.By doing so we can save lots of time and money.For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (压扁) and melted (熔化) and used to make new coke cans.


If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it.If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair.It is true that North America is a“throw-away”society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment.Every one of us should try our best.

() 61.The“Reduce”rule mainly tells us______.

A.to waste less B.to throw anything away

C.to stop using paper D.to plant more trees

() 62.What’s the right order to recycle coke cans?

a.collect the used cans b.melt them c.smash them flat d.send them to a factory

A.abcd B.adcb C.dbca D.cabd

() 63.Which of the following can be recycled?

A.Coke left in a can.B.A broken bed.

C.An empty bottle.D.A worn-out T-shirt.

() 64.Which is the best way to do with an old coat?

A.Reduce it.B.Repair it.C.Recycle it.D.Reuse it.

() 65.What does the underlined part mean?

A.People in North America forget things often.

B.People in North America often throw used things away.

C.People in North America always throw rubbish everywhere.

D.People in North America pay much attention to the environment.


You have often looked into a mirror, of course.But you haven’t seen the real picture of your face yet.And why couldn’t you see it?When you look into a mirror, you don’t see your face as other people see it.You see a reversed picture.If you close your left eye, your picture closes its right eye.If you touch your right ear with your right hand, your picture touches its left ear with its left hand.

If you have two small mirrors, you can see your face as your friends see it.You hold the two mirrors at right angles (角度) to each other and look into them.After some practice you will be able to see the real picture of your face.

Now close your left eye and your picture closes its left eye too.Touch your right ear with your right hand and your picture touches its right ear with its right hand!This happens because each mirror reflected (反射) the picture in the other mirror.So you can see a reversed picture of a reversed picture, which, of course, is the same as the real picture.

() 61.When you look into a mirror, you couldn’t see______.

A.the reversed picture of yourself B.the picture of your ears

C.the real picture of your eyes D.your face as others see it

() 62.What does the underlined word“reversed”mean in this passage?


() 63.If you close your left eye, your picture in the mirror______.

A.closes its right eye B.closes its left eye

C.touches its right ear D.touches its left ear

() 64.Which of the following pictures is right according to the second paragraph?

(M:mirror P:person)

() 65.What can we learn from the passage?

A.We can never see our face as others see it.

B.We can never touch our left ear with our right hand.

C.We can see a reversed picture when we look into a mirror.

D.Only small mirrors can give us real pictures.

卷II (非选择题共35分)

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)

阅读短文, 并按要求完成下列试题。

Chinese people are working hard to make Green Beijing, Green Olympics is a success.Some workers have developed new ways to make thousands of flowers prolong their fl orescence (延长花期) .They are also studying ways of transplanting (移植) trees from forests into the city.

Many students have joined environment clubs to make less pollution.In an environment club students work together to make our environment cleaner.Here are some things they usually do.

Collect Rubbish!

Environment club asks students to collect rubbish that can be recycled.Every week they will sell the rubbish.With the money, they’ll buy some young trees and plant them around their schools.

No Car Day!

On No Car Day, nobody can come to school in a car, including students and teachers!Cars put pollution into the air, so you’d better walk or ride a bike to school!It is not only good for your health.It also helps improve our environment!

Save Water!

A pot of water can be used two or three times.First, you can use the fresh water to wash your face, and then you can use it to clean the floor.

A.根据文章内容, 填入所缺信息。

76.The members of environment clubs hope to_________________________________________.

77.Students in environment club sell rubbish to________________________________________.


C.回答问题79.What kind of rubbish do students collect?________________________________

80.Why are there No Car Days?_____________________________________________________

X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。

81.There are about 150__________________________ (女医生) in this hospital.

82.I think math is__________________________ (最重要的) of all the subjects.

83.The girl__________________________ (花费) a lot of time collecting toys last year.

84.Billy is fourteen years old and in the__________________________ (九) grade.

85.Yuan Longping was____________ (认为是) “Father of Hybrid Rice”.

XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)

A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)

86.in, I, was, city, born, Zhangjiakou______________________________________________________________________________.

87.or, tea, coffee, you, like, would______________________________________________________________________________?

88.to, me, myself, please, allow, introduce______________________________________________________________________________.

89.the, do, of, you, story, what, think, exciting______________________________________________________________________________?

90.to, the, I, her, was, saw, teacher, talking, some, parents, when______________________________________________________________________________.

B) 书面表达 (计10分)

你班要召开学习经验交流会, 你英语很好, 需要写一篇介绍英语学习方法的发言稿。


1.唱英文歌曲, 看英文电影或读英文报刊、杂志, 与来自英语国家的人交朋友等, 都是学习英语的好方法;

2.找到适合自己的学习方法, 你就会从英语学习中获得无穷的乐趣。


2009年中考英语模拟试题 (十四)

Section I

I.1.My teacher told me the earth goes round the sun

2.Twenty-fi ve thousand dollars was spent protecting the animals.3.I noticed her get out of the car.

4.He runs faster than any other student except Tom.

5.She prefers to read at home rather than hang out at the mall.

II.6.Don’t be late again.7.What would you like to eat?8.How long have you been in this school?

9.What does Lucy look like?10.What a beautiful sweater you are wearing!

III.11.M:What’s the matter with you?W:I don’t know.I just feel bad.M:How long have you been like this?

W:About several hours.M:You may have caught a cold.

Q:What’s the matter with the woman?

12.M:How much is this MP4?W:200 dollars.M:200 dollars for an MP4 like this?I can’t believe it!

W:What do you mean by saying that?M:It’s not worth it.

Q:What does the man think of the MP4?

13.M:Hi, Julie.We haven’t seen each other for a long time.You changed a lot.

W:Yes, I used to wear glasses and have long hair.M:Also you look much thinner than before.

W:I exercise every day to lose weight.M:Really?

Q:What did the woman use to look like?

14.W:Can I help you, sir?M:I’d like a shirt.W:This shirt is in the new style and sells well.

M:May I try it on?W:No problem!

Q:Where does the conversation take place?

15.W:Excuse me!Could you please tell me where there is a public phone near here?

M:Go along Center Street and turn right at the book store.Then turn left at the bank.The public phone is across from it.

W:Thank you very much.

Q:What is the woman looking for?IV.Passage I

In the 16th century, the Spanish introduced the potato from America to Europe.But the people in Europe did not like this strange vegetable.Some people thought that if you ate the potato, your skin would look like the skin of a potato.Other people could not imagine eating the underground part of a plant.So they ate the leaves instead.This made them sick because of the poison in it.Today, each country has its potato dishes and French fries are popular all over the world.The English eat them with salt and vinegar, the French eat them with salt and pepper and Americans with ketchup.

Questions:16.What does the speaker mainly talk about?17.According to the speaker, which of the following is true?

Passage II

One day Jim’s father asked him to work on the farm for one year in his free time.Jim was unhappy and said, “I have too much schoolwork to do.”His father said, “I will give you the best present if you can finish one year’s work.”Jim thought for a while and agreed.Every day the boy worked hard.Time passed quickly.Jim’s wheat grew very well.On the last day of the year the father said to Jim, “You did a good job.Tell me what you want.”Jim showed his father a big piece of bread made from his wheat and said, “I’ve got the best present.No pains, no gains.”The father was very pleased to hear that.

Questions:18.How long did Jim work on the farm?19.What was the best present that Jim got at last?

Passage III

December 25th is Christmas Day.In most Western countries it is the most important day in the year.All the people come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children.On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere.People sing and dance day and night.They have a good time.Most families buy a Christmas tree for their children.And there are some presents hanging from the tree here and there.People also put presents in children’s stockings.In many places, Father Christmas brings presents to them.There is a big bag on his back, with a lot of presents in it.

Questions:20.Whom do many families buy Christmas trees for?21.What didn’t the speaker mention?


M:Hello.Is that Nancy speaking?This is Mike.W:Yes.Why?

M:I can’t fi nd my English dictionary anywhere.Have you seen it?W:Sorry, I haven’t.

M:What shall I do?I want to look up some words now, or I can’t fi nish my homework on time.

W:Don’t worry.My sister Mary has one.You can borrow hers, but she is not in at the moment.

M:Where is she?

W:She has gone to the supermarket with her friend Judy.It’s 5:20, I think she’ll be back in 15 minutes.

M:OK.I’ll call her later.Thanks a lot.W:You’re welcome.

Questions:22.Who is Mike talking to on the phone?23.What does Mike want to do with the dictionary?

24.Where is Mary?25.When will Mary come back?

Section II

VIII.It is no wonder that travel has become more and more popular these days.It has so many advantages.First of all, by traveling we can visit many famous places of interest and enjoy the beauty of them which we cannot read from books.Secondly, traveling can help us learn some geography and history knowledge.This will open our minds and make us wise.Third, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things while traveling.We can learn a lot about different customs.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (十四)


I.1~5 BBBCA II.6~10 BCBAB III.11~15 BBBCA IV.16~20 CACBB 21~25 BCACC

V.26~30 CDDAB 31~35 CCDBA 36~40 DAACB 41~45 AADCB

VI.46~50 BDBAB 51~55 DCDAD VII.56~60 BCCAA 61~65 ABCDB 66~70 DBABC


VIII.71.Travel 72.places of interest 73.geography 74.minds 75. (different) customs

IX.76.make less pollution/make our environment cleaner 77.buy and plant trees 78.同时这也有助于改善我们的环境。

79.They collect rubbish that can be recycled.80.Because cars put pollution into the air.

X.81.women doctors 82.the most important 83.spent 84.ninth 85.regarded as

XI.A) 86.I was born in Zhangjiakou city.87.Would you like coffee or tea?88.Please allow me to introduce myself.89.What do

you think of the exciting story?90.The teacher was talking to some parents when I saw her.

B) One possible version:

8.学校中考英语一模试题 篇八

Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(共三节 满分25分)



( )1. A. Fine.B. Five.C. Fishing.

( )2. A. Reading.B. A nurse. C. In America.

( )3. A. Not at all B. Thats all right C. No problem

( )4. A. In our schoolB. At 8:30 amC. My book

( )5. A. By bus B. With my classmateC. Very late

( )6. A. Its cool.B. Its Tuesday. C. Its April 8.



( )7. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a classroom. B. In an office. C. In a hospital.

( )8. Whose car is it?

A. Toms.B. Toms friends.C. Toms parents.

( )9. How long might it take to get there if you go on foot?

A. More than two hours.B. Less than ten minutes.C. About half an hour.

( )10. What does the man want to do?

A. He wants to mend his trousers.B. He wants the woman to mend his trousers.

C. He wants the woman to mend his shirt.

( )11. Whos looking for Lily?

A. The man. B. Her boss.C. One of her friends.

( )12.Where do you think these two people are talking?

A. At the market.B. At a bookstore.C. At the cinema.




( )13. What is the woman looking for?

A. A bookstore. B. A museum. C. A post office.

( )14. How far is the place?

A. It is about 2 kilometers away. B. Its 2 meters away.

C. Its about 15 kilometers away.

( )15. How will the woman get there according to the conversation?

A. On foot. B. By car. C. By train.


( )16. What did Lucy use to collect?

A. Coins.B. Shells.C. Stamps.

( )17. What is Jacks hobby now?

A. Swimming.B. Fishing.C. Skating.

( )18. Why did Jack give up taking pictures?

A. Because it is difficult.B. Because it is expensive.C. Because it isnt interesting.


( )19. Where did the man use to work?

A. In a publishing company. B. In a university.C. In a bookstore.

( )20. Which is TRUE about the man?

A. Sometimes he does things that dont pay.B. He works as a regular lecturer.

C. He is out of work.

( )21. What does the man think of his present way of life?

A. Enjoyable.B. Energetic.C. Terrible.

( )22. Where has the woman just been to?

A. A publishing companyB. Singapore C. A College


( )23. Why did they come to the farmers house?
