


1.出国留学个人陈述范文 篇一

Personal Statement

I found my faithful love for finance quite early as my uncle, a financial accountant, began to teach me some simple financial knowledge when he provided me with additional coaching of mathematics since I was young.Then as I learned more academic knowledge in finance, E-Finance for example, in college, I gradually made up my mind to develop it as my future career.Thus I’m now applying to your programme of Accounting and Finance MSc to enrich me with more in-depth knowledge in finance.During undergraduate study, I’ve got a systematic learning in Microeconomics, E-Finance, E-Commerce, E-Marketing and Logistics Management of E-Commerce.In particular, I performed excellent in E-Finance as I scored 91, the highest mark in my class, and I became much more familiar with e-banking, online securities trading and the working processes of call center.In the final year of undergraduate study, I’m now learning Principle of Management, Case Study of the Security of E-Commerce, The Criteria and Law in E-Commerce, Customer Behavior and International Trade Affairs.In terms of quantitative courses, I have learned Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra and Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics and in the last course I’ve mainly studied central limit theorem, the principal distributions, testing of statistical hypotheses, parameter estimation, linearity regression and equal analysis, and stochastic differential equations.With my great efforts, I got 85.66 for current overall average and 87.64 for the average of E-Commerce major specializations and ranked of 5/53 and 4/53 respectively in my class.In addition, I was awarded B-class scholarship and won the title of ‘Excellent Student’ as well in 2008.Besides focusing on professional study, I also pay a great attention to improving leadership.Shortly after I entered into the college, I joined in the Literature & Art Unit of the Student Union.In a year, I perfectly accomplished my work, such as field arranging and programme planning, etc., in holding the award ceremony of the Webpage Design Competition and the English Culture Festival.For my excellent leadership and organizing ability showed in the above activities, I was elected as the president of the Unit in September 2007.Thereafter, I successfully organized many ceremonies and festivals which were widely appreciated by students and teachers.When being active in extra-curriculum activities, I also grasped chances to develop my English capacity.I once participated in the shows of English Culture Festival---the English dramas Beauty and the Beast, and Titanic---in which my oral English was well practiced.Meanwhile, I also focused on cross-culture communication as I made friends with several oversea students from England, Finland, and France.I was quite fascinated with the European culture they introduced to me which impelled me to get my postgraduate study in UK.Through the above preparation, I’m sure that I’ve got ready to study in Manchester.I believe with a hard work I can have a deep insight in the accounting and financial courses you provide and what I would learn can greatly contribute to my career development---after graduation, I will work as a financial analyst in a key investment firm in China, and when being experienced with practical financial investment operations, I then plan to be a senior financial advisor in a world famous investment bank.

2.留学个人陈述写作 篇二

In my undergraduate program, I received education across two fields—a degree program in law at the Law School of XX University and a degree program in psychology at XX University. My rigorous academic trainings across those two fields have given me necessary qualifications for pursuing a more advanced program either in psychology or in law, endowing me with a unique advantage in interdisciplinary knowledge.

As far as I am concerned, law and psychology are reciprocal. They all pertain to human behavior. As a matter of fact, my thesis in law, entitled “ XXX “ explores juvenile delinquency by examining the complicated psychological factors of the younger generation of China in family, school and neighborhood settings. However, there are essential differences between them. In terms of the causal relationships of human behavior, law is primarily concerned with the treatment of the consequences of human behavior while psychology probes into the motivations that cause people to act as they do. In the framework of human relations, law aims at orderly and well-regulated social relationship while psychology, with its interventions into the process of human development, seeks to facilitate the healthy development of the individuals.

While law and psychology are both indispensable to the proper functioning of our society, when it comes to making a choice between those two fields in which to pursue a graduate program, I decide to opt for a program in Developmental Psychology. My decision is motivated by the fact that law can only deal with the aftermath of human behavior whereas psychology can provide preventive measures against possible negative human behavior. Child & adolescent psychology, a field I am interested in, may facilitate the development of healthy personality structure that may enable children and adolescents interact with the society in a harmonious manner.

I have received sound academic trainings that a student of psychology can expect in China, excelling particularly in Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology and other core courses, all of which have imparted to me the necessary theoretical knowledge. My 87/100 GPA in Psychology has made me the top student in my class and the winner of a series of the university’s top-level scholarships. As an undergraduate, I have attempted at some tentative research by submitting essays and research papers to provincial-level and university-level journals (please refer to my Resume). In performing those researches, I find that I have benefited considerably from my solid mathematics foundation and the related methodology—my score for the Advanced Mathematics course is 98/100 while the SPSS was nearly full mark. I have mastered important statistical and quantitative methods, computer programming and LISREL with much facility and I excel in designing experiments and preparing questionnaires.

I started to perform formal academic research at the Developmental Psychology Lab in XX University two years by working as a research assistant to Prof. XX, a leading Chinese scholar on social development in childhood and adolescence and peer relations. By focusing on the peer relations, social cognition, social self-concept, attributions, and past social experiences, I completed a full-length research paper XX, which became a poster presentation at the XX. My research indicates that in addition to maintaining an appropriate level of social self-concept and optimistic attributional style, it is essentially worthwhile to emphasize another two strategies to improve the positive peer nominations: to pay special attention to the attributions to negative events of the life, and to attribute social popularity or success to some stable causes. Based on my distinguished academic performance, I attended the XX and the XX.

Off campus, I have worked as a social worker offering psychological consulting for the “No Worry Teenagers” column for the authoritative journal XX, dealing with the problems concerning interpersonal relations and social cognition of adolescents and young adults. This experience allowed me to gain insight into many important aspects of the mental lives of this group of people beyond the mere statistical data. However, it is a regret that my knowledge is insufficient to offer adequate consulting service to my audience of such diverse backgrounds. This fact reveals to me the need to undertake more advanced studies to improve my professional competence.

I am strongly interested in the developmental psychology of adolescents because by helping adolescents build up a healthy psychology that may enable them to successfully integrate into the competitive world of adults, hence fewer social problems could be created. In my proposed program, I would like to concentrate on the following subjects: social cognitive and social-emotional development in childhood and adolescence; peer relations and family relations and their influence on development; resilience in high risk settings; development of self-esteem; gender differences and similarities, and research methods. The University of XX’s graduate education is very strong in those fields. Your faculty consists of distinguished professors who come from leading universities and have made important research achievements. Your program offers students a total of 14 labs, among which Multiple Identities and Interpersonal Interactions Lab is most relevant to my study. I expect that your Ph.D. program can give me instruction in the fundamental theories and knowledge of developmental psychology and also give me rigorous training in planning, conducting and evaluating research. I would like to identify Prof.XX as my potential advisor, whose research interests covers a wide spectrum, including most of the fields I am interested in.

3.英国留学名词之个人陈述 篇三


















申请人在上学期间从事了哪些助教、助研、社会实践、暑期工作,通过这些活动有哪些心得和成就? 特别是如果这些工作经历与申请者的课程选择相符。




4.留学申请个人陈述及自荐信 篇四
























推荐信要突出个人亮点。 在推荐信中,并不是把这个人的优点写得面面俱到就是好推荐信,因为这样并没有突出申请者与众不同的亮点。同时,在国外的院校里,他们每天要收到很多封英国留学申请推荐信,有亮点的信自然会吸引人的注意。一封推荐信中有一个主要的闪光点并有具体例子佐证你的优点即可,这样会给招生人员留下较为深刻的印象。许许多多的推荐信都犯着一个相似的错误,那就是几乎满篇都是溢美之词,但却不举一件事例来证明。500~800字是理想篇幅。

5.出国留学个人陈述范文 篇五




I graduated from xxx university with a degree in xxx(subject).I would like to apply xxx at youruniversity.With my great passion in the area, I hope to become an expert in xxxx industry.Iunderstand that xxxx university is famous for xxxx, it has established a great reputation in thexxx industry with lots of graduates from becoming leaders in the field.I want to become one ofthem, and therefore, I am very interested and keen to be involved in your university…






My preparation for your programme has been expansive and thorough.First, I have a solidbackground in xxx and xxx.Second, during my undergraduate years, I joined a club called xxxwith the focus on xxx.Our projects dealt with xxx, and other xxx.My work outside the campus,in job placements through xxx university, granted me excellent opportunities for real-worldexperience.While exploring the possibility of graduate-level work, I discovered that my interests are perfectlymatched with your programme.My interest in xxx, especially, was piqued during my xxx class.The aspects of the xxx fascinated me and made me long to supervise a large project in this fieldone day.Although I realise my current limitations, my whole-hearted enthusiasm, combined withguidance from your exceptional faculty, will carry me through the rigors of studying and forge meinto an expert xxx after the one/two year master course and the subsequent Ph.D.course.译文:为了在此专业深造,我做了非常广泛和彻底的准备。首先,我在xxx领域有非常扎实的背景。另外,在我本科学习期间,我加入到一个xxx俱乐部,专注于 xxx。我们项目处理一些xxx。我在校外xx大学的工作也使我得到了宝贵的实践机会。

当我在做本科水平工作的探索时,我发现我的兴趣和你们的项目非常相配。我的兴趣是xxx,特别令我着迷的是xxx课程。我沉迷于xxx方面的问题,这使得我 渴望成为这一领域的专家。虽然我了解到我现在的局限性,但是我相信我所有的热情,加上您学校对我的才能指导,将带领我通过严格的学习并且在两年硕士课程和 之后的博士课程将带领我进入到xxx领域。





Upon graduation from your school, I plan to work as a xxx in a xxx company or as a researcherat an institute.Participating in the development of xxx would fulfil my aspirations.In the long term,I would like to become a professor in order to share my knowledge and experience and instructthe next generation of xxx.译文:从贵校毕业之后,我打算在一家xxx公司做xxx或者在学院里面做研究员。研究xxx的发展可以实现我的探索渴望。将来,我希望可以成为大学教授来分享我的知识和经验,用来指导新一代的xxx。



6.留学文书写作-经济法个人陈述 篇六

Personal Statement

Applied Program: Economic Law

It was totally unexpected that a traffic accident that occurred to me changed the entire course of my life. In an early summer morning in 1994, I, then busily involved in preparing for high school entrance examination, was knocked down from behind by a taxi on my way to school. I was seriously injured and instantly lost consciousness. The following year saw me receiving medical treatment and during this seemingly interminable period of therapy I not only had to endure the tremendous physical agonies and the miseries of suspending my normal education but also had to experience, as victim of the accident, the difficulties and helplessness of instituting legal procedures against the accident-causing taxi-driver. The imperfections of China’s legal system made the claims difficult to materialize. Ultimately I should be grateful to the lawyer who represented me in the case. It was he who, with his professional expertise, protected my legitimate rights. This experience exposed me to the usefulness of law, which in turn ignited my serious interest in the mysterious yet sacred law.

7.出国留学个人陈述范文 篇七

个人陈述,Personal Statement,也就是留学申请中常常提及的PS,这份文章多为学生自由发挥,多数学校不会给予具体细致的要求。而一篇格式标准规范的个人陈述,不仅会令审阅者心情愉悦,也间接反映出了申请人的文化素养。因此,点课台教育为同学们总结了个人陈述中出现的各种格式规范。


通常来说,个人陈述的标题可以直接用Personal Statement 或者Statement of Purpose,请把标题写在正文之前或者做在页眉页脚里面。因为PS通常属于学校要求提交的文书类型之一,如果另取题目可能对审阅者造成不便,所以一般建议同学们不要铤而走险、因小失大;大多数美国教授也相对也比较喜欢规范化和标准化的格式。


个人陈述中可以添加页眉和页脚,你可以写下你的姓名,申请学校或申请专业等等信息,比如:University of XXX , Personal Statement。但要注意,内容要精简,主要目的在于便于查阅;招生审阅者的工作量我们是可想而知的,如果格式的标准、一目了然就会给他们留下不错的印象。




用Microsoft Word编写比较方便,正文可以使用Times New Roman或者Arial 的十二号字体,单倍行距。当然,必须留心个别学校个别院系可能会有比较细致的要求,如果在申请要求中有具体要求,一定要按照申请学校的要求设置。






个人陈述的正文结束之后,可以加上 Signature 和 Date,显得比较正式,具体形式可以如下:



提交电子版个人陈述的时候,建议把文章转成 PDF 格式。这主要是因为由于MS Word现在版本众多,在兼容方面容易产生问题,而且PDF文件在浏览时也比较简洁美观。如果是网页上直接在线提交,就只要按照网页要求就可以了。

8.出国留学个人陈述范文 篇八

Personal Statement

Applied Program: Aerospace Engineering

“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar” I must say that I am genuinely grateful to Helen Keller for articulating what I have long cherished in the innermost recesses of my mind. At the same time I also congratulate myself on having chosen flying as my one-time career, for it has imparted to me both the impulse and the desire to soar in my life.

Ten years ago when I was an undergraduate from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University, or even 5 years ago when I just entered the China Civil Aviation Flight University, I had the stubborn notion that, for the rest of my life, I would stay on the ground working either as a mechanist engaged in mechanical designing and the technical improvement of materials. It never dawned on me that I would transcend all the matter-of-course outcomes resulting from my five-year undergraduate studies to become a pilot of international flights, for at that time the idea had never occurred to me that a person could fly so freely in the infinite universe of his life.

In 1990, I sailed through the highly competitive National University Entrance Examination to become an undergraduate in Tsinghua University. Out of my instinctive interest, I chose to study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My 5-year solid studies at this most prestigious university in China allowed me to establish a profound theoretical groundwork in mechanical engineering and to develop an in-depth understanding of mechanical dynamics and its operation principle. During my graduation internship, I discovered that, because of the airborne sand, the cylinder piston ring of the desert vehicle which did not receive alloy surface treatment frequently incur friction damage and breaking. This not only created great hindrance to the normal operation of desert vehicles b

★ 留学的信写作

★ 留学信写作指导-信写作

★ 留学文书写作-心理学个人陈述

★ 英国留学申请文书写作要点

★ 留学信写作要领及指导

★ 留学信写作方向指导及

★ 事务文书写作范文

★ BEC写作指导:留学信怎么写

★ 大学留学申请文书格式

9.买卖鼠标的销售陈述(范文模版) 篇九









李:“像这一款SUNREEC的鼠标价格是40元,而像这一款无线的最低在70元。” 黄:“这也太贵了,有点在我们的承受能力之外,可不可以便宜点。”








10.出国留学个人陈述范文 篇十

由于在中国的升学体制中,基本上是唯分数论的,因此中国的申请人对这类文件的写作和思维方式不熟悉。而欧美大学录取学生,发放奖学金,是通过全面综合考察申请者的条件来决定的。所谓留学文书,如PS,推荐信,RP(Research proposal),CV 等是一套文件系统,用以向录取院校从各个角度展现您的求学动机,学术学习能力,工作和研究经历,结合一系列更“客观”,可量化的指标:如 GRE,TOEFL,IELTS,GPA,等构成您的全貌。留学文书在西方的文化背景下是申请入学(奖学金)的极为重要的组成部分。其中PS往往对您的申请是否成功起到很大的作用。业内人士在工作中为数百计的申请人进行留学文书的咨询和写作过程中发现,由于中西方教育体制的差异和网上各种良莠不齐的“范文“的误导,许多申请人的PS写作理念非常混乱,专家结合中国申请人文书写作的常见弊端,简述PS的写作要领。






许多人都一知半解地听说PS需要“独特个性”(unique),和”煽情“(Emotional),因此挖空心思地找自己的“独特“点和乱“煽情“,结果往往南辕北辙,许多多中国申请人往往用大段篇幅写一些不相干的个性,在招生者眼中,这完全不着边际(make no sense)。必须明确,PS这样一篇短短数百字的文章是没有地方去说不相干的废话的。温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。

通过PS你必须让招生者知道你选择该专业的明确和强烈的动机,同时具备充分的条件完成该专业的学习。当然在这个基础上每个人都可以通过很独特而有个性的文字来表达自己。如笔者曾经修改过一份申请 CS(计算机专业)的PS,原文用了数百字描述他如何开展班级工作的经历。笔者将其改为:





“Simple is the best ”请记住,招生人员每天要读大量的申请资料,只有那种简单有力重点突出的的文章才能打动招生人员。留学文书其实是您个人的广告,您仔细想想,给您留下深刻印象的广告哪个不是简明而有力的?中国申请人往往倾向于把自己的优点不分主次全都告诉招生人员,导致的结果就是招生人员对你的整体印象的模糊。笔者认为,PS中什么都是重点,就等于没有重点。




