


1.英文自我介绍(超级强大) 篇一
































对单身妹妹,我始终争取; 对有夫之妇,我从未放弃; 对十六岁以上女孩,我注意发掘; 对小于十六的,要有战略性眼光......

1981年made in china,全长183厘米,净重68公斤,采用人工智能领先技术,手续齐全,经24年运行,各部分零件运转稳定,属信得过产品,无限期包退包换。因发展需要,诚招志同道合者(仅限女性),共同研究交流,争取合作成功打造下一代产品!

本人,不高不瘦,不丑不胖。走在巴黎街头不影响市容。也不至于让其他男生心花怒放。老公提心吊胆。学历不高不低。能基本看懂冰箱英文说明书。但也不会无聊到整天研究哲学讨论狭义相对论或人类能否移居火星而过分担忧。总体上讲,本·股票·颇具竞争力,可称之为·潜力股中的黑马·值得温柔体贴的男士投资者的密切留意和关注。谢谢合作! 暂时没有相关地区或景区信息!

2.超级说服力三自我介绍话术 篇二











预先框示法的使用就是在你刚开始见到客户的时候,应该马上告诉他:“X X先生/小姐,我这次来的目的并不是想要卖给您什么东西,而是让您了解为什么许多客户会购买我们的产品,以及这些产品能够为您带来哪些利益和好处。我只需要占用您10分钟左右的时间来解说,等我介绍完了以后,我相信您完全有能力来判断哪些东西对您来说是适合的”。









让人记住名字,比起记住姓更令人感到亲切,所以,这对推销的顺利展开是十分有利的。就算是平凡的名字,只要稍加创意,也能让对方留下深刻的印象。“我叫林晋。是个只想„前进,前进‟的人。” 叙述的同时,不断重复自己的名字,也有不错的效果。大部分的顾客都是感性的,情绪化的,他的购买行为是建立在他到底对你有多了解,他对你是否有好感。

谈论出生地 恋乡是每个客居在外的人的不解情结,家乡的一草一木,风土人情在他们


当你问对方:“你的出生地是哪里?”只要对方回答“X X”的话,就可接着说:“那个地方不错,我曾经去过那里。”一旦出现关于故乡的话题,在不知不觉中,便会牵扯出许多其它的话题。在做自我介绍的时候,谈论自己的出生地,是让对方记住你最有效的方法之一。一般人在了解对方时,不会以“贵族或是平民”来作明显的区分。惟一可凸显个人生长环境的是出生地。听到出生地是,“山东”时,能让人联想到具有男子豪爽气慨;而听到“出生地是海南”时,就会想到“椰子”。




例如这样的自我介绍: “我是湖南人。提到湖南人的特征就是勤奋耐劳,做事谨慎。另一方面,爱吃辣椒,是毛主席的故乡。” “我家是山东的,住在泰山脚下。我姓王,叫我泰山小王就好了。”. 这就是借出生地的特征,来充分表达自我个性的方法。穿插叙述出生地特征的介绍方法是非常有效的。

另外,也可以谈谈地区性的风土民情、特产和消费习惯等。“我是洛阳人。一说到洛阳,就令人想到它的牡丹和武则天。” “我是广东人。广东的荔枝,可说享誉全国,还记得杨贵妃与荔枝的诗吗?”




老吃闭门羹的推销员和善于推销的推销员的差别,就是能否引起对方兴趣!我有个朋友是推销机器的,他每次拜访陌生客户时,都会用下面的话术: “我知道您很忙。但我所要讲的话,关系到贵公司好几百万的利益。我有一个十分珍贵的情报,所以和我谈谈绝对是有好处的。”

他会更进一步地说: “我并不是推销员,而是顾问。” 听到这里,大部分的人都不会拒绝。因此,他的销售成绩非常好。








虽说如此,却没有隐藏自己原有的兴趣,假装对X X X事物感兴趣的必要。顾客想看到的永远是真实的推销员。


不过,“看电影”、“听音乐”、“看录像带”,已经成为大多数人日常生活的一部分。这个时候,简单地说“兴趣是读书”,是不会让对方留下深刻印象的。” 因此,在谈到兴趣时,一定要附加上具体的例子。“我的兴趣是读书,尤其是喜欢阅读推理和冒险小说。史蒂芬金的小说让我回味了在少年时期时穿行洞窟冒险时的惊奇。”至少要加上一句读后心得。

兴趣与特殊才艺不同。借着了解一个人的兴趣,只不过可以判断其私生活如何而已,所以根本不需因为不擅长而感到愧疚。如果被问到“我也蛮喜欢的,那么对于X X,你有什么看法”时,可·以这样回答:“因为我最近才开始接触,所以,还不是非常了解。” 或者说:“我的兴趣是打高尔夫球,才接触一年而已,高尔夫球场也只去过一次,但是,每星期都会去练习场练习。目前,希望有人能免费教我。”

3.英文版家乡介绍,自我介绍 篇三

It’s really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce my hometown to you.My hometown is Qiqihar ,the second largest city in Heilongjiang province.It’s well known as crane city,because it is the homeland of red-crowned crane.All the year round ,there are so many different kinds of birds living in the Zhalong Nature Reserve.It’s true that my hometown is the paradise of birds.Besides my hometown isfamous for producing green food, which is more tasty and nourishing than the ordinary food ,and it is also good to our health.I have lived in my hometown more than twenty years , and I love it so much.So if you want to come here , don not hesitate it any more.I promise you will have a good time!


4.复试英文自我介绍 篇四

Good morning ,Dear professors,It’s my honour to meet all of you here.my name is ××× and is come from ×× in ×× province.i feel so wonderful to be here today for an interview test for the reason that i have just graduated from×× last year, mayjoring in ×××.As a matter of fact ,in have taken the postgraduate examination last year ,after which i have applied for a job all around ,but all failed ,while so many friends adviced me to give up ,i choosed to stick to.i don’t think i am inferior to others though i have failed many times ,i will keep trying and this is me.I decided to pursue a postgraduate learing for a profound study on the one hand ,I’ll take the three year’s schoolday to improve me and rich me ,and that is the more important matter.What’s more, i like playing badminton and some other outdoor sports with frends in my spare time.generally speaking ,i am a hardworking and optimistic girl.finally ,i wish a meaningful life here.That’s all.thank you!

5.大学英文自我介绍 篇五


My name is xxxx is my English name,which is also the name of my idol.I’m a recommended student from CCFLS,in which I have studied for six years.During the time I stayed there,I’ve learned a lot from the teachers who I must thank sincerely.Another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in a happy family.I was treated as the apple of my family members’ eyes since childhood.Genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives me.Today,but for their support,I would not be this confident.Many thanks to my family.I love them all.I’m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.What deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of pains.It’s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.The website address is here.Your prensence and guidance are requested.Unlike many other girls,I’m quite good at sports.Swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc.are my preferences.In spite of my height,I have a good jumping capacity.Due to this,I’m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our school.In addition,I’m fond of playing chess.I’ve got a silver medal when I was a child.Futhermore,I’m a very versatile girl.piano and clarinet are my forte.They all get the ninth level.Besides,I’m a good organizer and leader in the school activities.I organized many English speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.Especially,I directed an English play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeous success,so that every audience spoke highly of it.I’m very proud of that.To conclude,I’m sure I won’t let you down.I hope that you can give me a chance to study in Xiamen University,which is the shrine in my mind, and I’ll give you much glory in return.That’s all.Thank you for your attention.

6.面试英文自我介绍 篇六

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen

It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself.and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school.Now let me introduce myself please.I’m a graduate student from MAOMING UNIVERSITY.My name is ** ,* years old., born in MAOMING.GuangDong province.My major is English, and I will graduate this June.In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise.I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease.Skilled in use of Office 2003, excel.My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.Although perhaps I’m not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I will satisfy you well.As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology.I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years.Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits.It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship.My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person.Other than my major study, I have master a great skills in computer operation.One month as cadet teacher in the March of 2008, not only did i obtain enough first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant.Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible educator.Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member.I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position.Thank you for your attention!

7.英文个人自我介绍 篇七

Hello, everyone, I call XX.大家好,我叫XX。

My personality alacrity is bright, the love makes friend 我的性格活泼开朗,爱交朋友

I like to read some philosophy books usually, 我平常喜欢阅读一些哲理性的书籍,I love to discuss a problem with friends together, 我爱和朋友们一起讨论问题,Know me to feel very happy with everyone, 认识大家我感到很高兴,Hope in the day of aftertime to get along with everyone delectation.希望在今后的日子里与大家相处愉快。







8.复试英文自我介绍 篇八

morning everyone!thank you for giving me this interview opportunity.i am x**j**j**, from affiliated hospital of g**n** medical college which is 3a level hospital in jiangxi province.i graduated from j****x* medical college and got my bachelor’s degree in medical imaging and nuclear medicine in 2000.after that, i became a doctor in the affiliated hospital of g**n** medical college and took charge of some research and teaching work in ultrasound.in the past six years, i have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal.due to my hard working and all these achievements, i was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 2004.well, i may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but i realized two years ago when i was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those professors and me.the academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that i decided to get further systematic training in famous university.i took the entry exam twice.the first time, i failed because my english was lower than the level.well, i am the kind of person that once i have set up an aim i will fulfill it no matter what i may meet.the little frustration can’t beat me.to my pleasure, i am here today and i hope you could offer me this study chance.thank you!

9.英文自我介绍 篇九

.Although it is not well know,I still appreciate it,because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities.During my college years,I have made rapid and great progress in many areas,as a commissary in charge of studies,I work very hard,and obtain scholarship many times,I also gain good comments from teachers and classmates,working as a member of Student Union,I strive to finish any assignment perfectly.In a word,I learned a lot in my college life.Generally speaking , I’m a hardworking person with a strong sense of responsibility.I like challenges in my life and I would try my best to overcome the difficulties that I may encounter in future.I will concentrate on my study and make great efforts to learn as much as possible so as to make contributions in my domain.In my spare time, I like playing tennis, attending yoga classes and traveling to various places, which greatly broaden our horizon and enrich experiences of my extracurricular life.thank you for your time

.敬爱的导师们 大家下午好 我非常高兴能参加这次面试 我的名字叫22岁 来自哈尔滨,这是一个非常美丽的城市,。我即将在在2015年七月份毕业 而现在 我要尽全力获得进入黑龙江大学学习的机会。、我在 上大学 尽管它不为人熟知,但我仍然很感激它,因为它提供了一个让我提升能力的机会,在我上大学的这几年,我快速成长并且在多个领域有所发展,作为班级的学习委员,我工作努力,多次获得一等奖学金,并且是学生会的一员,能出色完成各项任务得到老师和学生们的认可。总而言之 我在大学学习了很多。

坦白的说,我是一个很努力认真负责的人 我喜欢生活中的种种挑战并且尝试去克服即将面对的重重困难 我会集中精力在我的研究上付出努力并且在尽力在我的专业领域做出贡献。在我的闲暇时间,我喜欢打网球,参加瑜伽课,或者去各地旅游。这些可以开阔我的视野并且丰富我课外活动经历

10.英文自我介绍 篇十

Dear Mr.Ron, I’m writing to compete for a position in your company.Firstly, I will give you a brief introduction of myself.My name is Chen and my English name is Angela.I’m 21 years old.I’m a college student in Nanjing Medical University in Jiangsu Province.I’m now a sophomore of English major.I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation.In the past two years, I spent most of time on studying.I can’t claim that I have always been grinding away at English studies.I consider that I’m working hard although I still have shortcomings.I always think that one of my greatest advantages is persistence and patience.As long as I make a decision, I will make unremitting efforts.I don’t like to give up easily.Whenever I meet difficulties, I will say to myself: persevere and I’ll succeed.I have an indomitable spirit by nature.So either I won’t do or succeed if I do.I’m a person that I know what I can do and what I am doing.I deal with my matters seriously and prudently.I always take a clear-cut stand and put work first.And I’m not interested in something that wastes time.Most of time, I show my quite side.But actually I’m a person with changeable styles.I’m enthusiastic while my reservedness constrains it.I’m perceptual while my rationality conceals it.My greatest weakness is that I dare not to seize opportunities due to my fear of failure.I know that people who want to go their own way on the path to success have to face the risk of failure.But I don’t overcome pessimism when I face failure.What I need to do is to make up my mind to get over it.I think that Blue Bridge International can provide me a variety of opportunities to get myself training and practicing.And I don’t want to miss this opportunity again.If I can own this honor to be selected by your company, I would make a careful arrangement for myself.I will take an international flight to the USA, and then I will book a hotel near the company.If you don’t choose me, I also wouldn’t be depressed and I will keep going on and improve myself.Thank you for your spending your precious time reading my letter.I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Angela
