Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设


Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设(共4篇)

1.Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设 篇一

Teaching Aims:

1.Train the students’ reading ability by reading the passage about young volunteers

2.Learn some useful words and expressions

3.Help the students know much about voluntary work

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students grasp the main idea of the passage and understand the passage better

2.Learn and master the useful words and expressions in this period

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students improve their reading ability

2.How to master the language points in the passage

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text

2.Discussion to help the students understand the passage better

3.Listening and repeating to improve the students’ listening ability and improve their pronunciation

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in (Dr Bethune: pictures on the screen )

Dr Bethune was a Canadian, but he volunteered to come to China to help the Chinese people during the Anti-Japanese War. At last he lost his life in order to save others. Some volunteers teach in remote areas to help children there receive good education, and their work is making a big difference to the children’s future. Some volunteers also help the people who live alone. They help the elders living alone do shopping, do housework and sometimes read newspapers to them. The elders enjoy their company and they may feel more energetic and optimistic. Some volunteers help protect our environment. They plant trees, help people realize the importance of protecting rivers and animals. Step 2 Skimming:

Lu Hao : is helping an elderly gentleman who lives alone with shopping, doing jobs in house, reading the newspaper to him and chatting.

Lin Ying : has gone west and now works as a teacher in a village school.

Meng Yu: took part in an event and is collecting money to help starving children in some of the least developed countries.

Step 3 Scanning

1. According to the passage, why young people choose to do voluntary work?

They want to make some contributions to society.

2. What do people think of young volunteers?

People think it is a good deed for youths to be volunteers. As Kofi Annan, Secretary of the United Nations said“each contribution - no matter how small - can help make a difference.”

3. Do you think the “1 helps 1” scheme affects Lu Hao’s study? Why? No, I don’t think so. Because Lu Hao visits Mr. Zhao only twice a week after school, so he can arrange his study and the voluntary work properly. Besides he can learn some history from Mr. Zhao. The job is helpful to him too.

4. How does Lin Ying like the people in the remote village? Lin Ying thinks the people there are poor but they have big hearts and made her very welcome.

5. What’s Lin Ying hoping to do? She is hoping to improve the standard of education in the school by introducing the modern teaching methods they use in the east.

6. Why did Meng Yu and her classmates go without food for 30 hours?

Because they wanted to promote awareness of hunger.

7. How did Meng Yu like his study in a foreign country? Meng Yu thinks that coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.

8. Why did the three volunteers make different choices about the work and the time? Because their own studying and working conditions and abilities were different, so they had to choose different voluntary work at different time according to their own actual conditions.

Step 4 Explanation

1. acknowledge vt. ① admit ② express thanks for e.g. He refused to acknowledge that he was defeated. We must not fail to acknowledge the professor’s help.

2. company n. being together with another or others e.g. I enjoy his company. I’m glad/grateful of your company.

3. apply v. ① make a formal request ② fit; be suitable/useful

e.g. They applied for an extension for their visas. He applied to return to his motherland. The rule doesn’t apply to middle school.

4. straight away/off: without hesitation/delay e.g. I can’t tell you straight away/off.

5. fit in: be in harmony with sb./sth. e.g. You can’t bring outsides into a place like this; they won’t fit in. You should fit in with other employees.

6. Mostly we just drink tea and chat. mostly: mainly and chiefly eg: He wrote to his parents every week, mostly on weekends.

7. I really feel I’m doing something worthwhile and I’m having a great time doing it. worthwhile: adj. used as an attribute

1) worthwhile: worth spending time eg: It is worthwhile visiting / to visit the museum. But we can’t say “The museum is worthwhile visiting.”

2) worth one’s while eg: The work is worth our while.

8. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in. “require” is similar to “need, want” in meaning. We can say “need / want / require doing ... / to be done”. eg: The room requires cleaning. The room requires to be cleaned.

Step 5 Further Understanding

What activity

Lu Hao: “1 helps 1” scheme of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project

Lin Ying: Go West Project organized by the Communist Youth League of China

Meng Yu: An event organized by Meng Yu and her classmates


Lu Hao: Every Tuesday and Friday

Lin Ying: After graduation

Meng Yu: During weekends


Lu Hao: In the old man’s house

Lin Ying: In a remote village school of southwest China

Meng Yu: In Canada

Whom to help

Lu Hao: An lonely old man

Lin Ying: Some poor kids

Meng Yu: Starving children

Benefits to others

Lu Hao: Mr. Zhao doesn’t feel lonely any more; his health has been improved; he feels more energetic and optimistic.

Lin Ying: The kids become eager to learn; the pass rate has greatly improved; the children will get rid of the poverty and has a bight future.

Meng Yu: Make the children get rid of starvation and live a better life.

Benefits to him or her

Lu Hao: He learns more history from Mr. Zhao and his grades have improved a lot.

Lin Ying: She gets a lot of satisfaction, acquires valuable skills and experience, and builds up confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.

Meng Yu: By making some different friends she doesn’t feel lonely and homesick but feels more positive; she begins to value the chance to get a good education; it has given her the motivation to succeed

Step 6 Post-reading

What volunteering projects do you know about in our area? And how do you think these benefit the young people who are involved in them?

Step 7 Homework

1. Retell one of the students’ experiences in your own words. Notes: 1) Use the first person. 2) Use proper prepositions, conjunctions and phrases. 3) Make use of the chart above while retelling. 2. Prepare for the reading task on Pages 135-137.

2.Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设 篇二

1. Talk about drama and theatre

2. Ask for permission

3. Use the modal verbs “must; can/could; may/ might”

4. Talk about possibilities

5. Write and act a short play

Period 1 Listening

Step 1 Leading in

Many of you have heard and read different stories, including fairy tales; science fictions; whodunit; love stories; funny stories; sad stories and so on.

Let’s discuss what kind of stories you like best? Why?

Step 2 warming up

What is in the picture? (an old man who is holding a picture; two young people; sea; an island in the sea; some plants near the sea. Some seagulls)

What is happening in the picture? (immortal; travelers; a sea monster; treasure)

Ask the students to think over and tell a story. Ask the other students whether their stories interesting, funny or mysterious.

Encourage the students to act out their stories. (a narrator; two actors and an actress)

Step 3 listening

1. Play the tape for the students to listen and check their answers.

2. Discussion: Who do you think could steel Mary’s necklace and cellphone? How can you solve this mystery?

Step 3 Workbook listening

Make sure the students understand what they are going to hear. Then play the tape for them to listen. If necessary, play twice or three times.

Step 4 Homework

1. Remember the new words

2. Prepare speaking practice. Choose one of the situations and create a play, each group one of the four. The plays will be acted out in the next class.

Period 2 Speaking

Step 1. Checking homework

Ask a student to read the situations one by one. Then listen and watch their plays.

Step 2 Talking

1. Ask the students to read the request in TALKNG on page 84. Then do as they are told to.

Step 3 Reading

1. About the author: Guy De Maupassant (see: Paper)

2. Play the tape and get the students to read the text and find out how many scenes and how many characters in the play.

3. Ask the students to read the play one scene after another carefully and answer some questions on each scene, and find out the main idea of each scene.

4. Put some sentences in the right order.

5. Read the play again and find out some detailed information about some clues, and fill in the chart on the screen.

6. Choose the correct answers to the comprehension exercises on the screen.

Step 4 Acting out

Let the students prepare for a short time, and then act out their play in front of the class. If time is limited, the acting can be done in the next class.

Period 3

Step 1 watch the vedio of the “ Necklace”

Step 2:

Language points:

1. I don’t think I know you.

2.That’s because of hard work.

He cried ______ the pain in his arm.

He dropped the pan _____ the oil was burning.

3. Years of hard work, very little food, oil a small room to live in, and never a moment rest. 数年劳累,食不果腹,屈居寒舍,片刻也不得休息

4. 不定式做定语,与所修饰词有动宾关系,

I have a lot of work to do today.

He is a man easy to work with.

Could you please give me a pen to write ______?

Could you please give me a piece of paper to write ______?

Could you choose a topic for us to write ______?


5.marry sb. get / be married (to sb.)

6. be worth + money 价值…钱

sth be worth + n.

sth. be (well) worth doing

It is worth while doing/to do sth.

sth is worthy of + n.

sth is worthy of being done.

sth is worthy to be done.


7. accept & receive

He _______ a nice gift from John and happily _________ it.

8. Invitation

receive /accept /refuse an incitation 收到/接受/拒绝 邀请

give sb an invitation 邀请某人

9. after all ---in spite of all what has been said, done or expected

毕竟; 终究; 归根到底

So you are here after all.

It’s not surprising you look so tired. After all, you were up until eleven last night.

10. call on sb ; call at a place = pay a short visit to sb / a place

call off 转移开(注意力); 宣告终止

11. pay back = return 归还

pay off 还清

pay (money) for sth 付钱买…

12. at (the) most; at (the) least

I don’t have much money with me. I can only pay twenty pounds _______.

Mathild looked so old that she must be forty _________.

13. take up

(1)fill or occupy (space or time)

This table takes up too much room.

His time is fully taken up with writing.

(2) start or begin sth, esp. a job

She has taken up a job as a teacher.

She will take up her duty next week.

Step 4. Homework

1. Rewrite the story of “The Necklace”.

2. Orally retell the story, supposing you are Mathilde or Jeanne or Pierre.

3. Prepare to act out the play, one group one scene.

Period 4

Acting out the play

Period 5

Step 1: Revision

1. Listen to the students retelling of the story.

2. Dictation:

(1) Years of hard work, very little food, only a small room to live in and never a moment’s rest.

(2) I can’t be the only woman who isn’t wearing jewellery.

(3) There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose.

(4) You tried it on and it looked beautiful on you.

(5) We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace, but without luck.

(6) It can’t be true. I don’t believe it.

Step 2. Word study

Check the students’ exercises.

Step 3. Grammar

Period 6

Step 1 Dictation:

(1) Writing a short play is not that difficult.

(2) Besides, we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays

(3) If we work together, we might come up with a very good story.

(4) On her way to her grandma’ she met an alien who takes her in his spaceship.

(5) Their ideas are alien to our way of thinking. (opposite)

Step 2 Integrating skills

1. Fast reading the passage with questions:

(1). Which does Tim prefer, watching plays or playing computer games?

(2). What happens to the first girl on her way to see her grandmother?

(3). What happens to the second girl on her way to school?

2. Deal with some language points:

(1). Walking is a good form of exercise, both for young and old.

Can ten years change a person like that?

(2) besides= what’s more; also; in addition

I don’t want to go out now2, and besides, I’m much too tired.

(3) come up with = think up (an idea; a plan)

He is such a smart boy that he can always come up with bright ideas when we turn him for help.

(4) alien n. 外星人; adj. 背道而驰

Step 3 discussions

Post reading exercises

Step 4 Homework

1. Complete all the exercises in the unit.

2. Write one of the plays according to the story in the text in exercise books.

Period 7

Step 1 Revision

1. finish off the exercises in the workbook

2. Tranlate some sentences in the exercise-books

1). 谁能想出一个好办法来解决这个问题?

2) 他们的想法和我们的截然不同。

3) 他梦想当一名编剧。

4) 艰苦的工作能磨练人的性格。

5) 即使他邀请我,我也不去参加这个聚会。

Step 2 Integrating skills reading

1. Fast reading: Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Para. 1-----The third sentence (The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an actor and the belief that she or he can act well.)

Para 2-----The first sentence (Learning how to act can be fun.)

Para 3-----The first sentence (Acting exercises may also teach the students to trust each other and to communicate.)

Para 4-----The first sentence (When actors prepare for a performance, they have to do more than just learn the lines of the play.)

Para 5-----The second sentence (Many of the skills an actor or actress has to learn can be useful in our everyday life and may even help you learn faster.)

Period 8

3.Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设 篇三

宜丰二中 张学云


人教版新目标英语九年级Unit15 We’re trying to save the manatees!Section A 1a---1c 本单元主要围绕着有关濒临灭绝的动物这一话题,学习应该怎样保护我们的环境,以及就某一问题展开辩论。本课时是本单元的第一节是起始课,主要是学习各种动物的名称、描述动物的形容词以及运用所学的形容词来描述与自己在某些方面有类似特点的动物。二.教学目标 1.认知目标


增强学生爱护动物的意识。三.教学重点、难点 1.教学重点



任务型教学法、情景教学法 五.教学手段 多媒体课件 六.组织形式




一.热身(5分钟)(利用多媒体展示一些动物图片)1. T:Do you like animals ?

S: …

T: Can you tell me what animals we have learned before? S: …(学生会争先恐后地说出已学过的动物名称)2.T: Now let’s play a game about the animals, OK? 让学生以小组为单位来抢说动物的名称,教师给获奖的小组相应的奖励。比赛规则


Step 1 教新单词

(10分钟)T: Do you like to know more about other animals? S: …

T: OK.Let’s go to the zoo together.利用多媒体展示出1a 中的图片

T: Which animals look most like the human being? S: Chimpanzees.(教新单词Chimpanzees)T: Can you tell me something about them? S: They are noisy…

T: And they are also playful.(教师引导,学习新单词playful.)教师继续引导学生学习本课所要学习的动物名称以及描述动物的形容词。

Step2 教学1a(3分钟)1.让学生观看1a中的图画,读出图中有关动物的单词。2.学生读图画上的形容词。


Step3 教学1b(5分钟)1.帮助学生明确听力要求。



Step4 Take 1(10分钟)

T: We humans are animals, too.So we are like animals in some ways.Now in groups of four, you are going to think of an animal that is the same as you are in some ways.Then you are to describe the animal and the others are to guess its name.Listen to me carefully and see how to do it well.作法:






Model: A: I am like this animal because I am heavy and enormous, I like forests and I like to go around the mountain.B1: You’re like a chimpanzee.A: No.B2: You’re like an elephant.A: Yes.(通过让学生写和说来巩固目标语言,同时通过抢答,有一次激起学生学习英语的兴趣。)

Task2 写作(10分钟)1.







4.Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设 篇四

Teaching aims:

To develop and practice the strategies for prediction, working out meanings and making inference.

To practice using Third Conditional Sentences.

Teaching difficulties:

To practice using Third Conditional Sentences

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

T:Since childhood we began to learn writing and drawing. Now we work even harder for entering university, is it true? I know you all work hard, sometimes you feel tired. Once you graduate from university and get a job, do you think it necessary to continue learning something new?

T: Look at pictures about middle-aged people having class. Ask students “ what do you think of them” “why do they learn? “Is it true that as long as you live you must learn?” Many adults are sadly too busy to develop learning skills once they start work and have family to support.

You are young and naturally more open to learning.

T: Now let’s read an article “Life-Long Learning. You will learn some new thoughts and ideas about life-long learning. It is valuable for your growth.


1 Read the text silently and find the answers to the questions

1.) When did he find time to study ?

2) What did he think of his four years hard work ?

3) When did she lay off ? 4) How did she feel about it ?

5 ) Why did she lay off ? 6 ) Did she do something wrong ?

7) How did Grandpa Chen connect his daughter in the US in the past ?

8) What do you think of them ?

2.find the information to fill in the table . Do the exercise 3, then check the answers as a class .

3. Do the exercise true or false

1.) Sun Wen can’t graduate from Qinghua University .

2.) Ms Tang didn’t lay off 3 years ago.

3.) Ms Tang didn’t get bored or decided to do a business course .

4.) Grandpa Chen is teaching himself new tricks every day .

5.) Grandpa Chen isn’t doing an English course on the Internet .

Answers: 1. F 2.F 3. F 4. T 5.F

T: draw a conclusion:

1.The world is developing so fast that you must learn all the time, even if you graduated from university otherwise you fall behind others. If you don’t learn you can’t understand the knowledge in your working field, you will lose your job.

2. All jobs ask you to invest time in continuous learning.

3. Life-long learning can keep yourself up-to- date with the changing world.

4. New challenges , competitive job market and technology revolution ask you as life-long learner.

Ⅲ Language skills

1.Language points and some useful expressions

1.) be about to I was just about to ask you the same thing.

2.) a second 3. )worth doing 4.) prove to be 5.) get +pp 6.) go up 7.) in person8.) All you can do is switch off your brain .

9.)switch off 不考虑;觉得乏味10.) All you can do is switch off your head .

2 . Do exercises 6 .

3. Do exercises8 . Which of the conditional sentences is correct in each context?

Ⅳ Analysis and understand

Do exercises 4 In pairs, discuss ways that you can take part in lifelong learning after you finish school or university

Example: A: Learning another language is a good way to keep on learning after finishing school.

Ⅴ Homework 1. Do exercise4 2. Do exercise9

3. Read the article: The Education System in the UK(page 46)

Learning:A Lifelong Career

1.As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. 2.Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age. 3.learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. 4.to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

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