


1.gre考试阅读备考需要什么 篇一














GRE必备核心词组:by virtue of

by virtue of 因为


You use by virtue of to explain why something happens or is true.


He won the game by virtue of his strength of will.


By virtue of her extensive experience and her wealth of practical knowledge, 87-year-old Louisa Vigil was regarded by her family in New Mexico as its chief advice-giver and matriarch.

因为她广泛的经历和大量的生活知识,87岁的Luoisa Vigil被她生活在新墨西哥州的家人看做主要顾问和女族长。

GRE必备核心词组:equip with

equip with 给……装备;给……配备


If you equip a person or thing with something, you give them the tools or equipment that are needed.


The greenhouses are equipped with an advanced ventilating system and aluminium screen door.


A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.


GRE必备核心词组:dispose of

dispose of 除掉,抛弃


If you dispose of something that you no longer want or need, you throw it away.


Hundreds of used cars had to be disposed of because they failed to meet emission standards.


He disposes thusly (albeit unconvincingly) of both the intolerance faced by Jews before the rise of capitalism and the early twentieth-century discrimination against Oriental people in California, which, inconveniently, was instigated by workers.


2.gre考试阅读备考需要什么 篇二









规律:一般用动词原形,当主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时,动词要加s,es,标志性的单词:always,usually,often,sometimes如:She usually goes to school on foot.



规律:be + 动词 ing 形式.

标志性的单词:look , now , listen 如:Look , the boy is playing football 。



规律:be going to do , will do 。

标志性的单词:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next Sunday … 如:Mr Brown is going to visitHong Kong tomorrow



标志性的单词:yesterday,last Monday,before,ago,the daybefore yesterday







第三阶段 查缺补漏,掌握答题要领。


3.自学gre考试备考攻略 篇三








1. 搜集“源文章”

出题机构一般有自己固定的信息源和搜集信息的渠道。如使用一个名为Source Finder的软件在Internet上自动检索数字论文库EBSCO中的文献,并从中提炼出符合各种考试风格要求(比如GRE和TOEFL等)的样本GRE阅读文章。

2. 加工改写


3. 设置出题点




一般来说,GRE阅读文章可分为以下四类:人文类文章 (humanities), 自然科学类 (science), 社会科学类 (social science) 和商业管理类 (business)。



Geolists have long known that the Earth‘s mantle is hetereneous, but its spatial arrangement remains unresolved—is the mantle essentially layered or irregularly hetereneous? The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geolists contend, is the upper mantle.Some geolists, however, on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered, but that hetereneity is created by fluids rich in “incompatible elements” (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state) percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly, accordingto the vagaries of the fluids’ pathways. We believe, perhaps unimaginatively, that this debate can be resolved through further study, and that the underexplored midocean ridge system is the key.


spatial: a.1.空间的,太空的;2.存在(或者发生)于宇宙空间的

plume: n.1.羽状物2.柱,地柱



portions: n.一部分


1.the best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands,islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the mid-ocean ridge system, whose source,mostgeolists contend,is the upper mantle.

4.gre考试备考资料全解 篇四





备考资料中的高频是出现频率高的作文,没有人能保证考时一定遇到高频题. 如果还有不少时间,建议不要放弃任何一道题, 很多经验证明了,很多考生都有可能遇到有史以来第一次考到的ISSUE和ARGU题, 所以什么事情都是有可能发生的(就好象指出ARGU里的逻辑错误一样)


如何利用gre考试作文备考资料准备ISSUE。建议准备出现频率最高的40道ISSUE,注意这里指的频率指的是近两年的总频率,不分时间地域,同时加上本月本地出现3次以上的ISSUE题(大部分已经包括在前40道里,因此需要另外准备的不多).拿我个人来说,我在北京考,考前准备了总频超过30次的38道ISSUE+5至6道北京3月出现3次以上同时未包括在这38道中的题,考试时遇到的两道 177,141分别出现39,38次,均为高频。就我考前从各种渠道了解的信息,绝大部分人考考试遇到一道频数大于30的可能性是相当大的。(也许有人会说很多人并没有来报备考资料,我的数据不一定可靠。这个就见仁见智了,我只是表达个人的建议,采纳与否,全是个人的自由.但无疑当考前时间不够时,准备出现机率较大的题目显然是特殊情况下的最佳选择了)




obtuse angle钝角,大于90度而小于180度的角

obtuse triangle钝角三角形


odd integer奇数


of one dimension线性的

on the average平均





origin原点,origin of coordinates 坐标原点

original equation原方程



parallel lines平行线








percent of interest利率,同rate of interest

percent increase增加的百分率

percent decrease减少的百分率

perfect square(cube)完全平方(立方),e.g.25是5的完全平方


perpendicular lines垂线


pie gragh(chart)圆形图,饼型图






point of tangency切点







prime number质数,素数






proportion比,比率;比例e.g. in proportion to与……成比例;


abandon [E5bAndEn]


n. 放纵:carefree, freedom from constraint

【例】added spices to the stew with complete abandon 肆无忌惮地向炖菜里面加调料

【近】unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint


v. 放纵:to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly

【例】abandon oneself to emotion 感情用事,abandon herself to a life of complete idleness 放纵自己过着闲散的生活

【近】indulge, surrender, give up


v. 放弃:to withdrawfrom often in the face of danger or encroachment

【例】abandon the ship/homes 弃船,离家

【反】salvage 救援


v. 停止做某事:to put an end to(something planned or previously agreed to)

【例】the bad weather forced NASA to abandon the launch 坏天气迫使NASA停止了发射

【近】abort, drop, repeal, rescind, revoke, call off

5.gre考试备考要注意哪些事 篇五












GRE必备核心词组:be tied to

be tied to 与……紧密相关


If one thing is tied to another or two things are tied, the two things have a close connection or link.


Toxicological evidence suggests that certain cancers are clearly tied to exposure to air pollution.


Fertilizer prices, largely tied to the price of natural gas, huge amounts of which go into the manufacture of fertilizer, will continue to represent an enormous and escalating economic burden on modern agriculture, spurring the search for alternatives to synthetic fertilizers.


GRE必备核心词组:in the name of

in the name of 以……的名义


If someone does something in the name of a group of people, they do it as the representative of that group.


The president dropped taxes on investment income to their lowest point in the name of helping investors and the economy.


Employers had only to declare that overtime hours were a necessary condition of employment or promotion in their factory, and women could be quite legally fired, refused jobs, or kept at low wage levels, all in the name of “protecting” their health.


GRE必备核心词组:seize on

seize on 利用,采纳


If you seize on something, you use or take advantage of it quickly or enthusiastically.


The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press, who printed it under huge headlines .


Early attempts at such valuation resulted in impressive but unsound figures that were seized on by environmental advocates and then, when these figures were later discredited, they were used by opponents to tar the whole idea.

6.GRE作文备考方案及考试时间 篇六






1 考试时间宜早不宜迟。人都是有惰性的,时间定得早就逼迫自己早下手早准备,考完作文只好还有充裕的时间备考笔试。这次10g很多人没考好就是由于准备作文时间过长考得也过晚以至于到后来没时间背单词。再有,明年六月中旬是很多高校期末考试的时间,把单词全挤到后面,GPA怎么办?

2 备考方略:

a 多看。看高手的文章,更重要的`是看老外的文章。从中仔细捉摸体会。

b 多改。写完之后立即改;自己改完之后再请别人改;放一段时间以后再回过头来自己改。修改多次之后自然会有提高。

c 适当多写。做事不但要讲效率,更要讲效果。写得过了未必就有效果,很可能是在重复以前早就写过的论点,早就用过的论据。关键在于写一篇要有一篇的效果

d 最重要的,多想。gre作文考得绝不仅仅是简单的英语写作,而是对一个人综合实力尤其是逻辑思考能力的考查。所以就算是手懒也不能头懒,一定要有自己的观点!

7.GRE阅读高分考生备考提升诀窍 篇七











Classical physics defines the vacuum as a state of absence: a vacuum is said to exist in a region of space if there is nothing in it. In the quantum field theories that describe the physics of elementary particles, the vacuum becomes somewhat more complicated. Even in empty space, particles can appear spontaneously as a result of fluctuations of the vacuum. For example, an electron and a positron, or antielectron, can be created out of the void. Particles created in this way have only a fleeting existence; they are annihilated almost as soon as they appear, and their presence can never be detected directly. They are called virtual particles in order to distinguish them from real particles, whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way, and which can be detected. Thus it is still possible to define that vacuum as a space that has no real particles in it.

One might expect that the vacuum would always be the state of lowest possible energy for a given region of space. If an area is initially empty and a real particle is put into it, the total energy, it seems, should be raised by at least the energy equivalent of the mass of the added particle. A surprising result of some recent theoretical investigations is that this assumption is not invariably true. There are conditions under which the introduction of a real particle of finite mass into an empty region of space can reduce the total energy. If the reduction in energy is great enough, an electron and a positron will be spontaneously created. Under these conditions the electron and positron are not a result of vacuum fluctuations but are real particles, which exist indefinitely and can be detected. In other words, under these conditions the vacuum is an unstable state and can decay into a state of lower energy; i.e., one in which real particles are created.

The essential condition for the decay of the vacuum is the presence of an intense electric field. As a result of the decay of the vacuum, the space permeated by such a field can be said to acquire an electric charge, and it can be called a charged vacuum. The particles that materialize in the space make the charge manifest. An electric field of sufficient intensity to create a charged vacuum is likely to be found in only one place: in the immediate vicinity of a superheavy atomic nucleus, one with about twice as many protons as the heaviest natural nuclei known. A nucleus that large cannot be stable, but it might be possible to assemble one next to a vacuum for long enough to observe the decay of the vacuum. Experiments attempting to achieve this are now under way (under way: adv.进行中, 在行进).

17. Which of the following titles best describes the passage as a whole?

(A) The Vacuum: Its Fluctuations and Decay

(B) The Vacuum: Its Creation and Instability

(C) The Vacuum: A State of Absence

(D) Particles That Materialize in the Vacuum

(E) Classical Physics and the Vacuum

18. According to the passage, the assumption that the introduction of a real particle into a vacuum raises the total energy of that region of space has been cast into doubt by which of the following?

(A) Findings from laboratory experiments

(B) Findings from observational field experiments

(C) Accidental observations made during other experiments

(D) Discovery of several erroneous propositions in accepted theories

(E) Predictions based on theoretical work

19. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists are currently making efforts to observe which of the following events?

(A) The decay of a vacuum in the presence of virtual particles

(B) The decay of a vacuum next to a superheavy atomic nucleus

(C) The creation of a superheavy atomic nucleus next to an intense electric field

(D) The creation of a virtual electron and a virtual positron as a result of fluctuations of a vacuum

(E) The creation of a charged vacuum in which only real electrons can be created in the vacuum’s region of space

20. Physicists’ recent investigations of the decay of the vacuum, as described in the passage, most closely resemble which of the following hypothetical events in other disciplines?

(A) On the basis of data gathered in a carefully controlled laboratory experiment, a chemist predicts and then demonstrates the physical properties of a newly synthesized polymer.

(B) On the basis of manipulations of macroeconomic theory, an economist predicts that, contrary to accepted economic theory, inflation and unemployment will both decline under conditions of rapid economic growth.

(C) On the basis of a rereading of the texts of Jane Austen’s novels, a literary critic suggests that, contrary to accepted literary interpretations. Austen’s plots were actually metaphors for political events in early nineteenth-century England.

(D) On the basis of data gathered in carefully planned observations of several species of birds, a biologist proposes a modification in the accepted theory of interspecies competition.

(E) On the basis of a study of observations incidentally recorded in ethnographers’ descriptions of non-Western societies, an anthropologist proposes a new theory of kinship relations.

21. According to the passage, the author considers the reduction of energy in an empty region of space to which a real particle has been added to be

(A) a well-known process

(B) a frequent occurrence

(C) a fleeting aberration

(D) an unimportant event

(E) an unexpected outcome

22. According to the passage, virtual particles differ from real particles in which of the following ways?

I. Virtual particles have extremely short lifetimes.

II. Virtual particles are created in an intense electric field.

III. Virtual particles cannot be detected directly.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) I and II only

(E) I and III only

23. The author’s assertions concerning the conditions that lead to the decay of the vacuum would be most weakened if which of the following occurred?

(A) Scientists created an electric field next to a vacuum, but found that the electric field was not intense enough to create a charged vacuum.

(B) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that no virtual particles were created in the vacuum’s region of space.

(C) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that they could not then detect any real particles in the vacuum’s region of space.

(D) Scientists introduced a virtual electron and a virtual positron into a vacuum’s region of space, but found that the vacuum did not then fluctuate.

(E) Scientists introduced a real electron and a real positron into a vacuum’s region of space, but found that the total energy of the space increased by the energy equivalent of the mass of the particles.

Simone de Beauvoir’s work greatly influenced Betty Friedan’s—Indeed, made it possible. Why, then, was it Friedan who became the prophet of women’s emancipation in the United States? Political conditions, as well as a certain anti-intellectual bias, prepared Americans and the American media to better receive Friedan’s deradicalized and highly pragmatic The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, than Beauvoir’s theoretical reading of women’s situation in The Second Sex. In 1953 when The Second Sex first appeared in translation in the United States, the country had entered the silent, fearful fortress of the anticommunist McCarthy years (1950-1954), and Beauvoir was suspected of Marxist sympathies. Even The Nation, a generally liberal magazine, warned its readers against “certain political leanings” of the author. Open acknowledgement of the existence of women’s oppression was too radical for the United States in the fifties, and Beauvoir’s conclusion, that change in women’s economic condition, though insufficient by itself, “remains the basic factor” in improving women’s situation, was particularly unacceptable.

24. According to the passage, one difference between The Feminine Mystique and The Second Sex is that Friedan’s book

(A) rejects the idea that women are oppressed

(B) provides a primarily theoretical analysis of women’s lives

(C) does not reflect the political beliefs of its author

(D) suggests that women’s economic condition has no impact on their status

(E) concentrates on the practical aspects of the questions of women’s emancipation

25. The author quotes from The Nation most probably in order to

(A) modify an earlier assertion

(B) point out a possible exception to her argument

(C) illustrate her central point

(D) clarify the meaning of a term

(E) cite an expert opinion

26. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is not a factor in the explanation of why The Feminine Mystique was received more positively in the United States than was The Second Sex?

(A) By 1963 political conditions in the United States had changed.

(B) Friedan’s book was less intellectual and abstract than Beauvoir’s.

(C) Readers did not recognize the powerful influence of Beauvoir’s book on Friedan’s ideas.

(D) Friedan’s approach to the issue of women’s emancipation was less radical than Beauvoir’s.

(E) American readers were more willing to consider the problem of the oppression of women in the sixties than they had been in the fifties.

27. According to the passage, Beauvoir’s book asserted that the status of women

(A) is the outcome of political oppression

(B) is inherently tied to their economic condition

(C) can be best improved under a communist government

(D) is a theoretical, rather than a pragmatic, issue

(E) is a critical area of discussion in Marxist economic theory

8.GRE阅读备考如何提高记忆力 篇八



另外,阅读记忆力不止对阅读有用,对于一些题目较长的比如填空或者数学文字题来说也能起到很大作用。比如填空中的三空题,题目本身长度往往接近一篇短阅读,考生又需要同时兼顾三个空格中的选项保持整体意思的合理恰当,如果没有一定的记忆能力,填了这个空忘了前面或后面的一些关键要点,就很容易选错答案。数学中一些本身难度不高但文字表达特别复杂的WORD PROBLEM也是如此。总而言之,练好阅读记忆力,对于整场GRE考试的各类题型,都能起到一定的积极作用。




1. 用3.5分钟读完一篇文章。

2. 在文章每段结尾,一句话概括出该段主旨。

3. 读完全文后,浏览每段主旨,做好归纳总结。

4. 提炼并确定文章整体主旨。



1. 把刚才看过的文章翻页,暂时不去看。

2. 在纸上写下刚才的每段主旨和文章整体主旨。



1. 现在可以把文章翻回来重新看了。

2. 如果题目涉及到具体细节,比如某段某行中有关于特定内容的描述说明等,就马上定位到文章当中的相关部分找寻答案。

3. 如果不是细节题,就直接答题。

4. 能够确定答案的情况下果断答题并继续做后面的题。

5. 不能确定答案的话再回到文章里找,但要求迅速完成。

6. 如果在上一步中无法解答题目,那么就做个标记,猜个答案然后继续做题。



Since the Hawaiian Islands have never been connected to other land masses, the great variety of plants in Hawaii must be a result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds, a process that requires both a method of transport and an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area.

There is some dispute about the method of transport involved. Some biologists argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii. Yet the results of flotation experiments and the low temperatures of air currents cast doubt on these hypotheses. More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. While it is likely that fewer varieties of plant seeds have reached Hawaii externally than internally, more varieties are known to be adapted to external than to internal transport.

17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing different approaches biologists have taken to testing theories about the distribution of plants in Hawaii

(B) discussing different theories about the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii

(C) discussing the extent to which air currents are responsible for the dispersal of plant seeds to Hawaii

(D) resolving a dispute about the adaptability of plant seeds to bird transport

(E) resolving a dispute about the ability of birds to carry plant seeds long distances

18. The author mentions the results of flotation experiments on plant seeds (lines 10-12) most probably in order to

(A) support the claim that the distribution of plants in Hawaii is the result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds

(B) lend credibility to the thesis that air currents provide a method of transport for plant seeds to Hawaii

(C) suggest that the long-distance dispersal of seeds is a process that requires long periods of time

(D) challenge the claim that ocean currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii

(E) refute the claim that Hawaiian flora evolved independently from flora in other parts of the world

19. It can be inferred from information in the passage that the existence in alpine regions of Hawaii of a plant species that also grows in the southwestern United States would justify which of the following conclusions?

(A) The ecology of the southwestern United States is similar in important respects to the ecology of alpine regions of Hawaii.

(B) There are ocean currents that flow from the southwestern United States to Hawaii.

(C) The plant species discovered in Hawaii must have traveled from the southwestern United States only very recently.

(D) The plant species discovered in Hawaii reached there by attaching to the feathers of birds migrating from the southwestern United States.

(E) The plant species discovered in Hawaii is especially well adapted to transport over long distances.

20. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why does successful long-distance dispersal of plant seeds require an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient area?

(B) Why are more varieties of plant seeds adapted to external rather than to internal bird transport?

(C) What varieties of plant seeds are birds that fly long distances most likely to swallow?

(D) What is a reason for accepting the long-distance dispersal of plant seeds as an explanation for the origin of Hawaiian flora?

(E) What evidence do biologists cite to argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii?

A long-held view of the history of the English colonies that became the United States has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objectives, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. In a recent study, Stephen Saunders Webb has presented a formidable challenge to this view. According to Webb, England already had a military imperial policy for more than a century before the American Revolution. He sees Charles II, the English monarch between 1660 and 1685, as the proper successor of the Tudor monarchs of the sixteenth century and of Oliver Cromwell, all of whom were bent on extending centralized executive power over England’s possessions through the use of what Webb calls “garrison government.” Garrison government allowed the colonists a legislative assembly, but real authority, in Webb’s view, belonged to the colonial governor, who was appointed by the king and supported by the “garrison,” that is, by the local contingent of English troops under the colonial governor’s command.

According to Webb, the purpose of garrison government was to provide military support for a royal policy designed to limit the power of the upper classes in the American colonies. Webb argues that the colonial legislative assemblies represented the interests not of the common people but of the colonial upper classes, a coalition of merchants and nobility who favored self-rule and sought to elevate legislative authority at the expense of the executive. It was, according to Webb, the colonial governors who favored the small farmer, opposed the plantation system, and tried through taxation to break up large holdings of land. Backed by the military presence of the garrison, these governors tried to prevent the gentry and merchants, allied in the colonial assemblies, from transforming colonial America into a capitalistic oligarchy.

Webb’s study illuminates the political alignments that existed in the colonies in the century prior to the American Revolution, but his view of the crown’s use of the military as an instrument of colonial policy is not entirely convincing. England during the seventeenth century was not noted for its military achievements. Cromwell did mount England’s most ambitious overseas military expedition in more than a century, but it proved to be an utter failure. Under Charles II, the English army was too small to be a major instrument of government. Not until the war with France in 1697 did William III persuade Parliament to create a professional standing army, and Parliaments price for doing so was to keep the army under tight legislative control. While it may be true that the crown attempted to curtail the power of the colonial upper classes, it is hard to imagine how the English army during the seventeenth century could have provided significant military support for such a policy.

21. The passage can best be described as a

(A) survey of the inadequacies of a conventional viewpoint

(B) reconciliation of opposing points of view

(C) summary and evaluation of a recent study

(D) defense of a new thesis from anticipated objections

(E) review of the subtle distinctions between apparently similar views

22. The passage suggests that the view referred to in lines 1-7 argued that

(A) the colonial governors were sympathetic to the demands of the common people

(B) Charles II was a pivotal figure in the shift of English monarchs toward a more imperial policy in their governorship of the American colonies

(C) the American Revolution was generated largely out of a conflict between the colonial upper classes and an alliance of merchants and small farmers

(D) the military did not play a major role as an instrument of colonial policy until 1763

(E) the colonial legislative assemblies in the colonies had little influence over the colonial governors

23. It can be inferred from the passage that Webb would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding garrison government?

(A) Garrison government gave legislative assemblies in the colonies relatively little authority, compared to the authority that it gave the colonial governors.

(B) Garrison government proved relatively ineffective until it was used by Charles II to curb the power of colonial legislatures.

(C) Garrison government became a less viable colonial policy as the English Parliament began to exert tighter legislative control over the English military.

(D) Oliver Cromwell was the first English ruler to make use of garrison government on a large scale.

(E) The creation of a professional standing army in England in 1697 actually weakened garrison government by diverting troops from the garrisons stationed in the American colonies.

24. According to the passage, Webb views Charles II as the “proper successor” (line 13) of the Tudor monarchs and Cromwell because Charles II

(A) used colonial tax revenues to fund overseas military expeditions

(B) used the military to extend executive power over the English colonies

(C) wished to transform the American colonies into capitalistic oligarchies

(D) resisted the English Parliament’s efforts to exert control over the military

(E) allowed the American colonists to use legislative assemblies as a forum for resolving grievances against the crown

25. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the author’s assertion in lines 54-58?

(A) Because they were poorly administered, Cromwell’s overseas military expeditions were doomed to failure.

(B) Because it relied primarily on the symbolic presence of the military, garrison government could be effectively administered with a relatively small number of troops.

(C) Until early in the seventeenth century, no professional standing army in Europe had performed effectively in overseas military expeditions.

(D) Many of the colonial governors appointed by the crown were also commissioned army officers.

(E) Many of the English troops stationed in the American colonies were veterans of other overseas military expeditions.

26. According to Webb’s view of colonial history, which of the following was (were) true of the merchants and nobility mentioned in line 30?

I. They were opposed to policies formulated by Charles II that would have transformed the colonies into capitalistic oligarchies.

II. They were opposed to attempts by the English crown to limit the power of the legislative assemblies.

III. They were united with small farmers in their opposition to the stationing of English troops in the colonies.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

27. The author suggests that if William III had wanted to make use of the standing army mentioned in line 52 to administer garrison government in the American colonies, he would have had to.

(A) make peace with France

(B) abolish the colonial legislative assemblies

(C) seek approval from the English Parliament

(D) appoint colonial governors who were more sympathetic to royal policy

(E) raise additional revenues by increasing taxation of large landholdings in the colonies

9.gre考试阅读备考需要什么 篇九








3.1.2 画,涂鸦

limn v. 画;描写

retouch v. 修描;润色

stipple v. 点画,点描

daub v. 涂抹;乱画

daubster n. 拙劣的画家

doodle v. 胡画;混时间

scrawl v. 乱涂,潦草地写

scribble v. 乱涂,乱写


3.3.7 钻孔

bore v. 钻孔;使厌烦;n. 孔;令人厌烦的人

vent v. 开孔;发泄(情绪);n. 孔,口

aperture n. 孔隙,窄的缺口

orifice n. 小孔,小开口

pore n. 毛孔,气孔

porous adj. 多孔的;可渗透的 (porosity n. 有孔性)

nonporous adj. 无孔的,不渗透的

slot n. 狭孔

vent n. 孔,口;v. 开孔;发泄(情绪)


3.10.3 凝聚,浓缩

agglomerate v. 凝聚,结块

clot n. 凝块;v. 使凝结成块

coagulate v. 使凝结

coagulation n. 凝固

cohesion n. 内聚力;凝聚力

cohesive adj. 凝聚的

congeal v. 冻结,凝固

conglomerate v. 集聚成团

curdle v. 使凝结,变稠

solidify v. (使)凝固,(使)团结,巩固

compress v. 压缩,浓缩 (compression n. 压缩)

concentrate v. 浓缩,聚集

condense v. 浓缩 (condensation n. 浓缩,凝结)

constrict v. 压缩,收缩

constringe v. 压缩,使收缩,使收敛

encapsulate v. 压缩;装入胶囊

press v. 挤压


3.15.1 给予,赠送,遗赠

adduce v. 给予(理由);举出(例证)

bestow v. 给予,赐赠

bliss n. 天赐的福,福佑;狂喜

boon n. 恩惠,天赐福利

charity n. 施舍;仁慈

confer v. 赠予;讨论,商谈

endue v. 赋予(才能)

ennoble v. 授予爵位,使高贵

grant v. 同意给予

largess n. 赠送,赏赐;赠品;贺礼

largesse n. 施舍;慷慨援助

mete v. 给予,分配;测量;n. 边界

misinform v. 向…提供错误信息

oblige v. 恩惠于…;束缚(迫使)

proffer n./v. 赠送,献出;提议,建议

auspices n. 资助,赞助

donate v. 捐赠,赠送 (donation n. 捐赠物)

donor n. 捐赠者,赠送者;献血者

endow v. 资助,捐助

subscribe v. 捐助;订购

bequeath v. 遗赠

bequest n. 遗产,遗赠物

devise v. 遗赠给;发明,设计;图谋

intestate adj. 未留遗嘱的

legacy n. 遗产;遗留之物

relic n. 遗物,遗迹

testament n. 遗嘱

testator n. 立遗嘱的人

provision n. (粮食)供应;(法律等)条款

purvey v. (大量)供给,供应 (purveyance n. 粮食的供给 purveyor n. 供应货物或提供服务的人或公司)

render v. 提供;呈递,表现

submit v. 提交,呈递;屈服

consecrate v. 把…奉献

oblation n. 宗教的供品,祭品

proffer n./v. 献出,赠送;提议,建议

tributary n./adj. 进贡(的);支流(的)

tribute n. 贡物;赞辞

bribe v. 贿赂

suborn v. 收买,贿赂

remit v. 汇款;免除;宽恕

remittance n. 汇款

alms n. 施舍物,救济品

garland n. 奖品,(作为胜利标志的)花环

largess n. 赠品;贺礼;赠送,赏赐

10.gre考试备考资料要这样用 篇十







