1.高级英语口译题型 篇一
Section 1:Listening
Section 2:Reading:2.5分×20=50分
Section 3:Translation:(英译中)50分
内容:首相任命administer of loneliness and isolated, 专门处理loneliness 的系列问题,loneliness和癌症、心脏病等致病关系 比一天抽15根雪茄还严重,还有loneliness 的影响、危害和治理等。
补充:通讯技术的发展、social media等原因,提到了facebook和instagram等社交平台,Facebook原本宣称自己是为了改善社交状态的,但结果反而加剧了社交平台loneliness and isolated.
Section 4:Listening
(1)Note-taking and Gap-filling:1分×20=20分(英语填词)
(2)Listening and Translation:句子3分×5=15分(中文回答)
(3)Passage translation :段落两段共15分(中文回答)
内容:文化和语言交友沟通文化,陌生人沟通的主题。The relationship of language and society culture,考到了linguistic语言学。
3,听2整段英语,写出对应的中文。分开来听挺简单就是超级长,挺难记全。一个文化类的 一个经济类的,报告中很多美国消费数据表达入不敷出的经济状况。
Section 5:Reading:5分×10=50分
主题:一个是心理学关于焦虑管理的,举了个英国的明星例子,如何control和deal with 这种焦灼的精神状态;
一个是考美国人的家庭文化,“do it yourself “, 通过超市管理观念的改变去反应文化的变化;最后一个阅读又考了人工智能,包括人工智能的威胁与挑战,general AI
Section 6:Translation(中译英)50分
2.高级英语口译题型 篇二
近年来, 一些高级班的学生觉得他们的口译能力不但没什么提高, 反而有所减退。究其原因, 主要是要读的书太多, 写的东西太多, 没有时间进行说的训练。这也许是事实, 然而学生们的口译能力方面存在的问题, 不能完全归结于此。一方面, 学生“说的”意识还不够, 另一方面, 笔者认为, 根本原因还在于, 高级阶段口译能力的训练还没有真正完成。下面, 结合高级口译课堂的实际操作, 具体论述训练的目的、意义、重点以及各种技巧和效果。
( 一) 对学生的要求
高级口译训练是针对俄语达到一定程度的学生进行的, 换句话说, 也只有针对这样的学生开设高级口译的课程才是有意义的。那么, 什么样的学生适合进行这方面的强化训练呢? 首先, 学生的程度必须是具备中级俄语水平以上, 他们的口译能力已基本能适应日常生活的需要, 并且对俄罗斯的文化有一定的了解和理解。其次, 学生的其他相关能力, 比如读和写都要有相应的比较平衡的发展。另外, 高级口译是一种比较高级的表达训练, 表达需要规范和书面化, 因此, 对学生的词汇量有很高的要求。
( 二) 教材的基本模式
1. 现有教材的基本模式
( 1) 话题。教材以话题划分科目, 话题都比较新颖, 体现了与时俱进的特点, 有意识地选取了一些能够反映世界政治格局和各个国家经济、科技等多方面的场景。同时, 话题都是存在着一些正反方面争议的, 可以进行深入的辩论或者发散式的引申, 有一定的讨论价值和社会意义, 不仅是语言, 也是思想层面的加深。
( 2) 句式。句式比较明确, 一课不超过10个, 句式都比较规范、实用, 适合在口语中体现语言严密的逻辑性, 这样的句子结构比较适合操练, 掌握起来也不难。总的来说, 还是比较有效的。
( 3) 实战部分。选择了一些学生在实际生活和工作中可能遇到的典型情况, 提供学生进行口译表达和练习的机会, 将教材和实际生活结合起来, 包括调查和辩论, 使教材更具有实用性和真实感。
2. 理想教材的模式
关于理想教材的模式, 笔者认为有以下几个方面: 首先, 叙述性的课文和对话性的课文兼具。叙述性的课文主要体现的是观点的逻辑性用词, 而对话性口译课文偏重于语气和不同语境的表达式, 这样的结合可以使学生接受到更全面的训练, 难易结合, 比较利于口译课的推进。其次, 增加对话题的多方位思考, 课文不只是局限于某一个话题的某一个方面, 而是多提供一些角度供学生讨论和选择。再次, 加大对成段表达逻辑性的训练, 可以分出一些专题, 给出一些好的表达式和固定场合使用的句子, 训练的目的性再明确一些。
( 三) 训练目的
1. 扩大学生的词汇量
实际上, 能够进行高级俄语口译训练的学生已经掌握了相当一部分的词汇, 在正常的交际中已经没有问题, 而且也基本达到了能够比较恰当地用俄语表达自己意愿的能力, 教师要做的是, 在这一基础上, 继续扩大学生的词汇量, 在相同表达的基础上, 不能局限于说得准确, 还要力求说得更好, 用词更精致, 更有文采。
2. 进行严密的成段表达的训练
对高水平的学生, 成段表达的训练不能只是简单句子的罗列, 教师应当有更高的要求, 要求学生的表达必须是观点鲜明的, 有完整的论述方法和表达层次的, 对使用关联词语也有斟酌。
( 一) 训练时要注意的几个问题
1. 教学目的要明确
无论是讲解生词还是讨论课文, 或者是课堂的话题扩展, 一切都要以“教学目的”这个大原则为基础, 在课堂上进行的每一个教学环节都要体现出教学的目的和重点, 要让学生清楚每一个训练是为了掌握什么而做, 要掌握到什么程度。
2. 训练手法要生动多样
口译课与其他类型的课有着截然不同的特点, 可以说, 口译课是学生参与度和开口度最高的一门课。在口译上, 尤其需要学生以饱满的情绪参与到话题的讨论中来, 这就需要教师的训练手法多样化, 生动且富于变化, 能够激发学生想说的欲望, 给学生足够自由的表达空间, 这样的口译课才是有效的、成功的。
3. 要注意纠错和鼓励
在高级阶段, 实际上学生的提高并不是非常迅速的, 或者说并不是能够在很短的时间里体现出很明显的效果, 那么在授课的过程中, 一方面, 教师要有很强的语言敏感度, 给学生进行适当的纠错, 同时, 也要对学生句子中的闪光点进行鼓励, 加以肯定, 树立学生说俄语的信心, 给学生坚持下去的勇气, 建议教师在学生大段发言的时候不要打断, 可以考虑简单地进行文字记录, 以便于全面评论和纠错。
( 二) 具体方法分析
1. 合理利用关键词
所谓关键词, 其实就是每一篇课文里出现的生词和重要的句式, 学习一篇课文的首要目的, 就是要学会应用一些相关的生词及句式, 通过生词及句式在课文句子当中的体现迁移到其他的语言环境中, 反复操练后变成自己的词汇, 那么合理地利用关键词进行训练就显得尤为重要。
利用关键词说句子, 中级阶段也需要这个环节, 但是比较简单, 一般都是一个关键词说一个句子, 只要是完整的句子即可, 有的时候教师也可以帮助设置语境。到了高级阶段, 一般可以考虑增加关键词的数量, 要求学生用上关键词说2—3个有逻辑关系的句子, 附带上常用的关联词。这样的训练其实是高级口译课上最基本的也是最简单的训练, 教师可以根据词汇的难易程度和学生掌握的程度自由调整, 建议用在一节课开始的复习回顾环节比较有效, 可以考察学生对重点生词的掌握程度。利用关键词说语段, 语段一般指5个句子以上。只给出一个关键词或句式, 让学生围绕这个关键词进行一段完整的表达, 这种训练的难度比较大, 但是效果却很好, 一方面学生加深了对这个关键词的理解, 另一方面也训练了成段表达的能力, 如果难度比较大, 教师也可以帮助学生设计几个可供选择的语言环境。例如学习了一个句式结构: “倒不是…问题在于…”, 那么教师可以给学生三个语言环境, 其实也就是三个主题词: “经济、环保、择业”, 要求学生任选一个主题词说5个以上的句子, 其中要有自己明确的观点, 同时用上这个句式结构, 这样的练习方式实际上就和中级的学生有了区别, 难度加大了, 显示了更高的起点。
2. 合理利用话题
话题是一篇课文的灵魂, 就话题进行讨论也是高级口译绝对不可缺少的一个环节, 那么总是以教师提问、学生回答的方式进行未免有些单调, 所以可以把这个训练环节处理得灵活些, 这样也可以提升训练的效果, 比较好的方法有三种:
( 1) 辩论法。辩论是一个学生比较感兴趣的方式, 因为大家的观点总是有一些个体差异。这样的差异大部分来自于不同的文化背景, 当然也不排除个人的因素, 但是无论怎样, 观点的碰撞能够激起学生发言的积极性。因此, 如果遇到了合适的话题, 教师可以考虑给学生做一个辩论会, 依据辩论的方法, 学生可以按照观点划分为组, 然后提前给时间准备, 为了使辩论更专业、更有效, 教师也可以给学生铺垫一些辩论的基本语言格式, 帮助学生更好地完成这个环节。
( 2) 分组讨论法。分组是一个不错的办法, 把更多的空间和权利交给学生, 让学生通过组内沟通的方式得出结论, 或者只是了解别人的想法进行分析比较, 分组人数可以灵活安排, 比较理想的是4人一组, 这样既保证了沟通的新鲜感, 又保证了每个学生都有足够的时间发言。
( 3) 提问回答法。这个方法实际上是把原来传统的“教师提问, 一人回答”的方式进行改良, 具体来说, 就是一个同学发言说说自己对这个话题的看法, 其他的同学要对这个同学的发言进行提问, 或者对其中的句子进行纠正或评价。这样做的目的只有一个, 就是要让其他的同学在不发言的情况下也能积极参与到课堂中来, 积极思考, 与发言的同学进行互动, 达到共同研究、共同讨论的目的。
( 一) 语言实践概述
顾名思义, 语言实践就是一种以实践为具体方法的训练语言的方式。比较直接的手段就是让学生学会在出国实习时利用天然的语言大环境, 从课堂中走出去, 真正尝试着和陌生的俄罗斯人进行面对面的交流, 而这种交流是随机的, 毫无准备的, 是一种对现实生活的模拟。通常比较好的方法是采访调查, 然后汇总到课堂上来进行总结和汇报。
( 二) 语言实践的意义
语言实践对于学生的俄语提高有着重大的意义。首先, 从语言学习的角度说, 最好的方式莫过于和母语使用者进行交流, 语言实践无疑提供了一个最好的机会。其次, 跟陌生人交流是需要勇气的, 对于学生来说, 这样的经历可以培养他们对于使用俄语的自信。再次, 进行语言实践时, 通常都会有一个明确的主题需要学生进行调查, 那么在调查的过程当中, 学生会更加了解俄罗斯人的想法, 从中感受俄罗斯的文化, 这对于进一步了解和学习俄语也是有帮助的。最后, 语言实践最终要回到课堂上来, 学生要以转述的方式进行调查结果的汇报。这种转述并不是那种低级的直接的转述, 而是要经过学生语言的再加工, 如果有必要, 学生还需要对被调查者的异同进行比较和分析, 那么这个汇报的过程又是一个训练表达和话题讨论的过程, 也是比较有意义的。
[1]鲍刚.口译理论概述[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2005.
[2]胡壮麟, 刘润清, 李延福.语言学教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 1988.
3.高级英语口译题型 篇三
Bec,全称是business English certificate,是剑桥的考试,分听、说、读和写四个部分,每个部分25分,总分100分,拿60%就及格。分5个等级,ABCDE ,其中C以上包括C是及格。每一部分都评分,然后根据标准给ABCDE的等级,其中阅读和听力对50%就是C,75%就是B,85%就是A,口语和写作只要按要求完成都有C。
阅读总共有6个部分:matching 有8个句子和5段短文章,把句子和文章配对起来,比如说A篇有提到第一个句子的内容,你就要把两个配对起来;完形填句,一篇文章抽了6个句子出来,后面给出7个句子,要从中选出6个句子放回合适的位置;文章阅读,这个和平时的阅读题目一样,就是一篇文章,后面有6个问题,根据理解选abcd;完形填空,和平时做的完形填空形式一样,只不过文章内容都是和商务有关,有10道题;填词,一篇短文中空出了10个词,基本上是介词、冠词等小词,要根据上下文和固定搭配,把词补上;改错题,一篇短文,里面有很多赘余的词,差不多每一行都有一个,其中两到三行是正确的,把赘余的词删掉。
业,最后会问一个与商务有关的问题,如外汇升高对我国经济发展有什么影响;第二部分是给一个task card,上面有三个问题,从中选一个,一分种准备时间,然后讲一分钟,你的partner根据你的speech提一个问题,你回答问题,然后到你的partner将他的topic,然后你提问;第三部分是discussion,两个人看一张task card,上面描述一个situation,然后给出两个task给予讨论,有30分钟看题时间,然后就开始discuss,时间是3分钟,最后考官会再问一个和discussion有关的问题。
2、写作:商务写作要求是简洁、准确,所以不要罗嗦,不要用模糊用语,一定要用具 体数据或具体事例。比如说,你要说今年A公司的营业额很高,一定要说明高到什么程度。讲一个产品很受欢迎,你可以说根据市场调查,10个人中有8个人都喜欢这个产品。
report outlines a company’s revenue, profit and cost during the period of 2004 to 2006(可以参考题目,抄一次或者换种说法说一次),一定要简单,清晰。有多少条曲线就分多少段,同理,bar chart有多少条bars就多少段,总结段可加可不加,看情况而定。描述要包括4个方面:起点,终点,转折点,最高(低)点,一般包括了都可以及格了。注意句型和用词多变。
--In 2004, the cost of this company was 3000 yuan, and in 2005 the cost declined to 1005, but it rose a little to 1305 the next year.--starting at the peak of 3000 yuan in 2004, the cost of this company, however, dropped dramatically to 1005 yuan the year after, but unfortunately rose somehow to 1305 in the last year.--with an appalling start of 3000 yuan in the first year, the company successfully made a major 34% cut at the cost the year after and secured it at 1005,however, the cost inevitably expanded to 1305 in the last year.总结三种表达方式,有三种开头形式,-ing形式开头,with + 名词开头,主语开头。其实每一条曲线写的都差不多是这些,但是一篇文章里面要尽量不重复用句型和词语,所以要多看多写多积累,灵活运用。
Introduction: This report outlines ***,***,***(把题目的几个task点一下)
第一个task的中心词,比如说是 New Function
这些文章写的东西全部是假的,所以尽情地编造,不要太过分就好,注意不要写模糊句子,好要写明怎么好,编造一些数据或者指标出来。比如说,今年的作文题目第一个task是a brief description of the store you visit.下面是我写的:
The PP store I visited recently is located in XIXI Street, 421, with a bus-stop and lots of smaller shops around.In the store, 5 rows of shelves are displayed with 2 large refrigerators in the corner and a counter near the door, which is automatic.以上所有东西都是我想象出来的,必须要有具体的东西。第二个task是写员工的表现和态度如何,我大
听力分几种层次,完全听不懂,听得懂几个词,听得懂大意,听得懂大意和细节问题,全部词都能够听得出来。要对付bec的听力首先先把自己的听力练就成最后那种层次,就是说听一篇文章,边听能够边在脑子里面写单词。可以通过shadowing和听写来练习,shadowing 就是跟读,一听到一个词就说出来,听到什么就说什么,shadowing可以了就练听写,听一句然后写一句。把听力能力练好之后才来做bec的题。
a)五官法。凡关于人的话题,比如说怎样才是一个好领导,就可以用这种方法。眼睛代表vision,一个好领导要有一个好的vision,嘴巴代表communication,要有好的沟通能力,头代表脑袋,要smart,心代表爱心,要有一颗关心下属怜悯下属的心,手代表 support,要互相帮助,脚代表经验,要有经验。。可以继续发展下去。这个方法还可以用到team里面,一个好的团队应该如何如何。
d)万能思路,corporate image 和push up sales。很多问题都可以从公司形象和增加销售额方面考虑。
回答完,要问问题了,最好的问问题方法就是抓住对方一个观点,然后specifiy,然后再给一些小提示。比如说你的partner刚提到关于time management的问题,那你可以问他你平时是怎么安排时间的?是用time table的方法吗?前面一个就是问题,后面一个就是提示。第二part中,当你的partner讲speech的时候,不需要认真听,随便听出一个观点就开始想问题。
第三部分是discussion,这个是最需要默契的了。30秒要看完题目有点难度,更别说要想points了。所以最好的处理方法就是,一个人看上面的situation description,然后把他总结成一句话,他来开头。另外一个人浏览一下上面的描述然后马上开始看第一个task,和第二个task,分别想一个point。
开始discuss了,刚才详细看了场景描述的先开始讲,如well,our company is going to ***,and we have to ***,so what do you think of it, ***(把第一个问题抑扬顿挫地读出来,突出重点词),然后另外一个人就开始讲他第一个观点(这个时候第一个人开始想第一个task的第二个point,不需要听你的partner说什么,他说完你就说yes或者well ,I agree就行了),说完,第一个人补充第二个观点,完后,第二个人做总结,so our decision is **(让考官知道你们完成了第一个task)。第二个人继续,读第二个task(要突出重点词),第二个人讲第一个point(同样,这时候第一个人想另外一个point),然后第一个人补充,然后第二个人总结,然后结束。
口语考试记得带笔和纸,因为只有第二部分考官会给张巴掌大的草稿纸,而且是没有笔提供的,千万不可以在题卡上面乱画,因为题卡是要循环利用的,这样可能会影响考官心情。口语过程中记得礼貌用语,good afternoon啊,thank you啊等等,记得认真听考官每个问题,即使是问你partner,但有可能你partner讲完后会问你what about you,如果你忘记了题目,这样在互动那里可能会扣点分,因为你没有认真听你partner的发言。
4.高级口译笔试真题 篇四
Part A Spot dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.
We already live in an over-communicated world that will only become more so in the next tech era. We’ve developed technology that gets us so much information that we’ve got cell phones ringing every second. We’ve got computers and laptops. We’ve got personal organizers. And we’re just being bombarded with communication and every advancing technology seems to create more and more communications at us. We are thought of over-whelmed by the information flow.
Research suggests that all the multi-tasking may actually make our brains work better and faster, producing a world-wide increase in IQ up to 20 points and more in recent decades. Is there any real benefit in all these mental gymnastics we now have to go through? We are not becoming a race of global idiots, but many do think certain skills are enhanced and certain are not. You know the ability to make fast decisions, to answer a dozen emails in 5 minutes or to fill out maybe big aptitude text. That’s enhanced.
But when someone is out there with his kids laying in his little league, or something like that, he’s got his cell phone in his pocket, he is always wondering: “Jeez, did I get a voicemail?” This might have negative effects on our own brains patterns. Creativity is something that happens slowly. It happens when your brain is just noodling around, just playing. When it puts together ideas which you haven’t thought of, or maybe you have time to read a book. You are a business person but you have time to read a book about history or about a philosopher and something that happened long ago, or something or some ideas, some default of long ago.
Actually, it might occur to you that you can think of your own business in that way. And so if this mixture of unrelated ideas that feeds your productivity, feeds your creativity, and if your mind is disciplined to answer every email, then you don’t have time for that playful noodling, you don’t have time for those unexpected conjunctions. So I think maybe we are getting smarter in some senses, but over communication is a threat to our creativity and to our reflection.
Part B Listening Comprehension
Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
During the term of this Contract, all technical documentation, including but not limited to manufacturing technologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques and know-how, to be provided by one Party to the other shall be treated by the recipient as “Confidential Information”. Each Party agrees to use Confidential Information received from the other party only for the purpose contemplated by this Contract and for no other purposes. Confidential Information provided is not to be reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the intent of, and in accordance with the terms of, this Contract. Title to such information and the interest related thereto shall remain with the provider all the time.
Each Party shall provide the same care to avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of the other Party’s Confidential Information as it provides to protect its own similar proprietary information. Confidential Information must be kept by the recipient in a secure place with access limited to only such Party’s employees or agents who need to know such information for the purpose of this Contract and who have similarly agreed to keep such information confidential pursuant to a written confidentiality agreement which reflects the terms hereof. The obligations of confidentiality pursuant to this Article shall survive the termination or expiration of this Contract for a period of five (5) years.
Part A Note-taking and Gap-filling
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. While listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate ANSWER BOOKLET. You will not get your ANSWER BOOKLET until after you have listened to the talk.
Today my topic is cultures and traditional holidays.
Holiday are special times of respite from work and other routines. In some cases, they are legal holidays when stores, businesses and government offices are officially closed. In other cases, they are celebrated without taking time off from work. Holidays are often times for celebration, revelry, eating, drinking, travel, and family gatherings, but they may also be times of rest and reflection. The current trend is away from rest and reflection, Even Mardi Gras, the day before the traditionally reflective period of Lent, has turned into an entire week of parties, parades and merry-making for those who make the annual pilgrimage to New Orleans, for example.
In most cultures the scheduling of holidays originally was related to the seasons, the lunar cycle, and religion, Christmas (December 25) celebrates the birth of Jesus, but it is not actually known whether Jesus was born in the wintertime. The first Roman emperor to espouse Christianity decided to have Christmas when the days are shortest to bring a spirit of optimism to the long winter months. It also helped bring Christianity to the pagans, who were accustomed to having festivals at the winter solstice, encouraging warmth and sunshine to return. Over the years Christmas has come to symbolize goodwill and generosity for both Christians and non-Christians through the personification of Santa Claus, originally a Christian saint, known as St,Nicholas. Nowadays Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is almost as important a global symbol of Christmas as Jesus or Santa and the commercialization of Christmas threatens to replace generosity with greed. Many people forget that the original Christmas gifts were given by the Three Wise Men, all pagans, to Jesus, a Jewish child born in a manger. All they think of are the gifts they will give or receive, and all the money they have spent.
One reason for the increasing popularity of Christmas is its proximity to New Year’s Day, encouraging a long holiday to evolve out of both. In the U,S., the holiday has turned into an extended holiday season, lasting from Thanksgiving Day in late November until New Year’s Day, with a seemingly endless array of parties, dinners, concerts, parades, and vacation trips. The schools and colleges are closed from mid-December through early January while many people eat too much, drink too much, and watch too much American football on TV. Many gifts, cards, and annual newsletters are exchanged, and the various festivities are not always very restful. Then the same people make New Year’s Resolutions to eat less, drink less, spend less, and work harder in the coming year.
Christmas is by far the most important holiday in English-speaking countries. Other important holidays in addition to Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are Valentine’s Day, St.Patrick’s Day, April Fools’ Day, and Easter. On Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14, people give cards, chocolates, flowers, and kisses to their spouses and sweethearts. On St.Patrick’s Day, March 17, people wear green to celebrate the luck of the Irish, and eat corned beef and cabbage washed down with green beer. During Easter Week in late March or early April, Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus while Jews celebrate Passover, in memory of the escape of the Jews from ancient Egypt, where they had been slaves. Although it is not actually a holiday and has no religious connotation, April Fools’ Day, celebrated on April 1, is a day when people play embarrassing tricks on their friends and colleagues and even on their teachers. Another holiday with some similarity to April Fools’ Day is Halloween on October 31,when children wear funny or scary costumes and ask their neighbors for, “tricks or treats”, The name Halloween means, hallowed evening”, the night before All Saints’ Day when Christian saints are honored. On the following day, All Souls’ Day, services and prayers are said for the dead. In many countries, it is a day when families visit cemeteries and place flowers on the tombs of their relatives. In Europe, Labor Day is celebrated on May 1, whereas in Canada and the United States, labor and laborers are honored by a legal holiday on the first Monday in September.
Part B Listening and Translation
I. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
1. 原文:The biggest challenge facing us now is to improve the quality of life in cities, because sadly, cities don’t always offer the economic security, the safety or the comfort they promise.
II. Passage Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.
1. 原文:Owing to the over population in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity, the crime rate is also a huge problem we are faced with. The problem of delinquency is increasingly more serious in this area. Also the lack of the traditional family structure and weakened bounds of kinship, lower the moral of these children growing up in the urban areas. These children grow up in poverty and usually look at crimes as a quick and easy way out. The problems in urban areas are far more than can be handled in any short-term efforts. We can only hope to contain them, and attempt to make sure that no more problems arise from the already existing ones.
Passage 1
Passage 2:
Online truth is more valuable than privacy
Not so long ago I found myself in characteristically pugnacious discussion with a senior human rights figure. The issue was privacy. Her view was that there was an innate and largely unchanging human need for privacy. My view was that privacy was a culturally determined concept. Think of those open multiseated Roman latrines in Pompeii, and imagine having one installed at work.
The specific point was whether there was a generational difference in attitudes towards privacy, partly as a consequence of internet social networking. I thought that there was. As a teenager I told my parents absolutely nothing and the world little more. Some girls of that era might be photographed bare-breasted at a rock festival, and some guys might be pictured smoking dope but, on the whole, once we left through the front door, we disappeared from sight.
My children — Generation Y, rather than the Generation X-ers who make most of the current fuss about privacy — seem unworried by their mother’s capacity to track them and their social lives through Facebook. In fact, they seem unworried by anybody’s capacity to see what they’re up to — until, of course, it goes wrong. They seem to want to be in sight, and much effort goes into creating the public identity that they want others to see.
There was an estimate last month that Facebook has something like 130 million unique visits every day. It now acts as a vast market place for ideas, preferences, suggestions and actings-out, extending far beyond the capacity of conventional institutions to influence. And the privacy issues it raises have little to do with the conventional obsessions such as CCTV or government data-mining.
At a conference at the weekend I heard that some US colleges have taken to looking at the Facebook sites of applicants before they think to alter them before an interview. This may turn out to be apocryphal, but such a thing certainly could be done. In this era of supplementing exam grades with personal statements and character assessments, what could be more useful than an unguarded record of a student’s true enthusiasms? What else did Tristram do on his horizon-expanding journey to the developing world?
This would have driven me crazy. My daughter’s college friends, she says, are “pretty chilled” about it. There are the odd occasions when a vinous clinch is snapped on a mobile phone and makes the social rounds to the embarrassment of the clinchers, but whatever will be will be.
An EU survey two years ago suggested that this is the pattern more generally. The researchers discovered what seemed to be a paradox: although half of their young respondents were confident in their own ability to protect their online privacy, only a fifth thought it a practical idea to give users in general “more control over their own identity data”. In other words (and this is my interpretation) they didn’t think that their peers could be bothered with extra protection and they felt fairly happy with their own.
Meanwhile, their elders try to get them concerned about issues such as internet data harvesting by private companies. A US news report last week concerned the work done to create “privacy nudges” — software that reminds users at certain moments that the information they are about to divulge has implications for privacy. One privacy campaigner even suggested that people might be rewarded with lottery tickets for not giving out such knowledge.
I have to say, as someone who often elects to receive online mailshots from companies operating in areas in which I’m interested, that this seems to me to miss the main problem. As long as you have the right to say “no” to a company’s blandishments, I don’t see a huge problem. That’s why the now notorious Italian bullying video seems much more relevant. At the end of last week three Google employees were sentenced in absentia for breaching the privacy of a handicapped boy, whose horrid treatment at the hands of his Turin schoolmates had been posted on Google Video. This clip spent several months in circulation before being taken down.
Almost everyone — including our former Information Commissioner — agrees that the sentence was wrong, perverse and a kick in the teeth for free speech, with implications that could (but won’t) undermine the internet. And they are quite right. But look at it, for a moment, from the point of view of the boy’s parent, or the boy himself. They must have felt powerless and damaged. So how much control or ownership can one have over one’s own image and reputation?
The second great question, then, raised with regard to the net is what might be called “reputation management”, or — if you like — public identity management. What is it that you want people to know about you, and can you have control over it?
Last weekend I was alerted to two new phenomena, both of which caused me to miss a heartbeat. The first was the possibility of using a program, or employing someone, to “suicide” you online. Recently a company in Rotterdam used its Facebook presence to advertise its “web 2.0 suicide machine”, which would act as “a digital Dr Kevorkian [and] delete your online presence” from Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn, not just on your own sites but on everyone else’s — leaving just a few “last words”.
Unfortunately Facebook chucked the suicide machine off its premises, so it then suicided itself, ending with the words “no flowers, no speeches”.
As a journalist I was horrified by the implications of online suiciding. In the first place it means the erasure of documentary history. And second it raises the possibility of routine doctoring of material on the internet to render it more palatable to the offended.
The second phenomenon was worse. It was that some people, many perhaps, might seek to undermine any informational authority on the web by flooding it with false information, thus obliquely protecting their own identities. As an occasional target of such misinformation, sometimes playfully (as when an unknown person amended my Wikipedia entry to make me Serbian by birth), and sometimes maliciously, I know it can play merry hell with everyone’s sense of reality.
In other words it seemed to me that there was a threat much worse than that to privacy, and that was of privacy- induced attempts to bend or erase the truth that is essential to the value of the internet. Lack of privacy may be uncomfortable. Lack of truth is fatal.
Passage 3省略
Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
5.高级口译听力部分原文 篇五
Let’s talk about the social condition that many people might be concerned about today. There are a few that I wanted to touch on, but the first one is the one I mentioned in the introduction-crime in New York city. Crime was a problem for a very long time in New York city and it was rising, and rising and rising. And then it started dropping. And I suppose there could be a number of different reasons for it, but I can’t really find that anybody really knows exactly for sure what caused it.
Crime is such a fundamentally contagious thing that once we reach the kind of tipping point, and once certain influential people in communities hard-hit by crime, stop behaving in that way. It was contagious. And there was a kind of sea change that happens all at once. Maybe we can go into those little triggers, because I find it’s really interesting. Because we are talking about such a big change that takes place. Being triggered by very small things, and what do you think some of those were?
Well, I’m very impressed by this idea called the “broken window theory”, which is an idea George Kelling has put forth in New England. He’s argued for some time, that criminals and criminal behavior is acutely sensitive to environmental cues, and he uses the example, the broken window. If there’s a car sitting on the street with the broken window, it is an invitation to someone to vandalize the car. Why? Because a broken window on a car symbolizes the fact that no one cares about the car, no one is in charge, no one is watching. And if you think about it, this is a fundamentally different idea about crime than the kind of ideas that we’ve been carrying for the past 25 years. We have been told by conservatives over and over again that crime is the result of moral failure, of something deep and intrinsic within the hearts and souls and brains of criminals. That a criminal is by definition, in the sword of conservative topology, someone who is insensitive to their environment, right? They just go out and commit crimes, because that’s who they are. They are criminals. Well, Kelling came along and said,”well, no, no, a criminal is like all of us, someone acutely sensitive to what’s going on in the environment. And by making subtle changes in the environment, you can encourage and induce much more socially responsible behavior.”