


1.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇一














1.I like to----------.A.play footballB.watching TVC.flowers

2.She is Lingling.She is a-------.A.AmercianB.ChineseC.England-------you got a pen?

A.HasB.HaveC.Have to

4.What do you like doing?--------------------

A.I like to sing and dance.B.We like playing games.C.They like drawing.5.Is your friend a boy or girl?-----------------------

A.She is a boy.B.He is g girl.C.She is a girl.4.阅读理解。(读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。共5)

Dear Grandma,Thank you for the new sandals.They are cool.It is hot in Tancheng.It’s sunny too.I can wear my new sandals.I have a new T-shirt.My old T-shirt is too small.I want to buy a new dress.It’s ninety-nine yuan.It’s very pretty.I think it’s cheap.What is the weather like in Harbin?Is it hot?

Love,Chen Jie

()1.It is cold in Tancheng.()2.Chen Jie has a new T-shirt.()3.The T-shirt is pretty.()4.Sarah wants to buy a new dress.()5.It is hot in Harbin.5.小作文。自我介绍。介绍自己的名字,年龄,爱好等等。

2.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇二

学会并熟练运用4种打招呼的方式.Hi.Hello.Morning.Good morning.5种动物单词以及名字。

teddy bear cat




Catty Doffy Pandy Munchy 根据时间安排课程内容 1.5小时 前45分钟

Greetings 的4种方式以及动物名称。后45分钟

名字的认读以及动物名字的复习。Step 1 greeting Hi.Hello.I’m Tina.Give a gift to everybody.What’s the gift? An English name.Step 2 sing a song.What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Tina.What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m ***.游戏建议:


2、London bridge Step 3

Morning.Good morning.morning & evening(show cards).Greet with “morning” and “good morning”.point and say “hi, hello, morning, good morning ” Drill greetings(games)Part 6 游戏建议:鹦鹉学舌

句子大串联 Step 4 animals Teddy Bear cat



monkey Drill the words Say hi

hello morning good morning to the animals.part 3 游戏建议: 拍卡片



TPR Have a break!Step 5 animals’ names Show names

Catty Doffy Pandy Munchy Give the names to children.Give the names to animals.Say hello to them.part 5 Say hello hi morning

good morning to them.Part 1 Part2 游戏建议:猜猜看

3.剑桥英语二级A 测试题 篇三


姓名_________ 得分_______ 听力部分


duck ________

dog ________

mouse ________

monkey ________

hippo ________

tiger ________

cow ________

eating fruit ________

animal book ________

reading a newspaper ________

swimming pool________

eat the grass________

climb mountains________

swim in the sea________


1._________ are you going?(What, Who, Where)

2._________ the weather like today? It’s rainy.(What’s, Whose, Where’s)

3.Is that dog yours? Yes, it’s_________.(my, me, mine)

4.I often _________ TV on Saturday.(water, wash, watch)

5.I have Chinese, Maths and English on _____________.(Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday)

6.Tom is naughty.Betty is _________.(quite, quiet)

7.The giraffe is the _________ animal in the world.(tall, taller, tallest)

8.What ______he like doing?(do,does)

9._________ is the cinema?(Where ,which)

10.You ________ shout in class.(must, mustn’t)






1.This is the place where children can buy things.______________

2.Tigers, monkeys and lions live in this place.______________

3.It is long and yellow.Monkeys like to eat it.______________

4.It is very long and people go to work by(乘坐)this.______________

5.What’s the English for “Jia”?______________

6.We say nine minus seven is _______.______________

7.Which word is not short?_____________

8.Which word is not fat?______________

9.You can put(放)your money here.______________

10.We live in China.Maybe we are _______.______________


1.This is my bike.Thebike is _________.2.That is your pet.The pet is __________.3.This is his watch.The watch is_________.4.That is our room.The room is ________.5.This is their bags.The bags are ________.III.用给出的字母写出正确的单词(5x2’=10’)






()1.There ______ many animals.A.beB.amC.areD.is

()2.I like to play _____ piano.A.aB.theC.anD./

()3.Is your friend a boy or a girl?_____________________.A.Yes, she is.B.No, he isn’tC.Yes, he is.D.A boy.()4.He has got _____ book and _____ pencils.A.a;someB.a;oneC.the;aD.the;one

()5.Are you hungry now?.---_________

A.Yes, it is.B.I’m hungry.C.Yes, I am.()6.Is this book Amy’s? No, it’s not _____.A.sheB.AmyC.herD.hers

()7.My hair is short, but ______ is long.A.youB.yourC.yoursD.my

()8.I often sing songs in the _______.A.Art RoomB.TV RoomC.Wash RoomD.Music Room

()9.Can I open the door?______________.A.Yes, you do.B.Yes, you can.C.No, you don’t.D.No, you can.()10.How about______with us?

A.playing footballB.play footballC.to play footballD.plays football

V.重新排列句子 注意大小写与标点(10分)

1.I’d/ see / like / to / kangaroos /


2.the park/ oppsite / the market / ? / is


3.about/ how / swimming / going


4.are / you /doing / there/ what


5.doesn’t/ cleaning/she/the floor/ like



This is a ________place.The classes _____interesting______exciting.There ______ a lot of pupils______the class.They are _______ all ages.They _______each other.A teacher is playing _______some pupils._________ pupils are drawing, some are singing and __________.They are having a fun time.Ⅶ.完形填空,选择正确的词语(10x1’=10’)

My name1Lucy.I am a new student in Class Two,2,No.2 Middle School.My teacher is Miss Gao.She is3, but I am

4American.I have a sister,5name is Lily.We are twins.I can 6up, but my sisiter 7.At school I help my teacher put(放)her books, maps and pictures

on her8.I tell(告诉)my teacher, “Everyone is here.” But I’m9.Jim isn’t at school.I don’t10where he is.I think he is at home.()1.A.amB.isC.areD.be

()2.A.Grade OneB.Grade oneC.grade one D.grade One




()6.A.washB.to washC.washingD.washes



()9.A.OKB.all rightC.fineD.wrong(错的)




(2).用there be 造两句子,要求be单词不可以重复。

4.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇四

Unit1 Greetings


1.初步掌握以下单词:hello monkey panda cat dog say morning good bear 2.使学生在不同的情境中听懂、会说Hello、Hi、Goodbye、Bye-Bye、I’m…… 以及区分Good morning、Good afternoon、Good evening、say hello to……的使用。

3.通过学习本单元,使学生能用英语跟老师、同学及父母打招呼。Can use simple English greet others.二、教学难点:

1.熟练掌握不同场合交际用语的使用。2.自我介绍用语I’m……的发音不容易到位。Unit 2 Beginning sounds


1.本单元通过学习几个常用的单词来学习英语的前三个字母:Aa、Bb、Cc 2.重点朗读单词及句子:an apple banana bamboo cake candy some-An apple,please!-

-Some cake?-

Which is ……

-Where is ……Unit 14 How many



2.使学生掌握英语单、复数的概念,回答一些询问数字的问题。3.重点朗读词汇:cats sheep lions crocodiles elephants monkeys giraffes pandas goat fish one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

4.句型:-How many lions can you see?-

-I can see two.-

-How many pandas are there?-

-They are six.-


1.英语数字的拼写及单复数的概念。2.“how many”句型提问与回答。

Unit 15 “Word cheer” game

一、教学重点: 1.熟练掌握26个英文字母及其发音。

2.单词及短语:give another rhyme peter have got 3.句型:-Give me a P!-

-Give me another E!-

-What have you got?-

-Who can rhyme the word Bill?-


利用游戏深刻记忆26个英文字母。Unit 16 Happy New Year!



camera mirror jacket toy car doll watch 2.重要短语:

go bike-riding go swimming go skating watch TV play computer games play hide-and-seek play football 3.重点句子:

-What does Kim⁄do you want for a new year present?--She wants a doll.--What has she got then?-

-She’s got a mirror.--What do you like to do on New Year’s Day?--I like to go bike-riding.-


1.重点单词的发音及书写,短语中-ing 形式的发音。5.能用英语相互祝愿,用英语简单的写一些新年贺卡及表达自己的新年愿望。

6.重要句型:-What do you like to do on New Years Day?-

5.剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 篇五

Unit1 Greetings

ⅠTeaching aims and demands



3,是学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词的短语 ⅡExpressions in communication 1,Good morning!/Morning!2,Say hello to Teddy Bear!3,Hello!Hi!

ⅢKey words and expressions

Hello,moring,Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear ⅣMaterials for teaching

Some pictures about animals or toys Lesson1

Step1 Self-introudutions

Ok.From now on,I will be your English teacher.I am___。Please read after me!Step 2 Say requests

(具体要求具体制定)Step 3 Something about beginning the class

How are you today ? → I am fine, thank you, how are you or and you>

注:点名时说:I am here.Step 4 Teach orders

(1)Clap your hands, one two three

Stamp your feet, one two three

(2)Are you ready?

Go!Go!Go!(3)Nod your head,Yes!Yes!Yes!

Shake your head,No!No!No!

Step 5

Giving names Step 6


Drawing some pictures about the three tines of the day to teach(Good morning!/Morning!Good afternoon!Hello!Hi!Good evening!)At last using the names to practice the greetings.Step 7 Homework


Step1 Review the greetings Step 2 mew words

Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear

Step 3 mew sentences

Say hello to Teddy Bear

Step 4 let us chant and sing

Listen to the tape and chang or sing after the tape,using the pictures to remember the chant.Step 5



Unit8 Play and score ⅠTeaching aims and demands 1,使学生进一步巩固和复习前面所学的字母


3,进行一次有关字母的综合复习ⅡExpressions in communication 1,Aa is for apple 2,What is behind the clouds? 3,The rabbit is behind the cloulds Ⅲ Expressions in communication Umbrella vest window watermelon Lesson 1

Step1 Greetings Step 2 Leading out this unit of using the questions Boys and Girls, when you come to our school, what present have you got?(伞)You know this in Chinese ,but who can tell me how to say this in English? So, today let us learn unit 8 play and score.Step 3 new letters(Uu Vv Ww)1,Now listen carefully, let us see who can catch the sound of the word quicky, T say the letter slowy and write the big letteron the blackboard.At last teaching how to say and how to write.2,Now let us see this letter.It is the letter Vv.T using different sound to say the letter.3, Look I have got one more letter for you today.This is the letter W.Listen W ,then teaching how to say and write? Steop 4 new words Umbrella vest window watermelon

Using the letters to leading out the words Step 5 writing

Writing the letters in book.Step 6 draw and colour 运用引导的语气说:“U is for、、、、,Yes, umbrella.Ok, who can draw an umbrella on the blackboard? W is for、、、、Yes, window.Who want to have a try and draw a window on the blankboard? V is for、、、、,Yes, vest.Who want to have a try and draw a vest on the blankboard? Please look at part 6,draw and colour.Step 7 Homework 每个字母三排每排五个等。Lesson2 Step1 Review the letters and words Step2 Listen point and say This is a game.T let the Ss to become two teams, Team one say the letters or the wors one by one.Team two say the letters from w to a.Let us see which team is the winner., Then, we can play the match with two students as a group.At last, listehn to the tape and point the letter.Step3 new sentences 1,Aa is for apple First, T leading to the Ss to read the letters and the words together, then match.Two Ss as a group, according to the letters to say the words.Two teams make the match, to see which team is the best.2, What is behind the clouds? The rabbit is behind the cloulds

Look at part 3 let us guess.From left to right.Let us see what is behind the clouds? First, T ask from the left to right.Ss answer.At last, T can ask T1 ask T2 or T2 ask T1.Then ask them to write the words in their books.Step 4 Game(1)T say A ,Ss say B.And so on Step 5 Homework(自定)Lesson3 Step1 Review Step 2 sing

6.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇六

Hello,Hello,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~ Hello,Hello,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~(唱的好,动作标准的同学或个人加分)

1、PPT--先教第一单元标题,Hello ,I’ m …和句子your name,please?

2、按顺序每个学生站起来向其后面的同学快速的说一句I am …,your name,please?(认识一些名字,Part6)





重点词汇:(Part 2)

A pen一支钢笔

A pencil 一支铅笔

A pencil-case 一个铅笔盒

A ruler一把尺子

A book 书

A bag 一个书包

An eraser 一块橡皮

7、game:Show me your … 优先快速的拿出东西的同学或小组得分。

8、学习Part 1 的前半部分,方式同3。


Hello,your name,please?This is my new book.Hi!I’m Lucy.His name is bill.Bill is my friend.Nice to see you.9、学习Part8,先教读句子,让后让学生跟着录音学唱,然后分组或让个人来唱,唱的好的小组和同学加分。





2、复习句型:I’m …,学生逐个起来说I’m …,其他同学一起说:Hello…


4、Part9,先重点学习my, your, his, her。先让学生听两遍,然后跟着录音一起唱,最后男生女生分别唱,分AB组唱,唱的好的男生或女生加个人分,AB组加小组分。


6、学习音标a 【æ】,以a、a、a、b-a-g的形式教读Part3.7、学习Part4的单词,让学生个别读和分组读,读的好的加分。Game:做read stop的游戏。



7.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇七

Unit 15 Exam focus: Speaking I.Teaching Objectives:

i.To familiarize Ss with the content of the Speaking Test

ii.To provide useful tips

iii.To practise the Speaking Test II.Materials needed: Cassette-Pass Cambridge BEC

Preliminary Exam Focus

Cards: 11 cards: one set of cards per

pair/group to be photocopied from T’s Guide

III.Teaching Process: i.Unit overview · The Speaking Test T gives an overview of the Speaking Test.· How to succeed Ss brainstorm tips for success based on four assessment criteria then compare their ideas with the tips in the book.· Personal information Ss practise answering questions about general topics in preparation for Part One.Ss listen to a bad version of a Speaking Test and compare it with a good version.· Short talk Ss look at an exam topic and read tips on how to improve their answer.Ss listen to a bad then a good version of Part Two of a Speaking Test.Ss take turns to give a short talk, taking into account the tips from the lesson.· Collaborative task Ss read through tips and have a discussion.Ss listen to a bad then a good version of Part Three of a Speaking Test.http://club.TopSage.com


Ss have discussions, taking into account the tips from the lesson.· Exam practice Reading Part Sever: Form-filling.Writing Part One: Note.Writing Part Two: Long memo.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1 Introduction of the Speaking Test Ss open their books and read the overview of the exam format.Step 2 How to succeed T writes the four headings: Interactive communication, Organisation of ideas, Grammar and vocabulary and Pronunciation on the board and Ss brainstorm tips for succeeding in the Speaking Test.Interactive communication The examiners will pay attention to how well the Ss work together.Ss need to ask polite, if possible indirect, questions and frame interactions with common courtesies.Organisation of ideas Ss are expected to produce extended turns and use connectors.They have the chance to express opinions and justify them.Grammar and vocabulary Although marks are given for range, accuracy and appropriateness are more important.Pronunciation The examiners will listen for the pronunciation of individuals sounds, intonation and sentence stress.A slightly slower, but natural, rhythm is better than a fast but disjointed delivery.Step 3 Personal information Ex.1 Speaking T focuses on the general topics that might arise in Part One of the Speaking Test in which Ss will have to answer but not ask questions.T writes family on the board and elicits questions to do with the topic.Ss then write three questions for each of the



remaining words in Ex.1.Ss ask each other their questions.Ex.2 Speaking T gives Ss cards with conversation topics on them.Ss do the task as a mingling activity and try to find out as much as possible about their partner and the topic on the card.Ex.3 Listening T explains that the cassette contains bad and good versions of simulated BEC Preliminary Speaking Tests.Ex.4 Listening T plays the second version of the same part of the test, in which the candidates demonstrate improved exam technique.Step 4 Short talk Ex.1 Speaking In the second part of the Speaking Test Ss are expected to talk about a subject for about a minute.T elicits the prompt and T elicits possible ways of organizing the talk.Ex.2 Speaking T reads through the tips about the short talk in Part Two of the Speaking Test.T stresses that Ss should cover all the points mentioned in the rubric and link their ideas with a variety of words.T also reminds Ss that they will be expected to ask the other candidate a question.Ss work in pairs to answer for the subject on page 102.Ex.3 Listening Ss listen to a bad version of Part Two of the Speaking Test and discuss Ceneric’s performance.Ex.4 Listening Ss listen to a good version of Part Two of the Speaking Test and discuss Caroline’s performance.Ex.5 Speaking T tells Ss to look at the Activity Sheet on page 131.Ss take turns to choose a topic and give a short talk.Step 5 Collaborative task



Ex.1 Speaking

In the collaborative task it is essential task that Ss are able to react to each other and express their views on a subject.---What other activities could you arrange for a potential client?---Why is it important to socialize with potential clients? Ex.2 and Ex.3 Speaking

8.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇八

(一)活动内容:二级上 Unit6 讲故事比赛 活动准备:一些经典故事书籍。



(二)活动内容:二级上 Unit3 画学校 活动准备:白纸 音乐 球



(三)活动内容:二级上 Unit 10竞猜世界之最 活动准备:世界之最的若干图片



(四)活动内容:二级下Unit6 I’d like a glass of water 活动准备:一些饮料,食物,水果道具,一些纸做的钱。活动目的:掌握所学单词,好简单购物用语


(五)活动内容:Who is the first? 活动准备:几个小游戏,单词认读比赛,拼写比赛,猜谜比赛。活动目的:提高学生的学习兴趣


(六)活动内容: 二下unit8 活动目的和意义:1.增加课堂趣味性;

2.学习序数词及This is the…句型的用法; 3.扩展学生思维,锻炼学生的动手能力。

活动准备: 准备白纸,各种动物的卡片 活动开展流程:

1.让学生动脑筋思考森林里奔跑速度由快至慢的动物,当他们说到老师事先准备好的动物时就贴在黑板上然后输入first second third等序数词。

2.开书看part7看谁最快找到不同点,给找的不同点的学生发相应的卡片让他说出I’m the first/second/third…

3.把学生分成两组,自己想三种动物制作和书上part2一样的冠亚季军然后,每组请三个同学说出..is the first/second/third…



2.学习a bottle of… a cup of…a kilo of…等句型; 3.扩展学生思维,锻炼学生的口头能力。


1.通过卡片学习a cup of tea/a glass of water…等句型表达

2.让学生用的准备的实物并标上价格上讲台表演买卖东西,用对话:what would you like? I’d like a cup of… How much? …yuan.Here you are.Thanks.(八)

活动内容: 二下Unit14 活动目的和意义:1.增加课堂趣味性;

2.学习序数词及This is the…句型的用法; 3.锻炼学生的听力和口语能力。

活动准备:各种食物的卡片 活动开展流程:


2.把准备好的食物卡片摆在前面 3.让学生两个一组的上去表演,卖东西的人要专门没挑没有的东西买,卖东西的人就要回答sorry, there isn’t any …, there are only some…

(九)活动内容:二级下 Unit4 石头剪刀布

Scissors, paper, stone

I win.I can take one.I have ten.I have eight.活动目的和意义




2、环境准备:大擂台 活动流程



3、赢的一方就说I win.I can take one 并且拿一张卡片,连续玩10轮;

9.剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案 篇九

By James 王杨

1.Teaching difficulties and goals:

Students can use the superlative form of these adjectives to communicate—exciting,big,strong,quick,heavy,beautiful,loud and good.2.Teaching points : Students can identify the nouns—Siberian tiger,dolphin,blue whale,elephant and giraffe.3.Teaching tools : The pictures of these animals—Siberian tiger,dolphin,blue whale,elephant and giraffe.The radio and video of the teaching materials.The linking games.4.Teaching process :(1)Warm-up/Revision


Guess and talk about the pictures of these animals—Siberian tiger,dolphin,blue whale,elephant and giraffe.(2)Presentation


First,explain the rules of the superlative form of these adjectives—exciting,big,strong,quick,heavy,beautiful,loud and good.mins What’s more,teach the pronunciations of the key words.5 mins Second,let students discuss,link these adjectives in superlative form and these animals and play the linking games in groups.mins At last,play the listening material and ask students to answer the following questions.10 mins(3)Practice


Question 1: who is the fattest in your family?

Question 2: who is the tallest in your group?.....(4)Consolidation and extension minutes

10.剑桥标准英语教程 教案 篇十

 use the simple present and present continuous. use if and when in statements and questions. talk about health, remedies, sleep habits, and stress. encourage people to talk by making comments and asking follow-up questions. use expressions like Wow!and You’re kidding!to show surprise.Main Points of Teaching Enable Ss to talk about health, remedies, sleep habits, and stress.Difficult Points of Teaching Enable Ss to use the simple present and present continuous.Teaching Periods 6 teaching hours Teaching procedures Unit opening page Introduce the theme of the unit This unit is about health.What are some things you can do to stay healthy? Write all the responses on the board.In Unit 3, you learn how to…

 Unit aims Read the unit aims aloud.Tell Ss to listen and read along.Before you begin…

 Introduce the health tips Tell Ss to cover the words below the pictures and look at the pictures.Say, “These four pictures show things people can do to stay healthy.Work with a partner and write a short sentence about the health tip in each picture.”

 Ask several pairs to share their tips with the class.Write their sentences on the board. Read the sentences below the pictures aloud.Ss listen and repeat.Help with new vocabulary as needed.Ss practice reading the sentences. Ask the class, “Which of the things in the pictures do u do to stay healthy?” Have several Ss answer.Ask, “What else can u do? Use ideas from the board, or think of more things to do.”

 Ss ask and answer in pairs.Then ask several Ss to report their answers to the class.Lesson A Healthy living 1 Getting started  Ste the scene Read the lesson title aloud.Ask, “What are some things u do to stay healthy?” Ask a few Ss to answer.Ask, “Who is doing sth special, or different, to stay or get healthy right now?” Ask a few Ss to answer.A  Preview the task Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording First, Ss read along.Then Ss listen without looking at books and write their answers. Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.Check answers with the class.B

 Preview the task Say, “Read the interviews again.Look for time words and expressions.Write these column headings on the board: Routines(All the time)and Temporary Events(Now).Ask a few Ss to call out the time expressions for the first headings, and write them on the board.Ask, “What verb tense do u see in the sentences with these time expressions?”

 Ask a few Ss to call out the time expressions for the second heading, and write them on the board.Ask, “What verb tense do u see in the sentences with these time expressions?”  Read the instructions aloud. Do the task. Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.Check answers with class.2 Grammar  Present the grammar chart

 Understand the grammar Say, “The grammar chart compares the simple the simple present and the present continuous.” Explain that the simple present is used to talk about regular or repeated events or routines and situations are true all the time.And the present continuous is used for activities and events that are temporary, or going on around now.It is also used for activities that are going on at the time of speaking. Present In Conversation Read the information aloud.Have Ss make a sentence in the simple present for each of the verbs presented.A  Preview the task Have Ss look at the picture.Ask, “What is she doing?” Ask, “What is on the table?”(an aromatherapy burner)Read the instructions and the example aloud.Ask, “Why is the simple present the correct tense?”(It’s asking how u cope with stress in general or all the time.) Do the task 2 Listening and speaking A  Preview the task Say, “You will hear four people talking about their unhealthy habits.Read the incomplete statements and guess what each person says.Write your guesses.”

 When Ss finish, ask a few Ss to call out their guesses for each statement.Say, “Now listen and write what they actually say.”

 Play the recording Ss listen and write the missing words.Check answers with the class.Lesson B Aches and pains 1 Building vocabulary  Ste the scene Hold your head as if it hurts.Say, “I have a headache.” Write a headache on the board.Hold your stomach as if it hurts.Say, “I have a stomachache.” Write it on the board.Ask, “What other health problems do u know the words for in English?” Write Ss’ responses on the board.A  Preview the task Read the instructions aloud.Have SS look at the pictures. Play the recording Ss listen and repeat. Ask, “Do u have any of these problems right now? If yes, raise your hand.” Ask any Ss who raise their hands, “Which problem do u have?” B  Preview the task Ask Ss to look at the chart.Read the instructions aloud.Tell Ss to use ideas from the lists on the board or their own ideas. Do the task 2 Speaking naturally A  Preview the task Have Ss look at the conversation.Say, “When people are speaking, they put stress on the words that are important in the sentence.An important word can be, for example, the answer to a question.” Say, “Stress is also used to contrast, or correct, information.For example, imagine I call u by the wrong name.When u correct me, u say your name clearly and a little more loudly.”  Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Ss listen and repeat.B  Preview the task Tell pairs to practice the conversation in Part A, taking turns playing each role.Read the instructions aloud. Do the task Building language  Set the scene Write on the board: remedy.Explain, “A remedy is used to fix a problem.For example, one remedy for a headache is to take an aspirin.Imagine you have a cold.What remedy do u use?” Write Ss’ responses on the board.A  Preview the task Look at the picture.Say, “Sonia and Mark are talking on the phone.Where’s Mark?”(at home)“What’s wrong with her?”(He’s sick.)“What do u think Sonia and Mark are talking about?”(a remedy) Books closed.Say, “What does Sonia want to make for Mark? Listen and write the answer.”

 Play the recording For the first time, Ss listen and write the answer without looking at books;for the second time, Ss listen, read along, and review their answer.Then check the answer with the class  Practice the conversation in pairs.B  Preview the task Tell Ss to find if and when in the conversation and circle them.Ask, “What tense are the two verbs in each sentence?”  Do the task 4 Grammar  Present the grammar chart  Understand the grammar Say, “When and if have very similar meanings.You can use when to talk about a situation that is usual for u, and u can use if to talk about a situation that is not so usual.But both are possible in the sentences in the chart.” A  Preview the task Read the instructions and the phrases from No.1 aloud.Read the example conversation.Remind Ss that they can put the part with when at the start of the sentence or after the other part.Have Ss complete the task. Have Ss check answers in pairs.Then check answers with the class.B  Preview and do the task.Lesson C How come you’re tired? 1 Conversation strategy  Set the scene Read the title of the lesson aloud.Ask, “What does how come mean?”(why)Say, “Think about the title.Try to guess some of the words that are in the conversation in this lesson.” As Ss call out their guesses, write them on the board.A

 Preview the task Tell Ss to look at A’s statement.Read it aloud.Say, “Read B’s responses.Which are the best to keep the conversation going? Check the boxes.” Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.Check answers with the class. Books closed.Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Books open.Ss listen and read along. Play the recording again Ask, “Why is Adam tired?” Ss listen and write the answer. Play the recording again Ss listen, read along, and review their answers.Check answers with the class. Ask Ss to read the conversation again and circle any words that they guessed would be in the conversation.As Ss call them out, circle them on the board. Practice Have Ss practice the conversation in pairs.B  Preview the task Have Ss read the sentences and replies. Do the task C  Preview and do the task Read the instructions aloud.To model the task, have two Ss read the example conversation.Have pairs use the sentences in Part B for ideas and give their own answers.Remind Ss to say more than just yes or no.2 Strategy plus  Find examples Say, “Look at the conversation on p.26 again.Find the expressions that Yuki uses to show surprise. Present Strategy plus Read the information and the examples aloud.Ask, “Why does Yuki say ‘You’re kidding!’”

 Present In Conversation Books closed.Write on the board: Oh, Wow, Really, and Gosh.Say, “Two of these are in the top 50 words, and two are in the top 500 words.Which two are in the top 50? Which two are in the top 500? Write your guesses.” Books open.Ask a S to read the information.Have Ss raise their hands if they guessed correctly.A  Preview the task Have Ss read the conversations.Say, “Now listen and write the expressions you hear.”

 Play the recording Ss listen and read along.Listen again and write the expressions. Check answers with the class. Have Ss practice the conversation in pairs.B  Preview the task. Play the recording Ss listen, then write the expression.Ss listen again.Then check answers with the class.3 Talk about it  Preview the task Read the instructions aloud.Ask Ss to read the discussion questions.Make sure that Ss understand the meaning of each question. Do the task Have Ss discuss the questions in groups.Say, “When u find sth u have in common, make notes.”

Lesson D Ways to relax 1 Reading  Set the scene Read the title of the lesson aloud.Ask, “How do u relax? What do u do?” Get ideas from Ss.A Prereading  Preview the task Write the word stressed on the board.Ask, “What does stressed mean?” Get ideas from Ss. Do the task B During reading  Preview the reading Have Ss look at the reading.Say, “This is a leaflet.A leaflet is usually one piece of paper with helpful information.”

 Read the instructions aloud.Tell Ss to circle two new or interesting things they learn as they read. Do the reading Have Ss rend the leaflet and circle the information. When Ss finish, call on a few Ss to tell the class the information they circled. Do the reading again Have Ss read the leaflet again and underline any new vocabulary.Help with new vocabulary as needed.C Postreading  Preview the task

 Do the task Have Ss answer the questions and then compare their answers pairs.Check answers with the class.2 Listening  Set the scene Tell Ss to look at the pictures.Ask, “Where are the people? What are they doing?” Get ideas from Ss.A  Preview and do the task Read the instructions aloud.Have Ss work in pairs and discuss the questions  Call on several Ss to tell the class what they do to relax.B  Preview the task Read the instructions aloud. Play the recording Play the first conversation.Ask, “Which picture does this conversation go with?” Then ask, “What words in the conversation help u choose this picture?”
