


1.托福写作水准提高方法 篇一


摘要: 在 托福写作中说没有技巧是不可能的,但是所谓的技巧也只不过是辅助工具而已,并非大家认为的是取得高分的关键。想要取得高分靠的还是你自己真正的实力,考生在报考的那一刻就该明白,天下没有免费的午餐,只有靠自己脚踏实地的取走,才能够闯出自己的一片天来。下面小马过河介绍的托福写作技巧相关信息,考生备考时可以适当的借鉴。









2.托福写作水准提高方法 篇二


学生进入中学阶段, 作文可否由学生批改?怎样批改?这是中学语文教学中值得探讨的问题, 也是新课改探讨的问题。因为传统的作文评改方法具有较大的封闭性, 在很大程度上窒息了学生学习的主动性和积极性。教师尽管在学生作文批改上付出的心血很多, 可收效甚微, 不少学生关心的只是作文的等级或分数, 却不想着如何再去修改, 去提高作文的质量。再者, 一个满工作量或超工作量的教师对每个学生的兴趣爱好, 认识水平不可能都掌握得一清二楚, 往往对学生的作文评语与他们的要求, 愿望不能有机结合, 对症下药, 这就难以提高学生作文的积极性和主动性, 反而把学生局限在教师所规定的框框里或狭小的生活天地里。

怎样才能打破传统的, 封闭的作文批改模式呢?为此, 我们依据新课标要求学生“能修改自己的作文, 能互相评改作文”的规定, 并结合多年的语文教学经验, 进行了学生批改作文的实验探索。


“万事开头难”。开始让学生批改作文, 把学生给吓住了, 也把学生给难住了。他们一是怕, 怕改不好作文, 把批改作文当做一种精神负担;二是不会改, 感到无从下手, 接受不了作文批改改革这一新的课题。

怎样解决学生“怕改不好”和“不会改”的问题呢?我们要遵循学生的心理特点, 根据他们的共同爱好, 先搞一些“纠正错别字大赛”、“修改病句大赛”等活动, 使学生不同程度受到教育和启发, 激发他们批改作文的兴趣, 变“被动”为“主动”, 变“怕改”为“愿改”, 由“不会”到“学会”, 渐渐入门, 来完成作文批改的入格。


从内容上讲修改文章一般从五个方面进行考虑。概括为“五要”: (1) 选材不当, 观点错误, 中心不突出要改动; (2) 选材空洞, 内容疏漏, 结构残缺要增补; (3) 语句颠倒, 层次杂乱, 详明不当要调整; (4) 与主题无关的话, 重复累赘的句段以及使人费解或容易产生歧义的要删减; (5) 错字、别字、漏字, 用词不当, 标点符号用错要纠正。


语文课标提出:“批改作文可以采用多种形式、多种方法。”为此, 我们采用了老师示范批改式、学生自批自改式、学生互批互改式、学生综合批改式等形式。

1. 老师示范引路, 教给学生批改。

这种方式适应七年级刚进校或学生刚接触的新文体作文的批改。教师应示范批改。让学生对作文批改有一个具体的印象。为了让学生正确地掌握批改步骤, 教师首先教会学生学会使用批改符号, 并在课堂上作以严格的训练, 为学生批改作文打好基础。

2. 学生自批自改, 从中得到提高。

古人云:“文章不厌百回改”。因此, 要鼓励学生自批自改, 运用批、改、增、删、润、换这六种方法, 对文中多余的, 欠缺的, 错误的内容适当加以删改, 增补或调换, 使自己的文章通顺, 条理符合要求。这种方式多用于学生打草稿时。


(1) 细读改错漏。要求学生逐字逐句仔细地审阅自己的作文, 发现作文中的错别字和遗漏的字词, 加以纠正和添补。

(2) 朗读改病句。要求学生通过朗读, 靠语感来修改自己的作文中的病句, 反复朗读, 反复修改, 直到顺畅。

(3) 默读改篇章。让学生通过默读, 从整体上着眼, 对全篇作文的中心、结构、选材、段落、详略、过渡、照应等, 作深入的思索和推敲, 发现问题及时解决, 并尽力改好。

3. 学生互批互改, 互补有无共同提高。

这是较常用的批改方法。刚采用此式时, 教师只从格式、卷面、错别字、病句、标点等方面去要求, 让学生去写评语。每个学生只改一本, 难度不大, 能够胜任。训练一段时间后, 教师再把要求逐渐过渡到思想内容、选材、结构、表达方式、语言等方面, 循序渐进, 步步提高。

学生互相批改作文, 由于他们的心理、思想、认识、语言生活基本相同相通, 因此, 批改者认真细致、琢磨推敲, 被批改者关心结果, 感到批语亲切, 双方便于取长补短;每人每次只批改一本作文, 负担不重;每次又都换人, 批改又有新鲜感, 兴致高;这样, 不仅调动了每位学生的积极性, 提高发现错误、纠正错误的能力, 从而提高作文写作水平。

4. 学生综合批改式, 激发学生作文兴趣。这种方式是前几种方式基础上的提高与综合。具体步骤是:

(1) 学生每四人一组批改作文:乙念甲的作文, 甲讲自己作文的目的、思路, 其他同学评议修改, 丙执笔写小组评语, 丁负责综合全组意见划分, 最后由甲写出个人总结。

(2) 完成第一步后, 全组推荐一篇优秀作文 (凡小组优秀作文加5分) 。基本上按第一步的分工 (省去甲讲作文目的、思路和小组评议修改) , 在全班范围内宣读作文、评语、分数、个人小结, 然后全班同学评议修改, 分析得失。

(3) 在全班同学充分发表意见的基础上, 集体投票, 从各组优秀作文中评选出2—4篇班级优秀作文 (再加5分) 。

这种方式不仅是每一位学生都踊跃发言, 而且教师工作量不大, 作文可比性大。在客观上起到了提高作文水平的作用。采用此方式学生进步更明显。

以上四式, 便于教师由扶到放, 利于学生由仿到创, 符合“教会学生自己学习”的基本观点。

总之, 教师今日少改是为了学生的多改, 学生今日多改, 为的是将来他们的少改。学生经过反复的批改, 不仅理解、记住了写作、批改的基本要求, 而且还能用来指导自己和别人写作。同学之间不但便于取长补短, 而且有利于学生作文水平的提高;有利于教师节省时间, 学生减轻负担。


[1]作文[M].河南:文心出版社, 2015 (1-5) .

[2]作文评点报 (初中版) [M].吉林:作文评点报社, 2014.

3.托福考试:如何提高写作能力 篇三




­ 写作考试前,考生需要阅读一篇250单词左右的文章和听一篇相同题材类似长度的听力材料;考生需要书写一篇文章以说明该阅读材料和听力材料之间的关系;考生在写作过程中应合理的使用听力和阅读材料中的信息并不得加入个人的意见和观点;考生文章的优劣评判将基于其行文的质量和文章内容的完整和准确性。










­ 第一段需要将听力和阅读材料的核心内容展示出来并点明两者观点是否相互支持抑或者相互对立;

­ 第二段也即是主体段落可以分为几个小段,分别从各个不同的角度总结并得出两篇文字材料相互支持或者对立的证据;

­ 最后一段结尾段可总结一下主要的论证对象并重申两份材料对于该论证对象的主要看法,在这一段构思过程中一定要注意,切忌加入自己对这一问题的看法和观点。

­ 对于一些固定的表达,如“听力材料就某某问题主要从某个角度展开了论证”、“首先,对于阅读材料中提出的某某观点,在听力材料中用反例的方法提出了质疑”、“最后,对于阅读材料中的某一观点,听力材料通过几个方面的细化进行了支持性的论证”等等在写作过程中必用的表达,考生应该事先就做好准备,而不应该在考试时才去匆忙思考。



4.托福独立写作有哪些好方法 篇四










比如:Improving school is most important factor to sucessful development of country.看到most,我们自然想到用他因法。



形式主语,主动,被动,动名词To do作主语,倒装句,there be,以及强调句等等。特别强调一点,为了使你文章的逻辑清晰可见,要使用逻辑连接词。

4.把握好过渡词的使用,和适当的论述方法完善你的作文,使之成为一个逻辑整体。论述方法:条件(假设)法,比如:if 我按照论点那样做,就能cause siginificant effects,除了用if,还能有with, when, only through + 方式+倒装等。


5.托福写作水准提高方法 篇五


mutual understanding / respect / trust


e.g. All friends will argue at some point, but there are many ways to handle problems or topics of contention with mutual understanding and respect.


keep in contact / touch


e.g. It is much easier for people living in different cities today to keep in contact, thanks to the constant improvement of communication tools, such as Skype, Facebook and MSN.


expand social circle / isolate from social circle


e.g. To participate in various social activities is an ideal approach for freshmen to expand social circle while starting their college life.


emotional supports


e.g. An important function of friends is to provide emotional supports when one feels frustrated and depressed.


constructive suggestions


e.g. It is important for people to have truly intelligent friends who can give constructive suggestions when they encounter troubles.


strengthen ties / bonds


e.g. An effective way for friends to strengthen ties is to take a trip together.


break the ice


e.g. In a relationship, it is always the one who cherishes each other’s company that chooses to break the ice first.


in rapport with


e.g. It is lucky that we can find roommates in rapport with while living on campus.


patch up our difference


e.g. It is unavoidable that people have divergent opinions and personalities, but what matters is whether they would like to make efforts to patch up their difference.


a shoulder to cry on


e.g. The reason why we need friends is that we all need a shoulder to cry on when we feel sad and upset.


6.提高初中生写作水平的方法 篇六

一.以学生、教材为本, 激发写作兴趣

以学生为本, 就是必须关注学生的思想。人的思想是本, 是根。作文的根本出发点是人, 应该从人本出发, 所谓作文教学从人本出发, 就是在作文教学中重视作文写作主体的作用, 激发学生写作的兴趣, 提高写作积极性;以教材为本, 就是在课堂教学上有目的让学生读读优美、经典的语句、语段, 同时让学生模仿这些语句、语段、语气或句式来表述一件事, 或一个景点, 从而锻炼学生的书面语言表达能力。在课堂教学过程中, 教师应把文质优美的文章的精讲变成诱导学生欣赏美文, 使学生认识到:一篇美文能给人带来愉悦的精神享受, 因此语文教学以学生、教材为本才能更好的培养学生的写作素养、能力、及写作热情。同时教师还要注重:中学作文教学的目标、要求、方法、写作实践都要结合初中生的年龄、生活、思维、心理、能力的实际, 这样的写作学生才乐于接受, 有话可说, 有文可写。要从学生实际出发, 让学生去写想写的事、去说乐意说的话, 激发学生的表达欲望与创造欲望。

苏霍姆林斯基说:“在人的心灵深处, 都有一种根深蒂固的需要, 就是希望感到自己是一个发现者、研究者、探索者。而在儿童的世界中, 这种需要特别强烈。”学生的写作完成后, 并不意味着结束。老师是当然的审阅者, 要求教师学会审阅方法和技巧:首先, 善于找到他们长处, 从中发现闪光点, 加以肯定和鼓励, 每次作文我都要求学生认真对待, 选佳作在作文课上朗读, 或张贴出来, 创造机会, 让不同水平学生获得写作成功体验, 享受成功喜悦。其次, 实施分类指导。学生作文水平高低不同, 需要教师因人施教。因此每次作文我根据学生不同程度提出不同要求、任务、分类指导。对差的学生降低要求, 通过品评, 加强沟通。批改作文时, 不宜删去过多, 避免挫伤学生写作积极性, 我们能否最大限度地让更多的人欣赏他们的作品呢?有些学生也正是因为平时自己写的只有老师一个人看到, 他们如果觉得老师不够重视自己写的东西, 只是打个分数或写一两句无关痛痒的评语的话, 他们就会不是很认真地去写。而如果更多的学生要看到自己文章的话, 他们肯定会尽自己最大的努力去写, 而不是草草了事。因此教师应创造一切可能去展示学生的作品, 即使一句或两句切中要害的鼓励或赞扬, 那他们的写作热情就会高涨许多。

二.引导学生关注社会、关注生活, 开拓写作视野

作文源于生活, 我们身边每天都发生着不计其数的新鲜事, 可惜有些学生对此视而不见, 听而不闻。《语文课程标准》指出:“写作教学应贴近学生实际, 让学生易于动笔, 乐于表达, 应引导学生关注现实, 热爱生活, 表达真情实感。”因此, 我们必须转变作文教学的观念, 把学生引向丰富多彩的生活, 引导学生热爱生活, 关注社会, 不断丰富自己的生活感受和人生体验。引导学生关注和思考发生在身边的“异彩纷呈”的“事件”, 时时处处做生活的有心人。观察时应调动一切感观, 运用视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉, 进行细致的观察。对观察到的现象, 要给自己多设计几个问题, 多问几个为什么, 并敢于向别人请教。像环境保护、西部开发、素质教育、农民负担、腐败现象、升学就业、青少年犯罪、庸俗文化的泛滥、社会风气的恶化、贫富悬殊的加剧、精神家园的丧失, 乃至国际政治的风云变幻等等, 在这里要强调的是:一定要把学生引上正确的轨道, 使学生形成正确的人生观、价值观。

陶行知主张:“我们要解放孩子的空间, 让他们去接触大自然中的花草、树木、青山、绿水、日月、星辰, 以及大社会中之士、农、工、商, 三教九流, 自由地对宇宙发问, 与万物为友, 并且向中外古今三百六十行学习。”这句话至少给我两点启示:一是让孩子去接触大自然, 运用课内学到的观察本领去广泛地观察大自然, 从而丰富感性知识, 丰富自己的语言;二是让学生去接触社会, 把语文教学引向广阔的社会生活大课堂, 从而在社会交际中, 积累语言, 发展思维。俗话说:“见多识广”, 写作也一样, 写作时记忆库里有较多见识, 有很多可写可用素材, 写作来顺理成章。本人常常开展各种课外活动, 带领学生走出课堂, 通过参观、访问、搞社会调查, 接触实际, 接触社会, 领略祖国大好河山, 了解日新月异的社会主义建设, 开拓知识领域, 开阔眼界, 丰富生活, 激发与发展学生的各种兴趣、爱好, 进一步培养学生写作的动机。同时, 还使学生有机会把自己学到的知识运用于实践, 可以更好地掌握课堂内学到的知识, 在实践中实现认识上的飞跃, 提高获得知识、驾驭知识和运用知识的能力, 理论联系实际和手脑并用的能力, 观察问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。更能培养学生不断追求新知、实事求是、独立思考、勇于创造的精神。

深入生活是开拓学生写作天地的有效途径。只有深入到丰富多彩的生活中, 用心感受生活, 学生的情感才会激发, 成为体验生活的配角, 表现生活的高手。

三.扩大阅读面, 积累素材

吕叔湘先生说“阅读本领学会了, 自己写文章就不难了”。这道出了读与写的密切关系。阅读使学生学到文章写作的规律以及各种写作技巧。“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神”。要写一篇佳作, 最好的办法是诱导学生多读书, 积累材料, 丰富词汇。教师鼓励学生去博览群书, 凡是有益学生健康书籍均可推荐给学生阅读。在指导阅读方法上, 可以采取自由阅读和定向阅读相结合。自由阅读, 即由学生根据自己的兴趣、爱好, 自由地选择阅读作品, 教师一般不加限制, 但必须要讲清阅读目的和要求, 一个课时能认识一个事物便达到了目的;定向阅读, 即由教师根据课程标准的规定, 以及某一写作单元的目的和要求, 确定阅读作品目录。如课标规定:初中每个年级课外阅读三五本书, 教师针对记叙文的特点, 有要求地布置, 通过检查及时了解和发现学生在课堂教学中已经掌握或没有掌握的问题, 以便在往后的课堂教学中“有的放矢”。教学中我要求学生每个学期背诵一定数量的古诗词, 要求学生在的阅读中摘抄妙文佳句, 多作一些笔记和卡片, 写读书心得等。学生从中吸取许多优秀的词汇和写作技巧, 补充丰富的素材。在阅读过程中要强调对文章熟读精炼, 融会贯通。

四.以开展校内活动, 促写作水平提高

校内活动是作文教学的有机组成部分。我常常思考这个问题“开展什么样的活动才能提高学生对生活、对客观世界的认识, 使课堂教学和活动有机结合起来, 达到预期的目的”。经过长期实践活动, 可选择下述内容来完成:组织多种形式写作交流、辩论、演讲等, 达到教学目标;组织学生通过听报告, 举办讲座, 收看有意义的影视节目尝试成功, 进而培养写作兴趣;组织学生参加各种形式认知活动、创新活动, 各种内容的实践活动, 培养并发展写作水平。如:学校、年级、班级应根据实际有计划地经常性地组织些专题性的讲座, 内容可以结合年级的课文作必要的拓宽和加深。还可以请英雄或者模范讲先进事迹, 对学生进行革命传统及爱国主义等方面的教育。“国旗下的讲话”、“开学典礼”和“休学仪式”, 语文教师也要当作语文课外活动来抓, 提出明确要求。现在家庭电视机、电脑很普及, 为学生接受外界信息提供了方便的条件, 教师积极引导, 有选择地观看一些有益的影视节目, 如新闻联播、焦点访谈等, 让学生关心国内外大事, 掌握国情国策, 在课堂内开展评论, 发表看法。

校内活动的内容是丰富多彩的。作为语文教师应从实际出发, 发挥条件优势, 因地制宜, 扬长避短, 有选择性地开展, 课内外结合, 才能更好地开发引导学生的天资和禀赋, 启迪学生的智慧, 从而使学生形成能力, 达到提高学生写作水平的目的。

7.托福写作水准提高方法 篇七


1. 不完整的句子

(1) If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard. One of the hardest things that people do.

If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard—one of the hardest things that people do.

(2) Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world. A gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

2. 分词短语作状语的错误

Holding her in his arms, the moon hid behind the cloud.

As soon as the moon hid behind the cloud, he held her in his arms.

3. 修饰词错位

(1) Romeo received word that Juliet was dead from another messenger.

Romeo received word from another messenger that Juliet was dead.

(2) After leaving the stage, the audience’s applause called the musicians back for an encore.

After the musicians left the stage, the audience’s applause called them back for an encore.

(3) Disruptive in the classroom, a teacher may become exasperated with hyperactive children.

Disruptive in the classroom, hyperactive children may exasperate a teacher.

4. 串句

Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization, for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance, but when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.

Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization; for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance. But when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.

5. 时态错误

The researchers admitted that they falsified crucial data in the study.

The researchers admitted that they had falsified crucial data in the study.

6. 代词错误

(1) Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take it our on others.

Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take them our on others.

(2) Each girl and boy must do their part to keep the home fires burning.

Each girl and boy must do her or his part to keep the home fires burning.

(3) This college has their own entrance requirements.

This college has its own entrance requirements.

(4) If one wishes to participate in the political process, you can begin by voting regularly.

If one wishes to participate in the political process, one can begin by voting regularly.

(5) The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, they thought an unhappy employee might have started it.

The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, the library staff thought an unhappy employee might have started it.

7. 结构混乱

Because Hemingway’s style is simple makes his writing accessible to all readers.

Because Hemingway’s style is simple, his writing is accessible to all readers.

Hemingway’s simple style makes his writing accessible to all readers.










“一边倒”的好处是思考时间相对来说会比较短,不用想太多太复杂,分观点不会冲突。但是容易出现上文提到的“太武断”问题。而且也限制思路、限制发挥。而辩证分析更符合国外critical thinking的思维模式,思维的广度和深度更吸引评卷老师。但要小心控制审题时间,提升打字速度,以免没办法在规定时间内把自己的思想表达完全。






8.托福写作水准提高方法 篇八

1)Simile(明喻):It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison,words like as, as……as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul,so is good news from a far country.

2)Metaphor(暗喻):It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated.For example, the world is a stage.

3)Analogy(类比):It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.





按照这种思维模式,托福作文应该写成三个层次,也就是我们确立了中心思想后应该找到三条理由来支持,这种思想使托福作文很容易达到24分。想达到27分以上,就应该在这三条理由中再各找出两条理由来支持。托福作文要写五段:第一段为中心思想段; 二、三、四段为支持段落;最后一段为总结段落。



我们必须知道:托福作文的宗旨在于communicaing information,也就是语言更应该是交流的工具。汉语经过几千年凝练,以“言简意赅”为最高境界,但美国人思维却是具体的。我们按照中国人思维写作,美国人根本看不懂,托福作文就是低分。

9.提高中学生写作水平的方法 篇九


孔子曾说过:“知之者不如好之者, 好之者不如乐之者。”那么, 如何培养学生对作文的兴趣呢?

1.善于发现闪光点, 及时肯定鼓励

学生的作文, 在批改时都要找到他们的长处, 从中发现闪光点, 加以肯定和鼓励, 并且每次作文时都要求学生认真对待, 选出一些佳作张贴出来, 并在课堂上朗读出来, 哪怕是一个字用得妙, 一个开头写得精彩都衷心表扬一番, 从而激发学生的写作兴趣。

2.因人施教, 分类指导

学生的差异客观存在, 作文水平高低也不一致, “一刀切”、“一锅煮”的教法使好的学生吃不饱, 差的学生吃不消, 也会使学生失去兴趣, 产生消极心理和行为, 因此每次作文我根据学生的不同程度提出不同的要求、任务、分类指导。好的学生鼓励他们参加各类作文竞赛, 积极向报刊投稿发表, 以满足他们自我实现的需要, 对差的学生降低要求, 减少难度, 使他们的写作能有所进步, 从而激发他们写作的兴趣。

二.从模仿到创造, 鼓励学生的自信心

模仿是人类学习, 掌握技能的重要方法之一, 也是学生的心理特点之一。模仿的特点在于针对性强, 有法可循, 既降低了学习的难度, 又收到了明显的效果。学生的模仿性很强, 先仿写范文对逐步提高他们的写作水平是非常有益的。老师在指导学生作文时, 便可训练学生从仿写句子、仿写片段到仿写范文, 让学生从范文体会各种写作方法的技巧和语言。

“仿”不能机械的模仿, 不能照范文生搬硬套, 例如, 在练习对人物外貌进行写作时, 很多同学写出的人物面部特征都是“有一双水汪汪的大眼睛、高高的鼻梁、樱桃小嘴、弯弯的柳叶眉、红红的脸蛋”等。难道这世界上真有这么多容貌如此相仿的人物吗?这就不是“仿”, 而是“抄”。因此, 老师在教学生写作的过程中不能使学生的思维受到约束, 而要让他们有自己的思维特点。例如, 学习了《从百草园到三味书屋》一课后, 可让学生学习文中在写作中巧妙运用过渡句的特点, 仿写了《从教室到西边》。学习了《春》一课后, 让学生学习了文章是怎样通过细心观察来描写大自然优美景色的, 让他们仿写了《夏》。实际上学生进行模范性写作训练时, 创造思维之光就在其中闪耀。他们的习作, 正是张开的创造性思维的的双翅, 慢慢地他们就能搏击长空。

三.体裁不限, 关注身边真人真事

天天吃肉未免会腻, 要不腻就要有所变化, 学生习作也是如此。学生作文不必拘泥于常见的那几种体裁, 也应涉及一些文学体裁和常见的应用文, 如诗歌、散文、童话、小说、书信、报告、计划、总结等。使学生感到不受文体约束, 不受书本之限, 充分发挥其能力, 乐于写。这样不仅可以培养学生的习作兴趣, 而且可以开发学生的智力。

初中生习作往往大同小异, 写不出好文章, 甚至抄袭。主要原因在于学生忽视自己的身边事。如果让学生关注身边的真人真事, 进而在真人真事的基础上让学生写出自己想说的话, 这对培养学生写作兴趣是非常有益的。我在教学中坚持让学生实话实说, 然后给予指导。我教的一个学生在 (老师心目中的优生和差生) 的作文中写出了差生受到老师轻视后的不平与委曲:“好学生背漏一句课文可以坐下, 我背漏了半句却不叫我坐下, 为什么?”另如《父亲举手就打我对吗?》、《吃年饭能请回祖上吗?) 等等, 都很真实地反映了学生的思想。让学生关注身边的真人真事, 学生就有话可写, 不吐不快。

摘要:作文教学是语文教学中的一个非常重要的组成部分, 但写作训练无论从时间上还是数量上相对来说都较少, 而且收效甚微。因此, 提高学生的写作水平, 是当前语文教学的根本任务。提高学生的写作水平, 首先, 要培养学生浓厚的写作兴趣;其次, 从模仿到创造, 鼓励学生的自信心第三;不限体裁, 关注身边真人真事。

10.托福写作:1125托福独立写作 篇十






Currently, the widening gap between the rich and the poor is a social problem posing a threat to stability in many countries. As the 20% of the population accumulating 80% of the wealth globally, the rich is naturally supposed to take more social responsibility, like charity. In my mind, however, to do charity or to donate is a philanthropic act of personal choice but not anyone’s obligation. To require wealthy people to do more charity is in fact a kind of emotional blackmail.

Admittedly, affluent people have more money to donate. In contrast to the poor, they not only have more savings in bank accounts, but also enjoy higher living standards, like living in fancy houses, tasting delicious food and traveling worldwide in holidays. It seems the money they donate will not have much influence on their daily life but become a straw to clutch at for those in need. However, this argument only proves that wealthy people have the ability to help others but cannot justify that they have the obligation to do so. In fact, charity ought to be encouraged instead of being coerced.

On the one hand, all individuals’ property right is protected by the law, including that of rich people, if only the money is made through legal ways. For most people, the wealth they accumulate and social status they build is the endorsement of their capability and value. The professional knowledge and incomparable skills enable them to be competent in job market and request high incomes, the rewards of their contribution. They have full right to use and spend the money as they like. On the contrary, when donation becomes wealthy people’s duty, they actually lose the right to enjoy some rewards of their contribution, which is surely unfair. Consequently, such moral coercion to some extend discourages people’s ambition to earn more.

On the other hand, given the fact that wealthy people already have contributed more to society by paying more taxes compared to people with low income, there is no reason to morally hijack them to do more charity. The government levies different percentage of taxes on people’s incomes. The higher one’s salary is, the more taxes he pays. Take people in my city as an instance. The salary lower than 3500 yuan per month is not taxed. For the amount of salary higher than 3500 yuan, people pay 10% income tax, and for the amount of salary higher than 8000 yuan, people pay 20% income tax. Moreover, there are also other taxes imposed on the wealthy, such as property tax and heritage tax. In a word, while the rich make more money and enjoy higher living standard, they make more contribution to society, which also makes the compulsory donation from the rich unjustified.

To sum up, though wealthy people have more money to donate, it is morally incorrect to force them to donate more.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.

11.托福写作水准提高方法 篇十一








Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development.


Undoubtedly, children today, as the most tech-savviest generation in history, can hardly live a day without computers and smartphones which play an important role in their study and entertainment. However, as the time children spend with digitals devices skyrockets, both parents and educators start to worry about the perils of new technology and advocate that it is more meaningful for children to play with simple toys and meet friends.

Admittedly, children acquire much joy from computers and smartphones. The well designed computer games never fail to fascinate their players with vivid figures, attractive rewards, and cheerful music. It is even more joyful when classmates are playing together online. In addition, almost every child who has a smartphone will install chatting software. As they also have the strong desire to be connected, they keep talking with each other even after school on the phone. If there is anything that they are reluctant to communicate with parents or brothers and sisters at home, it is more fun to chat with classmates.

However, as there are self-evident disadvantages of playing computers or smartphones, such as lack of exercises, poor eyesight and isolation from real world, parents and educators advocate replacement: simple toys and meeting friends. To begin with, there are many toys that not only bring as much joy as computers and smartphones do, but also help children provoke thinking and activate imagination. Compared with computer games which require few thoughts but simple exercises of fingers, those toys encourage children to make more efforts in the game and rewards them with stronger sense of achievement. One of the best examples must be Lego, a toy welcomed by many families globally. With numerous small pieces of different colors piled up, children are able to build anything in their mind, like an architecture, an animal and a cartoon character.

Secondly, communication and interaction with friends is absolutely more important in children’s development. While entertaining with computers or smartphones, children are usually absorbed in their own inner world and pay little attention to others. The unwillingness of talking to others will gradually make children isolated and weaken their communication ability. This is exact reason why it is vital for parents to motivate children to play outdoors with friends. Through gaming with friends, children learn how to get along well, compete, and cooperate with playmates. For example, playing basketball teaches children the significance of team spirits; playing chess allows children to discuss strategy. What’s more, the company and reliance of friends makes children feel needed, which also encourages them to expand social circle and improve interpersonal skills.

To sum up, children benefit more from playing simple toys and meeting friends than from playing with computers and smartphones.

12.论水准测量的误差来源与控制方法 篇十二


1 勘察设计过程中水准测量的问题

水准测量是采用几何原理, 利用水平视线测定两点间高差。仪器使用水准仪, 工具是水准尺和尺垫。公路工程测量一般使用DS3型微倾式自动安平水准仪, 每公里能达到的精度是3mm, 水准仪在一个测站使用的基本程序是安置仪器、粗略整平、瞄准水准尺、精确整平和读数。我们在实际勘测过程中按这个顺序施行, 在每一水准点段测完后复核结果。

2 水准测量的现状

现在应用水准点与中桩分开观测的方法, 水准点观测采取往返测量, 成果整理要求高差闭合差fh容 (fh容=∑h往+∑h返) 达到平原微丘区三等水准测量的精度不大干±20.L (1/2) 。平原微丘地区影响水准测量精度的主要因素是水准路线的长度, 长度越长, 精度越低。山区, 则是测站, 测站越多, 精度越低。

3 水准测量的误差分析及控制方法


3.1 仪器误差之一是水准仪的望远镜视准轴不平行于水准管轴所产生的误差

仪器虽在测量前经过校正, 仍会存在残余误差。因此造成水准管气泡居中, 水准管轴居于水平位置而望远镜视准轴却发生倾斜, 致使读数误差。这种误差与视距长度成正比。观测时可通过中间法 (前后视距相等) 和距离补偿法 (前视距离和等于后视距离总和) 消除。针对中间法在实际过程中的控制, 立尺人是关键, 通过应用普通皮尺测距离, 之后立尺, 简单易行。而距离补偿法不仅繁琐, 并且不容易掌握。

3.2 仪器误差之二是水准尺误差

主要包含尺长误差 (尺子长度不准确) 、刻划误差 (尺上的分划不均匀) 和零点差 (尺的零刻划位置不准确) , 对于较精密的水准测量, 一般应选用尺长误差和刻划误差小的标尺。尺的零误差的影响, 控制方法可以通过在一个水准测段内, 两根水准尺交替轮换使用 (在本测站用作后视尺, 下测站则用为前视尺) , 并把测段站数目布设成偶数, 即在高差中相互抵消。同时可以减弱刻划误差和尺长误差的影响。

3.3 观测误差之一是符合水准管气泡居中的误差

由于符合水准气泡未能做到严格居中, 造成望远镜视准轴倾斜, 产生读数误差。读数误差的大小与水准管的灵敏度有关, 主要是水准管分划值t的大小。此外, 读数误差与视线长度成正比。水准管居中误差一般认为是0.1·τ, 根据公式m居=0.1·τs/p, Ds3级水准仪水准管的分划值一般为20'', 视线长度S为75m, p=206265'', 那么, m居=0.4mm。由此看来, 只要观测时符合水准管气泡能够认真仔细进行居中, 且对视线长度加以限制, 与中间法一致, 此误差可以消除。

3.4 观测误差之二是视差的影响

当存在视差时, 尺像不与十字丝平面重合, 观测时眼睛所在的位置不同, 读出的数也不同, 因此, 产生读数误差。所以在每次读数前, 控制方法就是要仔细进行物镜对光, 消除视差。

3.5 观测误差之三是水准尺的倾斜误差

水准尺如果是向视线的左右倾斜, 观测时通过望远镜十字丝很容易察觉而纠正。但是, 如果水准尺的倾斜方向与视线方向一致, 则不易察觉。尺子倾斜总是使尺上读数增大。它对读数的影响与尺的倾斜角和尺上读数的大小 (即视线距地面的高度) 有关。尺的倾斜角越大, 对读数的影响就越大;尺上读数越大, 对读数的影响就越大。

所产生的读数误差为△a=a (1-c osν) 。当v=3o, a=1.5m时, △a=2mm, 由此可以看出, 此项影响是不可忽视的, 通常我们立镜高度是1.7m, 则△a=2.33mm。因此, 在水准测量中, 立尺是一项十分重要的工作, 一定要认真立尺, 使尺处于铅垂位置。尺上有圆水准的应使气泡居中。必要时可用摇尺法, 即读数时尺底置于点上, 尺的上部在视线方向前后慢慢摇动, 读取最小的读数。当地面坡度较大时, 尤其应注意将尺子扶直, 并应限制尺的最大读数。最重要的是在转点位置。

3.6 外界条件和下沉的影响

用水平面代替水准面对高程的影响, 可以用公式△h-D2/ (2R) 表示, 地球半径R=6371km, 当D=75m时, △h-0.44cm;当D=100m时, △h=0.08cm;当D=500m时, △h=2cm;当D=lkm时, △h=8cm;当D=2km时, △h=31 cm;显然, 以水平面代替水准面时高程所产生的误差要远大干测量高程的误差。所以, 对于高程而言, 即使距离很短, 也不能将水准面当作水平面, 一定要考虑地球曲率对高程的影响。实测中采用中间法可消除。大气折光使视线成为一条曲率约为地球半径7倍的曲线, 使读数减小, 可以用公式△h-D2/ (2×7R) 表示, 视线离地面越近, 折射越大, 因此, 视线距离地面的角度不应小于0.3m, 并且其影响也可用中间法消除或减弱。此外, 应选择有利的时间, 一日之中, 上午10时至下午4时这段时间大气比较稳定, 便于消除大气折光的影响, 但在中午前后观须4时, 尺像会有跳动, 影响读数, 应避开这段时间, 阴天、有微风的天气可全天观测。

仪器下沉是指在一测站上读的后视读数和前视读数之间仪器发生下沉, 使得前视读数减小, 算得的高差增大。为减弱其影响, 当采用双面尺法或变更仪器高法时, 第一次是读后视读数再读前视读数, 而第二次则先读前视读数再读后视读数。即“后、前、前、后”的观测程序。这样的两次高差的平均值即可消除或减弱仪器下沉的影响。

水准尺下沉的误差是指仪器在迁过程中, 转点发生下沉, 使迁站后的后视读数增大, 算得的高差也增大。如果采取往返测, 往测高差增大, 返测高差减小, 所以取往返高差的平均值, 可以减弱水准尺下沉的影响。最有效的方法是应用尺垫, 在转点的地方必须放置尺垫, 并将其踩实, 以防止水准尺在观测过程中下沉。

根据误差来源分析表1.1, 应用偶然中误差M△=± ([△·△]/【4·n·R】) (1/2) 计算合格, 附合路线闭合差公式计算同样合格。那么, 这个比较隐蔽的错误主要来源是立尺方向出现倾斜和转点位置下沉或移动, 中间法距离控制不好。解决的方法是首先改变水准测量的模式, 基平与中平分开。其次在每一个测站检核, 在同一测站上以不同的仪器高度 (或称视线高度) 观测两次, 两次所测高差之差不超过规定的容许值2.0mm, 取其算术平均值作为本测站的观测结果。严格执行上述控制误差的方法。就能够有效的把误差控制在精度要求内。

4 结论

13.托福考生托福写作高分经验 篇十三


在综合写作方面,主要通过课上讲评和课后练习的方式进行的。在做题时,要求江同学要注重阅读和听力部分的一一对应的反驳关系。在课程中,进行了对阅读的总观点和分论点进行改写的练习,于此同时也讲解了如何使表达更有简洁性。听力内容方面,则让江同学要做到尽量还原原文,尤其是细节部分更要表达完整准确。在注重技巧训练的同时也时刻提醒学员要打好基础,加强单词方面的背诵与默写。在单词背诵方面,我主要借鉴《词以类记》这 本书的按学科分类部分的方法来扩展江同学词汇量,并且让她在平时的学习中注意搭建单词发音与拼写之间的联系。









After your presentation, which way would you choose to identify your weakness and improve your presentation?

1) reviewing the recording on your own;

2) inviting your colleagues or classmates to make suggestions for improvement.

范文1:For Choice 1

To improve my performance after giving a presentation, it is best to review a recording of it by myself. This process lets me observe all aspects of the presentation, evaluate changes at my own pace, and avoid being defensive.

First, a video recording gives significantly more information than just relying on comments made by colleagues or classmates. I can analyze and improve on even small points that others may not have noticed or found worth mentioning. For example, a couple years ago, I gave a presentation that I had extensively prepared for. It had strong organization and flow. Classmates raved about the content, but mentioned that I looked scared. I was confused, because I had felt confident. However, I noticed in the video later that I was continually fingering my notes. For my next presentation, I placed the notes within view but did not hold them, rendering my appearance more professional.

Another reason I prefer watching a recording is my pace of learning. I can focus on the points I want to redo, replaying the material as often as I want, confirming even tiny details. In fact, I can even take long breaks to think about what I see or to try out alternate delivery styles. I do not have to inconvenience my friends by asking them for feedback or taking up their time. If others are involved in the evaluation process, I feel much more rushed because I do not want to bother people who have agreed to help me.

Finally, reviewing a recording by myself eliminates a serious problem that hinders progress: my pride. I do not like to admit it, but I often get defensive about feedback and want to explain why certain things happened. I feel resentful about negative comments rather than see them as stepping stones towards improvement. It is a natural tendency, but it definitely hinders my ability to assimilate outside feedback. Furthermore, friends try to be polite, so they may not mention minorpoints that I might have improved because they don’t want to seem too critical. Emotions get in the way of a thorough critique.

To improve my future performance, I find it best to review videos of my presentations by myself. I can evaluate all aspects of the presentation, take as much time as I need, and avoid the inevitable problem of emotional involvement swaying the critique.

at my own pace 按照自己的步伐走

rave about the content 对内容赞不绝口

place the notes within view 把笔记放在眼前,把笔记放在视线范围内

inconvenience my friends 麻烦我的朋友

take up their time 占用他们的时间

see them as stepping stones towards improvement 把它们看作是迈向进步的垫脚石

get in the way 妨碍,阻碍

范文2:For Choice 2

It is essential to get the feedback of people in the audience to learn about mistakes and improve on a presentation. Spectator critiques help identify the big picture and reveal points that you can’tsee in an honest, unbiased way.

No matter how impartial you want to be, a self-evaluation is biased. It incorporates points that are not relevant to the performance you gave. For example, you may think you did excellent given your limited practice time or great amount of stress, but your audience is unaware of these factors. The viewers only evaluate what they see, which is a far more accurate measure of a presentation. A self-evaluation may also ignore issues that were “just accidents.” However, such points may reallybe important detractors that need to be addressed.

People in the audience also provide insight into the big picture. They only have time to note specific glaring details or outstanding highlights. Otherwise, their feedback gives you the overallimpression of the performance, which is something intangible and essential to the presentation’ssuccess. If you compare the feedback of several observers, you can isolate the main patterns. As a result, you can understand the most important parts that need changed. If you only refer to a video on your own, you may get caught up changing minor details rather than addressing the key elements that are needed to alter the overall flow or lasting effect.

Finally, classmates or colleagues may identify things you take for granted such as mannerisms, repeated words, or even problems with visual aids. One example is a teacher who gave a presentation using an old slide projector that kept jamming. The teacher apologized when that happened and kept going with the lecture. He had no idea how distracting it was, to the point that students remembered joking about which slide would get stuck next better than they remembered the content. The teacher, however, was so used to fixing the projector that he barely noticed it. The feedback showed him the value of replacing his visual aids with newer equipment, an issue he had never considered was important.

Since an audience gives you honest evaluations of the overall impression of a presentation and identifies points you may not see on your own, it is important to get feedback from people in the audience in order to improve your presentations.

spectator critiques 旁观者的评论

in an honest, unbiased way 以诚实、公正的方式

a far more accurate measure of a presentation 对报告或展示一种更为准确的评价

provide insight into the big picture 洞察全局

glaring details 明显的细节

outstanding highlights 突出的亮点

visual aids 视觉辅助



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

范文1:Argument 1 (for)

Students today are more interested in politics than students were in the past. The methods of presenting politics to the general audience have changed. Now that it is more entertaining and easier to watch the progress of local and international events, students have a greater desire to follow political issues.

In the past, political issues were considered serious topics that needed to be treated with dignity and respect. That attitude has changed in recent years, so that now political events such as debates are colorful spectacles designed to engage and entertain. Politicians are often viewed asamusing and mocked by actors and the media. As a result, students enjoy seeing what antics the politicians are up to. This new attitude is a far cry from the dry, solemn tone of yesteryear.

Not only are political proceedings considered more entertaining, but they are also easier to access now than they were in the past. It is easy to look up issues on the internet or smart phones, so students can read about political events at any time. They do not have to buy a newspaper ordedicate a certain time to watching news on the television. Instead, they can read on the bus or while waiting to meet a friend. In fact, social media also rapidly spreads news about political events, allowing the news to reach millions more students than it would have in the past.

At the same time that technology makes news about politics more accessible, it encourages more awareness of events so that students do not feel left behind. Students want to follow issues so that they can converse in witty ways with their friends. They do not want to appear “out of the loop,” so they read up on what is happening. They take time to scan headlines and watch videos so that they are able to discuss such things with their peers.

Today, politics are presented as diverting and entertaining. New technology makes it easier for students to access news. In turn, students have more of a desire to learn about the news so they can keep up with their friends. As a result, students today follow politics much more than they did in the past.

the general audience


be viewed as X.X.X

被当做 X.X.X

be up to


be a far cry from the dry, solemn tone of yesteryear


dedicate a certain time to do


in witty ways


out of the loop


范文2:Argument 2 (against)

In the past, students were more aware of political issues than they are today. Most students today are raised in an environment that does not encourage insightful analysis of local and world events. Although technology has increased the availability of news, it does not mean that students regularly access it.

First, students lack the encouragement to interpret the news that they see. In the past, families often watched political news together around their single television. After seeing the news, they might argue different sides of the issue and analyze the ramifications of the decisions. Families sitting around the dinner table would invariably discuss politics. However, these opportunities are greatly reduced because families have more than one television, allowing members to view completely different shows. Very few families today sit down for a dinner with all members present. The structure of the home has changed so that students are not encouraged to participate in discussions about politics.

Second, priorities have changed so that students don’t have time or don’t want to watch politics. Why pay attention to dry, boring news when there are social media and extremely engaging video games? Students would prefer to gossip with friends about school and peers rather than discuss details of law and commerce. In the past, if students were not outside playing, they were isolated at home, leaving them with little to do other than pick up the newspaper and read events. However, today students can message friends or become absorbed in the internet, options that let them pursue other things than politics.

Finally, the way news is presented leaves students less educated about political events than they were in the past. Today, news is given as short, catchy headlines or video shots. For example, students may get a brief look at the highlight of a debate, but they do not understand the background or implications of the decision. They may see the funny moment when a politicianmakes a verbal slip, but they do not have any context for it. The current trend of making politics amusing is shifting the population’s awareness from a thoughtful analysis of politics to a humorous anecdote without a framework of reference.

Students today are not nearly as aware of political issues as they were in the past. Changing family structures, priorities, and news presentation methods have turned the tide towards a more superficial understanding of politics.

insightful analysis of local and world events


analyze the ramifications of the decisions


gossip with X


become absorbed in


catchy headlines


make a verbal slip


a thoughtful analysis of politics
