


1.高中英语高考作文必备词组专题辅导 篇一





一、谓语动词、动词词组及其时态和语态 1.--Why do these photographs look so black?--The film was not ______ in the right way.A.washed



D.worked 答案B。这题考查动词的正确用法,根据句意选B项为冲洗照片的意思。2.In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, you should ______ your findings in logical order and clear language.A.write



D.put 答案C。C项意为陈述,呈现。意义比A项更宽,present表示:可写可说可演示。

3.Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ______ most of her day.A.takes up

B.makes up

C.saves up

D.puts up 答案A。本题考查动词词组的辨析。take up占据时间空间的意思,符合题意;make up组成的意思;save up意为节省下来;put up意为挂起来,搭建起来。4.Can you make a sentence to ______ the meaning of the phrase? A.show off

B.bring out

C.turn out

D.take in 答案B。bring out意为把意义明白表示出来;show off意为炫耀;turn out意为关掉,驱逐;take in意为把某人带进来,吸收。

5.Henry works in the library now, but he ______ on a farm for three years.A.worked

B.has worked

C.had worked

D.had been working 答案A。本题考查了动词的时态。句子的意思是Henry现在图书馆工作,但他曾在农场干过三年。用一般过去时表示以前曾经做过的事,but表示转折,前后表示现在和过去的对比。同学们不能只看for three years,而要看整个句子的情境。

6.--Will you lend me some paper?

--Sorry, mine ______.A.were used up

B.ran out

C.has been run out

D.has given out 答案D。本题考查动词的时态及语态。答案中的三个词组都有“用完”的意思,但用法不同。run out和give out不能用被动语态。只有use up可以用被动语态,但语境需要的时态不是一般过去时,而是表示对现在有影响的现在完成时。


1.I’d _______ to his letter as soon as I received it, but the noise from the next door stopped me from doing so.A. rather reply

B.love to reply

C.like to have replied

D.have replied 答案C。情态动词加上have done表示对过去的推测或对过去的虚拟,“本该„„却没有”,从题干可知,我本来想一收到信就写回信,但隔壁的声音使我没能这样做。

2.It’s said that there are plenty of hotels in that town.There ______ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.A.wouldn’t



D.needn’t 答案B。本题考查对情态动词的理解及运用。本句的意思是:据说那个镇上有充足的旅馆。按理说你在那里找住宿是没问题的。B项should用来表示一种估计的情况,意为按理应该怎样。

三、非谓语动词包括动词的ing形式、动词的过去分词形式、动词不定式 1.If the building project ______ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.A.is completed

B.being completed

C.to be completed

D.completed 答案C。本题必须理解整个句子结构,不定式的被动式作后置定语表示将来。

2.We have got everything ready at once, with our guests ______ to come in ten minutes.A.expected


C.are expecting

D.to expect 答案A。本题考查分词作宾语补足语的用法。这里是一个with结构,用来表示情景、状态等。在这里expect与guests是被动关系,因此选择答案A。3.Being out of work, ______.A.so he has a hard life

B.he has a hard life

C.what a hard life he has

D.a hard life belongs to him 答案B。本题考查非谓语动词和句式。现在分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语应是这个句子的主语。句中失业的是他,而不是生活。

4.In order not to be found, I’ll spend the night ______ in your room.A.locking


C.to lock

D.lock 答案B。I和lock之间构成被动关系,而不能用spend„(in)doing sth.。


1.It is _____ great pleasure to go to ______ cinema after a week’s hard work.A.a;the



D.the, the 答案A。a great pleasure 表示“一件快乐的事”。不可数名词如:danger / difficulty / disappointment / failure / help / success / wonder / pressure等前加不定冠词表示“一„„的人或物”。

2.It’s quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause ______heavy pressure on ______ whole society in the future.A.a;a



D./;the 答案C。

3.Tom used to be a teacher till he turned ______ policeman who caught a robber by ______ arm.A./;the



D./;/ 答案A。这一题第一空考查的是零冠词的用法。turn跟名词,前面不加不定冠词;第二空考查定冠词的用法catch sb by the arm。

五、代词 考查的内容是人称代词、不定代词

1.I found a very beautiful sweater in a shop this morning, and I’m going to buy ______ this afternoon.Would you like to go with me? A.it



D.any 答案A.it用于指代名称相同的同一事物,one用于指代名称相同的另一事物。

2.--How many chairs do you still need?

--Ten ______ please.A.more



D.the other 答案A another/other/more都表示“另外的”,跟数词连用时,语序不同。以two为例,表达如下:another two / two more / two others。但the other two意为“其余的两个”。

3.I want to see the manager ______, not his secretary.A.by himself


C.by me

D.itself 答案B。从上下文分析,我想见的是经理本人,而不是秘书,himself作manager的同位语。

六、名词 :

1.I listened to Dr.Johnson’s lecture on biology, but I failed to get the key ______.A.points



D.communication 答案A。本题考查名词辨异。根据句意可知,只有points与本题语境相符,意为要点。

2.On New Year’s Eve we had a ______.A.ten-course dinner


C.ten-coursed dinner

D.ten-course-dinner 答案A。ten-course修饰dinner,数词+名词单数的形式作定语。


1.--Jack is ill, so he can’t be here.--Then we’ll have no choice but to give the performance ______ him.A.except for

B.apart from


D.without 答案D。意为在某人不在的情况下。B项和C项表示从一定的范围中去除,A项是部分修正的意思。

2.______ most school teachers were men, but today there are more women teachers than men teachers.A.At one time

B.At all times

C.At a time

D.At the time 答案A。A项意为曾经;B项意为随时,总是;C项一次,它当作频率副词;D项意为那时。


1.Living in a highly ______ society, you definitely have to arm yourselves with as much knowledge as possible.A.attractive



D.competitive 答案D。根据题意,应该是“生活在一个高度竞争力的社会,”。2.--Now that you like the car so much, why not drive it back?--Well, I can’t afford ______ car.A.that expensive a

B.a that expensive C.that an expensive

D.an expensive that

答案A。句中的that相当于so,that expensive a car相当于so expensive a car,或such an expensive car。3.--Do you like this coat, madam?--Well, it’s a bit too large.Do you have this coat in ______ size? A.the smaller

B.a smaller

C.a smallest

D.a small 答案B。从语境上分析,顾客想要一件比现在小一点的大衣,故用比较级;要的只能是商店里的一件大衣,故在比较级前加不定冠词。


1.Last week our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem ______ none of us worked out.A.that



D.who 答案C。本题考查定语从句的关系代词,关系代词在定语从句中作主语或宾语。work out是及物动词,意为“计算出”,其后应接宾语,这里as作关系代词,和such或so连用。如果本句改为„worked it out,则该题应选为A,构成such„that结构,引导结果状语从句。2.--We are expected to finish the work by six this evening.--______ if we can’t manage it?




D.When 答案A。what if有二个意思。


二、即使„„又有什么关系。本句是第一个意思。根据语境本句意思为:如果我们不能及时完成怎么办呢?what if相当于一个主从复合句,条件句完整,主句因上下文比较清楚,只保留一个what,而其它三个选项不符合题意。

3.I don’t remember how many years ago ______ I last showed you around the factory.A.it was that

B.was it that

C.it was when

D.was it when

答案A。it was that是强调句结构,句中的宾语从句how many years ago it was that„由强调句it was many years ago that„转化而来。


1.--Cliff, I lost your bike at school, I suppose.I should pay for it.--Oh, ______,it was an old bike anyway.A.forget it

B.take it easy


D.don’t say so 答案A。根据上下文,理解为忘记它,别在意。B项意为慢慢来,C项意为可以,D项意为不要这样说,这三项都不合题意。

2.--I don’t feel like going out.Why don’t we watch TV at home?--____ You promised to take me out for dinner.A.Come on!


C.Not at all.D.Why not? 答案A。表示不耐烦,意为“得了得了”。3.--May I borrow your dictionary?

--______.A.By all means

B.Never mind C.You are welcome

D.Don’t mention it 答案A。意为完全可以。

4.--Which job do you think I should take, the counter’s job or the waiter’s job?--______.A.That’s all right

B.It’s your own matter C.It’s up to you

D.It’s none of your business 答案C。意为由你决定。5.--What is your sister like?--________.A.She likes English

B.She studies hard C.She is a good doctor

D.She is tall and beautiful 答案D。原句意思是:你姐姐长得怎样?故D项正确。单项选择题的特点:


1.I don’t think the way she thought of ______ money is a good one.A.to raise


C.being raised

D.raised 答案:A。She thought of是定语从句,省略了关系代词that,to raise money是作the way的后置定语。另外,the way she thought of to raise money is a good one.是省略了连词that的宾语从句,是I don’t think的宾语。2.I suggested the problem ______ as soon as possible A.referred to being solved

B.referred be solved C.referred to be solved

D.referred should be solved 答案C。本句为suggested后接宾语从句,referred to为过去分词修饰the problem,从句中谓语用动词原形(省略了should),且应为被动语态。只有分析了整个句子,理清主句,才能正确的作出解答。


It is near the place ______ there is a bomb ______ we found the dead man.A.where;where



D.that;that 答案B。本句是定语从句式对强调结构的分隔。where there is a bomb是定语从句。

三、通过附加成份干扰的解题思路,以达到“声东击西”的效果。Who do you think I would like to ______my computer?

A.have repairing

B.have repaired

C.have to repair

D.have repair 答案D。本题考查have sb do sth。我们如果把句子还原成陈述句的话,就很容易找出正确答案。在解题过程中,我们不妨用一人名替代who,再把句子变成陈述句:I think I would like to have Tom repair my computer.这样就可以容易地选出正确答案了。


1.I have never met him before, can you d______ him to me briefly? 答案:describe。本题考查的是动词。

2.One of the p______ taking the plane to London is a great writer.答案:passengers。本题要求填入的是名词,根据文中的要求,要用名词的复数形式。

3.The r______ between the army and the people is as close as fish to water.答案:relationship。要求填写的是不可数名词。

4.The p______ of this article is simply to inform you about the kinds of problems that can cause memory loss.答案:purpose。根据提供的语境。

5. To learn in daily life r______ a favourable language environment, which is also necessary for improvement.答案:requires。要求填入的单词是第三人称单数的形式,因为主语是动词不定式to learn。

6. The ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between s______ and failure.答案:success。从后面的failure及整句的意思分析,空白处应填入success。除了意思完整以外,同学们必须注意词的正确形式,能区分success与succeed的不同词性及其正确的用法。

7.In the d______ temple, archaeologists discovered a statue dating back to about 1000BC.答案:deserted。从句意上理解,选择正确的单词填入,同时要注意它的过去分词形式。

8.I can’t go to the party, but I’m going to have some flowers d_____ for her birthday.答案:delivered。又要符合have sth done这一习语的正确形式。有同学填入decorated显然与本句子的意境不符。

9.A bicycle is far more c______ than a car or a bus in busy cities.答案:convenient。

2.高考英语作文的常用短语词组 篇二

2. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

3. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

4. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

5. 眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

6. 长远利益. interest in the long run

7. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

8. 扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

9. 取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。

10. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

11. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

12. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of…

13. 采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth

14. …的健康发展 the healthy development of …

3.高中英语高考作文必备词组专题辅导 篇三

孤独的寂寞的几个数个一些感觉感触 满足满意高兴愉快物主主人 旅行行程标志信号生病的有病的募集征集单独独自

安装固定车轮轮子信件信函 瞎的聋的想象设想苦难难题 打打开门地板提拿扛 训练培训(动词)训练培训(名词)激动地兴奋的善良仁慈聪明的理解领会理解领会的过去式是改变变化强壮的有残疾的丧失能力的兴趣关注修理修补修理的词组

必备词组 打扫干净振奋起来分发散发 曾经过去捐赠赠送建立设立影响有作用用完耗尽与......类似 推迟想出召集参加......选拨试用

必背句型 我想帮助那些无家可归的人


