


1.牛津五年级英语作文 篇一

Module 1 Using my five senses

Unit 1 Using my eyes

The first period

Teaching Aims:

Basic Aims:

1.Continue to leam the simple present tense.2.Using prepositions to indicate position and time.3.Try to answer questions according the text.Developing Aims:

Using the simple present tense to express simple truth.Education Aims:

Try to answer questions according the text.Teaching Aids:pictures,a cassette player

Teaching procedure:


2.Sing a song



a.Please say sth.About ‘Ben’s day’

b.Guessing game: Is it„?

c.Review: behind, beside and in front of using students and objects.While-task1.Words:rise, shadow,high

Procedurea.Introduce: shadow using the picture

b.Introduce:rise,high using the action.c.Say the new words and have the students repeat after me.2.Play the cassette for the first paragraph in Look and Read.Students listen and follow in their books.3.Play the cassette again.Students listen and repeat.4.Ask the students to answer questions

①.Whese is the sun?

②.Where is its shadow?

③.Is it long?

5.Play the cassette for the second paragraph

6.Play the cassette again.Students listen and repeat.7.Ask and answer about this paragraph.8.Introduce:go down.9.Play the cassette for the third paragraph twice.10.Have the students ask and answer.11.Read and answer.Look at the pictures and answer questions

Post-taskTalk about the shadow of the school building at the different time of a

activity day,then try to ask and answer.Consolidation:Exercises of workbook and Grammar book.The second period

Teaching Aims:

Basic Aims:

1.Using modals to talk about ability.2.Asking ‘Wh-’questions to find out the place.3.Using imperatives to give instructions and directions

4.Using the simple present tense to express simple truth.Developing Aims:

Asking‘Wh-’questions to find out the place.Education Aims:

Using the simple present tense to express simple truth.Teaching Procedure.Pre-taskPreparation

1.A poem:where where where


Guessing game:Where is it?It’s„

Where are they?They’re„

While –taskProcedure

1.Introduce:inside、outside according the words‘in’and ‘out

Introduce ‘flat’ using the picture and ‘glasses’using a pair of glasses.2.Say the new words and have the students read after me.3.play the cassette:Look and say.Students listen.4.Play the cassette again.Students listen and follow in their books.Ask students to remember the place of each picture.5.Ask students to do pair work about these pictures.6.Have students make short dialogues.7.Ask students to look at ‘Read and match’

Post –task.Activity

Oxford English Workbook and Grammar Practice Book 4B

The third period

Basic Aims:

1.Using imperatives to give instructions

2.Using modals to talk about abilities

3.Asking questions to find out the positions

Developing Aims:

Using modals to talk about abilities

Education Aims:

Asking questions to find out position

Teaching Procedure:

Pre-taskStudents do pair work to talk about their shadows.Preparatione.g.Can you see my shadow?

Is it long/short?

?Etc.While-task1.Play the cassette:Look and say.ProcedureStudents listen and follow in their books.2.Play the the cassette again.students listen and repeat.3.Ask Students to act out the dialogues with their panterners,then check one or

two.4.Play the cassette:Make a shadow.Students listen and follow in their books.5.Play the cassette again.Students listen and repeat.6.Ask students to say the instructions while they’re making a shadow.7.Ask students to write down some sentences about their shadow.For more able

students encourage them to write a few more sentences to describe their

shadows.Post-taskHave students play a game about their shadows

Activity——Close your eyes.——Open your eyes.Can you see my shadows?

——Is itthe?

ConsolidationQxfoxd English Workbook and Grammar Practice Book 4B.The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

Basic Aims:

1.Asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’response.2.Using formulaic expressions to express and respond to apologies.3.Using adjectives to show quantities.Developing Aims:

Using formulaic expressions to express and respond to apologies.Education Aims:

Using adjectives to show quantities.Teaching Aids:a cassette player,word and picture cards,some fouit.Teaching Procedure:

Pre-task1.Sing an English song

Preparation2.Daily talk

①.How are you?

②.what’s the weather like today?

③.Do you like„?

④.Have you got a book?

⑤.What have you got?

⑥.Has she/he got a pen?

3.Review some fruit.①.Do you like fruit?

②..What kinds of fruit do you like best?

③..What colour are they?

④.Where can we buy them?

⑤.Let’s go to the supermarket.While-task1.Display the wallpicture for page 5.Procedure:①.T:Oh,there are many fruit at the supermarket.What are these/those?

Introduce:strawberries grapes plums and cherries.②.Say the new words after the teacher.e.g What are they?They’re strawberries.Do you like plums?Yes,I like plums.2.①.Play the cassette:Say and act.The students listen and follow in their books.②.Play the cassette again.Students listen and repeat.③.The students read the dialogue in pairs.④.Read:Ask and answer.The students practise the model dialogue.⑤.Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue.Plst-task1.Divide the students into groups.Ask them to take out their Fruit.Then write

down a shopping list.e.g.green apples.2.Ask students to make a short dialogue about shopping list.One will be the

stall keeper.The others will be customers.3.Invite some groups to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.Consolidation:work book 5B P4

Grammar Practie Book 5B P4.The Fifth Period

Teaching Aims:

Basic Aims:

Basic Aims:

1.Using adjectives to show quantities.2.Using prepositions to mdicate position.3.Asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’responses.Developing Aims:

Using prepositions to indicate position.Teaching Aids:a cassette player,word and picture cards,some fruit,a box.Teaching Procedure.Pre-task1.Review the names of different.Procedure






Kinds of fruit.①.T:Look!What’s this/What are these? P:It’s/They’re„ ②.T:Do you like(the name of fruit)? P:What do you like best? ③.T:Have you got any(the name of fruit)? 2.Review inside,outside,behind,in front of,beside.T:I’ve got a ball.Please guess where it is? You can say“Is it„?” P:Is it in the box? Is it behind the box? Is it beside the box? 3.Review the pattern.Where are they?They’re„ T:Oh,I can’t see my books.Where are they? P:They’re on teacher’s desk.1.Play the cassette,Look and say.The students listen and follow in their books.2.The students listen and repeat.3.The student read the dialogue in pairs.4.Read:Ask and answer.The students practise the model dialogue.5.Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue.Divide the students into groups.1.T:Suppose we’re in the fruit shop.There are many fruit in it.Please make a new dialogue which is similar with‘look and say’.2.Invite some groups to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.Work book 4B P5 and Grammar Practice Book 4B P5.

2.牛津五年级英语作文 篇二


学生是教育的主体。在教学实践中,只有学生主体动起来,才能起到事半功倍的效果。义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文 素养。这就需要我们有效地教学,充分尊重学生,使学生形成综合英语运用能力,提高学生的人文素养。那么,如何有效利用英语教材文本,既尊重学生个体学习,又能提高学生人文素养呢?本文拟建构初中英语课堂教学 “导、 展、导、演”模式,并阐述模式的结构内涵、实践应用及操作要领。


“导”,即“导学”。引导学生学习相关 知识,完成预习任务。这需要充分了解所有学生的现有英语水平和发展需求,选择适当的教学方式和方法,把握学习难度, 调动学生的积极性,使他们保持学习英语的信心,体验学习英语的乐趣,获得学习英语的成功感受。有效地导学离不开教师对教材内容的取舍和补充,而挖掘教材文本中的兴趣点 是一堂课 各层次学 生主体参 与的关键。 陶行知先生曾经说过“你的教鞭下有瓦特,你的冷眼里有牛顿,你的嘲笑中有爱迪生”。教师要充分运用赏识教育和激励教育原 则。在义务教 育教科书《英语》八年级上册Unit 1Friends第一课时教学设计上,我抓住“一个好朋友的品质有哪些?”,启发学生主体参与为我找朋友,激发学生的兴趣 点———“我想交怎 样的好朋 友?”要求学生每人都要说出至少一个句子。学生的积极性明显增强,积极为我寻找人文素养高的人作为我的朋友。 在这一过程中,学生学会并运用了helpful,honest,polite,interesting等形容词,还理解了You must trust them because they never tell lies.等重要的句子。 在在师师生互动和生生用英语交流中,学生在掌握知识的同时提高了自己的人文素养。


“展”即当堂展示,学生通过自学后展示自己学懂的内容,供其他同学和老师评估。课堂教学中让竞争参与进来,让学生在竞争氛围下积极提高自己。在教学义务教育教科书《英语》八年级上册Unit 4Do it yourself第一课时,我设计竞争展示对话的环节,全班两两一组表演大PK。展示时必 须声音洪 亮,有感情,注意语音 语调,学生在表演中 找到语言 表达的技 巧和语言 的内在美,对You’d better get some tools.It says ,“Do it yourself.”When you do DIY,you make,repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.和I enjoy making something new.That’s fun.等句子有更深的理解。学生人人参与,尊重个性差异,又在竞争 中提高了对自己的要求,提高语言美的认识。


“导”即“导引”。启发学生探究英语 学习技巧。教师合理安排教 学内容和 步骤,组织多种 形式的课 堂互动,鼓励学生通过观察、模仿、体验、探究、展示等方式学习和运用英语,尽可能多地为他们创造语言实践机会, 引导他们学会自主学习和合作学习。小组活动设计以4 -6人为一组,在教学中我们主要是给定任务,分组活动完成任务。让他们在自己的活动小组里学有所得,提高兴趣,尽其所能发挥他们的长处。教师实时进行表扬和鼓励。增强他们的 学习自信 心,并慢慢形 成学习的 迁移,将他们的长项也慢慢向现在的语言发展。在小组活动设计上体现师生互动,生生互动,在活动中要有互帮互组环节,学生只有积极参与,分工合作才能 完成。如在教学义 务教育教 科书 《英语 》八年级上 册Unit 2 School life时,我采用小组合作学习。在进行第一 课时时,我把小组合作完成的任务分为探讨Eddie和Hobo谈论学校的样子、英美在学习用品上的不同、身边街区的不同和季节假日等方面的不同。用以上任务让学生分组选择在英美不同国家时进行对话表演。不同层次的学生都可以找到自己的角色,在小组合作中讨论用词的不同,互相在学习的氛围中得到发展,提高对英美文化差异的认识,在表演中 一言一行 体现人文 素养的提 高。


“演”即表演,学生根据一节课所学内容进 行表演。 评价是引导学生积极参与的基石,评价的设计要关注学生的主体差异,这样,学生才能在评价的指引下积极参与课堂的活动中。以义务教 育教科书《英语》八年级上 册Unit 8第二课时Taiwan Earthquake为例。在启发学生学完课本内容后,教师让小组合作表演采访。以小组长为幸存者Timmy,其他同学对他进行采访。采访设计如下。


教师在学生小组互相讨论的基础上确定评价标准, 引导师生共同提高人文素养,提高综合语言运用能力。


教师将小组按抽签的顺序排 号,每小组有90秒表演时间。教师再适当点评优缺点,引导学生体会其中的人文素养表现是否到位,欣赏小组精彩之处,认识到表演上的不足。



第1和第2步骤的活动使学生在小组 讨论和展 示中不断提高自己的人文素养。学生在表演时针对评价标准,既明白了自己的高于别人之处,也看到了别人的不足,他们在不自觉中内化自己小组合作表演标准,不断提高人文素养。第3步骤是对学生表演能力的迁移, 也是学生人文素养与课外文化相结合的延伸,实现了学生人文素养的全面提高。

3.牛津五年级英语作文 篇三










()7.A.on Tuesday morning

B.on Thursday morning

C.on Tuesday evening

()8.A.stay at homeB.stay in bedC.stay at school

()9.A.head and hand

B.hand and headC.head and shoulder

()10.A.a bad coughB.a bad coldC.a high fever


()1.A.Yes, he does.B.Yes, he can.C.Yes, he is.()2.A.I’m from French.B.We’re from France.C.They’re from China.()3.A.I feel cold.B.I’ve got a fever.C.I feel cough.()4.A.She like Maths.B.She likes Social science.C.She likes Art.()5.A.Yes, he does.B.He usually surfs the Internet.C.She usually reads the newspaper.三、听录音,根据对话内容和问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分)

()1.A.He’s from the USA.B.He’s from the UK.C.He’s in our school.()2.A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.Yes, he speaks French.()3.A.She grows flowers.B.She does exercise.C.She does housework.()4.A.It’s 1:48.B.It’s 2:12.C.It’s 1:20.()5.A.They’re having an English lesson.B.They’re having a Maths lesson.C.They’re having a PE lesson.四、听录音,将短文补充完整。(听三遍,10分)

Amy lives in a big She goes climbing on Sundays.Amy’s father is a taxi driver.He’s very every day.He likes flower.Amy’s mother is a teacher.She taking photos.She





1.在周三早上 ____________ 2.glow at night ______________

3.用日语_________________ 4.jump high _________________

5.六点半_________________ 6.an English club ___________

7.每天_________________ 8.brush my teeth _____________




(A.have gotB.have getC.has got

()3.Su Yang is in Class1.Su Hai is in Class2.They’re in differentA.classesB.classC.school


()5.It’s nine o’clock.It’s timeA.forB.toC.for go to

(A.Does, speaksB.Does, speakC.Do, speak

(A.Yucai primary schoolB.Yu Cai Primary school

C.Yu Cai Primary School


(A.playsB.playingC.is playing



()1.What day is it?A.He usually makes model planes.()2.What’s wrong with you?B.No, I’m not.()3.What does Jim usually do?C.No, he doesn’t.()4.Does Mike run fast?D.All right.()5.Is Ben new here?E.I’ve got a fever.()6.Are you ready for supper?F.Not yet.()7.How do you feel now?G.No, he isn’t.()8.Are you from England?H.I feel thirsty.()9.Lift up your left leg.I.Yes, I do.()10.Do you like listening to music?J.It’s Friday.五、连词成句。(5分)

1.game, quarter, four, a, past,football,is ,at,there,a(?)2.subject,study,at,what,does,he,school(?)3.stamps,brother,animal,collecting,likes,my(.)4.a,and,rest,medicine,have,lot,take,some,of(.)5.better,hope,I,you,get,soon(.)


1.Jim’s parents often 5.Let’s do some 7.Y10.Ben’s brothers want _________(buy)some interesting picture books.七、根据提示完成句子。(10分)


2.英语课在十点开始。现在David正在用英语和Miss Li交谈。

ten o’clock.David’s 3.今天星期几?星期三。

it today? It’s 4.昆虫是我们的好朋友,我们非常喜欢它们。


Touch your _______ __________with your ________ ______.6.Gao Shan住在哪里?他住在北京,一个美丽的城市。


umbrella is this? It’s



Do you know Tom’s family? They are British, but now they are in Shanghai.Tom’s father

works in an office and his mother is a nurse.Tom has a sister, Ann.They go to school with their

cousin, Jim.Jim’s parents are English teachers.Jim has a sister, too.Her name is Kate.Kate is

only five.She does not go to school with Tom, Ann and Jim.()1.Tom’s family are from Shanghai.()2.Kate is Ann’s cousin.()3.Tom’s aunt is a teacher.()4.Kate, Ann, Jim and Tom are students.()5.Jim’s parents are Tom’s uncle and aunt.(B)阅读短文,根据问题选择答案。(5分)

There is a basketball team(队)in our school.There are twenty-six girls in the team.They

play basketball from one o’clock to four o’clock every Sunday afternoon.Miss Ma is their teacher.She is a good basketball player.The girls all like her very much.Today, Helen and her cousin Nancy are ill.They cannot play basketball, but the other girls

are doing some exercise.Miss Ma is giving orders.The girls are trying to follow the orders.(A.Twenty-sixB.Twenty-fiveC.Twenty-four

()2.How many hours(小时)do they play basketball every Sunday?

A.Two hours.B.Three hours.C.Four hours.(A.playing basketballB.doing exercise

C.having a lot of rest






56.B.a quarter to two7.C.on Tuesday evening

8.A.stay at home9.A.head and hand10.B.a bad cold


1.Does Jack like fishing?

2.Where are you from?

3.How do you feel now?

4.What subject does Helen like?

5.What does Tom’s father usually do on Sundays.三、听录音,根据对话内容和问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分)

1.Mr White: Hello, boys and girls.I am Tony White.I am British.Student:Nice to meet you, Mr White.Welcome to our school.Question:Where is Mr White from?

2.Mr Wang: Do you speak French, Ben?

Student:No, I don’t.I speak English.Question:Does Ben speak French?

3.Su Hai: Hi, Nancy!How do your parents spend their weekends?

Nancy:My father often grows flowers.Sometimes he does exercise, my mother often does

housework.Question:What does Nancy’s mother often do at the weekends?

4.A: What time is it now? Is it twenty past one?

B: No, it’s twelve to two.It’s time for our English class.Question: What’s the time?

5.Mr Green: Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.Students:All right, Mr Green.Question:What lesson are they having?


Amy lives in a big goes climbing on Sundays.Amy’s father is a

4.牛津五年级英语作文 篇四

Part One:Useful Words and Phrases

1. debate on/about sth beyond debate: 无疑义/无可争辩

2. environmental protection/conservation, environmental pollution

3. industrial waste

4. a friendly atmosphere

5. in addition=besides; in addition to… additional=extra

6. The earthquake wiped out the village.

7. follow our usual schedule

8. large amounts of poisonous chemicals

9. flow into the rivers

10. turn into a big problem

11. teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living

12. at the same time

13. turn into a big problem

14.Take responsibility for…; be responsible for…

15. rely on sb to do sth; rely on sb that…

16. be of (great/no) importance= be (very )important

17. hunt animals, hunt (for) a job

18. endanger your health; endangered species

19. advise/suggest doing sth; advise sb to do sth, suggest sb/one’s doing sth

advise/suggest +从句( 用should do表虚拟)

20. the remaining food; It remains to be seen whether they will succeed.

They remain seated on the sofa, chatting with each other.

21. prohibit…from doing sth (较正式,法规禁止) forbid/prevent….from doing sth

Part Two: Sentence Patterns

1. Can you think of other ways in which people damage the environment?

I am talking to you today about the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste.

注: the way + ( in which /that ) 定语从句

2. With me is Mr. Lin (倒装) from the Society for Environmental Preservation.

3. Then we will open the floor for the discussion.

4. voice (表达)your comments or opinions

5. follow the usual schedule

6. The waste goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick. flow into the water

7. In addition(=Besides) , many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.

8. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.

lay, laid: 放/铺;产蛋 lay the table for dinner, lay the map on the desk, lay rails; lay eggs

lie, lied:说谎 lie, lay, lain: 躺, 位于

He found a book lying /laid on the desk.

9. This will have a lasting effect upon/on the number of fish left for us to eat.

10. People who need more land to live on and more food to eat.

注:不定式作定语,注意与前面名词的拱配要完整 This is a comfortable chair to sit in.

11. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.

倍数的表达: A +倍数+比较级+than +B;A+倍数+ as +原级+ as + B

A +倍数+ the +名词 + of + B (有时用 “what从句”或“one’s +名词”)

The population of China is double what it was in 1950.

12. My suggestion is that we (should) try to cut back on production

注:凡和“建议/命令/要求”意义有关的从句,用(should) do 表示虚拟.

13. It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.

14. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

15. As an economist, I’m often seen as being against the environment. (be against/for:反对/支持)

16. This doesn’t have to(不一定/必)be true.

17.What I’m here to say is that having worked side by side with many environmentalists(现在分词的完成形式作状语), I know a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time.

18. The people running these factories (“经营”,现在分词作定语) are concerned about environment.

We should produce less from materials taken directly from the environment.(过去分词作定语)

19. We need to stop thinking of companies as the enemy. (think of…as…:把…看作)

比较: think… (to be)… consider/treat/look on…as…

20. But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides. (the key to doing sth)

21. preserve/protect the environment; environmental preservation/protection/conservation

22. What we need is more laws to preserve the environment, which still allow the economy to grow.

23. This might make seafood more expensive, but paying a higher price for some things(主语) is not always bad for the economy.

24. pay higher taxes, tax sb/sth

25. Asking around(现在分词作状语), I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. (be willing to do sth)

26. While listening to a debate, remember each speaker’s speech is meant to convince you. (是以…为目的)

27. Just keep in mind (牢记)that you should not make a final decision until you have listened to both sides completely.

28. My aim in life is to save the environment for future generations.(不定式作表语)

29. We should pay more attention to what we eat. People should take responsibility for not buying certain kinds of fish, because there are not many left in the ocean.

30. What if (要是…怎么样) we run out of space? What if the train is late?

31. run out: (vi)不接宾语, 无被动 Our food has run out.

run out of sth: (vt) 接宾语,有宾语

We have run out of our food 或Our food has been run out of.

32. My dad says he doesn’t mind a little bit of pollution, as long as (只要) it means people have jobs.

33. be in a good /bad state, state of mind

34. shock sb; a shock to sb

35. watch…closely:认真/细细致地; 比较: be/get close to…

36. clap sb on the back; give sb a clap

37. in the form of…; be stocked with…=be equipped with…

38. take measures/steps/actions to do sth

39. at national/international level

40. What (do you think) is the biggest danger to our environment today? (疑问前移)

Who (do you think) is the richest man in our village?

41. You can relax and be sure that there was no damage done to make space for your room.

. There was a short gentleman following her.

There be +sb/sth + doing /done /to do

do/cause damage to…; make space for…= make room for…:为…腾出空间

42. I’m delighter by your newspaper’s decision to start a campaign for protecting the environment.

43. The state(状态) of our parks is very shocking, with rubbish everywhere.(with复合结构表伴随)

44. I used to find a trip to the park very relaxing. Now I find it tiring because I have to pick up the rubbish where I am going to sit.(注:where/wherever引导地点状语从句)

This kind of plant grows where it is warm.

Please put the book where you took it.

45. bring shame on sb; It is a shame +从句, What a shame…!

It would be a shame if they were destroyed because of people’s activities in the park.

46. Having seen this, the customs officer asked the woman to come over to his desk.

47.On/Upon taking off his jacket( 一…就), a sleeping tortoise was found on his stomach.

48. Apparently he traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise hidden in a blanket.(伴随状语)

49. I like the idea of taxing factories that pollute although getting them to agree(主语,get sb to do sth ) would be difficult.

50. Having talked to you today(=After talking to you today), I think we should work on some projects

51. Desertification, the name for what happens when farmable land is turned into desert(名词短语作同位语), is a growing world problem.

52. China joined the Convention and has taken many steps to stop the process of desertification, including encouraging farmers to build fences which stop wind from blowing the dirt away, and providing money for people in dry areas to plant more trees.

53. There is also another resource in the fight against desertification, in the form of the China National Monitoring Center.

54. The center was set up in and is stocked with modern technical equipment for environmental research.

55. There are also things that can be done at a national or international level, such as sharing (such as为介词短语)information and solutions and using satellites to pick out areas likely to be affected by desertification.

56. From my point of view(=In my opinion), you should use recycled materials.

Personally, I agree with Wei Li, because I think he has the right idea.

It seems to me that due to(因为/由于) his mistake, we will get in trouble.

57. It is clear to see why the problems have raised concern both nationally and internationally.

58. Not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising, but (also) the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing.

注:not only于句首+倒装(采用疑问语序) + but (also)部分不变

59. This is not good news for the people who live in all the towns along the Yangtze River.

60. The pollution has resulted in unsafe drinking water which had led to health problems.

61. It also had harmful effects on the ecology of the area, killing many plants and animals.(结果状语)

62. Thankfully, many people have recognized the importance, and projects have been set up to deal with the problem.

63. Two special government projects are under way to protect the river.

64. Experts are now trying to work out possible solutions to the many problems.

65. This project resulted in farmers replacing the crops with trees or grassland.(动名词的复合式:one’s/sb doing sth)

66. The Yangtze River is home to a diverse range of fish and animals.

67. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning(介词) the Yangtze River.

68. We believe that the efforts of the Chinese people to protect the river(主语部分) will be appreciated for years to come (=for the coming years)by future generations.

make an effort to do sth; spare no effort (不遗余力)

5.牛津五年级英语作文 篇五

Word power

Teaching aims:

1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary about the environment protection.

2. Practice students’ reading and speaking ability.

3. To know something about how to protect the environment.

Difficult & Important points:

1. To learn how to form new words related to “eco”, “bio” and “astro”. Learn their meanings.

2. Enlarge students’ vocabulary.

Teaching methods:

1. Task-based teaching,

2. Group competition.

Teaching aids:

1. A projector.

2. A computer.


Step I Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step II Revision

Fill in each blank with proper word, the first letter of which is given.

1. A good diet is b________ to health.

2. If you want to enjoy the night with your girl friend, you can use music and lighting to create a romantic a___________.

3. It is quite o_______ that he is pretending to sleep.

4. If you a________ the picture closely, you can see it clearly.

5. We must take m______ to reduce crime in this area.

6. The chemical factory poured lots of p________ waste into the river.

7. I am perfectly w______ to discuss this problem with you.

8. All citizens have r________ for keeping our city clean.

Keys: 1. beneficial 2. atmosphere 3. obvious 4. approach 5. measures 6. poisonous 7. willing 8. responsibility

Step III Lead-in

1. Discussion: Can you design a hotel that is environmentally friendly?

1) What type of energy does an environmentally friendly hotel use?

Natural, safe energy from the sun, solar energy, instead of digging up Earth to find fossil fuels.

2) How does an environmentally friendly hotel wash the sheets?

Eco-friendly washing power .

3) What other features does an environmentally friendly hotel have?

2. Show a picture to the students and ask them to answer the following questions:

1) Do you think this looks like an environmentally friendly hotel?

2) Does it look like the picture you had in your head of an environmentally friendly hotel?

3) Which parts do not look like the picture you had in your head?

Step IV Reading

1. Read this brochure about a new, environmentally friendly hotel which is opening

Ecotourists are people who visit an area and do not harm or damage the ecosystem. They are interested in environmental protection. If you are this kind of tourist, you will love Ecoville. We use natural, safe energy from the sun, solar energy, instead of digging up earth to find fossil fuels. Nothing in our hotel causes pollution. We even use eco-friendly washing powder to wash your sheets. Don’t have your next holiday in a city full of factories that create harmful waste. Come to Ecoville, where you and Earth will be safe together.

2. Now, please try to find as many words about environment protection. For example:

ecotourists, ecosystem, ecoville, eco-friendly, ecoville

3. Can you guess the meanings of all these words with “eco”. The prefix ‘eco- ’ comes from Greek and means ‘earth’. It is used in many words to talk about the environment, such as ‘ecology’ and ‘eco-tourism’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘eco- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to.

ecofriendly, eco-travel, eco-trip, ecotourists, ecoville, ecosystem

Now let’s do more practice.

The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to.

biology biochemist biologist biophysics biosphere biotechnology

The prefix ‘astro- ’ means ‘star’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘astro- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to.

astronaut astronomical astrology astrophysics astronomer astrologer

Step V Words related to the environment

1. When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures.

Clear-cut logging opencast mining

slash and burn farming ozone layer

acid rain global warming

2. Do you know the following compound nouns?

acid fog/acid mist(酸雾), domestic sewage(生活污水), ecological crimes(破坏生态罪), endangered species(濒于灭绝的物种), climatic scourge(气候灾害)

Step VI Competition

We have learned a lot of words and phrases about environmental preservation. Look at the following pictures and try to use as many words and expressions on environment as you can

I will divide you into two groups. The group which has more ideas will be the winner.

First of all, I’ll give you an example. Look at the picture on the screen. Then the phrases about it.

Example: water pollution.

put waste water into rivers.

kill sea creatures

fish die by pollution

not enough fresh water to drink

recycle waste water

turn off the tap when cleaning your teeth.

save water

Then look at the second picture, let’s have a group competition.

Step VII Write an advertisement.

Help the management of Ecovilla write an advertisement.

Fill in the blanks with the words from the previous page.

The concept behind our hotel is(1) ______________ protection. It is safe and fun for the whole family, even Mother Earth.

Ecoville was the idea of Li Zheng, a scientist. He was worried about global warming and the hole in the (2)______________. He wanted a chance to have a holiday in beautiful part of the world, but not to cause damage to the(3)_____________ of the area. One night he saw a television show about a village in Africa. The whole village uses (4)____________ from the sun. No (5)______________ are burnt in people’s homes. There is no harmful waste from the factories because it is changed back into fuel and used to power the factories. The cars are all electric and can be plugged into normal outlets. Even things like soap powder are(6)_______________ products.

Mr Li was very excited about like idea, and decided to build Ecoville exactly the same way. Nothing you find in Ecoville causes any (7)__________ at all. We even built our hotel around the trees--- you can relax and be sure that there was no damage done to make space for you room. We even checked to make sure that the metals we used to build were not obtained from companies that practice opencast mining.

So come and join us, because part of the new generation of tourists, (8)____________, and spend your next holiday in beautiful Ecoville.

Step VIII Translate the following phrases into English.

1. 环境保护 environmental protection 2. 矿物燃料fossil fuels

3. 全球变暖global warming 4. 减少污染reduce pollution

5. 温室效应greenhouse effect 6. 露天采矿opencast mining

7. 确保,核实make sure 8. 酸雨acid rain

9. 臭氧层ozone layer 10. 新一代new generation

Step IX Task

Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning. Instead of simple traveling for pleasure, you can use your trip as a way to protect the environment. Normal tourism is often bad for the environment, and tourists often cause problems. Eco-travel, on the other hand, is a way to travel responsibly. Eco-tourists want to learn about the world so that they can make it better, or at least understand it better. Eco-travel is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people. Read about the following eco-travel destinations and complete the tasks below.

Red River Village

Swim in the Red River.

Look at the birds.

Go for a walk along the river.

Go boating on the river.

Plant trees on the river.

Learn about water and the fish in the river.

Learn how to keep the water clean.

Learn about the birds by the river.

By staying in the hotels in Red River Village, tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the river and the birds.

Snow Mountain

Go hiking in the mountains.

Look at the birds.

Look at other animals.

Go skiing in winter.

Plant trees on the mountain.

Learn about nature.

Learn about the changes in each season.

Learn about the old trees on the mountain.

If you visit Snow Mountain, you can help the people there to keep the mountain clean and to take good care of the birds and other animals.

Work in groups of four. Imagine that the four of you are going on an eco-trip. Prepare role cards for the discussion and decide where you are going. Each group member has to prepare reasons for visiting one of the places above.

Student A: Red River Village

I think we should go to Red River Village because we can ______________________________.

And we can learn about______________________________

If we visit Red River Village, we can help_______________________________________

Student B: Snow Mountain

I think we should go to Snow Mountain because we can _________________________________.

And we can learn about______________________________

If we visit Snow Mountain, we can help_______________________________________

Step X Homework

1. Finish Part A1, A2 , B1, B2 on P98-99 on workbook.
