1.练习完形填空答案 篇一
Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. 1 ,it is a serious sourceof 2 for their fellows. Now medical authorities express their 3 about theeffect of smoking 4 the health not only of those who smoke but also those whodo not . 5 ,nonsmokers who must 6 inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may7 more than the smokers themselves.
As you are 8 informed, a considerable number of students have 9 in aeffort to 10 the university to 11 smoking in the classroom. I believe they are12 right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is 13 to achieve this bycalling 14 the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for other 15 thanby regulation.
Smoking is 16 by city bylaws in theatres and in halls used forshowing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. 17 ,it is up to you good 18 .
I am therefore asking you to 19 “No smoking” in the auditoriums,classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmoker’s health andwell-being 20 ,which is very important to a large number of our students.
1. A. HenceB. HoweverC. Anyway D. Furthermore
2. A. joyB. discomfortC. convenienceD. relief
3. A. considerationB. attentionC. belief D. concern
4. A. againstB. forC. inD. on
5. A. In consequenceB. On the other handC. In factD. After all
6. A. instinctivelyB. instantlyC. spontaneouslyD. reluctantly
7. A. sufferB. subjectC. submitD. sustain
8. A. certainB. sureC. doubtlessD. right
9. A. enteredB. joinedC. attendedD. involved
10. A. reasonB. persuade C. argueD. suggest
11. A. stopB. objectC. banD. prevent
12. A. entirelyB. likelyC. generallyD. possibly
13. A. likelyB. probableC. properD. possible
14. A. outB. forC. onD. up
15. A. ratherB. betterC. moreD. other
16. A. prohibitedB. protectedC. reservedD. cleared
17. A. FurthermoreB. ConsequentlyC. NeverthelessD. Elsewhere
18. A. ideaB. dutyC. senseD. responsibility
19. A. persistB. maintainC. stickD. adhere
20. A. in mindB. in headC. in heartD. in memory
2.练习完形填空答案 篇二
1B 2B 3A 4A 5C 6D 7C 8A 9B 10C 11B 12C 13C 14B 15C 16C17B 18A 19A 20C 21B 22C 23C 24D 25D 26D 27E 28A 29C 30A 31A32A 33D 34C 35B 36D 37D 38A 39A 40A 41D 42B 43a 44B 45B
1ACD 2BD 3AD 4BCD 5AD 6AC 7ABD 8BCD 9AC 10AB 11AC12CD 13BC 14ABC 15AC 16ACD 17BD 18BCD 19AB 20AD 21BC22BCD 23BD 24AC 25ABD 26BD 27AC 28AC 29AC 30ABCD
正确的是:2 3 21 25
1. 答案:
(1) 进项税额:4 120+30 000×17%+ (800+50) ×7%+300=9 579.5 (元)
(2) 销项税额:700×70×17%+1 053×17%÷ (1+17%) +200×60×17%+1 404×17%÷ (1+17%) +30×70×17%+54 000×17%=20 411 (元)
应纳税额=20 411-9 579.5=10 831.5 (元)
2. 答案:
(1) A方以货币出资没有办理必要的手续不合法。股东以货币出资的, 应当将货币足额存入准备设立的有限责任公司在银行开设的临时帐户。
(2) C以专利权出资作价金额合法。股东以工业产权, 非专利技术作价出资的金额不得超过有限责任公司注册资本的70%。如果该公司以50万元注册, 专利权出资额未超过法定标准。
(3) 每一股东享有同等表决权也可以, 但必须事先约定。公司法规定, 有限责任公司的股东按照出资比例行使表决权, 但也可以另行约定。
(4) 董事会由5人组成合法。有限责任公司董事会的人员由3-13人组成。
(5) 监事会由ABC各派一人组成是错误的。监事会应当由股东代表和适当比例职工代表组成。
(6) 在经营期内抽回出资是错误的。公司法规定, 股东在公司登记后, 不得抽回出资。
3. 答案:
(1) 第一个问题不符合规定。公司名称预先核准后, 保留期限6个月, 一年后再设公司, 核准的名称已作废。出资也不符合规定。劳务出资无效, 以专利技术出资作价金额不能超过注册资本的70%, 现该公司作价110万与150万注册资本比已超过70%, 所以不合法。
(2) 第二个问题不符合公司法规定, 公司与其他公司合并, 应由股东大会作出决议, 董事会决议无效, 不能贯彻执行。此外合并协议达成后, 应在10日内通知债权人, 30日内公告。
(3) 第3个问题符合规定。依公司法规定, 股票上市、股本总额3 000万以上即合法。
(4) 第4个问题也不符合公司法规定.依照规定, 对已发行的债券有迟延支付本息的事实, 且仍处于继续状态的, 不得再发行新债券, 所以该公司用新债券偿还上年债券利息不合法。
(5) 第5个问题不合法。依规定, 应是公司税后利润减亏损后提取10%作为盈余公积金。
4. 答案:
(1) 根据规定, 一方在对方履行债务不符合约定时, 有权拒绝其相应的履行要求。所以甲方发现乙方的供货不符合合同约定, 可以不支付货款。
(2) 合同法规定, 约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失的, 当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少。本合同约定的违约金为100万元, 如果实际损失5万元, 应属于约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失, 乙方可以请求减少。
(3) 合同法规定, 当事人一方不履行合同义务或履行合同义务不符合约定给对方造成损失的, 损失赔偿额应当相当于因违约所造成的损失, 包括合同履行后可以获得的利益, 但不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时预见到或者应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失。本合同标的为500万元, 违约损失8 000万元, 二者相差悬殊, 有可能超过违约方订立合同时应预见的违约损失, 所以乙方可以提出减少赔偿的请求, 由法院或仲裁机关裁决确定。
5. 答案:
(1) 机床厂应向叉车厂支付违约金12.5万元×5%=6 259 (元) 。并且, 叉车厂如要求继续履行。还应继续履行收货付款的义务。
(2) 不正确。叉车厂可以以机床厂为被告, 但不可以以建筑公司为被告。因为根据《担保法》规定:在一般保证的情况下, 如果主合同纠纷未经审判或仲裁, 在就债务人财产依法强制执行仍不能履行债务前, 保证人对债权人可以拒绝承担保证责任。该案建筑公司承担的责任为一般保证。叉车厂以建筑公司为被告不正确。
(3) 建筑公司应当承担保证责任。但只有在叉车厂起诉机床厂经人民法院审判或仲裁机构仲裁结束后, 对机床厂的财产强制执行仍不能履行付款义务时, 建筑公司才承担保证责任。
1. 答案
(1) (1) 净资产符合公司债券的发行条件。根据规定, 发行公司债券, 有限责任公司的净资产不低于6 000万元。在本题中, 甲公司2005年12月31日的净资产为18 000万元 (26 000-8 000) , 符合规定。 (2) 可分配利润符合公司债券发行的条件。根据规定, 发行公司债券, 最近3年的平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券1年的利息。在本题中, 甲公司最近3年的平均可分配利润为1 600万元, 8 000万元公司债券1年需支付的利息为320万元, 因此, 可分配利润符合公司债券发行的条件。
(2) (1) 公司债券数额不符合规定。根据规定, 累计债券余额不得超过公司净资产的40%。在本题中, 公司债券数额 (8 000万元) 超过了甲公司净资产 (18 000万元) 的40%。 (2) 募集资金用途不符合规定。根据规定, 公开发行公司债券筹集的资金, 必须用于核准的用途, 不得用于弥补亏损和非生产性支出。本题甲公司将募集资金中的1 000万元用于修建职工文体活动中心, 属于非生产性支出。 (3) 公司债券的期限符合规定。根据规定, 公司债券上市交易的, 公司债券的期限为1年以上。在本题中, 甲公司的公司债券期限为3年。
(3) (1) 公司债券由丁承销商包销不符合规定。根据规定, 向不特定对象公开发行的证券票面总值超过人民币5 000万元的, 应当由承销团承销。 (2) 承销期限不符合规定。根据规定, 证券的代销、包销期限最长不得超过90日。 (3) 包销方式不符合规定。根据规定, 证券公司在代销、包销期内, 对所代销、包销的证券应当保证先行出售给认购人, 证券公司不得为本公司预留所代销的证券和预先购入并留存所包销的证券。
2. 答案:
(1) 甲以A企业的名义与B公司签订的买卖合同有效。根据《合伙企业法》的规定, 合伙企业对合伙人执行合伙企业事务以及对外代表合伙企业权利的限制不得对抗善意的第三人。在本题中, B公司属于不知情的善意第三人, 因此, 买卖合同有效。
(2) 实行合伙人一人一票并经全体合伙人过半数通过的表决方式。
(3) (1) 乙的质押行为无效。根据规定, 普通合伙人以其在合伙企业中的财产份额出质的, 须经其他合伙人一致同意;未经其他合伙人一致同意, 其行为无效, 由此给善意第三人造成损失的, 由行为人依法承担赔偿责任。在本题中, 普通合伙人乙的质押行为未经其他合伙人的同意, 因此, 质押行为无效。 (2) 丙的质押行为有效。根据规定, 有限合伙人可以将其在有限合伙企业中的财产份额出质;但是, 合伙协议另有约定的除外。在本题中, 由于合伙协议未对合伙人以财产份额出质事项进行约定, 因此, 有限合伙人丙的质押行为有效。
(4) (1) 普通合伙人甲、乙、庚应承担无限连带责任; (2) 有限合伙人丙以出资额为限承担有限责任; (3) 退伙的有限合伙人丁以其退伙时从A企业分回的12万元财产为限承担有限责任。
(5) 甲、乙、庚决定A企业以现有企业组织形式继续经营不合法。根据规定, 有限合伙企业仅剩普通合伙人的, 应当转为普通合伙企业。在本题中, 人民法院强制执行丙在A企业中的全部财产份额后, 有限合伙人丙当然退伙, A企业中仅剩下普通合伙人, A企业应当转为普通合伙企业。
3. 答案:
(1) 张某与李某均是自然人, 他们之间的借款合同于4月1日成立, 因为此时双方已就合同达成合意, 意思表示一致, 故借款合同已成立;依照合同法规定, 自然人之间的借款合同自提供借款时生效, 则该借款合同应于李某向张某提供5万元借款的那日, 即4月10日生效。
(2) 赵某不拥有对张某那处平房的所有权。依照担保法的规定, 抵押物所有人在抵押期间出卖抵押物的, 应征得抵押权人同意, 否则, 转让行为无效。本案中, 张某把平房转让给赵某, 没有事先通知李某, 故其转让行为无效。
(3) 本案中, 李某要求张某偿还利息的请求, 应不予支持。因为自然人之间借款合同, 如果对利息没有约定, 又无法确定的, 应视为无偿合同。本案即属此类。
(4) 应拍卖张某那处平房, 将所得价款向李某受偿;王某应在2万元的价额内向李某承担连带责任担保;张某应向赵某返还购房价款2.5万元。
4. 答案
(1) 计算本月甲企业向专卖店销售白酒应缴纳消费税= (200+50+20) ÷1.17×20%+20×2 000×0.5÷10 000=48.15 (万元)
(2) 计算乙企业已代收代缴消费税= (10+1) ÷ (1-10%) ×10%=1.22 (万元)
(3) 计算本月甲企业销售瓶装药酒应缴纳消费税=1 800×100÷10 000×10%=1.8 (万元)
(4) 甲企业分给职工散装药酒不缴纳消费税。
5. 答案
(1) 应纳消费税销售额=4 325 000 (元) 。
应纳消费税=4 325 000×10%=432 500 (元)
应纳增值税销售额=4 325 000+7 624 000=11 949 000 (元)
应纳增值税销项税额=11 949 000×17%=2 031 330 (元)
(2) 可以抵扣的进项税额=1 285 965 (元)
应纳增值税=2 031 330-1 285 965=745 365 (元)
(3) 可以扣除的成本费用和损失
a.已销产品生产成本:8 154 900 (元)
102 400×60%=61 440< (15 263 000-64 000) ×0.5%=75 995
所以按61 440扣
业务招待费超支=102 400-61 440=40 960 (元) 超支部分不能扣除
c.财务费用:国库券利息收入88 400元, 免交所得税
d.各种赞助支出42 500元, 不能扣除
公益性捐赠支出的限额:全年应纳税所得额12%以内的部分, 准予扣除, 本题即是如此.对外投资损失按实扣除
故按税法规定可以扣除的成本, 费用和损失为:
11 953 870-40 960+88 400-42 500=11 958 810 (元)
(4) 应纳税所得额=15 263 000-11 958 810=3 304 190 (元)
3.完形填空练习 篇三
How do you feel when you have to make a report in front of your classmates? What about you go to a birthday party? Do you get __1__ shy?
Shyness means feeling nervous(紧张) or __2__ when you’re round other people. Everyone experiences(体验) this shyness __3__ they grow up? Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they are in the center of attention(焦点). It’s OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet strangers. __4__, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just a case(事) of how much.
Stop the negative(消极的) thoughts about yourself. If shyness doesn’t keep you __5__ something you want to do, being shy isn’t a very big problem. Some experts(专家) say shy people are not only cleverer, but also better at working with others, because they think more and talk __6__. Some great people in history were shy, too.
You see, being shy isn’t all __7__. But remember not to let good chances go by just because of it! Your shyness will __8__. When you grow up year after year, you’ll become brave(勇敢的) enough to __9__ to anyone. But now, you need practice! If you have to sing a song at a party, just do it!There’s nothing to be afraid of!
Remember, though you’re shy, you do not lack in(缺少) confidence(信任). __10__, our shy friends!
1. A. trueB. realC. really
2. A. comfortableB. frightenedC. proud
3. A. asB. sinceC. by
4. A. What is worse
B. In fact
C. For example
5. A. to doB. doingC. from doing
6. A. muchB. moreC. less
7. A. goodB. badC. wonderful
8. A. passB. pastC. passed
9. A. tellB. listenC. speak
10. A. Come on
B. Come true
C. Come down
Big schoolbags have been a serious(严重的) problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too __1__ to carry, and it troubles you a lot __2__ you want to find a book out to read. Now an e-textbook will __3__ you.
It is said that e-textbooks are going to be __4__ in Chinese middle schools. An e-textbook, in fact, is a small __5__ for students. It is much __6__ than a usual schoolbag and easy to carry. Though it is as small as a book, it can __7__ all the materials(材料) for study. The students can read the text page by page on the __8__, take notes with the pointer(屏写笔), or even “__9__” their homework to their teachers by sending e-mails. All they have to do is to press a button(按按扭).
Some people say e-textbooks are good, but some say they may be __10__ for the students’ eyes. What do you think of it?
1. A. lightB. heavy
C. usefulD. comfortable
2. A. tillB. after
C. beforeD. when
3. A. troubleB. prevent
C. helpD. understand
4. A. usedB. keptC. inventedD. lent
5. A. TVB. radio
C. penD. computer
6. A. heavierB. lighter
C. cheaperD. brighter
7. A. holdB. build
C. discoverD. practice
8. A. blackboardB. desk
C. screenD. card
9. A. find outB. hand in
C. get backD. give back
10. A. helpfulB. famous
C. goodD. bad
4.小学六年级英语填空题练习附答案 篇四
Passage 1
Mr Hu __1___ us English this term. He is nice . He __2___ wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He __3___ very good English . He often __4___ with us. We all like him very much.
Mr Hu __5___ two little sons. They’re twin brothers. They are only five. They often __6___ the same clothes. __7___ Betty goes to Mr Hu’s home. She loves to __8___ the twins and play with __9___ . Mr Hu __10___ his sons, Bao Bao and Bei Bei.
1. ( )
A. tells
B. teaches
C. speaks
D. works
2. ( )
A. is
B. likes
C. want
D. does
3. ( )
A. speaks
B. says
C. tells
D. teaches
4. ( )
A. says
B. speaks
C. talks
D. tells
5. ( )
A. wants
B. has
C. looks after
D. teaches
6. ( )
A. wear
B. put on
C. have
D. in
7. ( )
A. But
B. And
C. Then
D. Sometimes
8. ( )
A. look
B. think
C. take
D. see
9. ( )
A. twins
B. ones
C. they
D. them
10 ( )
A. calls
B. name
C. thinks
D. think
Passage 1
1. B 句型teach sb sth意为“教某人……”
2. A 此空填is补全现在进行时结构:主语+be+动词ing的形式。
3. A 说某种语言用speak.
4. C talk with sb表示“和某人交谈”。
5. B 表示某人有某物,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用has.
6. A wear = be in表示“穿着”、“戴着”,强调状态。
7. D Sometimes意为“有时”,本句意思是贝蒂有时去胡先生的家。
8. D 此处see sb表示看望某人。
9. D with为介词后面要用代词的宾格形式。
10.A 此处call表示“称呼、叫”
Passage 2
Mike and Lucy __1___ brother and sister. They live __2___ a big house. The house stands at the foot __3___ a hill. Near the hill is a big lake.
There __4___ four people in their family. Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Their father is a farmer. __5___ mother is __6___ home. Mike goes to school, __7___ little Lucy does not. She is only five.
Mike likes sports. He swims and skates __8___ . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football __9___ his friends.
Lucy likes __10___ , but he doesn’t like sports.
1. ( )
A. am
B. is
C. are
D. be
2. ( )
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. to
3. ( )
A. for
B. on
C. at
D. of
4. ( )
A. have
B. has
C. is
D. are
5. ( )
A. His
B. his
C. their
D. Their
6. ( )
A. by
B. at
C. on
D. in
7. ( )
A. so
B. but
C. or
D. and
8. ( )
A. fine
B. good
C. nice
D. well
9. ( )
A. to
B. of
C. with
D. at
10. ( )
A. sing
B. to sing
C. singing
D. sings
Passage 2
1. C Mike 和Lucy是联合主语,为复数,故be动词应用are,即C选项。
2. B “live in……”意为“住在……”,侍定用法,故本题选择B选项。
3. D “at the foot of a hill”意为“在山脚下”,为固定用法,故本题选择D选项。
4. D 首先There的后面不能用has和have ,故A、B选项不对;又后面是four people,为复数,故应用are,即D选项。需要了解There be句型强调所在位置,结构为:There be sth. /sb. + 介词短语,意思为“在某处有……”;而have句型强调归属问题,结构为:主语have /has宾语,意思是“某人(物)有……”。要注意这两个句型的区别用法。
5. D 本题主要考查对上下文的理解和代词的选择问题。上文提到“他们爸爸是位农民”,这里说的应是他们的妈妈,故应用their,即D选项。
6. B at home侍定用法,意为“在家”,故本题选择B选项。
7. B 本题主要考查对句意的理解和连词的用法。本句意为“Mike上学,而Lucy不上”,两句之间应是转折关系。在A、B、C、D四选项中,so表因果关系,but表转折关系,or表选择关系,and 表并列关系。故本题应选择but,即B选项。
8. D 本题主要考查形容词与副词的区别用法。本题四个选项意思均为“好”,但词性不同,A、B、C三选项均是形容词,D选项是副词。此处“好”是用来修饰动词“skates”和“swims”的副词,故本题选择D选项。
9. C play with sb。与某人一起玩,为固定用法,故本题选择C选项。
10.C like一般有两种用法:like to do sth. 和like doing sth. 前者强调一次性动作,后者则强调习惯、兴趣。此处“Lucy喜欢唱歌”应理解为兴趣、爱好,故属于后一种情况,应用 singing ,即C选项。
Passage 3
What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to __1___ at home, but others like to go __2___ a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the __3___ . At the weekend, he always __4___ the same thing. On Saturday he __5___ his car and on __6___ he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a __7___ one, but there’s always __8___ to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their __9___ . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all __10___ and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal.
1. ( )
A. play
B. stay
C. live
D. enjoy
2. ( )
A. to
B. in
C. at
D. for
3. ( )
A. day
B. time
C. autumn
D. weekdays
4. ( )
A. does
B. make
C. borrows
D. has
5. ( )
A. watches
B. washes
C. driving
D. sells
6. ( )
A. Monday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Tuesday
7. ( )
A. big
B. small
C. hard
D. short
8. ( )
A. little
B. much
C. fast
D. far
9. ( )
A. clothes
B. places
C. food
D. balls
10. ( )
A. clean
B. late
C. hungry
D. friendly
Passage 3
1. B 与下文go for a walk or play football相对应,此处应用stay at home呆在家里,即B选项。
2. D go for a walk意为“外出散步”,为常用法,故本题选择D。
3. D 此句意为:我的朋友Jack在工作日努力在工厂工作。此处的weekdays是相对于下文的weekend而判断出的,故本题应选择D选项。
4. A 此句意为:他总是做同一件事。其英文表达应为“does the same thing”,即A选项。
5. B 此处应用谓语动词。C选项不正确;在其余三选项中washes符合句意“洗车,擦车”,故本题选B选项。
6. C 此处这一日子应是周末,即Saturday或Sunday, 而Saturday前文已叙述过,故此处应用Sunday, 即C选项。
7. A 本句意为:农场不大,但却有许多活要干。故此空应分别选择A选项。
8. B much 在本句中意为“许多”。
9. C 此处food符合题意,即“给动物喂食”,故本题应选择C选项。
10.C 由下文“Jack的姑妈给他们准备了丰盛的晚餐”,可以判定此处应用hungry,即C选项
Passage 4
Mr Smith __1___ from London. Now he is in China. He is __2___ .He teaches __3___ a middle school. He works very hard. His students like __4___ very much. He can __5___ a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese __6___ Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football __7___ his students.
Mr Smith __8___ a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school __9___ bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes __10___ TV in the evening.
1. ( )
A. come
B. comes
C. are
D. coming
2. ( )
A. a teacher
B. a worker
C. a driver
D. a farmer
3. ( )
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
4. ( )
A. he
B. him
C. she
D. her
5. ( )
A. say
B. speak
C. talk
D. tell
6. ( )
A. at
B. on
C. of
D. in
7. ( )
A. for
B. to
C. with
D. at
8. ( )
A. has
B. have
C. there is
D. there are
9. ( )
A. on
B. by
C. in
D. of
10. ( )
A. seeing
B. looking
C. watching
D. looking at
Passage 4
1. B 本题主要考查动词短语“来自”的表达come from或be from .此句主语Mr Smith是第三人称单数,故应表达为comes from或is from .B选项符合语法要求,故本题选择B选项。
2. A 本题主要考查对Mr Smith 身份的理解。由下文可知Mr Smith 是位教师。故本题选择A选项。
3. B “在一所中学”应表达为in a middle school.故本题选择B选项。
4. B Mr Smith 是男性,like 后应用宾格,故本题应选择him,即B选项。
5. B say 强调说话内容,speak强调语种,talk侧重“交谈”,talk with sb.。tell意为“告诉”,tell sb. sth. 。根据句意,本题应选B。
6.B on Sundays在星期天,侍定用法,故本题选择B选项。另外,在星期的前面都用介词on,表示“在星期……”
7. C play……with sb. 与某人玩,侍定用法。故本题选择C选项。
8. A There be和have的区别用法。前者强调某物或某人所处的位置,而后者则强调归属问题。本题属于后者,又因Mr Smith是第三人称单数,故应用have的单数第三人称形式has,即A选项。
9. B by bike骑自行车,侍定用法,故本题选择B选项。by加交通工具表示方式,类似的用法如: by bus 乘公共汽车,by ship乘船,by air乘飞机。
5.GRE考试填空模拟练习题及答案 篇五
She constantly _____herself for not living up to her own ideals—for not working hard enough or not having motives that were pure enough.
Ancient cart ruts found on Malta were created in soft limestone that begins to dissolve when exposed to rainfall. Their forms thus necessarily become (i)_____over time and their original features are (ii)_____ .
Blank (I)Blank (II)
A:solidifed D:refined
B:degraded E:replicated
C:conspicuous F:obscured
Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but remarkably enough put the two together, and you have an economic innovation that has become not just (i) _____but downright (ii) _____.
Blank (I)Blank (II)
A:popular D:chic
B:pointless E:unfathomable
C:dangerous F:sensible
Convinced of the gravity of her poetry, Voigt must have found the reviews of her most recent collection (i)_____ reading: one amused reviewer thought that it was unrecognizable as poetry but decidedly (ii)_____ .
Blank (I)Blank (II)
A:tempting D:inspiring
B:depressing E:irritating
C:thrilling F:diverting
6.大学英语六级选词填空练习及答案 篇六
Dent station is situated on the Settle to Carlisle railway line, said to be the most38in the country. But no amount of scenic beauty can save the line from British Rail’s cash problems. This year, for the39of economy, the express trains which used to pass through Dent station have been put on to another route.
It is now an open secret that British Rail sees no future for this railway line. Most of its trains disappeared some time ago. Its bridge, built on a grand40a century ago, is falling down. It is not alone. Half-a-dozen railway routes in the north of England are facing a similar threat. The problem is a worn-out system and an almost41lack of cash to repair it. Bridges and tunnels are showing their age, the wooden supports for the tracks are rotting and engines and coaches are getting old. On42lines between large cities, the problem is not too bad. These lines still make a profit and cash can be found to43them. But on the country branch line, the story is different. As track wears out, it is not replaced. Instead speed limits are introduced, making journeys longer than necessary and discouraging customers.
If a bridge is dangerous, there is often only one thing for British Rail to do: go out and find money from another44. This is exactly what it did a few months ago when a bridge at Bridlington station was threatening to fail down. Repairs were45at 200,000--just for one bridge--and British Rail was delighted, and rather surprised, when two local councils offered half that amount between them.
A. maintain
B. scenic
C. transcend
D. source
E. estimated
F. sake
G. complex
I. consolidation
J. situated
K. respectively
L. total
M. major
N. restrained
O. scale
语法判断:分析句子主干可知,空格前后是一个完整的句子,因此,可以判断此处缺少一个分词和后面的high in the hills ofYorkshire一起构成分词短语作后置定语,修饰句子的主语Dent,描述Dent所在的地理位置。
语法判断:分析句子主干可知,空格后是一个完整的句子,判断空格处所在短语for the__________ofeconomy在句中作状语。分析此短语可知,这里缺少一个名词。
语义判断:备选的名词有source(渠道)、sake(缘故)、consolidation(巩固)和scale(规模)四项,只有sake是正确的,forthe sake of是固定短语,意为“为了,出于……的缘故”。
语义判断:结合39题的“语义判断”可知,符合上述语法条件的名词还剩下source、consolidation和scale。on agrand/large scale是一个常用表达,意为“大规模地”,符合此处文意,故选O。
语法判断:本句空格前为句子主语和系动词were,空格后是介词短语at 200,000。判断此处应填入一个动词的分词形式。
7.完形填空原创练习两则 篇七
Manyyearsago,Iwasastrugglingsinglemomstartingupanewbusiness.Itwasthe 1 season,andmyboyfriendandIhaddecidedthatwewouldsplurge(挥霍)forjustoneevening,andgooutto 2 .WewenttotheRedLobsteranditgotmethinkingaboutmycollege 3 daysandhowmuchIenjoyedworkingduringthattime:peopleshopping,feeling 4 andtippingbig.Iwasintheholiday 5 andwantedtogivethewaitressabigtip, 6 Iknewitwasn’tgoingtobeabigChristmasforusthatyear.
Whenwehadpickedwhatwewanted,Ididaquick 7 inmyheadtomakesurethatIhadenoughmoneybeforewe 8 theorder.Attheendofthemeal,whenweaskedforthe 9 ,thewaitressreplied,“It’salreadytakencareof.”Ididn’t 10 .Sheclarified(阐明)andtoldusthatsomeonehad 11 ourdinner!Welookedallaroundtryingtofindthe 12 ofsomeoneweknewbutwedidn’trecognizeanyone.Iwas 13 !Howdidsomeonepaythisoffwithout 14 knowingit...andwhyus?
Iwassotouched!Thatwas12yearsago, 15 Iwillneverforgethowthatmadeus 16 .Ihavealwaystriedto“pay?it?forward”,butIdon’tthinkthatpersoncouldhave 17 understoodhowmuchtheirrandomactof 18 meanttome.Iwillneverforgetit.AnytimeI 19 someonewhoisrudeormean,Ijusthavetothinkofthatstoryand 20 howlovingandgivingthehumanspiritreallyis.
1.A.summer B.holiday C.food D.harvest
2.A.dance B.swim C.dinner D.shop
3.A.waitressing B.studying C.waiting D.boring
4.A.important B.lazy C.joyful D.helpful
5.A.season B.month C.village D.spirit
6.A.though B.if C.unless D.so
7.A.mind B.calculation C.action D.look
8.A.got B.placed C.refused D.accepted
9.A.check B.pay C.food D.tea
10.A.reply B.speak C.move D.understand
11.A.takenaway B.eatenup C.paidfor D.preparedfor
12.A.face B.outline C.figure D.picture
13.A.disappointedB.overjoyed C.astonished D.excited
14.A.them B.us C.anyone D.people
15.A.and B.but C.or D.since
16.A.act B.feel C.change D.try
17.A.already B.even C.ever D.also
18.A.kindness B.mercy C.grace D.sale
19.A.comeat B.comeacross C.comeup D.comearound
20.A.guess B.expect C.regret D.remember
IwassurethatIwastobekilled.Ibecameterriblynervous.Ifumbled(胡乱摸找)inmypocketstoseeiftherewereanycigarettes,whichhad 1 theirsearch.Ifoundoneandbecauseofmy 2 hands,Icouldbarelygetittomylips.ButIhadnomatches,theyhadtakenthose.
Ilookedthroughthebarsatmyguard.Hedidnotmakeeye 3 withme.Icalledouttohim“Haveyougotalight?”Helookedatme, 4 andcameovertolightmycigarette.Ashecamecloseandlitthematch,hiseyesunintentionallylockedwithmine.Atthatmoment,I 5 .Idon’tknowwhyIdidthat.Perhapsitwas 6 ,perhapsitwasbecausewhenyougetverycloseonetoanother,itisveryhardnottosmile. 7 ,Ismiled.Inthatinstant,itwasasthoughasparkjumpedacrossthegapbetweenourtwohearts,ourtwohuman 8 .Iknowhedidn’twantto,butmysmileleaped 9 thebarsandgeneratedasmileonhislips,too.Helitmycigarettebutstayednear,lookingatme 10 intheeyesandcontinuingtosmile.Ikeptsmilingathim,nowawareofhimasa(n) 11 andnotjustaguard.“Doyouhave 12 ?”heasked.“Yes,here,here.”Itookoutmywalletandnervouslylookedforthepicturesofmychildren.He,too,tookoutthephotosofhischildrenandbegantotalkabouthisplansandhopesfor 13 .Myeyeswerefilledwithtears.IsaidthatI 14 thatI’dneverseemychildrenagain,neverhavethechancetoseethem 15 .Tearscametohiseyes,too. 16 ,withoutanotherword,heunlockedmycellandsilentlyledmeout.Outoftheprison, 17 andbybackroutes,outofthetown.There,attheedgeoftown,he 18 me.Andwithoutanotherword,heturnedbacktowardthetown.
“Mylifewas 19 byasmile.”Yes,thesmile—theunaffected,unplanned,naturalconnectionbetweenpeople.Ireallybelievethatifthatpartofyouandthatpartofmecould 20 eachother,wewouldn’tbeenemies.Wecouldn’thavehateorenvyorfear.
1.A.missed B.lost C.escaped D.suffered
2.A.clumsy B.shaking C.sweaty D.rough
3.A.contact B.touch C.link D.connection
4.A.delighted B.satisfied C.smiled D.shrugged
5.A.panicked B.smiled C.screamed D.scared
6.A.happiness B.relief C.nervousness D.sadness
7.A.Somewhat B.Anyhow C.Somehow D.Anymore
8.A.heads B.minds C.hands D.souls
9.A.through B.across C.against D.over
10.A.coldly B.seriously C.directly D.casually
11.A.opponent B.relative C.enemy D.person
12.A.sisters B.kids C.friends D.brothers
13.A.him B.me C.them D.us
14.A.proved B.confirmed C.feared D.imagined
15.A.growup B.livethrough C.liveon D.growapart
16.A.Obviously B.Suddenly C.Gradually D.Slowly
17.A.noisily B.terrifyingly C.quietly D.hurriedly
18.A.released B.killed C.comforted D.hurt
19.A.transformed B.improved C.influenced D.saved
20.A.recognize B.approach C.realize D.remember
8.练习完形填空答案 篇八
9.完形填空练习题 篇九
It is a thousand kilometers across that desert (沙漠). The road is 1 nearly all the way. Sometimes there is a deep sand. A driver must then put his foot down hard and drive through! There are three small 2 along the way. Vick reached the first place at ten o’clock p. m. He had his 3 in a little restaurant (餐馆) there. It was a warm 4 in August. Vick wanted to 5 through the night. The nights are warm enough in August, but the days are very, very 6 .
He left the restaurant at 11: 30 and drove over 7 hours. There wasn’t a moon, but the 8 were wonderful. There was nothing else on die road. Vick thought, “It’s an empty desert. No tree, house, man. ” He could 9 the endless, white road in the car’s headlights(车灯). A million stars looked down on him.
It was two o’clock in the morning. Vick stopped the car. He was two hundred kilo-meters from the 10 town: “I’ll light the cooker( 炊具),” he thought, “and make some tea. ” He got out of the car.
He heard some sounds, ten or fifteen meters 11 . He could not see anything in the darkness(黑暗). A man said, “Good morning. It’s a 12 morning, isn’t it?” The man came forward (向前),out of the darkness; out of the desert. Vick did not move. The man said, “You are going to 13 some tea, aren’t you? I often get a cup of tea at this time. It’s two o’clock. Cars always 14 near here at this time. Sometimes I get a 15 . Now listen, and I’ll tell you a story. Then you’ll give me…”
1. A. short B. good C. busy D. well
2. A. cities B. hotels C. villages D. towns
3. A. tea B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast
4. A. night B. day C. season D. month
5. A. live B. stay C. drive D. walk
6. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm
7. A. two B. seven C. ten D. fourteen
8. A. trees B. animals C. stars D. clouds
9. A. see B. ride C. pass D. find
10. A. home B. other C. next D. last
11. A. about B. from C. far D. away
12. A. noisy B. lovely C. sleepy D. sunny
13. A. eat B. make C. cook D. drink
14. A. leave B. stop C. meet D. run
15. A. bread B. car C. rest D. meal
11.D。fifteen meters away 距……远。
12.B。只有选lovely 。
13.B。make tea 泡茶。
英语提高 (完形填空练习)10-25