1.应届毕业生-英文简历 篇一
,仅供参考。RESUME PersonalInformation: FamilyName: WangGivenName: Bin DateofBirth: July12,1971BirthPlace:Beijing Sex:MaleMaritalStatus:Unmarried Telephone: (010)62771234Pager:99900-1234567 E-mail:service@for68.com WorkExperience: Nov.1998-presentCCIDEInc,asadirectorofsoftwaredevelopmentandwebpublishing.Organizedandattendedtradeshows(Comdex99). Summerof1997 BITCompanyasatechnician,designedvariouswebsites.Designedandmaintainedthewebsiteofourdivisionindependentlyfromselectingsuitablematerials,contenteditingtodesigningwebpagebyFrontPage,PhotoshopandJavaaswell; Education: 1991-AugustDept.ofAutomation,TsinghuaUniversity,B.E. Achievements
2.应届毕业生-英文简历 篇二
基于此, 我们以两份有代表性的应届毕业生的简历为例, 展示如何利用行为事件访谈技术对简历提问, 以获得更可靠的信息。
行为事件访谈法是在关键事件法的基础上产生的最初用于构建岗位胜任素质模型的一种方法, 后来被借鉴应用于面试中。它一般要求应聘者提供过去发生的具体的事实来回答相关问题。在面试中, 面试官一般会要求应聘者举例进行说明, 同时, 对事情本身的细节会非常关注。针对应聘者提供的某个事实, 面试官会就事情发生的原因、背景、应聘者在这件事中担任的角色, 说的话, 做出的行为、最后的结果等进行详细的询问。常用句式如:“请你举例说说……”;“说说你在……时的具体情形或经历”;“什么时间?”;“多长时间一次?”;“什么人?”“具体做什么?”等等。
1. 行为事件访谈法针对应届毕业生的简历具有很强的适用性
理论上而言, 行为事件访谈法用在对任何人的面试提问中都是效度比较高的一种方法。它要求应聘者举具体的事例对自己所阐述的观点予以论证, 并且对事例本身的细节非常关注, 比如事情发生的背景、原因、发生的经过、当时的想法、采取的行动及措施、后果等, 因此应聘者若不是亲身经历, 对事情本身有很深刻的认识和感受, 是很难回答全面和详细的。但是, 现实中, 不排除总有一些准备十分充分, 且语言表达能力非常强的应聘者, 能够将别人经历和做过的事情, 完全当作是自己亲历的事情, 掩饰性非常强, 面试官看不出任何破绽。然而, 这样的情形, 在应届毕业生群体中发生的概率要小得多。原因在于:相对于校园外的其他人群而言, 应届毕业生接触社会的时间少一些, 大部分时间呆在校园, 接触的人大部分是同学、老师, 家人, 所处的人际环境相对简单, 也接受了较多的诚信教育。因此, 借用别人的经历经验应对行为事件访谈面试的概率要偏低许多。
从应届毕业生简历的个人亮点不同来划分, 大致可以将其分为两类, 一类是学习成绩突出的, 一类是实践经历突出的。针对这两类比较典型的简历, 以行为事件访谈技术为基础, 来看看该如何提问。
简历 (一) 是一份社会实践经历较突出的简历, 具体如下:
××大学××学院学生会学生管理部部长 (有聘书) 2008/6至2009/6
统筹管理学生日常生活和协助开展各项活动, 如“迎新晚会”“全院性表彰大会”等;
主持大型的宿舍苑调整工作, 增强了协调能力;
举办××学院首届“职场模拟招聘大赛”, 并深受大家的好评, 策划能力得到提高。
××学院××班班级导师助理 (有聘书) 2008/9至2009/6
主要负责新生接待以及后续的其他工作, 协助班级导师让新生尽快熟悉大学的生活;
过程很辛苦, 但成就感很高, 提高了亲和力和组织管理能力。
××大学××学院学生会副主席 (有聘书) 2009/6至2010/6
统筹安排××学院迎接新生的一切工作, 涉及六百多新生的接待工作安排;
一天共派发了1000份宣传单及行走了29.8公里的路程 (手机具有计算路程的功能) ;
家教 (暑假实习、兼职) 2008/08和2009/08
以理科为主, 初三毕业班居多, 经家教补习后学生成绩都得到了明显提高;
深入调查企业倒闭潮中提前返乡农民工家庭的生存状况, 共收发了500份调查问卷;
提高了与人交往和随机应变能力, 能随时调整策略完成任务。
能熟练运用Word、Excel、Power Point等办公室软件;
精通粤语和普通话, 能熟练地与人沟通;
机动车驾驶证 (C1) 2008年。
简历 (二) 是一份学习经历比较突出的简历, 具体如下:
总成绩排名年级专业前5% (2/60)
优秀班干部 (校级) 2次
三好学生 (校级) 2次
学习优秀奖 (校级) 2次
通过全国计算机一级考试, 能熟练运用办公室常用office软件
通过CET6、高等学校英语应用能力考试 (口试)
专业知识较为扎实, 熟悉人力六大职能, 可以独立写出招聘方案、培训方案等
(1) 针对简历中避重就轻的地方提问
粗看第一份简历, 印象最深的是其在校园和社会的实践经历, 也是该生花费笔墨最多的地方。但是对于学生来说, 虽然社会实践是必须的, 却也不能因此忽视专业学习。因此, 对于这份简历, 首先应针对其简历中避重就轻的地方———专业学习来提问, 挖掘一些有价值的行为事件。可参考的问题如下:举例说说为了更好的完成专业学习, 你是怎么做的?你的成绩在本专业排名百分比平均能达到多少?老师要求完成一次方案制作的作业, 当时方案的主题是什么?为了完成这个方案, 你先做了什么?最后的方案是什么样子?老师的评价如何?
通过第一个问题, 可以大致了解该生对待学习的态度和认知以及其学识水平。第二个问题则很具体的可以获得有关其专业能力方面的信息。又如, 第二份简历, 提到其获得优秀班干部的称号2次, 可是简历的其他地方并未就什么时间担任什么班干部做出说明, 也未说明在担任班干部期间做过哪些工作。这亦属于避重就轻。针对此条信息, 可以考虑问以下问题:你担任过什么班干部?担任了多长时间?做的主要工作有哪些?请具体罗列。然后再根据其回答就某件事请其举例或提供更详细的信息。
通过这样的问题设计, 有助于判断该生的班干部称号多大程度上名符其实。
(2) 针对简历中的模糊字眼提问
第一份简历用浓重的笔墨描述了其在社会和校园实践中的一些活动和感想, 如果事实真如简历中所述, 无疑, 该应聘者作为一名管理后备人才, 是相当有发展潜力的。但是否属实, 以及在多大程度上属实, 则是摆在面试官面前最为迫切需要证实的问题。如何探测该名应聘者是否真如简历描述的这样具备相关管理的经历和能力?可以从其简历中用到的一些模糊字眼入手。比如, 在此例中, “统筹”、“统筹安排”“主持”、“举办”、“负责”等字词就比较模糊。就“负责新生接待工作”而言, 具体负责什么?是负责组织领导其他人来做新生接待工作还是在老师的领导下负责亲自接待新生, 安排其住宿和报到注册, 回答新生的问题?就“统筹管理学生日常生活”而言, 具体统筹什么?在中国的国情下学生日常生活是否会由学生会的一个部门的部长来统筹?这些都是有疑虑的地方。因此, 针对这些模糊的字眼, 可以拟定下列问题:举例说说你是如何“统筹”学生日常生活的?你协助开展过哪些活动?你是如何协助的?举例说明。请你具体说一说你是如何主持这个宿舍调整工作的?当时的任务主要是什么?你负责哪一部分?你具体做了哪些事情?有多少人协助你?你如何给他们分配任务的?你要协调哪些人和物?具体说说你是如何与某人协调的?说说当有同学不愿意调到新宿舍去时你是如何处理的?
这样的问题不仅有助于判断该生的简历在多大程度上有水分, 而且有助于招聘方清楚以下事实:该生做了哪些事情, 能做什么事情, 具备哪些能力, 达到什么程度。
又如第二份简历, 社会实践活动中有一项是担任招聘助理。但是学校招聘会的招聘助理具体做什么, 与企业的招聘助理岗位相同吗?这个职位对外人来说是比较模糊的, 因此, 需要获取更多的信息予以确认。可以考虑以下提问:这个招聘助理主要是做什么的?具体的事情有哪些?做了多长时间?当时还有其他人做这个工作吗?如果有, 共计有多少人?你认为你在这个工作中有什么收获?
第二份简历提到有在某培训中心担任讲师的经历, 但是这个兼职讲师也不够具体。如做3个学时的培训与做10个学时的培训会有本质的区别。因此, 要深入提问:你是如何进入到这家培训中心代课的?当时一同去参加竞争的有多少人?主要讲授什么课程?共计讲了多少学时?有多少学生?该培训中心如何对你进行考核的?考核结果如何?
通过这样的深入提问, 可以帮助了解该生的真正实力, 进而对该生在培训等专业方面的技能进行准确判断。
(3) 针对简历中提到事情结果的地方提问
凡是简历中提到某种成果, 或者业绩等结果类信息的地方, 可以就此询问此种结果是在何种情景下发生 (情景条件) , 应聘者做了什么, 如何做的 (事件过程) , 最后的结果如何等问题。比如, 第一份简历中提到, 作为特价商品宣传单“入户式”派发员, “一天共派发了1000份宣传单及行走了29.8公里的路”, 这属于典型的结果类信息。针对此条信息, 可以考虑问以下问题:当时有多少人参加这个派发活动?当天天气如何?派发时该公司有要求你记录相关派发路线和地址吗? (情景条件) 你发了哪几个小区或街区?共花了多少小时?派发过程是否有人监督? (事件过程)
又如, 第二份节选简历中, 在校所获奖项亦属于典型的结果类信息。可以针对其所获得奖项问下列问题 (以学习优秀奖为例) :
你们学校学习优秀奖的评选标准是怎样的, 具体有哪些指标?评选比例达到多少? (情景条件)
你的哪些突出表现让你获得了这份学习优秀奖?请举一些具体事例予以说明。 (事件过程)
通过对事情或任务的情景条件与过程进行深入的追问, 有助于了解该任务的难易程度, 以及应聘者为了获得好的业绩付出的努力等信息。
对有经验的应聘者面试时, 为了更好地提高面试问题的效度, 很多面试官可能会精心准备与工作岗位的工作职责相关的一些问题情景。比如, 对培训助理一职, 可以针对岗位的工作任务提问:描述一下在某次实施培训的过程中, 你是如何协助培训师进行课堂管理的?然而, 这样的行为描述问题对应届毕业生并不合适, 因为其没有这方面的工作经验。一个可行的解决办法是, 回头重新审视招聘岗位的任职资格要求, 确定协助培训师进行课堂管理反映的是什么样的素质和能力, 再审视毕业生的简历, 看看简历中提供的哪些信息可能与该项素质或能力相关, 尔后再让学生举一些能反映其具有该项素质和能力的例子。当然, 这里有一个隐含的前提, 即假定该生具备将某种能力从一件事情中迁移到另一件事情中的能力。
回到前面的简历, 以第二份为例进行说明。如果招聘的岗位是助理培训师, 那么面试时要求其举例的重点应是简历中的教育背景、社会实践中兼职讲师, 以及能力和专长模块里能撰写相关培训方案等信息。如果招聘的岗位是招聘助理, 那么面试时要求其举例的重点应是简历中的教育背景、社会实践中担任学校招聘会助理, 以及能力和专长模块里能撰写相关招聘方案等信息。
2. 必要时提前透露需列举事例的问题提纲, 允许学生有一定长度的准备时间
不少应届毕业生在专业等方面比较优秀, 但在日常生活中缺少总结的习惯, 也不擅长对一些自己经历的比较关键的事件进行记录。有时候在采用行为事件访谈法面试时会遇到下列情况, 即有些毕业生一时之间不知道举什么例子为好, 最后双方只好遗憾的结束。而实际上, 就招聘岗位的任职资格要求来说, 双方可能是非常合适的。对于此, 可行的解决办法是, 在面试前不妨提前几十分钟将需要举例回答的问题提纲发给应聘的学生, 让其进行些许准备。必要时甚至可以改为笔答, 在笔答时注明答题要求, 而后根据笔答内容决定是否需要进一步搜集相关信息。
面试中如何有效提问提高面试的效度一直是所有研究者和实践者都非常关注的问题, 也是一个难题。本文以两份应届毕业生的简历为例, 设计了相关提问思路和具体问题, 以期能为更系统和科学的研究与实践探索提供思路。
[1]薛琴, 宋成一.基于胜任力模型的BEI面试选拔新技术[J].科学学与科学技术管理, 2008 (2) .
[2]余靖.基于胜任特征的行为事件访谈法的研究综述[J].经营管理者, 2010 (11) .
[3]吴光伟.如何操作BEI- (一) [J].人力资源, 2007 (7) .
[4]彭平根.如何操作BEI- (二) [J].人力资源, 2007 (9) .
3.届应届毕业生英文简历 篇三
San Angelo, TX 76902
(915) 942-9313
August 15,
LLD Co. Ltd.
309 Lake Ave.
Bristol, Ohio
Dear Sir,
I will graduate from the University of Kansas with a Masters degree in June of this year. My major is Pharmacy and I am very interested in securing a position before I graduate, if possible.
I am a Chinese and my bachelor#39;s degree is from Zhejiang University.
I have long been hopeful of working for you after I graduate, because I consider you the finest hospital in this region, I as sure that if I have the privilege of serving in your pharmacy, I will greatly increase my education and my experience.
Needless to say, I will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before I graduate in June. In addition, I have chosen to elect all the courses available at my school in Hospital Pharmacy. I did this because I have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Harkin, Dr. Mildred Carter, and Dr. Iriny Schultz have give me permission to use their names as reference.
If you have a position available after I graduate, I would appreciate it. If not, please keep my name on your file, because I consider your Pharmacy the best in this region.
4.食品专业英文简历 应届毕业生 篇四
Name:Xue LiSex:FemalBithdate:10/09/1989
Current Location: shanghaiPolitical Status:Communist Party of ChinaMajor:Food Safety and QualityUniversity:Haerbin University of CommerceCell Phone:151-045-35385Email:xiaosnowli@163.com
National Encouragement Scholarship
Specialized Scholarship
Campus Star(Straight-A Student)
Excellent Student Organizer
Lab Experience
Research on the growth, reproduction conditions, classification and identification of microorganism Define the most efficient way to remove the pesticide by experimental results from different methods of removing the pesticide residues
Research on the measurement solutions for the percentage of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and water New food R&D and the application of ISO22000 system
Knowledge of GMP and HACCP system in the food
Straight-A Student
CET6(Collage English Test Band 6 Certificate)
BEC Vantage Level
National Computer Certification(Level 2)
Practical experienceDirector of Learning Department Students’Union
Lead the department to evaluate the scholarship of the entire collage.Organize English learning experience-sharing sessions.Help students improve their English and
encourage their learning passion.Study committee member
Give helping hand to slow students.Motivate students to have initiative and enthusiasm on study and activities.Arrange the experimental task and homework for students by communicating with teachers.Present of Debate Committee
5.应届毕业生英文个人简历 篇五
Basic Introduction:
Name: Yao fengwei English:Eric Yao Sex:Male Age:37 years old
Born:19 may. 1970. Marriage:Married Stature:165 cm
Native Place:Henan Province College:Shenyang Institute of Technology and Industry
Speciality:Casting Educational Background: Undergraduate Course
English level: 4th centigrade degree working experience:12 years
Education background;
1. From Sep. 1991 to Jul. 1995,studying in Shenyang Institute of Technology and Industry,
Speciality is casting, bachelor degree.
2. From Sep. 1987 to Jul .1991,studied in First Senior High School of Mianchi County.,Henan
During the college,I entered the class of No. 91511,I have learned basic lessons and speciality lessons,I studied Computer and Japanese,and I have a exercitation in the first automobile manufacturing co.,ltd.
Working Experience:
1. From Sep.20, to Now,worked in Techtronic Industry Co.,ltd,located in Houjie town , Ltd,It can provide good quality power tools to the world,such as power tools,garden maintaining,floor cleanness,etc.During this period I worked in the department of outsource and purchasement,worked as assistant manager.I organize our team to arrange projects issued from our marketing,and I will prepare PDP to control the process,and we often visit the suppliers located in Guangdong and Zhejiang Province,hold project meeting to develop them,we shall review the design and packaging for these products,and we shall prepare PS and QA will provide test plan,we will worked together to fulfill the task,I shall sign tolling budget,approve the samples and finished products,after samples evaluation report is completed we will release the products for MP.
2. From Oct., to Sep., 2004,worked in Jinlai household Appliance Co.,ltd,located in Qishi Town,Dongguan city , worked as a Senior Engineer to organize the projects and develop them,I shall design them,and test them,apply for related certification,at the same I shall examine the 3D drawing and BOM and Tooling Modification,I have ever developed Espresso & Drip-coffee Maker,Toastors,Kettles,Steam Station Iron,I can use Pro-e,Solidworks and Autocad ,Exel,Word,Skillfully. I’m glad to encourage our engineers to woked hard,and get further development.
3. From Oct.,1998 to Oct.,2001,worked in Sanfa household appliance Co.,Ltd,located in City Shenzhen City,Shajing Town,I worked as R&D Engineer.I have ever developed all sorts of Metal and Plastic shell toastors,green tea maker,juice Maker,tiptoe Polisher,etc.It is a japanese based company,they research the appliances carefully,and get good quality.
4. From Oct.,1995 to Oct.,1998,worked in Cheer Plastic and Mold manufacturing Co.,Ltd, It is a Hongkong based Company,located in City Dongguan City,Changan Town,I worked as R&D Engineer and Mold Designer.I have ever developed telephone shell,Cosmetic Box,Wine Cups ,etc.From 1997,I transfer to mold Department to design Plastic Mold. I have ever design many molds there.
Capability Description:
I am good at Power Tools and Accessory design,focused on project management,I can communicate with foreign customers and my American manager,I know about plastic material well, I can choose fitting material according working field and product grades,I know about plastic mold and metalware mold,powder alloy,machining,die cast;I am familiar with safety rules,for example;GS, VDE,WEEE, Rohs.I can use ERP to organize the bom and search for the store.I can lead a team to work with heavy duty,under high pressure, my English is very fluent.
I want to be a Engineering Manager in R&D or a Project Manager in S&P ,I believe that I can deal with many things and I can be responsible to our leader and coordinatde my fellow to develop the work well.
Contact method: 1300807906,xxxx-xxxxxxx
6.应届毕业大学生英文简历 篇六
Mary J. Potts
To contribute my education and skills in a position with a growing, dynamic firm.
Harvard University, B.S. Cambridge, Massachusetts, May
Major: Health
Minor: Business Management
Relevant Courses
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Health Policy
Organizational Analysis and Health Care
Health Care Management
Human Resource Management
Relevant Skills
Served as Assistant to the Director of the Howler Heart Foundation.
Functioned as Public Health Rep for the Boston Youth Network.
Coordinated, Harvard University Health Awareness Week, -. Communications Skills
Served as a phone-a-thon call-taker, accepting donations for the Harvard Fund.
Volunteered for a political campaign and passed out literature door-to-door, while speaking with potential voters.
Management Skills
Handled all office management functions, including employee relations and accounting.
Oversaw public relations, order-processing and routine business.
Coordinated communications between customers and group personnel.
Designed Promotional materials.
Delegated duties and suggestion power to teammates.
Presented market research results to client along with a plan for future development.
Leadership Skills
Participated in Youth League, Boston, a volunteer organisation.
Served president of sorority.
Systems Abilities
Microsoft Office
HTML, Java, C++/Web Publishing
Front Page
7.应届生英文简历 篇七
Personal Data:
Name: Steve Lee
Gender: Male
Data of Birth: June 11, 1980
Major: Business Administration
Graduate school: Beijing University
Degree: Bachelor Degree
Email: stevelee@jxue.com
Address: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing
To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management
1999.92000.9 Assistant in charge of Activity pension of the Communist Youth League.Tutored several students from Greece and India in English for six months.We still keep in touch.Scholarships and Awards:
1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate
1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award
1997.4 Academic Progress Award
General business knowledge relating to XXX
8.应届生英文简历秘书 篇八
english name: lei li
sex: male
born: oct.13, 1984
graduated school: zhejiang university of and communications
major: secretary
mob: 1234567890
graduated: july,
hobbies::playing basketball dancing,etc.
secretary major in zhejiang university of and communications
language level
good command of english and chinese,
effective written and oral communication
computer level
proficient in the operation of excel, word and such kind of office software effectively
good at cad/ps/3d max/flash……
working experience
in my summer holiday work in the zhejiang changqing office about communication .
have good achievements。
secretary to manager
responsible for general secretarial activities, such as receiving visitors, making appointments, taking dictation, writing letters.
social activities
freshman year: commissiary in charge of studies in the class.
sophomore year: commissary in charge of commissary in charge of publicity
skill of work
typing proficiency: 50 wpm
can master knowledge necessary for the position in the shortest time
glad to travel frequently according to requirement
energetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibility
enthusiasm, good communication skill
fluent spoken and written english
glad to commit myself to a full-time team player
mature,dynamic and honest
ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.
a stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.
initiative,independent and good communication skill
9.应届生求职个人英文简历范例 篇九
Jason Xu
Campus: 1Permanent:
456 College Hall456 College Hall
Normal, IL 67890Normal, IL 67890
Tracy.Graduate@ilstate.eduTracy.Graduate@ilstate.eduObjective: 2
Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago area.Summary: 3
More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience.Auditor internship with Ernst & Young in New York City.Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting.Proficient with MS Office, Quicken, Peachtree and the Internet.Education: 4
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 20XX
Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale
Courses taken included:
Managerial AccountingCorporate Audit
Intermediate Accounting I & IIFinancial Management
Sarbanes Oxley RequirementsInternal Audit
Accounting for Not-For-ProfitsManagerial Economics
Experience: 5
Auditor Internship, May 20XX to August 20XX
Ernst & Young, New York, New York
Participated in the annual audit of Zephyr Megalithic Holdings, including development of the final certification report.Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors.Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and
automatically cross-referencing for errors. Received Employee of the Month award twice—first intern ever to win the ?award.Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 20XX to Present
Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York
Assisted(via remote)with payroll, tax, and account processing.Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system.Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers.Activities:
Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 20XX-20XXTreasurer, Phi Beta Kappa honors society, 20XX-20XXResidence Hall Assistant, 20XX-20XX1、个人资料(Personal Data): 基本的包括姓名、联络方式(电话及E-mail)、住址,另外不同行业别可能会有要求包括性别、出生年月日、身高体重不等的个人资料,要视公司要求提供不同的个人资料。
2、应聘职务(Job Objective、Desired Position): 公司机构可能会同时招聘多个职务,因此要标明所申请的职务,以利人力资源部门或雇主在最短的时间内做档案分类。
3、专长(Summary of Skills、Highlights of Qualifications): 列举个人专长,譬如特殊电脑技能、语言能力、学科能力,如果有如何资格证书也可以在此列举出来。
4、教育程度(Education): 学校、专业、学位名称、起讫时间,由最近到最远,修过的课程中与工作有关者,可以选择适合的列举出来。
5、在校社团经验或其他工作经验(Work Experience、Job History / Extra Curriculum Experience /
10.应届大学生英文简历会计 篇十
以下《应届大学生英文简历会计》由小编推荐阅读。 Name Address Phone No. OBJECTIVE:Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago area. SUMMARY: More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience. Auditor internship with Ernst & Young in New York City. Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting. Proficient with MS Office, Windows 2000/XP, and the Internet. EDUCATION:Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2006 Illinois State University, Normal,Illinois Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale Courses taken included:Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation Intermediate Accounting I & II Financial Management Accounting I & II Internal Audit Accounting for Not-For-Profits Managerial Economics EXPERIENCE:Auditor Internship, May 2005 to August 2005 Ernst & Young, New York, New York Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings, including development of the final certification report. Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors. Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and automatically cross-referencing for errors. Received Employee of the Month award twice——first intern ever to win the award. Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 2003 to Present Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York Assisted (via remote) with payroll, tax, and account processing. Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system. Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers. ACTIVITIES: Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2005-2006 Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, 2005-2006 Dorm Resident Assistant, 2004-2006
11.应届毕业生英文简历之销售助理 篇十一
Sales Assistant:Act as liaison between customer and sales representative.Provide customer service via telephone.Ascertain order accuracy.Track and expedite orders.Cooperate in team endeavors.
1987-1990 THE MUSIC MAKER,Inc.,Houston,TX
Sales Assistant:Coordinated sales efforts of a staff of six for a large musical instruments dealership.Developed and maintained working relationships with manufacturers and customers.Supported top account executives.Maintained open files to ensure greatest customer satisfaction.
Research Assistant:Assisted in the collection of delinquent real estate,personal property and motor vehicle excise taxes.Matched instrument of taking against daily tax title receipts.Processed petitions of foreclosure for the legal section and title searches.
Senior Claims Investigator:Investigated and expedited claim settlements relating to ticket disputes and information request.
Bank Teller:Interacted with customers ,processed all money and check transactions,balanced all transactions at the end of each shift.Operated a Wang Word Processor,CRT and TRW terminal,and developed a working knowledge of money market funds and TRA accounts.
应届毕业生 英文简历范文09-28
应届毕业生 的求职简历08-02