


1.专业英语英译汉 篇一

英 译 汉

★In 1870,horses and mules were the prime source of power on U.S.farms.在1870年,马和骡子是美国农场的主要劳动力来源。

★Those signs include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situation of daily life.那些信号包括许许多多我们适应日常生活环境的方式。

★Most Americans,however,see romantic love as essential for a successful marriage,and tend to look askance at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.然而,大多数美国人把浪漫的爱看作是成功婚姻必不可少的组成部分,而且往往蔑视任何为了更实际的理由,而不是为了爱而结婚的人。

★If they can sense colour differences then perhaps we,too,are affected by colour unconsciously.如果他们能够觉察出颜色的差异,那么我们可能也不知不觉地受到颜色的影响。

★People exposed to bright red show an increase in heartbeat,and blood pressure;red is exciting.当人们处于鲜红颜色面前,心跳会加快,血压也会升高;这表明红色令人激动。

★In order to learn to be one’s true self,it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world.要想了解真实的自我,必须深入、广泛的探索前人所说过的话,所做的事情。

★This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the fear and horror surrounding earthquakes,but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake prediction may be possible.数百年来,地震的不可知性给地震蒙上了极大的恐惧和惊慌,然而近几次的地震发生之前已经显露一些迹象。

★The accuracy of scientific observations and calculations is always at the mercy of the scientist’s timekeeping methods.科学观察和计算的精确度常取决于科学家的计时方法。

★In Frederick,students’parents are buying classroom supplies and offering to pay for groceries and utilities to keep first-year teachers and principals in their jobs.在Frederick地区,学生家长们出资购买教室用品,并主动为学校第一年的教师和校长们支付所需的各类杂货及水电费,以此来留住他们继续工作下去。

★“Rumors about what’s happening to the district are moving at lighting speed.”said a student.“We wanted to know the truth,and spread that around instead.”一位学生说:“关于这个地区的流言正在以闪电般速度传播着,我们想知道真相,并且传播真相。”

★Yet the waves,no matter how big or how violent,affect only the surface of the sea.然而,不管水波多大、多猛烈,只对海面造成影响。

★In the U.S.,the figure is much higher than in Great Britian,and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.在美国,这个数字要比英国高得多,每个人将他们收入的百分之十花费在分期付款上。

★The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs-or even to run a small electric motor-is almost unbelievable,but several kinds of fish are able to do this.鱼产生的电流能点亮电灯——或者甚至能带动小型电动马达——是多么不可思议,但是有些鱼确实可以。

★Engineering studengs are supposed to be examples

of practicality and rationality,but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool.工科的学生往往被看成是实际和理性的榜样,但是就我的大学教育而言,我是一个理想主义者和傻瓜。

★The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don’t mix as easily as I assumed in high school.摆在我面前阻碍我成为一名成功学生的现实就在于工科与文科并不像我在高中时所认为的那样,两者并不是简单地融合在一起。

★When the light reaches the other end,it is first changed into electrical signals,which are in turn converted into sound messages.光到达另一端后,首先转化成电流信号,随后再转化为声音信息。★In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame,not the long hours alone at a typewriter.多数情况下,这些人正梦想着的是财富和名望,而不是在打字机前长时间的工作。★Because we live in a democratic nation,whose citizens make the policies for the nation,large numbers of us must be educated to understand,to support,and when necessary,to judge the work of experts.因为我们生活在一个民主的国家,由公民制定国家的政策,我们中的许多人必须接受教育,学会理解、支持,必要的时候还要判断专家的工作。

★There are many communities and populations which have lost precious recoards due to tragic events such as the fire in the Irish courts during Civil War in 1921 or American slaves for whom many records were never kept in the first place.在很多地区,相当多的人曾因为一些悲剧事件而失去他们珍贵的资料,如1921年内战期间爱尔兰法庭失火这样的悲剧,又如美国奴隶,对于他们来说就有很多珍贵资料未能够保留下来。

★Theoretically,any individual will someday be able to trace his or her family origins through this database.理论上,有一天任何人都能通过这个资料库查处他或她家族的起源。

★On the contrary,to avoid problems in aerial navigation,the wheelless vehicle probably will travel no more than three inches above road surface.相反,为了避免天线导航,没有轮子的汽车将在离地面不超过3英寸的距离行驶。

★I appeal to you to clarify this issue so that the poor elderly of our city many become aware of the housing benefits for which they qualify.我请求你阐明这个问题,这样我们这个城市里贫穷的老人就可以了解到他们有资格享有住房的津贴。★It was believed that a person was sick because he had been attacked by evil spirits.人们认为生病是遭受恶魔的攻击。

★We are concerned to develop the ability of all our pupils into the full,not just their academic ability.我们关系的是全面充分地发展我们每一位学生的能力,而不仅仅是他们的学习能力。

★We expect our pupils to do their best,not their least,and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.我们期望学生能够不遗余力尽其所能,为达到此目标我们也将给予他们充分的鼓励。

★The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions,because there are no wheels in nature---no living thing was ever created with wheels.轮子是最简单的发明,或许也是最伟大的发明,因为自然界原本没有轮子——没有任何生


★Girls exceed boys in language abilities,and this early linguistic bias often prevails throughout life.女孩在语言能力上胜过男孩,而且这种早期就暴露的语言方面的偏向常常影响终生。

★Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a hobby,but only switched to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time.摩西奶奶小的时候画过些画,之后绘制刺绣图案成了她的爱好。老了以后,她的手指变得僵硬不能缝纫,而她还希望保持忙碌打发时间,就转向油画。★The project provided opportunities for researches from India and abroad to study tigers in the reserves and gather previously unavailable information about their habits.这个方案给印度和国外的研究者提供了机会,使他们可以在保护区内研究老虎,收集以前难以获得的有关老虎习性的资料。

★Land problem is becoming serious and many rural people feel bitter about the fact that some rich forests are reserved for tigers.土地问题变得越来越严重了,令许多农民痛心的是,一些肥沃的森林地区被圈起来,建成了老虎保护区。

★In learning a foreign language,the best beginning is with the non-verbal linguistic elements of the language,its gestures,its body language.学习语言最好从语言的非语言方面、手势和身势语入门。

★Originally the White House was gray and was called the Presidential Palace.最初白宫是灰色的,并且被叫做总统府。

★This new activity involved all the original hunting sequences but the aim of the operation was no longer to avoid starvation.这种新的活动包括原先狩猎的一系列行为,而目的已不再是避免饥饿。

★Some scientists say that 16 of these mirrors,each about half a mile across,could aim their reflected light at one area on the earth that was about 200 miles by 300 miles.一些科学家认为可用16面直径为半英里的镜子将反射光照射到地球表面约为60000平方英里的区域。

★What no one knows yet is what effect this artificial daytime would have on plants,animals,and humans.目前,人们还不知道的是这种人造白天对植物、动物和人会有什么影响。

★Still,the fact remains that women are now free to enter any career that attracts them,the situation has improved,and the tide is not likely to turn back.然而,事实上女性如今可以自由选择所喜爱的职业;情况改善了,这一潮流不可能逆转。

★Ford realized he could use this assembly line method to build cars.福特意识到他可以用这种装配线的方法来生产他的汽车。

★At the early attempts,the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growth,a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.在初始阶段海底电缆没能安装成功,当科研人员将电缆运出海面对其进行检修时发现电缆表面长满了瘤状物,这个事实表明海洋深处并不存在生命,这与现代科学见解相佐。

★Studies by the Council of Europe,of which 21 countries are members,have shown that 45 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.由21个成员国组成的欧洲委员会的一项研究显示,百分之四十五的爬行物种及百分之二十四的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。

★Dr.Baum went on,“we could manage without most industrial products,but we could not manage without nature.Baum博士继续说道,“没有工业产品我们一样能够生活下去,但脱离了自然我们就无法生存。

★Some critics claim that no excuse is acceptable for not informing subjects about the nature of an experiment and giving them a chance to refuse to participate.一些批评家声称没有任何理由让实验对象在不了解实验性质,没有机会选择拒绝的情况下参与实验。

★He took a trip to southern,and there he found just the weather and scenery he needed to finish his movie.他去加州南部旅行,在那里他恰好发现了要完成他的电影所需的天气和风景。

★Primary and secondary education is financed almost entirely by the state out of central and local tax revenues.中小学几乎全额依靠中央和地方税收拨款。

★The current opinion seems to be that this should include a general knowledge of what computers are,plus a little of their history and something of how they operate.目前的看法似乎是这样的,这必须包括一种关于计算机本身定义的基本知识,还需具备一些计算机的发展历史及其操作知识。

★We effectively use all types of electrical equipment without being able to tell their history or to explain how they work..我们能够有效地使用各种电子设备,而不需要知道它们的历史或者它们是如何工作的。

★At times they even sleep in their van instead of a hotel,just to save money.有时他们甚至在自己的篷车里,而不是在旅馆里睡觉,只是为了省钱。★As a result,these areas send out less heat and light and thus appear from Earth to be almost dark irregular surface patches.这些区域释放的热量和光线较弱,因而从地球上看,表面几乎形成不规则的暗区。★Computer technology enabled the reserchers,to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain,which relate to intellect and emotion,and determine the human character.电脑技术让研究者能准确地测量大脑前部和侧面的容量,它们与智力、情感有关,决定着人的性格。

★The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process,because the 20 or 30 minutes you spend with the interviewer may determine whether or not you get the particular job you want.面试是求职过程中一件重要的事情,因为你和面试人一起度过的二三十分钟可能决定你是否能得到你想要的那个工作。

★If possible,you should negotiate for salary after you have been offered a job and when you are ready to complete the paperwork.如果有可能的话,你应在得到一份工作,并且在你做好准备完成日常文书工作后再与雇佣方协商工资问题。

★He is,even today,a symbol of courage and adventure.他即使今天都是勇气和历险的象征。Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary.Henning研究了把英语作为外语学习的学生是如何记词汇的。

★In time,the migration became a habit,and now,although the glaciers have disappeared,the habit continues.迁徙成为一种习惯,现在尽管冰川已经消失,这种习惯仍然继续。

★Problems come when any particular section is too thick and not sticking to the section beneath.The snow of the past few weeks had been falling in rather higher temperatures than those of December and early January.当积雪的任何一部分太厚,并且与下面的部分不相粘结的话,问题就出现了。过去几星期下的雪在高于十二月到一月份上旬的温度下开始融化。

★The one comfort to recreational skiers,however,is that avalanche incidents on the marked ski slopes are quite rare.No ski resort wants the image of being a death trap.对于度假的滑雪者来说,令人欣慰的是,雪崩事故很少发生在有足迹的滑雪坡上。

★Losing weight is hard work,but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat.减肥是件苦差事,大多数人都想找到一条又快又简单的减肥方法。

★The respect in which he was held was partly owing to the man himself,with his warm friendliness,his good sense,his urbanity,his gay spirits,his artistic integrity,and his love of both the Old World and the New.他受到尊重部分源自其自身,他友好、判断能力强、文雅、开朗、正直,新、旧世界他都热爱。★Kidneys can be conserved in this simple way for 24 to 48 hours with little deterioration,and during this time they can be moved for long distances.用这种简单的方法,肾脏可以保存24到48小时而不会变质,在此段时间里能被转移到很远的地方。

★A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager.很多顾客采用的一个简单又常用的方法是直接向商店经理投诉。

★She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers’ rights.她或他(顾客)会将卖方告上法庭,或者他们会向保护消费者权益的私人或公共机构进行举报。

★In this way,better quality products at good values are continually being brought to the people of all income groups.这样,性价比高的商品可以不断地提供给不同收入层次的人们。

★Bearing in mind the nature of the translator’s work,i.e.,the processing of the written word,it is,strictly speaking,unnecessary that he should be able to speak the languages he is dealing with.牢记翻译者工作的性质,即对书面语进行操作,严格地说,并不要求翻译者一定能够讲他正在翻译的语言。★It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course,though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.学生也可能在学习期间在两所大学交叉学习,尽管这样做并不常见。

★Money laundering is the process by which money obtained by illegal means is given the appearance of legitimate income and returned into circulation.洗钱是将非法途径得来的金钱,在合法收入的掩盖下使之进入流通领域。

★The liberlization of markets around the world and deregulation of exchange controls are regarded as the chief causes of the rapid expansion of the money laundering over the past decade.市场的(过度)自由及对汇率控制的撤销成为过去十年来洗钱活动迅速发展的两大主要原因。

★Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite,so in 1895,just two weeks before his death,he created a found to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contrybutions to mankind.诺贝尔宁愿自己不是作为甘油炸药的发明者而被人们记住,因此,他在1895年去世前的两个星期,创立了一项基金,奖励对人类做出有价值贡献的人们。

★Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese school,yet many students say that after an exam,they forget much of the information that they have memorized.死记硬背是日本学习采用的一种重要的学习方法,然而很多学生反映,考试过后他们就忘记了背过的大部分内容。

★Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.教导他失败比作弊要光荣得多。

★Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.因为时尚的变化,衣裳仅仅穿了几次就要被丢到一边。

★Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes,one wonders,reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability?有人会想,女性服饰时尚不断发生改变的事实是不是反映出其本身存在的一种变化无常、及不稳定的基本特性呢?

★The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their product’s obvious advantages.尽管产品本身具备显而易见的优势,速溶咖啡的生产者发现他们的产品在市场上严重受阻。

★Many of the centenarians emphasized the importance of being independent and free to do the things they enjoyed and wanted to do,and of maintaining a placid state of mind free from worry or emotional strain.许多百岁老人强调独立自由地做自己想做的事情,远离烦恼和情感压力,保持平静的心态很重要。

★Even if a job is not perfect for you,every interview can make you learn from it.即使某一份工作对你来说并不理想,每个面试都可以让你从中学到些东西。

★People who question or even look down on the study of the past and its works usually assume that the past is entirely different from the present,and that hence we can learn nothing worthwhile from the past.那些质疑甚至轻视对过去及先人作品研究的人们通常主观地认为过去与现在是完全不同的,从而得出人们无法从过去获取任何有价值的东西的结论。★We and the ancients share a common human nature and hence certain common human experiences and problems.我们和古人享有共同的人类的天性,因此也会有共同的经历和问题。

★Perhaps the reason is that asvertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer.也许,原因是登广告能让生产者省心,不要去考虑消费者。

★“No mechanism in China requires the recall of cars as it dose in Japan,but Honda decided to replace the rubber connector in order to provide the same service to Chinese consumers”the spokeswoman said.女发言人说:“与在日本不同,中国的机构没有要求召回汽车,但是本田公司决定更换橡胶连接以向中国客户提供同等服务。”

★A survey conducted last year by Roper Starch Worldwide,Inc.,found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.去年由Roper Starch Worldwide公司所做的一项调查发现,几乎有百分之七十的接受调查者表示如果他们的家庭收入能够再增加一倍,他们会更幸福。

★The publisher was so doubtful,he wanted her to split the publishing costs with him,and all she hoped was that it would make enough money for her to buy a new silk dress.出版商不太确信书出版后一定能够赚钱,他想与作者(Harriet Beecher Stowe)分摊出版费用,而她只是希望能够赚够足够的钱为自己买一条新的丝绸连衣裙。

★Its vast influence strengthened the anti-slavery movement and angered defenders of the slave system.它巨大的影响激励了反对奴隶制的运动,也激怒了奴隶制的拥护者。

2.专业英语英译汉 篇二


(一) 词汇特点。

1. 正式词语与一词多义的词语。

商务英语函电是用来传递商业信息, 陈述商务事实的, 且常常事关经济利益。所以商务英语函电的表达一般都是直截了当、简洁明快、淡于修饰。在选词方面不刻意追求华丽的词藻, 而尽可能地选用正规、庄重或表现力强的法律词语。比如:The obligations shall be affected by the liquidation of the contract nor by a premature termination of the same.此句中的liquidation和termination比其同义词cancel和end都较为正式。

商务英语函电语言中有大量的多义词, 即同一个词具有多种不同的意义。商务英语中同一个单词在不同情况下含义大相径庭, 这就需要译者认真理解, 找出恰如其分的词语, 准确通顺地表达出来。比如:cover作为名词时, 有“保险”之意, 例如:cover note。

2. 缩略词和专业术语。

为节省篇幅和时间, 商务英语信函中常常使用一些缩写和简称。这些缩略语大多沿用已久, 意义已约定俗成。常见的有, 货币代码, 如:USD (United States Dollars, ) ;国际贸易术语, 如:FOB (free on board, 离岸价) 等。商务语境赋予许多英语词汇特定的专业意义, 而专业意义又因不同的业务范围而异。因此, 翻译专业词汇时需要熟悉这些惯用表达。例如:Particular Average该词组中的Average源自法语, 与英语中的risk意思相近, 而不是日常用语中的“平均”之意。该词组应译为“单独海损”, 而非“特别平均”。sales literature中literature一词有“文学”、“资料”等意。若将sales literature直译为“销售文学”则与国际贸易业务毫无关联, 相比之下, 译文“促销资料”更为贴切。

(二) 句法特点。

1. 句式结构严谨。

商务英语函电的句子通常较长, 它往往将连续的短语、短句结合成一个较长的单句, 或一个独立的主从复合句或并列句, 但其语义分明, 形成完整准确、内容严谨的句式。而且这样的句子结构不易令人产生歧义和误解, 同时促进了国际商务活动的时效性, 也加速了商务信息的传递。例如:As the goods against your Order No.2305 have been ready for quite some time, it’s important that you take immediate action to having the covering L/C established as soon as possible.该句为主从复合句, 在从句中介词短语against修饰主语goods, 在主句中又用的是it为形式主语的主语从句, 但语义层次非常明确。

2. 长复合句偏多。

与其他文体相比, 商务英语函电在句子结构方面的突出特点就是大量采用较长的并列句和复合句。在商务交往中所写的信函与所发的传真都有可能是即将达成的合同的有效组成部分, 因此在商务函电中需要考究的句式和严密的逻辑性。为保证这种特性, 商务英语函电往往须将连续的短句结合成一个独立的主从复合句或并列句。函电英语复合句多, 这是因为商务英语函电涉及合同条款与交货条件等, 因此逻辑关系必须严谨准确, 不能含糊不清。


(一) 对词和短语的误译。

商务英语函电翻译中常常会出现因为对词语和短语的理解不准确而发生误译现象。商务英语函电中的多义词的词义, 往往采用的是单词的延伸义, 翻译员往往凭着英语的基础知识, 只知道单词的基本词义, 而不懂得其延伸义, 造成理解的障碍。再者是对贸易术语理解不清或者不确切也常常导致各种错误的产生。所以在翻译时我们要格外注意这些词与短语。商务英语函电翻译中的一些词汇和概念往往有着丰富的特别的内涵。直接从词典中想当然地查找对应词往往是不可靠的。翻译时必须认真筛选易混淆的中文词语, 需要精确表达原文的含义, 否则容易造成词不达意或模棱两可的现象。例如:“please issue an irrevocable documentary letter of credit in our favor.”这里的“in our favor”, 不能理解为“对我方有利的”。再如, “Shipment not later than May first”, 应译成不晚于五月一日转运 (包括五月一日) ;“Shipment before May first”则不包含五月一日。虽是一天之差.但如果翻译不准确, 却可能造成严重的后果。

(二) 对句法结构的误判。

商务英语函电中经常出现结构复杂的长句, 往往会利用后置定语从句对所修饰的词进行解释、限制或补充, 以便使结构完整。而翻译员往往因为对句法结构理解不准确, 对句子结构不能够清晰的划分, 而造成翻译上的失误。有时, 翻译人员的思路会随着英语的表述方式走, 逐字逐句地翻译, 从而出现翻译过来的汉语连自己都难理解的现象, 汉语语句不符合中国人的表述方式。


(一) 选择恰当的词义。

商务英语函电翻译的过程中一定要注意一词多意的现象, 如果仅仅依靠查字典, 是无法真正解决问题的, 必须要联系上下文的写作背景后, 通过仔细判断, 找出该词汇在文中所代表的真实含义。在商务英语函电中, 我们还会遇到一些词在其实际应用中与其它词语搭配后产生某些具体的专业性意义。比如下例中draw的含义:The seller is asked to draw a draft on with the bank of London.买方要求卖方在伦敦银行开立汇票。在日常英语中, “draw”意为“取出”, 在金融英语中意为“开立汇票”。

(二) 注意同义词和缩略词的翻译。

词汇是语言的最基本单位, 只有正确理解和翻译词汇, 才能正确理解和翻译句子和文章。为了交流的迅捷和简便, 大多数商务英语信函都出现大量的缩略术语, 经贸工作者必须了解这些术语缩略语的构成方式, 将其还原成原文, 从而使翻译规范化、标准化。商务英语的缩略词已经被人们广泛接受, 意义十分明确, 翻译时无需解释, 不过要准确地翻译缩略词, 则一定要知道缩略词的全称, 并且要理解其意义。

(三) 精练翻译语言。

在国际商务交往中, 使用精练的语言进行信息交流是非常重要的。针对这个特点, 商务英语函电的翻译应注意从易于理解的角度出发, 提高语句的精确度和清晰度, 而不是像文学作品翻译那样, 追求一些华丽的词藻。在词汇选择方面, 要选择使用较为常见的字词, 以保证词汇的国际通用性, 使其顺利并准确地转化为中文的相应含义。特别是涉及合同内容的语言, 因为具有法律约束力, 所以翻译时必须严谨, 不能任意填词造句。精准地翻译行业术语也是尤为重要的。进行商务英语函电翻译时不仅要求翻译人员要有实际的商务工作技能还需要其熟悉专业的行话、术语, 并理解术语的含义。换句话说, 翻译时一定要用行话来翻译行话。

(四) 理清脉络和句子结构。

商务英语函电中的语句结构以复合长句为主, 很少使用简单句。经常出现一段只有一句话的现象。然而对于这种复杂冗长的句子, 只要对原文进行仔细分析才能恰当地翻译原文, 使译文受众对作者的表意有明确的认识, 从而获得对原文较准确的感受。当遇到一个复合长句很难看懂时, 最简单有效的办法就是去寻找句子中出现了几个谓语动词, 然后划分句子结构, 弄清楚哪些是后置定语从句, 哪些内容是宾语从句等。值得注意的一点是一个单句中只能有一个谓语。翻译时首先必须理顺语句成分的层次及其关系, 联系上下文, 精确地把握词语的内蕴, 准确把握句意的脉络。根据汉语的句式特点, 重构原文传递的信息。必要时可进行词语增减, 语序和语句结构也可做适当调整, 进行灵活的转译。

(五) 忠于原文。

说到翻译原则以及标准, 忠实统一是最重要的, 翻译的最根本任务不是转换语言, 而是传达意思, 信息和内容, 所以商务英语函电的翻译不同于其他翻译, 它必须强调语义对等, 做到地道, 让读者有专业化的感受, 而不是一般的语言描述。忠实于原文要求翻译员在翻译商务英语函电时既要如实表达原函电内容的完整专业性, 又要符合原文的公文格式规范性的要求。忠实与通顺是息息相关的, 既要忠于原文又要通顺, 否则都会阻碍贸易的进行。因为商务英语函电关乎双方的利益, 因此, 商务英语函电的翻译应以准确清楚的语言, 统一规范的商务套句来表达, 关键词汇不能出半分差错。否则会给己方公司带来重大损失。

总之, 随着中国经济快速的发展以及国际间的商务联系的越发频繁, 商务英语函电作为商务联系的主要方式之一, 其翻译也变得越为重要。如果翻译环节出现问题, 势必会影响到外贸公司的工作效率, 甚至会造成严重的经济损失。这就要求翻译人员从词义和专业的角度出发, 结合上下文的背景去完整地理解词句, 保证译文所传达的信息与原文所传递的信息相一致。正确灵活地运用翻译技巧, 在商务英语函电翻译工作中具有重要的意义。


[1].陈浩然.外贸英语翻译[M].北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社, 1987

[2].曹菱.商务英语信函[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000

[3].高嘉勇.商务函电英语的语法特点[J].天津外国语学院学报, 2001

[4].树新.现在国际商务函电[M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 2008

3.专业英语英译汉 篇三


中图分类号:G642.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002—2589(2009)22—0207—02










In ancient times if a man’s eye was put out by his enemy,he might get revenge by putting his enemy’s eye out. This was the rule of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 出自《圣经》的《旧约·出埃及》二十一章。这一习语被汉语吸收,成为汉语习语中为数不多的外来语之一。既然英语习语和汉语的习语同出一辙,意义未变,就可以直译。


Escape?But his home and property can’t escape.The monk may run away, but the temple can’t run with him.




If anything should happen to me, let Yushan know!

“有个三长两短”比喻可能发生意外的不幸事件,保留其喻意,译为If anything should happen to me……即可。


Knowing fully well the importance of the tournament, all the players pulled their socks up.

“摩拳擦掌”在汉语里的意思是“鼓起劲儿,准备大干一场”,我们在这里意译为“to pull one’s socks up”,不仅抓住了内容喻意,也表达出了原意。因为英语习语“to pull one's socks up”字面意思为“挽起你的袜子”,其实际意义为“鼓起劲儿”,和汉语“精神振奋、摩拳擦掌”是一个意思。



Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian travelled day after day past large posting stations and small, till he came to the city of Jinan.

汉语成语“风餐露宿”中的“风”和“露”分别直译为wind 和dew而“餐”和“宿”则不能直译,只能根据其含义意译为braving。


But this girl Mei was all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her.

“无亲无故”直译为without a single relative or friend, 同时补充上to help her,点出其内在含义,使全句述意完整。

4.借用英语中的同义习语。英语里有些习语和汉语的一些习语采用相同或极其相似的形象或比喻,表达相通或极其相似的喻意。如,“猫哭耗子假慈悲”和shed a crocdile tears, “煽风点火”和to fan the flames等。遇到类似这种情况,就不妨借用英语同义习语来译。现举例如下:


All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day you’ll come out on top.

“to burn one’s boat”破釜沉舟,出自古罗马凯撒大帝出征作战时为士兵下定决心,决一死战,使士兵无退路,烧毁战船。汉语的破釜沉舟,出自楚霸王项羽,两句成语的寓意和构词上相似,所以借用英语to burn one’s boats来表达,无论在内容、形式、色彩等方面都十分吻合。


I did’t expect hime to turn a deaf ear to the comrade’s criticism.

“充耳不闻”,这里借用英语同义习语to turn a deaf ear to 来表达,也很妥帖。



Suddenly he heard a rustloe in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.

“长吁”和“短叹”表示同一个概念,所以译文仅以sighing deeply概括这两者之意,无需既译“吁”又译“叹”。


Had it not been for the influence of devils, how would a decent fellow like him hve taken to smoking opium?

“鬼使”和“神差”两者意思重叠,所以只译做the influence of devils就够了。

下列习语也可用节译法,例如,愁眉苦脸gloomy face,不学无术uneducated,断子绝孙die sonless等。



Show off one's efficiency with an axe before LuBan—the master carpenter.

为了便于英语读者理解,首先在译文中增译了show off one’s efficiency,点明了班门弄斧的喻义,又加注了理解该成语所需的文化背景信息,即鲁班是一名master carpenter。这样的处理方法既简洁明快又使读者一目了然。


This SimaZhao trick is obvious to every man in the street.

“司马昭之心”译为Sima Zhao trick固然保留了原文典故中人物的姓名,但Sima Zhao trick是什么意思呢?若不加注,译文是无法理解的。所以加注Sima Zhao was a prime nimister of Wei(220—265)who nursed a secret ambition to usurp the throne.The emperor once remarked: “Sima Zhao’s intention is obvious to every man in the street.”




[1]EugeneA.Nida.Towarda Science of Translating[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1964:159.




4.历年考研英语英译汉真题 篇四

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

With its theme that “Mind is the master weaver,” creating our inner character and outer circumstances, the book As a Man Thinking by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.

(46) Allen‘s contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature. Because most of us believe that mind is separate from matter, we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless; this allows us to think one way and act another. However, Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind, and (47) while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that? ”

Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire, Allen concluded : “ We do not attract what we want, but what we are.” Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external achievement; you don‘t “ get” success but become it. There is no gap between mind and matter.

Part of the fame of Allen‘s book is its contention that “Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him.” (48) This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom. This ,however, would be a knee-jerk reaction to a subtle argument. Each set of circumstances, however bad, offers a unique opportunity for growth. If circumstances always determined the life and prospects of people, then humanity would never have progressed. In fat, (49)circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us and if we feel that we have been “wronged” then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation .Nevertheless, as any biographer knows, a person’s early life and its conditions are often the greatest gift to an individual.

The sobering aspect of Allen‘s book is that we have no one else to blame for our present condition except ourselves. (50) The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.





5.专业英语英译汉 篇五


Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full.大多数人将乐观定义为永远快乐,总觉得杯子里的水还有一半。

But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend.但积极心理学家并不提倡这种虚假的快乐。

“Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor.“健康的乐观是与现实联系在一起的,”哈佛大学教授泰·本-沙哈说道。

According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.根据他的观点,现实的乐观主义者是去积极实现事情的圆满,而不是坐等事情会自己圆满。

Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises.本-沙哈提出了乐观训练的三个阶段。

When he feels down—say, after giving a bad lecture---he grants himself permission to be human.当他心情低落时——比如,一个糟糕的演讲之后——他宽慰自己这是人之常情。

He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner, some will be less effective than others.他提醒自己不是每一次演讲都要求诺贝尔标准,有些演讲的效果会不如其他。Next is reconstruction.下一个阶段是重塑。

He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t.他会分析这次失败的演讲,哪些地方可取,哪些不可取,为将来的演讲积累经验。

6.专业英语英译汉 篇六



Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)

The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities.However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.(46)of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators.Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment.On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom.(47)of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law.Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual preparation for his or her career.(48)But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists.The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be.(49)Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists.While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers.(50)-1-


1、Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institution as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.be viewed as被视为


educated受教育的legal learning法律学习;学习法律

the special preserve(of lawyers)律师的特权;律师的特有领域

intellectual equipment知识体系;知识储备





若被动句中的主语承载着句中的主要信息(如本题中的legal learning),在翻译时可以仍然将它译作主语,其翻译方式有两种:

①用汉语主动句表达被动意义,如:In the meeting this question will be discussed briefly.在会议上,这一问题将进行简要地讨论。

②译为汉语被动句,采用“被„„”,“为„„所„„”的结构如:Hitler was also washed away by the storms of history.希特勒被历史的风暴席卷而去。

该句谓语后的介词短语 in such institutions 在语法上作状语,但在含义上,其为动作的出发者,即主语。翻译此类句子,还可将英语原文中的 by, in, for 等作状语的介词短语转换成名词,译成汉语句子的主语,同时将英语原文中的主语译成宾语。例如:A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor.原子反应堆需要一种合适的燃料。



①表示转折:but 但是,while 然而,whereas 然而。②表示选择:or 或者,either...or 要么......要么∕......或者......,neither...nor 既不...也不∕......和......都不,rather than 而不是。③表示联合:and 和 ,both and.....和.....都,not only...but also 不仅...而且,等等。

2、On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.manner方式


cover news报道新闻

everyday realities日常生活

parallel to就像;与......相似;与......一样

on a daily basis每天的做法





例如: Likewise in the east were the Seljuk Turks(塞尔柱突厥人)(1)who had infiltrated from their Central Asian homeland into the Islamic Empire(2)where they were employed as mercenaries(雇佣军)。译为:同样,在东方是塞尔柱突厥人,(1)他们从家乡中亚进入伊斯兰教帝国;(2)在那里被雇为雇佣军。

3、But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.more profoundly更深刻;更深入;更深

rest on建立在......上;立足于

the established conventions已确定的约定;建立起来的规定


4、In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.the basic features基本特征、基本要点

have a clear grasp of清楚地理解;清楚地了解;清楚地把握

a competent job on political stories做好政治新闻的报道工作


5、While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.enhance stories提升报道质量;为报道增色;加强报道效果;提高新闻水平

it is preferable for journalists...对记者来说是好事

rely on凭借;依靠;根据

nations of significance对重要性的理解

7.专业英语英译汉 篇七


在初高中, 英语教学以中考、高考为指挥棒, 学生通过反复操练单词、短语及句型结构逐步积累提高自己的英语基础知识。进入大学后, 学生迫切希望能有自由自主的英语学习环境和各类学习资料。除了各类英语教材, 学生面对的英语学习资料琳琅满目, 诸如四六级、考研、BEC、口译、托福、雅思等, 这些材料涉及内容广泛, 题材大多相对严谨, 学生通常难以乐在其中。兴趣是最好的老师, 大学生热衷于对新鲜事物的探索和追求。英语教师可以抓住这一点, 在课堂上适当引入流行语英译, 让学生觉得大学英语课不仅仅是阳春白雪, 也很接地气。

在教学Book 1 Unit 6 Romance (全新版大学英语 (第二版) , 以下同) 时, 教师可以将学生喜闻乐见的各种类型男女生英译:凤凰男 (phoenix man) 、经适男 (budget husband) 、食草男 (herbivore man) 、乙男 (B man) 、贝塔男 (beta boy) 、牛奋男 (promising bull) 、girly girl (萌妹子) 、valley girl (脑残女) 、fashionista (御女) 、tomboy (女汉子) 等引入课堂, 既让学生觉得兴趣盎然, 也贴合教学内容, 为学生进行下一步的探讨学习提供素材。在课堂上, 学生会感觉英语课也有其新奇有趣的一面, 从而有意识地期待下次课的惊喜。课后他们也会自发了解、收集部分流行语英译, 开阔视野, 明白英语学习不仅仅局限于课堂、书本和老师。


目前国内高校使用的大学英语教材都由知名专家学者组成的团队历时几年编纂而成, 随着时间的推移, 每隔几年便耗费大量人力物力再次修订。以全新版大学英语综合教程为例, 其在2010年出版发行了最新版第二版, 这套教程1—4册32篇Section A课文中有1篇发表于1962年, 1篇1975年, 5篇1980年, 15篇1990年, 10篇2000年。由此可见, 无论专家学者如何与时俱进, 教程的编写出版发行还是与学生的学习生活相比有些许滞后。流行语英译紧跟时代发展, 恰好在某种程度上可以适当填补教材与学生学习生活实际的间隙。教师在课堂上联系教学内容与学生的学习生活实践引入合适的流行语英译及相关知识, 无疑比等待一套更完善的教材更行之有效。广大教师处于教学的第一线, 可以随时适当调整教学内容, 尽可能最快速地让学生接触到最时兴、最及时的信息。

科学技术的迅猛发展, 经济全球化, 生活现代化, 新的产品、服务、消费等很快渗入人们的日常生活, 各类新的词汇纷至沓来。英语则是兼收性、包容性最强的语种之一, 很快将这些词收录进去。针对大学英语学习, 流行语英译可以扩大学生英语词汇量, 了解英语作为国际语言的独特性。例如现今人们口头常说的“土豪”一词, 很快就登上了BBC, 直接用音译法译为tuhao, 既保留了该词所表达的内涵, 也有利于该词的传播与发展, 旧词新用, 别有一番特色。教师在处理相关主题的教学内容时, 可以适当提及流行的网购方式团购 (group buying) 、秒杀 (seckill) ;与老百姓生活实践紧密联系的蜗居 (dwelling narrowness;bedsitter, pigeonhole) 、吃货 (foodie;foodaholic) 、啃老族 (NEET, NEET group) 、空巢 (empty nest) 、闪婚 (flash marriage;lightening marriage) 、蚁族 (antlike graduates;tribes of ants) 、山寨 (copycat) 、自拍 (selfie) 、网民用来发表观点意见的打酱油 (get some soy sauce;pass by) 、泪奔 (tears run) 、暴走 (go ballistic, trudge) 、吐槽 (disclose one’s secret) 、菜鸟 (rookie;freshman) , 等等, 将这些生动鲜活的例子运用在课堂上, 适当扩充学生的知识面。

此外, 流行语英译可以让学生更进一步了解、熟悉、掌握英语的构词法、翻译方法和技巧等基础知识, 将枯燥的理论知识用生动有趣的语言实例来阐述, 学生不会觉得乏味而产生抵制厌学的心理。


面对日新月异的知识和信息, 经济教育全球化等挑战, 能够自主独立学习乃至终身学习是教育的首要任务之一。鉴于我国教育的实际情况以及学生身心发展的科学规律, 大学是培养学生自主学习能力最重要的阵地。而作为学生接触、了解、习得外国文化的重要窗口之一, 大学英语教学责无旁贷。但我国的大学英语教育在很大程度都是语言被当做知识, 很少将语言作为技能, 培养学生的语言应用能力。在大学英语课堂中, 教师适当地引入流行语英译, 学生在日常学习生活中会下意识地关注、了解, 与他人分享他们所接触倒的流行语英译以及其他感兴趣的课题。在此过程中, 教师可以引导学生尝试对自己感兴趣的知识进行研究:其来源出处、相关的理论背景基础知识、目前的状况和特点、发展演变的过程及特点、未来可能的发展方向和趋势等。学生在研究探讨的过程中逐步培养提升自己的分析、解决问题的基本技巧、基本方法等。

如处理运动题材教学内容时, 教师可适时引入foulsball一词, 与学生一起探讨:foulsball其中文的意思为中国足球, 大约产生于2010年世界杯期间, 实则是对中国足球界的一种贬义描述。这个单词分解来看:“foul ball”是“界外球”的意思。而“foul”这个单词是“肮脏的, 恶劣的, 犯规的”意思。整个合起来却可以被网友们用来代指“中国足球”。2010年6月11日南非世界杯开赛, 兴奋了地球人, 也兴奋了大部分的中国人。中国人充满了欣赏和参与的热情, 但是目前中国的足球技术还无法让中国人拥有参与的热情。于是网友们开始调侃, 甚至创造了“foul ball”这样的单词。通过这样的研究探讨方式, 学生在将来的学习工作生活中碰到需要解决的问题能心中有数, 不至于茫然无措, 无从下手。术业有专攻, 闻道有先后。大学生拥有无限的想象力和创造力。有不少领域, 专家学者老师还未曾关注或关注不多, 学生经过自己的刻苦钻研已有所斩获。


在传统的大学英语教学模式里, 考试考什么, 教师就教什么, 学生就学什么。学生以教师为权威, 以教材为圣经, 不敢越雷池一步。这样学生的想象力和创造力会受到束缚, 教师的学习、教学能力也得不到提升。通过在大学英语课堂上师生共同分享流行语的英译, 教师可以更好地以此为契机了解学生所思所想, 在教学工作中能够根据学生的具体实际, 进一步完善自己的知识结构体系, 做到教学相长。作为教师, 无论你智力勤奋因素如何, 所获取的知识和信息终归是有限的。而且我国大学英语教师普遍面临超负荷的课时压力和科研压力, 在知识的更新和完善上步履艰难。通过与学生分享流行语的英译, 一方面教师教课时可以准备新的教学材料, 调整教学内容和方法, 用自己的独立思想和意识感染学生;另一方面, 学生也可以通过教师的引导、协调, 从对教师的依赖中适当得到解放, 拥有更积极热情的学习心态, 能够与教师在知识的应用和交流上相互学习, 相互促进, 相互提高。同时也可以拉近师生距离, 和谐师生关系, 让学生拥有适当的满足感、成就感, 更有信心面对今后的学习工作。

随着科学文化知识的进步, 计算机互联网的普及, 新的流行词汇层出不穷。大学生这个庞大的群体, 由于其生理、心理的独特性在流行语的创造、普及和发展过程中发挥着关键的作用。大学英语教师在课堂上适当引入流行语英译, 因势利导, 可以适当提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 丰富课堂教学内容, 逐步培养学生自主学习的能力, 教学相长。

摘要:很多流行热词在运用、传播的过程中很快有了相关的英译表达方式。本文从学习兴趣、教学内容、学习方法及师生互动四个方面探讨了如何将该类词汇的英译适当应用于大学英语教学, 让运用、传播该类词汇主体的大学生能有效利用这一资源去提升自身的英语水平。



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上一篇:纪检委遴选真题及答案下一篇:第二章 中国的自然环境第三节《河流》教学设计一