


1.关于环境的名人演讲 篇一







蒙牛厂区的生态建设是世界一流的,环保工程也走在了世界的前列,这是因为我们所有的规划基本上都是按照100 年的寿命周期进行设计的。用发展的眼光看,是否承担绿色责任、环境责任,已经不再只是一个道德问题,而是关系到企业有没有“国籍”、会不会被开除“球籍” 的大问题。









2.关于环境的名人演讲 篇二

本文中明星名人是指由于知名度而其言行获得大众关注, 也需要公众关注而提升自身价值的一类公众人物。他们获得的关注度主要来源于大众的个人兴趣, 包括娱乐明星、体育明星等。

司法实践中容易受到限制的明星名人人格权个有名誉权、隐私权、姓名权、肖像权。笔者认为明星名人有一定的知名度, 已经将姓名与肖像公之于众, 因此只要不是未经允许的商业使用, 当事人都应该对此表示宽容[1]。比较有争议的是前两者, 也是本文将主要阐述的内容。


(一) 概述

由于明星名人的个人行为被社会密切关注, 所以他们很容易成为新闻的主人公, 媒体为了博人眼球, 会采用一些制造悬念、夸大事实等方式报道, 这就与明星名人的名誉权产生了冲突。这样的冲突需要找到一个平衡点, 如果按照普通人名誉权的保护方式保护明星名人的名誉权, 他们会因为得不到足够的关注而丧失利益。但是如果放任大众对明星名人的任意批判, 又会导致他们的社会评价受到损害。[2]

(二) 新闻报道严重失实

在著名的纽约时报诉沙利文案件中, 美国联邦最高法院创设了“真实恶意”原则, 即“禁止公务员就有关公务行为而为的诽谤性不实陈述请求损害赔偿, 除非证明该项陈述系有真实恶意而为之, 即明知其陈述为不实或轻率地不顾是否真实”[3]这项原则也可以被扩大到明星名人的领域。在我国的经典案例“某某诉某报业集团案”中, 某报业集团报道某某涉嫌参与赌球, 后来查明事实之后又增加了报道, 澄清了某某赌球的事情。某某认为其侵害了自己的名誉权而将其告上法庭。这个案件的判决书中明确写道:“被告作为新闻媒体, 对社会关注的焦点进行调查, 行使其报道与舆论监督的权利, 以期给社会公众一个明确的说法, 并无不当。即使原告认为争议的报道点名道姓称其涉嫌赌球有损其名誉, 但作为公众人物的原告, 对媒体在行使正当舆论监督的过程中, 可能造成的轻微损害应当予以容忍与理解。”[4]这与“真实恶意”原则非常相似。笔者认为, 我国可以借鉴“真实恶意”原则, 即当明星名人认为自己的名誉权受到侵害的时候, 即使言论与事实不一致, 只要被告能够证明自己有足够多的理由误解此事为真, 并非恶意伪造事实侵害明星名人的名誉权, 即不能认定为侵权行为。

(三) 公众批评

明星名人的着装相貌、说话方式等行为很容易招致批评, 而这样的批评是否会侵犯明星名人的名誉权呢?笔者认为要满足以下几个条件就不能算是侵犯名誉权:1、是明星的公之于众的行为;2、这样的批评并非恶意诋毁。评论是充满主观色彩的, 并不会影响普通大众对明星名人的评价, 就谈不上侵犯名誉权了。


(一) 概述

隐私权一般指自然人享有的对自己个人秘密和个人私生活进行支配并排除他人干涉的一种人格权。媒体为了满足公众的眼球, 得到独家新闻, 会采用很多方式挖掘明星的生活, 稍不注意就会侵犯到他们的隐私权, 这样就产生了冲突。明星名人作为公众人物的一种, 其隐私权也要受到限制, 以维持与公众知情权的平衡。

(二) 隐私权的限制

笔者认为, 明星名人放弃的隐私权的成立要满足以下三个条件:

1.对社会产生影响的事物。明星的一些影响社会风气的言行会对社会产生影响。媒体报道明星名人的此类事件, 可以对明星的道德产生一定的约束作用, 让其行为得到公众的监督, 起到对社会道德的导向作用, 因此不能算侵犯隐私权。

2.有新闻价值的事物。此类事件一般是比较重大的事情, 明星名人靠关注度实现价值, 因此在有新闻价值的事物上也应该放弃一部分隐私权。

3.社会大众所能容忍的行为。有一些行为过于越界而是当事人及社会大众所不能容忍的。例如在家中装摄像头等行为, 即使是拍到非常有新闻价值的内容, 也是侵犯了隐私权。


侵犯隐私权与名誉权都属于一般的侵权行为, 也是四要件说。但是我国并没有法律明确的指出明星名人这一特殊群体的名誉权与隐私权的限制。


(一) 名誉权

出台相关法律法规, 借鉴“真实恶意”原则, 在法律中明确规定, 即使报道与真实情况不符, 被告能够举证说明是有足够的理由认为其报道的就是真实情况的, 即可以免责。但是在引进的过程中要慎重, 应当有明确的司法解释来解释“真实恶意”原则的含义, 以免造成滥用而导致明星名人的名誉权得不到保障。

(二) 隐私权

同样明确规定明星名人隐私权的免责范围。如上文所述的三个要件, 新闻报道的是对社会产生影响的事物、有新闻价值的事物、报道过程是社会大众所能容忍的行为。满足此三个要件, 媒体可以主张免责。


[1]王利明.公众人物人格权的限制与保护[J].中州学刊, 2005 (2) .

[2]杨士林.“公众人物”的名誉权与言论自由的冲突及解决机制[J].法学论坛, 2003, 18 (6) .

[3]王泽鉴.人格权法[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2013.1.

3.名人微型演讲词 篇三









4.关于环境改变命运的名人名言 篇四

2) 一个能从别人的观念来看事情,能了解别人心灵活动的人永远不必为自己的前途担心。

3) 忌妒别人,不会给自己增加任何的好处,忌妒别人,也不可能减少别人的成就。

4) 并不是先有了勇气才敢于说话,而是在说话的同时培养了勇气。

5) 鱼在温水里会很容易的煮死,毛毛雨会很容易的打湿衣服,因为这些看似没有杀伤力的东西最容易让人丧失警惕。

6) 快乐总和宽厚的人相伴,财富总与诚信的人相伴,智慧总与高尚的人相伴,魅力总与幽默的人相伴,健康总与豁达的人相伴。

7) 没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。

8) 如果我们有着快乐的思想,我们就会快乐;如果我们有着凄惨的思想,我们就会凄惨。

9) 人生没有十全十美,如果你发现错了。重新再来,别人不原谅你,你可以自己原谅自己。千万不要用一个错误去掩盖另一个错误。

10) 当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时,你要想,这痛苦也不是永恒的。

11) 命运掌握在自己手中。要么你驾驭生命,要么生命驾驭你,你的心态决定你是坐骑还是骑手。

12) 背负着过去的痛苦,夹杂着现实的烦恼,这对于人的心灵而言是无任何益处。

13) 机会需要自己去找,并努力把握;但诱惑我们躲也躲不开,他却会轻易的找上门来。

14) 智者用无上心智和双手为自己开辟独有的天空,搭建生命的舞台。

15) 快乐像飞舞的蝴蝶,当你想伸手抓它时,它却飞远了,再也看不见;当你暂时放过它时,它却会停在你的肩膀上。

16) 活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚。

17) 事业无须惊天动地,有成就行;金钱无须取不尽,够花就行;朋友无须形影不离,想着就行;儿女无须多与少,孝顺就行;寿命无须过百岁,健康就行。

18) 把自己的欲望降到最低点,把自己的理性升华到最高点,就是圣人。

19) 人的缺点就像花园里的杂草,如果不及时清理,很快就会占领整座花园。

5.关于环境的英语演讲 篇五

Dear teacher and my dear friends: I am very pleased to stand here and deliver a short speech to you.And I feel quite lucky to be the first oneto give the speech.Today my topic is about our environment.Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noise and give off poisonous gas.Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Sohow to protect the environment? Initially,We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems.For instance, new laws must be passed to control industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the disadvantages of pollution and so on.We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.As for us, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment.For example, set up a recycling center beside, which is very useful.It is used to collect the waste paper and plastic bottles.In the high school, our classmates used to throw all of these into the trashbin.At the very beginning of this collecting activity, it was not so warm-welcomed.Later, more and more people were influenced by the others and joined this collecting activity.Gradually, all the students in our class form a good habit to protect the environment.All of us will now put away the reusable things instead of throwing them into the trashcan.We should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.Finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “Be kind to the river.Be good to the trees.Smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.Be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”

6.关于环境的名人演讲 篇六



dear students :

hello everyone!

black mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes have , why do i get this name? because once i entered the stadium , i was deadly , like the black mamba same.so the next scene , i can joke , but once i entered

the stadium , i’ll be like a new person , like , engrossed on the pitch.i am now 35 years old, went to be the second half of his career, like some of the injured are also commonplace.once injured , you think the world stopped, regardless of knee injuries, shoulder injuries , and so on.i know a lot of people have ruined the whole career , and some people even depressed , can not even return to the stadium.when that moment happened, i would look at himself in the mirror , “said bryant , what would you ? if you experience such pain you what will happen ? “ you know, every time i see someone hurt, i saw a lot of people come back after the injury , i looked at himself in the mirror muttering , “is not it quit ? should not stop playing it?” i do not know yet whether the return game.i sit here and tell you now , i want a full recovery back on the court.but i can not promise ,because a lot of the time i still have some doubts , but i think , this is to meet the challenges of significance.to seize every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone , to prove that you can meet the challenge.to those who say you can never succeed , you will fail to prove , and this is my opinion.if someone says you are the injured , to slump , and for me, if someone suffered this injury might quit , but kobe can not do this.others say it under your die, i would say that you so that you may quit.so i have to prove it to them , especially to my fans who support me , love , i have to win their own , to win the pain , can return to the game.so as to allow those who doubt me rethink what is the impossible becomes possible.the importance of these scars is reflected in here , these scars are my shift reflects growing.as a player, i was born with a

passion to succeed , you want to win.but also the most important thing in life the hardest thing.as a player , you want to go to the stadium to meet the biggest challenge , i think the biggest challenge is to bring people into the team like a man as to constantly , constantly win, this is the biggest challenge the team of athletic competition , this is exactly my passion.for me personally, the most important thing is to continue to meet the challenge, and never afraid of challenges is extremely important.but more important to maintain a constant curiosity of things , such as how to play better , how to improve the skills , how what is learned from others。in fact, i grew up to now has been looking for factors that inspire me from all aspects , not just from the body of michael jordan , earvin magic johnson from the body, but also from michael jackson , beethoven,leonardo da vinci, bruce lee’s body, these who gave me great motivation, let me forward, so this is the spirit of the black mamba。

not that you have to constantly attack others , but to never stop you from moving forward。life is a life-long learning , so it is extremely important to keep learning。you have to keep learning , study and study again , and talk to people , to understand , to learn, and not feel that you know everything。the only way you can become a better person , in order to further improve your skills。finally, there will be a by-product , to become a champion , become better yourself。for me, this is the spirit of the black mamba , my source of spiritual lies。

so if i am able to pass this spirit to all of you , whatever you want to do, to become a basketball player , a writer or a presenter, no matter what your dream is ,you must adhere to the dream of success from the front people who learn from the experience and knowledge to the success of all walks of life , some of them have in common makes them stand out, be successful, this is what i want to convey to you today positive energy。


as everyone knows, english is very important today。it has been used everywhere in the world。it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade。if we can speak english well, we will have more chance to succeed。because more and more people have taken notice of it, the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a gh speed。but for myself, i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness, but also because of my love for it。when i learn english, i can feel a different way of tnking
