1.speak的用法总结 篇一
1.critical thinking:focused,organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas,the soundness of evidence,and the differences between fact and opinion.2.extemporaneous delivery:a method of delivery in which the speech is carefully prepared and rehearsed but is presented from a brief set of notes.3.peer testimony:testimory from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic.4.testimony:Ouotations or paraphrases used to support a point.4.extended example:a story,narrative,or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point.5.preview statement:a statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.6.topical order :a method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics.7.Chronological order:时间 A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern.空间a directional pattern.7.crescendo ending:a conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity.8.dissolve ending :a conclusion that generates emotional appeal by fading step by step to a dramatic final statement.9.preparation outline:a detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation that includes the title,specific purpose,central idea, introduction,main points ,subpoints ,connectives,conclusion ,and bibliography of a speech.10.rhetoric:the art of effective communication between a speaker(or writer)and an audience.11.stage fright:anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience.12.plagiarism:presenting another person’s language or ideas as one’s own.13.residual message:what a speaker wants the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything else in a speech.14.hypothetical example:an example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.15.extended example: A story,narrative,or anecdote edveloped at some length to illustrate a point.16.connective:a word or phrase that connects the ideas of a speech and indicates the relationship between them
17.credibility:the audience’s perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.18.antithesis:the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas,usually in parallel structure.19.conversational quality:presenting a speech so it sounds spontaneous no matter how many times it has been rehearsed.20.question of value:a question about the worth,rightness,morality,and so forth of an idea or action.21.motivated sequence:a method of organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action.the five steps of the motivated sequence are
attention,need,satisfaction,visualization,and action.22.main points: the major points developed in the body of a speech.Most speeches contain from two to five main points.23.Internal preview:A statement in the body of the speech that lets the audience know what the speaker is going to discuss next.24.Internal summary:A statement in the body of the speech that summaries the speaker’s preceding point or points.25.extemporaneous speech:A carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes.26.ethos:The name used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as credibility
27.logos:The name used by Aristotle for the logical appeal of a speaker.The two major elements of logos are evidence and reasoning.28.pathos :The name used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as emotional appeal.29.persuasion:The process of creating reinforcing,or changing people’s beliefs or actions.30.Causal reasoning:Reasoning that seeks to establish the relationship between causes and effects.31.Analogical reasoning:Reasoning in which a speaker compares two similar cases and infers that what is true for the first case is also true for the second.
2.that的用法总结 篇二
2、If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.
3、When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.
3.wall的用法总结 篇三
in the wall表示“在墙的里面”; 而on the wall表示“在墙的表面”。
the Great Wall(长城)是the Great Wall of China(中国长城)的简称。
The picture on the wall is crooked.挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
The castle walls are very thick.城堡的墙很厚。
I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.我必撤去篱笆,使它被吞灭,拆毁墙垣,使它被践踏。
We are going to wall the garden.我们将要用围墙把花园围起来。
Tall trees wall the broad avenue.高大的树木大墙似地排列在宽阔的林阴道旁。
4.thunder的用法总结 篇四
My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders.我的小狗一听到打雷就藏到床底下。
An express train thundered through the station.一辆快车轰隆隆地驶过车站。
5.sail的用法总结 篇五
The sailors heaved at rope to tighten the sail.水手们用力拉绳把帆绷紧。
Lower the sail or the boat will be knocked down.把帆放下来,否则船会被风吹翻的。
They go for a sail down the Thames .他们乘船沿泰晤士河航行。
This ship sails for New York on Monday.这船将于星期一开往纽约。
The ship was given the all-clear to sail again.这艘船得到恢复航行的许可。