


1.非牛人的城市与区域规划申请总结 篇一




2007.09-2011.06 The Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong  Bachelor of Business Administration, major in Economics. Admitted through China National College Entrance Exams, ranked 8th in province.2008.07–2008.09 University of California, Los Angeles(Summer Section)Los Angeles


2011.09-2012.02 Prudential Financial GroupFinancial consultantHong Kong  Provided a wide range of financial consulting services and products to suit for clients from different sectors in Hong

Kong and Great China.Maintained customer relationship.2010.06-2010.07 KPMGAuditorShenyang Assisted the audit team in editing audit file, processing and analyzing data, sending confirmation letters, etc.

 Got a full-time offer due to excellent performance.Provided in-house equities research including writing qualitative analysis as well as quantitative forecasting analysis

on a variety of domestic and international large-cap public companies for investment management and mutual fund

subsidiary.2009.06-2009.07 GUOTAI JUNAN SecuritiesResearch AssistantShenzhen

2008.05-2008.06 Bank of ChinaSummer InternBeijing Presented, sold, and provided sales referrals for various bank products and services, such as credit cards, special

checking plans, etc.

Responsible to 30+ customer inquiries, both over the phone and in person.Scholarships & Awards:

2009.04 Scholarship of ‘Cheng She’(only 3 candidates among the whole college). This scholarship is awarded to the students who achieve balance development.2008.12 Scholarship of a investigation tour named “Investigation of Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai”

 This scholarship covered all the expenses during the trip, which is about 5000 HKD.2007.09 Full scholarship of 500,000 HKD offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This scholarship is awarded to the students who ranked top in the College Entrance Exams.ExtracurricularActivities:

2009.12-2011.06 China Trade Society of CUHKvice president Planned and executed academic-related activities such as theme exhibition, annual seminars. Increased society members from 100+ to 400+ in one year. Held inter-university exchange trip to Shanghai expo successfully.103 members participated.2009.01-2011.06 Basketball(Women)Team of CUHKteam leader 2008.10-2009.04CUHK Toastmaster Clubpresident  The first president from mainland China ever.Increased mainland member from zero to 80+

 Participated inter-university impromptu speech contest twice.Organized weekly meeting for 52 times.Other:Native in Mandarin, and Fluent English and Cantonese skills.IELTS:7

Proficient in Word,Excel,PowerPoint, Stata, E-Views.Certificationof IIQE 1.3.5 and HKSI paper 1.############ 聯繫方式:008###8709 131##ningji####er@hotmail.com 教育背景:



英國保誠集團理財策劃師中國香港|2011.08-2012.02  接受專業化投資理論培訓,提供客戶諮詢,介紹公司理財產品。

 根據客戶的資產狀況和風險偏好,制定理財投資組合並提供資產配置建議並撰寫理財規劃報告

 維護客戶關係,及時向客戶披露投資產品資訊,跟進產品現狀,讓客戶及時掌握產品的收益情況。

畢馬威國際諮詢公司審計項目實習生中國瀋陽|2010.06-2010.07  編輯審計底稿,處理分析資料,填寫發送詢證函,審閱保函、信用證等資料。

 對審計實務有了基本瞭解,並因實習表現優秀獲得全職工作機會。

國泰君安助理研究員中國深圳|2009.06-2009.07  為公司各級客戶提供量身定制的,高品質的研究分析、投資諮詢服務以及投資品種推薦。

 協助研究員搜集資料,撰寫宏觀經濟和房地產類研究報告。協助撰寫的“香港與中國大城市房產泡沫研究”一


中國銀行輪崗實習生中國北京|2008.05-2008.06  熟練使用辦公軟體完成信用卡業務資料資料錄入和整合,回答客戶電話問詢。


香港中文大學中國貿易學會副主席2009.12-2011.05 為拓寬職業人脈,加強商科學生交流,定期舉辦會員活動。在一年裡使會員人數從100餘人升至 400 餘人。 舉辦“商業精英對話”,已成功邀請高盛高華合夥人等 8 位商業知名人士舉辦職業發展講座。

 成功舉辦跨校上海世博交流團和東莞工業企業交流團,共60餘人參加。

香港中文大學內地生女子籃球隊創始人兼隊長2009.01-2011.06  促成香港聯校內地生籃球爭霸賽的成功舉辦並持續三年,負責團隊日常訓練。

 2011年4月帶領團隊獲得香港聯校內地生籃球賽冠軍,蟬聯兩屆亞軍。

香港中文大學toastmaster英文演講會主席2008.10-2009.04  高票當選香港中文大學崇基學院史上第一位非本地生主席,把演講會中的內地學生數量從零提升到80餘人。 代表演講學會參加跨校英文即興演講兩次,組織策劃大學內部各書院英文演講會50餘次。


 以河南省高考文科省第8的成績獲香港中文大學全額50萬獎學金。(全省98萬考生僅授予4人)。2007.09 獲香港中文大學崇基學院“澄社”獎學金1萬2千港幣。(獎學金授予對書院做出突出貢獻的學生。全書院1萬

餘人僅授3人)。2009.04 河南省鄭州電視臺2008年主持人大賽前十甲,獲最佳上鏡獎。節目曾在省衛視播出。2008.07


 語言能力:具備粵語、普通話、英文兩文三語優勢。雅思7分。

 熟練使用word, Excel, PowerPoint 和Stata, E-views等統計軟體。通過IIQE1.3.5,HKSI1.7.8資格考試。
