


1.双语美文欣赏:改善你的生活 篇一


However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hardnames.It is not so bad as you suppose.It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hourss,even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man’s abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.

不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里 也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光 亮;在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。

I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The town’s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means. which should be more disreputable.

我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活。也许因为 他们很伟大,所以受之无愧。大多数人以为他们是超然的,不靠城镇来支援他们;可是事实上他们是往往利用了不正当的手段来对付生活,他们是毫不超脱的,毋宁 是不体面的。

Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends, Turn the old, return to them. Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.



停赛一场:suspend for a game

以少打多:play shorthanded

以少打多的局面:man down[short]

以多打少的局面:power play; man [numerical] advantage

罚点球:penalty [spot] kick

踢罚球;主罚:take the kick

罚中:convert a penalty kick

罚球未中:miss a penalty kick

上半时[场]:first half

下半时[场]:second half

开球;比赛开始:kick off

实际比赛时间(由裁判员掌握):official time

伤停补时:stoppage [injury] time

加时赛;决胜期:extra period; overtime2

突然死亡(加时赛中首先进球为胜方,比赛终止):sudden death

金球(突然死亡制中首先进球):golden goal

银球(加时赛中进球后该半场仍赛完):silver goal

点球决胜:penalty shootout

出界:outside; out of bounds


球门球:goal [defense] kick


获得罚角球权:win a corner

任意球:free kick

判给任意球:award a free kick

直接任意球:direct free kick

间接任意球:indirect free kick

定位球:placekick; stationary3 ball


严重犯规(判罚直接任意球或点球):penal offense4

侵人犯规:personal foul5

技术犯规:technical foul

故意犯规:intentional foul





从后面冲撞:charging from behind

合理冲撞:legal [fair] charge


身体阻挡:body check




小动作:little trick [maneuver]; concealed7 foul

危险动作:dangerous play

抬脚过高:foot over

手球犯规:handball; hands; handling

蹬踏犯规;踢人:hacking; stamping



背后铲球:tackle from behind

铲球过迟(球已离开对方脚下):late tackle

假摔:fake a fall [an injury]; simulation

粗暴行动:violent conduct

延误比赛:delay [hold up] the game

持球时间过长(指守门员):excessive possession of the ball


黄牌:yellow card

红牌:red card

罚出场:evict; eject; banish; send [order] off the field; show the red card

2.你的生活半径有多大美文 篇二










3.双语美文欣赏:改善你的生活 篇三























4.微笑双语美文欣赏 篇四

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other―it doesn’t matter who it is―and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.

经常保持笑容,对你的另一半、你的孩子微笑,甚至对陌生人也不要吝惜你的微笑,因为小小的微笑就能大大增进人与人之间的感情。 ――泰瑞莎修女

1/ Many Americans are familiar with The Little Prince, a wonderful book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This is a whimsical and fabulous book and works as a children’s story as well as a thought-provoking adult fable. Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery’s other writings, novels and short stories.


2/ Saint-Exupery was a fighter pilot who fought against the Nazis and was killed in action. Before World War II, he fought in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists. He wrote a fascinating story based on that experience entitled The Smile. It is this story which I’d like to share with you now. It isn’t clear whether or not he meant this to be autobiographical or fiction. I choose to believe it to be the former.


3/ He said that he was captured by the enemy and thrown into a jail cell. He was sure that from the contemptuous looks and rough treatment he received from his jailers he would be executed the next day. From here, I’ll tell the story as I remember it in my own words.


4/ “I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous and distraught. I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those.


5/ “I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. After all, one does not make eye contact with a thing, a corpse. I called out to him ‘Have you got a light?’ He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette.


6/ “As he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don’t know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn’t want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.


7/ “I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension, too. ‘Do you have kids?’ he asked.


8/ “ ‘Yes, here, here.’ I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I’d never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.


9/ Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.


10/ My life was saved by a smile.


11/ Yes, the smile―the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. I tell this story in my work because I’d like people to consider that underneath all the layers we construct to protect ourselves, our dignity, our titles, our degrees, our status and our need to be seen in certain ways―underneath all that, remains the authentic, essential self. I’m not afraid to call it the soul. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn’t be enemies. We couldn’t have hate or envy or fear. I sadly conclude that all those other layers, which we so carefully construct through our lives, distance and insulate us from truly contacting others. Saint-Exupery’s story speaks of that magic moment when two souls recognize each other.


12/ I’ve had just a few moments like that. Falling in love is one example. And looking at a baby. Why do we smile when we see a baby? Perhaps it’s because we see someone without all the defensive layers, someone whose smile for us we know to be fully genuine and without guile. And that baby-soul inside us smiles wistfully in recognition.

5.最棒的礼物双语美文欣赏 篇五

Relax. He is the same little boy you loved yesterday. I smiled trying to hold back the tears. “No he isn’t. Yesterday I dreamed he would be an astronaut. Today I am hoping he will learn to talk.”放松。他仍是你昨天爱着的那个小男孩。我笑着,试图抑制住眼里的泪水。“不,他不是。昨天我还梦想着他长大后会成为一名宇航员,今天我只希望他能学会说话。”

It was like some sort of cosmic joke. I could still recall the day that determined my fate. It was October in Ottawa and the summer breezes had given way to the autumn rainfall of leaves. The snow would begin soon. The crispness of coming frost was in the air. My casually mentioning Wyatt’s behavior to Dr. Martin aroused his worries. He started asking me questions about Wyatt’s activities, speech pattern and emotions. I still see clearly in my mind the sterility of the room and all its belongings when the doctor turned to me and said, “He almost sounds autistic.”那就像个宇宙般巨大的玩笑。我仍能忆起决定我命运的那个日子。那是在渥太华十月里的一天。秋日的纷飞黄叶取代了夏日的阵阵微风,很快就要开始下雪了,空气里弥漫着霜雪将至的那份清爽。我不经意地向马丁医生提及怀亚特的一些行为,却引起了他的担忧。他开始询问我有关怀亚特的行为、说话方式以及情绪方面的问题。我仍清晰地记得,当他转向我说“他应该是患有自闭症”时,一尘不染的诊室和内里的一切在我眼中是那么的冷酷苍白。

I couldn’t cope with that picture in my mind. I had to run to get away from this all too painful place that was reminding me of what was to be my child’s life-being strange.我无法面对脑中的那个画面。我不得不逃离那个让我感到如此痛苦的地 方——它提醒着我自己的`孩子一生将有别于常人。

I could not remember how many times I told myself, “This is normal. He is a little boy who is not talking yet,” when my asking questions met with his blank-eyed response in a restaurant; how many times I would brag, “He loves to play on his own for hours at a time and he never gets into trouble,” when Wyatt was playing games that no one else could conceive of, let alone join in while other boys in the park were playing together or in small groups huddled around a sand pail or toy truck. My life was changing direction. So was Wyatt’s.我都记不起来,多少次,在餐馆里孩子对我的提问以空洞的眼神作答时,我告诉自己“这很正常,他是个还不会说话的小孩”;多少次,当公园里的其他孩子正一起玩耍,或是小群小群围着一个沙桶或玩具火车玩时,怀亚特却玩着别人无法想象的游戏,更别说加入其他孩子中时,我会吹嘘道“他每次都喜欢独自玩上几个小时,而且从不惹麻烦。”我的人生方向在改变,怀亚特的也如此。

I started to hide Wyatt from my friends and neighbor especially from a good friend. For eight months a friend and I had been pregnant together. Our boys were six days apart. We used to have long phone talks about our babies to share some fun and loss. It was too painful to let others know about my boy acting strange. It was like a blot in my life that was supposed to be happy and wonderful.我开始不让怀亚特在我的朋友和邻居面前露面,特别是我的一个好友。我和她同在那八个月里怀着宝宝。我们儿子的出生日期只相隔六天。我们过去常常在电话里长谈我们的宝宝,分享乐与失。让他人知道我的儿子行为异常,这对我来说太痛苦了,那就像是我本该幸福美好的人生中的一个污点。

It was a Thursday afternoon and I found one half of a great pair of kitchen scissors was missing. They were unbelievably sharp and could be taken apart so they could be washed or the blades sharpened. I knew Wyatt had taken the missing blade.那是一个周四的下午。我发现厨房里的一把大剪刀少了半边。剪刀很锋利,两边可以拆开来清洗或是磨刀口。我知道那不见了的半边剪刀是怀亚特给拿走了。

“Wyatt,” I began as patiently as I could, “Do you see this” I held up the blade. “Do you know what this is?”“怀亚特,”我尽可能耐心地开始问话,“你看见这个了吗”我拿起那半边剪刀,“你知道这是什么吗?”

Wyatt stuffed a bunch of Fruit Loops in his mouth. No response.怀亚特往嘴里塞了一把“水果圈圈”糖,并没回答。

“Wyatt!” I forced eye contact with him. “Where are the other scissors See these” I showed him the half pair. “These are in this drawer. Where are the other ones?”“怀亚特!”我强迫他和我对视。“另外半边剪刀在哪看见这个了吗”我给他看那半边剪刀。“这半边剪刀放在这个抽屉里。另外半边呢”。

He grinned big. Ate Fruit Loops. Turned the TV on and off. Still no response.他咧开嘴大笑,吃着“水果圈圈”糖,把电视开了又关,还是没回答。

I didn’t know what to do. It was really hard. “Wyatt,” I tried once more, “Mommy wants these scissors. Can you go get them for Mommy It will make Mommy so happy if you bring me the scissors.”我不知道该怎么办。这真的太困难了。“怀亚特,”我又试了一次,“妈咪需要用剪刀。你能拿给妈咪吗如果你把剪刀的那边拿给妈咪,我会很开心的。”

“Watch Spongebob” Wyatt asked as he slid down from his kitchen stool and ran off, leaving me shaking my head and wondering in exactly which way this situation was going to end badly.“看动画片《海绵宝宝》吗”怀亚特边问边从厨房里的那张板凳上滑下来跑开,只留我一个人摇着头,不知道这种状况将会以何种糟糕的方式才能结束。

Five minutes later, I turned my head to see Wyatt coming downstair his favorite doll in one hand, the missing half pair of kitchen scissors in the other. I immediately ran over and took it from him.五分钟后,我转过头看见怀亚特走下楼梯,一手拿着他最喜欢的娃娃,一手拿着厨房那剪刀缺了的那半边。我立刻跑过去,从他手上把半边剪刀夺了过来。

“Wyatt!” I hugged him. “Thank you for bringing me the scissors! Good job! You did it! These scissors need to stay in the kitchen. These are Mommy’s scissors!”“怀亚特!”我抱着他。“谢谢你把剪刀拿给我!干得好!你做到了!这些剪刀要放在厨房里。这些是妈咪的剪刀啊!”

Wyatt laughed, looked me straight in the eye and said, “Mommy so happy!”怀亚特笑了。他直直地盯着我看,说道“妈咪好开心!”

I was on the verge of tears. A realization dawned on me that he was the best gift I had ever gotten even though he was not as normal as other children. And why did I hide him from others as if he were some dark and terrible secret No! He was my pride. It was a long, hard battle to get him to this point, expressing his wants and needs without resorting to violence in frustration. In fact, each new day brings out a new set of challenges and we have learned a lot about fighting this thing called autism. With love and patience I have found the beautiful, happy boy who would teach me more about life.我的泪水快掉下来了。我忽然意识到,他是我得到的最棒的礼物,尽管他不像其他孩子那般正常。而我为什么要把他藏起来不让别人看见,仿佛他是个见不得人的可怕的秘密不!他是我的骄傲。他走到今天,能表达出自己所需而非沮丧地诉诸暴力,这是经过了一场漫长而艰辛的战役的。事实上,每一个崭新的日子都给我们带来了一连串新挑战,而在与这被称为“自闭症”的事物抗争的过程中,我们学到了很多。带着爱和耐心,我发现这个漂亮而快乐的男孩将教会我更多生活的东西。

6.双语诗歌欣赏 篇六



If I had my life to live over,

I’d dare to make more mistakes next time.

I’d relax, I would 1)limber up.

I would be sillier than I have been in this trip.

I would take fewer things seriously.

I would take more chances.

I would take more trips.








I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers.

I would eat more ice cream and less beans.

I would perhaps have more actual troubles,

but I’d have fewer imaginary ones.





You see, I’m one of those people who live

sensibly and sanely hour after hour,

day after day.




Oh, I’ve had my moments,

And if I had it to do over again,

I’d have more of them.

In fact, I’d try to have nothing else.

Just moments, one after another,

instead of living so many years ahead of each day.







I’ve been one of those people who never go anywhere

without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a 2)parachute.

If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter next time.




If I had my life to live over,

I would start barefoot earlier in the spring

and stay that way later in the fall.

I would go to more dances.

I would ride more merry-go-rounds.

I would pick more daisies.






7.双语美文关于老 篇七

The realization that you are getting older can come in waves.


You watch movies and point to the actors, saying: “She’s dead. Oh, he’s dead, too.”


Your parents move to a retirement community they call God’s waiting room.


You hear more snap, crackle and pop in your joints than in your breakfast cereal.


In society, youthfulness is glorified and getting older is cast as something to avoid, but as your age increases, your quality of life does not necessarily have to decrease, experts said.


Here’s what you should know:


What is ‘old’?


Most people wouldn’t say that a 38-year-old qualifies, but once you pass the median age of 37.8, you may statistically be considered “old,” said Tom Ludwig, emeritus professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Mich.

多数人不会认为一个38岁的人“老”,但密西根州霍兰的霍普学院(Hope College)的心理学荣休教授汤姆.路德维格(Tom Ludwig)说,一旦越过37.8这个年龄中值,你在统计学意义上就属于“老人”了。

Studies show that people start feeling old in their 60s, and a Pew Research Center survey found that nearly 3,000 respondents said 68 was the average age at which old age begins.

研究显示人们是在过了60岁以后开始觉得老的,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项调查发现,将近3000名受访者认为68岁是进入老年阶段的平均年龄。

Daniel B. Kaplan, an assistant professor of social work at Adelphi University in Garden City, N.Y., said in an email that living to an advanced age was a relatively recent achievement.

纽约州加登城的阿德尔菲大学(Adelphi University)的社会福利工作助理教授丹尼尔.B.凯普兰(Daniel B. Kaplan)通过一封电邮表示,活到高龄相对来说是人类近期才取得的成就。

“The average human life span gained more years during the 20th century than in all prior millennia combined,” he wrote, adding that the average life expectancy in the United States is 79.1.


“For many people, old age creeps up slowly and sometimes without fanfare or acknowledgment,” he wrote. “While most people enjoy relative continuity over the decades, being able to adapt to the changing context of our lives is the key to success throughout life.”



踢球:kick; boot

踢球者: kicker

停住空中球:kill a ball


凌空反弹踢出:half volley

抛球凌空踢出:punt; drop volley

拨球:flick the ball

扫踢:sweeping kick


迈过球(以迷惑对方):step over the ball

弧线球:curved [swerving] ball;bend; curl



跑动踢球:running kick

得球:gain possession of the ball

失球:lose possession of the ball


踢出界:kick out



控球时间比:ball possession percentage

停球:trap; stop

大腿停球:thigh trap


停空中球:stop volley

踢后前冲:kick and rush

无球跑动:off-the-ball running

转身踢:turnaround kick

脚背踢球:instep kick

脚外侧敲击:flick [jab] kick

脚尖踢球:toe kick

脚弓踢球:kick with the inside of foot

8.热爱生命(双语美文) 篇八


That day he decreased the distance between him and the ship by three miles;the next day by two-for he was crawling now as Bill had crawled;and the end of the day found the ship still seven miles away and him unable to make even a mile a day.Still the Indian summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about;and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels.His knees had become raw meat like his feet, and though he paddled them with the shirt from his back it was a red track he left behind him on the moss and stones.Once , glancing back, he saw the wolf licking hungrily his bleeding trail, and he saw sharply what his own end might be-unless-unless he could get the wolf.Then began as grim a tragedy of existence as was ever played-a sick man that crawled, a sick wolf that limped, two creatures dragging their dying carcasses across the desolation and hunting each other’s lives.这一天,他和那条船之间的距离又缩短了三英里,到了第二天,他又继续缩短了两英里-因为他现在就和比尔先生先前一样在地上匍匐前进,到了第五天晚上的时候,他发现那条船依然离他还有七英里的距离,而他每天的进程还不到一英里。幸好深秋的天气依然晴朗,他继续爬,一次又一次地晕死过去,可是醒来他又继续地往前爬,不停地回头张望着;而那头病狼也在不停地咳嗽着,发出艰难的喘息声,可依然紧紧尾随其后。他的膝盖-就和他的双脚一样-早给磨得血肉模糊,其实他一早就脱下了身上的衬衣裹住了膝盖,可都没有用,他一路爬下来,他身后的苔藓和岩石上也就留下了一道触目惊心的血渍。有一次他回头的时候,他看见那头饿狼正贪婪地舔着他的血渍,一时间他清楚地意识到自己的结局-除非-除非他把那头狼解决掉。就这样,一幕从来没有上演的求生悲剧开始了-病人在前面爬,瘸腿的病狼尾随其后,两个生灵就这样在荒漠里拖着垂死的躯壳,随时准备猎取对方的生命。Had it been a well wolf, it would not have mattered so much to the man;but the thought of going to feed the maw of that loathsome and all but dead thing was repugnant to him.He was finicky.His mind had begun to wander again, and to be perplexed by hallucinations, while his lucid intervals grew rarer and shorter.如果这是头健康的狼,他也觉得没什么;可是一想到自己要葬身狼腹,尤其是眼前这头令人作恶、病怏怏的饿狼,他就觉得非常厌恶。要知道他可是一个非常讲究的人。他又开始胡思乱想起来,人也因幻觉影响而变得迷糊。他神智清醒的时间越来越少,越来越短。

He was awaken once from a faint by a wheeze close in his ear.The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness.It was ludicrous, but he was not amused.Nor was he even afraid.He was too far gone for that.But his mind was for the moment clear, and he lay and considered.有一次他从昏迷中被耳边传来的喘息声惊醒;那只狼很快一跛一跛地跳开,由于身体虚弱,那头狼还失足摔了一跤,那样子可笑极了,可是他却笑不出来。倒不是因为他害怕,事情到了这田地他早就不害怕了。不过,在这瞬间他的脑子很清醒,他躺在地上仔细地思考起来。

The ship was more than four miles away.He could see it quite distinctly when he rubbed the mists out of his eyes.But he could never crawl those four miles.He knew that, and was very calm in the knowledge.He knew that he could not crawl half a mile.And yet he wanted to live.It was unreasonable that he should die after all he had undergone.Fate asked too much of him.And, dying, he declined to die.It was stark madness, perhaps, but in the very grip of Death he defied Death and refused to die.那艘船就在离他还不到四英里的地方。他使劲揉了揉眼睛,那艘船清晰的出现在他眼前。可是,他再也爬不完这四英里的路程了,这点他很清楚,因为就算是半英里的路程他也爬不了。可同时他也非常镇静,因为他想活下去。他已经经历了千辛万苦,他不想就这样死掉。命运对他实在太苛刻了,可他就是不愿俯身受死。这是一种近乎疯狂的想法,可就算他无法逃脱死神的魔掌,他仍然要抗争下去,要让自己活下去。

He closed his eyes and composed himself with infinite precaution.He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being.It was very like a sea, this deadly languor, that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit.Sometimes he was all but submerged, swimming through oblivion with a faltering stroke;and again, by some strange alchemy of soul, he would find another shred of will and strike out more strongly.他闭上眼睛,设法使自己平静下来,不敢有丝毫的松懈。令人窒息的疲倦像涨潮一样,从他的身体各处涌来,他还是顽强地打醒精神,不让自己被疲倦淹没。这种要命的疲倦,就像大海一样,一浪又一浪地涨过来,一点一点地吞噬着他的意识。有时候,他被完全淹没其中,就这样默默地漂游;而有时候,凭借一种奇异的心灵作用,他又找回了些许精神力量,更加坚毅地前进。

Without movement he lay on his back, and he could hear, slowly drawing near and nearer, the wheezing intake and output of the sick wolves breathe.It drew closer, ever closer, through infinitude if time, and did not move.It was his ear.The harsh dry tongue grated like sandpaper against his cheek.His hands shot out -or at least he willed them to shoot out.The fingers were curved like talons, but they closed on empty air.Swiftness and certitude require strength, and the man had not this strength.他一动不动的躺着,耳边传来病狼一呼一吸的喘气声,并且这声音正慢慢地向他逼近。狼愈走愈近,好像过了很久一样,但是他始终躺着没有动。这时狼已经到了他的耳边,那条粗糙的狼舌头就像砂纸一样蹭着他的两腮。他的双手一下子就抓了过去——或者说是他的意志力迫使他的双手抓过去。他的手指弯曲得就像鹰爪一样,可是他却抓了一个空,敏捷和准确是需要力气的,而他偏偏就没有力气。The patience of the wolf was terrible.The man’s patience was no less terrible.那头狼的耐心真是令人可怕,而他的耐心同样令人可怕。

For half a day he lay motionless, fighting off unconsciousness and waiting for the thing that was to feed upon him and upon which he wished to feed.Sometimes the languid sea rose over him and he dreamed longs dreams;but ever through it all, waking and dreaming, he waited for the wheezing breath and the harsh caress of the tongue.这一天,有一大半的时间他就这样静静地躺着,努力不让自己昏迷过去,静静地等着那只想一口吃掉他,他也想一口一口吃掉的动物。有时候当疲倦袭来,他会昏昏沉沉地做起长长的梦。然而,不管他是醒着还是做着梦,他一直在等待着那阵喘息的声音,还有舔过来的粗糙舌头。

He did not hear the breath, and he slipped slowly from some dream to the feel of the tongue along his hand.He waited.The fangs pressed softly;the pressure increased;the wolf was exerting its last strength in an effort to sink teeth in the food for which it had waited so long.But the man had waited too long, and the lacerated hand closed on the jaw.Slowly, while the wolf struggled feebly and the hand clutched feebly, the other hand crept across to a grip.Five minutes later the whole weight of the man was on top of the wolf.The hands hand not sufficient strength to choke the wolf, but the face of the man was pressed close to the throat of the wolf and the mouth of the man was full of hair.At the end of half an hour the man was aware of a warm trickle in his throat.It was not pleasant.It was like molten lead being forced into his stomach, and it was forced by his will alone.Later the man rolled over on his back and slept.他并没有听见那阵喘息声,当他从梦中慢慢苏醒过来的时候,他感觉那头狼正在舔着他的一只手。他依然静静地等着。狼牙已经轻轻地扣在他的手上,压力感渐渐加强,那头狼正在尽最后一点力量把牙齿咬进它等待很久的猎物上。可是他也同样等了很久,那只撕裂的手扳住了狼的下颚。就这样,狼在微弱地挣扎着,那只手也无力地扳着,慢慢地,另一只手也腾了过来掐了过去。在争斗了五分钟后,那人已经把狼死死地按在下面。他双手的力量不足以掐死那头狼,可是他的脸已经紧紧地贴在了狼的咽喉上,一堆狼毛也紧紧扎进了他的嘴里。半个小时后,他感到了一股暖和的液体某某某地流进了他的喉咙,那感觉可真难受,就好像铅液被灌进了他的胃里一样,完全是靠他的意志给硬灌下去的。后来,他翻了个身,仰面睡着了。

There were some members of a scientific expedition on the whale-ship Bedford.From the deck they remarked a strange object on the shore.It was moving down the beach toward the water.They were unable to classify it, and, being scientific men, they climbed into the whale-boat alongside and went ashore to see.And they saw some thing that was alive but which could hardlu be called a man.It was blind, unconscious.It squirmed along the ground like some monstrous worm.Most of its efforts were ineffectual, but it was persistent, and writhed and twisted and went ahead perhaps a score of feet an hour.“贝德富号”捕鲸船有几个科学考察队的队员,他们从甲板上望见岸上有一个奇怪的物体。他正在沙滩朝着海面挪动。他们没有分清到底属于哪类动物,可是他们都是研究科学的人,因此就划了个捕鲸船到岸上察看。接着,他们就发现了一个活着的动物,可是很难把他称之为人。因为他已经瞎了,并且丧失了神智,可是就是这样,他就像一条大虫子一样在地上不断地蠕动。他用的力气大半都不起作用,但是他却始终没有放弃,只见他不停地扭动着身子,蜿蜒前行,或许一个小时下来,他就能爬个二十英尺的距离。

9.获得成功中英双语美文 篇九

On Achieving Success

We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. We must make our business the one life purpose to which every other must be subordinate.

I hate a thing done by halves. If it be right, do it boldly. If it be wrong, leave it undone.

The men of history were not perpetually looking into the mirror to make sure of their own size. Absorbed in their work they did it. They did it so well that the wondering world sees them to be great, and labeled them accordingly.

To live with a high ideal is a successful life. It is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that makes a man strong.“Eternal vigilance,” it has been said,“is the price of liberty.” With equal truth it may be said,“Unceasing effort is the price of success.” If we do not work with our might, others will; and they will outstrip us in the race, and pluck the prize from our grasp. Success grows less and less dependent on luck and chance. Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures. The great and indispensable help to success is character. Character is a crystallized habit, the result of training and conviction. Every character is influenced by heredity, environment and education. But these apart, if every man were not to be a great extent the architect of his own character, he would be a fatalist, and irresponsible creature of circumstances. Instead of saying that man is a creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the mark to say that man is the architect of circumstance. From the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovel. Bricks and mortar are mortar and bricks, until the architect can make them something else. The true way to gain much is never to desire to gain too much. Wise men don’t care for what they can’t have.












10.美文欣赏读书的乐趣双语 篇十


All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books—but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most of it.


I am most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them. Some of the most remarkable people I’ve met existed only in a writer’s imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then, again, in my imagination. I’ve found in books new friends, new societies, new worlds.


If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in how. Who in the books includes everybody from science-fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history how covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes1 to the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children.


Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.


Every book stands by itself, like a one-family louse, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.


Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ought” to read, you probably won’t have fun .But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time—and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.



灰色 grey; gray

银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom

铁灰 iron grey

铅灰 lividity; leaden grey

碳灰 charcoal grey

驼灰 doe

豆灰 rose dust

藕灰 zephyr

莲灰 elderberry

浅莲灰 pale lilac

鸽子灰 dove grey

鼠灰 stale grey; mouse

蟹灰 storm blue

天灰 sky grey

土灰 dust grey

水泥灰 concrete grey

烟灰 smoky grey; ash

雾灰 misty grey

黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey

紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey

深紫灰 heron

淡紫灰 lilac grey

浅绿灰 eucalyptus

浅米灰 moon light

卡其灰 khaki light

蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey

青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green

白灰 pale grey

深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey

暗灰 deep grey

中灰 medium grey
