


1.knowledge的形容词 篇一


We do not have His Knowledge and Understanding!


They do it without the knowledge or help of their parents.


“We have the knowledge to answer many of these questions”, he said.


2.knowledge的形容词 篇二

“Sex and Law in China” (see page 28) takes a look at how the Criminal Law of China has bled over into people’s sex lives. From group sex to prostitution, the vague legalities of sex in China can lead to handcuffs—and not in a good way. While China has seen its society change beyond recognition, the nation’s laws regarding sex have remained stagnant, clumsily lumped in with societal hooliganism and morality. But, more and more Chinese people are wondering what business the local authorities really have in the bedrooms of the nation.

Carlos Ottery has his eyes fi rmly set on the “T” of the LGBT community. Gender roles are rigidly fi xed in China, and this signifi cant section of China’s population are looking for a voice, a way to break down the barriers of a culture that have held them back for decades. Being ostracized is part of being transgender in China; the stories of discrimination, fear, and loss are all too familiar, but the transgender population is getting bolder—right alongside those who just want to be left alone. Is China ready for change? See for yourself in “Crossing the Gender Lines” (see page 36).

Prostitution has ugly connotations today—seedy backrooms, drugs, disease. But this was not always the case. Once upon a time, the prostitutes of China were some of the most educated, talented, and refi ned women in the country. Sometimes they played the muse, sometimes the poet. Check out“Prostitutes and Poets” (see page 46) for a historical look at the objects of so many poets’ affections. Internet pornography is illegal in China, very illegal. Nevertheless, this banned online world thrives and provides a unique look at the tastes and temptations of China’s modern, online kink. The country’s censors fi ght an ever-growing tome of online porn—images, videos, and stories that evade the censors’ axe. Thus far, porn-watchers have remained one step ahead of those hoping to clean up the web; the censors’ lack of success itself tells a compelling story about a uniquely erotic China. Check out more in “” (see page 42).

You can also learn a little about terms and slang for sexual preferences in China in this issue’s Street Talk (see page 11), and if all this talk about sex has taken its toll, head over to Made in China(see page 18) to learn how to “sit the month”. If mystery is what you’re craving, check out our new whodunit in Dragon’s Digest (see page 12) by Zhou Haohui, or, if you’re just feeling adventurous, head on over to The Edge (see page 70) most unlikely scuba diving at the Great Wall.

By many standards, China can be a conservative place, but at this current rate of transformation, China could be on its way to leading a whole new sexual revolution. So, keep a level head and enjoy the forbidden fruits of our labor.

Managing Editor

3.knowledge的形容词 篇三


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