


1.高级口译饮食文化 篇一





the average life span/the average life expectancy 寿命


population explosion 人口负增长

negative population growth 电视连续剧




































a TV series

anchorperson,anchorman,anchorwoman host;hostess ritual girl

benefit/charity performance an entertainment center a beauty salon a massage parlor a sauna

celebrity worshipper a fasion show health-care food

body-building exercises;fitness exercises fitness and entertainment facilities the beauty craze

fans;addicts;fanciers;zealots a talk show

a plastic surgery

audio and video tapes and disks contact lenses beauty contest Miss Hong Kong self-service shops gourmet festival the culinary art green food soft drinks

fast-cooking spaghetti/instant noodles black box temple fair

a group wedding ceremony extramarital relations/affair the third party;the third person puppy love;calf love;cub love a nursing home for the aged the only child


同性恋男子、女子 单亲家庭




euthanasia;mercy-killing gay,lesbian

single-parent family wall calendar job-hopping

rural labors;migratory workers from the interpersonal relations home tutor countryside 人际关系





































the citizen identity card(ID card)handicapped(disabled)people EQ

a head-hunting company

transient/floating/flowing population a consultancy company hearsay

photocopier/xerox/duplicator electrical household appliances stringed bridge

an automatic teller machine(ATM)bid for the Olympic Games a notary office welfare lotteries Guinness

mad cow disease

airport construction fee

Mafia-style organizations;gangland piracy


smuggled goods money laundering human smuggling

swindle money out of customers a drug abuser

sexual harassment pornography wanted man

AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)productive forces

the means of production

the economic base and the superstructure individualism money worship

unhealthy practices


encourage healthy trends 见义勇为的英雄人物

justice-upholding volunteers 赌博




Some women shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion.A fashion-follower,who is mercilessly exploited year after year by the so-called “top disigners” in Paris or Rome,often stands in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.2


From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age.We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases.A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery.3


We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors,the Joneses.If we buy a new television set,Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one.If we buy a new car,we can be sure that Jones will get one better,or two new cars.4


Today is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.To our delight,countries around the world are joining hands to combat illicit drug abuse.Sixteen days ago,the General Assembly of the United Nations conculed a three-day Special Session of fighting the world drup problem,sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs.5


In the past,most American women remained mothers and housewives.Few of them had been able to take leading roles in political,social and economic life.Now women asked if it was not time to give each woman a full opportunity to use her mind and skills in the building of a better world for all? 6


Among the world’s best-selling popular singers,Latin American Heart-throb Ricky Martin is one the top of the charts and winning awards everywhere.A new wave of musical trend is sweeping across American and the world-the Latin American sound rediscovered.7


In societies where most people can earn a living only by working for others,being unable to find a job is a serious problem.8


Because of its human costs in deprivation and a feeling of rejection and personal failure,the extent of unemployment is widely used as a measure of workers’ welfare.9


The proportion of workers unemployment also shows how well a nation’s human resources are used and serves as an index of economic activity.10 没有人会怀疑这样一个不争的事实:艾滋病的祸端已经无处不在。曾几何时仅在非洲,美洲和海地流行的疾病现今渐渐威胁着亚洲,西欧和拉美。我们都心如明镜,艾滋是致命的,无药可治。近年来艾滋病所引发的恐惧已经达到了临界程度。

No noe would deny that the terrifying scourge of AIDS is spreading virtually everywhere.What was once a popular disease in Africa,America and Haiti is now a growing threat in Asia,Western Europe and Latin America.We all have a clear idea that AIDS is fatal,and there is no cure at all.So in recent years the fear it engenders has started to reach a critical mass.

2.高级口译饮食文化 篇二


近年来, 一些高级班的学生觉得他们的口译能力不但没什么提高, 反而有所减退。究其原因, 主要是要读的书太多, 写的东西太多, 没有时间进行说的训练。这也许是事实, 然而学生们的口译能力方面存在的问题, 不能完全归结于此。一方面, 学生“说的”意识还不够, 另一方面, 笔者认为, 根本原因还在于, 高级阶段口译能力的训练还没有真正完成。下面, 结合高级口译课堂的实际操作, 具体论述训练的目的、意义、重点以及各种技巧和效果。


( 一) 对学生的要求

高级口译训练是针对俄语达到一定程度的学生进行的, 换句话说, 也只有针对这样的学生开设高级口译的课程才是有意义的。那么, 什么样的学生适合进行这方面的强化训练呢? 首先, 学生的程度必须是具备中级俄语水平以上, 他们的口译能力已基本能适应日常生活的需要, 并且对俄罗斯的文化有一定的了解和理解。其次, 学生的其他相关能力, 比如读和写都要有相应的比较平衡的发展。另外, 高级口译是一种比较高级的表达训练, 表达需要规范和书面化, 因此, 对学生的词汇量有很高的要求。

( 二) 教材的基本模式

1. 现有教材的基本模式

( 1) 话题。教材以话题划分科目, 话题都比较新颖, 体现了与时俱进的特点, 有意识地选取了一些能够反映世界政治格局和各个国家经济、科技等多方面的场景。同时, 话题都是存在着一些正反方面争议的, 可以进行深入的辩论或者发散式的引申, 有一定的讨论价值和社会意义, 不仅是语言, 也是思想层面的加深。

( 2) 句式。句式比较明确, 一课不超过10个, 句式都比较规范、实用, 适合在口语中体现语言严密的逻辑性, 这样的句子结构比较适合操练, 掌握起来也不难。总的来说, 还是比较有效的。

( 3) 实战部分。选择了一些学生在实际生活和工作中可能遇到的典型情况, 提供学生进行口译表达和练习的机会, 将教材和实际生活结合起来, 包括调查和辩论, 使教材更具有实用性和真实感。

2. 理想教材的模式

关于理想教材的模式, 笔者认为有以下几个方面: 首先, 叙述性的课文和对话性的课文兼具。叙述性的课文主要体现的是观点的逻辑性用词, 而对话性口译课文偏重于语气和不同语境的表达式, 这样的结合可以使学生接受到更全面的训练, 难易结合, 比较利于口译课的推进。其次, 增加对话题的多方位思考, 课文不只是局限于某一个话题的某一个方面, 而是多提供一些角度供学生讨论和选择。再次, 加大对成段表达逻辑性的训练, 可以分出一些专题, 给出一些好的表达式和固定场合使用的句子, 训练的目的性再明确一些。

( 三) 训练目的

1. 扩大学生的词汇量

实际上, 能够进行高级俄语口译训练的学生已经掌握了相当一部分的词汇, 在正常的交际中已经没有问题, 而且也基本达到了能够比较恰当地用俄语表达自己意愿的能力, 教师要做的是, 在这一基础上, 继续扩大学生的词汇量, 在相同表达的基础上, 不能局限于说得准确, 还要力求说得更好, 用词更精致, 更有文采。

2. 进行严密的成段表达的训练

对高水平的学生, 成段表达的训练不能只是简单句子的罗列, 教师应当有更高的要求, 要求学生的表达必须是观点鲜明的, 有完整的论述方法和表达层次的, 对使用关联词语也有斟酌。


( 一) 训练时要注意的几个问题

1. 教学目的要明确

无论是讲解生词还是讨论课文, 或者是课堂的话题扩展, 一切都要以“教学目的”这个大原则为基础, 在课堂上进行的每一个教学环节都要体现出教学的目的和重点, 要让学生清楚每一个训练是为了掌握什么而做, 要掌握到什么程度。

2. 训练手法要生动多样

口译课与其他类型的课有着截然不同的特点, 可以说, 口译课是学生参与度和开口度最高的一门课。在口译上, 尤其需要学生以饱满的情绪参与到话题的讨论中来, 这就需要教师的训练手法多样化, 生动且富于变化, 能够激发学生想说的欲望, 给学生足够自由的表达空间, 这样的口译课才是有效的、成功的。

3. 要注意纠错和鼓励

在高级阶段, 实际上学生的提高并不是非常迅速的, 或者说并不是能够在很短的时间里体现出很明显的效果, 那么在授课的过程中, 一方面, 教师要有很强的语言敏感度, 给学生进行适当的纠错, 同时, 也要对学生句子中的闪光点进行鼓励, 加以肯定, 树立学生说俄语的信心, 给学生坚持下去的勇气, 建议教师在学生大段发言的时候不要打断, 可以考虑简单地进行文字记录, 以便于全面评论和纠错。

( 二) 具体方法分析

1. 合理利用关键词

所谓关键词, 其实就是每一篇课文里出现的生词和重要的句式, 学习一篇课文的首要目的, 就是要学会应用一些相关的生词及句式, 通过生词及句式在课文句子当中的体现迁移到其他的语言环境中, 反复操练后变成自己的词汇, 那么合理地利用关键词进行训练就显得尤为重要。

利用关键词说句子, 中级阶段也需要这个环节, 但是比较简单, 一般都是一个关键词说一个句子, 只要是完整的句子即可, 有的时候教师也可以帮助设置语境。到了高级阶段, 一般可以考虑增加关键词的数量, 要求学生用上关键词说2—3个有逻辑关系的句子, 附带上常用的关联词。这样的训练其实是高级口译课上最基本的也是最简单的训练, 教师可以根据词汇的难易程度和学生掌握的程度自由调整, 建议用在一节课开始的复习回顾环节比较有效, 可以考察学生对重点生词的掌握程度。利用关键词说语段, 语段一般指5个句子以上。只给出一个关键词或句式, 让学生围绕这个关键词进行一段完整的表达, 这种训练的难度比较大, 但是效果却很好, 一方面学生加深了对这个关键词的理解, 另一方面也训练了成段表达的能力, 如果难度比较大, 教师也可以帮助学生设计几个可供选择的语言环境。例如学习了一个句式结构: “倒不是…问题在于…”, 那么教师可以给学生三个语言环境, 其实也就是三个主题词: “经济、环保、择业”, 要求学生任选一个主题词说5个以上的句子, 其中要有自己明确的观点, 同时用上这个句式结构, 这样的练习方式实际上就和中级的学生有了区别, 难度加大了, 显示了更高的起点。

2. 合理利用话题

话题是一篇课文的灵魂, 就话题进行讨论也是高级口译绝对不可缺少的一个环节, 那么总是以教师提问、学生回答的方式进行未免有些单调, 所以可以把这个训练环节处理得灵活些, 这样也可以提升训练的效果, 比较好的方法有三种:

( 1) 辩论法。辩论是一个学生比较感兴趣的方式, 因为大家的观点总是有一些个体差异。这样的差异大部分来自于不同的文化背景, 当然也不排除个人的因素, 但是无论怎样, 观点的碰撞能够激起学生发言的积极性。因此, 如果遇到了合适的话题, 教师可以考虑给学生做一个辩论会, 依据辩论的方法, 学生可以按照观点划分为组, 然后提前给时间准备, 为了使辩论更专业、更有效, 教师也可以给学生铺垫一些辩论的基本语言格式, 帮助学生更好地完成这个环节。

( 2) 分组讨论法。分组是一个不错的办法, 把更多的空间和权利交给学生, 让学生通过组内沟通的方式得出结论, 或者只是了解别人的想法进行分析比较, 分组人数可以灵活安排, 比较理想的是4人一组, 这样既保证了沟通的新鲜感, 又保证了每个学生都有足够的时间发言。

( 3) 提问回答法。这个方法实际上是把原来传统的“教师提问, 一人回答”的方式进行改良, 具体来说, 就是一个同学发言说说自己对这个话题的看法, 其他的同学要对这个同学的发言进行提问, 或者对其中的句子进行纠正或评价。这样做的目的只有一个, 就是要让其他的同学在不发言的情况下也能积极参与到课堂中来, 积极思考, 与发言的同学进行互动, 达到共同研究、共同讨论的目的。


( 一) 语言实践概述

顾名思义, 语言实践就是一种以实践为具体方法的训练语言的方式。比较直接的手段就是让学生学会在出国实习时利用天然的语言大环境, 从课堂中走出去, 真正尝试着和陌生的俄罗斯人进行面对面的交流, 而这种交流是随机的, 毫无准备的, 是一种对现实生活的模拟。通常比较好的方法是采访调查, 然后汇总到课堂上来进行总结和汇报。

( 二) 语言实践的意义

语言实践对于学生的俄语提高有着重大的意义。首先, 从语言学习的角度说, 最好的方式莫过于和母语使用者进行交流, 语言实践无疑提供了一个最好的机会。其次, 跟陌生人交流是需要勇气的, 对于学生来说, 这样的经历可以培养他们对于使用俄语的自信。再次, 进行语言实践时, 通常都会有一个明确的主题需要学生进行调查, 那么在调查的过程当中, 学生会更加了解俄罗斯人的想法, 从中感受俄罗斯的文化, 这对于进一步了解和学习俄语也是有帮助的。最后, 语言实践最终要回到课堂上来, 学生要以转述的方式进行调查结果的汇报。这种转述并不是那种低级的直接的转述, 而是要经过学生语言的再加工, 如果有必要, 学生还需要对被调查者的异同进行比较和分析, 那么这个汇报的过程又是一个训练表达和话题讨论的过程, 也是比较有意义的。


[1]鲍刚.口译理论概述[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2005.

[2]胡壮麟, 刘润清, 李延福.语言学教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 1988.

3.高级口译饮食文化 篇三






The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to good neighborliness. The Chinese nation cherishes peace. In foreign relations, the Chinese have always believed that “the strong should not oppress the weak and the rich should not bully the poor” and advocated that “all nations live side by side in perfect harmony”. The Chinese held that “one should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers” and called for drawing upon the strength of others.

Today, China seeks to accelerate its development by upholding world peace. World peace is, in turn, enhanced by China’s development. China firmly pursues a strategy of opening-up for mutual benefits. It genuinely wishes to enter into extensive cooperation with other countries. It is inclusive and is eager to draw on the strength of other civilizations to pursue peace and development through cooperation and play its part in building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.




从总体阅卷规则上看,虽然阅卷人在批改汉译英试卷时都有参考答案,但只要考生给出的答案意思正确、表达清楚都能拿到及格分;但是若出现有一两处低级错误如:把taught拼写成teached,把I have写成I has则无法拿到及格分,因此避免硬伤是考生们需要重点注意的。由于本次考试的题目仍存在一定难度,加之时间紧迫,能够拿到40分或以上(这部分满分50)的同学是凤毛麟角。作为阅卷人,笔者想说说自己以下几点体会:






◆ 汉译英部分



四字成语的翻译最能体现“口译”中的转换特点,乍看上去成语工工整整,意思深邃,其实只要把原意用简单的中文先解释出来,英文翻译也就迎刃而解了。比如,“亲仁善邻”——亲切、仁慈、好的邻里关系——cordiality、benevolence、good neighborliness;“协和万邦”——跟别的国家处在和睦的关系当中——living in harmony with others;“博采”——学习(别人的长处),利用——draw on等等。有些表达在新东方课堂上老师也强调过,比如“海纳百川,有容乃大”——One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers.

对文言类和类似成语的四字语翻译近年来成了口译考试的热点,考生在作答时脑子应该转一个弯——增加一个中间步骤——解释。比如:车水马龙——繁忙的交通——heavy traffic,风马牛不相及——毫不相关——totally unrelated,绰绰有余——比足够的还多——more than sufficient,丰功伟绩——伟大的功绩——great achievements (and contributions)等等。


这次高级口译的另一个难点是有较多的近义词或词组,比如:注重、讲求、主张、提倡等等。这就需要考生有足够的同义词语积累,这些词最好不要重复使用。比如前文用了put emphasis on,后面就最好换成lay stress upon。



搭配问题:例如:stimulate / enhance / push / defend world peace,有些不能说完全错误,但有地道的safeguard world peace为什么还要用别的表达来冒险呢?又如 never defeat the weak(永远都不要打败弱者,给人的感觉好像是比赛、竞争或打仗中一定要让着弱小者,让他们赢的意思)等等,这些不精确的表达最好不要在口译中出现。

用词不当:例如:big chest / stomach, those with great “chests”, we will have a broad breast(考生想表达的意思是:博大的胸怀),pay more attention to(注重,但不知道为什么用more),collaboration(一般用cooperation,因为collaboration偏向的含义是相互依赖式的合作,没了对方就不行)。

词性模糊:例如:prosperity (prosperous) world,pursuit (pursue) a strategy of,weakers or weaks (the weak),closing (close) to neighboring countries等等,这些要求考生在平时记背单词时就必须注意。

指代不一致:例如:Chinese people... they argue we should..., Not only does she develop itself.这样的错误。

语气不合适:We Chinese... (老外一听第一感觉就是:你们中国人了不起啊?——曾经一个外教在演讲赛上的评语),所以避免用这样的语气做翻译或写作文。


紧张时串词:corporation(cooperation),advocate abortion(absorption) of,getting alone (along) with,attract (attack) the weak等等,这些问题还是由于平时练习不精导致的。


◆ 英译汉部分



词汇看不懂对翻译来说比较麻烦,但导致考生失分的往往不是最难的词(最难的词一般只会出现在阅读里),而是明明可以通过联想翻译出来的词。例如:aground——乍一看,完了,没学过;但仔细一看,ground前面加了个a,就像sleep前面加了个a一样 (类似的还有ashore、apart等),把名词改成了形容词,也就是“到地上了”的意思,就不难联想到“搁浅”。又如:resurface——考生肯定知道surface的名词意为表面,做动词意为出现、浮出表面,所以在surface前加上re,就是重新(再次)出现的意思,因为此题属于政策类题材,所以resurface在此表示重新出台的意思。另外,高级口译英译汉中重点考查的词汇其实大多都在四级范围以内,例如:draft、make any sense、provided for、make a fuss等等。但平时对四级词汇不熟悉或是专注于背“大词”的考生往往会对这些简单的词汇把握不准,这样一来如此简单的词汇也变得艰涩了。因此笔者在此建议大家,考试前一定要把四级词汇过上一两遍,掌握基础词汇。




4.高级口译攻略 篇四












1. 尽可能快速地写完框架和重要的点,把尽可能多的时间花在操练上。(千万不要把时间浪费在一字一句写你的演讲稿)

2. 主要的演讲架构应该是:(简短交代背景——分条回答所给问题——总结)

3. 虽然考官通常在你作答第一道题之后就打断你,但是给出的三个问题一定都要好好准备。





2. 因为高级口译文章较短,大致内容靠脑记就能把握住。具体的数字和日期用笔记就可以。

3. 提高自己的语速。因为高级口译的回答时间较短,如果语速慢或者是有较长停顿则很难把所有内容翻译完毕。

4. 政治、金融、外交、社会热点的名词翻译非常重要。务必要将《中高级口译口试词汇必备》中Chapter1、2、3、9、10、16和附录的内容都背熟。


Listening Comprehension 1

W:We heard up there that if you are turned down the first time, you try and persevere, but I can’t imagine going back to a boss after you have been turned down.

M:Don’t give up. It’s so important not to give up. The first thing that you wanna do is try to understand what the situation is, engage in some candid conversation. I understand that you weren’t happy with my proposal or you are not able to approve it at this time. Tell me what some of your concerns are, because asking for a change in schedule is often about negotiation. So, maybe we can come up with some type of alternative or middle ground, and if that’s not possible right now, let’s set a timetable for when we can revisit it, because what’s not possible today, could be plausible in 3 or 6 months from now, because circumstances and attitudes change. So don’t give up.

W:Right! You don’t have to be a pest.

M:That’s right.

W:But just don’t give up quietly. OK. We hear bosses saying,” I can’t have people just wake up one day and say, ‘I need more time off’”, what are they really saying?

M: That’s right. You can’t walk in and just make those demands. The bottom line is bosses really do want us to be happy, but not at the expense of productivity. And any type of a change in schedule, any type of flexibility, really, is an accommodation, not an entitlement, and so it doesn’t matter why I am asking, whether it’s “I am a mom, and I need more time with my kids.” or “I am a dad who wants to coach a soccer team.” It doesn’t matter what my reasons are for asking. I have to be able to convince the boss that I’m gonna produce results.

W: That’s one of these reasons you should say over and over again. Don’t go in with the pressing problem. Go in with the pressing solution.

M: Solutions really are your way to victory, not always. But you are definitely not gonna succeed, if you go in with a laundry list of problems. If I come and I say: “I’m so sick of my commute. I really have to work from home one day a week.”

W: But maybe the most skepticism raised by bosses is about the fact that you’re really gonna do as much or even more work. How do you convince your boss that you mean it that more work will be done. How do you convince and then show them.

M: Offer benchmarks. It’s the best solution that you can provide. Because you are gonna say here is the proposal that I have. And here is how we’re gonna measure the results. Because I know results are important to you, and are important to me, too. So maybe we’re gonna have a conversation for 50 minutes every two weeks. So that we understand how the flow of communication is working. And if you are not happy, or I’m not happy, we have the ability to make changes along the way.

W: Right.

M: Flexibility is the key. In terms of getting these special accommodations, because I might say I want to work from home every Friday. But you know what? If there is a pressing business need, I will swap days. I will be here on that Friday,and so being flexible with this arrangement, with this propose change of schedule. Hopes you get control of your life, and keep the boss happy.

Q1 What are the two people talking about?

Q2 What is the bottom line for the bosses on the matter according to the man?

Q3 What is the best solution to the issue being discussed in the conversation?

Q4 Which of the following statements is true according to the conversation?

Q5 What is the relationship between the two speakers most probably?

Listening Comprehension 2

Huston USA: Federal authorities have shut down dozens of web domains as part of a crackdown on trafficking in counterfeit goods or copyrighted works. Internet users attempting to access the websites now are greeted by a notice that the sites have been seized by the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

‘The coordinated federal law enforcement operation targeted online retailers of a diverse array of counterfeit goods, including sports equipment, shoes, handbags and sun-glasses as well as illegal copies of copyrighted DVD boxed sets, music and software,’ the Justice Department said the crackdown involved the seizure of 82 sites. Twelve of the cases were investigated by Houston-based agents with Homeland Security Investigations, but most of the sites are based overseas, particularly in east Asia, according to the Houston office of Homeland Security Investigations.

Canberra, Austria: South Africa and Australia have said the next managing director of the International Monetary Fund should be appointed on merit and not nationality. The pair say the current appointment system undermines the IMF’s legitimacy. The body has always been headed by a European, and UK chancellor George Osborne has backed Christine Lagarde, French economy minister, for the post.

The position is vacant after Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned last week so he could fight sexual assault charges.

For too long, the IMF’s legitimacy has been undermined by a convention to appoint its senior management on the basis of their nationality,“ Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan and South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said in a joint statement.

In order to maintain trust, credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of its stakeholders, there must be an open and transparent selection process which results in the most competent person being appointed as managing director, regardless of their nationality.

Kabul Afghanistan

Suicide bombers wielding machine guns have stormed a government building in eastern Afghanistan, officials say.

Initial reports say at least three gunmen wearing suicide vests shot their way into the traffic police headquarters in Khost city.

Security forces have surrounded the compound and a gun battle is taking place, police say. At least one person is reported to have been killed. The attack comes a day after a suicide bombing in Kabul killed at least six.

In the latest attack, a guard was killed in the initial assault which happened at about 5 o’clock on Sunday, said the army commander for Khost province.

The provincial police chief told the local news agency that there were three other police officers who had been wounded. The Taliban said it carried out the attack.

London, UK:

The first service that allows users to pay for purchases via their mobile phone has been launched in the UK.

Users wishing to use the system - dubbed Quick Tap - will need Orange and Barclaycard accounts as well as a handset set up for contactless payments.

The idea of the mobile wallet is gaining popularity around Europe.

“Having a wallet on my phone has made it much more convenient to make purchases on the move and I like that it allows me to keep track of what I’m spending as I go,” said David Chan, chief executive of Barclaycard Consumer.

Later this summer, users will also be able to use the service to pay the toll on the M6 motorway.

Richyvic Iceland:

The Icelandic authorities have imposed a local flight ban after the country’s most active volcano, Grimsvotn, began erupting. A plume of smoke has risen 12 miles into the sky from

5.高级口译英译汉 篇五

Shanghai is literally named as “a port on the sea”. For historical reasons, this city has acquired two additional names for short, “Hu” and “Shen”. Shanghai occupies a soil deposit plain land of 6,340 altitude of 4 meters above sea level, the 103.4 meter Dajinshan being the summit of this land. About 17 million people register as the city’s permanent residents. Shanghai is one of the world’s largest seaports and among China’s biggest industrial, commercial, financial and shipping centers.

这里有着世界上最快的陆地交通工具——磁悬浮列车和亚洲最高的高塔——东方明珠塔,它们标志着上海的速度和高度。随着经济改革的日益深化,这座昔日被誉为远东金融、经济和贸易中心的城市正在为促进长江三角洲的经济发展起着龙头作用。与此同时,上海以她独特的风韵吸引着数百万计的海内外游客。作为一座国际大都市,上海的国际航班可直达 世界上 60 多座城市。

6.上海高级口译重点词组句型 篇六

Unit 14 Foreign Policy


We should respect and maintain the diversity of the world civilizations.Be it historical tradition, faith and culture, or social system, values and level of development, those countries or regions are often different from one another.It is these differences that make our planet dazzling, colorful and bustling with life.2)应该鼓励各种文明在对话交流中相互借鉴、取长补短,而不应相互隔绝和相互排斥;应该倡导各种文明在相互包容、求同存异中共同发展,而不应强求一律、强加于人。Instead of shutting each other out in mutual exclusion, we should encourage dialog and exchange between civilizations so that they can learn from each other in mutual emulation.Instead of demanding uniformity and imposing one’s will on others, we should promote common development of all civilizations in the course of mutual tolerance and seeking agreement while shelving differences.3)中国社会主义现代化建设道路是一条和平发展道路。这条道路,就是利用世界和平的有利时机实现自身发展,又以自身的发展更好地维护和促进世界和平;就是在积极参与经济全球化和区域合作的同时,主要依靠自己的力量和改革创新来实现发展;就是坚持对外开放,在平等互利的基础上,积极发展同世界各国的合作;就是聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,长期维护和平的国际环境和良好的周边环境;就是永远不称霸,永远做维护世界和平促进共同发展的坚定力量。

The road of China’s socialist modernization drive is a road of peaceful development.China’s intentions in taking this road are to take advantage of favorable conditions presented by world peace to develop itself and better safeguard and promote world peace through its development.China bases its development mainly on its own resources and its own restructuring and innovation efforts, while also taking an active part in economic globalization and regional cooperation.We will continue the process of opening up and promote cooperation with all other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, focus on construction, concentrate on development and work to preserve a long-term peaceful international environment and an excellent neighboring environment.We will never seek hegemony and will always remain a staunch force safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.4)我们坚定维护国家主权和领土完整,决不允许别人干涉中国内政,同时尊重别国的主权和领土完整。我们将继续推动世界多极化、国际关系民主化和发展模式多样化,促进经济全球化朝着有利于各国共同繁荣的方向发展,积极倡导多边主义和新安全观,反对霸权主义和强权政治,反对一切形式的恐怖主义,推动建立和平稳定、公正合理的国际新秩序。

We will firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, tolerating no one to interfere in our internal affairs.At the same time, we will respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of others.We will continue to promote world multipolarization, democracy in international relations and diversity I development models, and encourage the

新东方口译:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet440/ progress of economic globalization in a direction conductive to the common prosperity of all nations.We will vigorously advocate multilateralism and a new concept of security and oppose hegemony, power politics, and terrorism in all its manifestations.We will work for a new international order that is peaceful, stable, fair and equitable.5)我们将深化与发展中国家的互利合作,维护与发展中国家的共同利益,积极探索新形势下开展南南合作的有效途径。坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的方针,继续推进睦邻、安邻、富邻的政策,加强与周边国家的友好合作关系,深化区域合作。

We will promote mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries, safeguard the common interests we share with them, and actively explore ways for effective South-South cooperation under the new circumstances.We will adhere to our policy of building friendship and partnership with neighboring countries and creating an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood, strengthen friendly relations and cooperation with our neighboring countries and facilitate regional cooperation.6)进一步发展同发达国家的关系,努力扩大共同利益的汇合点,妥善处理分歧。我们将积极参与国际多边外交活动,维护和加强联合国及其安理会的权威和主导作用,在国际和地区组织中作出建设性的努力。我们将全面加强经济外交和对外文化交流,积极维护我国公民在海外的生命安全和合法权益。

7.高级口译饮食文化 篇七












在商务谈判口译中有这样一个事例:中方说“我们不会给你们打白条子,我们会按时付款的”。译员译为“We shall not issue blank paper to you, we will pay you on time.”。这里的“打白条”是中国人的说法,老百姓深悟其意,而外国人却听不懂。其实,这里的“白”有“空”的意思,当然也不是条子上一字不写,而是说了不算,类似于“开空头支票”,它只能与英语的通俗说法IOU (I owe you的谐音)的意思稍微相近。应译为“We shall not issue IOUS to you.”,外方才能对中方的真实意图有所了解。

再如,在会议发言前,发言人有时会说,“没有很好准备,只谈点粗浅的个人意见,不当之处,请大家批评指正”,以表示谦虚或客气。此时,若直译为“My speech is poorly prepared, andit only represents some superficial ideas of my own.You are wel-come to criticize and redress the mistakes in it.”英语文化的听者就会觉得发言人在浪费大家的时间,既然没有准备好,那还在这儿说什么呢?而且,还要别人“criticize(批评)”和“redress(指正)”,显而易见是要严厉地指责或激烈的争吵,而不是进行友好的切磋与交流。此时,译员应根据具体的交流需要,对源语进行必要的处理,如可译为:“I am going to share with you someof my personal views, and I am looking forward to your sugges-tions.”以符合听众的交际期望,实现等同的交际效果。

如参观某团体或公司时,中方代表总爱对来访的外国专家说“请提宝贵意见”。如果这句话译为“Please give us your valuable opinions.”访问者就会感到为难,大概会想:How do I know whether my opinions are valuable or not?在这种场合如果提了意见,就不够谦虚,等于说:Yes, my opinions are valuable.因此,为了避嫌什么意见也不提了。其实,这句话应译为:“Your opinions will be appreciated.”

另外,在某些商务谈判中,出现不理智、甚至不文明的言语时,比如:中方对条款不满,生气地说:“如此刁蛮不讲理,没什么好说的,除非推倒重来。”如果直译,势必会加重双方的紧张气氛。译员如果改换语气,发挥调停人的作用,将该句译为:“That is too much.Can we do it again?”这种采用省译或改译的处理办法,就可促进双方继续交流合作。




[1]邱进.论口译中的文化障碍问题[J].重庆工学院学报.2005, (10) .

[2]李郁青.全球化语境下外事口译中的跨文化意识[J].广州大学学报, 2005, (1) .
