1.900句法律英语 篇一
Unit Nineteen 保险
Part One
531. Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value).
532.We’d like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for 120% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.
533.Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.
534.For this consignment, we shall cover WPA and risk of breakage for 110% of the invoice value.
535.Our company will insure against all risks for 110% of the invoice value.
536.Please insure the electric fans at 120% of the invoice value.
537.The machines are to be unsured against all risks.
538.We only cover FPA and war risk.
539.There are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage .FPA will be good enough.
540.Our goods are very valuable , so I want insure against all risks.
541.We’d like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods.
542.I’d like to get a AR insurance policy. That way , we will be covered for any kind of loss or damage.
543.I’m afraid that WPA coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature. Please extend the coverage to include TPND.
544.Would you insure our goods to be shipped from Shanghai to Lisbon next month?
545.Can you cover our goods against breakage?
546.We should be glad if you would provide cover of $390,000 on computers, in transit from Tokyo to Beijing.
547.Please insure us against all risks $300,000 value of 5,000 sets of “ Butterfly” sewing machines, sailing for New York.
548.Please insure for me against all risks 200 pieces of high-quality furniture valued $20,000.
549.We wishes to insure against all risks for the sum of $1,500 on 3 cases glassware.
550.We shall shortly be making regular shipments of leather goods to Canada, and shall be glad if you will issue an all risks marine insurance policy for $70,000 to cover these shipments.
Part Two
551.Please give us the policy rates for FPA coverage and for WPA coverage.
552.We require the current insurance rates for land transportation.
553.I have some glassware to be ship to Hongkong. What risks should I cover?
554.What is the insurance premium for these goods ?
555.We need to send a shipment to England. We want to find out about your marine nsurance.
556.Please let us know the premium of breakage.
557.What kind of insurance do you usually provide ?
558.What kind of insurance can you suggest for these goods? We don’t want to take the risk of losing money because of under unsurance.
559.I have a batch of glassware to be shipped in the fourth quarter, but I don’t know what risks should be covered. I would like to know some details and your advice of course will be highly appreciated.
560.If we insure against free particular average, can you compensate us for all the losses if the ship sinks or bums, or get stuck?
561.Does your company cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air?
562.We have insured the shipment for 130% of the invoice value, but the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% should be your account.
563.We have arranged insurance on your consignment of electric motor cars to be shipped in these ten days.
564.We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf, but you will pay the additional remium.
565.We can insure the porcelain vases on you behalf , but at a rather high premium and all the additional premium will be for your account.
566.We shall insure the goods for your behalf.
567.We have covered insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against all risks.
568.We shall effect the insurance of the goods for 110% of their CIF value.
569.We have effected marine insurance on your behalf for the gross amount of the invoice plus 10%.
570.The marine insurance shall covered by us.
2.900句法律英语 篇二
主题句是表达段落主题的句子。它用以概括段落大意, 要求段落中的其他各句都与它紧密相连并围绕它来展开。因此, 要想写好段落, 首先要写好主题句。
主题句在段落中可以在段首, 也可以在段中或者段尾。主题句所处的位置不一样, 所起的作用也不同。主题句通常放在段落的开端, 开门见山地点出主题, 使作者自始至终地紧扣主题, 也使读者一开始能抓住整个段落的主题思想。主题句也可以放在段中起到承上启下的作用, 或者放在段尾起到概括全段的作用。作文是主观题, 而且阅卷教师的时间很短。因而在高考作文中, 建议考生应尽量采用将主题句子放在段落的开头。
(1) 段首法
段首法指的是将主题句子放在段首, 即段落的第一句。有时段落的第一句要充当引句或者背景介绍, 这时主题句由第二、第三句充当。段首法的优点是开门见山、直接点题。写作者利用此方法较容易控制全段的写作, 达到开宗明义的效果。段首法是一种概括中心思想, 后细述、分述的写作方法, 近似于人们所熟悉的演绎法 (From general to specific) 。
例如在“The Difference Between American English and British English”一文中, 作者就英国英语和美国英语的语音、词汇、句法三个方面用三段作比较, 其中每一段都以段落主题句子开头。读者一读完每段的第一句, 就会知道该段的主要内容, 也就容易抓住重点。
(2) 段中法
段中法常用于比较或对比不同的事物。把主题句子放在段中, 其目的是要引出被强调的一方, 这时候的主题句子实际上起着类似分界线的作用, 把侧重点不同的两方分割开来。如:
Californians and New Englanders are both Americans.They speak the same language and abide by the same federal laws (背景介绍) .But they are very different in their ways of life (段落主题句子) .Mobility both physical and psychological, has mad a great impression on the culture of Californians;lack of mobility is the mark of the customs and morality of New Englanders (两者的主要不同) …
(3) 段尾法
段尾法把主题句子放在段落的末尾。写作者首先提供细节或事实, 或通过逐步的分析说理, 引出令人信服的结论。这种方法习惯上称为归纳法 (From specific to general) 。如下段的主题句子就放在段落的最后:
Our students’dining hall is spacious and bright.Its walls are painted a cheerful color.The ceiling is high, and so it is airy here.The floor is clean and tables and chairs are plentiful.Since there are many windows on either side of the hall for serving food, we can quickly get our meal.Food here has rich variety and dishes are delicious.The music from the speaker system is beautiful.No wonder it is an enjoyment to have meal here (段落主题) .
(1) 不会概括要点
A.学生受汉语习惯表达及思维模式的影响, 如在英语写作中仍使用汉语的“意合”模式, 或不熟悉英语的“先归纳后分述”的表达方式, 所以文章松散, 主题不明, 层次不清。
B.学生本身分析要点、归纳要点方面有欠缺, 分不清事物的主次关系, 不会区分整体与部分、主观和客观、现象和本质。因而即使想通过主题句来表达, 主题思想还是没有表达出来, 常把原本应该用作拓展句的句子当成主题句来用。
要学会要点概括, 就应该了解主题句具有高度概括性的特点。学生应该开阔自己的思路, 积极培养自己的逻辑思维能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。在写作中要善于抓住事物的本质特征, 分清事物的主次关系, 善于透过现象看本质。在英语说明文、议论文的写作中, 学会要点概括尤为重要。高度概括了的主题句可以使整个段落内容完整, 条理清晰。
(2) 结构句型呆板
主题句子通常用陈述句, 但这并不意味着用简单的“主—谓—宾”或是“主—系—表”结构。在学习的习作中, 主题句往往过于简单, 因此达不到体现主题意义的完整性、连贯性和具体性的效果。学生应学会写出含有多种修饰成分的、相互连贯的、富有逻辑力量的句子。
要想写好主题句, 首先要明确主题句的特点, 即它表达的是段落的中心思想, 通常位于句首, 适用于说明文或议论文。同时注意在拟定主题句子时要根据标题, 决定从什么方面或什么视角来解析、讨论这个主题。学会概括要点, 学会使用多样化的句型, 使主题句的结构完整、逻辑严密;多学范文, 留心阅读材料中各种文体, 并有针对性地进行模仿, 了解英语作者是如何提炼主题句、如何拓展主题的。
拓展句又称扩展句, 它是段落主题句的延伸和发展, 起着辅助主题句、推展段落中心的作用, 对主题句的中心思想或者举例说明或者详细解释和论证。拓展句应上承主题句, 下启结尾句, 在全段中应占有较大篇幅。拓展句的写作要领包括:
1、拓展句是用来体现段落的主题思想的, 因此不可以含糊其辞、言之无物, 而要清晰、详实;同时, 拓展句要有较强的说明力, 能清楚地表达思想, 绝不可只考虑篇幅、凑够字数了事。为了清楚地表达中心思想, 拓展句必须条理分明, 脉络清晰, 先说什么, 后说什么, 应有个合理的安排。即上一句要为下一句铺平道路, 下一句是上一句的自然延伸, 一步一步地论证或叙述主题。拓展句的写作应受主题句尤其是主题句中心思想的制约。因此, 不同的主题句子体现不同的制约思想。
例如:主题句“My choice of traveling by train is based on the following three reasons.”在一定程度上决定着拓展句的写法:
首先, 拓展句必须写“reasons”, 而且是“three reasons”, 而不是写成“two reasons”或“four reasons”;其次, 这些“reasons”是“my reasons”, 而不是“hisher reasons”;最后, 所有的拓展句还要集中在“by train”上, 而不是其他交通工具。因此, 这一段落可以这样写:
2、注意主题句与拓展句之间的过渡或衔接, 应适当地使用过渡句与转折句, 适当地使用连接词。
作文中缺少必要的连词, 或乱用连词, 不能正确地表达并列关系、因果关系、转折关系、递进关系, 使句子拉沓、令人费解。例如:
●The air in the countryside is fresh, many people like to live there.
第二个单句实际上表达的是第一个的结果, 因此上句应该改为:
3.商务英语口语900句 (04) 篇三
91.We assure you that such things will not happen again in our future deliveries.
92.We’d like to avail ourselves this opportunity to assure you our front carefully attention inhandling your future order.
93.Our products are always good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.
94.I guarantee that there is not difference in quality between the products we send you nextmonth and what’s samples you saw just now.
95.I can promise you that the product we send to you will be of A-one quality.
96.Our products are surely of standard quality.
97.I give you my word that the payment will be made not later than the end of June.
98.I promise I will check into these problems and find out if they were our fault.
99.We can make sure that these goods avoid been damaged during the transit.
100.We will provide a fresh guarantee for the protection of the equipments repaired.
4.900句法律英语 篇四
part one
531. please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value).
532.we’d like to cover our ordered goods against wpa for 120% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.
533.please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.
534.for this consignment, we shall cover wpa and risk of breakage for 110% of the invoice value.
535.our company will insure against all risks for 110% of the invoice value.
536.please insure the electric fans at 120% of the invoice value.
537.the machines are to be unsured against all risks.
538.we only cover fpa and war risk.
539.there are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage .fpa will be good enough.
540.our goods are very valuable , so i want insure against all risks.
541.we’d like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods.
542.i’d like to get a ar insurance policy. that way , we will be covered for any kind of loss or damage.
543.i’m afraid that wpa coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature. please extend the coverage to include tpnd.
544.would you insure our goods to be shipped from shanghai to lisbon next month?
545.can you cover our goods against breakage?
546.we should be glad if you would provide cover of $390,000 on computers, in transit from tokyo to beijing.
547.please insure us against all risks $300,000 value of 5,000 sets of “ butterfly” sewing machines, sailing for new york.
548.please insure for me against all risks 200 pieces of high-quality furniture valued $20,000.
549.we wishes to insure against all risks for the sum of $1,500 on 3 cases glassware.
550.we shall shortly be making regular shipments of leather goods to canada, and shall be glad if you will issue an all risks marine insurance policy for $70,000 to cover these shipments.
part two
551.please give us the policy rates for fpa coverage and for wpa coverage.
552.we require the current insurance rates for land transportation.
553.i have some glassware to be ship to hongkong. what risks should i cover?
554.what is the insurance premium for these goods ?
555.we need to send a shipment to england. we want to find out about your marine insurance.
556.please let us know the premium of breakage.
557.what kind of insurance do you usually provide ?
558.what kind of insurance can you suggest for these goods? we don’t want to take the risk of losing money because of under unsurance.
559.i have a batch of glassware to be shipped in the fourth quarter, but i don’t know what risks should be covered. i would like to know some details and your advice of course will be highly appreciated.
560.if we insure against free particular average, can you compensate us for all the losses if the ship sinks or bums, or get stuck?
561.does your company cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air?
562.we have insured the shipment for 130% of the invoice value, but the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% should be your account.
563.we have arranged insurance on your consignment of electric motor cars to be shipped in these ten days.
564.we may cover the inland insurance on your behalf, but you will pay the additional premium.
565.we can insure the porcelain vases on you behalf , but at a rather high premium and all the additional premium will be for your account.
566.we shall insure the goods for your behalf.
567.we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against all risks.
568.we shall effect the insurance of the goods for 110% of their cif value.
569.we have effected marine insurance on your behalf for the gross amount of the invoice plus 10%.
5.900句法律英语 篇五
part one
411. we can’t give you exclusive agency of the whole european market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.
412. before we know your sales volume ,your plan for promotion and import license’s conditions, it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal.
413.we have noted your quest to act as our agent in your district, but before going further into the matter, we should like to know more about your market.
414.to enable us to make further study of your proposal, would you please let us know as early as possible the sales prospects of the item in your market ,your program in detail, your business organizations in various districts and their activities.
415.unless you increase the turnover we can hardly point you as our sole agent.
416.if you can push the sales successfully for the next 6 month we may appoint you as our agent.
417.we feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more business with us.
418.to be our agent you need to increase your annual turnover.
419.to be our agent you are requested to push your sales of our product effectively.
420.we hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products.
421.to facilitate the extension of sales, you mush advertise our products by mean of tv and newspapers.
422. we hope that you will redouble your efforts in your sales pushing.
423.to be our agent your minimum annual turnover should be at least 8000 cents.
424.if you could agree to terms, we would point you as our sole agent.
425.if terms are workable , we think you will be just the firm we would like to have to represent us.
part two
426.if you wish to work for other firms as well, you must obtain our permission first.
427.to be our sole agent you should not sell similar products from other manufacturers without our prior approval .
428.as our agent , you should not sell products of similar characteristic from other maker’s .we must make that very clear.
429.as our sole distributor ,you will neither handle the same or similar products of other regions nor re-export our goods outside to any other region outside your own.
430.during the validity of the agency agreement you should not handing any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types.
431.every six month , we ‘d like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and user’s comments on our products.
432.your market report should show how big demands for our products is in your market.
433.the market report should include the trend of the development of the market , upward or downward.
434.we ‘d you to send us your sale’s statistics every six month instead of every year.
435.as our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month.
436.at the beginning of the sales promotion you have to try every means to overcome sales difficulties.
437.to effectively promote sales , your way of doing business should always comply with the constantly changing circumstances.
438.during the agency please pay close attention to the consumer’s comments on our products.
439.you are under obligation to display optimum samples of the products during the duration of the agency.
6.英语含蓄否定句的翻译举例 篇六
众所周知, 翻译是将一种语言转换成另一种语言的活动, 这要求我们一方面要彻底理解原文的语义, 细心揣摩作者意图;另一方面要采用合理的翻译技巧, 使译文忠实于原文, 更符合汉语的表达习惯。对于含蓄否定句, 我们通常采取正反译进行翻译, 即通过变换语气的方法把原文的肯定式译成汉语的否定式。如, wonder可译成“不知道”, difficult可译成“不容易”, anything but可译成“一点也不”……下面我们就三个方面尝试理解并翻译英语中的含蓄否定句。
1.名词或名词短语, 如absence, anxiety, innocence, shortage, silence, objection等名词。
I'm a stranger here.我对这里不熟悉。
Shortness of time has required the omission of some states.由于时间短暂未访问某些国家。
2.动词或动词短语, 如escape, ignore, miss, hate, pass over (对……不考虑) , despair of (对……不抱希望) 等动词或动词短语。
Such a chance was denied me.我没有得到这样一个机会.
The demands for our products exceeds the supply.我们的产品供不应求。
3.形容词或形容词短语, 如last, deaf to, blind to, open, new, final, deceptive (靠不住的) , thin[ (论据等) 不足的]等形容词或形容词短语。
He is thelastman to do it他决不干那件事。
The area will be free from/Of pollution by the year2010.这-地区到2010年将完全没有污染了。
4.副词或副词短语, 如predictably (不出所料地) , precisely (无错误地) , correctly等副词。
We may safely say so.我们这样说万无一失/错不了。
——The boy quite clever.这孩子很聪明。
5.介词或介词短语, 如at one's own risk (同意对损失或伤害等不要求赔偿) , beside the point/mark (不着边际) , offduty (不上班) 等介词词组。
To be vain of one's rank or place is to show that one is below it.凡因自己的地位而觉得了不起的人, 就表明他不配有这样的地位。
They went there on foot instead Of by bus.他们没乘公共汽车而是步行到那里的。
The lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson.那个懒惰的男孩没有预习就去上课了。
1.由强调句型It is…that/who…表示的谚语常含有否定意义, 译为“无论怎样……都不免……”。
It is a silly fish that is caught twice.再蠢的鱼也不会上钩两次。 (本句是, 被强调部分形式上是fish, 实际上却是修饰该名词的形容词silly, 相当于There is no silly fish that caught twice.)
It's a wise man that never blunders.智者千虑, 必有一失。
①虚拟语气本身表示一种与事实相反的假没或和不可能实现的假设, 故其在表示说话人的主观愿望和假想虚拟的情况时, 往往表示事实上的否定。1 would take part in your birthday party if I had time.我要是有空的活就去参加你的生日晚会。 (本句蕴含否定之意, 表示一种委婉的拒绝, 意即but l have no time。)
If I had worked hard, 1 would have passed the examination.要是我努力学习的活, 我就会通过考试了。 (本句含有自责的语气, 意即1 didn't work hard before.)
②单独使用would/should/might+动词的完成时态也蕴含否定意义, 表示过去应该、有能力或可能做而实际上没有做的事情, 这种表达形式实际上即为虚拟语气。
Why?You should have gone home.奇怪, 你不是已经回家了吗?
③以hope, expect, mean, intend, think, plan, be等动词的过去完成时+不定式或that从句表示没有实现的希望或愿望。
I meant to have called on you, but something urgent prevenled me from coming.我本想去拜访你, 但有件急事使我不能来。
④含有but for, but that或but what的句子, 表示否定意义, 译为“要不是, 若非……”。
But for the storm, we would have arrived earlier.要不是暴风雨的话, 我们就会早点到了。
But that I saw it, I could not have believed it.若不是我亲眼所见, 我决不会相信。
3.条件句中常省略主句, 只用if条件句表示强凋的否定意义, 带有惊讶、感叹、沮丧、恼怒、警告、威胁等感情色彩。
If (only) it had some artistic merit。它没有艺术性.
If ever I heard the like!我从未听过这种说法!
1.修辞疑问句 (Rhetorical question) 。
不含有否定词的修辞疑问句, 在物定的语言环境中, 具有与字面相反的含义, 表示否定判断, 带有强烈的感情色彩, 表现为各种形式的疑问句。
Is it important?这无关紧要。 (直译:这对你很重要吗?)
Who knows?谁都不知道 (相当于No one knows。)
When have I told a lie?我从未说过谎. (直译:我什么时候说过谎?when与完成式连用, 常作为一种修辞手段, 此句相当I Ihave never told a lie。)
2.反语 (Irony) 。
在口语中, 使用会话反语的感叹句式, 同时依赖句子的上下文和语境来确定说话人讲话时的口气, 表层结构很明显的肯定判断, 在深层结构上所表示的却是否定判断, 显现出较清晰的反义用法。
You make your mother like a servant;you are a filial son, indeed!你把你母亲当成了佣人, 你真是太不孝! (直译:你真是个孝子!此句中you are a filial son为反语, 意为you are not filial。)
3.委婉语 (Euphemism) 。
委婉语是用一种不明说的、能使人感到愉快的或含糊的说法, 代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊敬的表达方式。
Please lower your voice.请不要这么大声说活、 (相当于Don't speak so loudly.)